The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 21, 1899, Image 10

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ft' I 111 I I JN 1 I V '
II. ... U LI ImaalllBtlaM,
M.inv 5 ears ago mile Ib-arii wai
ii i rw irt'T mi tlif staff of a Cincinnati
Coulda't iw. v Him Oat.
The bright W l"Tt r I ever
know," said u newspaper man, "wits
n, , r i iiii' any a ram. .us hh-iw uniy ayior. who men ni .ur
elimbei huh going to wall' the spire of in IHfl.V Hi-wan a most persistent fcl
ii... MiMnl tii roriait th cross that nw iifti-r an i t -n. mid that reminds imi
tiippiil tin- Hpire 200 feet alwvn the side- A a little story, abont the last incident ates oi
walk The afternoon M first scaled 100 or UIh earner lie nad oeen assigneu uy
tj .1 MOB of people watched biin t certain Chicago daily to interviow an
AYeSelaUc Preparation for Ah -filtnilatiftg
thcrocdandHr ula
ling ilicStoiuuchs andl3ovcLof
Promotes Digcstiori.Chrerful
iicss anti Itest.Contaln nrilhcr
SMum, "Morphine nor Mineral.
OT Nam otic.
Ktaj of Old a-SAMLELiUUUJl
lm,J.'m SmU-
AlX.Smna SJk -Amtt
Sd '
Jkmtmuat -
,twnn flmrw.
A perfect Remedy for Constipa
tion . Sour S loinac h . I J iarrboca.
Worms .Convulsions feverish"
urss and Loss OF StlCE P.
Tac Simile Sifnnlurc of
For Infante and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
breathlessly as he slowly made hi way
up the outside nt tin' steeple Of lunrMi :
he wan interviewed, and he said IxMtst
nun. nt bishop about a schism in the
hnrch. The bishop didn't want to talk
md wouldn't sec hini. but (lay lor
.lu.! lie I m.I Ilia .lull.
Tl.. re it ii . ! I. .in . lit. .rill New York
with wbom lie power of the daily prau
la nofa a hobby that be raised the Hil
ary of it subeditor who suggesti-d a
Sunday pedal" OB "FatnonH Uradn-
tln- Ki ii-irhTN Id mm, and at
once assigned his l'st dressed reporter
to interview leading Mtbofl along tbla
Una it bappened tbat Hark Twain waa
in New York, and the editor counted
nil him as a striking example of the o
be waa Interviewed, and he Ham nouhi- una wonldn I see nun, mi irajior -.... r -
kmflv that the tank wassoeasv that he bribed a aervant to let him int.. the hall mry value of newspaper training. Hie
t . . - ..I ...... t,. uti'irii kTimcc
could just as well earry a man upon md waylaid the dignitary aa n waa
lie waa ordered out
ry ft The
AfV Kind
III- I'.e k
That noon Hearn aaid timidly to his
rity editor that he had read of the
taenia climber 'i ..ffer and would im
glad b. ascend the apire on bin hack.
t .niing through.
for Ma pains, but next day ho pene
trated the h. nt- ' again on Home pretext
nr other and wan again fired.
He repeated tho exploit three or
'I I... . .litor tried to point out to Hearn four time with similar results, and at
the H-nl of the thiiiK. tut he would , aat the Mh1h.ii comin home late at
not data Finally the ateeple oUnbei niKht, found Iiilly alttinK in hia atudy
ml Hearn aimii-'ed their end of the reodinar thi. Bible. Nobody muld ex-
At the appointed time Hearn mount-
plain how he i?ot in, but tho prelate
wilted and told him what he wanted to
ml the Htocple climber h ahouldera, and know on condition that ho would go
away and atay away.
"Shortly after jioor Gaylor ot gal
loping conaumption and died, and, hap
pening to meet the bihhop at a church
conference, I told him that the youni?
man who had once so uioleated him
would never do it aain.
" 'Let ua hope that he ia in heaven,'
aid a clergyman atanding by.
"The biahop eyea twinkled. Ho
loved a joke. 'No doubt bo ia, 1 be re
plied gently. '1 don't think thoy could
koep him out' "Exchange.
.xact copy or wRAPPcn
You Have
Always Bought.
Uy the Clone Kelatlom of the United
Mtaieaand Hritaln.
Kow Yurk World.)
Charles I) I'ierce, tli Conul
(ieneral in New York of the Orange
h'ree State, received a cablegram
yeHlerday which lie Hniri lie could
not make public, but he wan at
liberty to aav that the l'reaident of
the Orange rree State bad made an
ineflectuftl effort to induce Presi
dent McKinlby to request other
powerlul nations to act with the
United States asarbitrators between
England and tbo Transvaal. Mr
i'lercu added tbat the warm and
now close relations between Ureal
Itritain and the United States pre
vents President McKinley moving
in so momentous it matter.
That Kngland appreciates (he
metal of the foe sho finds in South
Africa in the person of the liner ia
shown by tho immensity of iier
war it .partitions. Foreign Ht;iles
men ncan with anxious InUrwt
Great Britain's tremeuiloua prepa
rations for tlio contest. Hy the re
sult of these effort! Will herstrength
be gauged. In assembling an army
twice as large as that which she
sent to the Crimea, and consider
ably greater than Wellington's foro
at Waterloo, Ureal liritaiu is offer
Id an illustration, for ihe first time
in many decades, of her ability to
light on bind.
The Itoers are full of lighting
blond, ami bavo a great advantage
in the wild nature of the countiy
in which tho war must be fought,
logelherwith climuliu couditioua.but
it d es iion seem that any other re
sult than the (HiRjugatioii of the little
South African republic can ensue.
In the single lighting man there is
no advantage. Numbers and re
sources seem to give Great Britain
lmmensurable ail vantage
Umatilla county euforces cash pay.
ment of road tuxes with good results.
A hardship on many poor people,
but a good change from slipshod
careless methods of road work,
Lane county is getting good work
out of the people in road building
without iuiHisiiifj any undue hard
ship on her citizens, l'hey appre
ciate the benefits of the splendid
roads that h ive been, and are being
built, and little shirking is done by
the tax workers. Crushed rock is
responsible for the change. Under
tbo old way of building roads the
work was substantially wasted.
The people knew it, hence worked
carelessly and with little spirit.
Our road building is permanent,
and tlio people appreciate the
change from the old system.
"High" church and "low" church
controversies divide attention with
the Transvaal war with tlie London
public. The question at issue, over
which a war of words has taken
place, is whether or uot incense
ahili be burnt during the estab
lished church services. It does not
seem that such a question should
excite the nassions of ,,. i ,. I " l''1' 0,11 Ior
, ', 'lOlWie slate road
uemonsirations, hut such is the1
The administration is late iu
moving, but since it got the Philip
pine war from the Spanish bargain
counter is tukiug the right course in
providing an overwhelming force
to end it. Hy December fifteenth
there will be seventy thousand
soldiers and forty five war vessels
attending to business over in Asia.
A good way from home, and
costly, both for money and life, but
President McKinley and his ad
Tisers seek fume and glory in war
oven though it be with inferior
races in it densely populated
country, and the people must grin
and boar it. Tho administration
is in the position of the soldier who
informod his superior that ho had
caught a Tartar. The officer
ordered the soldier to bring him in,
mid was informed tbat he was un
able to do so. Then came the order,
"Cottle in yourself," which brought
the reply: "He won't let me." We
have a Tartar on our hands, aud
can't lot go. Tho people will fix
the responsibility.
the dizzy journey began. Tens of thou
audi of p. op).- watched the foolhardy
pair. At last the croiia waa reached, aud
Hearn left hla perch on tho climlssr'a
ahouldera The mob in tbo street be
low cheered, aud then the two men re
turned to the ground safely.
Hearn went back to tbo office and aat
down and wroto two columns of a story
describing bis aenaationa, and tbo glo
ries of the view bu bad obtained from
the Hteeplo top. Huch a glowing de
wripMoa Of a city MM from a great
height baa never bi-eu read tiefore or
hiii. .. The moat interesting thing about
it waa tho fact tbat Hearn was so near
sighted ho could not see five feet beyond
tbo tip of bis nunc. Han Francisco
Tbr Surronful I n r.
There is a tree in Persia to which the
name "tho sorrowful tree" is given.
PcrhapH because it bloHsoma only in the
(VI ning.
When the first star appears in the
heavens the tint bud of the sorrowful
tree opens, and as the shades of night
advance and the stars thickly stud the
sky the buds continue gradually open
ing until the whole tree looks like one
iuinieiiM. white flower 'in the approach
of dawn, when the brilliancy of the
stars gradually fades in the light of
day, the sorrowful tree closes its flow
ers, aud ere tho m is fully risen not a
single blossom is visible. A sheet of
flower dust as white us snow covers the
ground around the foot of the tree,
which wen in blighted and withered dur
ing the day, while; however, it is ac
tively preparing for tho next nocturnal
festival. The fragrance of tho blossoms
is like that of the evening primrose.
If the tree ia cut down close to the
ns'ts, a new plant slnsits up and attains
maturity iu an incredibly short time
lu the vicinity of this singular tree
there usually grows another, which ii
iilinoft an exact coiintcrpartof tbo sor
rowful tree, but less tei4utifnl, and,
strange to say, it blooms only In the
daytime. St. Louis (Hobo-Democrat.
A e. ..I. Willi . ...... Good I'olnta.
Some yearn ago in an agricultural
district there lived a farmer who wuut
ed to Hell one ..f hia cows. There was
md at that time a weekly piqicr in
which he could advertise, so he rcwilvtd
to follow a local custom and ask tho
vicar of the parish when giving out bis
DOtloM at church to advertise the cow.
"Yea farmer." said tho vicar, "I
should Is. willing to oblige you. but
yon don't attend my church."
Presently, however, they struck a
bargain that the vicar should advertise
the OOW, aud the man in return prom
ised to go to church.
Now, unfortunately the man waa
deaf, and on the Sunday following when
the vicar gave out the banns of mar
riage between Joseph So-and so, bach
elor, niiil Sarah So-and-so. spinster, the
fanner t.n.k it for granted that tho
vicar waa giving out particulars of his
cow and shouted out:
"You might as well say while you
are about it that she ia a most gentle
. rent ure and entirely free fromvico."
Stray Stories.
Occupations Affcet Faces.
"A man's occupation or condition
baa more to do with making hia faco
than moil people think," observed a
gentleman who ia somewhat a judge of
character. "Intellectual pursuits, like
the studies of the scholarly profession,
when conplol with temperate and good
moral habits of life brighten the face
and give the person a refined and su
perior look. Magnanimity of nature or
the love of study and art will make a
bright, glad faco, but contrary to this
a man may have a face that does not
plea, anybody because of a love of self
to tho exclusion of others, notwith
standing his learning and worldly
shrowiUieaa. Soldiers get a hard, severe
look; rojiorters look inquisitive; mathe
maticians look studious; judges look
grave, even when off the bench; tho
man who has bad domestic trouble looks
all broken up.
"An example of the ludicrous side of
this subject is to see a third class law
yer stalking around a police court look
ing aa wise as an owl. The business
niak.-s the face, I say. Therms the mer
chant's face, the ministerial face, the
lawyer's face, the doctor's face, tho
hoodlum's face, all so distinct each
from tho other and singly that I seldom
fail to recognize those calliugs shining
through tho faces. And what city bred
boy cannot recognize a gennine farmer
the moment he sees him on tbo street?"
Washington Star.
Those who help themselves are,
generally, the best helped. The
roads out of Corvnllis were in bad
shape and the county could not, or
would not do anything. The citi
zens took hold of the matter with
this result as reported by the
"Mote than $100 per dty is now
being paid out tor the Improvement
south of town,
community is
Wanlril n llnimtril IIiiuip.
The following curious letter was re
cently rcechod by a house renting
agency iu Loudon:
"Have you a reputed haunted house
on your books T I urn not afraid of
ghosts. I do not as a matter of course
lieliovo in their existence, and I am
willing to live in a house for a long or
short term by arrangement Of course,
rent friiv Should there bo no ghost,
then, if you wish it, I shall be willing
to testify en oath to tho fact Hut
should I see an apparition 1 will keep
the matter necret and only acquaint
you with the circumstancea. I will
pledge myself not to pander to local
gossip. 1 have a small income on which
I can subsist. My solo object iu thus
applying to yon is to be allowed to live
iu a place in which I do not Dead to
pay any rent. "
Tho Inquirer was Informed that tho
firm had no haunted houses on its hat,
but would inform him when it had.
How to Kill Thrm.
Although every konsekeeicr may not
be a member of a band of mercy or hu
mane society, sho can help on the good
work if she will practice Home of tho
society's rule. For example, let her
bear in mind that crabs to be properly
killed should before Ixiiling bo thrust
through tho month and Uly with u
sharp steel at one blow.
V hen a lobster Is required, insert n
narrow bluded knife int.. the third joint
of tho tail, severing the spinal cord.
This will cause instant death and is
much loaa cruel thau to put it into the
water alive, especially if it is not boil
ing, as the lolwter then suffers a slow,
lingering death.
Terrapin also should bo mercifully
killed before liciug cooked.
The eel tribe is said to bo a terrible
sufferer from man's inhumanity to fish.
So difficult is it apparently to kill eels
that teople have even ceased to try to
kill them at all. If their heads were cut
off before they were otherwise handled,
they would at onco bo out of misery.
Buffalo Express.
Jack Itrdrrntrd lllniseir.
A mother, iudignaut to find her lit
tle son very low in his class at school,
exclaimed wriithfully:
"I am out of all patience with yon.
Jack I I should just like to know why
Goorgo Jones is always at the head of
his class, while you aro alwavs at tho
foot I"
Jack hesitated for a moment, and
then, looking his mother squarely in
tho fact, he said innocently
ou forget that Jones has verv
This looks like the
I able W take care of itself, and is
(determined to do so. The list of i
It is said that Joseph H Choate, i Be who lmve far OOOtributad clever parental" Tit-Hits.
tbnnew ..-ol,, .I,- V i o I"1' improvement, appears ill tnis
he new ambassador to Kngland, l h h u The wh) ,g
uoiiars in i Here are others to whom t he paper toother people what a lot of money
.i.i.;,: . .t -a , i ...... . r .i . i m ... . , , . ,
He nas not yt i won presented. i ht'Y
II en i of the Earth.
It is well known that a great deal of
effort has been put forth iu all tuirts of
tho world where mining is carried on
to a groat depth, to determine us a sat
isfactory average the iucreaso of the
earth's temperature with depth. A few
years ago it was commonly assumed to
be 1 degree for each 110 feet in depth,
but more recently deeper workings un
der other conditions have led to the Ih
Uel that it is something over 'J00 feel
for each degree of incri'iisisl tempera
ture. It hi admitted, however, that tho
depth to which minlug has thus far
been carried is so shallow as compared
with the great distance to the center of
the earth tbat it is really not known
what the average increase of tempera
ture with depth ia Observations made
at the varions places have Isvu w here
tho surrounding conditions were so dif
ferent that the Units were not satisfac
tory, as, for example, those made in
tho Lake Superior and Nevada regious.
the legitimate practice of 1
bai been the attorney in some oil ondbobUdlj aid in swelling
. i... r....j ii
.or num.
the most famous suits of the age.
He is a man of supreme aeU-pos--ion,
and never allows him to be
thrown from his balance. Ho
claims that he has never lost a
night's sleep in his life from anx
Dewey barely got through the
naval academy at the foot of of his
class. Captain Carter, now in
prison for embcizlement of govern
ment funds, passed with the highest
they might have if they t.ok his advice
never has auy linns, U Atchison
A light and trilling micd never takes
in great ideas and never ucc.n.iplishos
Rhodes, multi-millionaire nv thing great or good. - Sprsirne
'Try a
and promoter of gold miuea and
diamond fields in South Africa, is
ooopod rjp in Klmberb with less
than a thousand troops, while the JACKSON SQUARE
lioera have not less than ten thou
sand men, and entire enutrol ol the
surrounding country. Kimberly,
if. the center of the diamond field,
and is about tire hundred miles
from the coast at and above the cape
from either aide.
Sc Cigar
-"Julius Boldsmith's
All Popular Brands
OfClgara for sale.
Eugene and Junction.
Aa 1 n ii. i Discrimination.
"This idea of making you take ont a
license for a dog is all wrong. ' said the
dog owner. "It is unjust discrimina
tion." "Oh, I don't know!" answered the
man who had just come from the coun
ty clerk's office. "In most places yon
have to take out a license for it wife
"But yon don't have to renew it ev
y year, " returned tho dog own, r In
an aggrieved tone. Chicago Post
Obrdlcnt to the Letter.
Bobbie's Mamma Now, mind, Bob
bie, if thuy pass yon the cake a KKond
time at the party you must say, "No,
thanks; I've had plenty," and don't
you forget it
Hestoss (at the party) Won't I :..'. i
have some more cake ?
ik'ooie (who hasn t forgotten
Nope, thaulcs; I've had enough an .1, n
Ton ferret it I Cleveland Plain Deah r
H Hutchinson and wife have re
turned to their home near Goshen af
ter a several months visit with a son
near K.llenaburg, Washington. Mr
Hutchinson reports good price for all
kinds of farm produce In tbat country,
xopt wheat, whioh hovers about the
fltty cent mark.
Portland Telegram October 10: The
frosty nights laat week damaged the
local grape crop, which was almost
ready to W .-athervd Kr.'ll IV,... nk.
baa three acre devoted to grape cul
ture near Mllwaukle, waa one of the
sufferers, and estimates hla loaa at
boot lb oo.
reporter was ordered not to spare Bjiace
f ,: the interview. Vet when the article
appeared Mr. Clemens' name was con
iplcuonary absent It was this way:
Mi. Clemens received the reporter
with his cnstoinary urbanity, though
he shrugged his shoulders whon he
learned what paper the young man rep
resented. As usual, Mr. Clemens was a
most elusive man to pin down to an in
l,.rviU' lint n t Inst tho ronorter (fath
ered his wits and asked the question blgh tide the vessel was move. I some
hOblHVMrr B.-Ibi Had a Dangeloui Kl
e,ience at Hluslaw liar
Last Week.
Klo.enoe Weil, October ts.
Leal Sunday afternoon about '1
o'clock, v. I, lie the schooner Bella was
trying 10 aall Into the Hluslaw river,
she waa driven ashore on the south
spit by adverse winds As It was Just
before high tide aha eooM not get oil at
that time. NeVM of the ttllatMp was
brought to Florence and a messenger
was sent to Ya.piina after the Htbarls.
Scows were taken down by the
Lillian and the freight l0 the Hella
was aiaded on them Hiid brought to
iMiucnce. The RobortR arrived Mon
day and assisted In the work. At
Do You C
..I wa
which he meant should point his article.
Mr. Twain," ho asked, "to what
200 or 300 anl- toward (be river, ud
on Tuesd y she was lake i nearly to
ono thing most of all do yon owe your : the chain . I. Wcdiusday the effbrta
mnrvelons Huccesa in literature?" He
had counted on "my newspaper train
ing" was the answer.
The famous humorist half shut his
eyes, thought a few moments in silence
and then said decisively, "To the fact
that when I was young and very ambi
tious I lost my job."
"May I ask what waa your job, Mr.
Twain?" exclaimed the puzzled re
porter. "Certainly, sir, certainly," replied
Mr. Clemens, with great suavity, "I
was a reporter. "Saturday Evening
Where' Yonr Dead Spot I
Most people have doubted their eyes
when at some conjuring performance
they have seen a man run needles and
pins through both cheoks. evincing no
pain as he does so. In reality every per
son has hundreds of senseless specks of
skin ull over his body through which ho
could run pins, or even cut them ont,
without feeling any pain. If some one
else wero to do so when he wus blind
folded, ho would not bo even nware of
tho fact. Physicians call them dead
spots, and tho reason that one man can
sew his cheeks up while another could
not is simply because the former hap
pens to have many hundreds of these
spots in one place.
These dead HjMits are caused by tbo
minute nerves which convey every sen
sation to tho brain being either absent
in th. se particular places or dead and
.senseless. Hut shonld any ono of our
readers allow himself to lie blindfolded,
and then get ono of his friends to prisi
him very gently with a cleun needle,
say all on one arm, out of every hun
dred pricks ho will feel only about 60
or 70 nt the most.
In tho other cases the needlo will
havo touched dead spots. Cincinnati
Genernl Grant's SoKKCatlon,
An official who qnite generally knows
what he is talking about was dilating
tho othtr afternoon upon the funny
hopelessness for all reasonable purposes
of many of the little creeks and rivers
tor the "improvement'' of which con
gress is asked to appropriate mouey un
der the riv. r and harbor bill.
"When Graut wus president." said
this official, "bo used to alternately
chncklo and fulminate against the ex
penditure of good government coin for
the Improvement' of measly little
streams that ho himself knew could
never bo made fit for any human pnr
pose. There was a Virginian who, fail
ing to get congress to stick in an ap
propriation for the dredging of a little
stream down in his section, finally im
portnucd Grant in the matter.
" 'Let's see,' said Grant musingly,
'I believe I crossed that stream in 18(14,
wasn't it?'
"Tho Virginian, who remembered
Grant's crossing of tho stream, replied
" 'Look here," said Grant after a
panse, his faco lighting up suddenly,
'why don t you macadamize it?'"
Washington Post
were crowned with success and the
vessel was floated off and lowed to
The vctirel is uot leaking much, as it
tiaik bu' a few mi lutes to pump out
the water before she was finally pulled
oft the spit.
After au examination i was found
that the schooner was but slightly
damaged and she will be ready for
another tilp lu a few d..ys. Fortu
nately the ocean was uot rough or the
vessel no hi have gone to i,iece.
(uKhKcr. Pendleton B O: "The
Astoriau is rapidly becoming a first
class newspaper under its present
management. Astoria's business men
and property owners should lend it
every eneotirgemeit, as Its Influence
is bound to increase as It becomes mor6
and more of a newspaper, devoted to
the luterests of that section of the state.
The Astoriau's present appearance
gives its readers outside of Astoria an
excellent opinion of the town and its
future, and strengthens public opinion
It nrt I fl-! fill. i.iv.11
xvdiiire in strengthening and
ouucungino exhausted dlrattii
I'll IK If lull,.. !!,. 'I At. " .
ant ami ionic. o other prtpi
an ,i i eoacii n ip on c enrr.
tfniill v r,,li,..,j I , IV"
an L ii. i i' oi i lie eiiv ii ine Men. i in.K..K.i.. l.i. . .... ..
'J-.V',., jo, nt' -lion, nan
I IM' nt le ni'U i , i -... r ilHl rve.l e sin.- 'itn i.t v.. .or -l ..
ported, is worth more to a town tban "'J'1 "eaaacne.v-ia- rulifia.Crampt,
o .... i ir.sui.soi ; IM-'Tlrrrrt'I
.... 1 mm i ued uiiu. mJ
W Nell I I , . i t '
.. .. - --- ..vuiu, 1
OK, II U , .1 I 1.1
cure itwlf in
a few dari ;
of course the
cough I ng
and spilling
of mucus
lasted hcv
nil uis-l'M
but nller a Ijl
' I U U II 1 u
would sub
aide. I al
ways no
li. ..I, how
ever, that
... i. i .i
i-iu it i .iiii as Wor-,. i . ..
throat seeme.1 I ,MtW
.1. 1 . 1 . -, T .
. - 1 1 . i """ ' Urti,
H I I u-tis .. .. .. r: -i . "'II
the wav it arte.! n. r ' . A I
1 was well. My throat WtiS
as could lie. Since il .fi'f-
trouble. I think Acki-r
treiiL-theiis the 1i.1Ip..iH
lliat it easily resists t,,.(
ture. uiiillthiiilUii,.ii. ..
. Oie.lI'M n -
' LlBbfi.
251 Gold fggt
Rolil UlOfe Ml ....I:. . 'l'
the I lilted States in, J cVT
j .... r . -""H'ul'
i imi. ai is -ii i. .... -a . . si. if , .
your druggist, and art nT N
Vraulhoriir M.-.'
r. tl. HOOKER 4 CO., .wT
For Sale By VV lD,1t,
U as really frue,,"'
id home treatment , ,
.Id me about Acker'- rjTJ
MM V")
.illnli.i r
Il.MnsA.. I.,L. X -
usia ivnai von
a dozeu weak, puerile, starving sheets,
rteklng with hunger, indolence and
prDard ty t. c. L. wittaco ch
VIMCENT & tlJmtrlruiStin.
The following beautiful lines were
written by Oregou's great poet, Bam
'Tu thy crystal deeps inverted
Swings a picture of the sky,
Like those glimniering hopes of Aldenn
Dimly in our dreams tbat lie."
Referring to the Willamette.
And this about our mountains:
"Where the lords of the mountains are
In a luster of silver and pearl,
Aud the shadows of ages are drifted
In the banners the forests un
furl. Where the Oregou's gathering waters
Go down to the strife of the sea,
And Willamette meanders and loiters
Hy mauy a lea"
V 'if
l.i .1.
( Vri-irj VtLa,
iHftl altus.. or rxceu audi
... : , a..t.
n'ni ir'rt'i 'Atii'i-lin
- r' i mm"W
a,-.. 4-.,. tt - f
I I . Haf" 1 LI (J UiC 1,1
St.. . '-.t 1V u .i I .Jl HT IK.IX.D
.111 i.tMF. 'i-tt 1 b .1.1 L
'.oo do cure o. luiiuim
tt v 1.1 w i j. t . . .i.iii rn
Knr tiale W L DlLAW Drum
v VI R
IClcam . and
Never FlU
I llkir o ill
I Cure. CD d:i
. i
Told of Daniel Boon.
"Whar yer goinT"
"Goin west, stranger."
"When yer goin?"
"Goin now, stranger."
"Ain't got no boat. How yer goin
ter git crcrossH"
"Boat I Thank er crick like this
hero's goin ter stop me f Goin tor ride
cross, Btrnnger.
Ho meant what he said, for the
speaker was Daniel Boonr, and ho sat
his horse, gun iu hand, on tho bluffs
where tho custom house iow stands and
trazod across that "crick," tbo mighty
Mississippi, toward the west "whar ho
wnz goiu.
This was further back than the mem
ory of tho oldest inhabitant of Memphis
extends, but tradition savs that it took
ten men to hold Daniel to keep him
from wading his horso across tho Mis
sissippi. Memphis Scimitar.
FALL1 899
TXTT iimrD i
Samples are here. Come and let us t ike youa
measure and L'et vou a perfect fittine Tailor-1
Made Suit, as cheap as you can buy a h and-1
ail in
i iw nil
DAY &.
nirrrnriiT niTTsiia m v a earn uw
i t-t.vui.iii un i luiv i l arm m
iu stLttl FROM AT w
Auction Sale...
A Had Symptom.
"Has GiHirgo ever hinted that he had
thought of yon as a possible wife?"
asked tho anxions mother.
"N'o," replied the girl, a faraway
look in her eyes, "and I'm afraid he
never will. "
"Why," said tho mother. "I
"It doesn't matter what you thought,
mamma, dear," Interrupted the daugh
ter. "Only last night ho complained of
feeling drowsy, and it wasn't tt o'clock. "
HI Buy I line.
Mosely Wrags I never was so busy
as I am now, mum.
Mrs. Smith What are you doing?
Mosely Wrags I'm lookin fer a job.
Baltimore Jewish Comment.
We generally aro much more ready
to say that we cannot afford it when it
is a qneatton of some one else rather
than ourselves being benefited. Phil:
delphia Times.
An exchange says: "Pague Is more
of a 'weather observer' tbat a forecast
W H Weatherson editor of the
Florence West, is In the city. He say
times ate lively ou ihe lower Hiuslaw
river and everybody busy. The run of
salmon lias been light all season and it
is now most too late to expect a large
run tefore the cloae ot the eeaeon, No
vember 10th. The work of extending
the jetties is being pushed by the contractor.
Having concluded to retire from tin
Real Clothing. Dry Goods
and General Furnishirgfioois
EtisinesH in Eugene, I shall offer Byf tntlrt fj$ZEZ IN
(Joodn, Hoots ana Shoes and Furnishing Goodi t P w ri-nx
to commence SKPTEMHHK ii, 18911, at 1 0 VTsffki
and continue eaih afternoon and evening until "
pond of.
Sales at 1 and 7 o'clockeach afternoon end eveiw
The store buikliug will be for rent. .
Juactioa City : Milling f:eiapaa!(
y vu J; v. U(Ul UUU1 J 11 Hit fcaj- -
heading grocers.
. ...... IMr.1 "
(.' . .1 -. . Wi.i ai'."
. ' . ' l: '. F '
I! rnpof"1''' n' w
llnhii.'. .u.-f.-nrjai.wm"4"""
lrtM.-. il.
laMlrrarrk : in't8)l
Eni'M rIM lin T7 . .,
IBnanr'nl Mtni.. .
eH ia BkMai Raaa. ar lutauaiioo.N a L I . . J .-r o"-