The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 30, 1899, Image 9

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    ,nO A SI (ft HI I I,
ltd a. v)uv" j.t
urn' w
NU uwwi.
ofe Might Well Have Baen a
f Wrapping: rmvmr -
a. . ..i i
Mn't " -
ii -t.
,l.orj '
DOAof n hod wltb the
i(.r 'way below zero," saM
I f'vn " i n.i tu-n Iiiiiit
!! .....
t . 1. It 'Ml ...11
nti ruiinuia t uii nut in n ii
w,o. -
tra'8"' iu.ii ueu i usee win
. ...! 1 n ... n,.'. nff
I ill -
t any "u'r "mfc 1 ian "euieiu
l nil J1"" l8" 'et out ,he
. ., inCliieogo, and was beging
.,.,s ami iM-.uit uirm-u oown
..r hIM. WlH'Il I PlCKl'll Ull II
till lltl tin' fill -walk. 1 thotiL'lit
. - .. .1 ...... 1.... fl ..
..-iiii nr. Him .uu ori i iinnn- it
. ..i down a i" ile street. lu ll
i imo a doorway and made out
I wis a thousand ilollars aheail or
.hi. sttnat started from every
ami '' anocnen logeiut-r.
. uolnli seimirk for ten ruin-
i n i" J
am! tny lienrt thnmiieti away un-
th' K would break: out.
. J immnt a Yi.i'ln for mo
ni c.--v
uuderstand. t" i so
i. wns two houra before I could
nv t.lannliift. Je nr" ln,UB w""
,,tt of clothes, and I en-
1 . I.. ni Ml. .Ill ill'
. .i,ii,it, ul that U.VUU "Mi me
. . ti. iloor to call a DOIlce-
ier IH 1 .
I Bot away by a close snuwie,
then I realized the situation.
0 that I was. I couldn't get It
nscd at a bank nor use It to make
mfcrrtanle. If it had been
,. I could have got loljrlii(;s and a
1, lint I'm telling you that I walked
streets as hungry as a shark, and
nt at police stations and In lumber
ranter he circumstances the bill
.full hflVH luM'Tl ft nll'l'll of
..,.., T ttl..,1 oil mpta nf
i It liimfiul hill It tl'tl tin .to
.... tlmn I nhoH-eil It I rnn the risk
snvsl. i ouereu u uuiwim tut iu
t It changed for me, but he refused
haveanvlhlngtodo with It. I'd have
ild It fur half price and been glad to,
tit there was no such thing as making
ileal. Finally In dispnlr, I went to
it of the newspaper ofllces and looked
the advertisements for the week
Ht. The loser had advertised, and I
. . I-1 I I . I . i ... t l . . bbJ
I'UL HI Ills 'ill' i 111 tl itiH, i"i'"i.iii. mm
tip the bill. The reward was $50.
La B- a. .J ..a i . , ana-. e .,...
I II' l'( Mill I ft I U 11 1 f 1W Ull U' I Ul UIUI
1 1 S I
'J wouldn't have tIUved there wan
it 1.1 V 1 .1
I a at-- h 11 mai
MM 1IIC Ml ir .Mil un II'".
"He took down my name and all that
D L' IK' .111.1.. II I) il , ISJ I If no r
They wrote me up as the 'Honeat
1 i.l ... I,, , ....
UU4 laltu Hiiu i,t fivti..r ii me -
..a . aaataaaa ... aaaa f .1 .. I ..
overmuch. I had $(0 tn place of
JMMi .1 fin for mv honpfttv. It wnH
k.. I returned the bill bocauf-te I
to, &nd though I'm hungry and
II IHii II 1 1(1 I (II I k U ITI' III
o for the nlfrht, I'm not looking
ny more bg ttnda. Something
. r ti a t i i.i
Is Is a fish story, but It's true. If
....ll.... .. Man . . ...... If
, I 1 1 ' i ' I 1 1 iii.iii n (in niklin i. IV.
S." after his name count for fact
all know the "gar," a long thin gen-
III. . .-J . . I ..I. I . V. .. a
in OCCUplei a stall In our tlsh mar
I niii ' 1 . t. i .. 1 1 ' t w Mi.iv ifrnw 1 1 1 i i i
. . 1. .. k,m ...lil. V.
I'l , auil in' inn. 111 un 'i ti mi niilli '
lit' llMl i M "'is iiuuiiuanj ui in'1 trij
lact ti nil' nuivi, tlllll udvuiub va-
... I.. la...a amJ I tk. I. .
a-ll - .A a V. .. atlaklul atlaaaaaaai
riic gentleman who describes the ln-
ill un till i i una, n n iiiivn.i ill
hlai tl.., aaaaaaJ t . 4 ... laal la
psjClmeni and bunehes of coral
W "w. a .ii, ill u'mil, 1UIO UV " ' '
I II It li,.,.l llll'llf II I V tin. lor-.r..
that wire In the vicinity would
out of the water and dash awav
rm ...
headloiig siKH'd, glancing In and out
tlie water like a shot. One of the
eomliig near the boat, he observed
11 T .'I W.',.,1 no I. . ..,'.... ,,.,,.1.1 I...
... ,la ,,g VI 1 1 VT. 1 1111 WU.U 1
wimiucu, me uauve nueu up lue
I'll I ... . 1 - . . . I... ...,.l...l .....1
Uln,. 1,1. ,1.1.
.1 . a
' Il l'imhI iim iw n ri-vv iiuimeiila
". . . I ll' Hllll l' ..111 1:11111 III i' r
i. iifttil up a huge branch of coral,
' 1'mdliig nothing In It hurled It back
iway with locredtbte siKH'd. Two
the largest came flying toward the
ti.i . ... i ,, ., ii... ..,..i
. i.i n". i T mi I niiiii niiii inir.. .
to utter a warning cry, when one
"" in passinl directly over where his
'nil u tiiv'iiifii I ut'luir, i ..'
1 cuna full nr rim nnr t-o Knr n
I "io uniier un wilier, men out
1 '"'UiiJ. tlashing In the sunlight
"' WUh k I'M nf the native, howevpr.
1 1 f,.M . . ....
"v tinea iiasaei nineiii, uai ww
BB felt. "
bVv' Mas Hi, Kaa tliut fur ihn lliafntit
BUI staggered, and was nearly
over, while the fish, evidently
1TIH..I . ..... . .
v. (.mi etuiiuseu ii luiif Bwauarii
, i.r t. . 1..1....1 .t.. ...
"a ,'".,', insiieti me nuivi
" him Into foam. A was
fin mm n anil lue uaugerous nv-
arrow thrown into the boat. Aus-
Hawaiian Wwkly.
l-' lletler than Tonic.
ifaMOC In one of the manv med-
til " . .ui t-iij uu.iia mat
I'lvert'.svd toules, bt-eause they ac-
'"plish no more than a Judiciously ae-
'I diet will. The professor says
'he liatls of most tonics, than even
yolk of an egg. while the latter
utaiua more than beef. The ordlna-
diab of spinach and poached egg la
tunic a potent u one is rhkk iron
forma part, without the harmful ef.
feet of other hflwUl Dtl that enter Into !
the medlcluul eottpoud. l'laiits Im
bibe Iron, and II It through them that !
we should absorb It luto our vt.-m 1
That mineral Is present largely in ap- '.
pies, leutlls, strawberries, white beans,
peai, potatoes and most of the red
frulta and vegetables. Stewed black
currants, If takeu dally In their season,
will cure anaemia that has become
chronic. It la the experience of marl- ,
ner that while lime Juice Is a palliative
of scurvy, potatoes are a specific. Nan- i
sen. In his voyage In the Tram, had no
occasion to resort to tin medleiue cheat.
The concentrated form of all the fruits ,
aud vegetables that his men were ae
customed tn .-.'it !n Norway worth
a ship load of drugs. It Is the first In-
stance on record of the escape of Are
tic explorers confined on shipboard
from the ravages of scurvy, and It was
due entirely to the tonic effect of the
food supplied.
Oov. Roosevelt attended a recent
commencement at Cornell, and while
there was cutcrtalncd at one of the
college fraternity houses. When he
wns about to leave, one of bis staff
said to him, "Governor, the Imij-h have
an excellent library In the house, and
I think they would appreciate Its en
largement by a copy of your "Hough
Killers'." "Teddy," In an outburst of
good-fellowship, exclaimed: "All right,
boys, I'll be glad to send you a copy
wltb my compliments; the book would
lie a very small return Indeed for your
hospitality." Whereupon one of tbf
boy a replied, excitedly: "That's so, Gov
ernor; I've read It"
He was evidently unaccustomed to
railway travel, and was keenly alert to
the possibility of acquiring Information
as the train rolled along. Gazhng at
the living landscaie his brain was
puzzled by the little sign posts beside
the track, bearing the single letter
"K" or "W." He stopped the porter
and asked blin the meaning of the
slgus. "Oh," said he, "dem'a whistle
and ring posts fer de engineer." The
traveler pondered and became only the
more perplexed. In despair he repeat
ed his question to the conductor.
"Those slgus nre for the Information of
the engineer," replied the conductor;
"he la to whistle or ring at certain
points as Indicated by those Initial let
ters." "Yes," said the traveler, "so I
understood the porter, but I thought he
must be mistaken. I know 'W stands
for wring, but how In thunder do you
Hiell whistle with an 'It""
During a recent campaign In Ohio,
the advocate on the stump of a certain
candidate, speaking to an assemblage
of farmers, made the following appeal
to their good sense: "Friends, let us
suppose that one of you farmers has a
hired man. You may feel a little doubt
of him at the outset, but you give him
a fair trial. You like him so well that
you keep him nnother year. And he
serves you In such a way that he se
cures still another re-engagement. Isn't
that' a good business principle?" The
orator paused and smiled down at his
audience. Before he could resume, the
shrill voice of oue of the farmers had
Interrupted him. "Say," said the voice,
"how Is It when the hired man gets to
thlnkln' that he owns the hull farm?"
I luring n golf match between the
Itev. Dr. Sterret nnd Justice Harlan,
of the I'nlted States Supreme Court,
at the Chevy Cbnse Golf Club near
Washington, the doctor discovered his
ball teed up In tempting style for a
fine brassle shot. With the utmost de
liberation he went through the prelimi
nary "waggles," and with a supreme
effort mined the ball. For fully a
minute he gazed nt the tantalizing
sphere without uttering a word. At
length Justice Hnrlan remarked, sol
emnly: "Doctor, that was the most pro
fane silence I ever listened to."
An old negro and his wife, who had
found freedom through Clay's efforts,
made their home In Washington, where
the old man, with the assistance of
some white folks, turned an unused
barn Into a meeting place for religious
services. He was Indefatigable In his
efforts to collect a sufficient fund to
supply a pulpit, and so on. One Sun
day morning, he was walking along
l'ennsylvanla avenue, when he happen
ed to meet the great Kentucky Sena
tor. "Well, Hob," said the Senator,
"what nre you doing out so early Sun
day morning?" "Sarvant, Mine Hen
ry; anrvant, sah. You know de early
bird ketches de worm." "Ob, you are
worm-hunting, are you?" "Yes, Marse
Henry. I wants to ax ef you won't
help me some 'bout my little church."
"No. Indeed." said the Senator; "I'll
not give you a cent. I gave you some
thing not long ago to help you wltb
that church." "Y'es, Marse Henry,
dat'a so, sah; you did Indeed, sah, an'
dat's a treasure laid up for you In
hebben, sah." "Oh, It Is, Is It?" and
Clay moved on. Turning suddenly he
said: "Come here, Hob, come here."
Taking from his pocket a roll of bills,
he continued: "Here Is thirty dollars
I won at cards after sitting up all last
night. Now, If you can reconcile the
use of mouey gotten In that way to
Church purposes, take It along." did
Hob bowed and pulled his cap. "Sar
vant, Marse Henry; thankee, sah. God
do move In a mysterus way Ills won
ders to perform! Thankee, Marse Hen
ry; thankee, sab!"
laaaral Mu.lnt.. tr lha CaHMtVJ tlnet
Korwartl mi a I I l'r.
Bradslreet's sayi: With eompsra.
lively little stock or other peeulalivs
Ittivity, and With tew ItrOBg lie feu
mien presenting ve, the gener
ll bumiiess ol lha country gne lorwsrd
It good puce, stnl Willi unprecedented
volume (or this period of the year.
Kail Hade activity would appear to he
it ill maximum, judging (mm d:. es
if activity and ilrength ol demand re
ported alike (mm WetteiB ami Kusl. rn
markets, and -naied in also by most
South Atlantic and iutenoi Southern
iron and steel ais quiet but Tery
itrong at the Kust.
Lltllu improvement seems to he noted
iu wheat though llie 0VtlBBC0t lepOl!
was lempoiai ily stimulating. Wciilhci
conditions sre partly responsible, for
ha better demand for butter. The
ttcnglb o( cotton goods is notable.
Lumber retains ull its old strength ami
some new buying U responsible for ad
vanced anolHlous at several Banters,
This is true ulm of most building un
let Ull with the exception ol brick
which is rather weak owing to repot tl ll
over production. WikjI is tinner at all
and higher at some matkels ami much
interest is tukuu iu the next I r.
wool sales.
Wheat (including floui) shipments
for the week aggregate 4,000.001) bush
els against 4,869,908 bushels lust Week
8,676,2111 bushels in the i-oiresioinling
week of 1NUH, u.'.MIU.lMS bushels in
181)7, 6,00)1,85:1 bushels in 181)0, and
v.'..v.i bushels in Ih96.
Mi ce July 1, this season, the ex orta
ol wheat aggregate 48,018,708 bushels,
against 30,408,01)1 bushels lust year,
uml44,60J,700 in 1891.
Husiness failures foi the week num
ber 140, against 188 last week, ami 171'
in tins week a year ago.
" Yoi, May Ben J the Sapling
But Not the Tree."
n'1- -t d.mst Kis becortt chroruc And
drtp itAteJ it it often difficult to curt it.
Thtt a tht rtAisn sarty rf u tjf to
Uke Hood's SwsjrAnlU ivhtn dutist
first shows itstlf. h long-stJted. tena
cious CAses. W i SvsApAniU is Also
wonderfully successful.
jfccdA SaUafKiuffq
An Ksplanallua.
"It strikes me this ice water il
diitv," said a Cincinnati hotel gueit.
"Hnllv eel" exclaimed the bellhoy.
as lis ItNiked in the pitcher, "1 tietcher
de porter forgot tei wash it." Chi
cago B?eoin News.
lie i nt InVOttigetlOM laa shown that
a blight gieeu line characteristic ol the
," .iiiiu of the new gas, krypton, is
almost identical with the ipeotioeooplo
line t: ,u characterises the auroia bore
alis. For some troubles a German physi
cian has discovered a new and simple
lemedv, which consists in massage of
the lirei by holding the breath st the
height ol inspiration aud breaming out
lllood flows through the bones of
very tning children almost as fieely
as through the veins.
I Ilium.
On. ti nt.. at Maa.
It's a w lee l Wld that knows its own
lather when It see, him out in CM1
It doesn't take MOeh. of a man to
tell how a thits ought to lie done. The
one who does aud does it deserves the
The man who goes to church may
not enjov tlie sermon, but he generally
gOOl hone with a gOOd appetite (or his
Siiuday dinner.
It is claimed by some people that
baldness indtiiites givat brain nwer,
hut the makers of alleged hair re. lot
era keep on gelling rich. Chicago
limes Herald.
Tha Baal Man In..
Priii1 fighting may not lie a plrasaiit sub
ject, hut il teaiht-s a lesson-the Inability
of man to hold tlie championship lor any
length of time llnw unlike the great
champion of liealln, II Metier' Stomach
Hitler, wiinn lias tor liliv years cnreil
constipation, dyspepsia, hllluiiiiiesi ami
liver trouble.
00(t$ (lie
1'orllaud Market.
Wheat Walla Walla,
Valley, 60301c; Uluestem,
per bushel.
Flour Hest grades, $3.25; graham,
2.05; super ime, $3. 1 5 per barrel.
Oats Choice white. 30aJ40c; choice
gray, 30t3Nc per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $16(310;
brewiug, $18.50 per ton.
Millstnffs Hran, $17 per ton; mid
dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $16.00
per ton.
Hay Timothy. $8: clover. $7
8; Oregon wild buy, $0 per ton.
Butter Funcy creamery, '45 50c;
seconds, 85(440o; dairy, 8O(035o;
store, 22 (27 ',c.
Eggs 20c put dozen.
Cheese Oregon lull cream, 13o;
Young America. 13o; new cheese,
10c per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed. $4.00(3
4. .'rn per dosen; hens, $5.50 springs,
$2.60(4.60; geese, $0.50 8; for obi,
$4. 50 8. 60 for young; ducks, $4,609
5.50 per dozen; turkeys, live, 12.(3
in V l"'1 pound.
Potatoes 6676c per sack; sweets,
2(32 V' PHr pound.
Vegetables Heels, $1; turnips, 90c
ier sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab
bage, lSi2c. per pound; cauli,
flower, 75o per dozen , parsnips, $1
beans, 6(86o per pound; celery,
70(j75c per dOMO) cucumbers, 60c per
box; peas, 84c Kr pound; tomatoes,
25(3 30c per box; greeu corn, 1 .' .. ' I .
per dozen.
Hops 11 ( 1 So; 1807 crop, 4(jGc.
Wool Valley, 123 13o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 8 313c; mohair,
27330c per pound.
Mutton Gross. Iieet sheep, wetbert
and ewes, 3', o; dressed mutton, 0s3
7c; lambs, 7c per lb.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00;
light and feeders, $4.60; dressed, $0.00
3 7.00 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers. 8.603$4.00;
cows, $3.0033.60; dressed beef,
637c per iound.
Veal Large, n ',. 7 ' small, 83
8Jc per pound.
aaaltla Markets.
Onions, new, $1.52 y) 1.50 per sack.
Potatoes, new, 76c3$l
Beets, per sack, 76 3$1.
Turnips, ter sack. 60c.
Carrots, per sack, 603 76a.
Parsnips, per sack, $131-76.
Cauliflower, 76c per dos.
Cabbage, native and California
$131.25 per 100 pounds.
Cherries, 76o3$l.
Peaches, 75(a,U0c.
Apples. $1.2631.75 per box.
Pears, $1.7532per box.
Prunes, $1 per dox.
Watermelons, $133.50.
Cantaloupes, 603')6o.
Butter Crearaety, 27o per pound;
Hairy 17322c ranch, 12317c per lb.
Eggs, 26c
Cheese Native, 133 14c.
Poultry 133 14c; dressed, 16C.
Hay Puget Sound timothy. $730;
choice Eastern Washington tim
othy, $14.00.
Corn Whols. $23.60; cracked, $38;
feed meal, $23.00.
Barley liolled or ground, per ton
$21; whole, $22.
Flour Patent, per barrel, $8.50;
blended straights, $3.25; California
$8.25; buckwheat flour, $3.60; graham,
per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat Hour,
$3; rye flour, $3.76.
Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $16;
shorts, per ton, $lt).
Feed Chopped feed, $20.50 per
ton; middlings, per ton, $22; oil cake
meal, per ton, $35.
Japanese Silent Itelusps.
There' Is a community of female re
cluses at a place called Yuuakawa.
about seven miles from Hakodate. A
matron of some fifty years presides and
her Instructions are Implicitly obeyed.
The women are all young, ranging
from 16 to 27, and some of them are
dem-rllaKl as very beautiful. The InilM
lag stands In a farm of some 26o acres.
But the women ilo uot eugage In any
agricultural work. Tbey sriend most
of their time Indoors, reading the Bible
and they appear to observe a strict
rule of alienee.
N. i a and IMano.
A medical eipert contend that on
of 1.000 girls studying the platio befor
the age of 12 about are aiMe i
w 1th nervous troubles In later life.
Baa Francisco Markat.
Wool Spring Nevada. 12314c per
pound; Oregon, Eastern. 103 14o; Val
ley, 173 lDc; Northern, 8310c.
Onions Yellow, 75385c per sack.
Butter Fancy creamery. 363 20c;
do seconds, 28324c; fancy dairy,
21328c do second!, 18320c per
Eggs Store, 20328c; fancy ranch,
36 328c.
Hops 1898 crop. 103 13c per pound.
Citrus Fruit Orsnges, Valencia,
$2.7633.25; Meiican limes, $436.00;
California lenioni, 76c3$1.60; do
cboios, $1.7533 00 per box.
Hay Wheat, $63! n 1
oat. $6Vl3H'l; best barley, $5 003
7; alfalfa, 6.00&J7 per ton; itraw, 803
85c per bale.
Potatoes Earlr Hose. 603 0c;
Oiegon Burkanks. $1 363$l-60; liver
Burhenks, 60 8 70c; Salinas Burbanks,
W0i 3 1 15 per sack.
Trnpiesl fruits Bsnsnss, $1,508
3.50 per bunch; pineapples, $33
4.00; Psiaias datee, per
-"in,-., ..n.i Nalura's Saal-
Bcenery, altitude, sunshine an I .nr.
constitute the (acton which an- rapid
ly making Colorado the health and
pleasure grounds of the world.
Here the sun shines 357 days of the
average year, audit blendi with the
erlsp, electric mountain air to produce
a climate luutchlc-s iu the known
world No pen can portray, no brush !
can picture the majestic grandeur of I
the scenery along the line of the Denver1
& Kio Grande Railroad in Colorado
Parties going East should travel via
tin- line which is known all over the
world m the Scenic Line of the world.
For any Information regarding; rate".
time tables, etc , call on or address 1(.
0. Niohol, general ageut, 251 Wash- ,
Ington street, Portland. Or., or any
agent of the O. U. & N. Co., or South
ern Peoifi.0 ( 'ompiinv.
Just before W. V. Smith, of Flor
ence, Kan., goes to hed he carefully
places his heard in u muslin bag. Al
ter he hits cnteied the bed he puts the
hag under bit pillow. His heard is
Deal lj) eight feet long.
Mrs. May Preston Slosson has been
appointed chaplain ol the Wyoming
state penitentlaiy ut Larmuie.
Information for Iba 1'ublle
In selecting yom mute to the East
you cannot alloid to overlook the ad-
V it 1:1. 'i Allil IHIMlflirlS I'lteti I lit' l)lA
Kio Grand Western Hallway in coll
ection with the Denver .V Kio Grande
and Colorado Midland railroada. it is
the only transcontinental line passing
directly through Salt Lake City, and
In addition to the glimpse il affords of
the lemple city, the Great Suit Lake,
the suit pulace, and the picturesque
Utah valley, it offeis choice ol six dis
tinct routes to tlie Kusl ami the most
magnificent scenery in the world. A
double daily train service and through
Pullman palace and ordinary sleeping
cars, free reclining chair cars and a
perfect dining car service are now in
operation via these lines.
For pamphlets descriptive of the
"Qreet Salt Lake Koute," appivtoJ.
1). Manstleld, general agent, 258 Wash
ington sued. Poitland, Or.
linprovatl Train KiiilpittBt.
The O. K. A N. and Oregon Short
Line have added s buffet, smoking and
library car to their Portland-Chicago
through nam, and a dining car serf ice
has been liiauguaraled. Tlie train is
cu,uipied a Mb the latest chair cars,
day coaches and Insurious tint-class
and i Miliary slecpeii. Diiect ronnec
lion made at Granger with Union Pa
cific, ami at Ogdoa with Kio Grande
line, from all polntl in Oregon, Wash
ington snd Idaho to all Eastern oitiea
For information, rates, etc., call on
anv o. it. ,& N. agent, ot address W.
II. Hurlhiirt, Geueral Passenger Agent,
BnilingtOBi Is., people have isised
$80,000 of the $100,000 hlth they ate!
usked to subscribe in stock in order to (
teeme a new railway that will run j
north from that city and peneiiute new
A blacksmith In Glass Valley. CaL, 1
decided to close his careei on the an
niveisary of nis biilhday, at the very
horn ol the .lay when he was born.
Ile waited until the clock struck II,
ami then cumiuittsd suicide.
i i n ni t-ANMOT nn i t usi)
By local spi'llratlens. st ihcy paaDOl reach the
di.i's.vit perl Ion el lbs rsr Thtre U only one
way lo euro riraliiett. ainl that is by rnn.tttu
QoOal rSaSdlH DsafnSSI m ainc.l tor an In
ftstttetl coadlltoa ot lbs niticout liulns ot Hit
Ku.iacbitn Tutw. W bin Ihlt talis di In
i'.o" I ton hate a ruiubllni stiamt or miner
tvi't hi'srini, ami stun ll ll entirely closed
asslttStl it t he remit, anil unless lha Intlaitiuia
tlmi can be Uken eel ami this lube rettureil to
its normal i-omlttton, hearing wlllbedi'itmye'l
fert't er ; nine cases eel ot li-B are t aiiieil hy
catarrh, which Is nothing tint an lutlameil
comtli inn el lha mucous surfaces.
We will iva Una Humlrtil Pollart tor any
case ol pcauicea (caused by cilarrh) that can
net be eurss by Hall's I'alarrh Cure. Hand lor
ort'iilsrt, Ire.
r J CRtlllt A CO.. Toledo. O
Fold by Pruigista. TV
Hall's Family I'llliarelhe bssC
It is Innonnced thut Italian experi
ments on vegetuble lile with Roentgen
rsys hate shown that theeffeot is Idsn
tical with that of innlight.
Mr. II. N. Warnar, of m
Web . eaid:
In MM I was attacked with para
lysis la my left tide You mliht
stick a pin tn lha lieadlalo mv Ted
MpensTI would not reel it I wa
unable to de any kind ofwork anil
bad to be tursea lo bed. 1 made
op my nt in -t mat I oaulil bet bo
cured aa I bad e t all klDos ol
inedli'la aai Enfl tiled maoy doc
tors. I u sdr lead U try Dr Wil
liams' Pink rills for Tale Paople,
ami commikneil their us iMleep
leintier. 0for 1 bad flulbd my
first l) i 1 tall better, and by mo
1 bad ueed SIX botes the dlteata
had tntirely dltappearad, asd 1
hav ooi baou so free from patn
Sinn I was a boy. Th parafytlt
alto dliappard.nd allhoughtwo
monlb kv patted tlace I fln
!ehd tny last not. Iher baa been
DO i. ' lit lb dllMI."
from A i, i .!, ifimea, . . :. .
WIIIUsil' Plst Pint to. Ptlt f top re
Bps stttr aoid ti ist seitstr susares.
lei Haiti It pt, t. j
It III druulttl.
The Prlneem of Naples is said to be
the most beautiful nnmiboi of a reign
ing family.
Piso'i Curs for Coniiinintiott is the bai t
of all cough cure lisorgs W. Lots. Ka
buchsr, La., August H, is''i
It appeals that Miss Kuid Yan.lell is
not the only wumaii sculptor member
ot the National Sculptor Society. In
addition to Miss Yamlell the society
includes .Mrs. II. II. Kitson.of Huston,
ami Miss Uessilo Potter, who, like Miss
Yamlell, now lives in New York.
According to Nilsson, the coologist,
I the weight of the Greenland whale is
100 tons, or 224.000 pounds, or eipial
to that of 89 elephant! or 440 beara.
England has one (lock of pure merino
June bugs are thick ill pints of Ger
many tins vear. At school
children lately gathered 25 hundred Mine. Melha caught cold at a boat
weight bom a 10-acre Held. Someone ing patty on the Thames uot long ago,
has liguie I out tbut this means 1,270,- aud had to give up singing at Mrs.
000 .lime liuus. I Ogden Goelet's parly, where she wai to
Five women, Clara Harton, Anne
Houligny, Margaret Chan'er, Annie
Wheeler and Helen M. Gould, have re
ceived the thanks of congress lor their
viiliinl.lf services in the cause of mercy
in i he late wui.
i Ogden Goelet's purly, w
have been puid $2,000.
What ate knowti as "tidal waves"
baee nothing to do with the ti les, but
are supMjsed to bo cauad by ealth
quakes. They do not. theielore, ap
pear at legular inleivala.
Irs You t t
If so, ynu shoiihl see that
your ticket mil is via the
Great Kock Island route.
and you will get the best.
I'ti i In, .in palace sleeping cars, elegant
i ecli n i ng chair cats "free," and llbiary
buffet cars on all through trains. Hest
dining cai service in the world. Popu
lar peisonally conducted excursions
once a week to all points East. For
full particulars call on or address any
ticket agent, or A. K. COOPKK.
G. A. P. H.. a H. I. A P. Ky., 40
Washington street, Portland, Or.
Mrs. Tower, the wile ol the Ameri
can ambassador, hai the reputation of
lieing one of the hest gowned women
at the Kussiiin court.
France em I loyea over ft, 000 women
in her civil aeivlce, telephone and tele
graph olllces.
The National Council ol Women ol
Holland is now fully organised, having
a l"i if, I s constitution and by-laws and
elected officers. Mrs. Kleick van Ho
gendorp it piesidcnt.
(jueen Wilhelmina ol Holland, has
received I rum the Dutch Journalist
tlve luige bound volumes containing all
the accounts ol her coronation that
were written by the fureigu Journalists
who attended It.
tr din.fl Inst tht Or. Wlllllst MMlclfl
I.. tcnt(tll, . f., SO ctnti par boi
I 60. tit II 00.
In the African elsphsnt both sexes
hsvn ivory tusks, while in the Asiatio
they are genoraly resttioted to the
r rtntneiitly i ttri'-l
r nrsl
No liner nsrrou.nee
let s lite nt Pr. i. -
Nrree Hi-.lerer. Htnd fer FIIKK J.0O Ii hI
h.illletii'1 lieallte. llll. II. II. K I.l Si.. 1.1.1.
An h tn. el, l'lills.lelibla Pa.
The Princes ol Wules has made such
a loving hobby of music that she play
with much skill the piano, harmonium
and cither.
Mothers will liml Mr. Whitlow' (tooth
ing fvrup th best remedy to use for their
children during the teething period.
Many animals in desett region!
never have any water except the dew
on vegetation. A pallet in the Lon
don Zoo is known to have It ted S8
yen without ilrinking a drop ol water.
Only 6t per cent ol the hlondea
marry, while 71) er cent of the bru
nette siiteis engage in matrimony.
The women who have interested
themselves in the case of Mrs. May
brick are greatly disappointed that Mr.
Choato had failed to obtain favorable
action on her case.
The most costly piece of railway line
in the world Is probably that between
the Mansion House and Aldgate sta
tions in London, which requited the
expenditure of cloio upon $10,000,000
per mile.
Xtaf ttaf
Most people eat more than is jjooJ for them. The stomach tries to digest all that's put into it, but if
repeatedly overloaded, it goes on a strike. That's indigestion. Rich, over-sweet, indigestible food weakens the
stomach and makes it unable to take care of the material put into it. More food taken into a weakened stomach
than the stomach can digest, stays there, forms gases and rots, bringing on all the horrors of dyspepsia. The
only way to cure dyspepsia is to clean out the digestive canal with CASCARETS. Keep it clean with Cascarets,
eat light food sparingly, and gift the stomach a chance to rest up and get strong again.
Be sure you get the genuine CASCARETS I
asssssssvassssjsh. when tn- il pr oin tn t htinu, do you?
to has.
r .asssjsaw hv h mur
fjaSSS fBSSSSSSSSSW $ffSSSK For l year I wa a victim ofay-
W A4M pepela in ll. worst rnn rtolblns
LLLW jfasj B tl times i ttomarh
afaasMBsr sbbbsss bbssb bbb .mii i.uio ist iiiinn iUi ia.i ....
M LW March I basin labia ( Ast AKETH ia4slaes
A affjaSJ affaSBBBV , , ,f l(,(. t,. sutatlllf mmm eti. ualll t ass as he t-
swl WW sm awasssw i u" "" ln n'' A
W xBW T" David a afcsrav, I")
fl H flSfta)flfl discovery by tht a- jhbori a
hw ANNUAL 8ALE8. 6.000.000 BOXES. f
finiw xxtsWwwwA toe
Tins is
iQ Rsl sfssiiU
CIKIBBTe art tbaolaUly saratlMt, a ssrtly v(UIU etaiseisl. statearlal tr ts mineral sin-soUkM la Caaesrsts. Caaesrsti sttattly, eSectletly aa4 prmtly
care eee ry litarltr ol tkt 8tsack, Lieu taa IsUttlu. Tkty sal oalr cart catlalla. but oarrtct y sal tTtry lera ot irrtgaUrity sj tk kwl, lacla4l4lankat4lrttUiy.
I"- - ' : ' ''" I- "n' Tat Bt, lo food sMkM, wtlkt Sj frlat Ba tar yo l Is gala I atwtr ol Imilttloti tad akUtatl I Bay koi ol ClSCinirra
tod. y tsd II aol plaited la vry rttptct, fit yov asosay kack I WrIU u lor looktot asd Irt taasl I Asra STeRLMO nBttaDT COMPART, CaUCIQO oi NBW T0BK.
m a NuracTuaao bt .
IT ot I l TBIB
n t at Fini si'ttt
flflflr 1 fl
flfl uea iad
fflaf east m etrwinre
Lfl flfrssenu e-aiaeiea
Da n a for Hsiiaftiyrrel
slier Knrdj. itifltmnwatllonft,
irrilalioBi ur erttioti
ef m r u i Mte-u, If nti-e.
.'.! sVOst hot netnu-
lent r pflJtfl ut
BsflM "!..
or mmt it ) rNkf
I' .ii -ee rreta.J fflff
Mm i t-nie. $2 r.
Whin a iwrMjn Ii tOMpUtflff riirxlown. ilm
In th i-a k, i. tired. niurlv wuru nut
Iwllni, why off ttklfiK innihlng to itup
th r (. - ul '1 "
Hoore's Revealed Remedy
Will ii st' roe aell. quick ly II iuasi ..n (eel
llks B BSf psisoa I t'a i.les.enl lo lake. II ll)
lr bOttk st your ilruiiliu.
Ask for il If vt'Ur rleaier hain't
it he Can net it easily
r tr ' i-.t.-.rrh fsat etvl DM gri I'sOjast B Htslflr l
U U ''NI T n.iMlwiB whi-li will rteff mm wi'l 9my
mm Ni CAHK kri h H t-M rer faiwi u rurn. bk
n.-itT hum wrrlumt or 4 bs kHir tlBssj veijsi
trmt tut mm ill lk j.ti. ft m mtrnmiuUif mtm,
prrU eVV ture. tUfl raUl 1st Ump wuhm lnr3Bj
Itmr atft l wns"i freen letaiaam HU R,ft fnr
(haaif -etw-. VSgratt&&k, IBSeas.. Ill
Unalar uiii"l oa rataeaV
Kenae and U'lra IVi.rk.
tritl iron lent in ; nlTlct rallliix. ic. XHAl'ler.
MaehlBste ami auppii.
ch iseri . tu'ille. It-ou Klrtl Hi., foriltnd. Or.
JOHN POOLE, i'obtlabd, Oasoou
can itiva jrou tlie Dett BBMBIBI in genera
it it in nery eriftlne
iihias, belts
teel I X 1.
I ."i.i r tanks, nuinii.
nd wiiiiliiiillt. Th new
imlmill, sola bjr him, Is un -
sinol.B. 0. C.. iTiey alll re-
Wrlltlt SIIHIN
si si us Wtthintl. 11 u
t.iif tones reillet H 'Hi ll tall.
HirT 'jut ti Corps. I'rtjtecutlrig clairnt tlrice lts.
Thro it
tin. Btant.eBnoB.
lief for Women c
. fmmtfrm I. ultis. enliS eatilt, writ
ng mm.
I fret i '1 SOlVU-
tifit i I jr and
confldetitt i
raiser mill r..ut ut Hlr-nparft
aUiuius lenn iiiinrt iiinmiu.
I. Il.i. if ( ma,
....FAST TIME. ..
BarVtoSaad Hcanerr t'lletiilslleil.
Kor Tlt'krla and all Information
Tour nearest aafiit. or aitilret
C F. anU T. A., HorUana.
K. C. BTE VENB, Q. W. P. A.. Baalll.
t-.a.. r i, ti... rii nt .ii.i.ibim
an Uil rMtieteiij. U Ml It kllL
French Femala Pills.
rmleswl lr tboueaantle at saBttssSsssj IxvlleaB tki
at fa , rcitstl.inftste Wwt M ejueki
eWldbvsJfdnMsneeaiaai mmmj tmCftluA
latiitTiB, !
H WOODAR0 ft CO.. 101 cn t . ft tlmi ; H
FOR A DOSE. Cur s i k H.lftrh
n I'jnitsapniB, i(emff) tl
l form, -
Piieae nr . urt 1 nH
ftitie) il. I.i ust en I
Jir ! ilrugajietn I i
sate leva I . a-
Or. nosanko'a P
ti n
i rwi4. . Biiletae. tea mbm iutint
.11 m Bnsit. or Pretrsdla
TIPepil. Heaae llmnl.. sml Putll. th.
i Bio.,, aid war ttiou iaenseai Hiiitiuine tn
ntilllrlporalck.o. Toconrloe rou . will rati I
t. in pie free, or (ull hot tar Or. UK. IIIISINKU
CO., riiii.ii. . feaaa. Bold br lruHliij.
virl. I.aseet. to.
tt .1 iltugg'tt. - t Mat vr ttll T.tltee't writ
pa ausaaai
lis Btsenad
leasee lie I
ttteerrte write
... r l . . J. , fa
N. r. N. r.
NO. 3-'te.
Utu tkT
to ad ttirtlaer