Eugene City Guard. I. I. CAMPBELL. Praarlatar. KUOK.NE CITV ORKGON EVENTS OF THE DAY An I hi. ' '"U l I .if llIIH I ..... the Two H i' . ' Presenter! In a .....I...-. I i 1 1 1 1 Australia is suffering from water 'ami lie. The Rika. 10.000 itrong, are in an nual convention in tit. Louia. Tlio National Democratic committee i gathering (lata on inonopoliea. A in Hilary prisoner at Leavenworth, Kan., waa ihot dead while trying to es cape. A member of oongreu sayi Hawaii will be given a territorial (orui of gov ernment. At the recent comiitory the poie created 13 nw cardinal! anl a number of biihopi. The trunipnrt Sherman ha reached Manila, which aihla marly 2.OU0 to Utia' foicea. All volunteer regiment! now in th Philippine want to be mustered out at San Francisco. Articles have been signed for a light between Sharkey and Jeffries, it will take place October 23. Nearly 8,000 Cuban soldier! have been pai l to date, and Oeneral (ioiuea ban commenced the prepaiation of new lima. Major-(4eneial Wood, military gov ernor of Santiago de "nba, is flitting in Huston. He layi Santiago ia peace ful and prospering. The steamer Danube, plying between Vlcloiia and I,ynn canal, Alaska, was wrecked on the north shore of DmDIM island. No lives were loat. Congressman Lorenzo Daufurth, aerving hia slilh teim aa congressman from the lUlh Ohio district, died at his couutiy home near St. Claim ville, O. His ileath was sudden, and was canned hy heart diseasu. A movement la on loot to erect $10, 000 monument to the memory of the late Itichard P. Bland William J. Ilryan has suhsiibed 1200, and other iimoiiiits, in all about $1,000 have been railed. The war department haa received telegram signed by United States Sena tora (leoige 0, Parking ami Stephen M White, offering for immediate service In the Philippines n full regiment of infantry from Southern California. It ia slated at tbu war department that no action can bu taken in the matter of the l ul if. 'I ma regiment. The quel tion of oalllng for volunteeiN has not ii determined upon, and, besnlna, It is not decided whether state TO0pJ would be accepted, should Voluuleurs be culled foi. Sun Francisco will welcome the re turn of the Second Oregon. At an Omaha fire a powdei magazine exploded, injuring II firemen. A Muurbuactt sailor has started acioas the Atlantic In a four-ton boat, One man Was killed and six were in jurcd in a railroad collision at Linn ton, Or. A Pennsylvania judge has decided against the sale of liquor to eoldiois in canteens. Kngland has publialied her Tiam vaal bluelMiok. It contulus a winning to hruger. An automobile ooouan has boan ot MBlaad in Ghloago with a cupitui of 10,000,000, The . inhibition on the I in xr ttt ion into llelgium of A mor lean meat cuttle ha been lulsc.l. Itenjiimin K Harding, Oiegon's old est United States senator III point ol sei vice, died at his home at Cottage uravii liev. H. Phillips, Mrs. Phillips and Miss Sears and thiee native eonverta were killed in till interim of t'uina by rioteiH. Oallfornla bttomtnoM ouul is to h elcctricaMy treate.l inul into brloQuattaa to oompata with the Kail I'lll Cliul. All explosion occurred in the Smoke leas Powder Company'! factory near San Itafael, fill . killing four workmen and injuring a number of others. A lighted p pa left by a workman caused the disanter. The Portland d egon ian has started a opular rabaotlptton to raise a fund to built a monument in I'oitluiul, com- niemorallng the fallen of (he Second Oregon. Count llenckle von Dunnelaiuarck, one of the wealthiest Herman Untile- men, bus gone into the muunfactuie of eallulold material for olotlllng. He paid tOO.OOQ inuika for the Horn. an right to do so. a Barlm dlipatak tayii it is an nounced cmr officially that any in crease in the tax on Ameiicuii bievi -lea la iiiimihle, baaaaai the commercial lieatiea with Austiia, Kuni and Italy exclude such a thing. Mlavoi I lawn, Itear-Admiiul Walkei lias purchased for a country house I lie New llamp hiie farm on which he was ban James Uannon. a young man, waa killed in s hievcle mad race at Water Vllle. O. , by bil wheel breakm) down. The Columbus. O , police have un earthed a echool foi crime at winch boys are taught to ateal and dm pore of the stolen goods. The Unlveriity of Colorado haa eon ferred the dagfaa ol L LD, gpoa llrlga dier lleneial Irving Hale, U. 8. A. There has been incoroiated with th secretaiy of New Yoik state "Th Naval ami Militaiy Order of the Span Hh A men. an War," with the rut cipsl offices in New York city, o v vi nor Uooeevelt one of the di The Krie railroad has practically da cided to build a direct line Iron. Claveland to Marion. O.. to connect at the latter paint with the Chicagr A Kria, giving it an air line between Chicago and Cleveland and Cliiouuall. LiMER NEWS. Misread it.g of orders cauaed iba Linriton, Or., oolliiion. The treainry deficit will reach neatly 1 1 00,000,000 for tbe year. Oeneral Joe Wheeler will probably be lent to the Philippine!. At an hotel Are in Oswego, N. Y , one woman lost her life and eight weie injured. The Spanish government has ap pointed Luizi Marinas consul-general at Manila. Secretary Long will create a board of admiral!. Admiral Dewey will probably preilde. The cruiser Philadelphia haa arrived In Sun Francisco from Samoa, with Admlial Kautz on boanl. A Hun Pianciico cigarmaker has been arrested by revenue officers for refilling boxes, and imitating loieigu stum pa, Yellow fever has bioken out MMMVI the soldier at Santiago and Puerto Principe. Four deaths and 14 OHM have been reported. The coast and geodetic survey steam er Patterson will make a survey of that portion of the Hcbring sea on the mutes to the Alaska gold fields. England will borrow 4,000,000, re payable in yearly Installments, for the defense works, buriackl and rifle ranges at home and abroad. Porto Kicuna are In ruining dissatis fied. I bey contend thut under the piesent ariangemeiits they are of no country and have no flag. At Johnstown, Pa., the Cambria Steel Corn puny haa posted notices of a general advance of wages of 10 per cent. About 1,600 men are affected hy lira advance. At Akron, O., settlement bus been reached in tho iteet railway alrike. Ten hours are lo OOMtltOta a day's work. The luotnrmcn and conductors receive an advance of ii cents, and other employes '!'.. cents an hour. Fifty hospital ambulances shipped from Chicago to Tampa, Flu., OVOf a year ago by army official to he for wardeil to Cuba for the use of tbe United States tioops, have been lost. It took 17 curs to haul the iiinhiiluin en. The Filipino! imprisoned two Fug lishmeii at Tachbohonu, on the island of BanM, southeast of Luzon. The liritish cruiser Oration steamed to the ioint from ('elm, and her commander demanded their release. When this was refused he lauded a fotOO of ma rines, and plaarad hia ship for action, whereupon the Kuglishmen were hand, ud over. Shelby ami Muiiliold, )., Were in undated hy Honda. Tbe wniahip Philadelphia has left Honolulu for San Kranoiscn. Charles A. I.ittleliidd will suci d Nelson Dinglcy, of Maine, in congress. A great timber firm In Norway lias (ailed fur U, 000,000 kroner, involving bauki. President MiKiuley is said to he changing in fuvur of uulling for more tioopa. Oil! la pleased with Whnuton and bus complimented him iu an ofBcial dispatch. At I'airishville, ()., cloudbursts damaged property to the extent of 1:1011.000. Hot angei and two handy revolvers caused tbe deuth of two boyi ut Pul aski, V. The war department refuses to accept the Pennsylvania court's decision on army canteen. The prospect for an euily settlement of the Cleveland atreet railway itrike si ami bright. Keai-A Imirul Watson hit atiived at Mnuilu, and assumed command of the American Meet. .lames McKenna, of Pendleton, Or., haa sued the O. It. A N. Co. foi 130,- 000 for the loai of a leg. In Southern India robbers are cut ting off the ears of their victims to more expeditiously iccuie their cur lings. Four trunsporti will sail within a week and u fifth will soon leave fioiu Sun Francisco, carrying rtlnfoiOMMUtl to Otis. The liritish steamer Kthelwood foundered off the Jamaica coast. Part ot her crew spent IS bonis in an open bout before they were rescued. Aa u result of euling ice cream in which lurked ptomaines, 16 of a puny of HO picnickers were polaoned at Ful ton Park, a suburb ol Portland, Or. No fatalititea resulted. Ai u result of a new law that goes into effect July I, in Nebraska, reiiiu iug ahortei houri and various other lagalations, many women will lose their positions, and men will he given then plans At PllnOj Cal., a counterfeiting 00 till and f!l00 iu hud money have been seised by the officios. The Qui. prita have been arrested. A portion 01 a eounlci loitei ' outfit waa also found at Sail liafael. Lord Cecil Coin pt On i an Knglish captain, fiom the Transvaal, while in Chicago, expressed some interesting .iplntoui. He believes would take 110,000 men to MOQjMf OOflU Paul's lo main, w ilh its gueiilla warfare ami natural military stronghold! A bill passed bv the Texas legisla ture piovides for the teaching in the k.1, l l . . m i puiiiic scmHits ot a course ol uutuuue tieutiuent to animals A Pennsylvania company baa the contract to build I'J steel bridges for the Southeastern extension of the Uu i in trani-Slberutn lailroud. Kdwaid Conner, catcher in a ball game between two local nines at Law rence, Mass., was struck over the I. cut by a foul Kill and killed At Philadelphia a gang of masked lobbcri, probably 10 iu number, raided the receiving office of the Fniriaaant Park Transportation Conrpanv, at Hoi- mont, Iu Faiiuiount Park, and, after holding up the receiver and live other employe! of the railroad, blew open the safe, seeming ft, 000, the com panv'i receipts for two dayt. Leading Methodists plan to eliminate .tiuipetttiou between the colleges of that oburcb in Ohio bv making tbe Ohio Wraleyau university at Delawaie a univeraity to winch all other Metho dist echool ID the Hale shall be subordinate. SO -KING FOR SAMOA Joint Commission Recom mends a Governor. MALIKTOA TANI'S RECOGNIZED Than II Aurllrated In r.r ul th OaaaaalaafMNMH -Hew rinn or (J'uverii niriit. Apia, Samoa, via Auckland, N. 7. , nun 28 Mataafa has lunenlered I s ,i i riffei, and tbe loyalist! have given up 2,000. After June 30, a heavy penalty will ba anfor oad upon natives firund with riflea in their poaaaaiioo. Mataafa promised to turn in more weapons. The native! have returned to tiieir homes. ' Mulietoa Tunui wai recognized at kinK by the coinmisiioneii of tin three power, and the decision of Chief Juatice Chambers, in the mutter of tire kingship, was piochiimed valid ami binding. Malietoa Tamil then abdi cated in fuvor of the comrniiiioueri, who appointed a provisional govern ment, consisting of the consuls of the three (rowers, empowering a majority to act in all cases where unanimity ii not ieiuiied by the Bail In treaty. Chief Justice Cham hers continues to hold office ami the various BOnloipil officials are continued. Dr. Wllhelm Solf ha been authorized to act al president of tho municipality of Apia. The commissioners expect to leave June 'iH, but they have requested Chief Justice Chamber to lemain, Their reort recommend the abolition of the kingship in the ialand, And the appointment of a governor and an ex ecutive council, consisting of three rjomlnaaa Ol the three inteieHted pow ers, assisted by a native house. Un der tli ih scheme the governor would have a veto ovei general and muiih ipal law; tiie nominee would bit the de partment head; couaulur, diplomatic and judicial function would be ubol isiied; revenue would be raised by an iih tease of duties an I poll lax. tbe jurisdiction of tbe supreme court would be incicused; the municipality, uudei a mayor and council, would be ex tended, and the mtnffico would be un der tbu general government. Tho liritish cruiser Porpoise, Cap tain Sturdee, left via Fiji. June 8. Apia ami tl:e couutiy roiindahonl are resuming normal conditions. American uud Ilritisher expie sat isfaction at the decision ol the com missioners. Aiming tbe Herman, it is rumored that lb. Soil will be the ud uiiniatiutor in the new nutivu govern uient ENEMY OUT OF REACH. Itehrln Take lo III- Ha ,,,,,, anil Hills lleymol linns. Munllii, June 211. The insurgent atmy hit taken to the swam pa and bills beyond I in its. Tbe largest force Is supposed to he in the neigh horhnod ul San Francisco du la Malbon, holding positions, toward tbe lukeoi toward the const, according an exigencies demand. Oeuerul When ton letiirued to Iiiiuh today, I. ringing thiee men who were wounded in yesterday's fighting. Tire heavy rains thut fall nightly muke campaigning nnootnfortabla. The roads are still good, but the lieu Held adjoining theiu aie hhiI of wu ter. The Filipinos will not light unless they cull meet our tioop in position! most advantagaoOl to themselves, or take our raoOunoiUWlng Isslii in inn bush. It ii impoisiblo lo learn what effect tbe recent defeat has hud upon their leadeis. This should he ilishcuitcn lug, lot they hail boasted that the American could never conquer the province ol Cavite, Agolnaldo'l home country, where lie alwuv Hoisted the Spaniards. Oeneral Otii recently received a let ter signed by native women of the province, declaring that if all the men Welti killed, the women Would still keep up the tight against the Amen cans. Ooplaa of the IniUtganl organ, In- dapandanoia, shows that the Piliplnoa' hopes of success aie kept a llama by po litical movement in America The Indapandanoia ptinti taporti of alleged spec, hrs made at alleged meetings in the United Stales, denouncing the wur, and it aisert thut these icptesent the dominant Anatloan sentiment. It de clares also thut the Filipinos will con tinue the wur until the next piesnlen tial campaign, which it "sure to re sult iu a division to wlthdtai ti e American troop from the Philip pines. " It is reputed that the Spanish gar iismi ut Huler, iu tbe province ol Prlnotpa, on the east coast of Luzon, which hud become nsluoed to IIM men, finally surr lered to tbe Filipinos, alter holding out (or a year. DMMgew in a Oelllalea, Sunderland, June It, - The steamer Wearmoutb has uirlvid here from l.on don with her bow considerably dam aged, deck strained and foremast gone, llOttt collision which she report! oc curred on June Is oil Dudgeon light ship, with the BrltiaO ship Port F.lgin, which sailed ft mn Hull on June 111 tor New York Tbe fate ol the Pott F.lgin is not known. New York, June 38. Charles Mnr ldir. traced bv a locomotive rod,, . mile on a bicycle in one minute and live second near Mavwod. L. I., to day. June Mo he will endeavor to cover the mile in one ninute. One of Otis' staff officer ba ar rived In San Francisco. He aavs as Man a wet weather lagins be believes Manila will be besieged hy the insur gent!, and unlea we have 100.000 men there the American will be foiced to withdraw, . , I aa petted taTaakaaaa Tut Hark. Wallace, Idaho, June S3. Attorney M t being ready loduv, eouit adjourned until 10 o'clock tomorrow. it I i mi o ted tbat ",b ol Finch CanipMI') men. fiom Misaoula, turned back fiom Spxikane. The rumor can not lie continued, and it n geneially discredited. Mali id, June J3 A dispatch to the Imparcial (rotu Mauila raya: rVaroo Uumarvmaie. a Frenchman, who went to the relwsl camp lo intervene In tie half of Spaniili priwmei in hands of Kilipioua, baa been treacherouily murdered. PAUL JONES MYSTERY. Anrt Thl Nsehlha 1 "' " Hlown I i IbeWI Pals New Oileanl, June 24. Captain M. P. Donieu, of the tramer Indepan- lenoe. ha brought to the city a piece f the wreck ol the naptha launch Paul Jonee, lost in the Oulf lait January. which throw (till more myitery on that diaaiter. Tbe Paul Jonea waa thought to have been deployed by tiie explosion ol h-r naptha tank, which would account for her complete de- ill net ion and u Idea loe of all on board. Tbii ii now shown to have been a totally erroneous ti.eory, for the naptha tank wa difd rad by Captain Vint lett intact ami uninjured and lill tbree-fouilhi full, at (irand Oazier iiland, near Braton island, where the wreck wa mppoaad lo have mxiirred. The tank wai brought to tbe city. Some 12 feet of the launch wai Mill adhering to it. an I seemed to have been cutoff, Indicating 'but the vessel wa run down iu eollilion. On the other hand, the accident occurred where no large vesiels go, and a eollilion was well-nigh Impoetible. The remainder of the wreck will be brought to New Orlean from urand Ouzier oil the next trip ofstbe Independence. PROSPEROUS AND WELL-CLAD. Ili.l.nilsri Are n.,. king 0l hor la Kirnpe Ik Itnsslau Knuut. New York. June 24. It ii laid at the burge offloC tneie is a nearly, grad mil increase iu tbe immigration of Fin. There were 9o 0n the New York when laat she arrived at thia port, and there were about ai many on the Urn brio, liming the month of May, 670 Finn were paused through the barge office. Thi i a decided increase over last year about &" P" The commiaainners have not been Infon I of the departure ol any large parties, though there la much laid of the preparation! of many partiea. The Immigrants u'e laid to hu of an excel lent olaai not apparently driven from their country by jverty, but by itrea of other dr. unntanci a, railed the op pression ol Kimsian offlciula. It i de senhed aa not a flight (rom starvation or even fmui prospective want. "It ia (imply the departure of the youth of the nation, piospe roua, well clud, with money in it ro3ket, detoi mined to eek ill fortune elsewhere, rather than come under the Kuiliaii knout." ii..... Vf clrnina t Nlnainr. Colomho. C'eylon, June 24. Tht ciuiaei Olympia, with Admiral Dewey on board, arrived here ul B o'clock A. M., from Siugas9re, aalilted the forti ashore an I wu aaluted by the latter in return. An aid de-camp repieienling the governor of Ceylon, Hon. Sir Jo seph Wertridgeway, hoarded tbe Olym pia ut 7 o'clock in order to welcome Dewey and Colonel Suvuge, command ing the tn.ops, made a viait at 10 o'clock. Tbe visits were relumed at 11 o'clock. Dewey wai met at Jettioe hy a guurrl of honor, and, amidst cheering, drove in the governor'! cariiuge tc breakfaat with Savage. The admiral afterward booked rooini at the Oallo face hotel and returned ou Irourd tin Olyuipiu ut 1 o'clock. New French .Wliilstrv. Pari, June 24. Late tins afternoon the announcement waa made that Sena tor Waldeck-ltotiaseuu hud com luted the formation of a cabinet. The new Oabinet, as organized, fol low: Senator Wahleck-lunseao, presi dent of the council of minister and minister of the Interior; M. Delcasae, minister of foreign attain) Oeuerul Murquia ie Oallifot, wur; M. Delan MMtBa marine; M. Monts, justice, M. Callinix, Inanoe; M. Millerand, coin- ineroe; M. Leyguea, publio InatrMtionj M. du das, coluniei; M. Jiun Dnpuy, agrioulture; M. Pierre D'Audiu, pub lio worka. alml ty Hentrlea. San Franoisio, Jona 24. The Fx aininer prints a story strongly intimat ing that John II. Ley nolds, a wealthy member of the casual detachment at the Piesidio, was shot uud killed while trying to put tbe line ou Sun day morning. It is staled thai mem ben of tbe detachment uy Reynold, wa shot down hy William 14. Harris, of company I, Twenty fourth Infantry, ami that Hairy Watts. John Tyrrell ami Harry Barton, alao mem ban ol th casual companies, Were wounded h Tioopor William Mieehau, of th Ninth cavalry. Aa Oittei r t Raeale Uridgeport, Conn . June 24. It was learned tihluy that within u abort time the plant of the American Ordnanrt Company ba been imitod by u repre sentative of the czar of Rotlla, It it stated the ordnance , oinpany was asked by the repreaentative whether the fol low nig Older ooul.l lie ti I led : One hun. drad lield battarie of six gun each; six and ltBOttndar quick-tiring gun and 1,000 cuiasona und limber. Tin value of the older would he about 1800,000, Official.) of the ordnance company refuse to udm it or deny that audi older ha been placed Mill AM Aetarrtlr Ki.r.lltlun. Londort, June it. A. J. Itallonr, goventnent leadei in the house of com mon, today a-siiied a deputation that the chancellor of the exchenuei was prepared to give substantial aid to tht proposed Antarctic expedition. V i plosion In n I'nal Vllne. Wilkc-barre, Pa., June 4. A heavy Uploaion ol ga incurred tin morning in one ol the loww lift of the Maxwell collieries of the Lehigh A Wilkebarie Coal Company. Three hundred men Ware at Work In the mine at the time and the Hist re pod waa that a great iiianv had Ken killed. Fortunately, howfvei, all succeeded in making then escape, except three, who were slightly hume l The cause of the cxplmion is a mystery. Little damage wai done. The Khnlira Kerenled. I 'ano, Egypt- June S4. It i an nounced that the khalifa ha been de feated with heavy lose hy native frieudlv to the Britiih. It i added he tied to the wood with a few foi lowen, and that hit capture is immi nenl. New York, June 24. A ditpatch to the Herald from Kio Janeiro aayi: A mob luicvil the jail at Kio Orande and lynched a Frenchman named Jean Panare, accused of aeaanlting a 3-year-old girl. After tormenting hiia, tt mob binned him alive Conditions in the Philippines Worse Than Reported. INSURGENTS NOT YET CRUSHED , r th. Lountr, itr,.. th. Paaaf u. ..1 tar a irat Aruljr Ut lnll Washington, June 24. An imprea lion i gettirrg abroad in the country that the people have not received all the fact regarding the situation iu tlm Philippine. It ii lielieved that the oimot ii Mrntlnlalng pie die patchei veiy carefulily, ami tliat i Qenaral Otii hm oommanlcatad tht exact conditions to tho department hit ji-p.itrhei have not been given to tb public The reaton'for thii belief may b seen in what the publio now know, that, although Oeuerul Otii gave out glowing picture of success and th eailv break-up uf tbe rebellion, the in surgent are really in a trouger posi tion than two month ago. It ia piob able thut when tho volunteer return ami are no longer subject to the onleri ol officer! superior to tliemelvei bouii of the real facta connected with tin Philippine will lie brought out. The political ignificance of Presi dent McKinley' trip into Mussachii setts at ibis time i said to be hi de- aire to oveicorue the opposition thai h4M been developing to bil policy in the Philippine. Probably in no othei tate or aection ii there a much real I posit "i. to i in- expuiieiou idea aa in Mussai husettl. It I expected thut th president' viait will have the effect oi milking friend for the administration anil do good work toward hieuking down the oprositioii to the reteulior. ul the Philippine!. While the piesident is away tin pre ol the country i growing ver) iiiiuuimoua in expreaaing the hope thai he will return 1 itb tire determination of sending a ulttcient army to crush the rebellion ami uphold the national honor of the United Stutea in tbe Pa cific. Agulnnlilu Massing Ills Arinjr. Manila, June 24. Aguinaldo doei not aeem to be autialied with tire at tempt of ihe inguigeiit to retake Sun Fernando, and he haa taken com main, of (teueral Lunu'iarmy und iia muaaec1 the luiget tebel force yet mobilized, bringing ii.OOO men from the Antipole region. He is exceedingly trouble mime, Last night hi men woundec two member of tbe Seventeenth tegi uient. Oeneral MacAithu'i men aie con stantly on the alert to repel any attack) by the rebel, sleeping upon their arum. The general unceioly hope! that the Filipinos will give him an other chance for a battle, for the ol diet! leally enjoy mi opportunity to tight them when they can do 10 with out wu.ii i g through swamp to catch them, Kailwuv truing between Manila an I Sun Fernando buvo boen atopped foi several days, while peiiuanent repair! were being made to the bridge along the loute, but today trufliu wua ro- omed. The trunsport Centennial, which ha arrived heie, had an exoiting experi ence while rounding Point Engano, on the northern coast of Luzon, on her way to thi porL She (truck u lock Wedneadav und remained fust for gev eial hours, during which time she wui aurrounded by swartui ol native! in canoes, who becume menacing. Captain Eagle, who commanded tin tiunsirt, wa compelled to throw over board 100 ton ol supplied in order to lighten the ehip sufficiently to get he! afloat Ilefoie thi waa effected tht Filipino had towed the cuses ashore, and were lighting over the spoils. The cruiser Daltimore reuentlv grounded at the same point, but tin native feared to approach her. MAY HELP KRUGER. Fr.. Male Mkln War Prep aration. Bloemfontein, June 2H. The volk laal, of the Orange Free State, bai voted 0,S70 lor the increase of artil lery, tent and other militury lupplie. A reioliitioii wa adopted directing the government to adopt the Mauaer rifle ui the national weaisin. Tho volki raad alio voted 4,22.0OO for ammuni tion and 30, H50 for other wai material. Bttrewl T.nslun at Cp Town. r...lon Inna 2(1. A dispatch from Cape Town to the Outlook lay: "The tenaion ia extreme. Duaineee i ei standstill and the general feeling ia that England must promptly bring tnatteia to un IlltW, The league will have no difficulty in preventing meet inga lupportiug Sir Allied Milner'i at titude, the deire being to refrain from enibarrasaing the imperial BOtbOlitiat, The Oiuugu government i urging the Tramvuul to make further concoiioui. Munv people conaidei Milnei'i fran chise proMjuli are uaelel without the grunting of 12 neat to the mining cen ter! and the light to I peak English in the volkiraad. Othoiwiae, it will bt impoaibletoielect repieaentative men. Failing in these concession!, the Johiin neabiirgeri say they rrefei treaiy pioviding aecurily and judicial und educational reforms." DISARMAMENT NOT FAVORED. Hut the I'niifereiire May Agree to Arrril War Preperatleu. The Hague. June 20. M. He Staal, president of the peace conference, at a meeting of the committee today, intro duced the Kusiun proposal looking to the arrest of armaments, and read a declination disclaiming all intention ol proposing a reduction of the ainiainents al present, lint, he added, he was ol the opinion that if a standstill could be agtaad upou a reduction would soon come of itself. The powers, he ex i lamed, bud conferred with the czar relative to the immense evil of aimed pea. e, and he, M. De Staal, now ap pealed to them to devote their euergie toward the arrest of the continual in cieuse iu the cost of armed peaue, which be asserts cents more than u ten years' war. Count Qolimki. of the I: in dele gation, moved tbat the power should enter into a negotiation ol a term ol say five years, not to increase the effectiveiioi of the peace fooling ol their fou rs with the exception of colo nial troops, und not to increase the umoiiut of their military budgets be yond their present flgute. The speeches' and the letroliltion were ordered to be printed and circulated, and the discussion was adjourned un til Monday. A naval standstill reso lution will bo introduced later. BOLD THIEVING. iu kulc I in; I rur . . movement fin e . . O0l , II a 1 - ivvvuure nm "Ml WILL CUKB BPKAKlfi run for Disfaaiu .--1-.. ...... ,, , i.,,. . ' BS1. nnir.r mt ,, New Turk Man (lets Away Willi f. ooo rreM a iiostun ii:, ui. Boston, June 20. (4. Shea, alius Philip Lumbele, un all-round crook and clever sneak thier, mid n resident of Chicago, is likely to serve many years' imptiaoumant in payment fojf one-half daya' use of 1 10,000. Shea went into the Metropolitan National bank in Postofflce Square, at noon and got away with $10,000. He made for New York, where he wai promptly ar rested, a good description of the thief having been lent all over the Eastern states within an hour after the rob bery. He offered tbe officer making the arrest the whole f 10,000 to set him free. All of the money wis recovered. Chief Watts telegraphed a description of the man to the New York police am! a Watch wus placed upon all of tbe tiains and steamship lines. It is thought Shea tode out of town ou the elect! to curs uud hoarded a truin foi some suburban station. Castered a itrat laai Manila, June 24. The rebels have Itatned that tha American volnntoai are returning to the United Statea und the Filipino newspupers show thai they construe thii to ineun that th American! are abundonini! the war and aie inCOOiagad theieby. The out posts of the Washington teK. ment yeatciduy captured Oeneral Pio del Pilar' bras bund of 112 pieces, tin meirihei ol which somehow became separated from the rebel army, and came near the American line without having tiie means of resistence. Some Chinamen of Manila have tiled a claim aguinit the instruments, which, it ap poar, were leased by the musician of Qenaral Pio del Pilar. Four of tbe wounded of the Fourth infantry in the recent tight with th rebel have died in hospital. WTIraUw Telagraphy. New York, Juno 21. A dispatch tc the Herald from Kingston, Jamaica, says: The government of Trinidad hai decided to adopt the Marconi system of wireless tolegraphyy for communica tion with tbe dependency of Tobugo. (TohagO an island in the Wind ward group of the British West Indie. mile long by 12 wide, 24 mile noitheaat ol Triuidad. It wa cedes! to Oreat lliitain by France in 1 703. ) tergai Army Neeeeai"r, Washington, June 22. An office! who ha jnat returned fiom the Philip pines, and who ii not now 000 Meted with the army, is quoted a laying that to pacify and thoroughly establish L nited State government in the Phil ippine will require an army of 150, 000 men. After the Filipino have MM thoroughly ahlpad and thev un derstand that the United Statea mean bnaineea, he thinks there will be little or no tiouble. f!rat Whlskay Trast. New York, June 28. A combination 'f the American Spitita Company, ! uialrttftg of 85 aepeiate ooncerni, the ! Kentucky Oistilleriee & Warehouse Company, coniiiting of S conceruij 1 th Standard Distilling A Diitributing ' oinpany, conaiitiug ol 16 concemi; the Spirit! Diitributing Company and a auuihet of moat important rye ! whisky cmcerni into one rent ml e.... I Ptxy, ha been effected by the incor poration of a concern Bailed th Du tilling Company ol America, with a capitaliaatiuo of 1126.000,000. Frail anil Vegatabla Trust. New York. June 26. It is reported that P. D. Aiinoiir is at the bmd ol movement to attempt to control the fruit ar.d vegetable trades. J. W. Oonpland, manager of the California Fruit Trunsportuioii Company, is au thority for the statement. Mr. Coup land has just returned from a metling of the fruitgrowers of the South, held at Wilmington, N. C, at which be Cald un oigunization wag effeuted tc tight Mr. Armour's plan. It was said thut Mr. Armour, assist ed by others, has secuied control of the fruit trade of the Pacific coast and he is now endeavoring to get control of tho fruit and vegetable trade of Florida, Oeorgia, South Carolina, North Caio line, Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, Tenessee, Arkansas, Mississippi ami Texas. Mr. Coupland said the combi nation included the Porter Uros. Fruit company, the Continental fruit express and the Karl Fruit Company. liravel Train Wrrrkail. Denver, Juno 16, A to the Newi liom Jnbsluirg, Colo., gives meuger news of a wreck which occurred this evening, eight miles west of Jules burg, on the Union Pacific, in which four men are believed to have been killed and two others seriously injured. A gravel train of 50 curs wai running east at tbe tate of 25 miles an hour, when the eighth cui from the engine broke iu two and 24 cats were piled up in a heap. Two unknown men were seriously hurt, and four more are thought to be under the masaof wreck age. Conductor Simpson was slightlv hurt about the head. The wieck was caused by a broken flange. Yellow Kevar Ttetlma. Washington, June 24. Under yes tarda! date QoToinooGaaaral Brooka cable the war depaitmeat the death of two moie enlisted men at Santiago from yellow fever. rive Mi Drewmsrl, Lam pain. Tex., June 28. Mr T J. Lloyd, living .even in,es northwest of this place, with her five .laughters and a visitor, Misa Chlldara, went in bathing in a creek today. The voung est girl, went beyond their "depth when their eldest lister ami Mis Unlderi went to their rescue and all Jive were d, owned. Mn. Lloyd saved her other daughter only by heroic efforts. ti Ja- tliat Eth- Tata or a Mliila, Si..m. iruru rori Antonio, -ar.-a, hji: i i,e (ar ii growimr II,. - - - 1 . "'a smvier anu missing steamer -.wu. u... met with further mi.nap. and may have foundered. All iucom Ing .learner, report that they have aeen nothing of her, and he, agent, here wboare 10 cmrnnnication with other Done, have obtained uo trace of ber. Washington, June 2.. . .7 . " ""-1'uiili,-,,,. " " . ,u "live ljliii I'ltiir.. . I i II take ou o T . . ". power which ,,e, i' I'ISeil. HUH Coin,,,,., . ' Powerful in dn.-id;.,.. ., 1 h - L- U i, it will be m . : : ....... enMllflll uri. any other committee i lk. sn, .obi It I.- . . . . lolooMt)Hj . posed to make the sireak., uj t Mm a.. ! . . mm sufficient size I,. ;., i.. i 1 ... ,,,,,, j, ,,, m--.. leader! o' the I lllilyit Tl. . .. ....... no. ,u. n, mr t , ,... v.. i..o uunsu ami tl() , (ik elec rTnof sZ"C"'"' OOnilBa for Hrir.ui,... vuT of thH nl.l I.-,,.,!.:. .. lJ in their places. Hv ilil whim i "ttii in, mw l urlr U- and Ohio will i r ... v via i, .1 i i --"wo UlDiriUUieu Uliinr ir n .. t. a fu PORTER FOR tuc . WUI l-rnbabl, . u ' mm Airalrt. New York Jr.... o it.. ... . mm o" irmri naaliinglrma,- . I1UUJ uVUJilll i I I a . ' m -vuhto urancn of the I iiidtit with tin ftUI. i r . Colonial Affairs and Forein U merce," or lometbing similar k)l ..-3-jnicu u ir... ho in I ii intration lilieiv rieiessarv lo t i. . - - - ... ...nil wriri ii coinrorii inn ii,, .. ;... i. -a .i . . -.v. resun ot ine war with Spain. lllH Wolil " ior poiuioat reaeau to aomeoj members of the cabinet, bsona, f smacks of imperialism, and it ir arfr able that some other titl ; j. adopted. The meaning, in,W rj Ire the same, l 'r. liunnary vn rvax mendationi to congress on tUav. ject, data is now being eompiUI m cfiuing the control ol the cokrisak) foreign powers and tbe extaaac! our commerce into foreign fieldi. t ,,. .on of tltt.oi.l'lt.el uit.l an i ... I .. ..a; I. ..i ,i .. ..I ...... i ooo i. .is ui uiu no in . ii ion. null ire I,... to, ii. I, li,nlA,lu . .. : I . ... . I . I J llll.o ol vorj ii urr, .iritie American coniuls on tint; in colonies belonging to foreign 1..1I. 1 1. M D.a.:. IS.I, -.1.111, .11. .SO Ol 'I I. .1 111 ... A 1... I 1 .. J I I 1 ill ii.i ..un ii u"n ivi run icpu a no. oi .j i.'iin nun uiriaiiB submission to them. Kuberl F 1... ...1... lo I .... I - i. I iii,, in iuumcii nil. .ii an wic head of the (imposed cabinet aa ..-li.... n.aalml ,..,11 l.n ..IsJ-J en. ii i.n n.u, mil ou loiiauuwis guid to tho plans for eitemlintay com merce, which is to become iW of the new department. CTDiirr a uicccn unit Mine Kxpl(ilou Ml ICnnlrut Three Mm. 11 o'clock this riiorniinr n tsrriMM in 1 ii i the scene o! the rmslltri io.ti.,1, ui.ii uud in KiiiiiumiianM I men are now lying dead ut tbenvH i nor ier is oror a n v rara v and a tilth ia very euripusly kilt i iii 1 1 1 , -1 1 were . s ... . nr. foot level with machine drilli. ui, i or tr.n . n s siriirr a u hole." wliero the shot liJ failesl te ,i .....1 I lliaalM Pout and Om un.ui ,ti, ii v 'i i u i no . . , Lee were instantly killed, nvtiila 31 Uriffia, a ratiriied man, died m way to the hospital. -Men omm parts of tho mine rushed it one j help ol their comrades, und carried out of the mine qjir''.' JS in juied were removed to lk "0,l''u' Uan Ureeu is lying at lbekavw with but faint hopes for fmm Charles Coiiaon bus receiveil iuries to hia riuht arm, the nliJ torn off, but the surgeons of hia r vi-rv The mine ia closed tlii" ,,e" and will probably remain so untilwj tho funerals. have ' -- it. lis for IW iMi-inin. .lime 26. The Cal natalal I4u-ltn savs: The Oalafl ... . i .... itii-led i Bieei oinpany m " representatives of the Kussiin go men! In furnish thut country isn nnn in,,. l ateel rails for it merise ruilioad enteiprise in Si! i rnvi ti.;. is said to M l largest order ever placed "''""JS in the world and represent of between M.600.0J0 ami Killed br " " " I New York. June 2ti.-H Kamaey, a ticket-seller at Hie Square garden, was killed "V, today. Mrs. Kamsey, wttfl thought, was insane, cut her xzLA throat with a razor as he hv in their room in the Hanle" Trust A.lvames IW . ... , , mi Tli 1J" rilis.rurg. June --" a glass combine known as tno- gl 9 la Company, has again tne prices oi winnow is.- ja -- i k ... in uer4", -.ease ranges nom o .v. r takes place immediately. i .i i.. 9 The ofB-:l l 11V1IIU.1II, U U "n .w. -i . a . ai iki. iiirrilHs ine toreign omce i" m.irl Ambassador Choute a fotuial J dum en body ing the w"1!"""! meut reached on the question. T- M. KsflllO""' New York, June 26.-A e-eciaJ l u u a tv.ahnnlton "1 1... u ia ....... 1 HO noiSIU 1 1 1' 1 11 - , j'.m Hreiident McKinley win un enliitment of additional men Philippines when he return " g ington. Thia i the Wrttt I ".. . . i .ri. ., elite0' . wen iniormen wai iirj- . i.ii The adminiitration hai a- ' to leoogniie tiie necen.T ,t ing General Otis' command parent that aome deiartm nt 0 are figuring on tbe adftaabtHU lilting lofflcient men to form pleta regimen ts.