S3 KeTiliUSllEII MR THE DiMEXlMTIM OF DElOCRATIi: PUSriPLEl. Ill TO II IK II flOmTUVU. BT THE SWK1T OE OI K Ueda EUGENE, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST, 26, 1899. V . 82 Close Out... Shirt Waists 11.25, $1.75 and $2,00 FOR ' 50 cts HAMPTON BROS. THE RAIN The Grain is Not Bailj Dam- TltK IliDM BAKISU PoWio K: Naaiet 1. 1 h i mi of the Print itraixu s,.,j hi Tin. Vicinity ADMIRAL DEWEY SMALL AMOUNT THRASHED. Pally (Mi.r.l, Auit n, Our in- - Saturday, WtW feeling Toe recent dlscUsoioO In the paper of the tSaet Upon l tie Intuitu tystcoi Of food UlAd With alum baking a dcr and tlif odIdIoim thai have beeu publlehed irom noted scientists to ihe etlect thai mob powder reoder tbe '! unwholesome, have caused un-rous inquiries tor the ueme of tbe various alum powders. I hi' f.'lli li-t of baking pow den 1 containing alum lanadeap from the reports of Stale Cheini-l Nicholson. Filipinos Capable of Self Gov eminent. REMARKABLE London, Auk 21.- IRTIRVIEW quit.-buoyant. They thought the tain Nabraaka, tbe city Cbenlat IKLY EUGENE GUARD. IPBELL BRO.. Publishers : -i.!.' t Willamette street, be 0 Seventh anil Kighth streets EMS (IK SURSCRIPTION. S2.00 . . 1.00 .. .80 . it it k le known on nj .plication letter to nil. '.I AUi'. I Oregon. lltoi )X & MABKLBY, I r MAhKLET b n rmi i a at i. aw fee in ..l! the court, ut the .late. P 1 look. I I E, OlIEtiON. mirsoN. DKNTIST. In-hased the office ami fixture of i-i I W V llen.lemon, I am pared to do anythiug in the line of lv in the above saw onn-e. Ikh'l bridge work a specialty. ICKEY, I'EALER IN . Chains, Jew POBTLtID HOSOHKU. Teller of Portland appelated leusu supervisor. Washington, Auk. 21. -The lint of Oregon census suiervisors wan completed t.sWjr by the appointment of Ceo Telfer of Portland ai HUervior for the Secoml district. New Kksidence. Dr O K Loomli will erect n handsome new residence ou IiIh property mi Must Twelfth tbll fall, for rent. The contract for the building hM been lot U Wn H Alex ander. Ucsideneee lor rent are In t tout detiiand. was over unit that the grain cmp cuvi i beyond i oubt. Sunday morning about 8:30 o'clock the rain began falling and eotitinutd all day, and showers occtirtd dining the night uud today up to the time of. going to press. The farnierit who came to town today wore apprehensive fucet. They wore til the opinion that If 'he lain i-hould oeaM toiliiy or tomorrow, (hat the greater tortioii of the crop grog Id be eeved, Hu if It should continue a few days longer that the giaiu In the I shock woum be ruined. Ihe standing j grain will stand con-ldcta ile damp weather yet Without harm. )ly a small percentage of the I wheel crop was tbreebed before tbe rein not to exceed IS or jo per oent, I In wan houses have receivtd el out the following number of buihelt: Hprlngflald 5,tKio Kugene 5,000 Irving 6,000 Junction 10,000 HOPS. This crop is practically u (Injured, ami ih In no danger whatever. ol neeote, or other reliable authority; K U New Pikr. Lane county intends placing under the couth end of the Eu gene wagon road bridge across the liver a new pier, the old one being rotten. The lumber is belli: Hawed by the Ku gene sawmill. A conf iderable portion of It bee been delivered. Alpha correspondence In Kloience Weal: Kluaer Lamb will put up a ' blacksmith shop at bin father's place as he has bought moat of the tool- be longing to B0 I'otterf. 1 DrOUDtlf ilone. It . ,t irranted. hanwif, m. d. V8II 1 X AND SUlif.KdN. prtaln ii CbriAtnaa Bluck. to 11 am; 12 to 2, fi to ! p in. FIRST- BANK WOODCOCK, I avhi;niAT-LAW. V-Oto lialf Muck nouth of Chriaman Boom, obeuoh. BAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ttct.'i t.. , ol lection, .ml mutter, in M iney to loan ou real estate. wltl r w looek. ATHERINI L BOHUUtT, M l i of Women and Chililren kelten BloOK, opposite fiuaril offiee NATIONAL Of Eugene, Paid up Gash Capital,, S50.000 Surplus and Profits, $50,000 Eugene, Oregon. a GENERAL BANKING BU81NB8B Done on reaaonaMe tenns. BWnt ilrafU on Chicago, San Kraneweo and Port land, Oregon. Bull of etehango sold on foreign countries. Deposit, received suhjedto check or certili cat of deposit, All collections entrusted to lis will receive prompt attention. U Henhhicks, President. B Kakim, Vice President. P. K. Snoihiuass, Cashier. L. ii. Poiteb. Ass't Cannier KUiKEU K PBUBPBBJ I V Resume or iill.ineHI UotidltiOO Good Outiook for the Kature. The West, Auguit IS. Florence, like all other tow ns suf fered irom tbe buelneea depression t hat prevailed throughout t lie country n lew eare ugo, liut is rapidly reOOVetiflg and baa entered on what promutei more steady uud CODtiDUed prosperity tbtin at any other period of Its exis tence. New elitcrpi isea have tut u un dertaken tbut mean a perinaiieiil in crease of the business of the place. These together with the Industries thai have DtOO established for years, the improvements in the way of jetty work and road building, make (Flor ence one of the most prosperous towns on the coast. There are two hotels in Florence that are doing a good business uud that Is as many as have ever been running at onetime. Resides these I wo there Is only one other building In towu tint his ever been used for a hotel and thai is used for u privute residence. Kxcept a variety store, Florence has us many stores doing business as ut any time since the towu was laid out. Some changes of ownership have taken place within the past few years, some of the new proprietors rprefei ing to erect new building- for greater conve nience or to avoid renting, or for some other Oeuae, have moved to new quar ters. However, there is but one ilore building Id Florence that is not ueed at pieeeot lor some purpose. There are few bootee that are un OOOUplad, but the number is growing smaller, and from preteut appearancts it will not be many nionihs before a vacant house will be hurd to find in Florence. ( otitaius Alum. J.'iucs Jdfii. Co., Chlcafo. OALUMBT Contains AIu o Calumet Haklnj Powder Co, chlcnito. HOjfE Contains Alum. Home listing Powder Co, s.n Ersiu iico. WASHINGTON Contains Alum. I'.c.llf Cliemloal Worti. T.coraa. OREoCENT t ontolDt Alum Creteaat Mig. t. letlila WHITE LILV Contains Alum D Pat rote .v. Co, t.c nee, BEE-HIVE GuDlalnt Alum. WethbMjtee mik Oo, tan Fraoelieo, HON BON Contain! Alum. Ur.ni i heintc.l Co, t hicso. DEI I ANOE i oniums Alum Portlaad Uonai a enlesOo, PortlAad, POB I I. A M Coulaiui Alum. BenOd Haiti. I'ortlsiiil. In addition to thtse, it is learned that many groceis are selling what tin y call their own private or special brands. These powders are put Up for the grocer and his name put upon the lands by manufacturers ol alum powders in St Louis, Chicago, Kansas City, Tacoms, Sail FrtOoltOO and else where. The manufacturers, it is said, And their i lb. rts to market their goods in this way gieatly aided by the ambi tion of the grocer to sell a powdei with bit own Dane upon the label, -p. el ally when (he grocer can make an ab DorEOaJ prollt upon It. Many of the grocers, doubtless, do not know that the powdera tbejr are thus pushing are nltiiii pow ders wliich would be ac tually coutraliatid in many sectioue if sold witln ut disguise. It It quite impossible to g ve the in mes ol all the alum bilking powdefl I In the market. t he. are constant ly ' am. earl in. In all unrts of (IImluiImhm un der till kinds of cognomens, and ai all I-in. I of prloee, even as low as live aim ten cents a pound. They can he avoid ed, however, by the housekeeper who will hear in mind that all baking powders sold nt twenty-live cents m less per pou ml are liable to contain alum, as pure cream of tartar Imking pow ders cannot U produced at any thing like (his price. The Naplta cvr- ressnih'lit of the Oally News leli - graphs the substance of all inlet view I lie bad with Admiral Dewey there i during the admiral's recent visit. Ad- mlral IVwey said he believed the Philippine qUHtlOB would shortly lie solved. In hi. Judgment, the Inhahi tanteare capable of sell-government, ami the only way to settle the insur rection at d iii-ure prosperity is to con cede it to them. Undeclared that he was never In favor of violence toward the Filipinos, and remarked that after wishes for .life,.... Harvest Shall the Be?" MANV OPINIONS. Ita ly Uusrd. Aug --'. The weather DOlOtt to t-1. arlng up, Hi" w md at the hour of going to press being in tha nirrthaatl ami the stoodi autonomy had Is en conceded, annex allot' might be talked of. When asked whether a oonflloi between Oar many and the l ulled State- over the Phlll -pines were possible, Vdinlral Dewey replied, according to the correspondent: "It is Impossible to foresee the un forest cable. " ji nctiox cn news Waablngton, Aug. U. Up to Au gust 20, there had been nceiv. d at the pension bnraan a total of inlrtyeii ap plications for pensions Irom men who served in the Oregon regiments du ring (he late war. Of tbll i ION 2:1 ' weie Ipplloatlotte for I nvalld pensions, Clipped Ki mil Ihe Timee or August III that is. where the turn Injur..! made the application on their own aOotMOt Horn, to Mr and Airs Silva Wood, i IS dependent, or claims mole by the relatives or families of soldiers who tiie usual were killed, that la, relatlvee who wen dependent upon Ihe deceased for a means of suppor ainltheoihei upp Il eal ion was made t.y a insinhcr ol the UngOO light battery, TheA6 applica tions Ilrst meiii ltd were made Iron the Second t in run voliint.el infantry. WILL ( II AM, lltMiS. I H lirown Bella tbe t aaeand Purnb Mire of tin- HOsThian lloil-e o J I. igler. p.uy Kuii'iit' Baard, A eg, J L Zeigier. of ti... Hotel Bttgene, ha. pnrobiaed the rurnltnra m the iioiiinati llOttae iron B a llr iwn ami has leasetl (tils popular houe Irom Hofl'iuan Itros, the owiu is, for a term of live yaars. Mr slgler will take charge of the house September . Mr Eelgler bM been lu the hotel boel here lor several years and ba made AUOOt s .f the same lie w ill at. i retain the management of the Hotel Kugene. II f lirow n has also been a successful stem to be breaking away, hotel keeper here for a number of years.. Mo: of our larmers think that a He sell, out to Join hi. wife In the Fast good portion of the wheat In the shock who baa Inherited property thai can- win heaved if die ruin cease.. How- not lie safely leased at the pre-t-nt eer there are many opinions ex time. Mr lirown will remain In Ku pre-sed. gene for a lime before going Baal, The standing grain Is gem rally con However, he say. he will again come j sidered safe, being in good condition, to Oregon to live. Ho bus our best The oat crop will only be g.sxl for local porpoara, it i. thought. Hop. ure uninjured. I.ATKK. Sam Howard, the well known far mer, was In town this aficriinon. He sa the wheal cmp In Laue o unity hu- I ecu dituiuget! wotse several tunes (ban at this particular time, and no 'ii win in ole over It. lie thinks nearly all (he wheat to lay Is III a mer ehaiilalile condition. BBCOIli OKKGUI I'KNStoNS. I llllly Sl Voliintter. Have h llwg Applications. ol the thl. L0V, M. i). .ttentiou to surgery, Diseases rt. uud of Now and Throat. Consultations uperifiire a Cook RoipiUl, Chicago, Data uatooir. NEW LOT OF IMPROVED FMsie" Cameras Wred. We recommend th.m . EUGENE Loan i Savings Bank Of Eugene, Oregon' CAPITAL vPaidcdp) $50,000 W. E BROWN. Prtsldtnt.'ll B. 0 PAINE, Vic Pr.sldtnt. F. W. 0S8URK. Csihlcr. W. W. BROWN. Aslt Cashier: DIRECTORS- F W.OSBURN, BD PAINE. W E BROWN D A PAINE. J F ROBINSON. J B HARRIS W W BROWN. A Ueneral . Bsiakinic BuatneNN Trttnaaeled on Favorable I . rm- UUP CROP Some Rewi Kmiu Hen York Mate The Watervillc, (N Y) Times, In a recent Issue, says of the hop market In (hat place: Since our last issue we liaye heard of two sales of '98 Btock. James Haldwiu gold 47 bales at about Ou and China Smith 30 at 11c. Daniel Llvermore mis sold his six bales of Palmer Heerl llngl 'M. (or 160. Mrs A J Hale, has told her West Seedlings, not yet pick ed, about 12 bales, at Hie and Mrs Y m p l,..eke 20 bales of same variety for 16c. Oilers of from ISfl for the late crop have been made but so far not ac cepted. All are watching the yards very closely now on account of the critical state i hey are in regarding lice. Thus far no damage to sneak of ha been The Angora oat Industry. 'I here is no business In Western Or. gon more certain In productive results than the growth and cure of the Angora goat. This Is the evidence of every diligent and careful farmer and ranchman who has made a fair trial of this industry. Wo have heretofore made some mention of this work in the special int. rests of very many of .uir farmers in tiie foot-hill countries and mountain ranges of Laue county, and we shall continue to develop the same subject as opportunity may ollor. Foi the present we will quoto briefly from two men of experience who have been successful. The first suys: "The auin.nls me hardy, good rangers, and long lived at compared with sheep, and do well on land where other animals flud It hard to live." Another says: "To a person who has never seen the application of Angoras to brush land the results un surprising. At the preeent time 1 have over GOO acres which have been reclaimed, and a conservative estimate would be that the value of the land has thereby been enhanced at least flo per acre." Augu-t 13, lv.t'.i, a son. The pay ear unloaded amount of specie Tuesday. Horn, Aug 1J, 1800, lo the wife Thurmuii Herry, an B-ponnd ton. Buglnoer K L Gray has rented Harp resident e and will make place his home. Born, Aug 18,1880, to Mr and Mra James McFarland, a daughter, weight 10) pounds. Alex McMartin has piirohaetlfl Ihe llossrrman property In the west part of tow n. After making some repairs he moved in Thursday. H W Hill, lornierly of this place but now of Kverelt, Washington, was mar ried at that place some two weeks g... The lady's name we could not learn. Hen deck has rented the Johnson properly lately vacated by Hen (lotal raaO and will moye to town for the purpOM of ..eliding his children to sclio.il. DM liultrlek has moved hack to I town. Mr Hlew who occupied his res-; IdeOOe, Vacated the same Thursday and moved Into the property Dell door to 'V H Lee's, lately vacated by M 0 Washburn. A line Iti-horse power engine, th. properly of .Messrs Fatloy, Shipley and Glaek, was nnloaded here Sunday. The engine was taken home under Its own steam. The old engine which belong ed to this llrm failed to pass under test of an expert and they did not cart to lake the chances of an txpliHtlon, benea tba purchase of a new one. Mrs Kate McK wan has let the con trast to J II Day for the erection of a o. w- dw-ellintr which will l.e ere. 'tell oil - - n .. ....... ..... - I lie alte of her present dwelling MitiML MBBT1KG. .lis. Hoi r ii Kealgnt m a raaeher Mis. Hall r.h'i'tcil In th. Vacancy. n.ii; Beard, aur i A regular meeting of the school directors of district No I, was ht hi In Kugene today. The resignation ..f Myrn Norrl. as teacher of the seventh glade was read unit accepted. .Mi s t urrio Hull wn fit ."tii to mi ihe vaoanoy. It ns ordered thai resolution of re gret he passed for Ihe resignation of if let .Norrls and placed oo Ihe minutes as billows: HMOiiVBO, That the board i x presaes regret at the resignation ol Mis. N'Uils, seventh grade teach, r In the Oi ary school; thai lo t services for Ihe put four years have U'eii highly satls laetory to the boatd and school; that the board extonda beet wlthei lor he. future success and happiness. Committee for arranging for school looms for high school reported bBVlng i I moled w ith Gnupball Hros lor the ..Id court house building hu one osi n lib the privilege of Mir..' years at 90 per year the board lo make all In provemellts. A w arrant w as drawn In favor of I I Siuulgraas for f 72 f0 for 2. cords ol oau wood dallvarad at theOeary bulld , log- ii urn cd to Death. Kirtloii of the old building will be torn down and the main part ol the uilding will be inoved east to t tin al- ey ami Will be tlsctl us u woo.lhoiise fbe new building will be tonetblog after the style of K Van Vruiikeu's res- Idl DOt JHOTO lerior Fotoarafs Gross Bros' UN DRY and Machine Shops Eugace, Ongoo. 11 and Minina Machinery. P Stovea and Hop Topa, atore Fronts tea to order. 'PtcUltT, "P ua Eaat Eighth Street. Drain Issued en the principal cities of Ih Cnlted States; also exchange iuruiahed arsll sble In all loreln countries. Interest rU n time deposits Flre-proot vault lor the storage ol ralnst.le P(SuecUoni receive our prompt attention, " French "Liberty." Paris, Aug. 20 Paris was todsy the son ol rant serious disturbances, roalllR some as3cts of the enmmun. In r. -pone Ui an apssl of the Jnurnal do Peapl, uroup of anarchlsta and sociali-ts gstheretl about 8 o'clock In the after. la th Plaoe do la Itei.uhSiuue. The isilirs broke through tbe column and a struggle f r the mastery W lowetl. Shots were fire!, and M. Omlller, c.ii.iuunary of police, wu twice subbed with a knife. A mob broke into the i hoe ti of St Ambroiae and a scan of wild pillage and sacrilege t-nsue.. Images wtro throwa duwn and broken, i.ictures rent, tad situs overturned LAKE COUNTY BANK lougue Ha a Cincb- done. It all depends on whether the : ea-e and spread to all the yarde SSttXtol' At ...gth th. omcer. di.-t.na-l tha mod. aome of the yards being hadly aflllctid with them, hut it Is hoped that the vis itation may be short lived. m.. r,nui,i. IV V, 1'nlori of last Albany pemorrst usM-kaavs- ' The Halem Sentinel say. theie ia There is hut comparatively little do- great deal of talk of a sueoeeaor to Con Ing in the way of hop transaction, greeanian Tongue, for that is the pro- bere or elsewhere. A Tew or the ral-; that Til l ord and Dinger tStiSJS!1. Hermann are no, In ,t. but that there have oeen narves.eu nt .nnciou. of the couutv and a few light ealee are are others, and meutioi.s Claud UaHii noted at from It to Is, cents per pound, i oud W H Hobeon, of Salem, Senator Hut these tales have no bearing o Kelly, of Albany, NV I Vawter, of the market in a general way. I. J 1 JackBotl jui1kb Kullerton, of nuiiiD, oi iuia enj, wut.v - . . .. , . .ii. bales on Saturday last, at IJ cents er Douglas, Judge Magtrs, of Xamhlll a i b..l:- l. In nil riraspb ismnd. to be delivered In October, nd A C Woodcxik, of Lane, alio n ctntim ticusii y a..o . motlel i .iiii.i. .nee - or R I---'- EUGENE, OREGON. trainsacted on favorable terms. A. CL HOVET, Preaideiit J. M. AHH-VMS, Caabier money for picking lo be advanced and ufcrry Miller and Senators lirownell ...i.... ,1 . .. aaai ininitir lha J uualuy as they grow ' lot secured by him 'amount grown by Ira ! d!-on Snell and Christ j bale of W I Durlac. Among was half tbe and Mnlkey. It Is easy to mention I - el Ait- but the urogram is already made lor IJro, also 10 Congrceeman Tongue I to be noml i neted. P.'ii.lleton. dr.. Aug, 21. frank l.ltne- . ' bins hi, year old son of Mr snd Mrs lieorge I . '. was liiirni'il to oe.th at ROoR g iturilsy. T'is child was ni.st.irs nt l.oin. , th. mother being nt lo r h useliolil ilutics lownstairs. When the lire wus .iiscoveretl it had gained too great hes.laay to permit rescue ol the child. Rt solution of Condolence. 1 ho billowing resolution, ware ad opted at a recent meeting of Spring- Held assembly, No W, I nited Arti sans: Win. ut. , It has pleased Almighty Ood In his wise providence to call from our midst the beloved daughter of our esteemed brother and slater, Mr and Mrs (I L Itorlmer, members of Spring- Held Assembly, No 110, U A of Springfield, Oregon; therefore BBB0L1 BD, That though we deeply sympalhi.e with our bereaved broth r and sister, we bow in humble submln si. ,n of Him who doeth all thii.gs well. Rkhoi.vkij, That we extend our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family In tiieir :-- and Ihat these resolutions be spread upon the minuted a copy I e sent lo the family, and that they be published lu Ihe WsWKLT BC- MM Ui AHD. V W Hahkiijiaki.kh, BBAstDBBB, J H HABOBsT, Committee. A Deadwo.id oorreepoodant of the Florence W. -t say - ehlttlm burk Is legal tender In that in IgbbOThOOd at t2.ll'i per htinilred-welght. HIED. PsIU liusnl. August'; Yesterday evening at 9 o'oliajk, Wl'liam Smith, another of the noble ph peers of Oregon, tiled at Ills home ou eleventh strict in this city, aged 73 yaare, I nontha and in days. Ha iiad been in ft.'hle health for several years. lie was born in Holding, Fi. gland, Match 11, IBM, Coining to ihe United state, with his patents, the family etttlad fol a year at i!ochcater, New York, thence procvtsJed to Cleveland, Ohio, uud three years afterwards to La Porte, Indiana, where the subject of this sketch grew l. naahOOdt Ho ,.t n i ted to cross the pi .ilns lo Oregon April u, lift, and ou the BJpJ of Octo berol that year arrived In Portland, lie next located In Yamhill county, and after paying a visit to California In June, 18-10, took up the claim on winch he reetded lb! so many yeara, and upon which 1, now located tlio village of I'aliinouul, situated a half mile cost of Km cue. ho mar. rled Nancy A Luckey, w hum he leaves, and four sons and daugbtera of mature age. Mr Smith was a most . -t unable oitl . n and wu.' itvp.cletl by the people generally. The only public office lie ever held hero was director of solus. I district No I, the olfalrs of which ho conducted lo it thorough bulueaa like manlier. For years he was a delegate lo the republican county uud state c inventions. A g.io.l mini has gone and the peo ple mourn hi loss. The funeral will take place from his lute residence on Kleveuth street Wed- uosday alien n at 2 o'clock to the Masonic cemetery. Myrtl.. Point Entt-rprl.e, Aug. 1: "Wm I '.owl. by. c .n i l' tor ou th. passenger train bttWeaa here sn.l M.rslilield, ha.1 a narrow S'. ape from Is lug killed at thu latter place Wwlncs.lay. lu making a coupling the draw heaits igawtd by, allowing th. cars to cine so near togt-th i J . t h" .i . aught and .pdta severely .piseeil." Il.i l. riuorly reshltsl horo ami is u hroth.r ol Robtrt llowlsby. A. bland ToWD Talk: "Henry Jack son, the Indian capitalist of Ihe Klam ath reservation, has purchased the Judge Hale property at Klamath Fulls." RlVKK iMI'ROVKMKNT. A Wathlllg tou dispatch of August 22 ays: "H e balance available for the Wlllatnetle and Yamhill above Portland is (17, mi. In thl river the negboat we at work constructing dam lu the vicinity of Kugene lor half the mouth, and then, because of low water, withdrew lo that part of the river between Harrlsburg and New Kra. During the month 12806 worth ol material wa put in plaoe on the Davl chute dam, and 17040 worth of material on the Mc Douald' bar daiu. Wait and Examine... pnt Our Immense Stock of. CARPETS Which will arrive in a fow days. New Designs in Moquets, Velvets, Brussels and Ingrains Prices Always the Lowest. Our CleAntDOO of Siiriimer (ioixls will coiitiniR' for it fow (lays. Respectfully, F. E. Dunn