The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 18, 1899, Image 2

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    Eugene City Guard.
I. I. CAMP BEM.. Pri(U.
An Interesting I'ollerllon of I cr .... Trmm
the Two Hemispheres i . .
la I .....l. i... .1 I ..i ....
The Indian, with the Tennessee
volunteers un board, is overdue at hau
The Tacoma News announces : thor
ltativelv that the Seattle I'ostlntelll
gcnoer Iiuh lawn wild. The purchaser's
nume ia withhold.
The officer, of the transport Ohio,
which haa arrived at Han Francisco,
report that there la a scarcity ol food
on the island of (iuara.
Trouble la anticipated on the Chero
kee Indian Nation, owing to ballot-box
stuffing at their election laat August,
the fact of which have juat leaked
President Samuel B. Donnelly, of
the International Typographical Union,
waa accorded enthusiastic reception
by the printer of l'ortland and (-Seattle
and Spokane.
An ungrateful Indian, who had been
furnished with fmxl and lodging, mur
dered a Nevada white woman and her
Infant son. Robbery wa the motive
of the assassin.
The Russian steamer Doluey Vastnk,
which waa to have entered the trans
port service, airiveil In San KranciHco
too late, a British steamer having
taken her place.
War in the Tninsvuul ha effected
tho market of the l.a.-t and specula
live oisrutious have ceased. Hie effect
on prices, howover, has not been as
grout as anticipated.
A divorce has been granted to Connt
Von Moltke, the emperor of Germany's
aid-de-camp. The decreu place the
entire guilt on the wife. The case has
caused a sensation in court circles for
year past.
Having learned that White is still
safe at ladysmith, the Ilritish aro giv
ing attention to General Joutiert's plan
for the conquest of Natal. Such a
ninvonient is regardod as more daring
that Sherman' march to the sua.
Jndge Schofleld, of Illinois, has ar
rived in San Francisco from Samoa
and Hawaii. He says the natives of
Samoa should be allowed to work out
their own salvation. He reports tho
landgrabbcr a doing a rushing busi
ness in Hawaiian islands.
Swindlers in Wall street, New
York, have been selling washed-out,
canceled revenue stumps, the traffic
having reached enormous proportions.
It is estimated that 10 per cent of tho
daily sales were fraudulent and that
the government has boon losing $5,000
a day in the deal.
The Itritlsh think they inflicted terri
ble loss on tho UoorB In Thursday's
F.x-l'rosldent llarrlsou has returned
to the t' ni tod States alter an extended
trip abroad.
Puerto Cahello has surrendered to
(ienerul Castro aud the official of the
du facto government.
Half a million dollar' worth o(
prosrty was destroyed by lire in Kan
sas City.
The Washington boys are homo.
They were greeted everywhere with en
thusiastic demonstration.
The general belief in Ixindon Is that
the lloora are now watting for more
guns from Pretoria before attacking
Eastern Oregon is experiencing it
first labor strike. Fifty minor of the
Bonanza mine near ltakor City, are out
(or shorter hour.
Of the Coeur d'Alene rioter tried In
Moscow for conspiracy against the
Cuttcd States, 10 were found guilty
und three went acquitted.
The ship Charles K. Moody, long
overdue at Honolulu, has at last ar
rived. She was 100 days In making the
passage from Norfolk navy yard.
lloers are said to hare Issued letters
of muriiuo In Kuropo and tho United
States, and Ilritish commerce may
suffer, even if the transports do not.
In his annual report United States
treasurer suggests the Impounding of re
deemed treasury notes and thinks
banks should increase their clrculaton.
F.nglund has scut 10,000 rounds ol
lyddite shells to South Africa. A.
cording to estimates, a single shell of
this kind falling Into a compact body
will kill MOO men.
The most important expedition of the
fall campaign chasing Agulmtldo is
now on, and It Is predicted that the
re I. el capital will aoou be untenable (or
tho insurgents.
Marconi will not operate with the
lgual corps of the United States, but
will return to Knglund in connection
with the use of the wireless system of
telegraphy In South Africa.
Itourke Cookran, the famous New
York orator, was ouco a porter for A.
T. Stewart.
t I...., . !' I 1 1 1 ' ..ti..: .1 ipti. ............. i..
Kelson Diuglcy in congress, will be the
tallest man In that body, being six
feet five Inches in height.
A call has been issued by tho execu
tive council for the nineteenth annual
convention of the American Federation
of Ijthor, to be held at Detroit, Mich.,
December 11 next.
John Wanumaker authorixes tho
statement that he never advertised iu
a Sunday newspaper and never will.
The navy department ha sold the
steamer Hector, formerly the Spanish
merchantman I'edro, for $65,000. The
I'edro was one of the first vessel cap
tured during the Spanish-American
The dwelling once occupied by
former President Martin Van Huron at
No. 87 Eat Twenty -seventh street,
New York, ha just bean sold and it 1
announced that the property will be
converted into a builnea block.
Mahalaoat In I ison ha been occu
pied by the American.
The Washington volunteers were pre
sented with medals in Seattle.
Major-General Lodlow, civil gover
nor ol Havana, i visiting in New York.
Twelve locUllsti and six liberals
were elected to the llerliu municipal
The late John K. I'illsbury, of Minne
apolis, left $100,000 to a homo for
A marriage license was issued at
Washington to George Dewey and Mrs.
Mildred Haen.
Twenty men of the Forty-second regi
ment were injur.-1 in a railway acci
dent on their way to San Francisco.
Nex Perce Indians have demanded
more money than 1 paid for railway
right of way through their reservation.
Assemblyman Mazet, of New York,
claims he was defeated by fraud, but
hi friends say they will contest the
Beating of Stewart.
The danger of a Ilosuto uprising i
now admitted to be imminent in South
Africa, and may render necessary the
mobilization of a second army corps.
An agreement as to tho partition ol
Samoa has been reached at lierlin be
tween Fngluud and icrinany, subject
to tho approval of the United States.
A bark is loading 1,000,000 feet ol
specially selected timber at Vancouver,
II. 0i (or the Onapi, of Philadelphia,
to be used in building United Statei
The civil governor, counsellor, Judges
and secretaries who constitute the new
government of Negro, sent greeting to
President McKiuley on taking their
A cable message from General Otis
says that Major Hugh McGrath (cap
tain Fourth cavalry) died ut Muuibt
(mm wounds received at the battle of
Novaleta, a mouth ago.
Frederick J. Cro, of Honolulu, ha
the exclusive rights to operate the Mar
coni system of wireless telegraphy In
the Samoa. It Is exacted to have
the system in operation January 1.
A $100,000 gold brick, the largest
ever melted In a Canadian mine, Is to
be sent down from the Kootenai dis
trict shortly. This rear's wush-up ii
the richest ever kuowu in the district.
Husslans and the Japanese on tin
Corenn peninsula are on the most
friendly terms. The Russian and Jap
anese ministers asset t that the reports
of frlclton are unfounded and are In
tended to distract attention from other
The validity of government contracts
made by swindler Captain Curter will
be tested.
Tho conroution agreeing to atbltru-
tlon of s.unoun claims was signed at
Admiral Dewey and Mrs. Uazen at
tracted grout attention on a shopping
tour In New York.
Influential San Diegans will build a
transcontinental railroad via Salt Luke
from their city.
Huntington denies that the Pacific
Mall Steamship Company has absorbed
the New Jupun Hue.
The bicycle, automobile and rubber
trusts now propose one great concern
with a capitalization of $300,000,000.
The Ilritish have been victorious in
an engagement at Ladysmith and the
Poor loss wa heavy, including 2,000
Wisconsin lumber dealers have Just
taught 1,000,000 acre of tlmbor land
on tho Pacific coast. Thoy puid
Owing to the poor telegraphic and
able service from South Africa the
I .n paper can get no uews for
their special editions.
Tho submarine torpedo-boat Holland
ha boon successfully tested by Uncle
Sam and a purchase will probably soon
lie mado by tho navy department.
The battleship Oregon has sailed
from Hong Kong, supposedly for Cebu.
She sailed sooner than exacted und
was seemingly unprepured lor sea.
A boats' crew of the Ilritish ship
Pathan, recently chartered for trans
port service, refused to accompany the
ship to the Philippine. Twunty-one
of them woro placed In irons.
A fit. Petersburg correspondent sayn
that Hussia, France aud Spain have de
cided to intervene and suggest arbitra
tion between Finland and tho lloers II
Germany Is wllliug to co-operate.
Otis cable that the Thirty-fifth In
fantry has m un led Manila. This Is thti
regiment which was quartered at Van
couver aud embarked from Portland.
Private Cleury died on the voyage.
The lierlin correspondent of the Pari
Figaro aay Kmpcror William is re
solved to occupy Tiger bay, south ol
Angola, on the west coast of South
Africa, if FCugluud occupies Delagou
Kussia wants us to define our poltoj
in the partitioning of China. Sht
-e. iii anxious to know If we are In Out
nimble for a iort of entry and a
sphere of lutluence. The Improestou It
that America will only insist upon ud
0oii-door policy uml protection of hot
treaty rights. Great Itrttulu and Japan
will support her iu these demands.
Gen. John Bldwell, of Chlco, CJ
who led tho first party of white ovc,
the Sierras into the golden state, i,
still hale and hearty at the age of X0.
Official estimates of the wheat crop
In France place the vield at :Mtl,ti00,
d!i bushels this year. This is a fulling
off of JS.OlM.Ufl I bushels from lust year.
Gen. I mil. a, who has been de
scribed in a new spaper bingrajihy as
able "to drink any man under tho
table," tells a correspondent iu Manila
that he never drank a drop of liquor
Baron von Wlndhelm, chief of the
Berlin police, is coming to this country
soon for study of our police methods.
The Lake Drunimond Canal and
Water company, a corporation which
George Washington was instrumental
In forming and of which he waa the
tint president, ha formerly opened to
navigation the Dismal Swamp canal,
which extend from Norfolk, Va., to
Klliabeth City, N. C, connecting the
Elisabeth river of Virginia with the
Pasquotank river of North Carolina, is
272 mile long. By ltt use vessel
may avoid rounding Cay Hattera.
Agreement Reached for Par
tition of Samoa.
rngisntf (lives Up liar Interests to Oer
iat. and W Take roiMi
sluu of Tutulls.
Berlin, Nov. 10. It wa officially
announced thi morning that an agree
ment, subject to the approval of the
United States, after debate, has been
arrived at between I ireat Britain and
(formally, by virtue of which the 8a
moan act is repealed and the Islands of
Upoln, Sawall and small adjacent Is
lands fall to Germany a free property,
und the island of Tutulla and subsid
iary islands go to the United States.
ireut P.rituin, it is added, renounces
UJf claim to the Sumoun Islands and
icrinany in turn renounces any claim
o the Tonga Islands and Savage Island
in finer of Grout Britain, and alio
edes ('hound and Sun lalM, two east
srly islands of the Solomon group, with
their Ins u Iii r surroundings, to Great
Consular representative of the two
powers iu Samoa and the Tonita islands
are to be withdrawn for the present
and Gcmum subjects are to huve the
MUM rights hs P.rilish subjects in re
curd to free and unimpeded enlistment
of native laborers in the whole of the
Solomon croup in possession of Great
Britain, including Chousol and Kan
Ntrona I .... . of Moimtf-il Troops mud
Artillery stsru North Ttmm r.trourt.
Fstcourt, Natal, Nov. 10. Tho Natal
field artillery left camp today, escorted
by the tnsips of the Imperial light
horse, carbineers, and Natal police.
The destination of the forco is unknown.
Firing was heard this morning in the
I lpictiofl of Colenso, from which It 1
believed the Bom have resumed the
hoiiiliurdinctit of Iudysmlth.
Mr. Bernard, proprietor of the rail
road hotel ut Ladysmith, has arrived
here with a companion, having eluded
tin- BOW outposts by night, riding along
Kullir paths. He confirms the report
that when General White requested
that tin women and children lie per
mitted to depatt General Joubert re
plied that he would only allow them to
get awuy under the muzzles or Are of
his guns. Mr. Itcruurd view tho sit
uation gravely, and says that none ol
the Itritish artillery is apparently abla
to cope with the ltocr siege gnus.
t:. i ii ' 1. 1 - al Kttronrt.
Fstcourt, Nutul, Nov. 10. Brigadier
General Wolfe Murray ha received an
important dispatch from Ladysmith by
a runner; but the contents have not yet
been divulged.
The armored trains with a dotach
inent of tho Dublin fusiliers und a rail
road engineering staff, which left here
for Colenso to repair the lino yesterday
evening, and which also Intended to go
through to Ladysmith, if possible, has
returned here. The commuudtug offi
cer reports that he proceeded beyond
Colenso, und found the dwellings therr
untouched. There had been no listing,
except in the single case of a store,
which was looted by Kaffir.
Several prisoners were arraigned be
fore General Murray this morning.
It is reported that the Boers are not
within 20 miles of here.
The bullet holes In the uniforms of
the Durban volunteers show the nar
rowness of their escape from Fort Wy
I if. which was only effected after the
heavy tire of the Dublin fusiliers had
indicted severe loss on the Boor. A
member of the gurtlson who was hard
pressed by the Boers leaped Into the
river amid a shower of bullets, and,
diving repeatedly, he reached Uie far
bunk unscathed.
General French managed to laeve
IiUilysmlth by the last train from there.
Four miles from Colenso the Boor tired
on the train, but uo one was hit. The
general Is going to Capo Town iu order
to take command of the cavalry.
The bonlur regiment arrived hort
Sub-Inspector Petley, of the Natal
police, suys his men alone, forming one
of several burial vartlos, luterred 64
Boers who woro killed at tho liuttlo of
Tuluua hill.
MarArthur'a Advance.
Manila, Nov. 10. General Mac
Arthur has occupied Mubalugtu. Hi
entire command, including the
Twelfth, Seventeenth and Nineteenth
infantry, and a part of the Fourth cav
alry, is extended three mile, iu front
of Angeles ,ln a good tactical position.
Major Bell took Mahalacat. Being
ordered to reconnolter yesterday, he lo
cated the enemy and pushed int.. the
town, driving out two companies of in
surgents and killing several Filipino
officer. Tho Americans suffered no
I ., .in. I Kaiser.
Potsdam, Nov. 10. The czar and
czarina arrived hero at 1 1 o'clock to
day, and were welcomed by the em
loror and empress of Germany at Wild
Park station. The station was gaily
decorated fur the occasion.
c ii, si. ik, i . Shut Out.
Baker City, Nov. 10. Reliable in
formation reaches hero that new hands
have taken the place of the strikers at
the Bonanza mine, whose demand for a
reduction of working time from 10 to
nine hours was refused. The mine and
mill are now reported to l operating
as usual, Fnstorn Oregon miners have
always had a high reputation for stead
iness, and the small strike at tho Bo
nanza is not thought by mluiug men
hero to Is) significant.
i i. -inn oi In Washington.
Washington, Nov. t. Representa
tive Cushman, of Washington, after a
period of campaigning in Oh4o, haa
come on to Washington for tho winter,
and Will remain until after the adjourn
ment of congress. Mr. Cushiuan say
many local matters will absorb hit
time between now and the opening of
congress, aud among other things ha
will urge upon the president the ap
pointmeut of Mr. Wheeler, of San
I i .me -co. the Pacific coast candidate
to till the vacancy of the iuterstatt
commerce commission. Mr. Cushmaa
ay ha believe heeler will luoosaA.
The result of Toedy' election hai
not materially changed the political
situation In the various states, except
in Maryland.
Judge Nah, the republican candi
date for governor of Ohio, is elected by
from 30,000 to 40,000 plurality. Jones'
vote was evidently drawn largely from
the democratic party.
The republicans in Kentucky were
rlctoriou. W. S. Taylor has been
elected governor over Goebel, democrat,
by a majority estimated from 7,000 to
16,000. The entire republican Uto
ticket is probably elected.
J. W. Smith, democrat, it elected
governor of Maryland by a plurality of
about 8,000.
Republicans have carrio.l New Jersey
by about 20,000 plurality.
The fusionlsts have carried Nebraska
by from 10,000 to 15,000 majority,
electing ex-Governor llolcomb justice
of the supreme court.
In Now York, the Republicans will
have 111 memts-rs in the next assembly,
tho democrat 69) a republican gain of
14. Tammany succeeded in defeatin.
Mazet in the Nineteenth district. Buf
lalo.Troy and Albany gave large repub
lican majorities.
The republican carried Massachu
setts by 65,000 majority, and the legis
lature of 1V00 will be republican by the
usual large majority.
Burnett, the republican candidate lor
treasurer in Pennsylvania, has a plural
ity of 125,000.
In Iowa, Shaw, republican, will
have about 00,000 plurality.
In Kausus, the republican gain Is 10
per cent.
The republican majority in South Da
kota will lie about 10,000.
At Kan Frauclsco, Mayor Pholan,
democrat, was re-elected.
Nrttleton, an Amorlrnn, Murdered
the Indian.
Guaymas, Mexico, Nov. I). The
Yaqui Indians have killed Nettleton,
an American, and carried a German
into captivity. Thoy have renewed
hostilities in the lower Yaqui valley,
tnd the people In the river towns in
that section aro iik'ain on tho defensive.
A special courier arrived today with
Intelligence of the terrible fight be
tween Nettleton, the American, and
Rossisck, the German, and Indians at
Ciijsm hacienda, near Bacum, last Sat
urday night. The two men wore over
seers of the property. At the begin
ning of the attack, shortly before day
light, they made a brave defense, and
used their arms effectively, but the
door of the house were buttered down,
and in the hand-to-hand battle that en
sued, Netloton wa shot and clubbed to
death. Rossisck, although wounded,
was spared. After tuklng nil the pro
vision in sight and their prisoner, the
Indians withdrew to the south side of
the river.
Stormed Mafeklng.
London, Nov. 9. News has just ar
rived hero from Mafeking show ing that
up to October 25 tho Boers continued
tho bombardment, tiring us many as
300 shells in 36 hours, though causing
but little damage, and wounding only
four men. That day they closed in all
around the town and mado a deter
mined attempt to rush it. The garri
son turned out to a man and delivered
a terrirlo ride fire, which speedily
stampeded the Boers, who were driven
over mines, which exploded and scat
tered them In all directions. It 1 be
lieved at Mafeking that the enemy
suffered heavily, and is not likely to
make another attempt to atonn th
Cost of the A nil j.
Washington, Nov. 0. The report of
Paymaster-General Bates, of the army,
shows the f..;i..v in: main Items of ex
penditure during the last fiscal year:
Regular army, $34,141,225; volunteer
army, 3ri,H77,7i ; ntsbandment ol
Cuban army, $905,100; extra pay ol
volunteers, Spanish war, $443,932; ex
tra pay, regulars, Spanish war,
General Bate says torn of the now
paymasters, while evincing great zeal
and Intelligence, have been too old to
withstand the hardships of service, and
ho recommends thut "under no cir
cumstance should men Isb apitointcd
to this office who aro over 40 years
Trim of a French Cook.
San Frauclsco, Nov. 9. Pan! dt
Buuge, a French cook living at 1010
Mission street, murdered a woman
known as Delia O'Connor, a habitue of
the Thalia beer hall, in a lodging house
at 14 Turk street, about 1 o'clock this
morning. The crime remained undis
covered for an hour, during which timo
Do Baugo remained in the room with
his victim, and defied the efforts of the
occuuts to take him a prisoner, lit
was finally taken by tho police. The
murderer nearly severed the woman'!
head from her body with a long dirk.
De Buuge admitted the killing, sayiug
that the woman hud robbed him of $10.
Aguinaldo Has Been Located
at Bambang.
41erinanr Kavor ftpSa Deal roller.
Berlin, Nov. 0. The foreign office
authorized the Associated Press to say
regarding the United States government
representations relatlvo to maintaining
an opou door in China, that Germany
has shown by opening a free port at
Kiao Chou, and by Count von Ilulow's
binding declarations that she favors a
livo-and-let live policy in'hina.
Kiililon of Dynamite.
Chicago, Nov. 6. Fivo hundreed
pounds of dynamite exploded in the
mixing-house of the Aetna powder
works, at Aetna, Ind., today, resulting
in the death of two employes. The
shock was felt in town some distance
from tho scene of the disaster. Tho
cause of tho explosion is not known,
aud probably will remain a mystery, as
the only persons who might have ex
plained it are dead. One of the unfor
tunates was named Christiansen, but
the name of the second is not known.
Accident at a rerry.
Antwerp, Nov. . The landing stage
of the Waesland railroad ferry-boat, on
the left lank of the Scheldt river,
broke in two this morning on the arri
val of the tirst train, which was crowd
ed. It is now known that 85 were
drowned, and no fewer than 50 others
1 o
To Hlop aambllag.
Emperor William has issued a de
cree directing that all regimental com
manders shall strongly revive tho cab
inet order of six year ago forbidding
gambling in the Gorman army.
Efforts of the American Military Force
Will Now He Directed Toward
the New Kebel Capital.
Washington, Nov. 1 1 .The war de
partment definitely located Aguinaldo
today as on his way to Bambang, 76
miles northeast of Tarlac. The recent
calculations hare Isnen that the insur
gent leader was in the town of Bayam
bang, not far from Turlac, in which case
the several forces under Generals Mao
Arthur, Lawton, Young and Whoaton
would have had him practically sur
rounded. There has Issen some doubt,
however, as to the name of Bayamhang,
ind today this was cleared up by defi
nite information fixing Bambang, in
stead of Itayambung, as the place of
Aguiuuldo's refuge. A dispatch from
General Otis mentioned Bambang, and
tt the same time reliable information
ciAjio through other channels that Lieu
tenant Gilmore and other American
prisoners were at Bambang, In the
inountuius far to tho northeast of Tar
lac. It Is expected tho insurgent capital
will be shifted to Bambang, and the
efforts of tho American military fore
will be directed toward that point.
It is in the mountainous country of
the north, and apparently out ol the
fertile and populous regions where
Aguinaldo has thus far conducted his
oierutions, it is said to Ik accessible
from the south by way of one route
only, along a river which is a branch
of the Rio Grande. This leave the
rebel leader little or no oportunity of
communicating with the coast or get
ting in supplies. Ho hus also left the
railroad behind.
It is said at the war department that
the columns of General Young and
(ienerul Wheaton will push on to the
north, following up the insurgent leader
and his scattered bunds.
Boiler's Ailvance on Indymnlth Will
llealn In a Few Hays.
London, Nov. 11. Tho scanty and
conflicting news from the seat of war
and the fact that General White has
not yet said a word about the alleged
fighting around Ladysmith are again
producing a feeling of gloom. It may
bo thut General White has sent news
and that ( ienerul Duller has thought
best to keep it to himself. Indeed,
this is tho version that is beginning to
be believed, as it is held to be impossi
ble the news of heavy fighting
brought by Kaffirs in such circumstan
tial detail can be wholly groundless.
If this lie so, it is ominous, for there
could he no ground for concealing fav
orable news.
It cannot be long however, before a
change occurs. General Buller's forces
will soon arrive at Durban, and will
probably begin the advance to the re
lief of Ladysmith about November 15.
The Boers, if they ever entertained the
idea of a real invasion of Capo Colony,
have probably now abandoned it, nun
will devote their whole energies to re
ducing Lidysmith. They have only
about a week to do this. The fact that
they aro inactive indicates that they
are waiting for something which they
feel sure will justifv their delay.
The latest Fstcourt dispatches seem
to hint that the garrison is about to re
tiro further southward.
I. litest Frinn I.ndysinlth.
Loudon, Nov. 11. The colonial
office has received a telegram from the
governor of Nutul, giving a copy of the
pigoou-post message received by the
premier from the commandant of vol
unteers. It Is as follows:
"Ladysmith, (Tuesday). I sent yon,
oremier a, ny native mssenger, a re
port of the engagement that day, but I
am not sure if it reached you, us the
messenger has not returned. Major
la unton. and ncrgeant Mupsoue, of the
Nutul carbineers, were killed. Cap
tain Arnoldt, of the border mounted
rifles, whs wounded. Nino troopers
were wounded, all slightly. All are
doing well. Then- bus Ihh'Ii nothing
important since. The hospital was re
moved to a spot on the railway three
miles south. All was tpiiot Sunday
and Monday. The enemy renewed the
bombardment today, but no dumage
hus been done."
Safe fur the Present.
London, Not. 11, The correspond
ent of the Daily Telegraph at Pieter
maritzburg, telegraphing Monday, says:
"Fstcourt, l'ietermaritzliurg and
Ladysmith lire all safe for some time to
come. Owing to the fnet thut Ludy
smith lies low and the Boers, unluck
ily, having Wn permitted to occupy
Mount Bulnwan and other surrounding
big hills, attempts to open heliogrnphic
communication have proved a failure."
More lloers Aroiinil Klmlii-rley,
Onng. River, Capo Colony, Nov.
It. The Boors investing Kiinberly
liave U'ou reinforced by 8,000 men,
and have succeeded in oorruliug about
05,000 worth of stock belonging to
Kiinberly merchants, which was in
tended for the sustenance of the town,
ltrltlnh Transport IMsahled.
St. Yiuceut, Cupe Verde Islands,
Nov. 11. The British transport Persia,
with a squadron of tho F.nniskillen
dragoons, a hospital detachment and
munitions of war on hoard, has been
towed hero in a disabled condition.
She was picket! up by a tug close to
some rocks and was towed V2 miles
The Charter Oak is in Hartford,
Connecticut, and concealed the char
ter of the colony for several year from
The Mare leVand Mul...
Mare Island, Cal., Nov. U. Tho
striking shipwrights at the navy-yard
aro still out. A committee of the men
held u conference today w th Command
Hit KemfT, who stuted that it wa not
in his power to permit them to return
to rlnish up their work on the Hartford
until he had received instructions from
the navy department.
The Koule Crosses Deep Abysses aud
111,1. Moualalas.
New York, Nov. 18. A special to
the Tribune from Washington says:
Roar-Admiral Bradford ha com
pleted the official naval project for a
trans-Pacific submarine cable between
Sun Francisco and Manila in time to
supply congress with all the esaentlal
information at the opening of the next
session that will permit intelligent con
sideration of the subject and prompt ac
tion for the inauguration of the great
All donbt haa been removed regard
ing tho practicability of the enterprise
by the adoption of Honolulu, Midway
and Guum as relay stations on the long
line, and by tho discoveries made from
the naval-mrvey hlp Nero a to the
character of the ocean bed between
those points. The sounding instru
ments of this ship disclosed an abyss
in the Western Pacific over Ave miles
deep, but a slight divergence from a
straight line fortunately developed a
route avoiding this insuperable obstacle
to luying a working cable. At another
point, on the same stretch between
Midway and Guam, a submerged mouu
tain over 13,000 feet in height was dis
covered, and a reasonably level road
around this was fonnd.
The physical practicability of the
line now having been assnred lieyoud
doubt, it only remains for congress to
weigh the military necessities and com
mercial advantages to accrue from the
construction and operation of the sys
tem. It wa represented to congress
at it last session that the revenue to be
expected from the Pacific cable would
not attract private capital nnlesa it
bad a connection with Australia, Japan
and China, as well as with San Fran
cisco, Honolulu and Manila.
For that reason it was deemed Indis
pensablo that the United States should
own Strouge Island, in tne Caroline
gronp, or a cable landing there to in
sure the working of a loop to Australia.
The absence of this may deter any
corporation from undertaking the oper
ation of a cable across tho Pacific with
out a heavy subsidy.
UL' 1)1 CTFfPrv
Little News ofWhu..
- --...lei
tlOn GiVAn fV .
Another of Bnller'i Tret,,
ui Cape Town-N
How Wheaton'a Army nieerabarkad
Han Kablau.
Munila, Nov. 13. The landing of
the American troop at San Fabian
Tuesday wa the most spectacular affair
of its kind since General Shatter's dis
embarkation at Daiquiri. The co-operation
of the troops aud the navy wa
complete. The gunboat maintained a
terrific bombardment for an hour while
the troops rushed waist deep through
the surf under a heavy but badly
aimed rifle fire from the insurgent
trenches and charged right and left,
pouring volley after volley at the flee
ing rebels. Forty Filipino were cap
tured, mostly non-commissioned offi
cer. Several insurgent dead and five
wounded were found in a building
which had suffered from the bombard
ment. The town was well fortifiod.
Tho sand dunes were riveted with bam
boo 20 feet thick, which afforded a fine
The Cotton Crop.
Washington, Nov. 18. The monthly
report of the statistician of the depart
ment of agriculture will state that tin
most thorough investigation of the cot
ton situation that has been made since
18UA has just been completed. Spec
ial agent from the Washington office
huve visited all the principal points in
the ootton belt, investigating both acre
age and production. Pending the re
ceipt of final reports as to picking, due
December 1, no detailed statement will
lie issued, but the statistician states
that on tho basis of tho highest estimate
of the area under cultivation for which
the department can find any wurrant,
n.500,000 acres, tho crop cannot ex
ceed 9, .100,000 bales. This estimate is
based on the most complete and trust
worthy information.
Swept by a Hurrlrane.
Kingston, Jamaica, Nov. IS. Com
munication with the eastern part of
the island, particularly the section be
yond the line from Morant bay to Port
Antonio, haa been interrupted since
osterday. This evening, however, i
is boinir nurtiallv rn-estuhliahoH an..
advicoi from various points say the
neavy weatner culminated in a tremen
dous hurricane, which, during the
night, completely razed the banana
parishes. Portland, St. Thomas and
Morant bay are reported severely dam
aged. Details are anxiously awaited.
Transport Buffalo He0tted.
New York, Nov. 18. The transport
Buffalo will lie ready for the service of
carrying supplies to the Philippine
next Sunday. In the last three
she has been thoroughly refitted, both
without and within. The Buffalo !
expected to go into commission on No
vember l.V but it is feared that it will
be Impossible to hare her in readiness
CoalmlnerV Strike.
Chicago, Nov. 18. The Record todo
says: The situation in the coal-mining
fields In the southern and western seo
tions of Illinois ha taken a serious
turn, and it is said that many of the
mines may be tied up within the next
48 honrs as a result of the continii.,d
action of operators in sending coal to
iHiints west and southwest whom th.
miners are on strike.
President McKiuley, it ia said, does
not like to do tiling Friday. One or
two aerious accidents have happened
to him on that day.
Dynamited a Rank.
Melvern, Kan., Nov. 13. The safe
and office furniture of tin. t..i, -.,,.
bank were demolished bv an ,.w,i.
of dynamite touched off luu ,,!,.,, i.
robbers, who then looted the place, se
curing oo m nioney and several
thousand dollars in notes and checks.
They escaped, leaving no clew.
Berlin. Nov. 13. The s Po.o-.v-.
uv, vtcinuuiv
correspondent of the Lokal Anteiger re
peat the report that the ,.,,
marching toward the Afghan frontier.
Monument to British
Rentes, Nev. 13. Tho
council has passed a resolution express
ing disapproval of the nroWt ,..,......
ing a monument on the Common to the
memory of the Rritish soldier whose
bodies are supposed to lie scattered and
unmarked beneath the historic sod.
The mayor was requested to withdraw
hi approval of the plan.
O'er Thoaiul Mm.
Winnipeg, Nov. 18. The Northwest
Territory haa offered 1,000 experienced
mounted men to the British go ram
ment for use U the Transvaa
W-.l.rn uror
London, Nov. 18 n..
.1 . I D
-Mini- nan icri- ,., r. ...
. . . . I "'Iu -
Cape Town, ThursdT
liiiv.- nniinil i . J '
eral White today the firj
tximbardment at long ran H
guns continues daily, i , 1
ties are oeeurrii,., I ... . "
I. being done. The lines! 5?
a numner nt n n...... e
"ii"' " irorti tk '
vunl un, b.r . M... . . . v
' I 'K Ol m...
from Ladysmith met
icket. When the
. II.. a i ,. . we
i . I'l' lira ..
,,,, i.i. I. I- M . . ... "
r ...ajur l,te,0(ti
onglneers, was wounded Jr
sendinir a nieaauiru TW. . "V
T l (IU Ifth..
are growing stronger dU;iJT
yij ui uroviiion is auip(u
l lie war office this .
the following: M
"From Buller, Cape Ton, w .
-By message from linlunto :
November 3: A mnull -- ' T
-"UU M .
anal nan v,.. i ... i
. ..aicj, oi rrsasfih
was attacked by Boers SowBkJ
Six men missing and lost convoy"
Tl.o ....... i . . '
.Dpur uaving apis'srcd k
c,. .k. 11.1 . 141
i e- waN uur trtl ou me iieueva flair. Gaaaal I
ler laaiaiiiis i ... r,.it.....i .
. . -:-- uaj wmm
me I am nil mien r. tho ... ... i
- m ciauuini
Diggers' News bv n k .i
.7. W ' vmv.
... i r h ,... i. ., . ..
niu i.oerh: mreef v uft... ,k..
""nun anoi, tno f.uir 11 h thnaakl ,
in, ,ii ,.. .i. .
" " nvio l LIU, mi WAV Hl.lm. ...
.. m
were not, tintuoii
the shots went through an ambuluK,
ah soon us they ound out thslr
take they ceaaed llrinir Tk. .w.
lance was thought to have been thm
mile from the scone of action a a
cannot be claimed the lloers bro'ie tin
roles of civilised warfare, and I do not
think the English onld June fired M
them intentionally.' "
With the arrival at (Jape Town ol
the British truuporu Uoslyn Casta
and Moor, to Ik followed by a contin
uous succession ol troop-lanen lhlpi,
the real campaign in South Africa mi;
be said to have begou, aul the fai'tthil
the first ship named was expected a
iLrntt. Hi liui i mil iiiimuiin,..,.
at least a modification ol the plan
Conditions at Ladytmtth.
iu v- i. V I a i j, . i
the World from Fstcourt ssj-f.
"Trustworthy information ouam
ing the actual state of affair) tt Lfc
smith conies from two civiliimisho
rived today, having escaped frotu
besieged town by evading the Hrita
nuuin nun rn i.iii'u.u .r r.n
line. ' They say that boti uV ton
and the British camp an amoksfr
invested, and that artillery ftri&tW&
and forth is continuous. The letuWii
ment 1 heavy but it effect u nprsi
to be petty. The Boers ue sligkny
superior in strength, but the Enu
force maintain a vigomai Mam
fighting daily. There were tkm
tack on the side of Luriynmit. at
Friday. The accounts previooily
celverl through native ruunen va
greatly exaggerated.
"The main British attack
the Boer batteries, stationed to thtat
ward. The British loss in that Ml
wus about ISO killed or wounded. I
is supposed thut the Boers suffeielt
An Amsterdam Rumor.
London, Nor. 13. Another ma.
emanating from Amsterdam sonr
lays a British regiment was decimiki
Friday by the Free Staten. B
idded that 000 British soldien w
killed and wouuded, aud that w
horse were captured.
Alaskan Hallway.
Seattle, Nov. 18. The White T
& Yukon Railroad has purchased nav
ly $300,000 worth of steel ril
which to extend its line from u
Bennett to Closeligh, a po'ut (,n Ff
Mile river, four miles below the WW
Horue Rapids. Ol this amount .
tons hare been delivered under rush
dera to Lake Bennett, together with
locomotive to be used on the wnctruOj
tlon work between Lake JBmtm
the White Horse Rapids. ,
By June 1 at least, the
company expects to have the rt
completed to the rapide ud m "P'
llled Ills Kather.
. , it
'ol Nov.
m . ii .. ...i .. iiliu
I 1IUI I. N il M11J O l -
south of here, Reese Murtm was
and instantlv killed by his lM-yesN"
son Frederick. The young
ensed his father of striking his n0
A quarrel ensued aud the ,n
charged both barrels of a shotifW
the old man, causing Instant;
He claims that he acted in solf-d'""
Auiu nerker Hanged .
Chicago, Nov. 13,-Augurt
the German butcher, who on Js" v
7 last, murdered his wife, Rachel, j.
afterward chopped up und u""
remains in order to dispose 01
wa hanged in the county jail ttii
ternoon. Becker's neck was not bn
by the fall and it was sixteen n.m
before he waa pronounced ,,,'n,.).
the scaffold Becker protested UI
cence and declared George m
the father of his second wife, wa
real murderer. vty
The case of Becker in manT,. lt (
bore a remarkable similarity to th
Leutgert. Both.of the couden.uo, m
were butchers and the motive oi
crime waa the same in both -desire
to get rid of a wife in order
marry a younger woman.
Two Regiments to
San Francisco. Nov. lS.-The ortT
sixth United Stole, volunteer in
regiment will sail for tW ""Zm
tomorrow afternoon on the a "
Oty of Sydney and Pathan. TM
sixth will be cloaely MtofJL 0
xw. .flreh which will aail MonJ
the transport Senator and Ben