- " ' 1 cr tm am REPORTED. REBELS I wrwnjfc ' - Eugene City Guard. I. t. ami iin I rr.rUIr. EUOKNK CITY OREGON EVENTS OF Till: DAI' A i: lutrrMtlng ellertl.in of llama from Ilia Two HaMlpll.-ra V melitmA In i ... .1. i .. i Koruit Tha messenger lioys nf Huston hara gone on ttrlke lor an IMIMM of pay. The eup-ohallenger Shamrock If nt o-it ready to ttarl for New York. Umny ViiiaH it telling. Pwtland for Ilia grit tima tinoe 1 Ht 1 . MaMln Doll, laid to have married ii woman, all tint two ol whom art now living, wai airestel iu PhloagQ. Ailriiiiitl Kantx hat islsed Mi flag on the battleship Iowa, which in now tba flagship ol the Pacillc squadron. Tha garrison tit Fort HniN has been ordered to move north an a mi caution against yellow favor. Naw York ami Han Francisco capi talist! will ftart a HtiOHl bank in Hawaii about September I. Ii twhanadm Kuttii ba wrlttea the faoti in tha Dreyfui i ate tad limy ara soon to be published. Tho North Dakota', Wyoming anil Mahoa have left Manila on the Hans port (Irani. Fred L. Dalian, of rnmpany II, Kirat Washington, waa wounded in the shoulder during tha captuie of Ca lamba. Dombthrowera are making lile Mint able for the population ol r-euiil. Heventeen peraona have buen arretted by the police. The Al-Ki Ima arrived in Seattle wilh 300,UOO in Alaska gold. ' '. third of the amount ia Iroui the famous Trearlwoll uiinee. Governor Jnnci. of Arkunaita anya an long at negro outrages bpotl white wo men continue in the Houtli there ia no reuieily (or lynching. Admiial Hauipaon h:m entered ault libeling tha Spanish vessel Maria Teresa and claiina laign prize inouiy lot the battle of Santiago. Hrakeman Con tt n h la wna killed, Fiieman Uoldsworthy fatally and Con ductor Ktame aetioualy injuied in a wreck near Wiualow, Aiil. Governor I'oynler waa on hand lo welcome the Nebiaskuns. Tlmy tMI given a great ovation hv the olllMM ol Kan Francieeo and are now in camp at the Presidio. The monthly statement of the gov r r ri in -Ii t r' nipln mi l ) n i 1 1 n show a dtloll fot July ol about H,MH, OUO, Thl total lONiptl (or the mouth were H.Ufi4,1ifi. An officer ol one of the volunteer regimenti now In the Philippine liaa written a letter to the A nam dated I'reaa laying there ahrould be luu.uuu sol dlara in the islands. The California voluutcoii have tailed for borne. Dreyfua it lepnitcd lo l ....... i III with a lever. American stock now command con li 1 1 ii' i throughout Kiiinie. Caroline ialandera want to be an ueied to the United Statea. President Heuicaui, of Nanto Do mingo, ha been aasuinatcd. The tody ol the lute Roberta, In geraoll waa cremated at Fi cah I'oud, N. Y. The light between the linei'd oil combination! baa been amicably ad Jutted. The miiMcnger boyt' atrikn in I'm burg hat been tettled. The boyt claim a victory. At Hartford City.lnd.. ltalph Shnlbv, a U-yearold laiy, wai thrashed to death by bit playiuatel. title reports another engagement with bandita in (Vbn, In wlneli Ameri can forcet Were v ictoi hull. A Chicago negro i alleged to have attempted the aleahug of lour children within an hour. She I now in Jail. Four llle-timeri iu the Columbus, ()., penitentiary were to unruly that tpOoigl ateel cella weie built lor their incarceration. Otia baa been cabled to end vulun tenia boine aa aoon a possible, it being the dssire ol the president lo have no delay iu tlie matter. William Hi Proctor, who wont to California in IMU, reinai I tliere 15 yeari and accumulated a lei tune, i dead in Hiooklyn, aged It years. It hat been decided to dieoutinue the uaa ol coal aa (uel on the .New York, New Haven and Hartford rail road and to lubititule coke lor it on all loromolivat. United Statea iiianulrietnier will tie benerlted by our new treaty with France, Farmer, however, will re ceive uo help, at maximum duliea mil ttay on agricultural prod net . The llliooia Central ha a new com pat i tor on buainea (rem t'hioago to tha gulf. The St. Looll V SouthwoM em it building a connecting link to Chicago and Eastern Illinoia. Two tyndicatee, one Inclining Hi richett and moit oweifnl men lo Kng land, tha othet lepreaenting the largeal rtn.inci.il interests in the Uoltod Statea, have combined to build moi o thau 1,000 miles of railroad in China. The report on the production ol OOP par in I88 hat just been submitted to the Coiled Statea geo Ing ica I urev hy Special Agent KnehhotT. The iio,l no tion in tha Cn I led State in that year waa BUS.Sia.&VI pom. I., which it by far tba largett product ever reported. Tho Metropolis Tunnel liailroad Company waa liOOrpOIOtOd in Alliany, N. Y., to build a 7,OOO.UU0 tunnel to connect Drooklyn and Jeraev City, un der tba two riven and tha liland of Manhattan. Coramtteioner Wilton, of the in ternal revenue, hat ittued a circular absolutely prohibiting bank fiom attli ! Ing ttainpa to checks unttamped whan preeanted and repairing them lo return the aama to the drawers. Mr. Jaffaison Davie will make her Krmanent home In Moutpaliar, Vu loan. LATER NEWS. Tha cotton duck trutt it tba latatt; capitalisation, laa, 600.000. It is -aid that Meiico's bad faith is the ceoie of the Yequi Indians' out break. North Mississippi vaWey corn aod wheat suffered Irum bail and wind itoimt. The Cbarletton tbelled the enemy on the Island of Cabu and compelled Ihein to retreat. The standard Oil Company has fin reeded in pun bating the inteieals of itt only competitor in Meiico. Charles Franklin, a Portland man, hat been apoiiited to an ImPOfUnt Y lition in the Pbllipptna pMUl service. Zachert's remurkable story asserting that tba Alaska boundary is Mtllntd by monument! it uot credited at Well ington. The hospital ship Btliol bsa arrived in San VlMOlfM with 820 siirk and iroondod Mlditri oa board, Two died en route. The new bankrupt net ia not popular il. New Ynrk. Those taking advantage nf it have not leached near the expect ed number. While on a tryout the new Columbia broke her mat. When the gooidint tnourred she was a mile in the lead of the Delenler. Dave Connell was shot and probably fatally wounded while trying to tenure miners in Colorado fur the Coeur d'Alene country. A tramp at Independence, Kan., has confeaiied to killing two fainn m who had let him ride all day. Hi: sayt ha secured but f 110 in money. An American hat a cinch on mil in the strait ol Magellan, and patriotical ly charged the Oregon 11 a ton for supply when she made her long cruise. Humor says that William Waldorf Astor became n Dritish subject in order lo marry liUily Randolph Churchill. His ohildreu also became subjects of the ueen. The politic-ill situation at I'ort an Prince, Hayti, ia causing anxiety and numerous arrests have been made. The United State minister interfered In one instance. Bono Qiallaa savs that Haraaua'i anamination was essential to delivery of eoiintry from deapotism. He nlo lay that the murdered president waa a friend ol Spain in the lata war. United State Senator Hull, wno has Just returned from Alaska, says the Hudson Hay Company paid Kussia a stated sun foi IU years' lease on the - line land now in dispute. This was virtual recognition of ownership by Kussia, and the United Mates OaBBOt now back down. The Delgian cabinet has resigned. Circle Sam is said to lie negotiating for n coaling station nvai Chile. Distinguished RuMigBI are in Chi cago to study American railway serv ice. The returned volunteers are reported lo be huvuig a go... I time In San Fran cisco. Ingersoll left no will. He ?. ered it uunessary, having contideuce in the lawa. The Northern Pacific and Ureal Northern are believed lo lie friends once more. The gunboat Dolphin was injured in New Yoik bailair by colliding with a ferryboat. Theie hut been a geneial advance in the pi ice of lumber Irum Ifj to 26 pel cent sin. e July I. Nina bundled employes of Morse's shipyard, llrooklyn, waul uioie pay and have iuit work. I. I,. Wilson killed Walter Cava naugb, a biother of h is sweetheart, in a saloon at San Francisco. A Filipino ha sued an Knglish mem ber of the Filipino junta at Hong Kong for fiiO.OUU damages lor libel. Mrs. V. B, Crocker has piesenled Sacramento lodge of Klk with liei pn OtOOl residence iu that city valued at t0,000. A Christian S, icnt'st has instituted proceeding Igalnit Mr. Fddv and liel followeil foi t'J&,UU0, alleging criminal libel. Four weie killed and six otbeis had It injured near lltMine, la., in wreck. The tisin Jumped the track and all the cars went ovci the bank. .lames Kntwistle, Dewey's fleet en gineer, has been raiseil to the guide of rear admiral for excellent aeiviue Iu the battle of Manila. The remains of John llrown's raiders will be taken from Harper's Feiry and butied beside those of the their leader at Nortli Rlbft, N. Y. Senator llevei idge. of Indiana, who it as feated had been lost, has been heanl I oiu at Nagasaki, Japan, whete he had been quarantined. F.Whu Knot lias taken tie oath of of fice, lie was congratulated by Secie taiy Alger, who prayed that Qod would give him strength and Idets him. Chicago will try to get Dewey. Sehle, Sampson and Cervera for OttO bei V, during the new federal building ornerltone laying. I'resrdenl Dole lad President Ibas n ill also be inviteil. Admiral Deaey is paying the penal ty of greatness. Curious croud follow him wherever n goes and ktrdak tielid make life a burden to him. .lemma Hall Kayuiotid, tha uew president of tha university of West Virginia, was a news boy iu bis earlv life. The new geyser which recently broke out htfme the Fountain hotel in Yel lowstone National park, bat been named ' Dewey," in honor of tba hero of Ma nila hay. Tire new distilling company, whose capital it l 000,000, bat extended the lima for tba deiting of stock by the stockhohleii to Bostajaitaf 1. At a meeting of nearly all of lh holOMtlO CaafOOttOaOrl of the United statet, held at Fontensc, N. Y.. il was piactically decided that a combination could not be a tie. ted. Sixteen representative of the psiwcrs at The Hague peace conference have tignail the protocol ,if tha arbiliation and mediation treaties Tba l ined IStataa aanata will drat have to ratify such action befora tbit country Will liaa WRECKED BY STORM. Loss r Life ....! r r la Norlharn Florida. Tallahattee, Fla . Aug. 4. The town of Carabelle, on tba Oulf of Mexico, aoothweit of this city, is reporteil al most destroyed by a terrific wind ami rain atorni which passed through this lection last night. Many boats which were in the harbor have been wrecked, ami iiinat of tba long wharf ia gone, to gether with large qogOtitiM of naval ttora. At Lanark the boat bouset, pavilion ami boats have been destroyed. Un confirmed repoits say that the steamer I rM nt City has been lost between A ppalacbicola ami Carabelle. Several peraona are reported drowned at St. Michaels. A few house were destroy ed at St. Teresa. The wiret are down toiith of here. ml railroad service to the Oulf portl t suspended. The itnrm waa one of he hardest that ever pused over tint ention. For hours the wind was ler- I He, and the rain fell in torrents. The city of Appalachicola, at the mouth of the Chattahoochee river, la entirely cut off from communication arid noth ing can ho learned from there. A new tr-rstle over the Ochlockno river at MrTnlyre was blown away. The wrecking (lain which went into the Strieker, territory found over 2UU trees on the track, in a run of 110 miles, (teneral Manager Cnttendeii. who has charge nf the train, tayt that every town along the line ia desolated. Hotel-, houses, churches, sawmills, wharves and pavilions were in many places Mown from their positions, and in manv Instances completely wrecked. There are many rumors afloat here tonight as to the loss of life. III" mill band it known lo be drowned at Mn Intyre. One man was drowned nt St. Marks, but rumors pluce the lots ol life there at 15. It is not believed here that any lives were lost At the numer ous summer results, but reliable news Is unobtainable. v A large relief party will leave Talla hassee for the stricken section. YAQUI INDIANS ACTIVE. lloth Amarleans ami Mailcnn Raid In Ha la Peril. Chicago, Aug. 4. A special to tin Tribune from the City nf Mexico says: Newt from the lower Yaqul river in try today is that roving bands of In dians are killing both Mexicans ami Americans, ami that a uuiiibei ol Americana in the outlying distriott have already been slaughtered. Fears are expressed (or the safety of the large number of American prospector who have been pouring into the Sierra Mudre mount at us during the last year. On the '.'2d of last month signs of the present trouble hecauie apparent ami Chief Tetaluate, always peaceably inclined, cautioned the tribe to remain QOlat, ami ordered five of the principal disturbers shot. The Indians fell on their chief and oeat hi in to death witli clubs and then a large bund massacred 60 soldiers in the barracks at Hacum, slaughtered Carlos Hale, a prominent merchant of Onaymai, ami went down the livei murdering and plundering. The noted frontier general, Lorenzo Torres, with only 2110 men, inarched to BaOOm and thiew himself upon the as sembled Yauui lorees. A battle was waged for two days, in which 4U Vaqnll and II soldiers were killed. The Yuiilia were pushed buck toward the mountains ami on the third lav anoth er fight took place, in which 4 i Yaquis and four chiefs were killed. The Yaquis weie dispersed and driven into the bill. Stale trOODi were gathered from all oet Minora by Oover mu Curial. Aboot l,M0 men were mobilized and pursued the Yaqui into their inouiitan fastness. The YaOjOll took position on the peaks of Cuesta Alta, anil lire latest report is that a battle was fought on July ail, ami that the tiuops weie gain ing an advantage. Ilnl Kaw Vlnra l'aas. Washington, Aug. 4 Advices re oeived hv Suigeon Oenciul Wyman up to g o'clock from Hampton, show that tha only change in the yellow (oval situation is the addition nf four sus pected cases to those alieady to exist ence. These have been removed from the .amp to the hospital. This in fur -uiatioii ami the additional statement that tl are has not been a death since 7 0't luck, ami that everything with reference to the disease is none than favorable, was received from Oovcrnor Wood tin, of the soldiers' home. He also wired that he i quite sure the pestilence will be stamped out. I Uril.u k rr Klomllka. Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 4. W. J. Miller, a California!!, ia in Kansas City buying a train load ol ItfMtOok to ba shipped, by way of Seattle, to Dawson City, there to be slaitghtere.l fur the Klondike trade. When tha day closed he bad bought eight car loads of cattle and three cm loads ol hogs. Italian Plaet I .mil. f. Washington, Aug. 4. There is sonic prospect that an Italian tleet may vr-il American waters next mouth. A move merit to that end has hoen on foot of late among prominent Italian! of New York, the purpose being to have the fleet here aa Septemtrei IS, when ttal celebrates a national holiday, and it is thought the tailing north of the Italian tleet al lluenos Ayres it the result of the movement, T.. Kaap llul Our road. Washington, Aug. 4. Agents of the agricultural department who are in Herman)' report increased activity on the part of the agitators, who are ex erting their influence to curtail to tba in i in in uin tha importation of Ameri can food products Into thai country. Kailroad business for July showed the largest increase of anv month this year, 111. I par cent larger than lat year, and 10.4 per cent larger than in 1MB, Another Version Washington, Aug. 4. -The navy de psitmeui received the following from 1 ominauder lavgan, ol the guuboal Ma, bias, which airived at Santo Do uin. go oily yesterday: "United Statea coniul tavs thedevth ol tba president of Santo Domitifo is believed not ta have any political tig niticanee. The motive ol assassinaliou it supposed to have been personal re venga. Tha vice-president nf Santo IVllulllro has suct-ra without Mvltlr cal disturbance and reappointed tb. formal tab. net. No disoider txisls TROOPS ASKED FOR Uprising of Yaqui's Threaten to Cross the Border. ROOALKS FFWIS AN ATTACK Two ffaltfag Hun. and lleta.-hit.enl or Ariiiiarr aalglara lew! Aioinsi latgiaaa tv viasteo. HI. Loiila, Aug. I. special to the filube-Deinoerat fiom Nogalea, Alia., say-: Two Qatling guns ami a detach ment ei artillery wldleii from tba City of Mexno, v a 1.1 l'..-o, have been liutried MMbward en route lo the ineueol the Yaipil war. The troops pre being marched across the moun tains from point- In the states of Chi lioahaa and Durango to Join the forces pnw there, ami Olliei reintorceinenti IN rushing in from all iiiarteri. It ia resirted ti It sraries have been sent by the Yaijni leaden to taaahai and nlnel all ovsr the state ( BOBOn wherever men of the tribe iro at work, calling them to armt with .heir compatriots already in the Held, ind many Yaiuis wlm are employed in the big mining camps ami on haciendas is laborers have disappeared. Ryan la this vicinity, 300 miles d it taut from the scene of hostilities, the Yaiuis employed in various kindl ol woik are in a state of disquiet, rfuitting their Otnploymaat ami going away, ami tho-e coming liere Iroui outside poiatl in Arizrina, where theie have beeu many Yaiini lalairera, retmrt the sair.a condition nf affairs. Thev osually traval by night, and nightly small squads me reported passing through the town or along the road near by, all going in a southerly direction. S fears ure expiessed of descent upon til" lown similar to that of Au gust, 1806, ahon an attacking party tiark potM lion of the Mexican customs bOOM iii tb. eaily hours of the morn ing ami went dislodged only after a -cvcro battle in whiu'i they left nine nen dead on the Held and carried away SO aOOndad, In that light, com- pony O, ol the Arizona militia, par ticipated, and it is from motives of re venge that the Yaqul now 00 the war path have killed the Amci leans whose ileal lis hart been reported. In the former wars they have alwaya respect ed Americans, nevot molesting tl.eiu. The lit Oat Ion it considered so grave that Mayor Overton bus lorwarded to IJovemOl Murphy ii request to ask the war department to scud troops of cavalry fiom 11 nucha lur protection of the town. liloo.li Conflict I On. lars Angeles, Cal., Aug. ft. Mar shall I'. Wright, son of the late Judge Wright, of Kansas City, has airived in tbis city from Mexico. Speaking of the Y no ii is, Mr. Wright said there was no doabl that 2.UU0 to 8,UU!) men are under aims ami engaged iu a bloody conflict. Tho entire country ia in a slate of terror, and people are fleeing to the larger settlement. Miliar I. rival, tint. Austin, Tex., Aug. ft. A dispatch received here this evening from Casa Ortimla, state of Chihuahua, Meiico, states that four American miners had just arrived there direct fiom the Up per Yaqui river country. They were driven out by marauding bunds of Y'aqut Indiana, Thotnai Harrell, one of tha member- nf the parly, who for ineily lived iu Autiu, stated that theie aie probably 2,000 American minora and proapectOfl scattered thtOOgh the Yaqul country, and that their Uvea are in imminent danger, al tho Indians are getting Udder and mote desperate each day. Harvell said that the news of the bloody outbreak among ibu Ytquii iu the ,,wer valley had not i cached the upper part of the stream when he left, and that as soon as such news i tecelvtd by the scat tered bands uf Indians in the placer milling region, they will massacie every white man along the river. 4 Marietta I Mora ami Mara Hight. Havana, Aug. ft. A Cuban general in a letter polbilhed in the Indpend oil today tavs some comu. under of the Cuban army have taken adavntage of the 18.000,000 gratuity to get money liotn the soldiers, and are granting the ceitifioatcf necessary to enable them to collect their quota. He gives three cases of men who weie charged money by RanOB, a colonel in a Cuban tegi meut. In another instance it appears a man could not get his certificate ow ing to the lack ol money to pay for it. The writer says: "Kvery day sees that the Americans are more ami mote tight. Manv vears must pass baton tht Uatani learn bow to handle money without it Itioikng to the Angara. " Two RaftMeaM OwMalatas Washington, Aug. 5. The number of enlistments yesterday were 884, making O.OtlS. Colonel Hell's regi ment, the Twenty seventh, al Camp Meade, is now above its quota, taaklnf tWO regiments complete. Now York, Aug. 6. The transport McCetlan arrived here today liom Pol to RiflO and Onto, She brought i abut and lift steeiage passengei. in- clmiing dicta. a utimbei ol discharged sol- New I ata Folio. I. Botie, Aug. ft. There is increasing latarwt ban in the gold diaoovetiM made in the lloise liver in the vicinity of Bad gel creek. A large number of Horse people are on the scene. These inoa Ida several expeit milling men, re port from whom are eagerly awaited. A telephone message tonight statea that several new lodges have been found, one of these being very large, bat nothing ia known of the value of the ore beyond the fact that it shows fiee gold in the cropinga. To Kata War.. Chicago, Aug. 6. Western passsen ger managers are agitating a concentra tion s. heme, which, they lay, will an nuallv result ill a saving to the West ern railroads of more than 350,000 la operating expeiiies and a large amount of MMM and trouble by preventing the demoralixalion ot ra'e. T: is scheme calls for the eetahlithment of a .'.on nun bureau, through which all interline bustneaa I to l conducted, similar to the immigration bureau, which ha proved to lie one of the most valuable depattuiente ol tba Western t'aaaengar Association tyatem. r.rrlbl Work of tha "orm la North ara Florida. Tallabataae. Kla.. Aug. B.-The fiitt train t.nce Monday from Carrabeli. tbiougb the ttorni ridden gulf coait section, reached heie this afternoon. The train orew and passengers agree in stating that reportt aent out of the deduction wrought by the ttorin have been eitiemely modeiate. Carrabeli it literally wiped from tbo map. Her docka and wbarvea. containing about 400,000 feet of lumlier anil 60,000 bar rela'of rutin, were quickly ewept away. I,,,, p en or 14 large lumber vetteli in the bay were twept atbore. and are now Ivlug well iiK.n dry land. Tliete vessels contained teveral million leet ol lumlier. No information it obtain able at to the lost of life from these vessels or from the large fleet of fishing boats in the naigbotliood, Only two or three butt aie left standing iu Carrabeli, and one colored woman il known to have been klllfld by the falling of a houae. Cilixena of ar rabell are in a state of wild confusion, and are Hocking in every direction for relief. The town la isolated andtbe wiret are st ill down. The towns of Molntyre and Curtis Mill are demolished, and large inter ests have been destroyed. The coast resmts, Tereia ami Lenark, are more seriontly wrecked than at lirst reporteil, ami visitori have suffered great hard ships, though no lost of life ia yet known. fifteen men, said to have been fishing on an island culled Dog island. Ju-t before tiie atorui broke, cannot lai found. YELLOW FEVER SITUATION. No Naw t o Mora Fatalities, No Ipraad, No Oaatagtaa. Washington. Aug. 8. The yellow fever ait nut ion at Hampton continues favorable ami encouraging, in the opin ion of the offlcialt of tho marine hos pital servue. According to official re potts there has been no spread of the contagion tince yesterday nor ba any of the casea now under treatment proved fatal since that time. It is hoped to confine the disease to the sol diers' homo ami PbOtboa, but Surgeon (ieneral Wvmnn thinks it too early to make a definite prophecy regarding the outbreak. Now In Washington stn. Washington, Aug. 5. Marine hos pital officials at Hampton have suc ceeded in tracing ami locating a funnel inmate of the soldiers' home, who is belltVed tO have brought yellow fevet to that place. Hi- name it William Thomas. He arrived at the home on a transport from Santiago, where he had been viBiting fiom July 3 to 6 last. He was admitted to the home at a vet eran and soon after developed chilli an ! fever. In the light of subsequent events expert- believe there is little doubt he was a (Tec ted with a mild case of yellow fever, although it was not diagnosed as such at the time. When well enough to travel, he left the home ami his baggage was sent to I'lioebus. The man himself went to Columbus City, Wash., where he now il. BtMSd J r.ir Tiihereulnsls. Washington, Aug. 6. A new remedy for tuberculosis, developed in France, bat been repotted to the statu depart ment by United States Commercial Agent Atwood at Koubiiix. It ia a treatment called to the attention of the academy of music by Dr. .Mendel, ami consists in the daily injection into the bronchial tubes nf essence of euca lyptus, thyme ami cinnamon, held in solution in olivo oil. The oil in de scending slowly, comes in contact with the walls of the tube mid upper lungs. The gits set free saturate the air in the lungs and acts un the mucous mem brane. In Hi cases treated, after one oi two weeks there was in all a lessen ing ur complete cessation of the cough or expectoration, as well ns a return of sleep, appetite ami strength. llra.1 and Arm Mown Off. Cumberland, Wis., Aug. 6. Chris Wold, a fanner near Peskin Lake, this county, committed suicide today by deliberately blowing off his head with dynamite, He placed a quantity of dynamite in the gioond, laid his head over it and touched it off, exclaiimng: "Here I go, ami the Lord go with'tne, " Hi- lii-iid anil arm weie completely toin away, rnic Prsallatad r..r Banaaag. Berlin, Aug. ft. The Deotohe Tagea Zeitung today publishes a sensational article predicting a goat panic in the Herman money market The paper said that during the last six months 1.6116.000.000 marks- of new shares w.re i-sue.l, of which 618,000,000 were industrial securities which it is al leged exr ds the whole issue of 1898. A mas of evidence is quoted to prove the existence of unsound speculation. .lumpad From llrooklro Itrl.lga. New fork, Aug. 6. Ilmina Hauser, treasurer of the Herald Squsie theater, in tliis city, Jumped from the middle span of the Brooklyn bridge at 6 o'clock this afternoon. He was rescued in it..- water ami will recover. Paws tea vi III right it Oat. Leavenworth, Kan., Aug. ft A let ter from Qeneral FonitOO was received bv Dr. K. Anthony, of the Leaven worth Times, today. Tho general an nounces be will stay in the army until the war in the Philippines is at an end. and will not muster out with his regiment. Mora Djnamlta I'aad, Cleveland, Aug. 6. Tho Withdrawal of several companies ol troops was fol lowed tonight by another dynamite oat rage, but fortunately nobody waa hurt. The explosion occurred under a Jen nings avenue cm. on which there were six passengers, h smashed the flange of one wheel an.) splinter,,,! the run ning hoard at the side The passen gers were badly frightened, nut none was injured, and the car proceeded on its way lo the end o the tun. Kout h RMare' Meeting Hate. ledepeedenee, Kan., Aug. 6. The DOmalttee appointed to lelect a place fur holding the reunion of Hootevell's tough lidera next year, has chosen Oklahoma city. aalar la aanto Oomtngn. Puerto Plata, Aug. 8. The assassins of President Heureaux and then friends are in the mountainous ditttict about 36 miles northward ot Mora. Senor D ii Cordoto. late minister of the in terior, bat taken the Held agalmt them with 400 man. It ia eutpecte.1 that mines la in the neighborhood of tguivxaa. RECEIVING ARMS. .. Continue Flchtlna lot Americans Mast Coaxtnua ninr a Kvorj Fool at Oround Thar Hold. Chicago, Aug. 1. The Tribune's ipeclal correipondeuoe f rom Manila un det date of June 28, aaye: The next campaign can baldly begin toonei than November, although the oounliy may dry up euough loaraidt the middle of October to permit the American tiuopa to take the field then. The American army during the rainy aeason can naidly Ire expected to do anything more than hold what il bat gaiued and pre paie for the next campaign. The ground to defend is not very great. On the south of Manila we have linui. about 16 inilei away, where the fc'iiirtli mid Fourteenth infantry, with several gum from the Sixth artillery, re ttationed. Tliia teiritorv waa gam I within tne last two weeks by ... ,ii,ii,,,. at Parunauiie, nt in" no... "a a -- - - - which even the rattle ol the rifles cun k. hoard in Manila. We hold the road that inns to Imus through Paranaque and Hacoor, every inch of which wus ....lo.ol i v hard lighting. Nortbwaid the farthest point in the control of our eoldieie is Han Fernando, II miles from Manila, on the railroad The railroad ia 14U miles in longth ill all, but the insurgents control all the track between San Fernando and Da gnpan, the northern terminal of the road. Tho Americant hold Canarlaba, east of San Fernando 10 miles. Thoy hold all the towns along the railroad, ol couree. to San Fernando and Da liuag, seven miles east of Pulihin. lb-ports continually come from Ua liuag that the town is entirely un rounded by the enemy ami is about to be carried by assault. But Colonel Page and the' Third infantry have to (at driven the rebels buck with disat tiotis loss every time they have assault ed the town, und he declares he cun bold it for an Indefinite time, although hit Kisition there is by no meant an eusy one. Supplies ami mail can only bo aimed over to Baliuag from the railroad under an escort of not lest than lftO men, who are invariably at tacked some'vhero along the road, both going and coming. At San Fernando two determined nt tacks along the whole rebel line were made last week. The aecund engage incut lusted three hours, when tho in singentt were driven buck with heavy osse. liulleta fly continually over both placet und stray bullets frequently find victims. Ileuvy shipments ol arms ore suid to be const ant ly urriving fiom Jupau and Australia ami, it is said, even from . n . . i our own country, uaririugaa pioaarju up in the insurgents trenches bear thl trade mark ol n big manufacturing firm in the United States. The insur gents have threo factories where they manufacture cartridges anil other mu ll itiom of war. If they were kept on the run they would have no time so to equip themselves that they could re turn after defeat, better able to fight than they weie before. Thoy are learning things every en counter with the Americans. Tho pa pers in Manila have continually re fened to the faot that the rebels weie pioue to snoot too high, ami tney seemed finally to have leurned the lea sou and now they ure getting their shots well down ami shuwing a gie.u improvement in marksman-hip. Tho few Americuns who Mine ovei to Manila u week ugo Tuesday on the I -in. -till ui from Hung Kong were as tonished a few hour after sunrise when their ship had steamed out to quaran tine, to hear heavy cannonading from the monitor Monadnock, which whs in plain sight down the coast about live miles below Manila. Some of tho pas sengers thought it wus some sort ol sulute in honor of the arrival of some distinguished naval or army hero and they eagerly questioned a soldier w in sat on the stern ot the health officer's launch. "Thnt," sai I the voting man. "that's nothing. That's Just a buttle." It wus -..me time before the passengers could believe the Americans und insur gents were fighting within sight und sound of Manila, where the war hml Itaited six months before. The battle taged all day und at 4 o'clock in the afternoon the rattle ot small arms could he distinctly heanl, und luto in th evening the health officer told us tb lighting bad been at Parunaqiio. CZAR WAS GLOOMY. Hail llaelilad lo Atidli-wta III. Throne Ilea.,,, for Ual t'siir'l Visit. London, Aug. 7. M. de Blowita, the I'm is correspondent of the Times, gives an extruoidinar v explanation of M Del Caiie'l present mission. Ho as serts that it was decided upon quite suddenly for a "reason which admitted of no delay," rind then gives the Itory which be suys he has from a "source to which I tun bound to attach itnpoil- ance. this is the exirlanution: "BmneiOr Nicholas it disappointed and tired ot the throne. The absence of un heir excites hi sunerstitition- fecling, and ho connects himself with a Uussiun legend, accoiding to which an heiress exur is to be succeeded bv a Ciur Michael, predestined to occunv Constantinople. The death of the cxarowitch ami the failure ol tho con ference at The Hague led himou. decide to abdicate, ami on the occasion of Tils coming visit to Darmstadt. On this beoomici known in Paits, M. Del Casse wus sent In hot baste to dissuade him fiom cariying out this intention lleway In Napla. Naples. Aug. 7. Tho United Slut, araiaei Olratpia, with Amdiral Dewej an board, arrived heie this morning. As the cruisei entered the port, salutes were exchanged. BROUGHT WM Cyclone in Florida Destro. Three Towns. MANY SHIPS MUD OX Is.. A Number ot Liaa Uauia(a U vi .. a 1 .OUO, 000. W,r tars,,. Th.. iterl thia day. At Canabelle r:. t .. m.irr JUircilon, Vim A,,. , mott disastrous cyclone ,i. ' "1 n,.. tun, u l-n,ri,l ar It annil.iluiad . .. ' "ag - ...ii, ri i i.r I n 'I V tn... . remain of a i 1 'Villi. Ml I perout town. A 0Ommnnl.Tr N the mayor state that aim r. " .. S l.. . ..in i... willioui Iioiue or .hi,. .-. . . . u. aa. tyre, only two mill bollart .7 place of the town. ""' -- . ..., .un i ii r ii 1 1 n a an I l '"""t UK awv loraili.,., U0 miles, blown from nr. n.-aa klta ; ....o uiunii inn, .a. .. Carrabelle, Tallahassee & tit, road ia washed awav f. . n - aaaaaaa A passenger t,ti, J the Ir.iea ...... .. Wr yards. Many paiui,gers tiers i.wJ but their na , Mury Williams, colore I, , 2 v,arrBoeno. ftnmerous other, UZ uini regs urocen. Uuni.d V-n -.7 laochicola, bad bis back broksu,l not exnected tn v. . " ......,, ,TI, rsftf-,.o to reoorieu troin Mel,,..,.. .. ."1 - ! ii or M iftysh.ps lying at ancl,ori Island cove and uturer ru. " now all hiuh ami dr. .. ,, " 1 Dog islan.l Twelve were Jw.J rirrrber nr., I .i.l. I .. "Ba mums nf thn,., I,... . 1 When the Italian hark Corteiita? ... i iwu iroui stem to tax Amoug the other vessels wreck.! the Norwegian barks Panavah V,w Jafiner. llunloo d Elizalsjih; ,, Huaaian baik UUrm, and thrmtfl boata. an J the steamert Oil anil Cn. tola, forty boalt of under 20 t wore lost. Nothing of the entire ta can be isverl. Five unidentified bcliet wsrs riw. ered today, supposed to be milon. Tugboats have gone Iroui Here to tha scene of tho wreckage, and all paW6Ja aid il being given. Fifty rgfgtaj sailors were brought bartMkraafaa being careil for. A mass meeting of citiuu'itWtxt held here tonight and all poaiVUiM will be given tho Carrabslle iatMk Una million dollars will not oora the loai. Btaatner Orataaal Cltr Sift. Tallahassee, Fin., Aug. 7. The firat lntelliget.ee concerning the ittu Creeoent City, which wui reported lot in Tuesday 'a storm, was receiieJ bra I to, lav. The iteaniei is Ills up tit Chattahoochee river. Only foot bona remain in Carrabelle. Tin depct, naval ttoiea, warehoused and ailx and, iu fact, all business liouie,iti completely wrecked and llieitwbit itioyed. YAQUIS ON THE WARPATH Logansport. Ind., Aug. 7. The boil er of a fast freight engine on the Pan handle road exploded near Winlmac earlv this morning. Engineer Knight. rireman r.ouie ami Hraketnun Kuff were terribly injured. Soule will probably die. fusiinenanna. fa , Aug. 7. Cha.les later, age.1 40, while temporarily in. sane, mnrdeied his thtee childien earl, bit morning by catting their thioats nd then MlolM by the same mean tie wai a widower, ami since his w ife' leath bad devoted himself to the thte. children. .M.Bucaui eacn imur is the tecord maua ny tne plague in portions of In ... om among me Europeans aiau ieiNirie.1 l0 .e increasing ..icieoioiogical oondutona indicate the note or the tnonaoon, and the prospects -.a vwiuuui. The Mail, an I nil Ian Trnutil. CaiiUtl H.raadlng. Chicago, Aug. 7. A special Mil Tribune from the City of Mcikuart Dispatches from (luaymai ilrot tM. the Yaqui insurrection ii cDiUth growing in extent, and all the loduat, in the towns along the rivet ire tag! in arms and taking to tin worxkalj mountain to join their coiniuuiMM ready arrayed against the ajthoruiaj Jack Kainsev, the famooi hW character, ami the Ameiican plawr raphar, E. N. Miller, were ontlieW to Alamos when they were aiucltill, the Indians and killerl. It ia reported that the Romero liaf . .... .K,,.ir. were oapturea as tney arm enibatk on one of the sloops nJ thoy weto killed. Troops are po ing the bands supposed to bun I" family. The telegraph liM m from Alamos has been cut. mW diana nlong the Mayo river iif" ind do not seem to be inclined to lie insiiirection. . Colonel Angel Caro'i tm graphed yesterday that W K Hale, the noted in ercliant.liM" killed as reported. Official f11."! to Monday, however, state eluHT'J" alter General Torres' forwi cum. thev found ten deed tl itawj from OoaOOrlt. and four Of ttjej guard of the faqol chief, Mtl"" ami tho botly of Hale. Tl.ov sav at ing has been heard uf the cltiel. Situation I" K"0"'; Washington, Aug. '-"J porta to the marine lioapital from the Soldiers' Home al vmm show that the yellow fever J there continiiei favorable. White reports to Dr. Wym,""JJ3 is nothing suspicion" in O'S Hampton. Tliere were no ami ouiy ono oeuio j, aoeording to a repot t Dr. 'c '' suigeon at the institution. " suigtHin-geuerul tonight, Vt. exiiressing the opinion '""LiCja mune help on the way their ' Ma suftlciotit, ns the epidemic 'j((i cliecked. The coidon roaB55i and the immediate adjoiniol Phoebus, Surgeon White . anj r- tigbt us he ever saw it at I. - tha Allaga'1"" Seattle. Aug. 7. Witliana Tboa if Columbia City, Wash. who. ' M staled in recent dispatch. , , 1.., ,.i.. aJMalal at n'r i i .utiow fvei oavo iiiir.Hiiivu.. , i.. Sohlieia' Home tliere, iaiu " tliere was no foundation .(ij ment. Ha waa an inmate ol for awhile as represented, tm aielr whilu tliere. neither hsi m i or anv sviuptoms or "" ..,xei kind of fever ainoe reluming tiago. He further said that u -J port in which he retume.i ""' .all ' .... -I-., . .... . s str"0 case aboard. Mr. in "... packer at Santlaga Chicago. Aug. 7. A ny Iribniie. from Atlanta. U" Jp riot between the regolai an torcea atationed at Fort Md terday altemoon retnlted la l" ing ol eight soldiers. Srcar.l LI"' ' "' .... , ..... Waatt hat I uenver, Aug. ..-- ,,,,, it Ciouo.'"--- ,ii ' received here canyon near .Moirioo. aaveral Uvea were lost-