The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 07, 1899, Image 1

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$1.00 $1.25
Tl?ey l?aue 90 Equal,
member cl?? piaoe.
mm brqs.
This is where we shine
ELLBRO.. Publishers
ttihle ot Willamette street, be
ta Seventh mi. I Eighth streets
Li mule known nn application
Hnw letter to THE HUAKD,
Ell the courta of the state.
1 Dlock.
L.I the office and fixtures of
teil W V Henderson, 1 am
io ilo anything in the line of
he above saiil otnee.
ridge work a specialty.
E.r.K in
, Chains, Jew
miptly done,
t'X, 11 1).
I inChruuian Block.
11 a m; 12 to 2, G to 9 p m.
Women and Children
Block, opposite Guard office
lo I ! N KVA TI,AW,
lif block south of Cbrlsman
LuExt, Oregon.
Goshen Items.
Sept 30, '99.
J M Berkshire and family will soon
move to Cottage (irove.
Hopplcklug is over in this sonUou.
The Keeuey yard being the last one to
get done picking, the same being done
last Wednesday noon. The product of
this yard is 62 bale.
Mr and Mrs H Hatohinsou are i x
peeted home from their protracted
Tisll in Washington.
School will commence Monday Oct
2, with Miss Belle Millican as teacher.
Mr and Mrs Nelson Hwaggart are
down from Atheua, Ore, on a business
One of the most pleasant social gath
erings of the season was the occasion
of a "aeoirraphloal" party held at the
pretty lit le home of Mr sod Mrs J H
Hamilton Thursday evening, for the
bene'U of Rev Corners, pastor of the
ME church. Home thirty-live of their
friends were present and most hospita
bly euteriaiued by the hoot and hostess
who were assisted by Mr Nye, Mrs
H's sister, of Portland. In the geo
praphioal guessing contest, which was
the principal feature of the evening,
B K Keeuey won the first prize and 8
E Elliot the booby. Miss Nellie Hamp
ton and Miss Bobwerlng of Eugene
were among the guests.
Or Eugene.
Paid up Cash Capital,S$50r000
Surplus and Profits, $50,000
Eugene, Oregon.
1 i. ... nn Mixin
drafts on Chicago, San Francisco and Port
land, Oregon.
Hills of exchango sold on lorelgn countries.
Ueuosits received subjectto check or certifi
cate of .It-, .. wit .
All collfctlons eniruswo. 10 us.wm i
prompt attention.
I to collections and matters in
Busy to loan on real estate.
la C Woodcock.
loss Bros.'
NDRY and
iWhine Shops
Puwme, Oregon.
fid Mining Machiner
pvcs and Hon Tons.
. vniai
East P;.,i,.i. att
...n .... . n .
T G K,
3 B Eakir,
Vloe President.
P. E. Ssodobass,
Aas't Cashier
' i-hed IMS.
unn hutinott in 3 nranrnni
I.I a a si a
HOVE?. Preaidenu
RAMB, CeehJer,
F. L. Gilman & Co. Have Made
an Important Discovery
on Quartz Creek.
F. L. Oilmau A l'o. have discover. . I
a rlult placer eialai In the Blue Kiver
mining district, on tiuartzcreek. It la
locited at thejuuctlon of Lucky B,.y
OH ek and several other saisll creeks.
I'll-gravel Is ijuite extensive mid will
take a good force of men several jreafS,
at least lo work it out. Toe gravel on
top pays ii cents to the pan. We were
bIiovii some of thegold, one of the
nuggets weighing $1.00. A hole Iihb
been suiik ten feet in depth without
finding rxdroek. Water can easily be
placeil on the claim.
Several men will leave for the claim
the Utter part of the week inking with
them sluice boxes and provisions. A
cabin will be built at once aid v.oik
will be prosecuted with vigor on the
mr. unman in a practical ."oulicrn
Oregon miner and is confident he has
a valuable mine.
killed hy a LITE wihK
lYrrlule death of an Hei-trieiiin
iwuut's fats
IOf Eugene, Oregon1!
CAPITAL (paid up) $50,000
W. I. BROWN, PrStlStnt.''
B. 0 PAINE, Vice President.
F.W, OSBURN, Cllhltr.
W. W. BROWN, Aast CllKlerj
A General Baaklng Bnalnesa
Traneacted on Favorable Trrana
Dralts Hsued on the principal cities of the
United i1 tales; also exchange furnished avail
able In all torelsn countries.
interest paid on Ume deposits.
Fire-proof vault tor the Morale of reJoab e
oUectloni receive our prompt attention :
Incadeecent Vapor Oai lamp. Arreted
by insurance compen cs. sale and eco
nomioal. Inspect It at
of the
'Superior Fotoarafs
Grunt's Pass, Or., Oct. L Moon,
electrician aud light man hi ths cm-
ploy of the Oram' !'...- Wutcr, Light
& Power Company, was killed shindy
before six o'clock thin evening, while
working on some new wire, b. nig re
placed on account of the recent tire.
message had been sent to the electn-
ciau not to turn on the current until ti
o'clock, but it did not reach lilm Ix-fotu
the regulur time for turning on the
fter receiving t lie .-hock. Moon
bung for an instant on the crossbeam,
and then fell heud f reuiost tothes'reet
a distance of fully '.to feet. Medical aid
was immediately called, hut lie was
beyond all help. Mr Moon hud lived
iu CJ runt s Pass lor VI years. He was
about IB years of age, and left a wife
and sou of 18 years.
lutcrcollegiate Foot Ball.
At the meeting of the delegates from
the Western Oregon colleges held at
Salam Saturday K C Waters, of the O
A (', was elected president, and V M
Bishop, ot the U of O, secretary. Dele
gates from the U of O, O A O, Pacific
University of Forest Grove, Willam
ette University of Halem, and Albany
college were repreeated.
The membership feu was placed at
$10 and a $10 pennant voted. The
schedule of games was al ranged as
follows witli the places to be chosen
November 11th Willamette L'ulver-
slty vs Pacific University; Albany Col
lege vs Oregon Agricultural College.
November IStii Game to lie played
between tin winuers of the two names
played on the preceding Baturday.
November 30th Game between win
ning team of second game anil Uul
verslty ol Oregon.
Quite a Kali,. Mrs B H Miller,
while going home Ksl night, attempt
ed to walk across the new sewer uear
the Prof Bailey property, but made a
mis-step aud fell to the bottom of the
excavation, a distance of about ten
feet, Bhe was bruised up considerably.
Today she is sulleriu from the left
ankle being Bpraiued and a number of
painful bruises. Mr Miller says no
lights were displayed near the scene of
theaccideut. If the Injuries are per
manent, Mr Miller saya he will sue the
Olty for damages. A lady fell in the
same sewer on East Bixth street.
Anoiheb Student. The DalleB
T-M, of October 2d. "K LI Daven
port, who for some time past has been
a cleru. In Pease A Mays' store, left
this morning for Kugene to enter the
Divinity school of the Christian charch
at that place. Mr Davenport Is a mem
ber of the Christian church of The
Dal e?. On Saturday evening the
young people of the church gave him
a fan-well oartv. and at the close of
the evening service yesterday, Rev
Rushing gave a short address in behalf
of Mr Davenport."
Game Law. Oame Warden Qulmby
was decided that the limit to the
number of birds which can be killed in
a day does not apply simply lo one
Kind, but that a hunter can kill only
fifteen of all kinds combined. Deputy
game wardens are authorized to ex
amine game hags thai have a too full
appearance. Birds cannot be sold, but
they can be shipped as gifts to friends
and the express companies may receive
them for that purpose.
Makkiaoe Ln knme. A marriage
license waa Issued this afternoon by
County Clerk Lee to James A Lewla
aud Emma J Plait.
DmIapaMal ik in the ttroap
Owned bj u ., .m. Men.
Cottage tirov, , Or , Oct. 1. A group
of mines In the lb. hernia district, ba
longtOf toe Mtn. tana company, repre
sented by J D Fletcher aud II 8 Uc.t,
H a--uuilug considerable Important..
Tne cnuipuuy owus a group of live
claims, on which Is about 1800 feet oi
tunnel work. On tl.e Mary K. Ihey
have three level., from lis) to 300 feet
Ben, which is showing tip remarkably
well. Oo No S level, where they are
at work now, the ledge is eight bat
wine, but the pay streak is only M
in. !,. - wlile.
They have let a contract lo ruil Ui
' . further on this level this winter.
Che on average! from f" to $20 jht
ton, allowing some free gold. The
c niuanj is i to do a large amouut
of development work before placing
1 mill.
Aged Albany Lawyer Dead.
Albouy Piuiocrat, Oi l. .
Judge JO Powell, Albany's oldest
practicing lawyer, died tit Ills heme at
2 o'clock this morning, of a complica
tion of diseases, including paralysis, at
the advanced age Of 78 J( ars. He only
l"fl his office a few days previous to his
death, as justice of the pence trying a
cise about a week previous. Albany
thus loses its oldest lawyer, Judge
Powell having practiced law eotttlua
ally iu this city for almost forty years.
He was boru in New York state aud
came to Oregon In ISi.S, locating in
Albauy In 18(H), since which time he
has played an Important part iu the
upbuilding of tho city and county,
leaving a clean record for Uj right con
duct and lionet t dealing,
J 0 Powell was born in the town ol
Lee, Oneida county, New York, Aug.
la-1, where he obtained his educa
tion. He studied law in Central
Square aud was admitted to the bar at
Watertown. Came to California in
1S5 and two years later to Oregon.
i lencal optimism.
"How Is tlie world using you, pas-
tm?" was asked of a hannv itinerant
Methodist preacher in Georgia, accord
ing to the Haybrook Gazelle.
"First class, sir, tltst class."
"Nothing to complain ot, eh?"
''Nothing at all, sir nothing at all.
The festival for the benefit of the new
organ came out only fSO in debt; the
fair for the new llghtnlug rod was ;'.n
behind, and the watermel-ui party for
the new bell was (20 short, but the
parsonage did not bum down until six
weeks after the pound party praise
the Lord."
.ik KKcouaiTioa
Some 1 , in
Ffoaj t lie
I tines.
Both Boats Becalmed and Time
Limit Not Made.
special 10 Dm Beard,
New York, Oct 3.-Tne first race of
Utt International series betwei ti the
American yacht Columbia and the
Bntl-h challenger Shamrock waa
Bailed today over a course of 15 miles
to wlutlward and return, oil Sandy
Hook. The start was made at II
o'clock from Handy Hook lightship.
Both I. ruts wi re becalmed and could
not finish lu the lime limit, cutis. -quenUjr
that will bo sailed again. The
Columbia led throughout the entire
race showing superior qualities in a
light wind, but the Shamrock gained
ou the last half of the lace.
ZS Cat her was down from Saginaw
Hon S II Friendly went to Portland
Farmer Oeo A Dorris was iu town
Dr W W Oglesby of Junction, is in
the city.
M L Applegato of Klamath Falls, Is
again In the I' of ().
Mrs Minnie 1. Washburn arrived
home Oils afternoon.
a a bealnMa way Bogene is realiz
ing quite a pit lit from the trade com
tig lo that ell) from Hie Blue Kiver
Bd vV r, 111 Warner and AJ
LneUB, lati if Nel.ruska, left Sunday
lor tne Blue River miner, where they
will prosp.i t for gold quartz. Hue's
hoping they strike it rich.
Win Kobe ami De Witt Roberta
oe dm Uevra beej the Blue HI vet Tue.iUy 011 li.islueas in coi.liec
Hpa wiih the .It vein: ineut work Mr
Robe Is i-iigatt'd ill 111 that district.
Tiny ret 111 ned yesterday.
The Bine Rivet mining dlettiotJ'lB
; taking on nil he mr of a regular mill
ing camp. Hull has been luslltuhd
fin the Lane DOUDtV circuit (Niurt
by tlie Itlue Hlvcr Mining tun
Bn wn-vi!lei Aguluabio's im,e ( oninilasleajen Do
t Mean Business Otis Asks
I .icoiiultioiial Sin render.
Washington, Out 2.- A dlspulch
from Oeueral Oils was rtc. ivnl at the
waa department this mortilDg, giving
an account of his meeting with the
insurgent envoys.
General Otkeeldthe interview with
Agultialdo's indicated
that the leaders Mere maneuvering
solely with a view to secure recognition
of the insurgent government. All such
nvcrlutca wen r. ject. d, and the envoys
were lofOrmtd thai the only thing the
United Slates will recogulzn Is a white
Uag Mini 1 1 ie croiindlug of arms. He
I I ' informed Iheeuvoys (hat such ca
pitulation on the part of the Insur
genta should co-tie quickly In order to
avoid the eotisoqiieucis of active war,
as 'lie United States does not intend to
pany igalnet Frank M
otheis whereby the company
asks for an Injucllou restraining dr-
(endaota from loterfertog with piaiu-
tlll's pioperty, The , . ' It asks for
f'-'iK) daiiiagts. Abo several arrests
have beeu made lu the district, the 1
parlb s 1 1 olved U'lng accus. il (,f eteaja
iug mlDlng tot Is Ir. 111 the oil III of
John l),.w uer, a negro miner.
ml permit any delay lo the matter.
The I sunl I. 111 Accident.
their Troops Mobilized Kapldly
British Reverses Predicted.
Isi.MHiN, Oct. 2. The general drift
of news indicates that the position of
tlie Itritish troops In noulli Africa Is
critical, owing to the dolay lu sending
reinforcements, mid in the event of
hostilities early reverses are regarded as
probable. The latest advloea show
that the Transvaal mobilization has
been rapid and comprehensive. Many
lloeis, It is said, did not wait to be
D B Murray, superintendent of the BOO yesterday. Ben and Jam, a ltuck
The Chinese pheasant, are not the
only sull'erers through the open bird
season. Occasionally the DUDtef gets
son f the shot intended for the bird. commanded, but proceeded to the bor-
Here Is a case from Marion county der spontaneously. It Is calculated
reported by the Albany Democrat ol that the orange Free Htate already has
1 leteber -': 7000 men ou the border.
"The first gun accident of the open , mt
- eaoO reported, nappeni I near Jell'er
Noonday Mine, Is lu the c'ty.
Fred .eigler and It C Jakway, ol
Portland, liave returned 10 the U ol O.
Attorney O P t'oshow, of Koseburg,
and G C Warner, ol Cottage tirove, ate
lu ll were liunlii g pheasants and were
near each Othsi when the former iu
lotting the h r ot his gun down
accidentally let it slip ami the weapon
was dlschargol, the eutlre contents
Id town on bneinem oonneoted with re-1 (otag into the right foot of Jamae,
cent Bohemia damage suits. mutilating It so badly that It Was
r. ... 1. r. 11 ,., l. . ,, necessary to nave It amputated. lr
Captain Dodd, of the horest Kaugers .. . . '
has resigned aud returned home. All " " . ' '
i iitii'Mi. iskiiik in'' 11.01, 011 at ill.
Pi of McKlroj's Pruues.
Monroe, Or, Oct 2. Ouly about "00
bushels of prunes were picked from the
trees lu the McKlroy orchard last
week, while it was coufldeutly expert
ed that 1000 would be secured. The
fruit obiainedj was of extra size and
splendid quality, however, aud will
bring a faucy price this year.
Committed. Mrs 1 ... n Harnett, of
Floreuce, was exauiiued yesterday al
ternoou by Medical Kxamluers J W
Harris aud F W Prentice on the charge
ol insanity, and ordered committed to
the insane asylum at Salem. She is a
married lady and this is her first at
tack. She think she hears spirits
talkimr to her. She was taken to the
usylum this forenoon by Sheriff With
era aud Deputy Fred Flsk. At times 1
she Ib quite wild aud raves.
Amutiikk Sai.em Pai per. Dr B F
Kussell, the keiper of the Laue county
pt.or farm, has received another pauper , . V,
r ' ' . . oilers of from BO to 65 cents
from tne siarinn county couri to aeep.
She is an old lady 8!) years of age. Dr
Kussell now has two supers from
that county from wblch ho receives H
per week for their keeping, etc, while
Lane county gets her paupers kept at
3 per week.
In the 8T0KK8. A number o
ohauges lu clerks In the storea occurred
the lir.tof the month. 0 B Farrow
ohauged Irom the store of J U Green A
Bin to that of J H MrClung, Fred
Lamb succeding him a' the former
place. I D Larimer Is now behind
the counter at A E Woods', and Miss
Mae Lyons at Hampton U'oa.
TKEfci AKS Law. The tr. spaas law la
being frequently consulted, and Is
evidently not very plain, f.-r men are
williug to bet on it. Tr.spass is troe
paas though, aud u man's properly Is
his own domain, and DO one haa a
right to enter within it whether real or
personal, without bis consent.
Stolen Bicycle. Saturday Police
man Croner arrested one, J C Will
lams, charged with stealing a bicycle
belonging to Ed Maxwell. At the trial
before Justice Wlnternnder yesterday
Williams waa fined t -. and allowed a
reasonable time In which to raise the
CiatxiT Court Case J E Young
baa instituted a sun against G U
kVvei and Oeeaea M Hawler In the
Lane county circuit court. The 00 m
plaint asks for the partition ot tlx lots
lu Cottage Grovr.
the Hangers have been called in to
take cited October 16lh.
WashtiiKtou paid honor to Dewty
yesterday in a magnificent parade ami
Illumination the greatest tribute ever
paid to any citizen In the national
Miss Katharine A Glen, the talented
young vocalist, returned today to her
home at Dayton, Oregon. Hhe will go
to Seat 1 le shortly for a leadliiK engage
Fred Edwards or Gilliam county, reg
istered at the U of O this morning.
He Ib a graduate of the O A C and
played quarter-hark 011 their 'OS foot
ball eleven.
Yakima pears started in at one
ceut p.-r p.. iiinl. quickly raised when
shipping began lu earnest to from
1J cents to 2 cents on the tree, and the
crop Is greater than ever before.
A dude was noticed yesterday wati r
ing his bird dog out of the cup attach -ed
to the town pump lu front of Mc
Clung's store. Hu should receive a
fijw days In the town calaboose.
Florence West Sept 20: Florence
school commenced Monday under the
management of Prof O F Callison with
Miss Hattle Davis in charge of the pri
mary department. There were 27 pu
pils enrolled In tho primary and 20 In
the advanced department the first
The Italian prunes of the North west
have been selling In tho East at line
figures this year; it is reported that
one consignment from North Yakima
sold for 11.26 per box In Obloego, and
on board
cars Is not uncommon.
An exchange says: We are pleased
to receive new Items at any and all
times, but give them to us freah. We
don't like to publish a birth after the
haby Is weaned, a marriage after the
honeymoon is oyer, or a death after
the widow marries again.
Kestauranta of Salem have raised the
price of all meat orders ' ce its, on ur
count of the advance in the cost of
meats, provisions, etc. This Is the re
sult ol a meeting held last week, at
hlch nearly all the restaurants iu the
city were represented.
W llliam Post announces that he v. ill
build a sawmill near his residence, be
low Triangle Lake, In the weatern part
of the county, and have it running
within a year. Mr Post will dam lit
tle Lake creek .have the little lake for
a pond aud get an enormous fall.
The Mutual Life Insurance Com
pany toasts that It has means suffici
ent at It command to put a fleet of 00
battle ahlps of the flrst-clas on the
ocean and could sweep from the seas
every fleet that lloate and levy tribute
or destroy ev. ry seaport olty on ths
globe. That It could place an army o
000,000 men in the field and maintain
them one year; that It could build a
railroad halt way round the earth;
that It could build the Nlcauraga ca
nal and buy enough land around It to
tart a nation aa large aa New York ;
that It could buy at $1.25 an acre as
mnnh land as H3 states the size of
Khode Island.
! ill. Mr Ituckuell Is a married man."
Kxpected Murderer Arr.'steU.
'I'm; ('Aiinvm: Khokp. Florence
West Sept Wednesday afternoon
Amos limine brought to this office a
cabbage that weighed 40 pounda after
all the coarse outside leaves had been
cut oil. It measured .ri feet In clroum
ferencn one way and 4 fewt 2 Inches tha
other. The oahhage waa grown by Mr
Harlngon his ranch ou North Fork.
The Albany Democrat In Its account
of tlie Kathbouu Sister's entertain
muiit lu that place Saturday evening
says: "A cak walk by Otto I '.i ad ley
.and Vera Autco, two very bright l'.u
I gene children, a very artistic affair.
Coleman (illiisple. the suspected was warmly enoored."
murderer of MrsEdson, of Gold beaoh, Sea-aand pits in nubile
Curry county, was arrested at ','ottage
Orove Sa'urday by Constable McFar
land. Glllispie is a resident ot Curry
county and a young man barely 20
years old. Suspicion pointed to him
parks are
somewhat of a novelty. The London
county council, anxious to do the
youngsters in the Eaat Eud a good
turn, laid out a portion of the VI torla
I'ark with sea-sr.nd, and the experi-
and he disappeared from home, Hherltl ,m.nt has proved so successful that tha
turner following lo ifawehurg 011 his council Is now preparing another sand
Yon wouldn't expect to plant a seed,
n rvef go uear It again and expeot It to
bear fruit. Yet that's the way a great
many people do advertising simply
put lu th first copy that cornea to
t beiu, ruu it week after week without
change, and expeot it to accomplish
more than all their salesmen. Adver
tising properly done will work won
ders In a biciuea. bringing way, but
like a growing plant, It requirea;careful
McMluiivillu Keporten "The river
was turned through tho locks ou the
Yamhill last Tuesday, and now tha
work on the permanent dam, which Is
wall under way at one eud, will be
penhed to completion. The gates have
trail. How stronir the evidence anal list
li 1 11 1 Is cannot now be ascertained, hut
in Douglas county, near Myrtle creek,
he sold a pension check drawn lu fayoi
of the merdered woman. The para
BDBSer went to Kwhurg and got the
check cnslicd at tho First National
hank, end this put the officers ou QUV
llspie's truck.
Sunday evening Octotwr I, some
boys found a suit of convict's clothes
under the luidge on Commercial street,
across South Mill creek, Salem. Tho
clothes horn the number 1000, and
were formerly worn by George Klch
anisou, sentenced to seven years' Im
prisonment for train wrecking. Klch
ardsou escaped September 20 last,
when his term lurked but three months j ,)rop,.ry H(iUl,ted, and the valves
of expiration. As Klchardsou has 1 ,)Ut lu place, miter silU fitted and the
days start, and this Is the first clue to
his whereabouts, It will probably not
aid In his capture.
Tho 'I'll Is 111 00k stag., recently went
down over a guide Into Trask river, a
dlstunce of utiout 1 00 feet. Seven pas-
llulshlng touuhes put en the lock Itself.
Pile for the shore end of the perma
nent dam and for the revetment to
protect the shore above and below the
dum aro already driven and every
thing Ib now in shape for prosecuting
Mongers were aboard, but fortunately 1 the work of completing the locks and
all eseapi il with hut alight scratches. ' dam with dispatch.
o e
F. E.
Pompadour Effects,
Corded Taffeta.
Fancy Stripes,
I Camel's tHair,
I Plaids and
I Plains,
1 Crepon
Chlldrena' Jackets,
Infante' Wrapa,
Tarn O'Shanter Leathe Cover.
Say Hen
F. E. Dunn.