The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 17, 1899, Image 1

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aa m
Dr David Claiborne Garrett De
livered the Baccalaureate
in I 111 in ! nun i nly tlu secidenlal I
and mechanical rescue frmn ihe
penally u sin, It nseofflethiug dnuel
I oo Um outside by a power extraneous
in mu himself en afterthought do
Um port 'f Deity, Qod'epsrt in Um It h no longer oblo to discriminate
r, dcnipi Ion nt man I ell-loiporisnl ; is in slnioal every life tln-ic OM OtOO
Indeed, M I hope lo ahow u . 1 1 lime, nencrally In youth, when the
Html cati-e nf Hint rrdeuij in -n; hui eyes h'.ve wen mic's teachers nml I lit
'the truth I want you to Isso in. In ,.' 1 ears have heard a voire. "TIiik i the
! now It, Hi ii the true eod of education ' way, walk ye In it."
perfection for wbioh it wee created, in life without implying the indwell
And l believe that Uod baa given mm i"k pwnow "1 Uod i hem la no nei !
1 1 io powei io discern Um work lor lo argue itu fact. Itvery wbere It coo
which DO k preeminently fltteil. I'hla fn" '- u tinttl the tllvlno life bfOOMM
fbooUjr may bo orgtooted unci porbopa th moat reel "i nil lit nud oltboal
i in in n ii i- Impassible in even liilun 01
No one who admires Beautiful Goods will be able
to resist the attractions. We are showey in this
line, t "all and see us.
mm AM Ml nt.A O I . I . .- U r r
IIVU .....".-. .
tweeu Seveulli aim r.igiuu"
. . . .i
. 1.00
. JO
t -in.' rate mal bbowb hb it"""
.lr..all ss letters to IHM.UAKi',
L'tie, Oregon.
w v. I t,k 1 KV
. - . . . . . til". 1 '
1 1, ictus 111 ' ' ml in U "law.
In " an. mi iilick.
B m Okecom.
Bt- purchased the office nml lixturea of
at decerned V V Henderson. I am
Deo'.i-try in the auove asm onice.
D and tirwge worn a speeiuii.j.
Second Oregon Regiment
Manila Yesterday,
Washington, June 12-Oeueral Otlo pr'f.uud .rut i.ietlay tl.i
. ......... ..iii, i ic urnum unuti v .um.
the Bigual eorp, will leave today for
Han Francisco.
Though General Otis' diapotob stated
the Oregon troops would leave for Han
Francisco, the war department officials
are of the opinion that a mistake in
cabling has been made. With this
Idea, deneral Corbin has telegraphed
deneral Otis that the Oregon Iroopi are
to go to Portland.
lkKN. At Cottage Grove, June 9.
1880, to Mr and Mrs Fred Htroud, a 7
pound son.
Foreign and I
I. mu mollis I
nf nil kinds i
....... uau. nn.-e
n. ii.- IflwMa mi. i;r:.iute. .vi.niii menu, i
" .. . . t .
HtkdltoOM and Cemetery work
Llodta, Watobat, I'liains, .lew
elry, Etc.
OTkeiiairinv nr.iiinitly done.
tfTAl! ..rk warrauted.
OAm l'MUira in Clirisman Block,
rlloun: '.' to 11 a in; U to 2, 0 to 9 p m.
noutli "f ( 'hrisman
Othcf -One-half lilock
Roun, ohujon.
I . iriiitnivn t.unill 17 1.' t' l 1 1
i.ii.iiur,iu.r. Lijoi. nwwi "
"Diwaati, Women and Children
.OtBce Sb-lum BlMKi oiwite tJuanl orfica
'I1 ''-I.'"' . M. II.
sl- Ii attention to aurgery, Diseaaen
f W i .. n, and af None ami Throat.
u ' ' Mrieuce in Cook
tnunty UoapltaL Chicao.
I 'rain OaruoM.
Of Eugene.
Paid up Gash Capital,!$50.000
Surplus and Profits, $150,000
Eugene, Oregon.
Done on reasonable terma. SiKht
drafts on Chicago, San Francisco and Port
land, Oregon.
Bills of exchange sold on foreign countries.
Deposit! received subjectto check or certih
cate of deposit. , ,
All collections entrusted to ua will receive
prompt attention,
T o BarDBion, P. K. Ssodobass,
President. Cashier.
S B Eakin, U H. Pottkr.
Vice President. Am t Caahiei
Iiallr . i uar.) , I Hue U
LVtmnianovniMil ook st the Unlvor
ally nf Orvajon begrau jrbatarday with
the ilri veriugnfthe baocnbMiMto aor
nton by Dr David Olalburna Uarrttt
pa-iii nf I'rlnliy Kplaonpnl obureb ol
I'.hC. n.i, .me nf Hi- brlgbleat tboolog-
lull I', Ihe Weal. I)rtinirtlt hill r
0l III I MOtlVtd a rail M till- UtontlO nf
Trinity obnrab, .an Pronoiaon a lit
rer guilion of his worth ami grOOlDg
Villard Hall 'm a aeatitn; MOOClty
ol I Vm. i.nil it H4 eniufnriiilily (III it
iiy iiinse attoodonl upon iii.' i serein .
Tha pr. Ilnilbnry osoreba i ol the pro
gruiii wan piMontodby Ra Raymond
0 .fpMiks of (he e'irsi Uoogn ga iointl
obnreb mid Rav Juhn Howard Mr
Junkin of i he Fust Prtabytorlon
sbnroh, rhonnolo wm of Dr OarMtt'a
Obureb, anil the titUOllltlO form of ser
vlre i if bis I'buroh ws,il-.i .r. saiilod.
Pbllowlng U Ihe full text nl the -cr-
"Win k nut yOOf own HBlvnliiili Willi
f ar nml trvmbllugi fur il la Qod which
work-fib in .Mm, both in will ami lodo
of hia own good pleasure. " Phil. Ii,
11!, 13.
Wltbln thy Inol few yeonn marked
ebnnge baa oottm aimut in the eoneep
tlonoftbe life of man in rclallOU to
IhellftfOfGodi It used to Ih- 111. night
that tbM life wu nlnoM notblog else
than a leim of prob.tio'. f'ir an
elernity lo OfHB' that man's ihlef
bnoinoM h n was simply io itnnd the
lest lliat would result lit death ei tier
in a penalty nf woe or a reward of
bliss, in eilher case immutable. A
view of
IS nil trnl
In tins world. We are not to ignore
the u i mil oooetquenoM of the new
life we now live, hut I lie word pulia
tion does 001 best express V lie full lill-
prl nf this present life. H is not so
iimrh a lile of limitation as It Is a life
of education. The irulh that is cou
laiued lu Ihe probationary view I In
vluiltd In the educational OOOOtptlOO
.if life, with this dlH'erence: To
look at life as a pr. cess of edUOallon is
10 make it more eternal, to unite it In
separably with that life which is one
anil the same, here and hereafter.
Now, the true meaniug of education is
what I would have you consider w ilh
me today. The close of each college
year, the commencement of a life of
applied knowledge by those who have
ended their college course reminds us
of that great educational character of
life or which lie school or college
studies are only the beglunloe aud a
very small porllou.
Lei us look then , in the llrst place,
and atjfntlor, which arc aim at Oil
and the same tiling, la In be fouud
prlmvily OOl in knowledge uor in ii -trooUoD,
but In the derelopmei t nf
Ibe Inner life of men. ami that ibis
duly T bO 001 feel (hat they have
' not found their niche in life, that liny
hove noi modi the ntoai ..f the powers
WitblU lh0M may trace Ihe cause In
I heir having delict their Ileal! eluncc
drvelopmeDI la Ural aaelf-dev. i 1 1 1 1 1 1 and tiled lodo things for which they
,. , .. u were not adapted and w lilcli w ere mi
Olio. if II. e mnal pll.lll''L' ii 'I st I lie . . v
. ., , di-rlaken frmn tiuwortbv motlVaa.
siini iimi. iiniuiai ijucsi mu- inui a
man mil usk is the qUOttloil of III own
iplrltual origin. WbonoaoooMi ihi
ki'II III., fir I II... ruliiin:.! ..n.l .111. ,1
mi'Ivc nf havlliL' 1I.1I11. " , 11, Mil:
paM of inai '. He any, as the little "
l.'l III' II..I'! Ill III. I I. Ill, 11 M "I ,'l illlllll
Many Ion, who have Ins u counted as
not wholly MMOtOOlttl flOM Ihewnrld's
slamliio ul. ate conscious w itlilu theiii-
child answers in Ihe cilecbisiu: ''thai
mode me." Yes, Hint almost ever,
one believes. Hut bow diss the
come Into this world of ours? Is il
bora lutoihebody with full and per
feet powi r of thoaghi and feeling, or i
there toeh a lliing as a inlagNM III, an
embryology of eplrlt lift? Can we not
eunoelve the eoul of 0 new born Infant
askiiiiltif rudniieiilar -" germiii'il
life, rbere is do study that mm
ohouoM lor hu own eullnre "r bom Hi
lliat dOM not u veal pfteU in the MOal
onespeeted ways, una obldlog proa-
eOOO of the divine working ill and
through Ihotboogbta and onotloboof
the human
Fbe teoioglal bending his mtod to
ilie oorlh 1-suddenly by eooie alert Hog
marks if a w i-. deelgoer lifted up in
heart Mbeoven, while the eetrooomei
ofotoome b the iiiimciisitv ni theool-
lylOg w orlds la brought to his knot - in
humble homage to the Infinite mind
I ibot mode ond goldea tbem all I'li-
s.. 11 working mil in Ins laluatnry tbe
la-tit developmeol of ins own moal
gifted Ufa is asked this iiiestioii by a
to I re liichid. s as many inure coinpo'
silioiia from tlies. itr'iata mid Schubert,
Bebomani (iodord, itubensteiu ami
Mr Naah has democatnted Ihrough
litis clever pupil that ihe plODO can be
the meana of espreailog Muele in Ua
Deal si use rather tbM Meobooignl or
leoholoal tshlblUM. Tin ilrat two
Dumben, whMb were heavily iiaa
stciil, wi re played with teebutoal sure-ne-s
ami hrnad intlai. l 1 ii'c!ligelict.
Bolorlog Um romontlo lehool in her
third eeUelloo, MIm Browoetl played
lUnseiCs study , "li i Wore ii Bird,"
ami Qrleg'e '"Botteifly," with oborav
iuu delicacy. The "Romaoee," by
L'bamloade broogbl out a singing
.iiialil v uf tune, w bib the " IbrMMllo"
by .M. s.kowski sliiiwed lite hrilllaBOy
of her lectiniipie, a fea' tiro that waa
MMoroblo In every number of tin-program
In the lour Dumber, from
Uhoplo Miss BiOWOall revealed a
and soul of far richer value than the inaga.lne contributor, "Do you believe di pt Ii or li ellng and eminent piKtloal
moal brill Uint attolomeuta of Ihe man I lu a eronal thMr."' "I not only la- Interpretative faculty such as to inspire
of the world, I lieve it" said Kdlaoo, "bul I can al I ber Mdleooe,
iTa ... mosi oeinousi raic n c.ieiuicaii, . n .. ..en.., ,i.. ..i.e. ouiu-
Ncw tmi, it Faraday aud are Agiasl. tans from la tbe last, Khapsmly
bra light nut nl tbelt own personal N 6. the bravura nf Miss DriiwueH'a
I'o ev. i v youn,' man and woman, to
yOO WBO are mi llle'l threshold tialay,
read) lo begin I lie real work, I my,
with nil earnestness, llnd out It you
OM, 11)0 work that Qod has fur you.
and then lake bold lu the spirit that
says ' I must make the MOatOftblel
I liave a chatacter to I
tieim;'.''' I-it not reti .iinble to lliluk with a M.ii.itial nslure. ill f"1" t"1'1 1 'ii:
Vllielvcrcit.d. bill. at the Htillie tune 1 f"". a life In la- saved saveil III Ilie
not fully developed? Not to be led seiiseof making it tit for some higher
Into the error Of Identifying the two desliny beyond. First, understand
in.- M ais il,, re 1 1 a tnrireallva Maine : what you are to do and then go MOB
studies a piufouiid lai.h in tbe Ii d j octave playing created great enthusl
thal I hey found in alt. I through nil the letti
works of nature an well as in t he works ! Ml-s Ada D Mi n.lrick-, the popular
of their ow n individual live.. V. veil i reader, a sls'ed MI- llrowuell. Her
men alio have tiled lo ignore l his di- numb, i was "A Sisterly Hi In ine,"
vine pemODallty have Invnluiilarily cleverly and luituially told. Il pro
i,e to acRnowIt dge his living In all duced an admirable ittect g(OB tbe
life. Thif II is lliat certain el the audience mid Mi Hendricks grarinu-
belween the biology ni ihe anlnfal an. I
and spiritual life. 1'hua, the soul is
Hot develuped at II- birth. Aa it lias
been beam llully put: "it is a u ing
point when na ura ba been tone ci
by the linger ul (ml and kindled
into a ll une of pur.- Intelligence "
1'hus then is Mich a iliing aa a man
actually helping to make his, own soul,
working together Willi Qod to unfold,
dm mil, lb vein,, and coini lele tin'
self nr conscious lUhject a bleb ha
come frmn (i .d. Hit-. I take it, is the
true meaning of education. Il is a self-
tducntb'll. There Me tiiaiiv help-, and
fully to the work thai Is befole you.
Mm Ii of the dlsalisfacliuli and tut
moil of life arise from iiielteclual ellorl.
h takes so much uf Mir tluu
strength to discover w hat our work h
and wo arc llred out Often befuM
begin. A better prayer can no young
pereOO otter than Ihe cry lo Hod lor an
'undentMdlog beortt' "
Win n Uod asked uf HolOMOB what
lie would do in llle lor Ibis is eipllva
lent to what he would have, the king
passed over riches and long life and
every other blessing sa,ve the desire for
an "understanding heart," tbe wisdom
to -ec one'-duty and tbe judgment lo
by reeponded to repeated demands for
mi encore.
Oregon OWee much to Ml Nash for
the earnest work he has done for
mii-lc Hlmeolfn finished performer,
having enjoyed cais nt study lu Am
elicit ami Oermany, Mr Nash keenly
of all lile, 'he OlOtlfl -power for all -elf- dads the l ubleliesi mid exalted dignity
level. .pmeiii places (hsl alx.iat liieend of the divine art, and the stale call
if Ibis development. When Paul said feel assured Dial a pupil receiving de
gree! materialists have been strong
lovers of tVoidsworlh because Word
wi rlh more, perhaps, I ban any oilier
PhI reveals unconsciously the divine
I imiiuini :i. e In nature.
This oonoepilou 01 enooaiion wnioo
I i II. m il... i.. .,r llnd hi Ibe Moiiree
the ii ml I cc noivt r Is from ( iod. hut II i
v., ilo n. noose I Ills lira oi an. it
woi k ilself each man must
colli ge can educate a mini, BO hunks
can do it. Bach man mual work out
bis own education w ith b ar and trem
bling. It is a respnu-ibility that may
well make one fear and tremble, for
till k what It 'lu-ans. Your own smilu
by player. Find It 0B) by ladng true
lu sell and then go work it nut. Make
your life as full as Qod Intended. How
it thrills one, the thought uf the Hob
possibilities for soul cultuie In this
world so full of every thing lliat is
truated to your own oaro; the shaping beautiful and g.aid. now can one
aod charaoU ri.ini; Of this soul left, lo waste life, dissipate smil powers, when
you. Were it not for the assurance we
have that in tin work Qod WOrkl In
us, we might well ho overcome with
the feorfnlnoM of the undertaking.
Now this self development mean that
each lodlvldusl life mttst grow along
that line ol cultivation for which Lie
particular life la best adapted, it
mean thai each one has peculiar pow
ers liich are to be specialti l In the
individual. This is thencrct nf Ibe
highest development, the finding out
mid applying ones self to the I blogl lor
which one is best fitted. To work out
your own salva'lon" then stands fur
the development of oafs own beat tab
cut-, whether It he the talent for Home
-la'cial work of life, or the talent I n
tiiere Is so nun 1 1 that one might do In
complete w hat Qod at birth tn'gan
Nu thuuglit can stir the heart mure
than the ouneelouenee that oar own
salvation, the development ol the di
vine life within us is left to us. Vhn
WOg Id imt work out hla life to full
And now H ere is the M ennd part in
this process of education which I
would have you remember is Identical
with the laving of tbe soul fur an
elernity uf grnwtb. I can Imagine
that some one has bean saying all
along through this sermon Are you
mil laying ton much stres on what
DM baa to do in developing bis soul
for eternllv .' What about Hod'.' Are
some particular service fur the good . if I you not excluding bin? My dear
others. lubotli an Intellectual aud friend instead of excluding (Iod by this
at wniu eoucm.ou .e ..uv. . n- , ut, ,u, (rul b0,d , view of lift. I have all the lime been
that OOOOf the commonest notions of wrK , your (1W ,,, im.,,ylllK 1B presenceofUod
eduoatlou is that It means the ac-, dlmi(1 ()f ,,1(llvllluu ,k.. and many I know have felt that In all
quisition of knowledge; that to be I ln tl rowtu of ,,. auinMly t bt0 sold ebOBl man's saving him-
educated Is lo know a large number of, ,f . , .
(Ill '' lll Mllll It UUICr nil li -..
L "Ran,
Loan Savings Bank
Of Eugene, Oregon,
CAPITAL tpAID'.UP '$50,000
W. E BROWS, Prtlldttnt. I
B. 0 PAINE, VIC Pntldliiti
F. W, OSBURK. Chlr.
facts, SBOb as one may learn from the
instruction giveu in bcIiouIs and
colleges. Let ua uot uuderesllmate
Ihe value of kuowing facts. Without
knowledge life would be Iiitoleiahle,
Every department of human activity
rests in some way on tbe possession of
irulhs; hut let US put knowledge in Its
rlshl place: It i not an ducatlou, hut
a means lowuid true education
student is privileged lo choose il
branches by which be can beat draw
out the self that la lu him No oilier
system will suffice for men and
There is Ihe danger, to la lUre, of
narrowness and one Bjdedness tuning
frmn a too exclusive attention I I s per
il ialities, but this is to be overcome by a
mid in aud through this process. It Is
the other view of lln-mul's salvation
that pula (lod nut nf the world, the
view that makes salvation simply a
mechanical scheme fur getting into
heaven and uot the development uf a
In nven within us, the l henry that
separates (hid from the world uf nature
and humanity, OOmmaolCOtln with
man only by sumo provisional means
necessitated by t he disordered ma
chinery of hummi lib'.
If odaoatlon means ibe developmeol
of life the best and richest life man
is capable of then moat certainly
nothing of this kind is sisslhle with
out I iod if man must, work out hi
own salvation we must not forget (lie
! a BosteursU itaHKiiig BoeUseee
Speci.l .attention to esttsetlona and matter ; XrmiMU-lel on Fa orHhlc terms
nebata, Money to loan on real (state.
T"tr -With A CWoodcs-k.
Willsie" Cameras
lUreiTed. We recommend them.
of the
Superior Fotoarafs
was Aristotle who wisely said: "The thorough grounding in the i emenisoi
arlsaud sciences are power-, but every a eeoi ral education, and also uy Ibe
power exists ouly for the sake of Individual throwing bim. It at limes
action; tbe end of philosophy, there- into (he ibouglils of those who are
fore. Is not kuowledge, but the energy working In a dilierent din ctlon frum
si .n.l i i a J a L..... i,. o uiiil iii't
OOnVereaot about kuowledge." mr niais-ii. una uiun wv ul
William Hamilton points out in his will, a wide range of meutal effort but
gnat master work ol metaphysics how j at the same time bring all that lie can
a m I . II. .1 . I i i . i , - , I . ill I Ifi. tit, -I frilll! till' MM ! X I U I - i ' . - W 1 1 ll U II -
r: ,T,r r , ,.or,,cu,ar .ruth .., I- equally slrong that I Iod
knowledge is moat important as B talent. The yorlous brancheeof kBOWb
means lo tbe devi lopment of the edge have for con mi . n, e been snme
mlnd One of ibe must subtle errors I times divided Into Iwo great rlaases,
that COD confuse and injure any young the lilnral and tbe professional studies,
life is Ihe OLBfOBBdlBI of instruction according lo whether they were lor
with tducaliun. Don't limit your general cuhure, or for tbOMOIW proetl-
sdueatloo to what you get out of books, rjol porposeof getih i; a iiveiihKHi.
'. i. I: - !il i Hill 'Il iln- best God-liven tbe distinction i
helps to manV happiness and perfec- we regard the higher eod of edocatloo,
... , j ii... ,n- ...1.1..1. .....I, HVnrittif to make cleat
lion, but Keep ever ... mum ...e - - - - - ........ In each
I ,,, between means ai d end. loyoo this morning, n man is not ,,,,
t g no M OM ... teelf, bol an merely an lostrumeul, hut eu end in men the vital power p, rial ed In
,,uriilnglsiioiau. , ,, ,t .,.d Ihe heat develot.. Individual, when he said "Workout
ii.-t ruinelil to an ii.ueaiioii nun " unun,
Ihi,,. less Mian Ihe develnp- mi nt nf self, 1 1 li it I- not possible
ill..'.. n
Work nut oiir own sslvatlnn fur iud
worketh in yon" be also said that this
willing and lining was of dial's own
pleasure. If (lie qBOMlOB I asked
'What la I lie beginning uf llfi'."' Tbe
answer is "(iod.'' Il II I-again asked
"What la the end of life, llsgnalund
blessing'."' Again we rn-wer "dial."
There is no other coin-elvable object of
human developmeni ilian to grow to
ward Qod until w e as more Md
mure like the sun of (bid. "Be ye Ihe
refore perfect even as your Father lu
heaven Is perfect." The highest of life
Is the w ill mid pleasure uf I iod nf love,
which meal s happiness and perf.ctlnn
combined. No ies a pblVosopber than
I Cnrlyle wrote " The older I grow, Bad
I now stand on the brink of elci n it y,
the more ciinies back to me Ihe sen tenia
of the catechism which I learned as a
child, and Ibe fuller and dce-r its
meaning heroines. "What Is theclin f
end uf man'.' I'o glorify dod and
enjoy him forever." And surely this
i I bo begtBOlng and the end, the
Alpha and the Omega of that strange.
Indefinable thing we call life."
Pally loianl, June 1:1
Tbe llrst graduate nf the University
of Oregon department of music since
Mr W Qlflord Nash took charge, gave
her dual recital last evening. The
young artiat Is Miss Joyce i'rlsclllit
Browntll, of Albany. Hbe possesses
the n uslcil temperament In an exlra
iirdlliary degree. mid lias been devi l , pod
Into a llnlslied peiforuor on the piano-
forte ander t he loetruotlon of Mr Nash,
with whom she has been studying
since Mm ill IS'.lt. Miss Urownell
playiMi lll'teen sidecllons from
llUgO labed honor- from lim is entitled
to all that such an odaOBtlOB iiuplie.
This afli'rnisiti a clans lleld meet ia
Oelog held mi the campus. A large
number uf contestant ate entered, and
it I currently repotted Unit phenome
nal time Is being made. A largo
crow .1 Is in nl tendance.
Mining Corporation.
The Klverslde dold Mining t'om
pitny, i apital fjO.ono, has been iucor
porrted by .1 SV C. U, Dr li I Hmitb,
James llano ii . iy, llelinua W
riiuiiipsnii uod I'n .rles A Hardy. Tbe
company ow n a giotip of seven min
ing claims lu (be Boi.eiiiia dhtrlct ou
Horse Heaven creek This properly
Includes a vnluabh) water power aud
mill site. Tim mines have been thor
oughly prospected by ill) feet of tun
nels, cross cuts and open cuts ami
ahows up eXOSptloBBlly veil, assays
having I n made giving from fid to
7" lo a ton of ore. One a ay from
surface Mont went as high as rl .'S) lo
gold to the Ion. J W Cook of tbe
Mustek mine ha been elected presl
dent nf Die enmpany, I. B Smith, wtio
had a large aud successful experience
In mining in Now Mexico, is vice
president and superintendent, James
ll.iiieiiway Is secretary aud I'.akln
A llristuw nf Collage drove, treasurers.
The board of dlreotora an J w Cook,
li I. Suillli, James Hemeuway, Hel
mus W Tluuiipson and Charles A
Dikh. N'is Harah V Francis,
such i daughter of I M Francis died Haturday
composers as Bach, Beethoven, Hen
eii, Obamlnade, Qrtog, HoMkowekl.
UhoplB and Lint, whllo her n per-
June HI, of tuberculoals, aged about 19
years. The funeral ocuirred to I 0 0
t ceiuetery today.
Is the power Hint not only pu s the
snollntotbs universe but directs and
sustains (his soul at every point on It
progress heavenward. The perfect
trutli Is only fouud by emphasizing
Come-the lung lust sun, and at THI! 111(1 STOKE ji u will
Bad the things you need to com! irtably enjoy ibe BBch
iiecdeil cl.angc. We arc hero to sell go' di, BDd can Uf BeOBOJ)
for you. Seeing is believing.
strongly tsith sides of this qoestloo of
.. I . 1 - II
i ,, I i mil s sovereignly ami man s in-u in.
1,1,1 . . . I. ... firo-nnr ioa
irtifiOlal one when H lf are i. ue. .M'liner one can
ude the Other. Paul solved Hie aOepUyrH,
! ....i. M.t nr.. ,, i.,..l. lu il... i.i, ililmii uf Vndvna
n 1,1, I, I ,, . : tit i : ug to make cleal pioiii.-iu ... ui0 .. .... i - illtlUl clo,
I-. ..,. n.i mnrnlnir. If man Is ndt eauoaiion,
' nrm Iwiied on tbe prlncip! SlUssM fj
, I lulled state: alio exi hangs luriiiihc.l STall
ante in all foreign countries.
',.'i?irrli?.".?.,.r. ol va'.a.W ....... Ilie niHital. Iliur:.! and say that tin
- h a .,. t ... I.'ir.ii'lliilia I. Itifnl
r.uucalion, ini mr u.iui' j ....0 -- -
- fur utility
Polka Dot Hose,
Chiffon Ties,
Fancy Belts
'T'l'atlon.recelT.oarnromptallentlor. spilitual life of man
.lul l ..lied I
- or
, i ,,iir. n...i I...I... ,ln. i ,ti! or that S What t
say s t lie ueveiopiueui in tmm m. in.
of man; but tbe qBOBtioa arises, what is to educate--the best Ibere Is In roan.
f this development. ' it There can ue no iwmmw
la a two-fold process, studi . All at" K", ou bubib are
' . I. . m I' I . .1 .... 1. ..... . I f...
it i a ael -develop BBMMryoo. ivnowioK. sn
very practical as allhutnotall knovtledge Itforeach.
. . a t L. r ... i I... vi ii iflM TdlJTllI I.I-
weilasapu.iosoro-"" . . a, a.i .,.!. avmtaaiiiatie
uui t'ui eWBi ivueii i v - . . . .
..Iv.tion I so.i . 'lines think that vine win mai i .."
is the process
ispm to ine it
lo the first place,
men l. There i
v our own salvation for It Is dl which
wotkelh in you." Tbero must be a
Helf-develoiiiuei.l. and yet dod de
velop- Man mint save himself to I e QJjjj. WtliStS,
really saved and yet salvation Is of Qlri't'tq
Qod, 1 to- ! Ill what sensed.. I mean JJUCtt. OlVll ID,
ti,l- 1 l,e .-m. lent cause lu tbi-pr..- LaWll WTappOlS
Is man, the dual cause St Qod. j
Muu as a free wl.l but dod Istbesoun e
f that will. Tbe huiiian will la In
Spring Suits,
NobOy Pants,
Fancy Vests
Crash Suits,
Crash Hats,
Bike Suits,
New Sweaters,
Golf Hoso,
Link Belts,
Cool Shirts,
New J liart,
Swell Ties.
,.r,l of Paul: 'Work
salvation." in a cerlalu
your owu
sense corre
touch with Hie dl
Swell Shoes
.rw.ntis-nir iMc'r t.-Wtetl
s-mie$ and fUlEPAI. DIRECTORS,
I GeneraliBankiiig business in all branches
transacted on favorable terms.
A d. HOVKY, President
J.'M. ABKAMH. Cashier
a . J t . i urn vat i.i laa III. I I M - OU'I w I ia ......
. I'm nit i .ml r . fa . a. . i' ' i imiuii , iiiho i m
will working in ami lurougu m
. . . . . . 1 I U'l III II l l IO' III". I V ... . .
worn lliai ve I..,, i ww.. ... ..... - -
" . .. i...i ... f...r,m. i-t will working In and through msn, sup-
andidicallon. 1 he cnangeoi irounu specmuau.. .( " .k- fr all .h.t
immm. - -' " nf human life, regard
Idb It more a- an education than as a not .Imply achieve material gain or
nerlml of probation, afleet. also the j bring about a result that Is temporal
. . . .i.i. u 1 1..,, ., u ii,nr,iirlv more imiiortaiit.
meaning of ttie.aa.veiiou ... a,-s. - 77. .J : a. a, ,0 ,u,Wp tbe best of
'J'bere was a time wlieii saivanon i cvoive ine i ua v. r
Of all kinds to suit and (it every
ono in price, style and color
man needs lor his owu expansion.
There la not only a rellgloua element
In education but It ia aliaolutely tin