The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 18, 1899, Image 5

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    Kueno City Guard
he business department of
WEEKLY GUARD is caused
considerable trouble by corre
snondents addressing, the pro
prietors personally. Address all
letters referring to the newsoa
Eugene, Oregon.
A ROY NO i.o.n 1 1 Kit.
The Forest Gro? e Times combs
down a contemporary in the follow
ing convincing' manner:
"Tbe North Yamhill Record in
a laudatory article on W J Bryan,
refers to him aa little more than a
hov. How old must the human'
male be to be beyond the boy stage,
anyway? Bryan has passed the
age when life's sun is supposed (o
have reached the meridian. He
has been a man and a voter for
about 20 years. He is a man of
ability and strong rWsonaTUv, and
has, perhaps, a better hold on the
rank and file of the democracy tlian
any leader of the party aides Jack
son's time, but isn't itabiut time
for this 'boy' nonaensn to cease? If
Bryan is not a man, in the full
maturity of his powors, he never
will be."
From a Londoo bamiuoi iptMb ut Not 9.
"It is not right to say that there
was not adequate military prepara
tion. The evil dates farther back,
.'t dates to unfortunate arrange
ments in 1881 and 1884,by which we
permitted a community, obviously
hostile, to enpy the unbounded,
unlimited right of accumulating
munitions ot war against ub, Y ar
after year there was an accumulation
of munitions which could only le
directed against ns. Hampered by
these arrtngeinenta, it was impo
sible for us to ayoid the interval of
trial and danger necessary to inter
vene between tbe moment when
war was declared and the moment
wfecB-oB-fee8 oeuld aeoepi- at ¬
test and appear upon the field.
"That interval has nearly pass!.
Our troops are beginning to arrive.
Foreign nations have complimentcl
us upon the calmness with which
we have received the intelligence t f
occasional checks. Whatever
strategy might be, we are well awaia
thai the beginning of our conflii t
with the Boers must be marked h
a retirement of our troops from
positions they are not stron r
enough to occupy.
"It is necessary that we should
wait for sufficient reinforcement.
I do not attempt to forecast the
future. I only say that my faith
in the British soldier is unbound.-!,
and I am deeply gratified to feel
that he is in the vigorous, sagacious
hands of General Buller.
"What we desire is equal righH
before all men of all races, and
security for our fellow-subjects and
our empire. The hour of asking
hv what means these results
can be obtained iB not yet come,
but these are the objects and tbe
only object we seek. We do not
allow any other consideration to
cross our path."
Jacksonville Times: Sheriff
Withers of Lane county, whofo
chief deputy, Henry Day, embez
zled nearly $22p0 belonging to the
taxpayers of that county, imme
diately paid the amount of tbo
defalcation. This was certainly a
commendable act one whioh re
tlects much credit on Mr iVithers,
who, by the way, is one of the beet
county officials in Oregon.
Albany Democrat : Ail thrown
the four) ot the Pbili ipi noddle
President McKinley ha heen care
ful to keep the country in thedark
as much as possible. A'hatwere
bis instructions to General Otis ?
"hat directions did b give tie
Philippine co.nnni-.ioi,? What
were tbe concessions asked by
Aguinaldo before tilting began,
and what terms did our army '
officers offer? What is lb arrange
ment with the Sultan of Sulu?
What were the contents of the dis
patch sent by Admiral Dewey last
December? All have been sup
pressed. Could an Emperor have
kept more from the people than
President McKinley hag done?
Forecast Makes the Contest
About Equal.
Dally liuaril Nov 11
Foieersta of an Important athletic
contest are always Interesting, and of
the Multnomah-!' of O game it Is ex
ceedingly so, on a. v unit ol the strong
rivalry of the teams ami the phenome
nal 'Multnomah luck'' which hat
helped that team out of many a hard
Me, ,
Private correspondence to the
UUARD from Fortlaud on the 2:14 over
l lulu h im rt Court.
VY I. Wager, hauling riK'k fur
oraatiSf i M)
John Miller, loading r.s-k lr
c. usher 10 '
Mired Laiid loading reek lor
crusher 1060
W D Carpenter, ..., .. i ., I, for
crusher ...... II .0
0 Consigns, work ou rock cru-h-
r.. ti no
K it Hollenbeck, work on road... B 00
(t W Ureeus'rect, work on road It On
I I rut U I uuilurl.
Ill tlic beat hold In I'arls one gets
lusvy, comfort and even splendor,
never one's cuds of notes, uivoniiug
tu Harper Haxar. There la a fatal
irulf for (heap. ne Is n nnml-.-r. nut
an Individuality. The table la, how
ever, very luxurious. It In a rleiui ami
STOH ordered caravansary. As for the
comfort, of warmth in winter, they .io
net know the meaning of the word.
VYi are justly accused of exaggerating
the beat of our rooms In America; the
furnace i denounced; but after frees
Iiik' to death 111 Parts. BBS el the cold
est of cities, very far north, one re-
J T Uussell, work on road n turus willingly t.i the heated rooms of
I' K Wallace, w.xh! 50 .Wuorlou
The rains are settling the crushed
rock on Willamette street into fine
condition. But every rose has its j land, gives much Information gleaned
thorn. Th atnwt mr management ' night after the arrival of the U of
la T,.nU i.rwl t m.l, - wmc" i quartered at ins in
-..-a ?f- jSaal hotel. The Multt.omai. lesm
mud, into the canal abng which : rage 161 pounds to
the line is operated. Why cannol and the U of O 158 iunda The Held
the citv comoel the street car line muddy, hut uot s'.ippory, scmii
to improve its right of way with
crushed rock, and failing in that
perform the work itself? Thai
eyesore should not be allowed to
remain in its present condition
another sJntjaj,
It is said there are today but
fourteen hundred
early Indian ware in Oregon,
Washington, Idaho and Montana,
including the widows. The object
of the Indian war veteiane' bill be
fore the house of representatives for
the pun twenty years is to place
them on the penBon list. The
U-.n: i .
amount fixed in the bill is fo a
I llou ho disastrous to 1 of O last nar
The iteueral opinion in Portland I
that it Is "anybody '- game," and pra
tiuilly no letting is I indulged In,
as a very even s'ore I- predicted
Portland members of 1' oft) aluiuM
aud the luw and medical students will
be out iu full force to "root," WliVle the
M A A I-' lineup published In th.e pre-
' ii of today shown McMillan
... .1 I M l.-,.,. , .1 , .. 1,1.
survivors ol the - "...... husjih
uu lersto .it McMillan will move out t
The glass industry has had 100
r cent tariff protection longer
than any other industry, yet we
now pay more per box for window
ass than our fathers paid in 18G0.
The industry is in the bands of
trusts, which make more money
from the people by letting part of
the factories lie idle than by work
ing them.
tackle and play against Dick Hn.llli
moving McKiunon to guard to huek
agalnsi Ai tell. Seth McAllster. of
Kugeue, and W a Melt of Portland,
will officiate, llie selection of the
men being very satisfactory, as they
are considered very impartial. Ed
Mays, (J of C aud Jim Harrager M A
A C, are .iin-ii'i m
Tonight the U of O team will accept
Portland hn-phalli v and attend ' The
Electrlciau" at Cordray's theatre.
Tbe line-up Is as follows:
M. A. A. C.
Watson C Waguer
McMillan LU Wa.ldell
Hasch KG Angell
McKiunon LT Jackway
- Aa h-io- -poeteeaaler Akd -th-e-
olher day and the pall" bearers were
selected from among tbe applicants
for the vacant job. This need create
no surprise as tew of the male pop
ulation able to perform such a
duty are not candidates for office
in ftat office-holding state.
The Detroit, Michigan, mayor
knows how to please the public. He
was elected for the third time, with
a three thousand majority.
A Wood burn councilman has
awoke to tbe fact that gambling is
going on in that city, and that
reckless bicycle riders crowd pedes
trians off sidewalks. poos that
councilman expect a millennium in
1899? -
The Portland weather bureau is
not premature in giving "the poblio
information that the "fall rains
have set in." How would we keep
track of the weather if it was not
for that bureau '
Dally Gaud, Not 11
S. B. !: .kin U still improving.
J A Mllliorn, of Junction City, is in
Attorney Woodcock la home from
.Kola Neis, a Halem hop buyer, was
here today.
John Downer, the Blue River miner,
is In the city.
B Uleu Powers Is down from the Mr
Kenzie Bridge.
Herbert Murch, of Coburg, was iu
Eugene today.
Regnt Friendly went to Portland
this afternoon.
Mlsa Tilllle Farrell of Albany, Is vis
iting in Eugene.
Dean Idanderaou went north on tbla
afternoon's train.
Mi Oertrudo Hav, of Portland Is
visiting in Eugene.
Rev. aud Mrs. F. P. Bllliugton went
to Cottage Grove today.
E H Iughm has returned from a
business trip to Portland.
C Dale and Fred Blaplet, of the Blue
River mines, are In the city.
MUs Emma Bailsman is home from
a short ijiffllnees tfip to Roseburg.
,MkasBulah Wood of Roseburg ar
rivedaa the. 1:10. ovi Mind today, and
will preside at the organ at tbe Chris
tian church during the revival
Mrs. H. L. Boardman, of McMlnn
vllle arrived up today to visit at the
home of her parents, Mr aud Mrs. B.
F. Dorrla.
U of O Blee ClQb.
Jt.ts learned that the University of
Oregon Glee Club will hold its annua
concert on Thanksgiving night. This
will be a fine oppoitanlty to again
bear this organization. Plaps aie now
being perfected tor tbe annual lour of
tbe olub, which will lake place during
tbs holiaay season. j
Kerrlgau ..
Ol instead ..
Davey V B
e-6 yf-S&.
.. ..Bishop
Cokvallis, Nov 11. Gauie resulted
O A 0 35; Alhany 0.
mum, Nov. 11. Football score 1:
Willamette University, 6; P. U, 0.
All the Ship Building Firms
Enter It.
Dial). Junction City limes, Nov.
11: Mrs. J. W. Major, who has been
seriously 111 for several weeks with
consumption, died Thursday eveulu'g
at 1:i0 o'clock, aged 53 years, 0 months
and 17 days. Funeral services were
held at the Christian church Friday
alleruoou at 3:30. The remains wll) be
taken on the overland Haturday morn
ing t Amity, In fejpahlll county for
Interment, where her husband was
bulled a few years ago. Bhe leaves
four children, uamely: Mrn. C fa.
ICIsMlnorer. Genevieve. Wallace and
Opal, all grown except the latter, aud
a, large uiiuiher of friends to mourn uer
A Mine Ownkb. Collage Grove
Lea.ler: "Alf VValker, of Cottage
Grove, to whom much credit I due, In
advertising an advancement m lloie
mia mine, hm- lutclv iM.ught Hie re
maining one fourth Interest Iu tb
Ut ile mine i f Kalrvlew fr uu AI
t'li.irchlll, and uw It entirely.
He has started development work on
main tunnel, and will continue for
mine tune. He has a promising look
lug prorty, and good reasons to fee:
n oo u raged "
W H Curry, wood 2 75
(1 Wrahuay, clearing road I 00
V T Austlu, Work on road 7 60
Kred Austin, cleari tig rond ICO
R Simpson, road work 3 i t)
Dr Belover, medical for
VVm Cole.. 8 I
VllUams A Parvln, pjuiier sop.
pllea for Goasage and Cain. . B Vtl
W B HoCann, deputy a-eior... 50 et)
D P Bun. in, a.-i-or 7S j
B J Wllso i, deputv asivsor fii no
0 L Winter, photographB of II J
D.y ... 4 M
.Unn" I, Cage, inerobandlre 1 75
afnss It '.lfor.l, supervisor road
dlsiriet N. 96 II ft)
1 ' i. ii . i.umlHir Co., 1 ti iii-
tier 80 nti
1 M C. llette, work on dam 12 00
A fliuck.r, work ou dam 17 25
A Whitney, witness re eoro era
impjest.New 1 50
lo!m Meier, witnesa fee ooro
nera inquest, New 1 50
c F Henry, witness fee, eoronsrs
iOouest, New I '.
M H Barker, witness tee, coroner'
Inouest, New I 50
Chss Anderson, w llneas fee, ii.r-
onera iiuiuet, New I 50
W B Muiniuey, wltutss f.-e, ist-
otiers inijuest, New 1 50
Hawley, witnea fee, eorOMIS
luoiU'Ht. New 1 50
g w Unsay, Jaror, oorouers iu-
queal, New I 00
0 B Frank, Juror, coroners In-
oll Hi. N. . I
A O Holden, juior, coroners In
quext , New 1 00
G R Chrlsman, juror, coronera
inquest, New 1 0(1
Charles Headle, juror, coroners
Inquest, New 1 00
John H Gray, Jur r, coroners lu-
quent, New 1 00
J W Bellman, lumber 28 15
H Hansen, clothes (or Win Cole. I 75
t Poludexler, board Iu case of
Mm.- vs Htarr 3 00
E U Lee, stamps, ete 6 25
Lane Matlock, work on rock
crusher 1 00
K ti Dlllard, work on roCSt
crusher u on
I It Howard, work uu bridge... . 2 2.5
M Caateel. work on bridge 0 00
EJ Crawford, witness Wenzer
Inouest 1 50
Ad ilph Weber, wPness Wenxer
Ii. quest . 1 60
U vv Jtilimire, wiiiiesa vveuzer
lliquent '. 1 60
CH Miller, witness Wenzer In
quest H B Moon, witness Wenzer In
quest C B Klssenger, Juror Wenzer In
C J Dodd, Juror Wenzer Inqueet..
A O Mathews, Juror Werner In
quest F M Wllklns, Juror Wenter In-euest
B C Dunn, Juror Wenzer Inquest 1 00
A F Hawley, uror Wenzer In
quest 1 "0
N L Lee, medical services for
pauper Otapp 8 00
Mllllron Bros, lumber 47 2H
Daisy Baker, copying 14 60
W T Howard, work en bridge... 0 75
W M Miller, county m IiooI super
intendent, stamps 10 00
W L Cheshire, coroner fee In
kjcoroners Inquest on 8 t .vew... 8 26
W L He Lai.-, drugs for pauier
Cole. 2 06
1 Blavter, supplies for pauper J
M Oautre.ll 6 00O
L Horlng, bridge and work on
road 23 60
Bam Htlers, damages in running
logs. .. II 00
KW Hunt, slant powder 6 00
F K Hatch, sitting up with Win
Coleman 3 00
We azsggerats tbs exceUenos of the
French bod. There is no such thing in
Franco as that comfortable, broada low
thing which we call a 1'ieiich bod. A
Ugh, bgrd, narrow shelf Is the apology
for It.
We exaggerate our comforts by hav
tui: gus In our sle-piug rooms aud hut
and cold at.T In our stationary wash-
tsiwls nnd They never ex
aggerate comfort In France. You have
a many cuudlea as you will pay for,
mid no bath, uuless you order It, when
men laloirlously bring you a tub filled
with hot or cold water, aud take It
away after you have bathed.
Wo exaggerate very much tbo sup-
posed t i II. lug iu France To go to
a hotel In Paris to live we must sZDSCt
out of the season very little good food,
very little that Is sustaining and nour
ishing. It Is "all sauce." There are no
good Joints of mutton, no good Anierl
ii u desserts. This Is an especial dis
comfort to the alck, who never get
k-oo.l toast, good custard, good tapioca
pudding, nor oysters that they like.
pedal u. ihv liuanl.
Nkw Yokk, Nov. II - The Hellg
laeM have formed a syndl ate of ibe
largiat ahlp bllll.lliig flrma In tbe
United Htatea, Including the U Ion
Iron Works, of Sun Francbeit.
jus'ctiom cmy
El.Kt I
Closi. '.. ,i' B'elWreii rseV rsl 0aldl-
dates-KH VfMk(4s1,
Tlmit, Nut II.
I lie city . I. ctlon h Id Monday pasel
oil verv quietly. The prl eipal luter-
t hitigsd on the offlce uf marshal and
the se. rid 'andliVati's am if Ihelr irUllda
worked with vigor aYid tlilrll The
rivalry a good uaiurtsl, bownver,
mid no ill feeling so f ir aa Wo can
lean , was rrmISTl . The following
a ti.. vote:
1 50
1 50
1 110
I (10
1 00
1 00
v . .... and hr Na."
A man applied to the college for a
cnt of arms, says a writer In tbo Coru
hlll Magazine, and was Asked If any
of his ancestors had Ihvii renowned
for any singular achievements The
man paused SOd considered, but could
recollect nothing.
"Your rather." said tbo herald, aid
ing his memory, "your grandfather,
your greet grandfather f
"No," returned the applicant, "I nev
er knew that 1 had a great-grandfather
or a grandfather."
"Of yourself ?" asked this creator of
"I know nothing remarkable of my
self," returned the until, "only tluit be
lug oneo locked up In I.ndgato prison
tor debt I found means to escape from
an npper w indow, and that, you know,
is no honor Iu a man's scutcheon."
And how did you get down?" aald
the herald.
"Odd enough," retorted tho mail. "1
pna-ured a cord, fixed It round tbu nock
of the statue of King l.tid, on tho out
side of the building, and thus lot my
aolf down."
"I have It," said the herald. "No
honor! Lineally descended from King
Lud! Aud Ida coot of arms will do for
..jbmlial PWaM '-IiuIMi
The liinguuge of the fashion plato
mill the woman's paor Is sufficiently
aniMilllmr tu the mere man even In
those days of emancipated and, wo
may presume, more grammatical wom
anhood, but, according to an extract
from a fashion Journal of 1787, tho Jar
gon of over a century ago was even
more astounding This Is how the pa
DM QSOeribed tho dross of a certain
Mile. D - at tho opera;
Kho upioarud In a dress of "stilled
sighs," ornamented with "supurtluous
regrets," tho laidlco cut In a "perroct
candor" point and trimmed with "In
discreet complaints." Her hair was
dressed In "sustained sentiments,"
with a headdress of "sustained con
quest," ornamented with several "fly-
a way a" and "downcast eyo rlbhous,
aud her collar was "beggar on horse
back" color.
No doubt all theso marvelous terms
onveyod some meaning to tho fash-
loiinblo woman of tho nays wnen
French society danced on tho edge of
the volcano of 1780, but to tbolr de
scendants of a hundred years later
they havo absolutely uo meaning. Ban
Francisco Argonaut.
A Rumok. Albany Demoerat:
"Among the railroad tumors Is one
that an v local will be put on
the B. P. running Worn PorlTeVd to D A Ester, work on rock crush
this olty l living in the morning and vr
reluming at night, giving the through Keglater, printing
3 00
3(1 HO
tralus au opl-ortuuity to make faster
time between this city and Portland."
W M Damewood, work ou rock
crusher 6
If a local train is placed on tbe road It a J Hmlth, supervisor road dis-
should be extended lo tbla city.
'.. uu.
Junction PojTomtK. For thirty
five days, commencing October 3rd,
the Juuction City postoffloe weight d
the mall handled at that office. Tbe
aggregate was 2790 pounds.
IHcnKKD flKST - I he Junction Bulle
tin of Nov 10 has the Oist bunting
accident of the goose season Win
Weaver, of Frantlln, shot a middle toe y g Drew
ofT while hunting th
i riot No 27 60 00
Horn A. I'alne. work on keys, etc 2 00
liorrls Art Oallery, photographs
of H J Day
K D Iee, excess paid on sale
certificate N' 278. .;
1) E Hlagle, work on rock orush
er .
W L Cheshire, coroner's fees on
Wenger Inquest 6 G
j a Itoach, work ou dam 12 00
witness Wellger In
6 75
7 7I
9 76
1 60
... Herbert Thompson, who recently
send the wjtn UU motber left Eugene for Ban
1B1H rark L'rnclsco. has secured employment as
iha Kvvnlnir I'imC Ho
L N Roney writ
Dall.Y OL'AKll lo bl
Avenue Indianapolis, Ii.diana, for I refK)rlrr n tbe Evening Post
which place they leave the nrst or tne ' , lM ,he w,ter frooi and a court
s... .
llrd Tap ! Hoaita.
Evorv tl a Russian minister loaves
town his coUeslgUSS aro notified of tbo
Journey, Ih-hIiIob the council of tne em
pire, tho cubluet of the umperor, wo
empire's coulroleur and secretary, tbo
sacred synod, tlio emperor's military
secretary, the empress, tho governor
of Moscow. Vftrsovlo, Kleff, etc., ftd
Inllultum, h all appearance. When
bo returns, tho sumo minute notlfica
tlon performance Is gone through. So
each ministerial departure from and
return to Ht. Petersburg Involves an
Issuo of some 200 notices. Tbero are
18 ministers, and taking threo Journeys
as tbo avuragu for each, wo have at
tho end of tho year u grand total of
some l o.m.i odlclal papers.
The ...... 1. 1.. si Ion (rant.
'What aro you doing?" asked tho In-
quialttvo man. , . ,
"I'm working ou on luterestiug prou
fem," replied tho man who has a pas
sion for figures. "New York has 26,
000 barbers, aud I am endeavoring to
rind out Whether tho groans they bring
from tbolr victims at a given time
would. If they could all lie put Into
one, produce a roar as loud as that of
Niagara or not" Chicago Times-Herald.
They are having a 'Pleasant J ulot aud bis many friends wish him
moose In his nsw calling.
Flarnraa Doa't LI.
Brown You only 60! That's a good
White My daughter says she is only
20, and she wss born two years after I
was married, and I was married at 2'.'.
Figure It out for yourself. Boston
The archbishop of Canterbury has In
bis keeping the book In which the slg
natures of sll royal brides and bride
grooms married In England are writ
1 10
::::: ti
L W Clark.
K E I)uft
Mil er
r . iiiiiweM
W Kirk
W C Wasnbarne
fj 0 Hiarr
c BtsHftll
E VllkVrVMMl
C J Eh r mill
file first sfx slftlf8,
f .KASt'KKM.
Frank Moorhe,'..!
Harry Mlllloffi .
Frank Curtis...
J J Daruellle..7T.
Floyd Edwards ..v..,.w..v...,..,.r
.1. ( urtis defea'tHl Mr Darnele (or
the ame odloe last yaar bjr a plurality
of three. Two very oh aw race, ,
Mr Clark def- ated Mr Ruff for -
colder l.y ix ote Iu th rao for
Justice of lbs peace at the last general
election, the aame ki'-ol l. iueii wry pit
ted ayaliml each other and Mr Clark
defeated his opponent by-SJ volfs. M
lu the ronteai for U.aur r Mr Mil
lior'u was not a candidate aud ryfuaad
to permit the ii-i- of his name, although
hi ua'i.e was printed on a few tickets.
Thr total number of votes oast was
lfc8. A Isrge number falljl.t vote.
l-lll I 0I.0.1I ASS IN SUIHldN.
Tne regular lu.eellng of III Phllolo
gl U soeiely took place last e vatiing st
the University. It was well atiended,
ml the Inteiest, ciusidal ii.g.that
several of the best workers are (p fart
land, where the, l ulv. rsity football
team meets the Mullnomali, todeXs.,...
Cheater Fisher favoredwJ;h siasltty
win. a leeltatiou taken from one of
Wetialoi's orations. The corieiit evu
were given by H. It. Dvnainore. W.
L. Wallt-iesoy gave the extempore . ad
'dress, ou the prospects, of yie ootball
Hau e ilo i iiiiii. iole.l that the SO-
cletieaaeud lite r host wishes ,( our
team, by telegraph. A couiuiijjee was
a. coi.tii.gly appointed w hlch drew up
a suitable piessage lo be sent to tbe
captain today. ,
The debate was ou tb,fUt)-ct, 'jflft
Solved, that Ibe United iUt JO0ll
rtlalu poaarasiou, of liie i'lillioplues,"
filriiied by Appjegate auu Holt loc
lon, denied by Walii and Rai. Tbs
Laureau society, having adjpufued. to
utteiid this tueeljug, regiven th
privilege of the floor. A number. ,pf
ood speeches were made po esohsjd
by both members a,ud visitors; after
which, by request of t he -preaidwul, the
(juestlon was decided l a voleof Up
vl.llors and th.sw members, who ,dJd
not take part Jn the dljwuaaion. TV
votestood, affirmative, 8) negallvt, 7.
It was decided to have no marling
iwo weeks fioin fast night, ou aooouul
of the Freshman lr-out.
The following h.-w names webal
lo'ted o,', f..r ii.'. uiVs rsVifp: I't'olrlloCa-
U.ftU n atM.c'V'Jtetlon.
J-. (l.lfcafell
Jabttton City Indsstrjr.
JujfcnoN City, Nor. ft-H earry
MKiiHi . I,, I,, h of wheat, oats and bar
ley were railed lo tTils vicinity tnl
'eason', ilfid tflr gralO fl now stored In
'lie waiehomws bra. Qn account or
lb low Virloe inste has been but fit
tie wheat sold aud bo bop aa j et.
Tbe lumber buslnes Is nude lively,
j. m. loholi'rll1IoTTJlo.ul
feet of oak lumber from Pn Oood
min'slilll fltoo it d "oVforea jl y
fbrlsbipment tb TTrtTaTu'd tVfl'vB
Francisco. There are about UOO.OOU feet
more to oo m.