The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 30, 1899, Image 1

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    . k 'A y I i
Taiin w tn tmmntm Bti . ..... iii, . mm , ruifiATirin mm
NO 37.
urs, Furs
We are showing this season the finest
line i' Fur Goods west of Chicago
n Skin lackers
I -
From $2.50
to $100.00.
j 1 1 nn ri n r n n. . u : i
HmrDbkL unvi ruwnaiiBn iiltf i t Willamette street, lJ
tm. i S.- .nth and Klhth tet
Yser 2,oo
Month! MS
M-nths W
. i-M-im" rates m.vle Ivl. nvn mi application
II I,t. in,.- letter ti. h : .CAltlV
; ,1 usgon.
. vAuan
I iri.ii . i 1 1 11 1 1 I n- i ' "l. l 1
lu Walton Illock.
Birranii uiietiOM.
L wiiitson.
Natron lterus.
Kept. 20, '99.
Mis H Vandiiyu and daughter,
Kelle, ure visiting nt t he home (if J E
P Wither
Mr-Harry Junes is quite low with
poneumpi ton,
Material is being hauled to 'I't.n retou
1 ir a Woodman hall.
Boppichloit will he Bulehed at the
Weber IV yard about Baturday. Tbe
hopi ate in very good OODdltlOD.
Threehlng li about completed in
tills Vleitllty, iitul the faatlier -mil. -OOCe
Comsoi.ida.tu. The late M B con
rereace at Salem pawed tbe following
Molutlouel 4Reaolved, That we re
oommend tbe 0 tnaolldatlon of Willam
ette university and Portland univer
sity; thai we request Portinnd uolvr
aity to close op its w ork aa a separata
school by tbe end of the nr. -fiit school
haa it the, ollice and fixtures of
,.. lati- iii-iiii.-ih.iii. 1 am i year, unit that we ree n u n leti u a ru o ill:
..w nrciur.-. ' .I" aiivtiiini; " in" I"""
enti.try in the abOV .aiil ottiee.
rowu iiml lubUe W"rK a specially,
Daatn 1
ska. Watches, Chain., Jew
.1 . Ba.
Ktpftinog pronpHj uom
.III V Hll "" A sail
w BB IWN, M. D.
, Upstairs la Ghrismaa Mock.
lours: il to 11 a m; U to 2, b to 9 p m.
it the privilege tn continue us an
academy correlated to Wlllamete uni
versity hiiiI publish Ibelr names in ita
catalogue, provided It U agreed to by
laid Portland university aluuiui."
Tit Tkains. It Is reported
tliHt pu important cbauge la to he
made, and that li.-uiiinim the 15th
ot October the local trains will be
chauged to throUKb train", for which a
schedule ia being arranged, the recent
trip of superintendent rieiii and
other offlolall through the valley being
for that purpose. It Is to be hoped it
proves true, so that we get the bem lit
of a through day train, the proper
' ',- ,- - i v n mi l i i.ii.irt'n
Shfltou Block, opposite t.uaril olfioe
A lToltNKY A'l'-LAW.
One-half block south of Chrinniau
Edomf. Onciios.
T T ' .ill T.l j' it .ii'T ltlllM HIIII liifa L toi rt III
kta Muuey to loau oo real eiUte.
r. With A I WooiloK-k.
HF:. REST...
! iinailaani nt VaDOf lla Lamp.
Approved by iaiuranoe com-I'-ulies.
Safe anil ecououiical.
Iniiwct it at
nr. i
u peri or Fotoarafs
Of Euoene.
aid up Cash CapitaU$50.000
urulus and Profits, $50,000
A. O. U. W.
t 1 I t BIO l Y Ml BK1A
ftMtrkan Uigboal an 4 Cran In r.n
pin llitnd.
King of AII-31 Years Old-Over 370.000
Manila, tlept IB Ulartportad tbat
MM iMefgMtl have cnoiurid the
United Btatea KuutMmt Urdaoata, la
the t)raiil river, on I tie DOftb WVOt side
of Manila Day, wbara he patrol.
loir. Om ofBewMd nine of ber erevj
UK table lirh'W will rrtiet't In viari aanadaaaa . i th.. Wiinitiao .,f aa i i .-- 'trt tiii-stutf.
Woodaan of America, Keith ta of the Macoabtes, aad tbe A. O. IT. W, baaid I Tbe gMlboal I'ettel.sent to luvesti-
iilKin 12 iiei.meutii per aiiunii.. iii.ii Wt BWailllliallll mil i I 1 II . .. . .1 . tf -'" " "-' and reisuted Hint the
N yean aad carry glow aaoe, a meatbandii out iftbentt years oU arc kabt
Jjittatad tn take their pitas. The SOat ..f c.irryiiu- th in.ii,t.r i. taken frtmi the Mmtality
Table nt the Nali.nul KiaUrnal OsagNSS, to whi. li th. order, .,,ntf .
W O. v. M.W. A. K.O. T.M. A. 0. 0
Loan ia Savings Bank
Of Eugene, Oregon
CAPITAL caid up) $50,000
W. I BROWft, frsildsnt.T
I, 0 PAINE. VIM Preimmt.
f. W, OSBURN, Cnhler.
W. W. BROWN. A lit CaihtsiJ
.euerul :BauhluK HuNinenH
TraiiHncted ou Favorable Ternih
trilti Itn-1 on the principal rlttea of the
. 'latei: alio cxchaune luruuhed ayatl
ahle in all toielaucountrkss.
nteieit raid on tuns depoalta,
Kin proof Tault ti.r the lU'raRe of valoabl.-
llectloni recti re our promot aitei-tlJD.
n :to
;m n
10 u
4.'i SO
68 ii
f"r jj (iaepnai .i yr) iaaonM i m) (taensas :i r. (taauM
t O.tNKJ
11,000 134,000
11,0 0 rom
81,000 M
11,000 11,000
ti,000 2t,iHii
2l.(i 14,000
81,000 Jt.inHt
81,000 000
jii.s.niNi oTifeHio
( :ti,.iiiKi
0 jfct.iwii
Tas .iirplui on the A. t. I'. W. alas
Tbs totl cor of sarrylag thee niKii h 88J0,45O,
w.miI.I W Sliw.rsel. All other plan iln.w .
. ,n "'V l"5'.th ! ai tl..-y .. , nr. the onl-r. mntluasd Vontd have to lev the M
l"wink. nuiulM-r of a,.iment Hr anii'ini. '
:io x,
x, III
HI 4.-1
66 60
t'OST 1 W. t). W. It M
(5 yr periisli.) (No. Ami s-r No. A-
snawra.i aaanra.)
0 80,000
t LS60
12 in
15 1.1
Hi 1 1
If 11.
:'i i
86 BJ
88 2K
I Hi I 40 I
. K. a T. It
per n o. .Aim . u 1
o. r. w.
1 Xo. Aia'i per
ami inn.)
Thtlt taWts will raaillli ahnar Ihi ilna, ai, rili v n 11 e . 1 .. . ., ...
increa-e, th.. rate to l. pai.l with a.,.. ana And ths nth r ordan in, JU. th..' )...
I1 7T" At the end l the 40 years r..tle, ,MN.ri, v , o, ,,,
l,'MniiL. to join anonler. won h liave tui ai fll,,u. Wi, ve , . ' I, ... .
plan to lite luii't 1' . lei t Imin iL, in. i,il,..r ...n; , . ,
WiTM fr",u tzr""; a: x " 1 ' xv, r z&'JZ-v
annum; It i n,.t ueimwtrv, but if an i nnleniic or nan c il... . i. ...
whlh rT'i ltill!,"k 'tl'i rates. Uirlstlis.-iipr.,,.. I. ,,. . i.t I ..... I t r. ....
a o itw .? K .T" I:a",,.",.:',' i,'M'"""". " b praotloaUi Uwihauatahle, Tea
. I the rather all U.o . 1. 1 ,rv ...I..,. ......
.-.i. i. t i. rr- ' "- ,. "ii a iieer; u is ia
l.ihralUr f all onlata) the oBest, the , ..... .t. th, safe,t the I . -I. I'l.e iJ.i is u..e f
goon lor you.
Course of Study Offered
This Year.
i vii . ry, flrl i work
other teste, n Todd,
'i. Latin Ony'e Lath
mil ref. r. i t
Delre, Hueton,
1 r.lauetn was tsaehed oppuslle tbe
town of Oraal, on the Ontnl rivet
Hbj was bO nod and the following
Mill' with their ailllliunltloil w .recap-
tuied: One one, pounder i one t'it nu
tomalie gun and one N., (J
m 1 1 1 its. ter gun.
rbe orew oi the Urdaneta are prfav
onen, or have been killed. Farther
details me lacking,
DolTorotty lutea
bally OMfi, Beat M
Tbe football men tttraod out yea tec
diy sttoraooo fr tbe eeoond tegulai
pnotice. Als.ut twenty men were in
suits nud by the ml of the week, there
in tie a down more candidate. Cat -
talo Ninth and 1' Iturden MVfO
charge of the jmd and nr.. getting tbem
into form lor Onaeb Blmpaoo, who will
arrive about Ootobor 10.
i he board of maoagers of the U of ti
Alblelic club w in moot at r . donah
tory tins evening to elect a de'egate to
the intercollegiate football I., ague,
which meets at Ida lent next BaUurday,
Friday evening, lu i he gymnasium,
t lie Laurean BoOtOtf will give a not p
'Ion to tbe itttdente, faculty and alum1
III, in li.uior of the returned studiuls
of the Second Oregon II. S V. Chaps
lain tiilbeil, Colonel V.. inn,
Friendly mid otben . , -peak.
Hie nttkleot body will meal tonor
row morning to eleoi 0801 rs for the
lE.tnbli.beU n
A Genera! BanktnQ business in all tranches
transacted on favorable terms.
Q. HOVKY, Pre-ldent
M. AUIIAMH. Ciasliier
Eugene, Oregon.
' IhiriA -kn isasiaon term. diitht
r.fu ..n t liiciwo, San Erancis. andi'Tt-
tSUli ..( rt namrv "1I n fnrriiro oountrie.
Jipoiiu recrivtd .nbjutti check or oertib
A. entr.uted to .. will receive
"'nipt attention.
h i' inxnaicaa.
VkM M lent-
'.. S lis, BASS,
A.t ' aahiel
Gross Bros.'
The work of the high school grndes
will lie slightly changed this year, as
will be seen by a reference to the np
pended outline. The changes are lor
the purpose of more thorough and sys
tematic work, and to rBtisfy its nearly
as may DO the most important d. -
mantis upou the school. In niatiit
maties both plane and solid geometry
will be given.
In English, twenty authors, includ
ing American and English riler-,
will be studied briefly, reading cue or
more selections in the class and others
in private. Various objects are ar
rived at in this course, one being tbe
historical VHlue, another, the literary
style, another, the couleut, another,
tbe Inclusion of most of the. reipjin
meuts for university admission.
Three years of Latin will be oflered,
only two classes, however, being or
ganized tills year.
The history work will be greatly
broadened by supplementary reading,
and laboratory work, and a new ooursu
iu advanced American history added
.scientific studies are ropraetnted by
physical geography with some expert
IDCUtS ami lllustartid lectures, and a
course of one full year in botany.
Pupil organisations for t he study of
interesting phasis of the vsrious de
partments will be encouraged.
The Adelphlau Literary Society will
be continued, and perhaps a rival 00.
ciety started.
Athletic and musical aflairs will also
be looked alter. There will be sufll
dent variety to satisfy the desires of all
the tuilents", sad the superintendent's
chief duty will be to see that no
student Ixuonjeg identified with too
many of them to the detriment of the
revular class w ork.
Election ol studies will be allowed is
f.r us pcoolblt), fi.ur courses being full
work. English and history are re
quired in nil grades, the usual election
bt-ii'g between Latin, seance and
1. English -- Lock wood's Lerson
and the following classics of literature
Hawthorne's House of Hevi n (iables;
Lowell's Vision of Hir Laonful; Dick
ens' Christmas Carol; Scott's Lady 0(
Iba Lake: WblttUc'i Boow bound;
Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice.
2. History U&rns' Ancient and
Mediaeval Hi -tory, supplemented by
(ssays and not bo k, and readings in
reference booko and other authorities.
TICK I'll tlllAHK.
l! Bngliah liiH'k 'a Lessons
Oompleti i l. ngfnllow'a Talea of the
Wayvido loot Sir Etogti do t overly
IPapera; Barko'i speech on Coootllv
jtlou; Slci! csp. ure's Julius Cui sur;
laoime arandmotbers story, eicj
Lincoln's Addresses.
2. History Barn to1 Modern His
tory and English History.
.'t. Ma'bematics-Whlte's AlaObfl
eompltted, Phillips and Fisher's Plane
I. American History Flake,
6, Botacy Bergen1 Paoiflo fjoaal
8, Latin Allen . UrwOOUgbfl Che-
I. Bnglioh Outlines and Lei-lures
ill rhetoric and English literature, Ten
nyson's Enoch Ardon, etc; Bmofoon'o
E-siiy; Webster's Hague Debate;
Shakespeate's As You Like It; Macau
lay'a Essay on John Milton: Milton's
I, 'Allegro and II Pelisenmo; t'arlylt's
Essay on Itnrns; Hum's Poems.
2 Boonomloo orBookktoary icienient
ary.) 3. Geometry Piano and Hniw.
I. Hcieuce lllology.
5. i.atiu Cicero.
0. Not decided.
Home of the subjects will not be giv
en this year, and certain courses will
In nlleridto. o classes, while others
to all three grades.
Arrangements have boon madu to
have a clu s organized in shorthand,
to lie given alter school hours, prob
ably at I o'clock. Two lessons u w . ok
will bO given throughout the eutlre
term. A fee of f.'i will be charged. As
the work is dona under the direction of
the sohool, credit will ! given on the
high school rec .pis.
1 he class will meet for organization
Tneeday at I o'clock at tlie high school
A lioLii AtT.-Last Friday night a
valise was stolen from the S P depot
platfoi m, and, although the samo lias
boon advertised !. lb Ol iabo and tbe
ofllcers bava been quietly looking into
tbe matter, tbe valla is still miasing
(belonged to Mr- Msy Huff8mltb
aid while eontalnlng only those nrtl
oha and olotblog raaoollal to a Indy In
traveling, somi were Ipraoonto highly
valued, Ofid ' !' I greatly de-
plortd. It la In be hoped the vail.)
will tie return, d or found.
.1. aVlawbra Whlto'a School AIg-
iWachine 5hopS hca,ajpplmented by problems from
Lillv. Milne, Wentworth, etc.
Eugsc. Or'on. 4. Civlcs-PeU-rruan's Civil Oovett -
Sawmil I and M ining Machiner ment, Supplemeutel by Voaof, Flake, the weU-knowti young attorney, n of
..' n. . uTr,. Dlaadadaif .mdv of the conatitutio 1 Judg" lb-11. tiger, Is lying seriously ill
Store Fronts.
DlVOKCi. - - Hesiie hearing has
instituted a suit for divorce against 1
BooJ f Dearli the Lmo
county circuit court. Tbsy
were married at Kptlugfleld
OragOD, V 1 li -' The Issue cf
said ooarriags are three children, ntella
7 year'. , y in, u.d Cluude I
yer. ' rn tin.:, .ti treatment 1
is sih-ged in 1 bo oomplaiat,
iBOTafjondoi aWoMBIdoJ The City
of Eogan on its regular trip up th
nvof Wedneaday, left a lot of freight
at this place, including beer, (arm uu-
chluery. iir.mstone, ugar, etc.
Tin stu!t of tin V. of o. Monthlj ,
held a Miieilnit last evening, tn dlOOMSO
plans for l, en .nlng y.-.r. The ofll-
cersofth naper thla year are: Kdltnr.
in chief. H. D. Antoll ''; Aaaoeialt
Bditora, W, L Wblttteoay "01, vd
Wlnnlford R, Mti'.r '.vj; Bualnaaa
Manager, . H, Baton '02; AanUtaot
Manager E.N. Btytbo'Ot,
Heal h'state I mn-.i 1 ..11 -A
C Wisi.lcock to Jessie A Junes, mi
acres in t 17 s r ' e; f.iiNl.
11 V Johnson to Kiank Mo n In ad
s lot. 'I, lilock 61, Junction City; Mm
Win 11 Eaton to J D Asher, laud In
t is s r 12 w; f;t25.
Isaac Mulkcy and wile to L E and
Luella Park- 17 JO acres In 1 18 3 IWj
Ella and LC Countryman to the
Ilooth-Kelly Lumber Co, 7U acres In I
10a rl w;82fi!i.85.
Charles I tiorrie and wife and Thna
0 GhjfriO to thl Houtheru Paclllu Co,
I. "it acres in 1 17 a r 2 w; ftHHh Itlghl
of way.
J M Hpores el 11I to the H 1' Co, 6.40
teres lu t 17 sr 2 w; ttUK). Itlghl of
V 810 J W S Brent, lUO acres In t Hi
s r & e; patent.
Chas W Evans et ai to H P Co, 7
sores lu t ids r 1 w; 1160. Itlghl of
Dewey Has Arnred.
New York, Kept SB, The United
States cruiser Olympla arrived oil
Sandy Hook at HJA this (Tuesday)
morning wit li Admiral Dewey aboard.
No Ei.kition. The election of 11m
jora for the llrst and thud battalions,
Third regiment, Oregon National
Ouard, was held on Haturda.v. 1 11 the
first battalion, which comprises four
Portland companies, Uaniond E Ju
bit, formerly major in the First regb
ment received the unanimous vol. nod
was declared elected. In the Third
battalion, whl-h comprises company
K, of Salem, and the couiMiniea sta
tioned at Eugene, Orant's Pass atid
Ashland, there was no election, for
the reason that there were tbr.e can
didates, neither of whom re l ived the
requisite MinilsT of Votes, 'I he can.l.
dates voted for were: Captain May
ami Lieutenant Thornton of Ashland,
and Captain Williams of Eugene. An
Other election fOf the Third battalion
will lie held lu the near future.
v. ITttlllGKtYl Food LAW
Prohibit the Uf o Atsrlilc or Mum
in 111 article of Db t.
1 he law i'tfiictr.1 by the Miaaoarl
legislatuie. h ipy ot wbluh was rr
gently pa Itahod in nor oolnmna, and
arblch 1 roiiiblt tbe mnnofaotnr "r
sale of , irtiolo Inianded lor food or
to is 11 s, 1 1 0 (he prtparetl n of food,
which ins alum, am olo, ammon
la, ate, ptaor that a'ato In tbe I red
11 ti e 11. utter of sni. Italy legislation.
'Laws 1. striding t he Use of alum 111
breed have boon In fticn in Bogland,
llatinaity and France tor many years
1 1. . his ei'iiir iy, It. Minnesota. iVIa-
I OU nails, Michigan Oh o, Kentucky and
I several other et .h-a, dlr.ol legislnllotl
I ill rafereOOa to the sale of alum linking
powders I s. sl 1 been atlecled. lu
several ei lliveealBtOO their sale is pre
blblted OOlet I b)y are branded to
s.iu that they coiitaln alum, and in
thcDistiict ot Columbia, under the
aw s .. ( .ingress, the sale Ol bread 080
Italnlngalnm baa been made illegal,
I Following are the namoo f on... of
I I he brands of t aking powder sold ill
tins vicinity which era shewn tv rg.
cent an. .lysis t .-o il iiii a mil, HoUsc
keopt rs and grOOMI alMWld 1 nt (lie list
"lit and keep It fur ratSfSnCO
Baking Powdets Containing
KO c.ntsti). vlnin,
Man I bf J.lle. Mis Co. OhtSagO
i-Ai OMaTI ConUin. vtum
M.ui iiy 1 alaaaat reweat On. ..
OMg DaahUas AJaar
m.i 1 py Beaaa uiu raeearOo, -n rnur
VAOBIMOTpH raatalaa aiuui
Maul by I'aeltlc . heuileal W ork.. I .coma.
rni si km Oca tains Alum
Maul by i recent Mli o, sc. 'In.
N 11 1 M : 1111 Osatalaa Ahua
Man( by P IVrrer. ,k 10, la 101 .
HK HIV8 OaXU in. Alum.
m.ui by wasalaoasa ui. oa, s.u . raaaarea,
BOM . Osa isles .Mum.
Maul b lite in-.-,1 . heuib'.l l u, 1 liluaso.
IIKI'IAN.'K . t'uiitaliu Alum.
Maul by Curtl.t'it l oll... ,v spire . . I'mtlainl.
POIsTLAMD .'onutliiiAlinn.
Maul by Pi 0 llalll., jlWIIaM
T he bOQMkei , r should hear in mind
that alum in ken a cheap linking
powder. Il co-is but Iwo cento a ; omul
while cream ol tartar costs thirty. The
itiality of lb powder Is therefore,
usually Indloatad by too price.
ay left for
l lloh. niia,
n I church Appoiotmenti
We are indebted to Be J r Abbatt
for 1 lie I let oi appointments ol the
Oregon ooaaVrenoo re far us tin y uiiect
l.nne county charges.
Ilcv w H Holllngabeed, tranaferied
In. in Aotorla, will Mil the pulpit of the
ICagon Mi On. list Bplteopal ehurohl
I ir the ensuing year. Itcv J
w ho has so 'iei eptsbly tilled II
for tbe peat three yeara, go s to Ash-
laud. Itev Abbetl his made many
fi I- nils during his long slay In Eugene
who regret his
him so s. and pleasant lines In his
DOS II. Id of lat or. Too QOAUI bus
loiind Itcv Ablsitt n courteous Chris-
iian gentleman, ami can recommend
Mm to the new -pap. 1 Irsternity of his
new homo.
Rev B C Black wall, of too Spring.
Held charge goes to I, is, lie ( hurcll, na
lem, and Rev M I' Dixon from Junc
tion t ity to Sprlngil. d. OoitsfO
Breve, M 0 Brink) reeweii, H 11
RlWOftbyi Junction City, C L Mo
KktSC li -
n ir Onard, sen I
W BUI of Aal iris, li n Rap p. .
F I Chamht r. a 1 10 PortiAad to
day. Win Vuit w nt i,.; ,. in ,,! bjal
Ur D 11 Ford and Dr I D Dflfef are
home from Sal. 111.
Mies Panol Hemu
slnts north t.ulay.
P J and K J loaning
wi re in Eugene today.
John Hays, the rat. ml couiractor,
was ben again today,
Attorney 11 F dklpworlh, of Junc
tion, was in Roget lodry.
Chas 11 Hill, proprietor fib Bel
knap Sponge, is in too eitj .
Mrs W T Phillips and Mr E H
disbands, of Portland, ore lu Eu
gerc. Mr and Mis F I . Albt , of Albany,
arrived op today and are gaeeta of Dr
ami Mm Riddle,
Win Kittredg md stlfs of silver
Lake, was :u Eugene today. They are
after a load of supplies.
R J Jennings, the Holiemia u..uiug
man, will go to Blu River tomorrow
to iii-sn-t (list district.
lb v J H Abbetl returned home from
the M E conferva oa leal evening. Mrs
At hett will Vlail 111 Albany a few .laya
before returning h.-re
W w Rrown, aa latant oaahlar of tbe
Eugene Loan A Saving, bank, Is
again on duty after a few ds) illness.
C .plain Harry L. Wells arrived on
today's ;10 1. el, and tall lecture on
"t in g. ui in the PhUlpplutn" tonight
at the F.tit Prist... urian . Iiuu li
Mrs It A Mill. r, of Oregon City,
preridont of th NetiVO Daughtera of
Oregon, Is Iii tho city. Sim will Insti
tute 11 cabin of the or anil . tloti In this
city at Masonic hall tonight-
ndtpandeooe West Bidet Mrs T J
Craig mid little) .1 .lighter, 1 ugcnla,
wh i luivii been visiting Mrs Cut iron,
M. '.'rulrf' 1 moth , nt Miinnioutli, re
turned to her h. hp tit Portland Mu
day .
J P Joooo and h e Loosobary, of
tb Boutbarn Paniflo, Boot Wilson, of
the Burlington, kfi Uaiufiald, of lbs
Bio UimoQe vToetera, Md all (tor-
baS of the Unci. Island fotmod inpiin
tet of railroad man to pass through Eu
gene today.
I'm: (Tiy.T'auk.-TIiii ellorts iiiatlo
byoui cii lens temtabllah a park on
1 kbbetl ooiiBly grooode, aboald be pcrpot-
, J j ii. Thello.virs planted and the
' 1 .
.111..1.,,,-,,, I.,,- in,, 1 1 . 1 ,11
ccuimniiil attiutlon where onc the
npiare was an eyesore. Occasionally ,
.. .
departure, but wtah ! , " ' Zj , "1" "' "
iiiiiin nun 11. .1.'. luiiuinii ,1, in,, paras.
This should not be. if necearary tho
elty offlolal could watch this portion
of the city and warn ollcnders. Every
Oflbft to btautlfy the city must ho one
OKkiniN Wi;kiih. Prof EH Lake,
lie ol 1 be I o'uiihts of Mi Oregon statu
agricultural college, ia u nking a col
lection of the noxious woeda of tin.
slatr. These will ho mounted and
sent out to tbe vaiious county courts
throughout t lie stale so as to ODOblO
the county ofllceis to .htermln
whether Weedl alleged to be tlioab
which OO m under the liau of the state
law are In fact such or Hot.
Within: 1 1 tiiiis. Albany Detno
orat: " IT10 On goulau bus been glvit g
wheels Unit told wheru the money of
the dlll'eretit clt les of ( Ircgou giafe. To
day it ri presents the figures lor Albany
as follows: Salaries t,4t0, lire depart
ment 11,816, ImproTamatiii $1,770,
lights I,T08, police $1,210, streets and
sewers $1.1, 'tu, other expenses $(19:i.tl6,
j 1 Ins for the past fiscal year. The total
I 110,808. 8A The wheel or where Al
bany's money g es is not oompioto
! wllliiuit BBOattdBiOg nearly fO,0(X) paid
lot interest."
Staii: Diploma 1 In. state board
of 1 lineal loii at Halem Monday after-
DOOtl granted a state diploma to E D
Iteaaler, of Eugene, on a certificate
from Ohio.
On Display at
Pompadour Effects, b
Portland Mercury: Vic lielllnRei,.!
Phiaaajit ggAaoir, -Ootobor 1, tLe
I open saaSOfl forChlueee pheaaiitits will
b'gin. As It falls on next Sunday
many hunters will wait until Monday
before going Into tho llelda with gun
and dog after these splendid gtiun
birds. Pheasants are s'lld lo Is. not n
plentiful aa formerly. Pot btoUBB
ami the -hipping of large numbers ol
birds has made Hu m 100100. That por
UOOOfth" game laws which forbid-
I the wholesale slaughter of pheasant
and prohibits the shipping of the u at
II ought to ba enforced.
Caitin.-' mails to order.
Impairing a icialty.
Shop on East EiLlh MaSSt
atate and natioual, aad original docu- at his residence. fc is a very popular
nj.nts. young man, bil l his many frienda iu
5. Physical (ieography Electric
Text, with rsperiuieu'.s iu physics and
Portland who rely
ear'y recovery.
hope for his
Makkiaoe Lic knsk. A marriage
licenae an granted last evenlog by
County Clerk Leo BO (i II Pitcher ate
M!ae Nellie Kerr. Also una to Elvln
V TaykM and raunie May Uaber.
Corded Taffeta,
Fancy Stripes,
Cyrano Red.
I Camjl's Hair,
Di'ISS iiflODS!ani
I Crepon
Childrero' Jackets,
Infanta' Wraps,
Tam O'Shan'er.Leati 0. Caver.
Say Hen
c call 'oua seacia l
F. E. Dunn.