The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 10, 1899, Image 9

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    "Better Be Wise
Than Rich'
Vise people are also rich vhen they
ifKW Prfrci fmtsy f" aff inoymg
jtseises of the blood, kidneys, lever nd
Hiwcls. h is Hood's SarsapartlU. whnh
u perfect m its action so regulates the
entire system as to bring vigorous health.
jfccdJ SaUafiatiffq
m i 1 1 1 i 1 1 i i
m iu am w i . i .
in .eteevrrrrrurn
That Tahlea Tllrneil.
Hilda. we know, are enmetimca
trained t flrei pi'toli. as well hi to
perform other nniuuiil foata, tint it -Ml
"fu n that a wild Mtd in Um Wooda
boon a iln ,m" ,0"
luted in "loath American BiMtebM"
i,v Robert Orawford. A pavo del
, a bird l Uruguay not unlike a
igtfcM, bad been winged iy a banter.
Il fel I to tin) ground, hut aus at OUO0
on in hot ""'"' Throwing.
kJlfM litily wide, the banter start
.J in purauit, ami a name of hidi'iind.
itA aanod, I" anil-out of tlie brush
WIHi til J'UVII rUO, 1IIIU lUW III. Ill Mil
Itwti n ol,s "' doobliiiKi and
toioinaf tli pwae.1 oyer tlie gun,
which Ij'i'K " the fOWld, and
in foot cbanoed to strike against the
fright ol tlie undischarged barrel, tlio
bummer of which, in the hurry of the
moment had heen left at (nil cock.
Tli r wus u lond report, followed by an
exclamation of pain from the man.
The bird escaped, and the luckless
banter bad in uglywoond in thefleaby
part of tiie leg to remind for week af -trrwaid
of the adventure. Detroit
Free Presi.
Supreme Court auatnlria Hi I ".,r i ,.,
Trail Mark.
Juitice Langhlin, in inpremo comt,
Buffalo, hai ordered a permanent in
junction, with coiti, and a full account
ing ol sales, to issue against Paul II.
Hudson, the manufacturer of the loot
powder called "Dr. Clark's Foit POW
dar," tad also against a retail dealer of
Brooklyn, restraining them from unik
iug or lelling tlio Dr. Clark's Foot
Powder, which if declared, in the deoi
lion of the comt, an imitation and
infrlnntmeut of "Foot-Eaae," the
powder for tiled, Hching feet to shake,
lata JTOOf shoos, now no largely ndvei
tiiied and aold all over the country.
Allen S. Olmsted, of Lo Itoy, New
York, ii the owner of the tiade mink
"Koot-Eaie," and he Is the lint indi
vidual who ever advertised a foot pow
der extensively over the country, lie
mil send a sample Freo to anyone who
wiitel him for it. The decision in
this case uphold his trade mark and
renders all patties liable who fraudu
lently attempt to prolit by the alien
live "Foot-Kane" advertising, in plac
ing upon the maiket a ipurious and
liniilai appearing preparation, lalieled
nl put up in envelope! ami boxes like
Foot-Kaie. Similar mi'.a will tie
brought against otliuia who are DOW ln
fi ingitig on the Foo'.-K ae trade mark
and common law rights.
HITS AHOt'T Itllll.K.
Mrs. V. K. Vanderbilt, jr., has set
a new fashion at Newport. She does
del own marketing.
When one of her fiiends is sick Mrs
MoKinle sends her a basket of Rnwori
daily from tlio While House conserv.i
tine of England'! greatest Mien died
the other day at Mat clot-Hcld. His
name was Leo WhittOD and he weighed
.14 isuiiids.
Margaret Deland iayiihoraadiaoon
omici, history nud the newspapers lor
i ii at I notion . and novels only for enter
tainment. An old man named (Uegor Berth
Of Krlau, ill South Hungary, committed
suicide because a little grandson had
broken hia favorite pipe. itaal hi
body was found n note on which VII
written! "My pipe is dead; 1 will
die, too."
Who is tho weightiest bishop in
Chriitendom! Rt. Kev. Elteai Tone
glannl, formerly abbot of the Capuchin
monaitery in IV.'kliam, South London,
non Roman Catholio bishop of A rut
dale, in Australia, is probably the man.
He KalM 10 stone 5 pounds. A pati-h
in liis diocese once piesented him with
a cut ringe, the bottom of which col
lapsed the Brit time he got into it,
leaving bin In a somewhat uudigtiilied
and unepisiopal attiude.
Ml psln rum pro rm fine told work. Pit
LAKUWOUTI1Y, eor. Thlr.l ml Morrlsor.
I IM unci Wlr Work!.
rnlvTI. Nfi w'lKE IRON WOHKS; vfiT
lr"" 'Hieing; ofjle.- rilllni:. etc. BH AkUl
Maolilnary mid uilla.
-srnS i l'0.; KSlilsKS, lllllt.KKS, Ml
. MT, iupUia, aMFIntat., Portlaad,Ot
Write for Catalogue.
imi Et witer Mreet
MACHINERY, all kinds
rint Strut rORlLINO OR
JOHN PoijLE, PoaTLAn, OaxoeT.
J" Pe Too the best bargains In georral
liu. V' "iginea, boilrn.taiiks. pumps,
ESh eJtl ni,d windmills. The new
ejui ,.,J Wl"dniill, s.ild by him, il BA-
r' I lr i,.u. S.vfu Front -I
rp 111: PhlUpplaM are eaii-utlnlly
M betarogenoua bomaof the lalaada
are iiiuiiutaliioua, and othera are
flat; aome ure nunldy, lyampy, and
feverlah, othera tiro poniua llineitone.
Wall drained nud bwttlhjri aome are en
tlndy woodinl, aniiie are entirely bare.
The Inhnl itniita pres. ut like dlverg-
env. The Moroa of the south are war
Ukn, active. Intelligent, with a civiliza
tion na ndvnnced aa Turkey'!. Tho
Negritos me u diseased and dying pig
my tribe, absolutely Ulmal In their ex
latence. less ndvam ed than any known
people, The frm "Filipino" embraeee.
Munlln nibble and Mdndod Islanders,
Baoontaineen ami wamin, prteati and
the eaaalbalm it is noeaaHur, there
fore, to use only tin- bt'ondeat terina
describing the group collectively.
The archipelago la a group of l.'.H)
Islanda altuated In the Pacific Ocean.
Standing from liititudc 21 degrcca
Uorth to 4 degrees 40 inltiiitea north.
Its length Is thus about IJUOO miles; its
greatest width Is 040 miles; the total
land urea, aproxlmately, ItofiOO eqnare
ml lee. iWnearaat inalnland la Asia.
;nsi miles to the northeast. Hnu Fran
clseo la K.tMM) miles to the weat The
arcblpelagO lies wholly within the line
of Capricorn and the equator. Ita
chant ctarlitlca, fiKd produi ts, and ii"o-
Ide are tfopicnL
The climate la hot nud moist; regu
lar observations linve Invn taken only
at Mutiiia. where the tempera tore ima
U'eti foond to vary betwcpo (it) and 100
degreea. The excessive humldlty
Uakdl tills degree mole (lltllcult to en
dure than in the temperate aouee. Ae
one progressea townrd the awiimpy,
low lying Islands farther aoiith the
beut, and especially the humidity, In
creases greatly.
There are two seasons, the wet nnd
dry the luinior lasting from June to
November- being the most disagree
able and dangerous to health. Fever
and dysentery are the diseases most
dreaded hy foreigners, but dangerous
localities ure known and may be
The Philippines nre the sent of na
ture's passions. Earthquake! are com
mon and violent; the volcanoes are the
most dangerous In the world. Loson
la tho cradle of that terrible sea storm,
the typhoon.
lulunUV Kxtcrnnt HUtory.
On Aug. lti, l.M'.i. there started from
Spain with a Beat of five ahips Fer
nando Magellan, a Portuguese navi
gator. His object was to discover a
passage from Kuropc. west to the Pa
cific. Magellan hud vainly endear
OH d to Interest the King of Portugal In
hla project; had become a naturalized
Spaniard and had obtained from
Charles L, of Spain the w herewithal to
equip his fleet.
He reached the western coast of
South America In December nnd
turned south. As the season became
harsher and the weather colder the
ships' comraanderi nratlned, desiring
to winter on shore. One was executed,
another marooned. However, one ship
did desert and another was wrecked.
With three ships the great explorer con
tinued south, ami on Oct. L'S, io'M,
pawed through the Straits of M.u-,1
hiu to the waters of the Pacific, Be
now shaped his course west by north,
and In midsummer, 1021, reached Min
danao, of which be took possession III
the name of the King of Spain. Ho
next landed at Cehu, In August, l.'Jl,
nnd was welcomed by the king of the
Island. This monarch was baptized
nnd took the oath of allegiance to
Spain. Shortly after Magellan lie
on mo Involved lu a factional quarrel
between two native chieftains nnd was
killed. Many members of the expedi
tion had died, but the remainder, with
two ships, again sailed west and dis
covered Palawan. Later one of the
two was lost, but the other pltuklly
COntlnned Its way and made the first
complete Journey around the world.
In lOQOi under the direction of Philip
IL, the second Spanish expedition
reached the Islands. The object wna
the saving of native Rouls; Inquisition
methods were employed, and conver
lions, though not valuable, were tin
memus. lu 1071 Manila was seized
and proclaimed the capital of the
Islands, to be called henceforth the
Islas Filipinos, In honor of King Philip.
The Chinese Kmperor resented the
Intrusion Into celestial domains, lie
tween 1078 and 1070 he sent forth ten
expedition! to oust, the Spaniards.
Severe battle! followed, but the BUTO
pi ans managed to keep their foothold.
They never, however, forgave the Chi
nese these attempts. At various times
fits of resentment against Chinese
blood would sweep over the Spaniards
nud crusades were orgnnlzcd In order
to kill or drive them out. In HKI3 2.1,
(KKi were murdered, nnd In liCBl :.",IM0.
In 1703 England took Manila from
Spain, but peace was soon proclaimed,
and the islands were returned.
The native! have Ih'cii apt to revolt
nt any time. When they did so Spain
Usui tire nnd sword lllicrally. not only
to siHjdue, but to punish after surren
der. 1
Kcsnnrcei or the Iatnnrta.
The resources of the Islanda are
varied. ltlce was Introduced from
Chlnn centuries ago. It has since ls?
COUM the staple food of the natives on
account of the ease with which It Is
produced. The quality Is excelleut At
present all the rice priHluood Is con
sumed In the Islands, but much good
land is not cultivated.
Susnr cane Is grown extensively
throughout the arcblM-lago. (if late
years btM sugar has cut Into the profits
uf this business, but with the removal
of tho varluus Spanish exKirt taxes,
with the supersedence of buffalo power
by stenrn. and with tin- opening up of
the back cotiutry by railroads, or at
least highroads, the Philippine planta
tions will nilucc the present Have
uicyer prleca.
Abaca, or Pomp. Is grown widely.
The tat boring of abaca Is an operation
Mceaei taring mnatrlirahli care and
conscientiousness. The natives p.s
cesa neither of these qualifications,
ami. employing primitive inctlusls. ruin
tlie finer llis r ..f tlie plant. (Hwervers
lav that machinery capable of preserv
ing these delicate flls rs Is feasible. In
that ease alia- a .-oubl be used for gar
ments, napkins, sheet, and even hand
kerchief. At present the hemp !
nacd chiefly for sails, doormaU, and
so u 7 n rtP $ c i r t 0
sf JJJ) " N.'V?"1."16 o3 jtrs5uiMU O
C Jf X E B E 3
At lent a third ol the member! ol
parliament ais cyclists.
About ooo blcvclea have bnen
mado in F.uroie and America.
a Poaeevlveaia ko-uk tiemi waa la
atautly killisl while attempting to get
a amp allot of a blast aa it exploded.
A camera will not be niponaible for
the carelennest of tha operatoi. It
takea all then ia in light !tid no more.
Make a careful attidy of tha object or
landioapa to be photographed bcloio
Vu pren the bulb or hullon. A pre
liminary survey uf the aubject will
aometiinre tell you at plainly as a
waited negative, that it will not make,
a good picture. Kavu time, trouble
and negatives whenever you can.
Victoria OetUei f.
In view of thr Queen! approaching vtall
to the poQtlnent. Kuglislnui-ii in aapeo
uiiv Intereeted In her heaiih it la an- 1
aoUnead that hrr lo-iring has grown MM!
and her eveeigbt keener. Youinfui lacul
Uee in old ag! depe ndi uhui tin health,
Hoatetter'! Btontaeh Bitten eurei iudlgee.
lion, eonatll'itioii, lulioicoieas, uervous-
nni ua wi ll ii imtlanu, fever and igua
A curious statu of things was oh
Ml Ved in investigating the electiolvsis
of water pipes in Dayton, O., in which
it w.u tonnd that itonea and pebbles
near tlio pipca in some eases seem to
have been electroplated with the metal
of the Pipes, which one ol the eK'rts
believes lias novel been observed bo
tore. Dea'l Arrant luhatlMte.
wtu-n you ik for Oaaeawia, teaamveagel
thr ( it i lie ( .i t, u Canity I'll Imrl let Do)!
eetH Iriihlulrut uliltiiir, Imiuiloiii or
Porto RioO baa i.o known extinct
craters, and it is unlikely it waa ever
tlie seat of active volcanic disturbance.
Allan1! foot'Kase, a powder for the leei
It cures i i lul, suullrii miartiiig IVel am!
Iintantly tut, . th! sting out of corns ami
i i.o i ii s in- en-moi roinlort iliscov.
ery of the pv All. n s Pool RaM maker
tll!lil-l,ltini; or m hli,.rs Irrl eav. Iiki
certain cure fori hilblaina, iweatlllg, damn,
callous nnd hot, tired, arhina feet .
h.n e over lo ooo (estimoniiils of cures. Trv
it today. Bold by all druggita and shoe
Mor.". Bv mall for Ke in inmM Trial
package FllF.K AdJreaa Allen S. Olio-
tut. l.e Hoy. .V Y,
The loltieit inluibited place in the
win Id is the lluddbist monastery of
Batne, in Thlbei it ia about it, nun
I. ei iilmve the sen
Mothers will Bnd Mrs. Winalow's Sooth
ing Svrup the best n- Iv to usi for llimr
children during the teetblun period.
The coaling station to he established
at the Chatlcaton naval atation to aup
ply I'n. lo Nam's war ships will havo
hunkers oapablu of holding IB, 00U tons
of coal.
"ii Tall sr a aiaa.
John lingo, a Stale atreet grocer In
New Haven, lost and recovered a filOO
.Inn I stud reOOUlly n the moat pe-
eel lei Manner on record, says the New
York Preae, He had been abort of
cteika foi several weeka and haa aaaiat
ed in weighing out hia gioccrtea. Ha
ml seed hisstud and wis unable lo ob
tain a ti iccnf it till Hemy Freseuius,
the luewei, coolly walked into his
toie, and, handing him a diamond
I ml . asked him if it was his. "Where
did von get it?" gasped Hugo. "We
found il a rice pudding, and, aa we
bought the rice of you, we thought it
might be yours," was the answei. The
stone was (ound several days ago. Mr.
Fi elen i ui was unable to account for its
piesence ill the podding till hia wtfn
suggested that, aa the giocorv atiaik
came from Hugo's, the diamond might
ludung to him.
i. Health Wertta Ten rmi.t
Man suffers uianv myateiioiia ail
ment from unknown rinses ami nine
lentbl Ol them have their origin in that
digestive canal amnew Inne. It duel
auv person good to clean out this canal
occasionally In a IBtlonal way, pinvided
it Is not done in a violent manner.
The propei cleansing ami disinfecting
preparation is OBeoeteti Oandp cathar
tic, winch are very gentle, but at tho
same time thotoiighly effective. A
loo box will ponfy the whole system
Slid in most cases remove tho cause ol
ill health. When "feeling had" takn
Cascarets. They will do you good, and
can do you no harm.
roM'. The Philippines will probably
retain it practical uionoply of this
crop; in cultivation has Ikm-u attempt
ed in many other plnces, but never suc
cessfully except lu the extreme north
ern part of Horn. . .
Native tobacco has always been In
digenous to Luzon, but the quality Is
strong nnd bitter. Karly 'lu the seven
teenth century missionaries Introduced
the Mexican plant with great success.
Tobacco plantations multiplied; tho
business Im'ciiiiic more and more pros
perous until In 17S1 it was made n state
monopoly. Laws were enacted that till
sales should lie to the government. A
planter might not smoke n cigar of Ids
owu make under penalty of $7 tine.
Tho government wna not always
prompt to pay for goods received; na
tives refused to cultivate their land
nnd tied to the mountains; soldiers fol
lowed nud killed whom they found; at
night the natives returned again and
tired the crops In the field. In this way
Mlndoro's once flourishing business has
been annihilated. Spain now tirok an
Other step; not only must nil tobacco
raised be sold to the state buyers (on
credit), but every family should own
and care for nt least 4,000 tobacco
plauts. The abuses resulting from
this last statute became so horrible
that even Spanish otllolnls protested
to the home government; tho t'astillau
statesmen, reallzluu the sponge was
squeezed dry, repealed the monopoly
laws In ls-vj. Kveti under such aus
pices the tobacco remnlned excellent.
Since the business has been open It has
Increased tremendously. Manila num
ber! scores of factories native, Chi
nese, and Spanish; several of thorn
have over fj00 ojieratlvea.
Coffee is grown to a considerable ex
tent; the quality la unusually good.
Little, however, finds Its way out of
the archipelago! The cocoa plant was
Introduced from Central A merlon early
In the seventeenth century. Philippine
chocolate Is always spoken of well by
returned travelers.
Various minerals nre found In pnylng
quantities. Kspeclnlly Is this true of
Luzon nnd Mlndauno. Cold and sul
phur will prove of value to prospec
tors; silver, mercury, copper nnd tin
have furnished returns, but the extent
of the deposits Is a matter of Investiga
tin mnny Islands the ax Iiiib never
la-en raised against the Immense virgin
forests; lu few have Its depredations
1 n extensive. Over a hundred differ
cut varieties of wood have been classl
lied. Among them we find teak; unga
resembling mahogany; tlpolo, for inn
ileal Instruments; lunltan, for guitars
and violins; boxwood, ebony aud bam
boo. The Inhabitant.
The Inhabitants of these Islnnds nre
a strangely mixed lot. Malay charac
teristics generally prevail throughout.
The many attempts to classify the peo
ples Into various district tribes and
races have failed, for the reason that
pure blood of any sort Is rare.
It Is safest to divide the native Fili
pinos Into Christianized Malays, pagan
Malays, and Mohammedan Malays.
The first named comprise five and a
half millions of the total (sqiulatlon of
eight millions. They resemble our ne
groes In many ways. They are music
lovers, fond of the sunshine, supersti
tious. Though usually g I natured.
they are subject to fits of murderous
passion. Nature lu the tropics la ao
Industrious that man ueed not assist
her to any great extent In order to live
comfortably. The Filipino w ill not work
as long as be Is not alwut to starve.
When be has made enough to live on
for a month or two the ex-laborer re
tiree to bis thatched but. smokes hla
cigarette!, flfhls his gamecock, strums
bis guitar, and sings love songs to hla
wlf! or !weetbearL J
The natives of the northern Islands
are called Tagalos. hey are tire small
est and least brave, but also most
treacherous and tricky of the Filipinos,
nnd always have been reckoned as the
poorest lighters; have always been
most completely under Spain's domina
tion, uud have suffered most accord
ingly. The central group of Islands Is term
oil tlie Vlsaya group. The Inhabitants
called Vlsayus are somewhat larger,
stronger, more Independent than the
Tagalos. The difference, however, Is
far less marked thau between our dif
ferent Indian tribes. Travelers, In or
der to strong I hell the force of their
distinctions and cotnpurlosns, nre apt
to push them a little far. The sharply
drawn distinction between the Taga
los and the Vlsayoss is not Justified.
The Moros or Mohammedan Malays
aggregate less than a million. They
Inhabit the BttlU group al the south of
the archipelago, pnrts of Mindanao,
nnd the southern third of Palawan.
One Sultan, wdiose residence Sulii. Is
acknowledged throughout these Isl
a lids. The Aloros are a tierce, fanati
cal, seafaring race, who were never
conquered by Spain. It Is unsafe for
a white man to venture among them.
To kill Christians Is pari of their re
ligious belief.
The aborigines of the Islands nre the
Negritos, n puny, miserable, dwarf
race. As the Malays swept up through
the BKhlpelagO the Negritos were
driven Into the most remote nnd uncov
ered parts. Though not of true m gro
stock, they are much blacker than the
Malays, and their Intellgenci Is far
lower. The total number Is estimated
nt 50,000.
l-i. . " I of 1 n.on.
Luzon Is the largest, moll populous,
most developed, mid DIM) Clvllleed of
the Philippines. It has an un a of IS,
ooo square miles, or over one third the
whole urea of tho archipelago, about
flve-elglitlis of tho whole population,
the only railroad, ami the only factor
lea. It Is the seat of the capital, and It
contains fifty times as many foreign
ers as all the rest of the Islands put to
gather, Luzon Is strppnsed to support
,ri,issi,iKHi Inhabitants. ir these. BO per
cent, nre civilized to a certain extent.
In development! Lnaon, though tin
most advanced of the PblUpptnee, is
disgracefully backward. There Is one
little, badly managed railroad, 120
miles In length. The highroads, twen
ty miles Inland, are either lucking alto
gether or are merely trails. There are
no flat bottomed steamers on the larger
rivers, though tin ) could do a thriving
business. The sugar mills are operated
by buffalo power, In conaeqaenee, par
tially exhauste d sugar land near Man
ila, or other ports, brings over $100 an
acre, while further back In the coun
try land a third more fertile brings $.'10
Manila sprawls over a good deal of
ground, being built up on both sides of
the River Pislgi ind Including rice
fields and other submarine territory.
Its population ' about 800,000, which
Is small considering Us area, but large
considering Its opportunities, Of this
Umber tWO-third! are natives. 30,000
Chinese. 00,000 CblneOO half-breeds,
ISjOOO Spanish half breeds, and f.,uai.
Spanish. Previous lo the war the
Americans and KnglMi together nuirr
bered 400. Contrary lo general belief,
the city Is neither pretty nor unhealthy.
Knrtbquakes cause homes to be con
structed broad and squat, with tin
roofs. This prevents Isauty, and It
must be said In the Spaniards' favor
that It Is excellently well drained,
which perveata m health in ihur elec
tric light was labotituted for oil, and
In the same year an American Are o
glne was brought over. Fires are
common, and a blaze started In a nv
five aback spreads fast. Manila's caief
Interest lies III Its commerce. It Is the
toOgat! of the Philippines.
Ihe Hmuller lalanila.
Of the 1,200 Islands which conitlHltl
the Philippine archlH-lago the number
Inhabited Is between and ."si H-r cent
The smaller Islands resemble In physi
cal characteristics nud Inhabitants tin
larger Islands to which they are near
est. Occasionally nil entire Island be
longs to a single planter, and usually
In such case It Is a laud of milk and
honey for the natives. The padrone Is
of necessity kindly, else he would most
Infallibly disappear. There Is plenty to
eat. and not too much to do. The
padrone's lot Is easy, too. He merely
has to sit on bis own veranda and al
low the Philippine soil to make lilm
Tonullke Device fa! I Iftlnu and (ur-
rjiiiu lo. ii. . Peekanoet
a barrel is an exceedingly awkward
thing to handle, and lu csluhllshmcnlr
where they are moved In large DOmben
quite a considerable amount of time Is
lost In placing then on the hand trucks
on which" they are conveyed and In re
moving thetn therefrom. In order to
facilitate this loading ami unloading a
unique truck has been Invented by
Theodora T. Dlckerson, of Trimble,
Ala. It consists of the combination
with the nxle of curved gripping Jaws,
moro like u great pair of plumber's
pinchers than anything else. The
levers operating the Jaws form the
handles of the truck. In practice the
truck Is run up to the barrels ami the
Jaws Clamped around the bottom, and
mkr a nto pair or TOSOS.
then raised, the whole procedure con
sinning but a few seconds. The two
lever arms an- held firmly together by
a linking clasp, with a spring pressed
ratchet, which Is easily released for
unshipping the barrel.
A IMstant llrother.
A Huston woman had a servant
named Noruh, a rosy cheeked girl, w ho
received frequent calls from a young
man. of whim she often ssikn as "me
brother." The consternation of her
mistress may la- guessed when one day
Ttorab announced that she was soon
to iniirry the stalwart "Tim."
"What do you menn, Nornh?" de
manded tin- lady, feeling tlmt a ssir
trhk had Ix-cu played iihii her.
"You've always ssiken of Tim as your
brother to me."
"Vis, ma'am," said the blushing
Noruh. "I always thought of him so,
ma'am, whiles he was mnklfig up his
mind; but he's been so bOWld as to re
mind Be, inu'ain, that he's only mo
brother In law's brother, afthur all."'
Youth's Companion.
Holiller lllanketa.
The blankets Issued to the soldier! of
our army coat the Government $3.40
I l m :1cm u the antiquated plea
of the plagiarist.
There was a young man from l.eiiore,
Who boldlv went off lo Ihe war,
The "beef made him sick,
He recovered quit! quick
by Ihe prompt use of old Jesse Moore.
Chemists have extracted from coal
tar sixteen shades uf blue, sixteen of
yellow, twelve of orange, nine of
violet, besides shades of olhel colors tiK)
numerous to mention.
ttiTior unto, i itv or toleisi, i
. l.i cm t'ocstv. IM"
n , - k j. i BBKS1 makes mtli that ha la the
senior inner nt Ihe inn, ol I J. I'HtSSY .V Co
dnliis tiim to--, la ihe City ol Ti.leilo, Count)
suit (lata aforesaid, ml dm isi.t itrm will par
I lie m iii M ONE II IM i II Mi I n it LAM foe each
ami every erne nt Catarrh ttut canBOl Is cured
by the meul Hill's i irissii Cess.
MtANk i I 11 KM V
Shi. in in ts-foro me iml iuh.erit.i-il in niv
pruciice, lb is kilt day ol lieeeinher, A. P. Issil.
lasiTl A.W.dl.KAHON,
ll I Halary PuMIe I
Haifa Catarrh Cure la taken Internally ami acta
directly on (he. hhmil and neOOOl surlaeva of '
the yleiu. Semi tor le.tlniiiiilata, tree.
f . J i IIINIY A ci., Toledo, O.
Kohl hy ilrusslsli 7.V.
Hall's Family tHUl ars tlio beau
Tim OMoagO Drauiage Canal (rum
Lake .Michigan lo Juliet will he shown
by a topographienl model on a scale of
seven inches to the mile at the I'arla
exposition. It will cost i,
To yourself FOB owe Ihe duly, imrlfv your
system hy Plunder's ureaon llluml 1'urltlrr.
A hall window in Itepresenlativn
bandll1 house at Delhi, I ml. . ia glided
with glass (torn the Maria Teresa.
I believe mi v prompt BM of I'iao's Cure
prevented oufel ooniURtptloni Mrs. Lucy
Wallace, Xfurquctlc, Km. -us, lice. lL ls'.lV
In seventy years the average man
rows a I" ml 115 feet long, hair al
most Oil feet long and nails lill feet long.
elTl fsieisiinlli Pais!, no Blsar aarvoaeaea
fll! irn-r hi hi .y'i ue of lo. iUlne'a ur.i
Nrrva fUalorar, h.h.i tor riles: a.oo in.i
i.-. in, hi.. I not.-. im. It. II. HUM, Ltd., IUU
Arch street, phlltc.Mi.liia. 1'e.
A lluflalo concern is al t ihipping
I on, n. hi ulumiuiim di inking cups to
Now Mouth Wales.
Ths Ooloeel'a lol!ipf!tettoei
"Very few people, 11 romniked the
punctilious young woman, "know how
to shake hau ls properly."
"Thill's very true," answered Colo
nel Slillwell; ''but how is one going
to know which hands to shake until
after th draw;" Washington Stat.
i;. ...ii. ier IsasssMlhlas
Mio I'm aure I've cast my bread on
tho water many a time, and I don't pM
any result".
lie No; I gneas your bread would
sink, dear. Y'onkers Statesman.
One Boh waa be, of Vienna, has made
a spinning frame in which each spin
dle is operated by eleetiicity aud at a
high rate of ipeed and a, a trifling cost.
It can be slopped instantly when break
age occurs.
Berlin boasts of seven coachmen
who ato retired army officers, thiee
who are ox-pastors and sixteen wl.o are
" for ala years I was a vlrllm of a i -
Peiala lu Us worst form 1 loulil eat nuihlne
ut milk loan, and al tin cs my iicnutch would
mil retain soil illsesi even Last March I
beaeu uuinf CABCAKJCTtl ana since then I
have aleaillly Imiiruied. until I sin aa well as I
ar waa la my lite."
David U mi in in Newark. 0.
I ggT CATMASTIG mass saaia-iiio
llanl rlihie Pnlenl. Taste Gum!. Da
Uootl, Merer Slen IVliln 1.1 Qrtia lis Be. We.
si.iiui H.-. o Boaaasfi in.-i-. Boaami a.- fri. m
tlrt TA DAP SuM ami aiiaranieed hy alliliui-nU-IU-DAb
mu lu IMU Tobacco llmblt
aTWfl TH l NAME.
ItuotH Crttwnexla llrltlir Maiili.
1'ialMlrn lllllittf mill r 1 1 ir( I n .
Dr. T. H. White, foagoT
IP II KF is . waaainftan. U. C. IBey will n
II stive aatsk replies, u Ki H. n Vela
I Sisff '.SMh CorpS, Proveriitlns elsllils alnee s?s.
Tanteil and true. in. mm llood rurlflor.
l'apnr (piilts aru exlensively used
abroad by the poo m r classes.
Woman Everywhere Bzpreaa tholr
Qratltudo to Urn Plukbam.
What would the world dn without ink) TA
j Jim think of it I 1
I ill i t i a i ipi ilrfi. e la Ub making t 'nsta
tiu ii" '" "' "an pom ink. hi Im
ThimttHii'lk ol prtij. . aro nufferlnx nnlnltl
mtswrlai sMCAtlM ol ttio (MMir rniitlHinli n( llu lf
i I iff In lnin.( t'HiillntiniiB -
! Moore's Revealed Remedy
1 will cure them mill do It qnleklr and pleaa.
a. illy aa II lis. i mi l II. alula ul others. II ..
js-r i.tiiin- i jimii ...iicst-i
1T iTlN'.T i inoi.turx nn-loauea i.Tun
Tin. fi.rm. -ll II Bllad. Blsed
I'. In araeari i pr. ja.oiko'a F
l aii.i i, .ii.. .mi
li ..r I
a..n. li..l.iHw ...,l r.l..,Tina Al . .rt.. l it,
i . r .i ir ua k i.i "r wtii , i.i . i 1 1 in. "im
I I ,u. rtt M
aa ouul lour . lot Hi is 'Kit, PhiUda , Pa.
Mra T A. WALDEN. nit.aon Oa.. wrilesi
"Dr. ah M..s i'inkh am: Before tak
ln(f your medicine, life waa a burden
in mi-jiever saw a well day At
my UiitiaPjQ period I silfTt red III. I. .1.1
misery, and a great deal of the time I
waa troubled with a severe pula In my
aide Itefore Bnlablnf the flnt bottle
of your Vegetable Coinjiouiid I could
tall It was doing me good I continued
Ita use, also used the Idvrr Tills and
Hanative Wash, and have been greatly
helped I would like to have you use
my letter for the beuetlt of othera."
rtre. PURNCn A. WOLFE, i flulkarry
St., Lancoalar. Ohio, wrllaai
"Dun Mhs PraiaAiit for two
years I was troubled with what the
locnl phvaiclans lulil me was Innnmma
tioo of the womb. Kvrry month 1 suf
fered terribly I had taken enough
medicine from the doctors to cure any
one, but obtained relief for a short
time only At last I concluded to write
to you in regard to my cose, and can
say that by following your advice I am
now pefectly well."
V lu I , Ian V
JBJBW i . ..Ma V
SJSbW ..I u nrtaaoN
g - ..lati.a.
fTlHlrllCslM l Co
VsaA ai UuM
nra W B. n 1 1 s rtiniflald. La., writasi
" Ilefore writing to you I suffered
dreadfully from painful menstrua
tion, leucorrhtra and sore fueling In
the lower part of the bowels. Now my want lo know what make! me
la k ao well. I do not hesitate one mln
utof In lelling them what haa brought
about this great change. I cannot
praise l.ydta K Tlukbsm's Vegetable
Compound enough. It la the greatest
remedy of the age."
Aak itniHlata for Dr. Hariri a
' rren.'ti r'Ki.ial I'llla In Hiatal la. I
Willi t . " 1 1 1 1 ruuroti n.plnl lue.Wliila
BMATJ BOS anil Rod In. Ill ou havltil the genuine
fwl "HrllerrorW..iiieii"niallerrHrK. In plain
Swait jart.r mil, te.tltiioiibal.ati.l particular!.
FRENCH u H ul. CO., 18 1 1 383 I'aari It., Nsa (ark.
I ao llg W fur unntturpj
'lie- hmtf. ItiflaiiiitiPtiii na,
iriiimi. a ur Hlctratiorajf
of hi it e ii u niniiidrniiM.
PnlultM, ll l ,o KOtriU
f I ut l - . J
Wlel i., IPrV0U,
or ami In pUin wrapper,
by aiprM, pMpnld, for
ii np, ..r j kotVm, tt.iy
( Irrulair aenl M r4Uii,
We guarantee to fll every case we undertake.
I.o 't put It off; write tor partleulara at unci.
0, II. u .Hiu Mln A iii. Kapart Trual
I Ulan, 10! second Street. Portland, Or.
ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure 8hk ll.a.t.cha
od Pyapeiala, llemiif I'lrapletand Purify the
HI.Mid. Aid Itlip-alioa andPraranl Hlllouanasa. Do
not Drlpaer Slrken Toennelnra rou will mall
.ample Ir.a nr lull hoi (or Me. UK. MOHAN KU
' ., Pfellaiato., fcuaa. Mttld br liruUu.
YOUNG MEN! HuMrrhM entl iilewlfe I 'that's Oka llpHlV. II
ta IKa DNI.T mrdla ina svhh-a. will fur earh anil -.-ry
raw Hit I'-itt kiMiern It htvt "r fUiJ U curs., no
liiettrr bow aitatw or of ho lunar etitlaT- IttwuHa
ff. in Ita mm will Mtainieh Jvl. n W sUMnmaviy I
nrwvenu atria-lure, and ran he- ink en wtlhutil UMMVv
aierir an. I itUtiii tr-u toi-m VIM . S OA PW
M hy ajl rvltfttsto 4ni&rvata at a-t I prrpeuvl bj i
poo.,, yxsrasszAZ co..
Ur.ulor auallad aa raqaaal,
N. P. W. 0.
no. sa -ee.
yilKN .. .in,,, to a!artleere pleaaa