The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 08, 1899, Image 5

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Mrs. Conner Tells of a Battle In
the Philippines.
f Breakfasl the blitu
mi iln' Siiiiiinit ill'
Skinner's Bfltte.
, kln Pti ld hi "i ihi a .1.1 Trail,
j ! Ill detail I" I I I.rl ( li p I ,r Ilia
I Milton' eittartainuuMtl ihi h bail
I bfQ O0tlldf illg.
I'i Wllkloi mill, i . m few word,
that bis Ida t wa in -i;in ii ii.
torn mi the tumnin of Sklnur's Hutte.
I It would tk i era''! hard woik,
I ll'.ll U COll'-l lN IMIhIh Iff ... (
nil WIHlId
Unique, 'ti-lrn i
No ntber oi i In
1st such h p mi
ton could ink in
re- ii ex of l,i
nun , ngri til' ii
I Is- .
iter- lining
said formo
At n ii lane 1 1 i
lll- 1 1 ; i 1 1 I . y nf III.
county ilnibr,
t i'ii -i- .hi, i nf iiqr
Eugene Proposes to Give the
Quill Drivers a Unique
I.alljr i.usr.l, June 10
Pursuant to the Mil pobllabed in
ii,,. Guard b goodly number nf enthu
siastic ladle ami gentlemen met at
ihi Courthouse lust availing to for
mulate plans fur receiving tin del
gate and members of the National
Editorial Uonfentloo, which win vi-it
our city on Tuesday, July lltb.
Do motion of F M Wllklu, Mayor
T W Harris wa- elected cliairinun of
tb( meeting. The mayor thanked ilie
audience for the honor oonferrtd id
stated that Oregon us h State was DOW
over 40 years old, ami tot lir size,
wilh prohab'y one exception, consid
ering ana, contained the smallest
number of inhabitants. Hewn- -nrry
thai lUOh a condition existed, and es
pecially when she had such vitried re
sources that were destined t. yet make
tier a great state in the laterhuod.
"We lire here to make arrangements, 10
receive a body of thinkers thut only
vi-it .-lute once in a lifetime They
etui do us much good. They must he
received la a tilting manner by our
rustliiiK little c'ty. The people, as a
bodj , should tane this matter in baud
and work haid for the success of their
visit, ami also explain to these bright
mcu our resources. They ibOUld r
celVS welcome from our people
Which is chatacteristic. Let every
cilizen do his duty on this occasion.
It is one that will not be repeated
Boon. It Is our golden opportunity."
l)r Harris then called for the election
of a secretary , and vVmCYoranwsi
elected to the position QDSnltll M-'y.
The mayor then called on V M Wil-
watvrwa s, iiinuiitslui iml t md
snow iaka itdoor wantitu lt, tu
a inoroetit 'iiey c i fi i
country, far ht'i , driving i
Ui hi ii. At
i-. hi i. r, Is nor
the oounlry
need in do i
fill' v.
A motion
tit .i an x u .
appointed, the
the Board of I
of thai e uiiii..
IMiiiii lb i'
u! o nil o i
- mad i - il Friendly
v eomniitii p nf live i
hi iv. r and ti e t 'en'
uds be uiIm
lee, a:nl Dial I liej ,.p
r three in mh r and
urOFMsn .. limit
Carried, H wo heartily In favw of
tb plan recommended by UrWilkin.
Dr Kuykendall suitgeeteil an luipor
tsnl idea, snd sld Bugen must do
this mailer up in grand style, Il
would take hard work, bul Bugei e
was generally read wbeu call I upon
PL Chamber' snul h thought the
proposition was ibe correct on, and
meant much to Bugeha ami Lane
cnii my.
K J Krasier moved thai the "Wilkin
plan nt entertainment" lie adopted;
can led.
Prof Condon said thai ibe plan to
entertain the editors was graud one.
He suggested that some young lady
read "Beautiful Willamette" written
by the la'e S ,m 1, Bliupeou. Carried.
.Mr. McKlrny was oiled f..r ind re-
apiiiided. Haid Hie ladie- nl Bugelie
enmi no uep-'liin U ui m.ssi-i mi every
way possible.
.1 M Shelley also .aid he was greatly
in favor of the id".
Ou motion adjourned,
An Inn. .. ut I ....Ulna i run
I nlrli Hag Ihr larll. Ir. i.,1.1.
Mi,.,iit,i.k sjsiasufgiasj '-a
Ptwaa gooaoo in .i.- n..i.iinu.
Bravorj ..r lastM uiuirr.
Masii.a, March 27. --It w i Palm
Honda. March ''. at Manila. In tbj
stut lbs chnrchei vreredi orated with
palm I'rauclies. uibleius of peace nnd
go, hi will. In Manila w thoogbl of
liolne and of tile white r.ihed children
skipping merrily through lbs si r t-. Ht a in. .re sedate gait by grown
people Ofl tin ir way fr..m oburch, and
all. children and grown prop! alike,
carrying or wearing uprigs and hits of
the sacred branch that cotmnemoxatei
the entry into Jerusaletn
There wns net lunch of this in M i
nils, however V, ry few Spaniards are
Il : Hi tin . Id town, and Am. rieall sol
di! rs cure little for Paha Sen lay The
qoii t Filipino natlvi t:. Ii il 1 ob bool
in tlieir holiday Is st. I ne( little I hewed
. . .:v
,if . a
The commit lees Will he appointed
prior to ihe Pourtb.
Itisexpee'ed thai the llnalice cilli-
miitee will eiill on our neonl aholil ! i
i.i. ui. ... ,i. it.. .. ., --ex en mill a Bway
jiej 'ju. ... .(.-. tu. ..."
about fi"o. This should befoithoom
inswltbonl any trouble, fheadver.
g IZ ! IttCHSMn ! I I
np l.sikiiig Mslayi with - asy black
heads. The mm are chid In II ai
white sl.irt snd Ii ivrs. th hlrl
in every cs" onl lo l' ti 'i'h" !
women t rl i red skirts and loose,
light coli n J n u
We have been fori l of writtt : home I
to our friends thai hi far hi actual
lighting snd dsnger ko 1 1 n Is no mere I
sign of war in Manll i I n In .. Ii j
Soldiers abound, bul nthrrwhn MaHilla I
is us safe and sleepy a I I'm il it Is
country village. Tb re i and has Is n
ever since the 4t'i ul i rnury i it
skin. itihing, occailouall) Dghtiug morel
nt along the lln i a .t that
Using those edi
and Lane OOUUI ,
chased for ' 0,' IK),
Kugene v . i
Is pub Ii ii lied
I o. . .i i ytn h
In this matter
not be pur-
duty. She
f com ml i tee "t m
Dally guard, June 10
s J 1 Matlock m Suiith ft Melatuei
ui' tioD. r.intinticd,
H Buphamy Ooodray y Andrew P Con'
dray; dlvONS. I Hvorce granted.
U da Crisi vs City of Bagenei review.
Ari;ue.l and snbiiiitted, Petiti. n .Ii Btbaed
w ith cist t defeiulant.
.1. l.llik Oabnn vb I 'harles Eriokson,
(il fit Kits MKU
By ii' d Usb t Kstivi
of ureyon.
i laughters
The Native Daughters nf Oregon
Wednesday elected ofllceri of the
grand cabin as follows:
Grand past president, Mrs David
Bteel,nf Purilmd; gra id president,
Mrs Robert Mllier of Oregon Cltyi llrst
grind ViCeprBldeut Mrs Olivia
Welch, of As'oria: grand triaur. r,
Aadrtw M Krickon, 11 W Kobertu, "tin. V jMrs Juines While I Portland; grand
Robsrts sad Orsa X Koberts, Jamss YorkPMro!Ki,y Mm Bdytb Weatbtrrtd of
Laos coonty, Bobsrt M Day sad W A Cosi p,riH,,i; ami marshal, Mrs J 0
f. .Mil. ure. I'efaultt.i all dofen.laiits except
nun. N Koiwrts and 0 E Robert. Oootinasd,
U BOBtatthVI Charles Ileielle; t.. re
oovsrnoosy. 1 'ismiwteil.
M M M llavi executor vs P K Castleman
et al; to recover money. Judgment for S1A74.
tu, ami attorney fe of $12:,
17 Lotdat W Baths vs J B Day. ' M
Lrasur.-,.f Po'tUnil; grand Inside sen
unci, Mi Marie Tongue of Blllsboro;
grand outside sentinel, Aliss Bdytb
Drlsooll of Junnttou Oity; grand orator,
Mis (Hive S lOoglami ol ShIciu.
Tin- trustees of the grand cabin are
as follow-: Mrs Kol BlUmaUer, Mr
McboltSad C B Nichols; fdreslosttr. Di Ella Lsblgh and Mrs Maude P
Is l;..t'rt McMuriihev vs A
and Angeline Johnson, his wife; to mak
M Flora K Kanotf vs W II Kamlf
rorea l'efauit. DlvONS grauteil.
61 Lillian Smith vs Geo F Bmithi divnroe,
l'efauit; referreil to C A Wintermei r take
tetill:i.nV 1 liv.,r... nr.ntA.I
is .i n njimu a wsmW. LsmI M,,r,'l'
l.uuilr League, a corK.ratin, ( A Wheel, r
tnuUe, T C W'hseler, A 0 Whealtr, and
lry l! Wheeler; to set aside deed, etc. he
trmdte Mrs BnuaaThompsoa t.. teiti-
luuny n.i report at next term.
87 Badls Sloan VS 0 B Sloan; dlvoie De
fault. Divorce granteil.
" BO Potter. W T Uailey an 1 li D K.I
trarrlsj halag His isanilj noaiaiksloiiiii of the1 w
oMurty ooarl ol Lane county, Orofoa, ciain
titfn vs the BogaaS ileal EsUte I lo, a c rp .r
ati .n Otgaalsed and doing business QSdsr tha
law-if the State of Oregon, defendants. De
Uiurrur filed to defendant overruled and dt
fei.dnt given Ll'days in which to file auswer
Wyn, ol Portlaud; Ml-sOiiie Blater, of
lohnson ' La liraiule; Mrs C h VVolvertno, "f
Salem, and Mrs Kiyth B Llntoo, of
Kim 'in-, a ssvel. made from I he
ite imer Braver, ibe first ilesmer that,
ever Sailed on .h" waters . I ths Pa-!
cISo ocean, was use by the preeldent. I
Bha arrlvwl at the i ' umbla river on
in, I8M, and at vaooouveri
Wa-l.lngion, April 10, isllii. lle was
wieik il hi H i raid
July, l.v
Pally Qnard, Jaly l
Ins 1Kb'. Theodore ii-eking was
. xainineil ts-t evening la-lore Judge
Potter and Medical Examiners I) L
Drown a:. d W Kuykendall, on a
charge of insanity. Hud was ordered
committed, The man came from m ar
Cottage Grove. He Is quite violent at
times and threatens to till different
nersi.n-. At one tune yesterday
to..k f nirmeii to c mtml him, altnoogn
ii,. uh. hanili'lltreil and shaekl'll. He
Ou Palm Sunday morning we bad,
however, a grinne r reminder than
usual that war WHS not fat BWBT. Tim
give Eugene, ja ;,,r decided advance had been
i nisde by the Americani ij slnal the
I Filipinos at Mslsb n Hidden behind In
their bamboo Jungle and protected bj
i'i ir In In nebmenta, lbs ".Malay mg
- ii ei i .1- i soma no nt our men
Snd WOODded 800, We saw some of
I tlniiit nl tLe l nital where nuraeand
,1 d r were drew Ing their wounds Two
of t., ui belong i to the Pourth Dnlted
Btal -1 .1 j i me i f tbem ha i been
nit !c in lbs cheek by a fragment of
bull t. only half an inch below blaeye,
yet tl I ; had bun ipared clear and
unto ii d.
"Yu i !l be ail right In day ortwoi '
said the surgeon. "Ton won t need to
conn to uh1 again
"8 v. ii of my company were wound
id in 80 minutes." said tli young fel
low ' Our first sergeant i.i dead by this
time I'm going back to the front to
morrow. "
The nth. r Fourth cavalryman was mi
Irishman, with a merry twinkle iu his
blue eve it was mi odd s rt i f wound
ha bad A Mauser bnlli t bad ph wed
itralgbttbn ugh the soft Beth under hii
chin, going in one side and out the oth
er, milking a smooth tunnel
"And it could bava killed three men
after it went through me, if tiny had
been in tbe line of it," he t..ld ns He
4, , ribad the part of ths buttle that ho
We distni anted and left horsas
behind ns when we went against ths
Filipinos in the bamboo tbii t It's so
, h m. a dog conldu't crawl through where
we had to advaUC& The lei . Il hide in
tliis brash, and you never can tell where
tlicy are or when they are goiug to lire
ui v. .ii. We didn't know there was ons
ill a mile of us, when, ping! we u'ot it
in onr faces. I had this hcle I . r. d
through my chin ipiicker than you could
think, and that wasn't enough, Imt a
little brute of a Filipino borae kicked
me in the. face and gave ma a black ey
in be even with 'em yet.''
The siii (I . ii examined his Wound. It
WU doing Will. The chief danger in his
. use appeared tu bn lest hu should dis
figure himsi If by dropping his food
ii p.. ii the ipotli ss bandaging ibat cover
id hi chin. The doctor cautioned him
duly on this point and dtaml ! him.
'I'll be back ut 'cm the last of this
weekt" were the parting Wordl "f tho
lint were others who would
never bo "buck ut tbem." Bomo-of the
bravest men and nfllcers hi 1 died of
is in .i H. iitfk.iug Imiil th" nm of whit h the spanisii government
I .. I sVguinaktc to lighting betors
the AmertcSM came to the Philippines.
Aguinalilo took tbe money, made his
j r. mis" ind eaattinuad ti insurrection
I .- y I fara Be li id ii i tu re
r.g.ird foi hi word thau i rrllhi i r
a pr. f. politician ha- This is
tu.- leBtkrman and patriot whom our
Amen, an I'Huets lin-tik i l. t i..k to
their at in- when thev . m,, i . M.uiibi
It la certain that if In tbe beginning
we hud treated the Fili In - hue the
Inssnunslble rhlhfran thej are tins in
rarrectii n would not bava iter ted. As
it is, the only thing now i- to give tho
"niggers,'' as they ar. , lUed here, a
Ihort igbly good beating till tbey urn
Well cowi'd, then treat tin in kindly,
but strictly as inferiors, if t- rward till
tiny gradually learn civilization. The
s.Hiin-r and the more tb r Dgbly the
punlahmeal is adrninistet l tb better,
The Itliplnos may Ihi burned out and
driven away from a ; ' but for a
time they v. ill gather li. B again so
soon ns our army has passed on, and
thev will tire from ami o i i n tbe first
psaCI ful white traveler bo DUBM s that
way Our army baa drives the rsbeli
every step of tb way since it started
in lu re that. tOO, with, t difficulty
imt for the j , a.-e of th. , lUUtry it will
u. neoeasary t.. leave detai hmentsof sol
diers at frequenl Intervrda,
I di ti t like to tight these niggers. '
said all Am. rican soldier who bus la-en
t the front ever since the tight with
th Filipinos has been OA "Tin y have
not rsnee enough to stand up to a
lunar scrap and (jnlt when tin y are
lick. d. They hid., in the thicket in
front of you, and they sneak up on yon
from behiud after yon have whipped
tin in once, and there's no tatisfactiou
any way. "
The Filipinos know how to make
powdaC and cartridges. Among them
are nun formerly in the) emploj of lb
Spaniards at the arsenal. Tin y have a
traveling powdi r and cartridge fai t. ry.
gathering up tin- rude implements th. y
UBS and taking tie- satuo with tin D as
tin y fly from pillar to post It. sides
that, some Chile in those islands who
take that way to pay off part of tho
grudge they 0W Americans follow
long in the track of tho lighting aud
gather np the empty American car
tridges and sell them to the insurgents
for a consideration worth while to a
gentleman with a cue. Nothing oomc
amiss to u Chinaman. These cartridges
the rebels till and uso again.
The newspaper lisr has got in sumo
of his finest work in depicting tho
horrors of the sickliness of Manila.
I Frightful tab s were told at home of
the smallpox, the fever, the malaria,
the snakes mid tin' scorpions i f th.
blessed islaiids The actual truth is that
with average sanitary conditions Ma
nila Would bo as healthful as Honolulu
or northern Mexico or Honda Itaall
The health of our soldiers who hava
been out on the lino fighting since tho
Oth of last February is this day oxci I
lent I hove from numerous soldiers
themselves tha testimony that they
never fait better. Their greatest need
la that of fhtn cotton clothing, without
which no boy in blue should bn Bent
here. The blue should la. retained, hut
it should b cotton instead of wiaiL In
ono day recently our tro ips marched Id
miles over rebel Intel ni bmUt and
through thickets, and very f. w of them
were knocked out till the end of tho
Tim testimony of Americani who
have been hero In lui-ine-s several
months is nnivcrsally in favor of tho
country. The longer they remain lb
better they liko it Whit-babies born
hero certainly thrive admirably the
first four or livo years of tin ir lives. I
have this on tho authority l Mr. P. K.
a. Meerkamp Van Bmbden, Dutch
consul in Manila many yi 11 Three of
his children wero born In ie. I havo
been told that tho Spaniards who first
settled hern set afloat and persistently
kept np tho story of the anneal thful-
Uess of the Philippines in OTdl t to keep
other white races out. Maybe it h true
One of the oddest results of the Fill-
pJao insurrection has been the estab
1 lishmeiit of a real friendship between
I the A ricans and the Bpanllfa here.
Uefurotho outbreak the Bi iniards hated
Tu.- Deuarhti ri.. n. er item in Co.
RUlab npfer. I'lu l.nuale at llie
i. a,..- it. 1. 1 II, en Rlkd Ills I lie
u.ii.1 1 aav a araii otvi apttv.
Inlet, It C
an.l ulaintit! five .lav, to renlv. K, ft rre.1 to F.
illsmihury. was taken lo the u- lum this forenoon , their wounds on the way to hospital
at 11 l.v .herlll Wuhirs and guir.l, m in !' i ornvr nj art surgeon aim uura.
IV. . . . , . . i . u ..
Bra Americana A sanon psssing onx
soldiers vt old draw asldo her sklrtl in
that peculiar way that seems to delight
the femlnlni soul whan it would fain
i-xpn.-s in. After tho outbreak all
was 1 1, v. - I. " 'I t'll Hpnnish onldn t
doenough ! r ui men. an B,,ui(,tjies mialkr game.
American uinl .-pan
Court adjourned for the tern
ciitiier in low rones over a man wno una
r.etivid a wound I , low tin?
CAN'T Tofi'H Ir Attorney General ; , .. -rj,.. w rst viuntums liave snner-
Will Finish Soon. The 1' Ssnagj rjMkburn bae given itas his opinion rem I, and th poor lad's leg must be
knee tu save his
s nr.-1 er.
dr.T hu-i.-e in Uttiattd on the edge 01
tie- bay in th" Bnnita district, on th"
side of Manila opposite where the
fighting is. Particnlar quiet IBeaMd to
rsign oo tb morning of l'alm Sunday
ww w. j.wwn www.. - . n, niai'siiutii ua- oru usB ins vnstnw rvnw, no i mswii "
,!?i"PeCta v10 P'te work oo the , ,d , ,,,..,.. ,, bel to
upper river about July sth. when it ..... , , ... Hli fltrhtlBff dav
will go north. burg cannot take tbe pension money of 1
Farmers Call and see that French
Canadian stallion at Dang' stables
It will pay you to get good serviceable
the inniu'c'. or any part or i'
rule of the liard is a direct
of section t74of tbe revised
of the l uited States.
as Hie
soldier t'.i 1 m'.
iard Wen drawn together oy having a
mutual enemy, n bond stronger than
thut cemented by tho possession of
mutual fri. ad.
A dar- eyed, intulligent Spani-h
WOttMm Bi ti,-. head of a photograph
gallery lore informed me emphatically
that sho liked Americans.
Th' net, r-i Americana Is the. npiul
of the Bpanish senora," said aba, pcast
ingftist to ii" and then shipping her own
chest, "but the Filipinos -as w w ' '
Kuza Attt'UARl) Con.m.k
Mi "Wildcat" Smith is Just about
tb.- last living . lie of that famous Sand
it pioneers who drove lbs Indians to
Ibe nn nntains, killed the pan there and
beam aud hissed tbe tracks tin, Bgh
the trackless wilderness. He d.ast not
look like a lawyer, but he bns. never
tbeleaa sal upon a camp stool and de
cided esses of the greatest Importanaa
lie does not bear any Viry marked re
leinblnnce to a gi neral. but li" has com
manded a considerable fore, In bsttla
and. while military critics might have
complained Ibat be was deficient in
strut, gtc ability uoue ever charged
him with hick of valor. Few people
would dial 001 in his face or maiiner
any of those traits that distinguish ii
duelist, but he has demonstrated that
Ii . -sesscs them all Ul an eminent ilii
gTOS by ordering "pistols and coffee for
two " more than once OpoU one occa
sion he bad the audacity to laelt Gen
ets) Bouston, wh,. was at that period
president of the republic, to "eouieont
and asi hang ibota" jh him. Bs says
that the old warn .r "II. sired'- him by
Ci lly making a note on a slip of paper
and putting it In bis desk. In answer
to the swaged challenger's iiutiiry tha
general simply said "Mr. Smith, you
are the fortieth When I have killed
these , ther 19 scoundrels who have
challenged me. I will accommodate you
lie patient, sir "
Smith came to Texas in lsjlfl and
served In the Texas army through all
!i. . ng wars with Mexico. Be was
SUM a soldi, r in the great civil war.
and when that ended he enlisted to
tiht Indians aud remained on the lair-
il. r until there were no mora Oo-
Blanches to '. t lie has la-en a man
of war from I tl youth UP, and in his
old age be carries a soldier's musket
with a fixed buyout t. and continues to
maka war on all kinds of game and
"varmints He want, d to go to Cuba,
nnd when lbs boys Insisted that be was
: o old and feeble be threw off his coat
and challenged the whole company to
flght him
I'poii one occasion Smith was cap
tured by a roving band of Coiiinuches,
many , f whom were well known to him.
They frankly told him that they intend
ed to make him run the gantlet and
bum him at the st ake when they reach
id their village ou D.-vil riv. r Tim cap
tive had a flask of whisky, which tho
1 chief tisik away from him After tak
' lag several drinks the old warrior asked
Smith if he OOUld play sewn up
Smith proudly boasted that he ould
beat any man living playing that par
ticular gaiii This answer appeared to
juit the Indian on his mettle, and limit
once proposed that they should halt by
tho side of the warpath aud play for
tho hlgheat stakes that mortal man ever
waged on a tame , I chance -It to.
Smith eng. riv agreed to the proposal,
nn. I thev sal ,..wn under a treu and
dealt the cards ou a blanket The oth
warriors dismounted and anxiously
watched the game 1 he chiefs lianin
was Dig Lan so called ou account of
a natural grin that marked his features
Aft. r a short time tin y stoud (I tu ll,
and it was Smith's deal. He ran the
curds off and turned a jack from the
bottom. Smith had won his liberty, and
Dig Laugh told him he might go. hut
the Texan hud a thing idse in view.
Be might easily have walked away, hut
he il, termiiied nmii another act which
marks bint as a generous soul possessed
Of the highest murage. There was a
young white girl Bed on one of ths
ponies, who was weeping in the most
piteous agony
Smith coolly proposed to play another
game, staking his Ufa against the lib
erty of this young girl. Hlg Laugh was
evldi titly pl. as, d with tho white mini's
courage, and after taking another drink
bo began to sliiidlo tho cards. Tha
young girl was cut loose from tb ny
and mado to stand on the blanket,
while tho thongs (of binding Smith, in
cuso ho lost, were thrown at her feet
Again they played a close, game, and at
tho end of u short time "to nl 0 and 0,
hut it was liig Laugh's deal With
w hat awful interest that poor girl must
bnvo watched tho turning of thut
trnmpl Tim Indian slowly dealt the
cards, and, peeping at the trump, a
hideous grin spread all over Ills face.
"I was sure that nil was lost and was
just in tho act of springing at his
throat," aayi Smith, "when he turned
tha 00000 Of hearts for a trump. Bl
could not give DM, of course, and I held
both thl ace and dCUOe Of hearts."
Dig Laugh was by this time hilarious
ly drunk and in a most excellent good
humor Ho nut only kept his word and
guvo Smith and tho yoUttg girl their
liberty, mt be furnished them two po
nies and allowed Smith to take his gun.
Tho liberated captives reached tho set
tlumuut in safety, where Smith's
Itrango story would never havo been
credited hud not tho young girl homo
witness that it was trim. Sho is still
living on a line plantation on the Draxoe
and is the Widow of M less a personage
than Colonel Sum Junes, who was killed
at the battle of Shiloh.
'Wildcat'' Smith lives In a little cabin
in tho svoods and dV0tl bil whula
time tu hunting Is ar and deer and
St. bonis
Globe Democrat
Hie Oregonians Acted Bravely
Under Fire.
The Freedom, ul Mauila, j.i-t n--Dslved
contain ih Inflowing abou'
the Orogoolaus as loldlersi
riic Oregon have been many
naya a particularly unfortui n-gi
in." I Arriving here with 'In- Ural
expedition they weie denied III privi
lege of living in the kreat military
oampal fambo, Tbey t.a.a no par:
In Hie fighting in the trench, they
played an unimportant part In ibe
si. Tining of vi , a, Win n th Philip
pin trouble broke out, and II ev were
ordered loelay lit th walled city, their
eup "i bltiei s seemed full Hut
-men i m ir inie cull n; i iiey I. or , ,.
than retrieved their lost opportunities,
Ibey have coveted themselves with a
glory that (ball never fade. Tbe fol
lowing utile Incident will show of
w hat stuii the regiment is ni id. Dur
ing Whcalon's e.letirate.l dash, the
Oregtitl were a part of the Hying bii(
ad. The Hoops ware trying to cap
uiretbstlch little town nf Pateroa,
"Duck town," w hich ta situated on a
bend of the Paalg, near tbt fork, Tu
town is almost BOoiroled by the atream .
which Is Home llfiy yards wide, ami
it. nil twelve in sixiien lei'l ilia-p.
.-stretching I om the oank up the river
la n lice field al.out two hundred yards
wide, 1 1 wbtoh rleee a sleep declivity
fa few hundred feet in height. From
Ih. briel il. seriptloli one can easily see
the strength of the Hill" town as a
Irategic point for tbe enemy .
Pateroa had sucorss fully resisted
three uttemi'ts at il cantllle. I'he
brigade was stationed on the military
on nl of l lie aboye niciilloiied hill: to
oaplnr the plaos II was noary to
eioss the lice Meld Willi no protecllou
flUin i In-enemy's heavy Or who were
strongly entrenched, ami tlieocroos
the river. The Oregons wsr tb vsn-
gllald of the ill lac . t losalng I he I Ice
Held under gnat dlfBCUltlee, Ibey were
0OU i pelted to hall at the liver, and to
bold tlnli position miller tin-raking
lire of the iliaUigiTits, as no Louts could
be found, Finally an obi raft ami
some c.nioes win ills, oven it, ami
Colonel Summers called for volunteers
to swim Ibe river under the Br nl tho
enemy and fasten a cable to , op
posite shore. Many more than enough
responded. Prom among litem were
a. I otd t wo men who, utter attaching
a string to the end of the cable,
plunged in, reached the opposite slime
amid a hall of bullets, fastened the
cable and oonstruoted an Impromptu
pnniOOU bridge, over which the triaipa
sue, i isfully oroatod, completely muting
the enemy.
Judging from their conduct since
they have begun to light, IhlMiathe
nialeiial of which the OregOUl are
Disease in a INMkW
Wasblngtou .
loWlln III
I lie Supreme Teal.
"Yon are all right," said tho doctm
after ho had gons through with the
regulation thumping and listening with
his patb iit "Kol BT80I of beart dis
aaaa Fifteen dollars, pleaael'
The patll nt drew a long breath gad
remark.. 1 "I am IUr BOW I have no
peart disease H I had. I should have
droppisl dead win u y..u meiitioiied your
fee " Boetou Commercud Bulletin
Spokane, Juui' .'ill. -A smallpox scare
exists in a ilo.en towns in Kastorn
WaHhliigtoii. Almlra, Lincoln county,
Is quarantined, Uolfag baaawell-de-
velupi'il case. A new patient lias been
reported in Bpokane, and Walla Walla
lias ii sick man in her pest house. At
Almlra then are seven well-developed
cases, the whole town having been er.
posed, because the school Icai'hel who
first WM stricken, did not know the
nature of his malady ami com lulled to
tench Itol several days. A i. ill her cum.
was discovered at Marshall, this
county. Five men who occupied a isnx
car with a smallpox patient have gone
to Waverly, whom hundreds of labor
era an-working In a lici t sugar fac
tory It Is leafed that the epl leinlc
will spread there, Public meetings in
farming communities have been pro
hlhltcd, while vaccination is tho pre
vailing fail.
DaUTH oi Mrs Iti i.vktr. Friday's
Albany Democrat: Mrs Joseph ItilyeU
died at Turner on Wednesday, Juno
Jii, at the age of 71 years. Mho wis a
pioneer resident of Linn county, and
had always bee'i known for her sterling
world as a wife, mother nnd citizen.
Mie was the mother of Hon W B
Hllyeii of this city, and Hon I, llllyeu
of Fugene, besides live other chlhlieu.
The funeral was conducted by the
Christian church of which He dlDIBIIll
had been a member since oblldbood,
and the remains wen- Inirli d near Bhal
burn In this county." Mr llllyeu baa
the sympathy of his many frleuds in
Du n Miss Mauc"e Murilu, daugh
lerofT O and Maggie Martin, of con
lUmptlOO, near Creawell, June 10, ISM,
aged about 17 year. The Itinera! will
take place at the HoWi cemetery,
July I, at 1:30 p. in.