.-- . , i .-m nrn.i.lll OUR ADVANCE SHIPMENT OF Mitfono City Guard. HA rURDAY SEPT 30 TO CORRESPONDENTS. The busines: of ii neii rjeoartment the WEEKLY GUARD is caused considerable trouble by corre ttondents addressing the pro prietors personally. Address all letters referring to the news oa per or business connected there with to THE GUARD, Eugene, Oregon. AUVKKT1B1HU i.v-l. Primers Ink, the New York "journal for advertisers," has this sensible remark: "The only method ot determin ing whether a publication's adver tising rate is low or not, is to com pare the rate with the amount of circulation offered for the money." The publiith6rB of the Daily and Wkeki.y (ii'AKL) make the stand ing ofler of the privilege of inspec tion of the subscription lists by bona tide advertise. When the grocerymau sellH gxuls he gives weight by the pound, and the dry goods man meaHiire by tin yard. Advertisers should a it tie lor serv ices ontli same basil jmy for what they get. OOTOliKU WIATHia For the benefit of those people who are in the habit ot saying that thev "never before saw such weather" we publish the following data, covering October weather during a period of 27 years in Port land, compiled from the weather bureau records: TKMI'KHATlltK. Mean or normal temperature, 53 deg. The warmest uiootu was that oi 1875, with an average of 68 deg. The coldest month was that of 1893, with an average of 50 deg. The highest temperature was 8,'! deg, on the 7th, 1891. Tbo lowest temperature whs 31 deg, on the 31st, 1877 and 1895. Average date on which first "kill ing" lrost occurred in autumn, November 2G. Average date on whioh last "kill iug" frost occurred in spring, April 11. I'HkH'I CITATION, (Italn iiuil iiivUihI mow.) Average for tho month, 4.0C inches. Average number of day with .01 of an inch or more 12. Tno groatost monthly precipita tion was 11.58 inehoB, in 1882. Tha loast mouthly precipitation was a trace, in 1895. Tho groatest amount of precipita tion recorded in any 24 consecutive hours was 2.93 inches, on the 10th, 1882. CI.Ol'DH AM) WKATIIKU, Average number of clear days, 7; partly cloudy days, 10; cloudy days, 14. WIND. The prevailing winds havo been from the south. The highest velocity of the wind was 42 miles, from the southeast, on the 23d, 1897. 11 8 Pauuk, Forooast Oflioial. Ilirr by. Hiipr rlw h(h, TMrr'iiiwit 1H1U cra alt hung up In the ky; . , A 'Ira Hill lift that U 'muti lit i; Th. r & .V Two mil chul.l hands I? ,r ' lA tSatwllllatiini1r.araa; jT-A fn lltllr MM winy- L lttS t"wn aljov; --" A darling to cart 6m, I In the baby to lore. flsya whrn Eve alntied It wan writ ten that motherhood bould here after be ac cotu panied with pain and sorrow; but t b i a curse upon our fore parents baa Men light ened more and more as mankind linvc learn ed to rise suterior to many of their sins and mistakes. One of the grandest agencies which en lightened Science has dir v. i. .1 in idlers motherhood from exccsnive iwffjllsi is the " 1'iivnrite Pirncription " devised by Ir. K. v. j'ierce, aWt-f eonaattiof physJi las of the Invalid,' Mot. 1 ami Surgical Institute, of Ilulfalo, NIY. This wouderful "Pre scription " imbues the entire nervous ays ttfll with natural, healthy vitiaty; gives elastic vigor to the delicate orgamnni spe cially concerned in motherhood: lender the prospective mother trong and cheerful and makes the coming of baby entirely free from danger and almost fri e from pain. The delighted gratitude of Mrs. Pearl Walton, of Alvo, Cans Co . Neb , will find an echo in the heart of every expectant mother : "Previous to the birth of my child." writes Mrs. Walton. " I had no appetite, was sick at my stutasch. ha.) In nl ii he i mid not rrt nt night, was completely worn rail in every way I DOM menrnl to MM PI PleTOt'f favorite J'revrljitlon and began to improve right away. I MM two bottles uf this great nieilicine unl frrt likes new person. At the time of confinement I wss la labor but a little wlnl. and I owe it all to that eat remedy-In Hlrrcr'a Favorite rrescrip- (If aW -e r ' rrent Don Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure conaUpatioa A PAVMUUT IN OBDBH. The city authorities are making no mistake in commencing thus early tho improvement ef Wil lamette street. Crushed rock is the next best thing to pavemeut but the latter is expensive. However we believe property owners between Seventh and Ninth streets would generally be willing to improve with the better material. 1'erhape it would be well for the street committee to interview prop erty owners on Hub question. With the hoayy travel on that portion of the street the crushed rock will soou work into dust and mud. At no time of the yoar will it be satis factory. Give us something better. It will cost more at the time but will be permanent, aud what is of greater importance, satisfactory. Crushed rook is neither. Joshua C Wateon, of Wyoming, has a scheme to mike the negroes happy by roping them into putting up money for commercial and speculative co-operative enterprise. Joshua does not understand the negro. He should drop the com men ml part of his scheme and pro vide watermelons, with a "crap" game thrown in for the deleotation of the black element. Then they will put up their money. Other wise Joshua will hold an empty 4 FILIPINO KABLK. Judiio Charles O Garrison, of New Jersey, as quoted in the Phila delphia Record: "A boy who had a brititlle dog on a string was so tired that the dog was on the point ol achieving inde pendence, when a member of the Society lor the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals accosted the boy and eluded him for not giving the dog his freedom, and finally bought Un string for the Bum of 25 cents. The last the boy saw of fie kind-hearted Htranger ho wus kicking the Btulliug out of the dog because it hung back when he pulled on the string." The San Francisco Examiner turicatures llryau. The Fxauiiuer claims to represent tho principles of the Democratic purty, but tho pub lic need not be misled as to its true standing in the newspaper world. The Examiner represdnts no party, nor the people. The Hearst mil lions, left to u weakling, are respon sible for its existence. It seek and lives on sensation, and takes any position that will add to the coveted notoriety. A now national temperance party has baaD organized at Chicago to Bave the country. It promises one million votes, and might be taken for earnest if the promoters did not nunounco that they expect $1,000, 000 to be raisetl to "save the temp lar." Tho "templar" may uoed sav ing, but it will striko the ordinary cituon that it is a high price to pay for hie salvation. It might be done ohoapor. The OngonttO says President Diaz, ot Mexico, is a statesman ol tho first water. The editor did uot happen to remember that Diaz is at the head of the onlv free silver country in the world else tho visit ing president might havo been ex coriated for the awful financial heresy which is responsible for the prosperity ol Mexico. The United Suites engineers are of tho opinion that tho owners of the Oregon City looks havo named a big price for the property. Did those engineers approach the deal with the expectation that (ho owners would give tho government u bar gain counter price? NATIVE DAUGHTERS Martha Mulligan Cabin No 3 Or ganized Last Night. OFFICERS ELICTCO AND CHARTER LIST III the Masonic temple Uet evening Martha Mulligan Cabin No 3, Native Daughters of Oregon was organized by Mrs itohert A Miller of Oregon City, grand president, assisted by Mrs fcdlth H, Linton of this city, one of the grand trustees. This organization Is growing very rapidly, and In a short time will be ooe of the leading orders In the state, the personnel of its membenibip In cluding many women prominent lu all walks of life. The offloers of the local cabin were selected as folio we: Past president, Kdltb B Linton. President, Ida Patterson. First vice president, Emma Thomp son. Hecond vice president, Mrs T W Harris. Third vice president, Bessie Day. itecording secretary, Grace Baowu. Financial secretary, A Osle Walton. Treasurer, Mrs I L Campbell. Marshal, Augusts Pattterson. Trustees, Mrs V K Bcarborougb, Mrs Louis Belshaw, Mrs G R Chrls- Tbe petition for a charter coutaiued the names of following: Irene Williams, auaafl wiikins Auguita i'attersou A. Oslo Walton llsttle Walton llvulo I in 7 Ik-sale Kaukln Margaret I Hllyeu Alberts McMurphey Mary Klnsey lurs II. l'eteri Julia Q Pay Uraco lirown Kdltb B. I.lnton Hmanua llowcri Kn.llla Msrr. A large number of other native daughter have signified their inten i inn of Jolulng the order, aud at tbe next meeting many other names will be hauded In. At the close of the orgauizatlon and Installation a banquet was served, which was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Mil ler left for points south on today's 2:10 local. Angelina Holt Ila Patterson M A Kuykeudall Nannie llelaliaw Florence ('. Adair Mary I.. Mil, or Amelia K. Combs Laura A Harris Margaret W Welder Kiniiia Thompson Idaho F. Cauinboll l.ucy Scarborough Ada Hcudrloka Mary J. Cbrlaman Katherlno rsttorsou Curfew rang last night for the first time at Portland. The clock that warns tho coming men and women from the streets strikes the ourfew hour in the winter at 8 o'clock, and in summer at B, Modest Women Modesty lu women Is no less n charm than U-auty and wit. Is it any wonder that wo men uiilioted with physical disorders pecu liar to their sex shrink from jK-r. (tonal examina tions by male physician.' The weak in sm-s and irtwularities of women Way tie recognized by certain unfailing symptoms, lUekache, headache, bearing, down pains, irritability and extreme nerv ouauess indicate derangement of the delicaic female organism. Itrudfield's Fe male Regulator is the standard remedy foe characteristic diseases of women. .Sol. I by dr moists at ft.ooper bottle. II Ul .. . .110 hluUlAIOH CO , Atlanta. ua For sale by DELANO 8L iB wZjAnxTavaHEstfaj riAJOU CLEVELAND FRUIT. A Hpleudld Variety of Apple Origin ated in Lane County. 1) P Hherldan, of Creawell preclnot, brings the OUAKD a -ample ot n spleu- ditl uew variety of apple which origin ated on his place several years ago. It was just alter the first Clevelatid cam palgu when two apple seedlings came up uuder Mr Hheridau's kitchen win dow. They throve and promised so well that the careful farmer concluded to transplant them Into his orchard i In- accomplished he named oue after the newly elected president, Graver Cleveland, and the other after the pres ident's young wife, Frauds Folsom Clevelaud. i ne urover Cleveland tree did no good. The name appeared to be too much for It. The hogs rooted It up; Mr Sherldati leplanted It. Then a hull broke it down, aud finally wheu it managed to bear a few applee they were worthle-s. Mr Hherldau could hear the sight of that Graver Cleve land tree no louger, aud it went into the lire, io.it and bratioh. It was entirely .Intercut with the Francis CleveKi.d tree, it has been nothing but a source ot eujoymeut to Mr Sheridan since the day he trans planted it into his orchard. It grew Into a lit ely shaped tree with remark able tough 1 1 in lis vnd branches which seldom break even under a large load of fruit. When rioe the annle Is of a large globular form, slightly creased at stent and blossom ends. The core is very small, lu color tne apple is yel low, splotched with bright red which increases lu tiaanttty aud brtlluuicy as the stem Is neared. The apple hi ought the Of a t;ii office Is splendid for eating, anil the originator says it cannot be excelled for cooking. It has an agree able tart taste iu both the natural aud cooked apple, aud makes a splendid sauce. The tree has matured five bushels of apples in one season. I peculiarity about the Francis Cleveland Is the time it holds the fruit This seasou ripe apples were plucked. from the tree on ttie first day of Aug ust aud fruit is still rlpeuing aud tall ng. A remarkable apple, lu- deed, to hold from August 1st uulil the latter part of September! During all that time green aud ripe fruit has been borne by the Francis Cleveland tree. From the specimen brought us, and the acvouut given by Mr Sheridan, we are fully convinced that accident has glveu another very valuable apple to the horticultural world 1 1 r.M. William Prestou at Wo. k on mm in Mealing Out Hrusb Patches. Ills N.itices aoaer this head not tn ecel ha lines. 10 ceut psr week; II W a mouth; II par ysar. For Sale. Kept em bar 28. Al Mayo finished picking h ps OD the 'H inal. - D M Hunaaker is vieltlog Mends and relatives here. Wm Preston ami hired hand are k,); HALF. Probably the very beni clearing off brush patches aud fence ijo t.re tract of lain! In Lane ceuu ro.c- on his farm at Xiou. Willis aud Baulafa McOuIre visited a short time here Hundsy. Carrie Hun- Hiit.SALK.-18a) acres iluiia-r laid near McKeuzle river. M miles from Kugene. Address, J E Hale, Han Ji at, Calif. A H FlSK, Kugene, Or. saker accompauled them home. This office has baM routed: mall leaves Zlon at 6:30 a m and arrives a 7 pm. Hiram Vincent, Dr McKlnney & Co bave returned from their outing on Deschutes. Hy tli-y I'ad a very pleas ant trip. Klden Templemati and and sister Maggie, Lewie Atldlngton and several other young pe iple expect to start In the morning for an outlug up about the Pine Opening'. Martha Dunten and sons are moving onto their farm west ol here which they purchased a short time ago of Mr James Hcrlvner. toburg items. Hepl 25, '99. I ..I hopplckers are nearly all home again. School began today with A N Ful kerson principal, aud Herbert Murcb and Miss Patterson as assistants. There Is some talk of adding a ulutb grade. Coburg is booming since the new company took charge of the mill. They are putting In an electrio light plant aud expect to soou be able to run day and night. Every bouse in towu Is occupied. J C Gisidsle mude a business trip to - ill in lad week, returning Thursday ulght. Mr and Mrs A N Fulkerson have re turned from an extended visit lu the vicinity of Halem. James Ooodale, Jr, came up fr m Halcm Saturday to visit bis parents re turning yesterday evening. There was preachlug service at Un church yesterday and there will be services next Sunday at 3 p m. Unity Items. Sept. 26. Mr Hiuclalr and family, of California, passed here last week on their way to the valley, where they will locate. Mr Hales and party, who have been prospecting aud visltiug tbe Kali Creek mines, passed here Saturday en route to Kugene. Mr Ueebe and another gentleman, of Hprluglleld, were lu this section last week looking for shingle limber, In tending to erect a mill at Springfield. ltev Kdward Nelson, of Seattle, 1 expected here soon to take charge of the United Hrelhren Lane county c'r ouit. Labor Is very high at present on ac couut or ttie scarcity of hands. It is almost Impossible to employ a man. RC Edwards visited Kugene last week. M Y Warner went to Kugene Mon day. B L Edwards visited Tient Sunday? What Is the attraction? fall jfovelties "Dress Goods Have arrived and aro now open for Impaction, ty, aud one of tbe best In the state ofOregou, owned by Dr 'l W Harris. This is a very fertile and highly Im proved farm lying 2j miles west of Eugene on an excellent road. The doctor bought this farm with a view to breedlug flue horses, but having given up tbe breedlug business, has no further use for his farm aud desir ing to devote himself exclusively to his profession, oilers it for sale at a rare bsrgsio. Csli on the doctor for terms of sale. KOK SALE Corner Klrst aud Jeffer son streets, one 10 room houce, and two lots, 80x100 feet each. Good barn, water, fruit, flue garden ground. Also house aud lot, corner First and Lawrence streets, lot 00 feet 8 Inches, by ltIO feet, young frt'lt trees, good garden ground, watur, etc. Also house aud lot, corner Willamette mid Fourteenth streets. For prloea and terms write 8 J Sills, Tacoma, Wash, Box 827, or call at Ouahd office. FOH SALE. That fine, desirable building lot, northwest corner of Pearl aud Tenth streets. A bargain. Inquire of owner, 0 C Crouer, Eu gene. KOK SALK.-A good Estey organ Inquire of Miss Adair, Pearl street, between 7th and 8th. BICYCLE KOK SALE.-One good bicycle, INirtt model, In first-class con dition, for sale, luqulre at S H Kriendly's store. LAMBS FOK SALE. I bave some tine thoroughbred Cotswold buck lambs for sale; also several Durham hull calves for sale. Address A J Cklzan, Pleasaut Hill, Oregon. FOR SALE OR TRADE A good top buggy, lu first-class order will trade for 3-incb wagou. C L Han sen, Franklin, Or. FA KM FOK SALE.-210 acres one and oue-half miles above Isabel P O, on tb Mohawk. 50 acres under cul tivation, remaluder contains good timber anil gotxl pasture; good house, barn, stock sheds, etc. Price 2500. Address K J Munkera, Isabel, Ore. SALE OR TRADE. A flue tldelaud ranch of 153 acres on tbe bay, tine, miles from Florence, fo- sale or trade for a ranch iu the vi.'iuily of Eugene or Creswell. David Smith, Spring. Held, Oregon. Miscellaneous. WANTED-Secoud baud household goods. Inquire one door west o Lane's Hall, Eighth street, Eugene, Oregon. Be at If ul Black; and Colored Silk and Wool Crepons in the Very Latest Effect and Colorings. LOVELY PliAIDS-. For Skirts and Suits; All of the Newest Creation. S. H. Jackets, Capes antf Furs in all the New Shades and FRIENDLi GLASS TiN AND ENAMELED WARE. STOVES am mmmm II I a Briniii Harmui General Hardware. Coal, lronv Steel, Wall Paper, Pumps, Ftamfcjy Continuation of our ...INTRODUCTION... T" 4ha r!ti7ono nf Pnnn Ua las met with MUh uncommon xucceaa in the iaet two wwki, we atill continue to offer and COK. Kuluea By Mold. Ttlegrapumir to Mars The idea that we may possibly be able Bometlme to eouuuunicate with the planet Mars is a perfectly sound oue. Those who laugh at It merely emphasize their laek of knowledge of iuo uiareu oi progretw. esrs ago a mau with IiIh family could not eroaa a stream a huudred yatds wide. He could communicate with hie fellow men only so far an hla voice would reach. Medical science knew no posi tive cure for dyepepaia. Bat we have pramtaad, steam electricity crosses the continent, ami Hostetter's Stomach Hitter has proved a boon to humanity. It strikes at tho root of almost all sickiiess-the stom ach, ami cures Indigestion, constipa tion, biliousness and dyspepsia. A private revenue stamp should cover ue iieca or me oollle. A Life and Deutli Klgbi. Mr W Hlnea of Manchester la writing of his almost miraculous es cape from death, says; "Kxpoeure after measles Induced serious lung trouble which ended lu consumption. I had taMIII hemorrhages and coughed ulgnt and day. All mv doctors said I must so,,,, die. Then i began to use Or King's N,.w Discovery for Con sumption, which completely cured pie I would not le without It even f It cost $.5 00 a bottle. Hundreds nae used it on niv reeomineudallon and all say It never fails to cure throat aud lung throubles." Regular slse 50 cents aud $1.00. Trial bottles free at Llnu' Drug Store. So Care, So ray. druwlata aell M fftkwMS, It i. a. pWnt U. take u Uuioyrup. .V cento. The hop harvest about tbe viciuitv ( besler H Itrown, Kalamazoo. Mich of Albany wss brought to an abrupt ' H,: "KfKlol Dysjepsla Cure cured standstill the lattir part ol last eek 1 me of vere case of indigestion; can on acosunt of mold iu the hops. The i !!r',"',Ji, recommend It to all dyspep .u.ckde.tn.ctloue.per.enced ,., thl- I'ldf,,,,! IVlSZX case was never kuowu lefoiv. Hoa pep.la. Vim-ent A Co, Corner DiuV li ixasfi .uma.IIiU.. lkl ni a Ut 6 au ( - i n i i i mi i k ! m i . nil. mi i llOUn "'ir, WELL DRILLINii.-Inm prepated to drill or bore wells of any capacity ui-piu. i mi mi r lunirt'-s mi ai Kalrmount, Oregon. f r.A ii. CllAKLKS OK Htolkn. A sorrel my Held near Irving. BTBATBS niare, from Mouday ulght, Sept 18. Blind iu ngnieye. weighs about 050. Will suitably reward anyone giving me in formation as to her whereabouts. William Maxwell. Li I I) ntkvn a m rtt iun i. uesiueui property, rairiiiiiuut, east, part or pwfc, ktu' vu as Win Smith resideoi-, o mil for oue year. Inquire cJCB Dta 0n premises. PTifinrnirr V T At rrock bottom prices. We make a specialty of Fine Teas and White House Coffees Boarne IWereaotile Go. Telephone No. 132. m i:. to cut, fell suit saw I ,gH, and to woik in logging. Apply io L. D. l orre.it. W a VTt?n nn " ku. i gisju mm Leaburgb, Oregor',, LOST.-Hhepher,, bitch pup.Oi uonths old, yellow, v tb white feet, breast, tlpofUII ar d stripe iu faw , near Haytlen hr-.dge, Sept 7. Keas onable reward by o A Campbell, E ugeue, Oregou . WOOD WANTKD.-10 oords" "".i wauled at once. K Jgene Koto oi'JUli). Ithln were fouud to te partially rotteu. As near as can be ascertained fully one- third of the crop Is ruined aud left on ousnees. DeWltr. LltUt Karly Hiaera per n'ently cures chronic constipation, bill- How's Tulg? We ntler One Hundred I) jllars Re ward for any case of Catarrl i that ctn not lie cured by Hall's Cate xrh Cure. V J Chunky & Co., T Dledo, o. We, the unitrsigncd. have J Cheney (or the last 15 yea re, aud be lieve him perfectly honors .ble In all business transactions and flnanol.llv able to carry out any oblllf Uotm made by their firm. WaWATsUiX, Whoaamla r,i. gists, Toledo, O. WAL1.1NB, KINNAS & JlAHVtS, liolesale Druggists, Tolf do, (). Hal"s Catarrh Cure is bakan i. r. nallj, acting directly ut tha ma and mucous surfaces of that Price T5c. er bottle. So ,d bv .i gists. Testimonials fre. . Hall's Family Pills a re tbe best. CASTOR I A ior Infants and Chi idrcn The Kind You Have Aln iys Bought McCLANAHAN & SIMPSON, Agricultural hpM Schutter Wagons, Sechler Buggies, Garden City Plows, Bradley Harrows, Champion Drills. XX Rays Gang, X Rays Sulkey A Cluster Of Good Ideas Especially desirable from an economical standpoint, and that represent every style I and feature. That the market ! was at the most favorable, point when we made the1 selections, you will readily agreo when you note the! qualities. Bears the Signature o U-C) MEAT M ARKET set. oruara .v Bennet t, l'rop. nervousness and worn-out Dealers isl and regulates tbe entire tbe vines. The hops harvested before the mold commenced ar. of exoellt ! sv.tem. TZZTZ W. Mm, Pork, Vll L Him. Bacnn Ladiea' Cloth f'npes, LLs Ladies' Plush Cn;es. LamZUB Udiea' Skirts, Ladies' rPf2iilSS Muslin Underwear, LadiM Ji Misses' Mackintofhea, , Oeats' Clothing, 0 ..jjo. tienU' laasatitoshsSj JlT Bf' R.va C.thinK, Boys M.utotob Golf Caps. rverytl n in th Choice ..mhIh are UP-TO-UATK. Our Dnr OihkIs Dwaw tnentia:illofgLod valtiea and the an right. P Frank & Son . v.teil You cannot ahun, but ton can and i. V',1. .V'coaratJ1 ol Palnu now ofiVied for sale. You ni -1 1 aln- " uo. but it will pay you to buy tn o.. .0. quaUtyaadtotbeodltof the Wt.nM,iw v: Llrt, FrtSh Md Sukl )d SmaDeS ' 1 u 0i utr Drug ators. a . , . Mata Stmt. aai ., Onaroa. Death .pttov Sua Root Meat AM D"' iJ M fsal-esry nn warsansa. For sale by i A OvertOf) Watch I jhtli simt. E"0