The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 09, 1899, Image 6

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gi II-K al UR4M"X PAHH,
FmiiK r. iffil K i l by Mike
Fit Bfcot rxiiianged.
Departures This Year Exceed, 1
by Over 8000, the Arrivals.
VmmmnTi B (.'. Bspt l. Tin' Dirigo
arrived Idmb Alaaka today with 10
pawner gern an I gold d mt aatlHiatad Ht
f iVi.iXKl Tin blggeat winner la Bar
clay of North Iiskota. wilh InO,O0O,
Among Hi" -- tig-rn w:m 1 r ' "aln
worth, who went l OTW the EdlDOO"
ton route. H reportt that lr Maaoii
of Chicago, ud other who wera bM
with itcurvy at Wind City, got through
Since the optO iBg of navlgalnii, ac
cording to passenger IIhI, (447 j-
have left 1 1 1 ami 2Mi9 have Ar
rived there. Thin aggregate dOM not
Include l'00 lueu who 11 lateO down
the river to Cpe Nome. Departure
thin year exceed arrival hy Vila. It In
estimated thut there are .10 men I
broke In the Klondike who mut gi I
out of the coiintry or lieoome object 82nO.
ClrMl'l Paa, Or, Np( I Frank
aright and Hike Daly h.d a iuei
i . plate i u' i.Yli k Waduwdu
evening, 'i ll Onr r. I waa over -III ill
sum which Knright main mm-d wan
flue him. Knright w shot In the
ah'louieu on the left -Ide, hut laly waa
not he, although live thorn were ex-
I ' m gfd, BOrlgbl lingered until (I
n' la-' Ming a'ol died In kreat
BgoOJ I) iy wa ane-ted shortly
afler tlie ihootlng.
Lower River Steamboats Doing
a Rushing Business.
id ni Batata i rwMaotioo,
N Martin lo Wbeeli r tr &. Owens,
100 acrea In t fOerd W u.
J A BfOOaOB ami wife to H K I.amler,
I 10 acre, in t IS a r w ; t'JM.
0O M Miller and wife to John K
1084, land . mill mauhiuery In
T Marl wj IT60, out claim
John K Vont and
Kelly Lumbal ,
rHOusaaos leave pobtuao
Portland Teleg ran, Sept I.
Htrvnt time for tteam
bunlne-. on the Willamette rlti r from
Portland to Haleiu Iota begun. Every
host that leave for un rivr noililn ma
iu ggyeaatva Lawo.
Si i itc Lu a way of Jogging my
5 thai l aa hardly in sympathy
with," said Smith, with a orry smile,
us he Hied away hi W south s gan
"Ahotit a itcuth ugo, as I waa prv
paring to aona down town, she band-.-.1
n,e ft tter with the Injunction to
be sure ami mall It at tho first raall
Iwi that 1 came to. 1 ptxnniaed and
nut the letter away In my pocket,
" 'Now, don't forget.' she called after
rne, 'aa the letter la very Important
- I won't,' I answered and strulgbt
way procatdad to forget nil almut It
"The other day I chanced to be go
ing through my pockets when I wa
suriin.-od hy coming iotoss me wnum
lanld Are vo
Hh Ktfl aal
v-,. a roung woman
vivid Iruaglnutlcti and a
oh," he aald to a young lynu r
entlv. "I did come o near awing n
llraadflll accident yesterday
Juat too allocking!"
"How did It bappaor .iierle.l
' "Wkf. vuii aee. It waa llku
There waa a horao coming along at the
corner of I'roapect and Caae a horee
ind a buggy-and they didn't aee the
motor was bo cloae that la, the people
In the buggy didn't tat It-there wna it
woman drlvlug-ft woman and two
Lhlldren, 1 thluk-and ahe tried to
ilrlve tho horae ucroaa the track the
Says Danger of Rain is past
Fair Weather Will Prevail,
Hoas ia piN coaoiTioa
I'ortland Telegram, sepn.
Danger of ,Hln la paat. lor tha
en I ke. H u l. -
-.- .... ..Kr, loreca-' mrl.,
theaeoaon will have rem-i
Two hui dred mid fifty paw Dgera
have lieeu engaged for nn boat 'hat
leavraup on Halurday, and a! the
other boata will In OlOWdrd, A boat
In The BOOM K'M'H UP "unaay will uio carry k
1.1. d aaw mill large crow d.
of charity next winter.
The telegraph Hue baa reached a
point on the Yukon river W) mllea
aouth of Iawi on. '1 he work la being
pOabad ahead at the rate of live in Ilia
day. The government la hullding a
wagon trail fr ini Caribou cnaiaing to a
point Im;Iow White Horae rnplil',
IbrOOgb Wat nn valley and around
Thirty-Mile river. Thla will loom
the dlatauca on the w hiter tr ill fully
100 mllea.
.0'l ALh IIPBK1AL181H
Murat lliiittcud ('alia Hard Nutiio at
Clnclnuatl, Kept 1 Kdltor Moral
HaNtedd lectured laat night by invita
tlOD to the EOOOOBlO Club, which
meet lu the 'lne alreet Congr. gatloO
al Church. The audience waa nnacel
laneoua, In addition to the Btambara Ol
the club, whli h In largely lluparaJtatlo.
Mr HaJatoad'a eabjaot wua fTbaPbll-
Ipplnea." After the laOUM, aOOOTdlDg
to the rulea of the club, Mr
Wfta piled Willi iUeatlnna. title of the
jiietloiiera, with decidedly aympn
thetlc liottolia for Agilluiildo, after hia
qili itlou had been ailawered, lidded the
"1 hope ( tl will la. kept In and IU
keep on blundering until he and the
whole army are driven Into the a.-n nt
Mr Halatead taldl "A man with
thie-e aaOtlmaOta la n trnilor to lii
oountry." Several men jumped up and re
marked: "Two-thlrda of the audience think
thai way."
Mr Halatead replied: "Whoever
think- that way ia a traitor."
Then there wan a ruah down the hall
with raiaed (lata, toward Mr Halatead,
but a great number of men ittppad In
iictwcen Mr Hah-tead and thoae who
were ruahiug at him. Through the
nolae and uproar waa dlacloaed the fact
that the audience waa compoaeil of
men on both aidei of the iueatlon. Mr
HaUtead waa iiilrtly lead out of the
church by a aide door and taken home.
No blow a were atruck, but ohalri and
aoata were Uaut and thete were loud
threnta and a great uproar.
machinery in T 10a I I v ; Tfo. y.ill All the nop pickera have a certain
claim amount of bairgage, and the oeue pre-
W W ( b 1. in Al d wife to John I) aented on the dock ju-t baloM Ihe hour
OoebraO, land In . nage (irove, WA). "' departure I-n lu-y one. Moat ol
Joaapb It 1 ker .d wife to Henry J ",0 p'ekera have pUc alr.-ady an
Hii key et al, 41 ! acrea lu T H) a r 4 w; KAg-d, but w here am h la not Ihe oaat
there a t,,, difficulty lu oblal: log
wmk, for pickera art hi demand. The
aeaaou laata from 1 Ik ut the pri -i nt
time until the em) of the month, and
during ihe entire time 'he boat doa
giaul bu-ineaa, aa IDp laj u e Barrlcd
after t.'ie paaaenger-i nil reach 'lie lb Ida.
Portjl centa per box la the priOB
lagraad upon by the growara tlua year
aa a awltabla omnptna Ion for picking
a box of hop. The ilaa of the hop
box ia regiilat.d by law, and holda
nine biiahela, A giaal icker, by w Hik
ing from dawn until dark, can pick
live and alx t,..xe- 1 i'hv, but the aver
age arore I" three I ex. -
ulifl li n r 11....1 1 1 l .
tbar mv wife had given mo to mall buggy had ft top to It, nnd ahe didn't imrn,., u,, wl"""t fv
.. .. - 1 ii..n...i..hHnir that h..nF the hell and the motor came . .. . ,uP'iou.
luur i-e mwni . m a h iiiedicltd ruin
. . , .,, ,.... . imn.,14.1.1 1 rfi.r r. u.i .,iiyl,.Hl nLnlii9t the buirirv "euii.ieu, rain
BUfl UMU aaio 11 u.i in 1 ...rr.. ham.., . i.,. 1 m ''."-- -- -
a crowd of prospective hop plokefa gianc(Hl at It to sec to whom -It wa ad- and pushed It along, and EM norte
aboard, and by Saturday BOd ttaoday dr - I Jumrtal a little, nnd the woman
"1 wan thuiidcratruck to find Uiat It 1 screamed, And tlie cnuiren-weii, 1
waa addressed to me. Thinking that 1 couldn't hear the children but the
ui artto muat have taken leave of her man waan't s'trong enough to Atop the
-.1 tore It open and found a note ' motor, and It pushed the buggy right
that read thua: off the track!"
"The gas l leaking lu tne nase- "And wnere were you un tuia umer 1 Wheat Is dried out
Dent I'l-aw tend a man upto fix It' inquired the Interetted youth. I ta . and liarveat0
"I don't remember what 1 said when "1 stood by the curb." pr jceexnng everywhere. Th dun.
I charred bona and found that tna "1m." , " muvm "gwt-amcunta
. . . . t I ... 1 llfulU- In ,,,.ll -1 .
g:t was atm leasing, Dill an ine saus- . -1 was so nervous, .von anon. j an me we(
fuction I got out or my wiro waa mat
fell l..ii. .. .
niirhr i.vur VlU ... . . ' 'Alt
' "mvB,u waantngi 0. tnd
the Oregon coast, bat did ,
far enough eastward U, touch T.
wheat field.. Htorm oondlt.ou. btT
, , . , ,,,, IBr weather wid
van. 11 it coot and cloud v
fk 1 AJ V at . f
j-aumo rortnwett tixlay.
"ver tb
the thought I would remember to pott
the next letter she gave me, and I be
lieve I will." Detroit Free Press.
n I. 1
.. . . . 1 .1 . ... . .
ies. r""uuimi inorooghly, aorora
'And I ate chocolate creams Juat ns log to reports received at the we
fast ns I could and prayed. Cleve
land Plain Healer.
James A E ther I udwIfetoBootbarn
I'aelflc ( '1 , right of way, t.'i'i acres;
Hetiiy Bannlngaand wifeto m. p.
Co., right of way, 7JM aoraa; B110D.
ii K Hou-ton and wile to B, P Co,
right of way, COO an. a; CUM).
Mra M K Yarnelt al Al.toB I' Co, right
Ofwaji 1 7. 1 H acri-; 1600.
J K Hanltb ami wife to B POo, right
of way,. 1 is) aereaj nou.
too a iTarnail and wife to 8 P Co,
right of way, 1.00 acrea; $)UO.
J C Nloholaon and wife to HP Oo,
right of way, .l.'Jt acres;
Lann a Klnon and bu.bami, to s
PC., rlfbtuf way, 1.01 acre-; ITS 'S.
I A Itngcra and wife to IS P Co, right
of v . , li 16 acre-; $311.
Curiia Hajdan to 8 POo, right of
way, 3 UO acre; f in.
Clirtla Hayden to .S I' Co, right of
way; 4.0 . acres; ; .n.
J J Bote mb and nu-ba...! 1. a i' Co,
right of wav, it - acre-. I.oti.
Praalaji t ontagya ai d wife to is p Co,
right of way, 4.40 acres; fM.
BallaBanfay and bneband to B P Oa,
right of way, . 08 aoraa; ISOO.
J H Yatnell tt al ta h I Co, right of
way, 4.10 acre; f 100.
Aualin BOOl to H p I n, tlglit of
way, a .Hi acres 11.00.
John H Spoil a and wife to 8 P Co
right of way, 1 ."." acrea; .'A
Sarah Waabburu to B POo, right of
way, 4.N) liciea; lnO.
Alary Ugyden and hubaud.t,o 8 P
Co, right of wn i . 1 nr acres; ftU.
Kllaha Morgan al d wife to H P Co,
right of v v, 8.00 aora ; JnO.
Joal War ai d wife to s p Co, right
oi w ay, 4 nil aorta: f-i 0.
B T laom and Willi to B f Co, right
of way, U 41 acrea; lg8,
J M Slo lb y and w ife to S 1 Co, right
of w ay , 0, u aoraaj H.OO
CArnelland wife, lo S l'fo, right
of way. 8,01 acres; (JUd.
0 Oole and wife to B POo, right of
way, 6 lit acre-; 8)1.00
J B Yarnall ei al to B P Oo right of
Alfred Montgomery and
the llooth Kelly Co, 100 icrca
a r I u ; illHlp.
Contracts for Grading Will Be
Let Next Week.
Conduction Will Immndlsttlf fmki.
BkOOordlag to agreements' in Bonih
arn Padflo la making active prepara-
Hons to build the brAiich railroad
from Eugene to the Mohawk. The
grading will BOOB Commenw. Ilid
dera on this portion of he work
are going over the line today with tlie
civil engineer, and Ihe contract will
be let within the next reek, The work
of grading, It la undented, w ill he
commenced where the road leaves the
Nat , on trai I .
1 he .southern I'Aclflo expects to have
all irrading ami bridges Bnlthed by
January I, 1104).
Emulate tbe KxamptB of Bot. potato
Monkrr Venaennee.
Gibraltar Is notol for the monkey
which live there. Visitors watch for
them by the hour, and they may not
appear, yet occasionally In full day
light they will cross tho walls and
roof surrounding the old cemetery
from the Alameda garden, wliere
they go to drink at the fountain.
A subaltern tells an umualug story
concerning this colouy of animals.
Ala.iit tWO years ugo some olDcers
managed to datacb a small monkey
from Its fallows at tna drinking trough
and kept It for a fortnight lu captivity.
Then, for reaaona of their own, they
thought well ti restore. It. Bo they
took tna little beast back to the drink
ing truii'.;!! early ii" mondng before
the others had arrived and watched It
In ambush.
Presently the monkey vony came,
raeonnoltend and. obdtrvlng the tru-
nnt-ns th".v evidentlj ei:i.-;dered bltn
-held n conaultation. After much
chattering two of the UirB'-st ape ap
proach. "1 ih" 1 "turned wanjerer, who
appeared patrlflad with inar, seized
him by his arms and, after apparently
ati-augllng him, threw him over the
precipice beneatb the signal station,
evidevtiy lu revenge as a deserter.
I nclr tain's Onlr "Tip."
Tips given to Pullman enr porters hy
government employees while perform
ing official duties nre consldefed legiti
mate charges ngalnst I'm lis Sam. They
ure the ouly tips which are accorded
this distinction. This Interesting fact
in t
Paily Qaaid, avpt 3
Thai noble baud of pioneer who
came to Oregon in an early day Is be
lug thlnued out rapidly, and lu a tew
abort yearn they will have all gone to
to the Kar ltcyoud. However their
defendants will always revere their
N catcrday forenoon at B o'clock, at
Ills home ln Cohurg, LAOS county,
William Dch.ney, probably the lli-t
Oregon aetller icaldlng In Ibis county,
waa stricken by paralysis. Medical
aid waa BUm monad, but It w as mi ll' a
to successfully oombat the attack ami
at .V10 o'clock In the aflcrmaiu, he
passed away lurrounded by hia n .ble
wile, his son 1 lay Ion, and John Dia
mond, hi companion tor years, and
sonic other friends, being T.t y. r of
age. He bad been In feeble health for
aeviTal yearn.
The subject of our sketch was born
lu the stale ol Tennesse,', cine 10 Mi--souil
with hla pArcutn, and IbeO came
to Salem, Olegon, In the year lst3-,.
years Ago Ai d hA .1 In : be slate
srar alsjoa. Ha naoTad to Laneoounty
In the irly Wi, and real dad at
Coburg a oonatdarabla portioo oftht
Jle leaves his wife, who is 72 years
of age am! lu feeble health, and four
tons. The sous are: Thomas IVlaney,
of Ureal Falls. Montana; JWilllam IV
laney Jr, of HoqaJam, Wab; t'laytou
Delauey, of l.ane county, and John
Pelaney.who la in the Philippines,
being a memiier of the Spokane ooaa
pany, First Washington volunteers.
HI many BAqQalataMSJ in Qoburg
AU'l l.ane iviinty will deeply mouru
hi-loan, as he was a true uiau aud
In order lo liquidate a debl of fKXHI
thai hang on the United Bralhreo
church of this city, the members have
leased 11 to aoraa of land on the river
V VV Haohbarger to i' Kelly hotinm near ludklna Point, and plant
Lumber CO, 4 acres lu I hi a r I w; fl. ed !he same III (Hitaliat.
bast' and Henry C Uoloomb lo
the Booth-Kali Lumbar Oo, 100 aoraa
in t Hi a r I w; 11800
Hop t ontracta in OlaokMDM.
Oragon OMy, Bapl I. It la note
worthy that no contracts fur the sale
Of hopa have Icon tiled In Ihe county
recorder's office thin ssaaon, timwers
arc not auMous to contract the crop
this year, bUl are willing to take
chances of securing a ginid price In Ihe
open inarkcl.
8arUgS and Loai Aatix ial: m.
J B Huston, special age: t of the
Equitable 8avlngs and Loan Associa
tion of Portland, Or, is in town for the
purpose of organizing a local branch Of
(hat Institution.
( has K Ladd, of Ladd . Tllton,
bankers. Is president of the Equitable,
and its directorate containa such well
known names as Theodore B Wlloox,
W It Ayer, A M Cake and others
equally well known, whose names
mean "tuooaas" whetever known,
1'h" result of such management is
appraiser ol oustoms, a ruiustatemeut ourinf the pertoil oi depression
ord. r ia . x p. cted early next week. As slnOS 1808 there baa Mer been a day
the preelde it will gel home either to- Ul' BqoltSjhli ha been unable to
momw or Bonday, the order may m,'''! ,l"' damnnda made uam It by
poaalbly eoma naxi Monday. I Its depositors and mambars; and that
'during the perimt of Us existence for
nearly nine years, it ha made au av
erage earning for the shareholders of
more than 18 par Osnl per annum.
The Equltabls presents a comblna-
llou of the savlinrs hank HTi.t 11 ...i.rt.
Portland Telegram, Sept li Although
Qenetal Summers has not yet been
reetoicu in nis nirnier position an
It Waa lu Ills Head.
Dulute ooee promised Llrleux. the
manager of the ...... '. -r In Paris.
n Ure act drama, "The Springs of
ijulnclu." lie was so busy with other
work, however, tliat not till he had
been long and urgently Importuned did
he promise to read hi piece to the
company the next week. The com
pany gathered about him on tho day
appointed, and he read Ids live act
play fluently through to the end.
Llrieux was enthusiastic, ran up to
shake hands with the great writer and
turued over the pages of the manu
script whoso contents had pleased him
But what was this? TharSVtWSrS only
four acts. The last pages of tho man
uscript were blank, lu surprise ths
manager asked what It oil meant
RarSBC smiled and admitted that he
had not yet written out the fifth act,
but declared that he had It ns clearly
In his head as If It already stood on
paper. "And," continued the poet
merrily, "I bars In ths same head two
more outcomes of tho plot lu case tho
one I Just read don't phase you." San
Francisco Argonaut.
Hope are in fine condition. Few M
have yet appeared, and the burr, art
lrge, rich and heavy. pklD .
already begun in tome locailtM .nd
by the middle of next week will bt
8ome estimates place tbu year s cron
nf Lin,- aaf m fWVl .
has Juat been g ned through the dh ' 7 7 "lmtau
play by a government official of a bill tmD ln1 ,0'000b-lw Is a high enough
Of expenses which be Intended to pre- a,""- lueaiiierenee is saqm ( ,
tent n recent trip wuicu ne mane
In the service of the government lie
xliibltni the statement us an evidence
of the close manner iu which the gov
ernment di.' business. He had to pi
frcnt a receipt for every expenditure
made, even a receipt from the 1'ulluisu
car conductor for his berth.
The only Item for which there was
D llpt was "Tips, DO cents." When
nuked what the tips w ere for, the ottl
1 it sal li ' They were tips which I gave
to Pullman car porters, The govern
ment allows those, but they are tic
only tips which arc allowed. If 1 Up
the waiter at my hotel or tho mnn who
carries ray bag. the lip comes out of
my pocket, but the tipping of Pullman
car porters, a quarter for each Journey
made on a sleeper, it such a recognized
custom thnt the Item for such tips U
always allowed by the government to
officers when traveling on government
business." New Orleans Times-Democrat
gl So Very uld After All,
In a little village churchyard at
BlcfcanhlU, In Warwickshire, la a
tombstone upon which is Interfiled the
nge of a dear old maiden lady w ho de
parted this Ufa In the year 1701. Iler
nge, as testified by the engraver's art,
was 70S. Horn before the Conyiiest
and dying under Queen Anno. Again
at Chars Priory, Worcestershire, the
uge of a "rude forefather" Is similarly
Inscribed as BOO. Not to harrow the read
er, we may say that these portentous
figures are strictly tlie product of tho
engraver's art. Tho mouurucntnl ma
son of those days was uotiilug If not
Ignorant, aud Ids Idea of wTltlng 78 or
80 w as to write TO or 00 first and 8 or
0 afterward, meaning 70 plua s or 30
plus ft, etc.. us the case might bo.
Drain Watchman, August Bit Mrs
Prank Kant ami ohildrsn returned
home fri.tu a two week's stay at 8i-
naw, Monday, and left thm moruiug
for Mohawk, where Mrs Keut will
ibrh cnaige 01 a ooarviing tiouse tor tlie gg loan company, t ut with an ele-
Bootb-Rrlly Lumbar Oo. Mia Dei mentof aaourlty not to be found to
Whlpph . Miipaiiied them. j either class of ccrporatioua,
Aa Ka.taruOrat-.iit tichaaK . ths tf" f ruad sums may 1 depos.
ArliM.'i, I teUpacSM Ue baa almost 1 wl,h ,h l:'l -table each month
rsaabsd Oaadea aew, rie aatsi ar of tsdsrl nroflta of this maanajr of av-'
aud rtrj lr and durshle, but the aluuiiauui i '"i" IM ha appree'iabsl from Ihe fact
wire i ue k I r t!.t i ,r r, and brtakt J thst the earnings on 10l) deposits of il'i
litre inn it.i'rs .Mill
Qnaint Dr. .
Dr, OoUsBi an eminent surgeim of
Dublin, who dl,M In 1M3, wus remark
ablo for his plain dealing with him
self. In bis foe book he had many
such candid entries as the following:
"For giving Ineffectual advice for
daafnaaa, 1 guinea."
"For attempting to drav out tho
stump of a tooth, 1 guinea."
"For BslMng him that ho wo uo
more Dl than 1 was, 1 guinea."
"For nothing thst I know of, except
thut he probably thought Lo did not
pay cio enough last time, 1 guinea."
flaw Briery Is QuitUiI.
Finery come from the island of
Naxos, In the eastern Mediterranean,
whence It ha been exported for tho
last two centuries or more. The beds
are tn the northeast of the lslaud, the
deposits descending Into some of tho
neighboring Islands, the emery being
found In lenticular masses, resting on
layers of schltt In limestone almost
Identical with Parian marble, tho fin
est marble known, which comes from
the Island of Paros, close by.
There nre about lloo men engaged
In the trade, all of whom have to be
married In-fore they are admitted to
the fraternity, The material Is much
too hard to be dug out or even blast
ed. "Jivat fire are lighted around the
blocks till the natural cracks expand
with the heat, and levers aro then In
serted to pry them npart. This sys
tem is continued until the blocks arc
reduced In size to masses of a cubic
foot or less, nnd they are then shipped
ns If they were coal. There are sakl
to be 20.iHHi.ouo tons yet available at
Naxos, and the last reported year's ex
port was 3.U50 tons. It Is one of the
hardest substances known. Ironmon
gery. Don't Pot a Blrtl In Window.
"Never put a bird lu the window,"
said a bird fancier to the reporter the
other day. "1 rarely go Into the street
In summer, or even on a mild day in
wltiter, that I do not see unfortunate
canaries hung In the windows. Even
If ths suu Is not broiling the brains
under the little yellow cap. a draft Is
blowing all the time over the delicate
body. People havo been told a thou
sand times that they must not put a
bird In tho draft yet how few re
member that there Is always a draft ln
tin open window:" Ucrliu (Md.) Her
ald. '
lak in.. 1. on I'nper.
remove Ink from nnner nom-
enough water over a toaspoonful of
chlorinated lime to cover the stained
portion. Moisten a clean piece of
linen and rub It lightly with the mix
ture. If the stain Is not of too long
standing. It will disappear. If more
than one application Is required, let
the paper dry before wetting the sec
ond or third time. If tho spot Is mb
j bed. the texture of the paiaar will bo
spoiled. Dry tt gently with a Discs of
dry linen.
Wage sarn an and ail
can ti n afford te ml this
opportunity of .ueoeasfullv
""J vino m . , .,. rscii ii; ili'Tese vonr e,r..-..,,.
I , .111 1 , . , . . " ,-W,-K, I . ' '111
11 win 1...... 10 o insea ii.iwn uut ivppfr js per month.
wir "iii-iuniai. utumuaui ir coaU lr- ntllern
tiiau BBS (aorta. Ibt prtsi al SSIpei wir-ne j golden.
,1 r. j'e .ue, I'm 1 Tl 11, 1. iv
Switch lights have recently tnjen put
up at every switch OB this division of
the Boot! an Pacific. This make
necessary a heap of extra work forth
eectlon man in lihilug and extinguish
ing the lamps, partlculary when
w iiche- are a distance from the sectlou j
Inpnnrnc n.-i.u.. .
The Japanese dentists perform all
their opwatlona in tooth drawing with
the thumb aud the ftjtanngcc of one
hand. Th siaU nevessarv to do this
is ftce.rfired only after hug practice,
bot wh.-n once It is obtained the opera
tor Is able to extract lalf a doeen teeth
m ooui .vi a,vir.,i m
. . mi ut uuce
which Is probably a fr
Will Be ."lupp t trom Kngeue To.
Daily Guar,, lept
rVriennt Harvey O !tol.e rrIr(j
from Vancouver barracks to wperj,.
tend the alilpmeut of the 43 liana s
Oently purcliaswl in tins city fur tU
I" S cavalry by W V. Kraier, of Putt
laud. They will he sent out on to
night's freight.
Prof E H McAllster and family hav
returned borne from their csmplDgoat
John Coggtwell is visiting in Port
laud. Prof (jlen aud family have returned
to Eugene.
Hen B V Mulkey , of Monmouth, ll
iu Eugene.
Z & Cather came down fr m rjagi
naw today.
Itev D 0 Kellems went to Cottsge
Orove today.
Prof E E Ortou arrived home on to
day's 10:50 local.
U A Wasbburne, of Springfield, wti
in Eugeue today.
It B Dixon, of Robeburg, chief forest
ranger, is in the city.
Miss Carrie Hall Is at Long ilesch
for a visit of two weeks.
Mrs Btroud Long returned today
from a visit at Uarrlsburg.
Herbert Leigh, the Cottage Urovs
aseayer, was In Eugeue today.
Miss Esther Johnson weut to Port
land today to visit for two weeks.
Miss Emma Withers aim, 1 home
today from a visit in Dougla- county.
J H Beckley has returned from
Florence where he purchased 100 head
of cattle,
Miss Win May, of Plalnview, Linn
county, is visltiug her sister, Mrs AL
Peter, ln this city.
J E Huston, representing the Equit
able Savings & Loan Association, of
Portland, Is in the city.
(3 F Wllloughby and bride have rs
turued from a fortnight spent on the
McKenzie at Blue ltiver.
Misses Carrie Hovey and Louise
Yoran arrived home today trom A
fortnight's outing at Newport.
Kodney Scott, Darwiu Yoran nl
Sidney Scott leaye for their home
steads up the McKenzie tomorrow.
Mrs B K Sykes aud little child, of
Hoeeburg, are visitlug at the home cf
Mr aud Mrs J W Kays in this city
Miss May Zumwalt, of Lirsnf,
leaves on the local In the morning W
Pilot Kock, Oregon, where she
teach a six months term of school.
Mrs L H Patterson will arrive on
the overland from San Francisco ia
the morning. Mr and Mrs Patterson
w ill reside in the Hulin resideuce on
High street.
F O Fish, for a number of years tne
Governor Ger ha asked tieneral
Bhftar for a oannon captured in the
Philippine He propoSM making It
iuto medals, one of which i to be
presented to each vulutiter of the
Beeond Oregon who went to Manila.
to nutar'baare.
nofraQUOUl Your hoshsn.l
goes out a I nd deuL doesn't he?
tr Baldk a Boma tea, but we al
ways iiave seats next to the central
aisle, and It never disturb anybodj.
Uilcago Tribune.
A Hen Uunt.
An English paper says that the hat
of a certain shortsighted master at
' ..MB M . .
i-iou u,e ou ouo uay, auu as ne start- ..... . u,i-nian
...i m ki;. ., , . . .popular night clerk of the Hotlmsn
... a i'i.iv uen iiiuiueu OUl I , , ,, onn
of the gateway. The schoolmaster saw I HaU6e has acaepted a similar poelii""
the hen and thought It was his hat. I""11 tlie Hotel Willamette, Sslem,
and all Eton was electrified hy the ; 'eaying yesterday to attend to his new
spectacle of a hatless aud breathless duties.
reverend man hunting a bhick hen
from one end of the street to the other.
TwVe a year the Caspian overflow
and strands mllLon of tlth sufficient
to feed the whole of central Asia If ad
vantage could be taken of these Im
mense resources given by nature.
Astronomical Instruments of glass
were used by the Chinese aa ..rir ..
I 2-83 a C.
Doak Zumwalt aud wife have re
turned to their home at Lorane after a
few months stay with bis fsther,
Isaac Zumwalt of Irving prciD.
Thurston Doak and wife WID rssiat
with the latter hereafter.
Albany Democrat, Sept 1: Wm F
Dixon, a pioneer of 1845. died in Cor
VAllls yesterday at the age of 89 J"'
Mr Dixon built the first ferry across
the Willamette south of Salem.