The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 18, 1899, Image 9

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    Yoa Can't Catch the
nr II XT A ft
Wtna tn a net.
- a t i r
fJctfht can you curt aum try
u "J" - "
.t it a constttutianal remtdy. A
,. from Iht blood tht Impurity
iht dii Ait, And rtbutLh
rtpAtri i"umrf mtmbrAnes.
P. s4 t Sl irrhrrl'-ff
m.j ms j
ItDtlullu Received Check.
. i. .. ..Li... i. j
In polrrH1 1 B itmmm mm nutt
..ho 111" lill-II mrl'llIlL' with emir
nv, " ' l
in YVhitflevvilln. h;ul hi arilm
CaipMMd the other day. lit
i t h li'iUHf in town, urn the tin
brim alweut, ho isTsuuiled he.
j to lei nun how up me merits tr
i m a e n l lit in n iirnciii Hi vnv it ii
Tft no dirty clothes in the limine, con-
input r the atietit uersuailiil tin
lug man to change his ahirt and givi
the garment on winch to cxerrisi
cleansing power of his new inven-
to. He inserted the shirt in tht
her ami ulnreil it mi tlie Htme madi
wini hot with dry editing. Ai h
Mrnutol hi lfiUirs In tillni:' the stiiv
kd revolving hit machine, the lady ol
tiiiime tnaile her aiwearauce. Slit
irehed straight to the oven door am!
La it oiien. The sinnke from t
Mneil iot of hearts Hilled the room U
Wrn.-ati..i. he e (relit whs hirOM t
Esu an lgnmninions retreat. Whet
Km-eka jierinlssion to tent the marhim
)w he loon sort of acared an he re-
irks In casual way: "I prestimt
lem are no Deans in the oven,
adain." Lai win) ton Journal.
ll It Worked.
Mm. Nowlywcxl (reading) Love ii
1 ii that lifta um up to heaven;
rrlsge ia the piimchuto that tiringi
i slowly haok to earth ajjaiti!
Mr. Newlywed (also reading) An-
B ianichtito horror! Man fall
I, ' feet and in daahed to piece'
e old atoryl Parachute fails tr.
lorkl Pack.
Are Vna (lain: KetT
m ii so, you ajmuiii pee inai
yonr ticket readi via the
I .... I. 1.1 1 .mill.
sVOjfPVi mid you will get tin' beat.
'Pullman t ulnoe sleeping earn, elegant
reclining OlmirOWl "free," and libtary
buffet cars on nil through traini. Basl
dining cat net vice in the world. Popu
lar penonally conduoted exouraioni
once a week to an point! r.att. rot
full oarilcalara call on or aihlresa any
ticket agent, or A. K. COOPEIt,
. A. P. D., O, H, 1. r Ky., Ssfl
Waihlngton street, Portland, Or.
Improved Train Equipment.
The O. B. & N. and Oregon Short
Ine have added a buffet, smoking and
Ibrary car to their Portland-Chicago
Imnigh tialn, and a dining car semes
been Inaiigiiarated. The tram n
snipped with the latest chair cars,
ay coaches and luxurious flrst-olaii
M ordinary eleepeis. Dnect connec
ts made at Granger with Union ra-
o. tinl at Ogden with BiO (minis
rora all points in Oiegon, Wash
rton ami Idaho to all Eustein OitlM
br Information, rates, etc., call nn
By O. It. x N. agent, or adilreaa w.
Hurl hurt, General Passenger Agent,
Imu, Seenery and Nature's Hanl-
Scenery, altitnde, sunshine and air,
stitute the factors which arv rapid-
making Colorado the health and
sure grounds of the world.
Here the nun shines 357 dayB of th
erage year, and it Diana with tli
sp, electric mountain air to produce
climate matchless in the known
Wld. No pen can portray, no brush
picture the majestic grandeur ol
i scenery along the line of the Denvei
Rio Grande Kailroad in Colorado.
ties going Kast should travel vis
la line WDXOn l Known an over mt
rid as the Scenio Line of the world
Br any information regarding rates,
ne tatdes, etc., call on or addrenB It
Nichol, general agent, 251 Wash-
gton street, rortland, Or., or any
ot of the O. K. & N. Co., or South
Pacific Company.
kt Chippewa Falls, Wis., the tele-
one companies consolidated, and
awlth the rate was doubled.
Bt'nltoil States possesses 22,705 mer
Hunt vesselH.
Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial
ecU of the well known remedy.
Or or Fies, manufactured by the
kuroiniiA Fig Syhup Co., HlustraU
i value of obtaining the liquid laxa-
f principles of plants known to be
Kiuunaliy luxaiive aou preavni.iur
w In the form moat ref resning to the
le md accenlable to the svstern. It
pa one perfect strengthening laxa-
Clfanalnir the avstem efTectuaiiy,
peliinir colds, headaches and fevers
Uy yet promptly and enabling one
roTercomc habitual consxipanou yrcr-
nently. Ita perfect freedom rrom
erv oblectionable oualitv and sub-
anre, and ita acting on the kidneys.
Fer and bowels, without weakening
irritating them, make it the ideal
Dn the process of manufacturing figs
" used, as thrv are pleasant t.. ine
s'e. but the medicinal qualities of the
aedy are obtained from senna and
Her aromatic planta. by a method
own to the California FM Stbit
only. In order to get ita beneficial
lecta and to avoid imitations, please
nrmber the full name of the Company
"inted on the front of every package.
otna-vTT.L. rtt. mrw tork. w t.
r sal by all Unifgijlj-Prlc Sue. per boOla.
ua i... J. Cm I
lOossk St nip
tncrsdlbl niehnxi r This District
fully trrlflrd by Lata
F.ach steamer which comes down
from the North brings fresh proof of the
almost incredible richness of the Cape
Nome mining district. At first people
were inclined to believe that the re
ports of splendid riches found in the
Cape Nome beaches were simply fairy
tales circulated by the transportation
companies Hut the arrival last week
in Seattle of the Hoanoke, with its
cargo of gold dust, gave the final assur
ance that Cape Nome it qnite as rich
as it is painted. This famous treasure
ship brought to Seattle more than two
millions of dollars in the pretty yellow
dust. The purser had charge of 1,
800,000 only; but many of the passen
gers kept their private hoards in their
own immediate care, so that a modest
estimate of the combiued wealth of the
returning gidd seekers aboard the vessel
may lie placed at $1,000,000, exclusive
of that in the purser's care. It is prob
able that the real amonnt went far
above this estimate. F.very ascnger
had his bag of dust, heavy or light, ac-
orling to the amount of energy he ex
pended while in the golden North.
It is safe to prophesy that the stam
pede to the Cape Nome district next
spring will be more eager than the
Klondike rush of a few years ago.
i .i; Nome has a weighty advantage
over the Klondiko legion in that trav
elers to the former camp have no peril
ous river and mountain travel to go
through, but are landed from the
steamer directly on the gold bench.
The Koanoke was but 10 days on the
way down from the Cae, and she
spent a day and a half of this time at
Dutch Harbor.
No expensive tools are required to
dig ont the gold from the beach. As
one of the Koanoke passengers ex
pressed it: "Nomo is the greatest coun
try on the earth. Kvery man's bank
account lies in the beach. All he has
to do when he is out of money is to go
down to the beach and dig it ont. 1
never even dreamed of the wonderful
wealth that is to be found along the
Nome beaches. Liteially I dug out
$;(!' with a common table Soon in
10 minutes. I did this to prove to my
friend that there was gold at Cape
Alsiut two thousand people will
winter at Nome. Work has mostly
stopped on the claims there, as the
creeks and the bench are freezing np.
The people were engaged in building
houses when the Koanoke left. Lum
ber sells there for $200 per thousand
feet. However, money is cheap, and
nobody grumbles. Many Improvements
are being projected for the new com
munity. One of the most important is
the wharf which is to be put in next
spring at the Cape Nome landing. At
present vessels have difficulty in land
ing supplies on the beach. A com
pany has also been formed to provide
the city of Nome with waterworks,
bringing pure water from far back in
the hills. This will solve the typhoid
fever problem, as that disease has been
caused by impure water. This watc
aysteiu will be in operation not lat
than July 20. Klectrio lights ai
street railways are to be provider
oom panics having been organised to
secure these improvements.
At the Clarkamn tiatrhery.
S. W. Downing, superintendent of
the government hatchery on the
Clackamas, says no salmon eggs are
being taken at tho hatchery now ex
cept those that aro transferred from
other hatcheries. Superintendent
Wisner has Just come from the little
White Salmon hatchery and delivered
1,!00,000 eggs to the Clackamas hatch
;ry. Mr. Downing statos that ho
made a large shipment of tjiiinnat sal
mon eggs to New Zealand recently.
The egga were packed in crates between
layers of cotton. The fish will be in
troduced by the New Zealand authori
ties as an experiment.
Great Quantities of Fish.
Washington state's fish hatcheries
are expected to turn out 85,000,000
salmon fry this season. This will be
four times as mnch as the turn-out
any previous year. The United Sta
government is now thoroughly alive u
the importance of nursing this brunch
of food supply.
Will Probably Srll Bonds.
Atja recent meeting of the city coun
cil of Dallas the finance committee was
instructed to prepare a report looking
to the matter of advertising a salo ol
city bonds to the amount of $2,500, the
proceeds to be used in paying off the
present city hall bonds.
Carbon County Bonded.
The commissioners of Carbon county,
Montana, have decided to bond that
county tn the sum of $43,000 for the
purpose of taking np outstanding war
rants. These bonds are payable in 20
years, and redeemable in ten years.
Interest is not to exceed ft per cent.
At Iloston, is it reported, there are
one thousand freight cars standing on
side tracks. Thirty freight ships bava
been taken out of their regular service
at that port owing to the war with
Africa, and consequently the cars have
to be used for storage purposes. Many
Df these cars are the property of west-i-rn
lines, and are badly needed for
transpotration of lumber and grain.
A gentleman who is in a position to
know what is going on in the federal
lepartment at Washington, states the
Pendleton East Oregonian, says in his
opinion, there will be no final action
with reference to the squatters on the
reservation within a year from the
present. This he bases upon the prob
abilities of the question lieing taken np
in the lepartment and the time usually
consumed In getting such matters to a
final issue, after they havs been ones
taken np.
The farmers are now busy harresting
their spuds and sowing their fall props,
says a Houtheru Oregon exchange. Al
though the prospect for a fair price is
not gooi, the farmers ran do nothing
but work ahead and try to solve the
problem: Why do some men live well
and do no work ?
Helena, Mont., Nov. t. United
States Senator Thomas EL Carter was
arrested today and fined $ 1 for spitting
on the sidewalk. The complaint was
made by a man arrested and fined yes
terday for the same offense. The tnt
was paid.
( nn. . n In I mill. hi PfsjOsytl Sparula
ttvJ Hulug.
R. G. Dun 3c Co.'s weekly review
of trade says:
Hritish disasters in South Africa
have brought to view something lie
sides the steady sejt-reliance of the
kuglish people, and that they hold nut
many American securities to be dis
lodged in any time uf alarm, but are
nninclined to take more stocks, and
money looks (or safe investment. A
little decline of c in wheat and 1 So
in corn does not hinder exports, though
it is some evidence that growers think
they have ample supplies.
Atlantic exports of wheat for five
weeks have been, flour luclnded, 15,
680,500 bushels, against 18,182,631
bushels last vear, and Pacifio upottl
2,713,551 bushels, against 8,217,43
bushels last vear. Western receipts
of wheat have continued heavy, but
have not rivalled last year's extraordin
arv outpouring, amounting to only
H.-..li5s,ie7 bushels in ttvo weeks,
against 4U,640,7U1 bnshels last year.
The enormous sales of wool at Iloston,
21,557,500 pounds reported, making
25,368,700 pounds at the three chief
markets for the week, are extremely
iuiiortaut. That not all la for con
sumption, as the trade Is natnrally
tempted to believe, may be true, and yet
actual purchases by the mills of half
that quantity would imply extraordin
ary encouragement respecting the de
mand for woolen goods. The prices
have been generally advanced to an
average scarcely below that of May,
1HMJ, and for Ohio washed, light and
dark auwashed and pulled wind slightly
higher. Kxpectation of higher prices
st 1 union prompts much speculative
buying, but the demand for woolen
goods is also undeniably encouraging.
Cotton manufacturers have also Wo
in great demand, with prices constantly
Million, kubtllt BlfS. The? Hardly tjraa II.
Without quetion, the griln most Public men SMok ol their DBWOrtBl'
extensively use. I a an article of food ness, but very few of them would he
all the world over is rirv. Mundieds willing t U taken at their publicly
of million of people chiefly ubaut on expressed estimation of thcmselve.
it, and Its coiiKumptlnu Is tvhstnhllv Chicago Dally News
iiicreaain.; It i the priu iul diet of
Tra I'iiI. lining.
Victim, uf tea MstMWllftJ are becoming
alarmingly prevalent WWpM drinsud
tbr life slut raftSty of Health and luitrad
of doing II naturally by building up thrir
sy. trni thry rr.url to Ira Thrv should
lakr HoStSuSf Moinach Hittrrv ll tours
A Malay lal-orer gets " ' K ' "
through 56 pounds inouthly; a Hutnese
or Siamese 46 pounds lu the same A carload of dried canned potatoes
period. The eastern nations also clnelly contains II, 000 bushels, but would hold
obtain their beverages from rice, which only 500 bushels tn their natural state
at least oiic-third of the human race,
(ormingthe duel I the native popu
lations of India, China, Jaiiau, Mada
gascar; many parts of Africa, and in
fact of almost all eastern nations. The
Hurtnese and Siamese arc the greatest
conauuiera of it.
is the principal grain distilled in Siam,
Jajian. arid I hum Saki. or rice Peer, 1
is prodnOld ill JnpMl to the extent of
150,000000 gallon, annually Although
rice is such a universal article of food,
it is not so notirtuhiug as wheat or some
other grains. More tlutn nine-tenths of
its substance consists of starch or
water; OOBMqnHltt M form. mOM fat
than muscle. The yield of rice is five
times as heavv as that of wheat, the
Allen's Kuol Kasr. a powdaf for Ihr fret.
It cures painful, sWOttM, marling, nerv
ous ferl, and instantly takrs Ihr sting out
of corns and bunions. It's the grralrst
comfort ilisctivrry of the age. Allen's Font
Kasr makes light or new shoes ferl rasv.
Ills a certain cure for Ingrowing Nails,
sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching
ferl. W have over Su.tluu tr.lltn. duals.
Try it (".l i'. Sold by all druggist and
shoe stores llv mull for iV m tumps
I mil package t 1,1-1 A.l.liess, Aile.i
two crops yearly giving from eighty to QlmstM, Us B . V Y.
a hundred bushels per acre
Rratllr Market.
Onions, new, $1.00(4 1.25 per sack.
Potatoes, new, $16(jl8.
Keota, per sack, 85c.
Tuniiis, per sack, 65c.
Carrots, per sack, 75c.
Parsnips, per sack, V0c.
Cauliflower, 75c per doxen.
Cabbage, native and California, $1
1.25 per 100 pounds.
Peaches, 65 80c.
Apples, $1.25(3 1.5C per box.
Pears, $1.00 1.2c per box.
Prunes, 60c per bvx.
Watermelons, $1.50.
Nutmegs, 60(3 75o.
Putter Creamery, 28o per pound;
dairy, 17(3 22c; ranch, 20o per pound.
F.ggs Firm, 80c.
Cheese Native, 1314o.
Poultry 11 ( 12 c; dressed, 13 Mo.
Hay Pugct Sound timothy, $12.00;
choice l-'.a.-ieru Washington timothy,
Corn Whole, $23.00; crooked, $23;
fee. I meal, $23.
Parley Kolled or ground, per ton,
$21; whole, $22.
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.65;
blended straights, $3.26; California,
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.60; gra
ham, per barrel, $2. DO; whole wheat
flour, $3.00; rve flour, $3.76.
Millstuffs Hron. per ton, $15.00;
shorts, per Um, $16.00.
Feed Chopped ice I. $20.50 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $22; oil cake meal,
per ton, $36.00.
Tortland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla, 64o;
Valley, 65c; Hluestetn, 66c per bushel.
Floor Ilest grades, $3.25; graham,
$2.65; superfine, $2.15 per barrel.
Outs Choice white, 84 (3 30c; choice
gray, 82 (si 38c per bushel.
Parley Feed barley, $16016.00;
brewing, $18.60 20.00 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid
dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $16 per
Hay Timothy, $9 1 1 ; clover, $7
8; Oregon wild hay, $6 7 per ton.
Putter Fancy creamery, 60 66c;
seconds, 42S46o; dairy, 87t40o;
store, 2686c.
Eggs 20 i -'7 ' . per .!.
Cheese Oregon full cream, 18c;
Young America, 14c; new cheese 10c
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00
4.00 per dozen; hens, $4.60; springs,
$2.008.60; geese, $5.606.00 forold;
$4.506.50 for young; ducks, $4.50
per dozen; turkeys, live, 1814o
per pound.
Potatoes 60 65c per Back; sweets, per pound.
Vegetables lieets, $1; turnips, 90c;
per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cauli
flower, 76c per dozen; parsnips, $1;
lieans, 66o per pound; celery, 70
76c per dozen; oucumbers, 60o per
lx; peas, 84c per pound; tomatoes,
76c per box; green corn, 13)t
15c per dozen.
Hops 7 10c; 1898. crop, 66o.
Wool Valley, 1213o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 814o; mohair, 27
30c per ponud.
Mutton Gross, 1 -t sheep, wethers
and ewes, 8'?c; dressed mutton, OH
7c per pound; lamlw, 7,'c per pound.
Hogs (iroes, choice heavy, $6.00;
light and feeders, $4.60; dressed,
$6.006.60 per 100 ponnds.
Ituef Cross, top steers, $3.604.00;
cows, $8 8.50; dressed beef, 6
7 V40 per pound.
Veal Large, ', 7 c; small, 8
8,Sc per pound.
Han Fraarisaa Markat.
Wool Spring Nevada, 12 14c pel
pound; Eastern Oregon, 12 15c; Val
ley, 18 20c; Northern, 8 10c.
Hops 1899 crop, 7s 12Xo per
Onions Yellow, 75(385c per sack.
Putter Fancy creamery 27 29c;
do seconds, 27 S 28c; fancy dairy, 26
(4 27c; do seconds, 23 24c per pound.
1 More, 26 80c; fancy ranch,
Millstuffs Middlings, $19.00
20.50; bran, $17.50 18.00.
HByVheat $7.50 10; wheat and
oat 9T.0049.0Q) I -est barley $5.00
7.00; alfalfa, $5.007.00 per ton;
straw, 26(or4'ic per bale.
Potatoee Karly Kose, 40 60c; Ore
gon Hurbanks, $1.26 1.50; river Bur
banks, 60 75c; Salinas Bur banks,
$l.oo1.10 per sack.
Citrus Fruit' ranges, Valencia,
$2.753.26; Mexican limes, $4.00
6.00; California lemons 76c $1.50;
do choice $1.76 2. 00 per box.
Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.50
1.50 per bunch; pineapples, nom
inal; Persian dices, 6ifc per
An Important
factor In
ital Travrl.
At Tacoma shingle manufacturers arc
complaiiiiug of a cur shortage and ship
ments are seriously delayed.
to critr. a rot. 11 in iimk hat
No one crossing the continent can Take ljixstive llromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists reliiud the money If it
fails to cure. K. W. Crove's sigualure
is on each Nn. Uo,
afford to cut Salt Ijtke City from his
route. The attractions ol the place,
including the Mormon Temple, 'lals-r-
uacle and ( hiircli institution-, the
roat Salt 1-aki' deader and denser
than the Dead Sea in the Holy Land
the pictur'Mue u iminnetit and the
warm sulphur and hot springs, are
greater to the square yard than auy lo-
ality on the American continent.
The Kin lir.iiide Western Kail way,
ouiiectillg on the Fust with the DsjV Win 1 , r iiiile an I I'olorado Mid-
laud Hallways and on the West with '"" "" tt'.iHlO.OOO gallons a year
the Southern Pacific (Central Koutel
anil Oregon Short Line, is the only
transcoiitinetual line passing directly
through Salt I.aVe City. The route
through Salt Luke City via the Kio
liruude Western Hallway la famous all
the year round. On account of the
eipiable climate of Ctah and Colorado
it is just as sipular in wiuter as 111
summer. Send . c to .1. I). .Miinsucui,
2"8 Washington St., Portland, or iieo.
W. Hi nit. Acting tietleral Passenger Anusi-.n, riiii'wipbia. Vm.
Agent, Salt Like City, for a copy of
"Salt Uke City the City of the
Thr lliirinrar.
The Burmese will sacrifice any pnsi- 1
pect of money. making to go to a feast 1
These are called plves, and often the
entertainment is elaborate. I reinein
Iwr going to oue in DptsjrBwraM
There was a gissl deal of dancing, but
m ither the host nor his guest danced,
that would have 1 11 undignified. The
dancers were iaid, and they twirled
lazily or (napsd excitedly aa OOOMlM
required. Most of the time, however.
WU -i- nt 111 chatter an I smoking.
s-inokiug Is the only thing at which the
Burmese are industrious. They start
sucking st the early age ol 8, and they
smoke themselves luto the next world.
Ctrl smoke quite aa assiduously us the
men, aiid as the cigars are very big
in.iiiy a pretty mouth is ttiiiiiisl to ai
comodstf u giant rhcroot. Pall Mall
The walnut was originally called the
gaulinut 111 Fngtand, Nn-ause it came
BOO) FMaot (QmI)i Walnuts played
an important part at the siege of
Amicus, near the etnl of the sixteenth
ceiituiy, when a party of Spanish sol
diers, dressed as French peasants,
brought a cartload of nuts to acll and,
a- the cute- opi tied for them to enter,
the uuts were spilled iisiii the ground,
and sentinels stnoiicd to pick them up,
w hen the Spanish soldiers DOUM !
pOB them, killed them and guarded
the gatea while the Spanish aruiy en
tens I.
100 it icw Attn oioo.
A new law requiring corporations to
pay wages at least monthly has DMO
declared constitutional in California.
Mother will hud Mrs. WinsloWS Booth
h k- Byrap 1 ii- best remedy to us for Ibnr
children during ths teething period.
The greatest whiskey Industry is in
the I'liited States, the output being
I shall IMOtnttMnd I'iso's furr for cm
sumption far and wide Mrs. Mulligan.
I'luuiateail. Kent. Kngland, Nov. II, istifk.
I he treaty elm, nn.!, r hi Ii il
limn Penu signed the famous treaty
with the Indians in IfIS'.', was upon the
hunks of the Delaware. It died in
CITS IvriimnrnUy Ciir.-V No fltaornrrvou.n...
ills .ii.r nia am i u t br. Klliw'i liiMi
Nrrv RMtorsr. e. ml r r t KICK Oi.oo 0 .1
I- i-l IrrailM. On. It. II. KUNt. Ud.vuu
Mis Walsingliain We can tram
our uncestrv Uick to the Normau con-
Tho famous cwlars are on Mount quest, can't we, mother?
Lebanon. In Itllhl there were sixteen Mrs. Walsiugham (sadly) tes, out
that measured over thirty feet in cir- we don't know whore your father was
cumfereuce. last night Nimervl lie journal.
TTis rradrnof llui eaprf will he pleased to
ftarn that tbrrs isallrasl ousdrraded di-raar
itist seiruci' hs la-rn stile to cure In all Its
States, aad last Isratarrh. llsH'tCslarrhi ur
l-it i.iv 1-o.nive cure known to the mrdlcal
Iralrrnltjr. catarrh bring aciinalltutlnnaldls
ran., rSSStrSt a eun.iTtuiicnal USSIURI
Hall tarrh Cure la lakrn Iniernalljr, ai ling
directly ttpss las blood and stUSOOS no'acr
of the yttSSa. taSrsby dolrnylnt thr Imiuda.
lion of Hi alssMS, ami slrlns lh laiirnt
llreiiaih by bullitiu up las cnii.tltuHon and
a- .iln tiaiurr in dnlng II work. Thr pro
BrWtOfS base M much falib In It ruratlrc
powrra Ibal lbr oftrr One llundrsit loUar
lor any rase thai ll laila to euro, brod for 111
ol trsllmonlal. Addrns
F J 1 ll r v KY A CO., TolcK O.
Hold bi druUta,7.V.
UaO'araiuilr I'lllt air thr beat
Anderson, 1ml., needs hundreds of
Thr I'lraaauiaat Must I'nwrrliil and
kgn'llv Nrvvrfslllns Hrinnly for
Lm Orlppe, Catarrh,
, Mara VV 111 rurr any ai In- Bf pain known
la llie human body send Inr trial Imtllr. IV
Thlauffrr last, .lu dara only. laop Isittlr (WU
to, a ul v Pltol'S ,-achl l HI or I lm r. '
U7 snS 19 0aarbrn IL. CSIcaj
The famous ban'an tr ee is in Ceylon,
ou Mount Laviula, seven miles from
Colombo. There arv two roads through
tho stems, and ita shadow at main cov
ers four acres.
mi v it . j eh
'WW t w ITM
flf vrff4f jor wHcnr I
I Ssi ol PtrvnA I foln Stna- R
I (or Sulllitn, Roach and fc- B
f tntry In their good opinion ol W
I I'enma at an ttlcctht catarth I
tVould Rrrd Holur of It.
Hand Sandstone has asked me tc
lend him fHo, and I don't know
whether to do it or not. Would youl
Nutte (earnestly) 1 would, old
man. He invited me to dine with him
this evening. Stray Stories.
"There Is a difference between a
mini and an egg," said tho casual re
marker. "When a man gets old he la
no longer lit for the scramble, and whet)
an egg goto old that is all it is fit for."
Indianapolis Journal.
We bum 90,000,000,000 matvhei
Did you ever have that feeling of oppression, like a weight on your chest, or a load of cobble-stones In your
stomach, keeping you awake nights with a horrible sensation of anxiety, or tossing restlessly In terrible dreams,
that make the cold perspiration break out all over you ? That's Insomnia, or sleeplessness, and some unfortun
ates sufler with it (light alter night, until their reason Is In danger and they are on the edge of going mad. The
cause of this fearful ailment Is In the stomach and bowels, and a Cascaret taken at night will soon bring relief and
give the sufferer sweet, refreshing sleep. Always insist on getting CASCARETSt
- v
ttBBBBBBBkw LIsbW "' h" b"" '" CAftf AIIRT till
tmWmw tmm mw far h m nn. ihm i,eu ami, i. i
MMWaW jOM Utk wmmm, f . ir ara Iwaoly caa aay Ibal
Mtm9Mmw AM majBJQMM Mk Casoarsla bava alvaa sie mora relief than aay
jmmmmw MMWam eaaaa sbbbbbbb etbei remedy bsve evei bJI oar-
g&MMMW BMMW mm mm taini. rs,..niinrml ih.m u my frleud aa bia- sure
kwa mm MM V MM-MM lu all Uiey aro reirr,.nlrd '
mm Lm can w.u,1xa0, Eu. m. nAr a
kALr oa Tk CaMssl. Ihr fH
AH mgmmmamm --ki' ... B
. aTSaasataasaasaasaasaasaasaasaasaasaasM '
25c. SOca
CASCAUT8 are sbtoliUly barml, a pertly rerrtaMi eoneoaad. awe rial or otaar mmaral pltl-eelaM Is Caeearet. Caararet promptly tSeetlrery as4 parmanr ntly
sere rit dlo4r ol tb Bteauck, Llvtr s4 liteatlaa. Tory aol oaly car coutlpatloa, but eent aay and ?ry torsi f lirlarlty el the sew ill, laclaaiaf 4laakaaa4SrBUry.
Pleasant, palatable, potoat. Tate food. So oo4. level lcks, wka w grlB. Be ar vos get ta gessla I kewat ol imiUUeai aaS aeaatltatae I Buy a koa ol CASCAkuTTfJ
l-4ay, r,.i If aot pleased la trery leapect, fet year noaey back I WrlU aa lot kMklst aad tree aaatple I aadr BTIUIRO KkMKCT COMPAIT, CkUCAOO III TOU.
$ak$ jfgents planted i
Han and WaaiM make ISO to IMO seen nontn Ulna our
I Oenla' nd Udle' Waterproel MaclilntMh et Rain Coat.
wa aau a. 1 BiiTtisaaa i. mjm. i i . m v.. i..
ILiUlir ! kIITtHII lift niTIM-KUOr MUUW lllMTIt 4
rtru 01.00 mm.
YOU r --n m V 9 , OO ry d f Mine
irlsrs for tbM far is fwmm mm rHsss, WMf 1U
mrtar tram f-ir un una ran fnssffour iflOOaV
we want oni aoewt jst Lflrairriss
II BSCS NMMrTi mm sapllaJ MtJaVfai, W furiiUb A MIU
I h'i(l ml lahUls.(la "fcaapl-s. faeU... htm, fti' -
rs . ulaM a, . 1 Kll Ski aIl"li
MACHINERY, all kinds
...TATUM mm UOWIN...
fff tn IS Piril ItrMt PORTLAND. OR.
. tAAm I
Krrttiltiif r,fnt lU fnrii .Ir
Wa mrm tn LA KOI it OIALIRft In Amsrlcs to
I ra IM "etiil I "Itertrest a la I ' l,tl 1
1 rliut tttroiifj h rwtfulu 1 7
i. . H.W. mi, till IUI iliuiirssiinm 'I
eriftf, lor 11 1. maa. .r
lwNB.aaijsnkM4kM.. en'ii Jasssa
Tin- twit Ink mail, hut no
'li-itn r thttii the MHimt.
i TriTi.a lh- foiinwitisT ti -.1,,an(..f, n .m
to Intur i'i - :.u Mm 1W mm ths mOM isnsliU f
COatesluIn 'i 1 .sJttt t of ! MM mt amt Mttra IIm at
uBtlmka. ftttwi h4"H lsVTV fw(,1n UaTVtmt, tr nua .r.n Is 1. li : f stlttl It. lt . tl 11
2 a ...... aura , . r rr lUniLVUs 1'iUr i.miis Hid av1, bvilnirM oftrdt, irdr Idtvnkl. Ill"lir I ,
u-. W Bill RO ( HAftuk tOm Till OCriT, wm m t-r r g . : r, on
mt M(lo I ami in Har(hi l.lal
Ho. Is now rraily fur inalllnf.
T. V. ANUKKWS, luu kliiiiigiiuiery
81. Han Kranclxii.
MfFII MMttJetaBMsaej
WM ka. ka. a
pa,f svi ft lni(-irmrT Uf '-It 10 msu aj, ait
Will Nni jr - t,a ' " ' .t' t
,hofi r 1 ftlirl Wi 1 1. 1
rdrr lytnlft I hll IMlMMtrli l,Ni out of rurt y or Jutt to mat 1b rli anM .-a.
Z -1 -S, k U M-a. wlib JOUF tr MW. L ftrlr-Und
C d!3M i 0 l ltlllsri n Bftn.lrtfttlftt), ls ia's tfts amUH ml jaat atfraaa mmtm ftnd If f'-in-l fMifev l,'
mmmmmwSnmi o-.n-lortj M mm wteMMf ULUif ortUn, fj lbs) mimamm HM ma 4 $ mm.iim.
k j J ... A .k. mmm mm lata 1 1 atJ ,. r.1. M I .nnr nH i.Hnaa
III fill j-ur xfiH-i. iIbmi an( lii maun
mm au fMr f Ms.
II I'i lftf lril l1"' WL-
1TART TtTltORK AT QWCE. i2,B:",'
Ii . , 1 l' unllifttloB sstsllsMl fa fall MUUf '' aael -..kir aam tarn ta aaaA jam
amt aaara rasas t am mrrj
M pa. to TOtir rMt"iiifrn
7v' -,Z irtleM mahaa rr tbliv (lln lbt cn lo lb Mfl ft!
7 PrTJ.T- ' l . a. ih. LO rls erttsi their a,laiU
M Hi m lurmt, DUNDEE RUBBER CORPORATION, 184 Fulton St.. Wm
Deep-Seated Diseases
Such a. Kin mm .in. bihI ill", s.i 'i i ullar to
women, require Mom! nirltlir that inirlOas.
Hoore's Revealed Remedy
Will lr In. nn ..hat. rrllrf alnrnal III every rar
It rurra If taken rnlarly ami auRlclent time.
l per boltle et )our drugglat'a.
Yoa Can't like i Mistake by Tiklog the
UHIltl My ' '' A.Y'S"T r .
LIISlilI Hi, I free Mrs 11 Hii"n. Mllnauk.. Wla.
. . . .l , .1 a .... !.(..... Ml-aa-lfiM IK
i oWLV iMn-iD w,. h miU t un tsfc-o tuul mrmj
NO ( AHK know II ham .err fall) l. tro, no
uf All kind and Mat.
for aniline wont inr p"t.w,
ftinii, air Mad VllUpj VViur
- Ko.'- ' 1m IMonttv
llrriot. lrnnoiltin.Cool4.a4
Mlnorul I'r i i hi, (HI ood
UO. AO. I Uler-l ttltj flrit. 7Q
voon oiif Monro. WU1TM
111 IN, OHIO.
naM- su i inn snuwn n rh ryt. mwm ,M mrm n'
nam m wm asienuh yuu. u la akaaOMe mSa,
l..,.nu etrli'lare, anil ui S lai-o .itlmul ln.u.. anil 1-l.nll n rn ni husiwaa I SH It SI 0 I''
a.;. . .11 i. Ilatil. ilniM.. mm rr.paiil by .tprea,
lr j.yeufKHaLOlX.
I In ular in .i I ii i",u'
. , a4r.iii. . ,i I...I lut a. aar S,
WiMin IrttrssWatS In srsry rounty
eeet for enr '.a. lamp Metre Ita own
ia. Keller Hxlii llian rlrctrlelty or Wi lalie. ii
:ity iaa; sksapsi tbaa kernearnsi rrtalia
,m nn.n.v. maker Slenrlaril I.einD Com
pany, llrpt ll ' III' SOO
Benedictine Salve.
riprrlrnrr of Many Vrare ( Irarly PaeaV
nelratra the (Irral KMrlenry of
I In- l.lnlrnrnl. I'oalpald,
SSr a Ito. Addre
Bcneiictine Priory, Mt. Angrl, Or.
O m w iiaisasa, I.. Kor. s. lsa
Key Fathrr-I re liad lad BBonry orilrr (or
tm.lhrr kil ul your Salve I Bad It trry good
a Jrasl end try rn.l to i-e wtlbnul It
' PATKK K .aKKV. '.a Boiiy.rst.
Ldt'lBTILUI. Kf ., Jan It, ISSS.
Key Father I Soil your seltr to I the beat
leu taei J ever aaeel.
r. sciitavnu. 7o r wi,ot bl
reaee aad Wire Worke.
aad Iron l.ncln. oBlre ralllni. etc. XMAIder.
M firiU- inotfitiiro l oausr it. tutxg.
Tb s ftrn, aa wall at M i 1. M ' 4 t I'i ' 1 1 Hiaj
pileM ar- nrj I ' t Or. sloo n ho'sFI l Romodtf
.ism It. hlna auft Llnoilluet AlM'-rl'tl llMal'iF. bit' b
MsrlilMorf imI ftufl.o.
cbtierr, m i rwii'i, Furilaitd.Or.
JOHN poo LB, PorrXeiND, Okioov.
ran in., Ilia k.t Ii.m.Iii. In
1. i.uirrv, rnyinra, holler, tanks. iuui.
plows, halts and WHelmlHe. Tbs nrw
trrl I X L wlnilmill, oll bjr him, Is BaV
r . .a J
For H Is tlx favorite through Uiniog Car
and Bullet Library Car Una" tut.
for furthrr i.rtli ular rail un or aildrraa
J. K NAIIKI.. I' A. W. K t OkJAN.O.A.
" TKUHY, T. F. A.
124 Third Strsst, PORTLAND, Oa).
Jar a' 'r . i " Trvotioofroo WfllO)
ma a. ..1 .1 lU RM1 4 M RO, Pbilodo., FOa
Uoo Hisf fur HBnoluroi
til. a r sjw,li (lattUUItatt lit,
rritoUoito or ulesjrollu
of mo cum mowstrauoo,
VoiDrnM, Oltd But MUlst
goul or ptiloouomo.
oH hw nrBSSlU.
r Otnl In DlolB wriM.
it oiorooo rM. fuf
JlrtmUr Mini n rousl.
treated trlen
USial 1 y end
c hi n ore 1 1 a i-
AWW 1. i.ii,,, wj
BWm ..1.1
T.ea,a m. i.. . n.i...
at3 r,....i. 1 ..laalM.
PJari lint Csismai Oo
taV C aairi.o BaBfl
aPaWaiajB '
erv Da. iiirtvi aooK,
Kelief for Women iiSm
ftaffim Is rlaie,aaaaada.elisia, WHa I Bloed, 414 la.lle audfrasaal Ullloaaneaa Dl
Cue rur una mvum. aueiaiaiej ranirn
iiM T-nifT---1- t iiaTiaattLt
French Female Pills.
C. N. srOOLASP t CO . 101 tscead K. f.rtlasd
w4 l.y ihisnaeSaaT nalatl laallaaaa
aTwyarallaMe aa iaki .1 aaaeal
ar aJfdilaaleaaiikea7Kaefc
art Ota,
aaiyla frae. er luM boi lor IV. IK. IIOHANKU
CO., Fhllaala., arenaia. ' , llru,t.u.
. r. n. o.
''rlUtn piofj
J, MM I . il