The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 04, 1899, Image 1

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NO 42
is Hood tide...
OF FALL traie has Bet in. It
will increase in volumne day
byday. Alreadyit ripples and
eddies area ml the different sections
of the store. Dress Goods, Cloaks,
Warm Underwear, Blankets, Etc.,
all begin to show signs of great ac
tivity. Wo are pleasing our patrons.
No store can have a better advertise
ment than that. We are here for
that purpose.
Mark the well beaten path that
leads directly to our doors. Note
the people as they come and go. Ask
them the reason why they make
this store the base of their dry
goods supplies, and they will tell
you that they have full confidence
in our merchandizing methods.
That's the secret of our success.
3 inkle liwimi:
i R
i of
Save AiiDilation.
ampton Bros!
a a m m: m
MPBELL BRO . Publishers
it sMo t Willamette street, be
tween Seventh nd Kinlith streets
rates mule krmwn on applicktinn
business letU n to THQ U ARU,
i in all the courU of the state.
fV niton lilock.
krehaaeel the office and fixture, of
fliatir W V Iienuersou, uj
. i in (1... linn lit
fcurtMl v (Hi nyiinu
my in the aoove miu mm,
land bridge work a .specialty.
latches, Chains, Jew
Eng (irouiptly dune.
rk warrauleil.
atain in Cliriaman Uloclc
9 to 11 a m; 12 to 2, 6 to 9 p m.
One half block south of Cliri.uiaii
Married m ,,..sKu.
Cardfi have been receivei! annouDC
Inir Die marriage of idr Warner Wrenn
and Mi-. Mabel Barnard, in Alaska,
on September 24. Mr Wrenn was for
merly n rustling stockman of Wallowa
county, lint went to the Klondike dur
ing the gold excitement, says the
Wallowa Chieftain. He aud and J A
House, another former citizen of that
county, are engaged in the merchan
dise bu tness a short distance from
Dawson City.
Mies liaruard left there some weeks
ago and was accompanied as far as
Skagway by her father, Dr J W
Barnard, of Joseph, where Mr Wrenn
met Iter, or rather where she found
him quite sick lu a hospital. He
rapidly recovered, and after being
married they proceeded to their future
home nc:r Dawson City.
Miss Barnard resided In Eugene for
several years with her parents, and
has many friends lu this city.
Mohawk Railroad. Contractor
Days lis a grand force of graders and
rock tin n ai work on the railroad and
Is rush I ni; work these flue days.
r i
ttention to collections and matters in
. Money to loan on real estate.
kith A C Woodcock.
tea of Women and Children
kelton Blocs, opposite (iuard ornce
Of Eugene.
Paid up Gash CapitaU$50,000
Surplus and Profits, $50,000
Eugene, Oregon.
Done on reasonable terms. Sight
drafts on Chicago, San Francisco and Port
land , Oregon.
Bills of exchange sold on foreign countries.
D eposits received subjectto check or certifi
. Ate of delMwit.
All collections entrusted to uswill (receive
prompt attention
T O Hendricks,
S B Kakim,
Vice President.
E. Snodgbass,
L. H. POTTEll.
Aas't Cashier
Incandescent Vapor Oas
I.lirht The cheapest and
A ., strong' st llht on earth. A
white. rowsrlul. stesdr light 100
WrT- c.'i, less thsn one hall of one
No W...L-. m trim No smoke or
Ichlniii,., to clean. Superior to elec
'.wiyknuit kerosene nowonuis-
erior Fotoarafs
Gross Bros
Machine Shops
Eugene, Oregon.
mill and Mining Machine
bp Stoves and Hop Tops,
Store Fronta
m mad to ordsr.
fc a apedalty.
Shop on East Eighth S treat.
Loan Savings Bank
Of Eugene, Oregon
CAPITAL (paid up '$50,000
. E BROWN, Prtsldsnt.'
B. 0 PAINE, vice Prtsldsnt.
F.W. OSBURN, Cathltr.
w W. BROWN. Astt Caskssr..
w.w BROWN.
A nirnl Banking Business
Trautarted od Favorable Terms
brails issued on the principal cities of the
United -tates; also exchange furnished avail
able In all forelan oonntrta.
lntervl paw on time deposits.
Fire-proof vault for the storage of valnable
BEol'lectlons receive our prompt attention.
Special toar
Ladysmith, Oct. 31.-General White if ports that the Rojal
Irish Kusilleis, the Mouutalo Itattery, und the Gloucestershire
reitinjents surrendered after heavy losses. I he determined attack
male by a large body of Boers was more than the smaller nu.u
her of K.iglisbron OOttld withstand, aud the capitulation was
made to save Utter annihilation.
UeneYal White is reported to be retiring from Pleterruaritz
burg. tin- lortiiuesof ar not being considered favorable for him
'o remain there.
Cape Town, Oct. 31. The Buera are oonatructlog forts for
the purpose of shelliUF Klinbeily, where Cecil Rhodes Is In
trenched with les thau 1000 soldlera. His capture will probably
follow, as a price has been placed on Rhodes' head.
London, O 't 31 The greatet-t couaternatlou prevails In thla
oily aud especially at the war department where news of a most
disastrous character have arrived from the Transvaal.
The war office hns just issued a bulletin admitting that
the Hrltlsh forces of 15,000 soldiery at Ladysmith have been sur
rounded by the Hoers. Whole regiments of Infantry and Ueueral
Whito's Royal field artillery have been captured.
Londou streets are scenes of greatest turmoil ever witnessed
and the surprise of such stupeod ns defeat Is disheartening In Ita
ellects on the populace.
At the war office scene are no less quiet. Usually methodical
and dignified officials are exoited forced to make the confession
that such a disaster is Inexplicable. One of the prominent aec"
retary'ssaid; "We have Inst heavily In many ways, had regi
ments all but wiped nut, but to have whole regiments captured
and by Uoere is terrible."
The battle found about 16,000 English and 17,000 Boera la
The British force waa disposed Id the following order: On
the right three regiments of cavalry, four batteries vf the Royal
field artillery and Ave battalions of infantry ; In the center three
battallona of the Royal field artillery, two regiments of cavalry
and four Infantry battalions, and on the left the Royal Irish
fusiliers, the Ulouoestersblre regiment, aud the Tenth mountain
Hallowe'en, All Hallow Eve, a Nut-
crack Night, are terms applied to the
night of October 31. Its observance
dates back to the time of the Druids,
withwb"mit waa the night of the
yearly harvest festival. Bonfires were
lighted on the bill tops lu honor or the
sun which bad ripened the baiveats.
Later It came to be regarded as the
time wheu supernatural Influences
wereetpeolally potent, when fairies and
elves peopled the forests and goblins
and witches stalked abroati. the
powers of darkness were believed to
hold high carnival as the midnight
hour approached, at the stroke or
twelve the "eerie tribes" fled, to visit
the earth no more until another year.
Fires were regarded as a protection
against the evil spirits. As late as the
(Seventeenth century mention ia made
or carrying lighted torches abroad to
avert the disaster supposed to follow
these supernatural, nocturnal visitors
As a higher degree of Intelligence
has prevailed, these superatlllona bave
disappeared, and today, Hallowe'en Is
regarded as simply a time for amuse
ment, for fun and frolic. Various
ancient and modern devices are em
ployed through which Cupid may be
prevailed upon to reveal the secrets of
the mystic future.
Was Not Alone. Baudou Record
er: It now apars that Coleman
(iillesple, confined In the county Jail at
O (ullle City on the charge of murder
ing Mrs Edaon at Gold Beach tome
time since, denies a portion of the con
fession that be made at Roaeburg, and
has written a statement which Impli
cates others In the horrible crime. He
Pleasant Hill Items.
Oct 30.
Born-To the wife of ('has Wltcher,
October 26. 1899, a boy. The mother
and babe are getting along nicely.
Re? Holden, of the Divinity School,
Eugene, preached an Interesting ser
mon last Sunday.
Quite a numberof people from this
place attended the dedication of the
Christian cburoh at Irving last Sunday.
The school la progressing under the
supervision of O W Milam with the
best of Interest. The state onurse. pre
pared by Superintendent Acksrman,
is usea, ana the school will no doubt
do:ezcelleut work this winter. The
school has made a irood record the
last two years. The first yev's work
of the present teacher, three pupils
graduated, David Linton and Oran
Davis, who are at work with their
parents, and Mm. ley Gilbert, who Is
teaching. The second year, five
pupils graduated-MIss Iua MeK : . ..
who Is teaching, Carl and Dalton
Baughman, who are teaching, and
Mlsa Elsie Parks, who continues in
school, and Ralph Hemphill, who Is
clsrkiog for E U Ingham. Most of
these expect to go ahead with their
education. The pupils attending from
other places this year are: Misses
Myrtle and Fay Buchanan, of Enter
prise; Misses Ruby Bsughman and
Mabel Whitney, of Elndale; sod
Lawreno Holland, of Khson Springs,
and James Calllson, of Fall Creek.
Tbe country school can give the pupil
an Inspiration for an education.
Duo. Albany Democrat, Oct. 30:
"Mr. ferk Ins. the man who waa
now says he did not murder the old brought down from the front several
tEstakllsbs la l8St.,
A Gencral.Bankinu business in all branches
transacted on favorable terms.
A. G.'HOVE. President
J, M. ABRAMS, Cashier;
lady but when she waa being murdered
he was In another part of the bouse
eating a luncb. His written statement
bas not yet been made public.
days ago with a crushed leg, followed
by tbe discovery thst he had lbs small
pox, died yesterdsy evening. His
death was principally from tbe crushed
leg, aggravated by the disease. Tbe
deceased man was about 40 years of
age. A couple of weeks before be
ginning work In the logging camp
where be met wltb tbe accident, be
bad been In Salem. The Moon real-
Salem Journal: The Chinese msn
darin doctor of Portland who bu been
In town several days, went to Albany
today, probably to tbe great re.let or
metropolitan sanitary Interests up
there. His highness wears tbe skull dence, where he died, will be quaran
cap of bis profession, wltb a wire book
through the top of It, and travels wltb
two servant. He has a sacred bone
relic which robbed tbe right way Is a
sure cure for rheumatism. (At least
that Is what some of his patients say,
and tbey are not all Mongolians either.
tlned for tbe full time In such
Kk ovEREfi. The Svarrursd family
bave folly recovered from dlptherla
and tbe flag has been removed. The
home has been thoroughly fumigated
and all danger Is passed
Items lialhrrrd About the (urt
Satisfaction of mortgage 200 (10
Beal estate mortgage 7i 00
teal estate mortgage 4&0 00
Beal estate mortgage 4(J 00
Beal estate mortgage 300 00
Real eatate mortgage 96 00
( battle mortgage 60 00
Satisfaction of mortgage $337 37
Assignment of mortgage 8H0 00
Chattel mortgage 400 00
Notarial coumilaalou tiled: Geo O
The deeds filed are as follows:
George W Masterson and wife to
James B yd, 100 serve lu T It) s r VI w
Clarence Thomson to F H Oagflort,
oue-forlh Interest In the Yellow Bom
lode, Blue River district; $400.
Orrtn Benuett to H P Gllmore,
acres lu T 10 s r (I w; $400.
J I Jones ami wife to James Hemen
way, 30x100 feet in James McFarland's
additlou to Cottage Grove; $1000.
Lane county to J B Coleman, S'2xM
feet lu Eugene, public sijuare properly ;
J B Chapman aud wife to Henry ,
Chapman, 32 acres In TlHsrltw;
Clara Weist aud husband to Charles i
A Smith 1 acre in T 20 s r 3 w ; $86.
R 1, Hablu aud wife to Richard H i
Clow, 154 acres in T 18 s r 4 w; $000.
Orvllle Phelps to Itchecca A Porter,
160.77 acres in T 18 s r 3 w; $1000.
U S to James E Andersou, 100 acres
In T 18 s 4 w; pateut.
Joseph Sunt aud wife to Hattle Wil
cox, 40 acres in T 20 s r :t w; $180.
Lydla J Paxton and husband to
Elizabeth L Davis, 123.10 acres In tp
21 s r 1 w ; $1Vi0.
James 1' Land aud wife to Martha J
Thornton, 80 acres lu tp 21 ir'iw;
state of Oregon to Minnie B Warner,
80 acres In tp 21 s r 4 w; $100.
Eugene Lodge No 11, A F 4 A M, to
E F Chapman, cemetery lot; $1'J.
Lane County to John H McClung,
23x34 feet lu Eugene, public square
property ; $131.10.
William i . Pearce to Scott Wilkin
son, lot r block 1 Delauy's additlou to
Coburg; $10(1.
E 8 I full let inn n and wife to John N
Woods et al, "Veta" mining claim,
Bohemia district; $100.
Thos Calvert vs Wm Johnson et al;
reply aud answer filed.
The Blue River Mining Co, a private
corporation; reply tiled
R M Day vs Horace Westbrook et al;
reply filed.
I) W Wallis v . M S Wallla; answer
filed; motion to strike answer.
B Me Mil i pi iey vs A F Johmou et al;
stipulation tile, I, allowing defendant
until December 1, 1899, to file answer.
M O Wllklns vs J C Goodsle; cot
bill filed.
M O Wllklns vs J COoodale; motion
for unn-sult; action to lie dismissed
without prejudice. Adored.
In the matter of tbeeststeof Isaao
Monroe White; will sdmitted to pro-
bste. Probable value of estate. $1000.
The will bequeslhed the prnierty to
his mother, after paylns- all debts. N
W White was appointed executor
without bonds, as provided lu '.he will.
Estate Johu B Ferguson, deceased;
order of sale of real and personal
Wonuekfui. Powek. W J Brysu
is still a wonderful man. His endur
ance alone makes him so. He Is the
greatest campaigner of this or any age.
Hie task at the present time Is more
than any one man should undertake,
and yet he takes It up after making
speeches throughout lows, Kentucky
and Ohio, lie will make 100 speeches
between now aud the 7th of next
month, in the 9u counties of Nebraska.
He will travel over every line of rail
way in the state, He shrinks from u
fatigue; his energy Is wonderful an
bis capacity for speechmaklng has no
bounds, and everywhere he appears
large crowds flock to hear bin1.
Smallpox at Albany. Monday's
Democrat: There is just one esse I::
Albany now, and that Is varioloid lu a
light form, the case of Al Scott, son of
ex Sbenfl Soott- He recently went
wltb bis father to Eastern Oregon, Just
before be left being exposed to a severe
oase of chicken pox had by a sister.
On renin, in be waa taken down and
his case pronou need varioloid. He la
silling up and Is dolug well. There
ars no other esses of anything of the
smallpox nature notwithstanding wild
Two masked men held up a saioou
full of people In Sumpter, Baker county
and robbed seven poker players.
A tew Of tbe boslness firms of Ninth
street today, cleaned a portion of the
m me Thecitv should have all the
business portion of that btsnwsy
, cleaned at nuee.
Critical Illness of the Vice-President.
turrisio a riisfsi.
New Yokk, Oct. 80. Vice-President
Hobsrt, who has been III for weeks st
his home In Pstefaon, N. J., sutlered a
relapse this morning, tie had a suc
cession of choking -pel!-, resulting
from an imperfect action of the heart,
an old atltictlou, complicated with in
flammation of the stomach. Mi tin.
hart has not been able to attend to bis
The Lucky Boy Mine Will Com
mence Operations Soon.
L. . inmerman and George. Fisher
I rstsritfd from the Blue Blver mines
I last evening. Mr. inmerman, who
is largely Interested with Mr. Sharkey
Ita the Lucky Bfljf mine and the new
mill, was elated over the prospects and
tin- manner in which tbe the mill plant
; is progressing. The boilers are set as
are also the battery of stamps and con
private affairs for (lie past two or three Lij... . ,,, . , . ' .
, , .... aiderahle other iimchinery Is in pusl-
days, and an Intimate tr end has la n ,,, T,M ,. . ., , v .
'i.e. The rtsif Is on the building and
given liwer oi uiiorneyto attend to , . . .,,
"L 1 i carpenters are planking the sides rap
Hie Boer Woathi ny Baallv.
idly. It Is now a positive fact that the
mill, which Is a first class ten
stamp one, will be hammerlm? out
gold before November 1st. A foice of
men are working In the tunnels, get-
Hog OOt rleb quarts, Another force of
T( e mam TZT'i '.he Boh. I- r, - T rulli" ,h w,,,u,," of
pit it - aitupklng Hit It mint.
Ml I UiU'tfllllf It If that Ttiu.e skVIMSj Isa
bu. ikki strong, as re.M.r.ed d the j T their
B.I Isb amy (S1A.000 strong, the Boer.;0'"'"'-, , V'" " r ",B
c, t tbe British (IMS
sneeesaftlll, for the British are ex
ceedingly strong in srtillury and
cavalry of I be very lasst (piatity, and, i Oct 31
no matter how brave the Boers may j 1)r Lt,wll) uud wh() baen
be, 20 W men cannot defeat K..00O ,,.,.,., ,,,(Mrv ln San Fr.uclsoo
trained troops, admirably armed end for a ear, has returned to seek an Ore
Hkillfully Intrenched ,,,
Johu HamlHakei' preached at the
Dexter school house on Sunday at 11
o'clock a m.
Iru MoC.II, of Silver Lake, Is attend-
lou of the Trent
A l rge number of miners aie still
Dexter Items.
Tuesday orr:u
Mra Freeman went to Salem today.
G M Clsrey, of Boseburg, Is In the ""( ""' winter
city. j eobool.
Dr. G W BldlltS visited In Albany ; J K Holbrook and A H Msthews, ol
yesterday.; June, are at Egypt ou a hunting ex-
D. B. Murray arrived home today i""1'"".
from Pun inn. i. Weddings are all the rage about here
Miss Margaret Klnsey arrived home
today from Salem.
L Zimmerman returned to his home
In Portland on the 1:16 train.
J A Burllngame arrived homo on
the 3:1 1 daylight overland today.
I T Nickllu came down yesterday
from his homestead on Fsll Creek.
this fsll. We hear It asserted thst
this Is a sunt ludlcstlon of a oold
winter to follow.
Ferd Parker killed a bald eagle the
other day. It was a line specimen of
that mighty bird. He sent It to Horn
k. Pats, al Eugene to mount.
Tbe Scrivener, Miller, Mooney,
Howard huutlng party returned Satur-
George W Pickett will leave on ft ' day. Thelrauecess was oulv modersts
They express an intention of taking
shot guns, only, the next time they go.
Mr Earle Barhre aud Miss Carrie
Hylaud were married at Eugene Satur
day. They were given an old fash-
visit to San Francisco tomorrow night
Prof F L Washburn went to Y.
qulnft Buy this ftfternoou to look utter
fie oyster bedsst that plaos.
Klamath Falls Express: "Evan
gelist Boss returned Tuesday from
his trip to Fort Klammh aud preached
to a good-sized audience Tuesday even
ing. He departed yesterday for hU
home at Ashland. He tells us he -x-peels
to leave next spring for the Eas
and from thence protases to take a
trip to Paris, aud then to the Holy
land, to lie absent aliogetber about six
Albany Democrat: Among the
Halem eleven who played Ssturday,
the best men In the team were flye men
wltb credentials who had lieen entered
la the law department simply that
they might play on the team, three of
them I .ei m; Mr Savage, a nslem dray
man, and Drs Jessup and Ollnger, two
Salem dentists, old and expert players
Tkls Is a dishonorable method of filling
up steam which s reputable college
like Willamette should not countenance.
i. .lie, i charivari by the young people
au night. rk,.
Christian Endeavor World: Bishop
Wattorsou, of Nebraska, was once mis
taken for a traveling salesman by a
commercial traveler, wbo met him In
a railway train.
"Do you represent a big house?"
asked the traveler of the bishop.
"Biggest ou earth," replied the
"What Is the name of the firm?"
"Lord aud Church."
"Humi Lord and Cburoh. Never
heard of it. Got hrauob houses any
where?" "Branch houses sll over the world."
"That's queer. Never heard ef 'em.
"Ia II hoots stid shoes?"
"Oh, dry goods, I suppose?"
"Yes, tbey call my sermons that
Our Dress
Ladies Umbrellas...
Sll Iks Nssdlst
Sad Covering
JUST arrived now today:
Ladios Wool Union Un
dcrsuits. Childrens Union
HiiitK, 25c. Wo call your
Hpu iial attention to those
goodf, This is the 3d in
voice this year,
Da net tarftt Vs i. J In
Carpels. Late curiam and Rajs
Schook Sho s. hea.j "soles, rrranlsd.
Ask t) sn than.. "