The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 16, 1899, Image 2

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    Eugene City Guard.
I. I CAMMILL, lr.,.lalo.
a InUraetlaa Cllacllon f liana I .. ...
tha Two Hr.iMlapln.raa hMHM
In I i. 'I Kurui.
A tilk ribbon tiuit haa n organ-
Kuar ol war ii effecting trade la
The Wathington volunteer! have
m 1 1 1-1 (or home.
The condemned thip llellef n to be
used m a floating hospital at Manila.
(Hia will tain! 0i Obio after the
grounded Morgau City troop at Nag
asaki. Yucatan Indian now refute to pay
lain in Mexico, ami mora trouble n
British seamen bare declared gen
eral strike ami tba movement will
effect all British poita.
Thousands of veteran! are in attend
ance at tbe national ). A. It. encamp
ment In Philadelphia.
Admiral Dewey baa arrived at Olb
raltar. He will aall for New York be
fore tbe middle of tbe montb.
Kite of Colonel Bell't men encoun
tered a rebel ontMiet near I'm no ami
one ol tbeir number wat killed and an
otber wounded.
Tbe retail butcbera proote to make)
a great ilgbt againat the tiuit. Tbey
bave IIO.UOO.000 of capital and member-
in neaily every large city in tbe
United Htatt-a.
Kroger baa wltbdrawn hia corn-ee-aiona
to England. Tbe time of reel
denoe neoeaaary to obtain lianchise haa
been incieaaed inatead of deoieaaed at
England demanded.
Laborl ia on tbe war patb. He bat
given formal notice that be will aeek
information in foreign cbannelt, at haa
tbe prosecution. Tbla, it it aald, will
bring about grave complication.
Kiterbaiy, who it In London, tayt
dliattiout latulli will follow tbe ac
quittal of Dieyfiit. Meroiei certainly
will be oondemned. ami tbat will only
lie tbe beginning of trouble in France.
At tbe neit teitlon of congrei the
Nlcaraguan government wlllupen uego
tiallont witb tbe United Htitet lor
treaty on tbe ttibjecl of tbe oanal, and
will agree to wie out all otber con
reationa tbat bave beretolore been
A Washington corietondont tayt
tlie pretidenl hat made up hit mind at
to the government of out new posse
lont. Kach gmup will have a differ
mil form nf iiuitiol. Cuba will be in
deMindent, miles anneialioii It de-t-1
1 . . t . in wlii. I event, American senti
ment will determine form. Philip
pinea will lie governed by three com
iiiiMloneri; I'orto Hico by tvirilorial
government and Hawaii as recommend
ed by tbe the commission.
Eighteen casee and three deaths it the)
yellow fever litoalion at Key Went.
The president' census proclamation
doet nut imprest the Cuban favorably.
A Kentucky desperado carried out
bis threat and killed an ofllcer tent to
nriest him.
Tbe tebelt attacked Angelet with at
tillery, but were driven oft by Colonel
Kin Itli't men.
Now England ailveiitee enlogiaed
Aguinaldo and denounced the Ameri
can war policy.
The mattei of abrogating the Clayton-Hulwei
treaty will toon lie uken
up with Enlgund.
The lloere aie rushing supplies to
the Natul bordei to be prepared to
ttrike the Dial blow.
The transHirt Moigan City, bound
for Manila with relnloieements for
Otis, grounded at Nagiisaki, Japun.
Hi 17 (us' frieiidt tay Hie tide hat
turned and the prisoner cannot now lie
condemned. Hit inuoceuce 11 almost
The United State hospital ship Rt
lief, which lecently arrived in Han
Francisco from Manila, has been con
ilemued. The Kansas leginuint has left Manila
(nr borne, The Iowa and I' e
regiment aiu now tliu only ones left
lu tha islands.
While mentally unbalanced, Henry
I in le a Chioago carHuter. shot and
killed hi wife ami fatally Mounded hit
6-year-old daughter.
At a result of a row between sirikera
and a lepalr gmig at Went Pulsion,
J. 1 , John Pollock, was killed and
eiglit others were eevcioly 1 hj n 1 I
Ktuger hat backed down from the
position lie had taken. He hat agreed
to the piOHised cnnfeiencc at Cape
Town and will eiplain the ftauchiae
Henatoi Morgan, of Alabama, proph
etic that eipainimn will be the sal
vation o( cotton, and I alamt to iai t
ciuiade lu tlie Smith to spread the
new gospel.
The legislative oouncll ol Western
Australia has patted a bill culraiichii
ing women.
KuiiciiiI hall, Itotton. which haa been
undergoing ri'pMirs for several months,
is to he leopened to vititoit about tlie
middle ol Keptemliei.
iiovernor Atkinson, nl West Vir
ginia, olaima that his tlate leads tha
union in the production of oil and
lumber and that it it teooud in coke
and thiid in I umbel
Thomat Usui, new tpeaket nf the
Canadian house of commons, 1 thellrsl
fanner to gain that post.
William Uohbin, iustriielor of man
ual tunning in tlie chool of Passaic,
N J., shot ami instantly killed hit
brother, Kalph Hobhini, agel It),
while hunting in the Adirondack!.
Tlie Teiaa farmera' alliance !. foie
adjourning itt annual meeting at Haa
aet, Tel., unanimouily adopted a leeu
lutioii favoring the dcNirtatioti to Af
lloa by the federal goveiinueut at put)
lie einie ol every negro m the I ul
fad Male
Paget tound gunt will be tetted by
tbe government toon.
Chisago bat jott patted through tha
longett dry ipell the time ol tba
great fire la 1871 .
The ttate department bat been in
formed thai a revolution baa broken
mi in Venezuela.
Tbe I'orto Rican relief committee
will appeal for aid to all tba churobet
and bankt in this oountry.
Tha Tanneatee Coal Sc Iron Company
it believed to have a corner on the
coal product of Tennettee.
Walker Hill, of li Iml. bat been
chosen at the neit preaident of the
American Hankers' Ataoeiatiou.
Uailway turveyort are at work in
Eattern Oregon and it it rumored that
they are in the employ of the Burling
ton. At tha Empire Cilv Trotting park,
New York city, Joe Patches defeated
Htar Pointer, John It. (Jentry and
Namuel R. Bitbop and Henry Hawk
were blown to plecet by an accidental
eiplotlou of giant powdei in the May
llower mine at Nevada, Cal.
An open twitoh on the Erlt road
near Meadville, Pa., canted a colllalon
between a freight anil passenger train.
Three were killed and thiee injured.
Teiat, Chicago and New York capi
talists have bought f.OOO.iMU actea of
timber and range land in Meiico, and
will bfjild up an Iriduttrial and com
mercial center.
A freight train near Williamson, W.
Va., broke In two ami the two teotloiii
came together in a tunnel, reaulting in
the killing vf three of the train crew
and four trainpi.
American applet am in such great
demand In Oermany thit year that
ihipmenta have ooininrnced one month
sarlisr than usual. Latt year 21,1181
harrelt were tent abroad. Thit year
It it eipecled tbe ilnpmeiiti will leaob
100,000 harrelt.
I At a reward for the Santiago oam
paign Major-General Hhafter will con
linne In oomruand ol the department,
if the Pacific with hit preaent volun
teer rank alter the time reachtd for It ia
retirement, which wat to have taken
place tba 14th of (September.
E Copiet ol (leneral (Hit' order grant
ing home role to the Inhabitants ol
the itland ol Negro have been received
by tbe war depaitrutlut, together with
t constitution proMitil by the people,
upon which they seek tu have estate
lithed for thi'Uiielvet a republican (orui
ol government.
Ten regiment! will leave Hnn Fran
cisco for Manila bulore the October 1
All unnecessary noiiei are to be
itopied by the health aud police ulli
oialt of Chicago.
The plague it reiorted to ha spread
ing in India and famine it ttaring
tbein in the face.
Mr. Karah A. Maker, who ha Jut
died at Purest Home, Pa. , wat the old
ett American actress.
A band of Maoahee scontt number
ing 100 hat been oiganiaed at Manila
Irum (ormer bpainah voluuteeia.
An A merit ,m intorivewed at Atlan
ta, (la., knowt linn h about the Drey
f us case, and tayt Kjlerhaxy it the
guilty one.
Tlie Thirly-tliiid regiment of volun
teer! hai itarted fiom llounton, Tex.,
for San Francisco, foi euihaikalion to
the Philippine!.
An Ameiicau coiuany will cstah
litb a gigantic locomotive -Inn Id inn
plant in Switierland, employing
American methods.
The retail business ol the conntiy it
now being done largely on a cash basis,
and hanka are seeking new mediums
for tuveatinent.
Pietident Scbiiiinan, of Cornell tini
veitity, will act aa Iiovernor liuose
velt'l reiretentative at tlio Chicago
Irnat conleienee.
At Johnton Spiings, Vs., a mob it
united Mormon Elder Jose Wnftln,
and then thieateued lynching If he at
tempted proeeoution.
This vean' com crop breaks the rec
ord. The United Mates will produce
1,600,000,000 bushels, with Kansas in
the lead and Neinaeka second.
Chicago will have a hotel for the
poor. Pint class rooms including 1
bath can tie bad for HO to 80 cents a
night. The building will be 10 stones
The American Hansen' Association
at (hall annual convention in t love
land, O., took ttepe to have the com
merolal pap law the taint the woild
English newtpaier seem to regard
the outbreak ol boetllillee with the
Koer a a mere nialler of time. The
official, bowevei, deny the llluatloii
la to Bailout.
A Washington iecial aavt (lieat
llnlain and the I'm ted Stales ban
praotlcallv agieed upon the Alakan
boillidary line and present negotiation!
relate only to union iuestiont.
All peace negoliationi with the in
tiirgetitt have been suspended. The
commission bit been dissolved and
military men ol the sen ice have been
Oven full tway in the 1'hilippiiiee.
Lack of traiiipoitation facililice to
South Ameiicau porta ia admittedly a
serious Inmlianee to the eitension ol
trade id the United Statet and
the countries toiilh of ill.
Colonel Chat. V Jones, the Oeorgla
hiaturian, hai couinled a lit of the
urviviug coufedenile geueiala, which
thowt that out of the original IV lieutenant-general
seven survive; of the
si iiiajor-gcneials. Id are living, and
)f 3US brigadiei -general, til turvive.
(leneral Fiiniton bat decided to elay
with the army in tbe Philippine!, even
though hli old regiment, tba Twen
tieth Kantat, it coming home.
At Ironwood, Mich., life manage
oient of the Noma and Eatl Son is
mines, met the demaiida ol the men
lor higher wagea and allowed them a
-alia of about 10 per cent.
Two hundred and tidy tout of copper
joint hive been unloaded at New
Haven, Conn., from a ship which made
1 tlip to Bombay, India, la purchase
tbem (or manufacturing porpoaea in
tillt country.
British and Transvaal Armies
Gathering for Battle.
1 i, li HusdrsS lluars Kurampad at
Vularusl s, ,,. 1 rroin
I'raaliUnt Krager.
Cape Town, Sept. u. The Boer, it
i stated positively, are conoeii Ira ting
oil the bolder.
A large meeting of the coloiod ieii
deiitt of thia place, held last ulght,
passed resolution expiessing I'ontldeiioa
in Hlr Alfred Milner, the governor of
Cape Colony, and "tyuipathy for our
brethren in tbe Trantvaal, who are de
nied all rights."
Kuahrri lo the llirlar.
London, Kept. 8. The Oaily Mail
pabllthei the following Iroru Johannet
burg: "It it reliably rtpOrttd from Pretoria
thai a tpecial military train, with a
1 ... 1 -. of armed men, wat diipatched to
the Natal border Tuesday night witb
an equipment of aeveial heavy field
gum and a quantity of ammunition."
Oa the Natal Vruatler.
London, Kept. 0. A special dispatch
lo the MoiningPoat form Pieturmurita
Duirg aaya that the H00 Bovit who left
Pretoria for Stamlerson, about 60 milet
from tbe frontier, pushed on to Volt
rust, clote to the Natal border, where
tbey are now taoalSpnd, The same
corieapnndent tayt that the ai range
uientt for the detente of Newcattle, in
Nalal, aouth of Laing't Nek, are now
piautically complete.
talemeiit frnm Kruffrr.
New Yoik, Kept. 0. The World to
day publiibet the following diapatoh
from Paul Kruger, president of tbe
Houth African Repuhlio, in response to
a ineaage aent by that paper:
"I gladly accede to yonr request to
pat the Hoar tide before the American
public. The preterit agitation aguiuit
thit republic emanate partly from a
certain aection of Britiah reaideutl, to
whom the existence of the republic,
which em iruies the m -1 fimuishing
parts of South Alrlca, ia a standing
eyesore, and who suffer fiom the pre
vailing Jingo mania, paitly also from
mining capilaliatt, who, not comleut
with having the beat milling lawa in
the world, with also to have complete
oontrol of all legislation and udmiiilt
tration. "The franchise voting question wat
tukou up by England liecause it wat
thought the republic would nut yield
on that point. Now that the altered
franchise does not materially differ
from tbe American it ia in many re
specie eatier the agitation hat become
worse. I he ohjeot cleaily i the de
itruction of our republic and the com
plete control of tha ricbeat ininei in
tha world. The prett, entirely con
trolled by capitalists, ipruadi unpre
cedented misrepresentation and preju
dice throughout the world agaiuit tha
Boer repuhlio.
"We are deteiinined to defend to the
utmost that Ireedoiu and lolf-goveru-BMl
for which our people have ajied
blood in every part of South Africa.
Though we have no such powerful
friend as you pioved to Venezuela and
to other republics, we have atrong
faith that the cause ol freedom and re
piibllcuniim will triumph in thu end."
Annual Klerllnn or tha . It. N Cow
pany -A. I.. Sli.lilar Ita L'larleit.
Portland, Or., Sept. I). At the an
nual meeting of atockholdera of the 0
K. A N. Co., held yesterday at tlie office
it Secietary W. W. Cotton, all Ninth
eru I'acilic representation Was elimi
nated from tlie directory, laat year'
Ureal Northern representation was con
tinued, A. L. Mohler wat re-elected
piesnlent, no change wat inadii in local
direction, and a hsiUOIlloill policy,
which govern the O. R. He N-, the Oie
011 Short Line, and the Union Paiiifld
agreed upon, the O. R. c N. to pie
erve lit autonomy.
There were elected six Eastern and
Hue Pacific coast dirootort.
ahaw VVaa Otiaeatii
Philadelphia, Hepl. V. The thirty,
third national aiicainpment of the U.
A. R. came lo end tonight. The eleo
lion of a commander-in-chief, which
it was tiippoted would be sett 1.. I only
liter a waim oonteat, was conducted
tnd oariied out ill the moat peaceable
manner imaginable. Colonel Albeit
D. Shaw, of Watertnwn, N. Y., wat
unanimously fleeted to the highest
ilti. e ol the organisation, after Judge
Leo Kaaaieur, of St. Lou 11, hail da
liued to las a candidate.
aiara lha Manks.
Halifax, N. 8., Sept 9. A tpecial
f 1 0111 Carana, N. H . tayt a gale fiom
northwest raged theie all day yetter
day, ami great feari are felt for over
100 email tithing tchoonoi and laige
hoali. which are on the Biaden bank,
and the combined crewi of which will
nuinlier over 300 men. One boat bot
tom up hat dnttcd athoie. and it la
supposed the crew were drowned. Ona
building wat blown down.
newsy's I.. 1 1 1 s 11.. in
New York, Sept. 9. Asptelal to tha
Herald from Washington says: When
Admiral Dewey Is foimally detached
from lea duly, immediate v after tha
return of the Olvmpia next mouth, ha
will be granted an iinletiuite leave of
absence and only assigned to doty
again upon bit own application.
If tha admiral holds to hit reported
determination to tetire, he will be
placed on the ret ire. I list IVceiulier J6,
when he will he A3 of age,
Thera will he no change in the Ad
uiiial'a pav upon hit ictireiuent.
('await I Kutrirlalea.
Montreal. Sept. tf. An International
military tournament will be bald ia
Montreal thii month, to which all tba
military orgaiiiaallont from tha Unitad
Mates ai.d Ureal Britain and British
poasostiona are to be Invited. It ia x
ptKted theie will be 10,000 troop litre.
The affair 11 lo be under the manage
ment of Colonel Ward, of the army
service) corpe.
Tba Canadian government ia M
look aftai lha tianipoiiation and a
guarantee fund it now being raised.
Lar(. Numb.r ..( a..a KMne4 at
Kr aTeaai
Waihinton, Sept- -Telag rami to
tba aurgeon geueral of the marine hot
pital tervice from Surgeon-Oeneral
Carter, at Key Wett. Hale tbat up to
latt night the Auiericau phyticiani ia
porlo.1 M case of yellow fever at that
point. He eatimated that Cuban pby
tioiana were Is ittcndance U(ajn from
one-thiid to one-htlf at many more
caaet, but no reairt had been made of
then, and it WOO Id lm Impoitiblo to
give accurate figores. Carter eiprested
the opinion that Dr. McLanaban, of
the navy depaitment, who it ill witb
the fever, will recover.
Key Wett, Fla., Sept. 9. Seventy
seveu cases of vellow fever havo been
rtporte.1 up to iast night, with a total
of aaven deatb to data. Proiectt for
stamping aut the fever are not very
Zridaar Is All In.
Rennet, Hept. B. Toil ay came tha
beginning of the i'"d of the Dreyfut
dial. Witb the speech of the govern
ment commlsiary, Majoi Carriere, the
can entered DP0I the final stage of
pleading, aud the verdict will be de
livered Motels'
Colonel Joiianste tin mnming took
the most lniorlant deciion yet taken,
aud took it entirely upon hia own le
tpontibility, althoiigb be it undoubted
ly only the mouthpiece of the whole
body of Judges. Hie deoition to ex
clude the testimony of Colonel!
Sohwarzkoppen and Panizzardi wat
moil tignidcanl, ai it meant that tlie
court bad already reached a conclution,
and that the pleadings of cmiuiul were
merely a watte of time, and might be
dispense I witli if they were nut a lie
cesslty. The cooit hai made up ita mind, hot
which way? Thii ii the view point
and forms tlie aula topic ol diicmiion.
Roth sides aie equally confident that
the couit will decide in accordance
with Utah viuwi.
No Canal lleport.
Washington, Sept 8. Emoiy R.
Johnson, a memehr of the Nicaragua
canal coiuuiisilon, iayi that no formal
report can be preiented (or at least a
year. This will mean 110 action by the
next cougrcts, which wat evidently the
intention uf tboae who prevented any
definite legitlation at tlie last tetiion.
It is said that tha ailminiitralion it
not concerning ittelf very much about
the lapse of right! ami "ion! ol
the United Slatea government, because
congress hat had opportunity to act
and failed, and tlie responsibility, i(
there should he no further concession
obtained, will uot be upon the admin
laiiation. Meanwhile, where favoiahle
negotiations .mi be (orwanled, our
ttate department will give the canal
favorable attention.
Upton Mar Lakaa or Klllarn.y.
New York, Sept. 9. A dispatch to
the Journal aud Advertlter from Lon
don iayi:
Annouont-ement wai made here to
day that Sir Thomas lopton has offered
91160,000 foi tbe lake! of Killarney. If
hia offer ii accepted he intends to make
a piesent of the beautiful estate to the
Irish people. It Ii l.ts intention to
vest the title ol the property in tlie
hand of truiteei who will forevei
maintain and prvierve it as Irish na
lional property.
Sir Thomas Upton was asked last
night, on boat I hi iteam yacht Erin,
now anchored iiiBide Sandy Hook,
whether the teport from London win
correct, and he continued the report.
Aguinaldo Appoints From
Conservative Element.
Anneiatlon fleam Hawaii.
Seattle, Sept. 9. Prince Davi.l Wa
wanakoa. of Honolulu, who is on hit
way to Washington to visit hii aunt,
ex-Queen Liliuokiilani, sayt:
"Annexation ia a decided iticcest.
Of course Irom a sentimental view, the
native Hawaiian feel like a man with
out a conntrv Juit now, but that feel
ing will weiwr away. We want the
preaident to appoint our governor and
hii cabinet and let the people elect
their legislature. When this ii done,
there will he no cause for complaint.
Annexation hut done great tiling! foi
Ihe Hawaiian islands. The country
never waa to prosperous before."
To Ohslale llamaga nulla.
Chioago. Sept. Tlie Rock Island
Railway Company has iaiued instruc
tions to all ita conductor! that hereaf
ter no perton is lo he put off a trian on
iccount of defective transportation or
(or other leasous whore there ia tha
lightest doubt ill favoi of the pusien
ar, or until the train man hai received
ijectmeiit orders from the executive
tfflceri In charge at Chicago.
When a forged or mutilated ticket or
past It found, the conductor it to take
ap the tame and wiie for liiatructioiii.
.If comae the order doet not oover
traiupa stealing lidet MM other caset of
'grant deception.
On or lha Daaaauilt or iiaualon.
Chicago, Sept. -Spanish it to be
taught In three ol Chicago'! high
schools. Thii waa decided upon by the
members of the boaid of education last
night. Tlie came up In the
bom ol a repoit from tbe high school
committee recommend ing that Spanish
le taught in tlie north, south and west
division high schools.
Chicago ia the first city to make pro
visions in the public school tyiteui for
the teaching of Spanish.
Hrass Works Trust.
New York, Sept. 9. President Hiw-
llt nf li.- II. ..I.. lui.l I 'e.
thit city, and the Buffalo lft ase Com
j pany, of Buffalo, N. Y., Is reported to
, he intersted in a plan to form tlie lead
ing hrasi workt as tar wett as Chicago,
into a 16,000.000 trust. Mr. Miller,
of the Oalena Oil Company, it io
aid to be in the deal.
Options have been obtained on 16 of
the largest plants, embracing all the
' principal concerns except the Atlantic
' Brass Company of Jersey City.
Yarn! I'apalaait. rive Woro llrawsnt.
Bath, Maine. Sept. 7. By the cap
tiling of the yarht Abadia in the
heepaeot bay yeateiday five pertont
were diowned. The victim were Dr.
John H. St.-ad man, William Naton,
Harry lliggint, Frank Avery, all a!
(leorgctown, and James A. Martin, cf
Boston. Tha yacht waa iipaet in a
Button, Sept. 9. Rear-Admiral
Henry K. Picking, commanding the
navy yard, diadof apoplexy at aa aarly
bour thiv morning. He wat 59 yeara
of aga.
Tk Cabins! Dlsro.sai Ik Qiiaallea
Local Baearaasaal 'or u.
Manila. Sept. II. A Filipino wbt
.a. armed here (roiu Tarhio ay at
extraordinary MM Inn Ol the revolution-
.k nluce at Tarlao, Ail-
li uviinv" - - 1
gust 34. Aguinaldo pretlded, ami
chose Mabini a presineiit oi n."
....1 .ml il.mzaira a attorney-
uraaiv iv.m. - -
geneial. They both represent Ihe most
conservative and tntnpwai
Mablm, who recently IMlglMd the for
eign tecietaryihip. i he ablest nun
mrniuMl with the revolution. Oon
zaga was president ol the latt Feact
CJirimittion. ,
11. .....Imi,. of the conuress ills-
proved the lenort that Aguinaldo had
.I.- hired himself dicialof.
been issued by the rill-
plnot compelling the regittrutiou stsll
loreigiiert in rilipmo terruory.
Chinote. who are a large fraction o
the population, are considered foreign
an, including those born in the Phil
ippino itlandi. Application mutt b
made on itamped paper, which figurei
II the busiueis of the insur
rectionary government. Thit teeuii tc
be laigoly a t-heme to tax vinnamou.
(ioirarniiianl for 1 1 1 pi
Washington, Sept. II. The cahlnel
meeting today wat devot'd almost n
tirely to a ditctution ol the local gov
ernment which will b establithed tt
the Philippines on the cettatlon ol hot
tilitiat. Secretary Root hat givon tha
matter much thought, and bit viewt,
as expressed it the meeting today, wert
received with approval by all the mem
ber pretent. He pointed out that a
ottem of government which would be
uited to the people of Luxon would
iiaidly do for tome of tho other iatandt.
where tbe inhabitantl were far lea ad
vanced. A member of the cabinet. Is
tpeaking of the matter, laid that SeO
retary Root displayed broad statatman
thlp and a knowledge ol the economic
tnd tocial cuiiditiont on the itlandi.
Took liar Fmin Ihe Midst or liar
Kendrick, Idaho. Sept. IL Nswi
received from Stuart, a new settlement
above Kamiah.on Ihe Nex Perce reser
vation, tayt Ihe whole country Ii in
irmi looking lor a cougar that ap
proached the home of Lewit Johnson
latt Sunday and took hum hit door
yard hit 4-year-old daughter. Will
two little listers, the girl was playing
in front of Ihe huuse. when a cougar
came out from the timber, and, before
the children bad time to make a cry of
alarm, seixed the little girl by the back
of ber neck and started for the lulls at
once. Her playmates by tbeir scream!
brought the mother to the door, whe
arrived in time to tee tlie cougar drag
ging the child iwuy ill itt mouth. She
at once raised an alarm with DM diet,
which caused the cougar to diop hii
prey about 100 feet fiom the houii
where the child was pit ked up dead,
her lie' It having been biokcn Tha
new spread ovei the 'et'lement, and
abnut 100 armed men were :oon scout
ing the hill
For tome time the settlers in thii
vicinity have been losing cattle by foui
different cougars that have been seen
and declare now thai they will not it
until they are caught.
llarvett Hands w 1
Dallas, Or , Sept. 1 1. Hoppickinf,
has commenced in nearly all the yardi
about Dallas. Tbeie i a great scarcity
ul hands, mid many yards in the coun
ty are seiiously emburiassed, and
threshing is impeded for want o( help.
The rain has brought both tho graic
and hop harvests together, and prune,
re coming on before the otheis are on
ol the way, which will make the situa
tion worse. It is 1 el. eve I now thai, il
the weather shall continue good. 1,00$
more people could obtain employmcn:
in Polk county for a month or inoro
Teams and wagons are in unprecedent
ed demand fur hauling stone, wood ami
grain. The whole country, in fact, ii
working under bigli pressure lor (eat
of rain.
Arrival ol lha tharldan.
San Fiancisco, Sept. 9. The (Jnltoc
Statet transport Sheridan, which led
Manila August 10 with the Minnesota
aud South Dakota loldiert on board,
ai lived thit evening. Tlie Sheridan
carriea U00 inemhei of the Minnesota
regiment, ri .' of tlie South Dakota regi
ment, 43 membeit of tlie fourth cav
alry, and 1 76 discharged men, betidei
Vi officers. There were three lout hi
during the voytge,
fallow I'avar tiltuetlon.
Key West, Sept. II. Thirty catet
of yellow fevei have been reported dur
ing the past J 1 hours, Including twr
cases previously omitted. The lota
number OOOUrtlng lo date, to far ai
J known, is 137. Two deaths have hoot
Reported dining the past 34 houri
making the total number uf deatb
11 ma.
Ae Appaal in Victoria.
Amsterdam, Sept. 1 1 Tha mam ban
nf the Dutch T laiiaviiul hummIiiu S.
. h . 1 . , 1 1 ,11 , 1 1 e imvi
: cabled to tjueeii Victoria, implorin
, her "in the name of humanity am
Ood't kingdom to preserve peace."
Aitorla, Oi.. Sept II 0. C Mat
ten, the Svensen logger, haa been it
I thit city for the past few days in search
ol men to work in lm logging camp
lit hunted the town evei, but was com
I filed to return homo without taturini
Hairherlas tat Washleglaa.
I Tacoma, Sept. II. -The state oi
' Washington will operate six new list
hatchet iei this season, and Fish Com
I uiitiioiier Little axpectt all hatcheiiet
to be run to their full capacity this
winiei. tne output will he clote tc
tiS.000.000 sal 111011 fry. Tins i,nadm.
plet tha bett record of any previous
I ear.
I Ten more rJth hatoheiies are to
duiii next year, anil improvements
to te made at I bos winch were 01
Itrucled this summer inclusive of
government hatcheiiet the ttate
have II batcheriaa.
rraatunla oanalatad 'or Al.olh.i
rhioaun Hont. 11 Special corre-
tpondence to the Tribune from Manila,
under dtte of Augutt 4, tayt:
Agentt for a company of Spaniih
capltalltt. tome of whom live in Ma
nila, announce tbat arrangeuientl bava
been completed for tbe Dunning 01 a
......u.i. railroad line in Luton that will
connect Manila with all tha Important
townt along tba wast coatt 01 me
...... 1 aa far north ai Laoag. Tha
route ii kept tecret, hut it It under
stood that it will be tha lame ai pro
. . ...... 1 in in:.', when Ihe scheme for
government railroad! in tha Philip
pine! wai officially projecien.
Tl. .mm 1 1 HON Well nlanned at tbat time,
only one of which wat completed, the
r . .aa M W
present lailroad, whn n runt iroru Ma
nila to Dagupan, a distance of 161
unlet. Tlie company it keeping Hi
1 m,'. secret to prevent tbe two
or three com pa 11 lei that aie taid to he
orgamxing in the United Slatet for
the purpose ol buinnug rainoau m
Luxon from anticipating it in tectiring
the same route. The American who
have talked railroad bete generally be
liuva 11, at a new town and port will be
ittahliihrd either on the north coast ol
I ..vv.n . .r I be rnr rherri cart of the west
coast of tho island, at a terminal of ihe
Thia would save 360 miles tailing to
Manila fnr shins fiom lha United
Statet or from Hong Kong, and with
rai.i.l cnlllllllinleallflll 10 Manila
through the richett provincet ol iba
island, would be leasonably oeilttin 10
grow rapidly.
Iteualrs aud New Ship! Cost Hsap f
New York, Sept. 11. A special to
the Herald from Washington sayi:
The naval estimate! for the fiscal year
ending June 80. 1H0I, will aggregate
about 150.000,000. Thii coniiderahle
Increaie in ihe coit of the navv it due
in great part to the expenditures which
will have to be made duiing tlie pres
ent and coming fiscal yea' for the con
sliuction ol tlie 54 vesselt buildini
and that three battleship! and tbn
iirmoierl cruisers, which will be con
tnicted for ai wmjii a congress lake ac
tion enabling the depaitment lopl.M
contracts for armor.
Admirals llichboin and Melville
have estimated that $18,000,000 will
lie reuuired to meet hills of thipbiiild-
eit. In addition to thii turn, A Initial
llichborn estimate, tbat 16.000,000
instead of $3,000,000 will be required
foi repair ships. There It reason to
believe that Admiial Ciowioshield,
chief of the htiieau of navigation, will
recommend in hit forthcoming report
that tlie enlisted lorcu Ire increased to
20,000 men and will make ettimatet
therefor. He will also maka ample
provision for taiget practice foi the
Admiral O'Neill' estimate for the
armor for the vessel! under construc
tion and pioposed tie very high. Hit
estimates lor the piesept fiscal year
amounted to $4,000,000. which wai ap
propriated. The eatimatea lot tlie com
ing year will exceed thit amount
Keepars NVgl.-rt lo n Insan Man
and He Kills Thrsa.
El Pato. Tex., Sept. 11. Newt hat
reached here from Chihuulnia. Mexico,
of tbe teirilde deeal of a lunatic theie
a lew days since Last Tuesday a orazy
man cieated a disturbance among the
people in the plaza. He attacked an
Ameiican with a heavy billet of wood,
but the American knocked down hit
assailant with a walking cane. Tha
police an ived quickly and toon over
powered the lunatic and took him off
lo Jail.
They locked him in a large cell,
where 18 other prisoners weie confined,
mid neglected 10 search him (or wea
pon.. It soon developed that the luna
tic hud u long knile ooncealed on bis
person, and drawing it he began slash
ing right and left at hia unatmed cell
matet. Two of them were killed and
a third fatally wounded before the
guards lushed In and disarmed the
It ia reported that (he insane man
will be ihot lor hit crime.
rxrs ii A tk e . , --a
III I 111 1 Is. "
uitioittAi tXPOSIT
Portland's Fair Win J
Rail t-
Marrllt Slated (nr lha I'hlllpplaa.
New York, Sept. II. A special die
patch to the Journal and AJvertiter
After 49 hour! o( tlmost constant
rJlKUMlOD among the pretidenl, Secre
tary Hoot, Protestor Sibuiman, Sena
tor Beveridge, Ueneial Miles and Ad-jiitant-Ueneial
Coibin, It may be state I
positively that Ueneial Merritt will go
to tlie Philippine!.
No statement ii made at to what po
lition Ueneial Merritt ii to assume,
but il ia probable the movement con
template! the division of Otis' present
duties into two department, Merritt to
have chaige of the military end.
Mil... May Go to Hlillliitnas.
Chicago, Sept. II. A special to the
Record from Washington tayt: Nel
son A. Milet, general commanding the
army, will go to the Philippine to di
rect the military operalion during the
approaching campaign. Thit ttate
uient, while not authorized by any an
nouncement from the pretidenl or the
secietary of war, ii made upon the au
thority of one of the offlceit of the de
partment. There ii no doubt that Ueneral Miles
detiret tlie assignment, and unleai the
unexpected happent between now and
tlie middle ol October, ha will start for
Saalaklns Galore.
San Francitco, Sept. 9. -Tha tteam
tlnp Del Norte has arrived fiom Alaska
with 16,81'J sealskins, consigned lo the
North American Commercial Com
pany. They weie taken undei license
and will net the government a heavy
royalty. '
Una life ai aa Rafael.
Manila, Sept. ".-Captain Butler,
with three couipanie of the Third in
'antiy, a detachment ol cavalry an
one gun, while upon a recounoiance
met a body of rebelt yettarday at San
Kalael. The American scattered the
nemy and captured seven prisoner!,
Ave rides and 300 roundt of ammuni
tion. Reai-Admiial Bartlett J. Cromwell
ad tha honor ol being the tint naval
cadet appointed Irom Nebraska He
Uagln Baptamb.r )- M
ar .8, .,, '
and K, V
very excellent featren u
ion Industrial I... eot,J
h-l.l 1....... .. -""'Km,
1 ..rii.iii.i mn,.,.
lha ..,,t,,.. li......: .. "r..
......I....... J ., s-. ...
hibitad -,
ta 1. m .
'V i iruiv a o,....i a .
I- ' . lair, ami J
" on a 11,,,.
ncale such 11 bentri thaVSl
WUMaaaal ..I K " I k.
Poi thlllil iiaa 1 1 1 u nSlJ
. 7 o air. sail
terprlilug business ie fre7
r hit, ail.
Incurred. They kll(,w , 'S
eo they are aidm . in n,. ... ""a
opment of tbe emir.. vJP""Si
People who visit th 3j
Portland this autumn .j
mittake, for they will li,J
eplendld attractions to intZ!?
A full iilt,aly ban.l. ont7T5
in America, will give
afternoon , erening, i-uJ3
be umusement features sarT.5
please all, and such 11 e, J
found In the very best thetlVl
great oxpotition huildina tad
1 hlitnt J . "a
., '"'' "" a uosrerol Was
and it will be well worth iJ?
iiiiien 10 sou t ... I-. . . J
........... ,,, uem, urni, o-y
.1 1,-1...... I... . .' "sl
Mar Mot,, in .oaaat.
Annl ha. I I .
be eitublishud toon at s.-,i,...T
ktteit move in thit direction..
, .v..,,, , uniiiu ajaa
plant of the Ealge Wiaden Mil ir?
puny 10 (spuknue, from Brotms
ri. Tl. ..I I a
v.. 4nu inaiiineroi commerce ir to
ing a movement in that diisciictaj
no euuris Din nut i0 M rteaxtfkl!
Hugh Field, president of liTS
Woolen Millt Comtiinr, fa
that It tnffloient tnoianj,,
given him he will more bit pjje( ,0
Spokane. Should lha flat b)mn
to Spokane. M r. Field ay, k,
enlarge his mill and hitiiVsnat
woolen mill. This will give wflov.
ment to 150 baiult
Municipal Llhrla riul.
The lenort of Eiurintnir Rm J
Pomerov. Wash., lias hwn nod
He eatimatei tlie cost of cooitiictiiii
flume and electing 0 poisr-taaai
plant at fas'. 1)00. Thia doet not
elude the electrical machinery aK
miles and wire, which It 11 eittaad
will coat about as much moir. In
not likely that tbe city tillfrelj
fled in attempting so large unit
taking at present.
Track laying In tdika
Woik on the Kootenai Villrrti
wny haa commenced in hum Ik
necessary machinery for tlitwta
iive.1 latt week and is now in nstaa
1 .1 u
101 Operations. upeiuiiriinrB. wm
ertt expects to lav two milaari
If 110 accident occurs the mil al
reach Poit Hill by the middle tlati
month. Tlie head ol the hktsil
reached by October 1.
Walla (Valla Stall M4
The city of Walla Willi, IVakJ
told $350,000 bonds, nf wlilrtWH
000 were sewer and " "n
Morris & Whitehead, of Portlttitsj
the successful bidders. They bal
ceneial municipal Isinili 44 pet
interest and 5 per cent for
water bondi. Tho total bonds as
a premium of 1 00.
I..11 1. tun llouilt SulS.
The board of trustee ol bf
Idaho, state iioimal school, bu a
tiate.1 the talo of bondi vvnW
7,600 at a premium of II f
thuB ptOViding an WJ
$8,200 to construct taoilirti"
purchaie pliysicul and (
puratut foi the scientific t"
Woolen Mills Kaeke
The big woolen mill d W"
Kay, in Salem, it now W"
night and day in lesponw
from all parts ol the coant-T-and
flannels aro now being W
almost exclusively to fill lVT:
n., h,,, net sons tie eo,!
Flniir for lsw
1 la I aSfWa
The itenmer Alpha isu
B. C, lust week with c"0("
tone of flour lor Dawson, from i (
of the Woods Milling
Dawson flour is telling jrg
and at thit rate the k'e,'"W jtf
in the Noith will lie ble d Ojt
oraethlna like is.000 oi"
w hole ihipment.
Helena Han fa
The remit ol the sal
bonds of Helena, Mont.
Union Bank & Trust ('JBik
city, led all tlie Eastein W
ptoinium offer and tinal Ij
bond., smonntina ' JJ'
premium of iJ. xaw
teteetdown to Ojiew'"'
A Hun.lrr.l-To.
The Mountain
Company, ol BpnJ'W
placed an order lor 800.000 W
bei for their new 100-ton b'
plant is to be in operatio"
I next. It will be a
with 30 itamps.
llrew-rr H"r""" WftV .
Henry Riniger'i clj 'M
Kathdruro. Idaho. "M0" ,,
bv fire last week. Ti e lu"
... ivMtliaf 11 .
sonarinienoeiii 1. 0
, .M -
opetation win o"r.'" - , V
imoi aiicmr 1: r in i.ear
lb. nmiith. Thit i U . il
waa at tint 0Wteml'ta.ttj-4
tomething tliat oannnot t ,(1
an earlier stall would or
were poisilde to '"' , ,),
season waa very iae
tilling period fi '"asr?
ii alto delayed, t n 'v jp 4
ditiont the factory (,'l0"'.ir, J
lion about the lit ol Sfi$ti
ly a full crew of operl"M
h.. been tecured.
I -. ii -