The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 10, 1899, Image 7

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Hisses' Genuine Dangota Kid Shots
m'W ind Tan $2 00,
$2,50 arto JU ulurDS
small sizes only,
(n's vA Women's $4.00 and
itf on fine shoes, small liza
.ni' (dp $1 50 to $2 00
Ceneral Coniinittee Working For Intercollegiate Contest at Salem Safe In Cottage Gron ll Price of the Goddess ol Liberty
Make l.lgh' Draft. TtM
Uatlr Guard, June I
TtM OnnnltlM t Arrangements to
Mhbnto Um coming Fourth In a be-
coming manner ha a plf mlfil dm-
TTron JPr Gnri j &"' contemplation, ami u i- ,,
X OI ctll w OUli well advanced toward completion.
. . - t i r r rr a i n r
...JI'NK 10
I,,H)i Vl summer.
( '.mini nceiueut will m on be here,
r. inmi ioiit-TH court Mill m I seel on,
tiring n your chittem Hark, p.
Krank A Sou.
The river is 0.2 feet above low water.
Creeceut biiyeleo for strength and
beauty, r I. I unrulier.
For BALI -MO acres excellent farm
ing lands, inquire or John an
IH'yn. coburg, Or.
Screen doon nnd window.
f L Chambers.
Farmer. Call and we that French
Canadian stallion at Hangs' stable.
It will pay you to get good serviceable
A t.ij? r-t- k of Stove aud Tinware
tost-U at old prices hetore the raise.
r L t han) hern.
Two won' pianos arrived today for
F A Jfaokui to till the places of some
j . . . t . .. i
mini nui ni me uaunau.
I! .-yrli' I'j.tras ot all binds at cut
re price. I' I j LI i umbers.
Th. Racks! St ire will buy all your
('bittern Kirk.
J (i Watts has the finest Hue of gold,
Two our loads of goods received ou
Wt Kll'll HUT I IV F I. ( I nun he r' l.niv
in .in ulna ii nnrn loo n 11 rp.
See Wutts about your eyes. He Is
A ' of second hand buggies aud
F L Chamliers.'
'irst class optical work at reai-
, . . J B' -
Watts' optical uarlors.
Salem lias done away with stmt
VIII 1.11(1 II. I nil V i i I . u II itlil ....
liver's ISciiianzii Kane- dow 0
K I Chambers.
'"' Ulll, l(l'Hl !-l- 111 HI
ni, .HI', NHVK II iVirVlJlf II. In.
II! II AfilH Uhllll I .1 diumiir . I... ula
' - " i,.. ,, I i I III" T . , -
e 'ti l iro lit i urnl mL-iii i , ,
r r ,
luccm o, corner irug rstore.
A nice buggy for tM at
K I. Chambets.'
DsWitt'l Little Early liters act us a
ii 1 1 1 . ,ii i, ...i i i :
11 it. Tht'V are mild mid sure mull
- - - j . . . .
'oritur lliinv Wti.ri.
liny can iers. fork and outfits bonehi
F L Chambers.'
LewlstoD, Idaho Tribune of June 4:
"Henry Ankeuy, of Kugene Oregoc,
brother of Levi Ankenv nnd
TUe lLtrlnii momr U fltkmA with
, V1 taiiijsjj sou vi will hi n
1 " 1 1 J- i i i i is 1 1 mis l III ih
- mi. at ij vunuivcio.
J A Schear, of Sedalla. Mo, saved
''"'Id from death hv cioun bv usiuir
Minute Oonoh ( ii r.i I r enrol.
...ii uiiiuiiia. ot nam
. . .... H.IIK LlUUI'in, . 11,-
i ..... i .iu(5 niiin'.
.The wagon that don't omi nnl u
. l i oe iru toe one
v ' i n an in iu
Ifjnuhave larnis or cltv nrooerlv
Ksker Al'n mi.'... .. in. l, ...,
- ...ii inn v . i rsi inor hi i or
"""an Hlook, Willamette street.
.hi. r
car nil .r n.i. i i i....
r iut-o no wn ai
F L ChsDODort,'
Ue Lakeview SDeed aasociation
o-f.njo ni purses for four days
r ..nui Jl.l.i- .,1 , t(. Jn v nlhlB-
U H"t too lata In mil ,,t mini n
hir ii r
. ' I'BOCr 1 :J1 nr ' fill ir
u i-i. rmini
See F
I. Cham.
OH. can go od the Native
Iliecoiiinnttie was iu eslon InI
eveidmr, aud Boltbid up iMombsi
detail mattei; electeil H. f, Yorati
president, and three vie. prosidontJ
resident of p:ugenei of the day:
J M Shelley, K O Potter and Prof Mi
AlUter; also twelve other vlce-presl-
ueuts, rmm diriereiil parts of the
OOno y, whot-e uames will Imj men
tloued in a t'ay or two.
Tin- committee is looking forward to
a great patriotic demonstration. They
expect the he,. juration of ludepeiid.
nice lo la' read with new m al aud
energy, and u great oration. T he coin
mlttee will not overlook the accus
tomed pleasures and gaieties of an
American Fourth of July. F.very man
and woman Id Kugene should at once
begin to talk the couimg wlebratlnn,
Budget everybody enthused, and at
tract the attention of the general pub
lic throughout the county to the glori
ous day in store for the people on the
The committee decided to select the
Cioddess of Llber'y by popular vole,
and appointed asocial committee con
sisting of V Orlfllu, DP Hall and
11 W Kowland to attend to the matter.
The special committee has laki u Die
matter in hand and indications ioint
lo a lively interest Iu the oontcsl Any
youn lady in Lsne county i eligible
lo the Onnts',
Polling places will be i.t the drug
itom of Wllklnitk Lion, W LO Lav
uo, Viuoeut t Co, aud A Yerington,
and the (Kills will be opened some time
tomorrow. A small sum, not yet de
Bided upon, will be charged for each
vote, aud the amount thus raised w ill
be used In making gorgeous the caval
cade of the fortunate goddcs.
It has already been said that pupils
of the (leary and Central lebooll and
(.'Diversity of this city, will combine
ou popular favorites from their schools
for the place of honor, while a number
of young ladles from the town al large
will be supported by their friends. In
sddltlon to ibis, Junction, Cottage
Oroveand other portions of Lane coun
ty will not want to he left behind, so
will send in votes for some favorite.
This Is a contest that every man,
womnu aud child can enter Into with
the greatest nthusiasm, for till honor
to be gained is worthy the battle royal.
From time to time the committee
will publish the result ot the voting
the uames of contestants, number of
vo es received, etc, so that all may
keep informed. The corneal will close
before July 1.
The First Natloual hank put up
awnings over the south windows today
as a protection against summer heat.
Mrl'Ketcham of Pike City, Cal.,
says: "During my brother's late sick
ness from rdatlc rheumatism, Cham
berlaiu's Pain Halm was the only rem
edy that gave him any relief." Many
other have testified to the prompt re
lief fiom palu which this lluimeot
atl'ords. For sale by DeLauo.
Five years ago yesterday backwater
from the great Columbia river tlood
submerged a good deal of Portland, the
highest record of the Willamette river
being 33 feet above low water mark.
The tlood covered the butiut ss portion
of the city to the Intersection of Fifth
aud Washington streets.
W M (Jallagher, of Bryan, Pa, says:
"For forly years I have tried various
cough medicines. One Minute cough
cure is best of all." It relieves Instant
ly and cures all throat aud lung trou
bles. Vincent & Co, Corner Drug
The Canadian Paclllc railroad has
met Northern Paclllc competition by
cllppiDg 24 hours oil its time schedule
across the continent. Passengers from
coast points after June 12 will beset
down in Montreal or Toronto in an
even 100 hours.
What is Kodol Dyspepsia Cure? It
is the newly discovered remedy, the
most effective preparation ever dtvLeod
for aiding the digestion and as imita
tion of food, and restoring the deranged
digestive organs to a natural condition.
It Is a discovery surpassing anything
known to the medical profession Vin
cent & Co, Corner Drugstore.
Had management keeps more people
in poor circumstances thau any other
Any pen
- JcursioD, whether he belongs to one cause. 10 oe succewiui oue mu.i
"Kai ization or not. Ticked M.
ucKel early as onlv Oil will
Kod,, Dysrsrwla Cnro nnmnluUlg
.-" hkju With n UlP Mnm.M. mt
I k. l I . 1 nl.n .. , .....I o fllllt
looh uoeau iu pm. i.n. -
when a favorai le opportunity presents
ItMlf he is ready to take advantage of
it. A little forethought will also save
much expense and valuable time. A
n ii.,... . ... I , ... a f.. .. ..ill l,.i..
.ue, aua renders all elasses of pruueiu anu cnrtiui man win -
callable riin. hot tie of Chamberlain's Colic, Uiolera
--.icn nil inni.ll, l.ln. .n ' V.. r .7 ... '
-Cor,,.' X ,uceDt , cessity compels It and then ruin bis
... best borse going for a doctor a id have
1 Ahderson, the famous Salem sa- a big doctor bill to pay, besides ; one ;
k(per has f,rmn nui n.. nays out 2-j ceuts, the other Is out a
f A. . W II I I 1 .. r .. V.' I I II I li IK
!r an mi!ii.l..all I.,, 1 . ' ., ... .
' , -r far I . r I ...... ... . .. .. . 7 . . . ... n .
- Kim ui iru while DC IS gelling lJViri
That Is one wav to advprlisn hv Del. alio
I'ailf Oaafd, June
I oe I'm h nunual iDtaHnollaarlala li.-hl
day Oflpnrs al Salem on Saturday luuc
10, and the list of athletes entered from
the six schools competing indicate it
ill Is the moat hotly -contented of any ,
event yet held.
The Hat of entries pvMtebtd in the
Salem Statemau today shows the,
agricultural college aud I'uiverslty of
Oregon with a full represent at iou In !
MM event, and the day, It is generally
co 'ceded, will prove a battle royal be
tween these iwo Institutions.
The I of () team and admirers will
go down tomorrow in a sieelal or
Cottage (irove, Or, June S.- Hon t
F (larding was itrlOaVM with paralysis
yesterday, and utiles' an immediate
change takes place hi chance fur re
covery Is very uncertain. He refuse
to take any nourishment and is gradu
ally getting weaker.
Mr Harding is 07 years Old, and has
been a resident of Oregon for 60 years
He wa Cniled Slates attorney before
the organisation of the state govern
ment, and was three times a ineiiib r
of llio territorial legislature. He w as
elected I'nited States senator in I8i2
to nil the unexpired term of Colonel
Kdward D linker, anil was ucceedcd
Id 1805 by George H Williams. r
Harding wasoneofthe leaders of tiie
I'n mi or Douglas, democracv In Ort-
gon in war times. The light that he
made on ('lilted States (Senator Dela
zoii Smith was largely the cause of
Smith's defeat for re-election, and re
tirement from the pollUttOf Oregon.
Mr Harding i Oregon's oldest ix
I' lilted States senator in point of er
vioe. (teneral Lane, Dela.ou Smith,
J W N.smitli. K D BtJjtOt and Heuja
min Stark, who pr-cedtdlnm to the
sena e, are dead.
Pianos aud Orgau b) Mull.
Doesn't that sound odd? Let me ex
plain. Many eoplu at a distance
want nn Instrument, hut do not cure
to expend the lime or money needed
to visit me. To all such Iay. "Write
auil give me some idea of wi at you
need" what price you care to pay,
and method of payment y u prefer.
I will then undertake to deliver you
an instrument thai is sure to plersu
you. Hy tbia means you save all
trouble, risk aud expense and I clvc
you the benefit of the salesman' ul
ary and traveling exi enses. You can
safely place yourself in my hands.
Ask any bank or business house in Ku
geue. Write at once if you need any
thing In my line.
Largest music house In Oregon out
side of Portland and uot far behind
any there.
F. A. Hank in.
To Oak Hill Cemetery Patrons.
All persons In any way Inlereseed In
the above cemetery are hereby notified
to meet at said cemetery on June 17,
for the purpose ol cleaning up the i-ame
and trails ictlng other busluets. Come
early, bring tools to work with, and
put in a good day's work. Ladies es
pecially Invitee' to brlug dinner.
Chairman Hoard of Trustees.
Blown Open aud Contents
I'atly liuArO, Jun 6
About midnight last night the dafe
III the Cnttai;' Grove poaLoffllX) was
blown open and ail the oonh nt taken.
It Is not known hov much the rob-ts-rs
secured, aa loal Blaster Sherwood
refuses to make any slate men I until a
postoffloe Inspcotor arrives, hut street
talk at that place slab the loss as
high as (750 and as low a- j'.o.
Commissioner Ralley returned from
Hint place ou today's 10:60 local aud
stated to a QUASI) reporter that no
c ue was gained as to the guilty par
lies. The job was complete, (he safe
wasde holished, and thcappcarancc of
the building Is like as if a cyclone
had struck it. Cottage Grove citizens
are greatly stirred up nvci the matter,
for robberies have I n frfqaonl
there for the ast few month.
Kugene I Ulcers have been untitled
regarding Hi'.' robbery. From the re
pons received It i believed the loss
will prove to be between flHHI and
It is learned that the too s used in
the allair were taken from the work-
I room Of (irillhuV W atch, with the
i exception of the drill. The safe door
was ilillltcl directly dir. ugh the 00O-
ter, and the explosl m I terally lore
the safe to pieces A can of kero-ene,
near by, was blown ODM also, but the
oil did not ignite. I he Cottage Grove
Offletatl Incline to the opinion that the
robbery was done by home taleut.
The nlfhtwatch beard the explosion
and made an lUVestlgallOO, but finding
nothing wrong, and everything ap
parently iUiet, did not discover until
this morning that the robbery had
Psiljf liiiatil, Junt s
Voting OU I lie (ioil, lens ol l.ltierty for
the Kugene Fourth of July celebration
will nol begin until tomorrow, as the
ticket will not DO placed ou sale until
this evening or early tomorrow morn
Sliit'le votea W ill cost 'i cents, sis
votes for M cents, and H votes for II,
The price is so low that scarcely any
one will refrain from voting, aud some
n any times.
Itemeuiher that while the polling
places will be at the lour drug stores
of the city, tickets w ill be placed on
sale at all business houses, enabling
the trlanda ol oavndldatai to purobaae
votes conveniently.
TtM idea of a s lection of a Qoddata
by popular choice, is taking well aud
manjf favorabls comments are heard
regarding ir. The voting promises to
be live and spirited.
The polls will dose at BtVolOMOR
the Right of June 10, and by that time
many hundreds ot votes will have been
ca t. The public will be kept informed
of the progress of the contest through
the press.
I aWl
mm m
Has Them.
See them at
F. L. Chambers'
No hurt her
are Obtain-
I he
Meat Rrapiiasibls lor a i ase of
London, June 7. - A hot wave similar
to the oi.e afleotlng New York prevuila
over Kurope. Hot weather so early Iu
June almodt break all records. Ther
mometers in this oil) have been regis
tering s iu the hhade for fivedavH
past. 'There h.tvc btM -evcrin deaths
from heat. A commercial traveler
committed suicide yesterday, saying:
i must get out of the world; l win
Hemes the Story
of intendea ( bair
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars the
Signature of
Foley Spring stages.
Stages from BU cue to Fi ill y Springs,
and w ay Kiints, leave Kugene hotel at
0 a in, dally to Gate Creak,
Through trips to Foley Springs,
Mondays, Wednesdays, aud Fridays,
returning on alternate days. Tickets
on sale at Kugene Feed Yard, Tenth
and Willamette streets.
Dreyfus' Telegram to His Wile.
Pakis, June 7. Mme. Dreyfus has
received the following telegram from
her husband: "Leave Friday. Await
with joy moment w hen I kiss you."
Many a Lover
Has turnsil with disitust from an otherwise
lovable gill with an itfenive breath. Ksrl'i
timer BWOt Tea imrities the breath by its ac
tion on the bowels, etc, as nothlnt; else will.
Sold for yean on absolute guarantee. rnSS
'J5 cU. anil M cts. Sold by Wilkin A I. inn
"Tea is not tea unless
pood and made right."
Use Schilling s Bcst and
make it according to di
rections in the package.
Schilling's Best
sod. i
baking powder
Havering extracts
and vices
ti.KVKi.ANH. ii, June 7 Senator
Hariua today llatly denied the report
sent from Washington that he in
tended to retire from the chairmanship
of the national republican committee.
Story of a Slave.
To lie bound hand and foot for yean
by the chains of disease is the worst
form of slavery. George I) Williams,
of Manchester, Mich., tells how such a
slave was made free. He ai ys: "My
Wife has lieen so helpless for live years
that she could not turn over in bed
alone. After uslugtwo bottles of I'.lec
trlc Hitter, she Is wonderfully Inipmv
ed and able to do her own work." Tina
supreme remedy for female diseases
ipiickly cures nervousness, sleepless
ness, melancholy, headache, backache,
fainting and dlzz.y spells. This mira
cle working medicine la a godsend to
weak, sickly, run down people. Fvery
bottle guaranteed. Only 60 cents.
Sold by Wilklnsik Lluu, Druggists
Dally Guard, June 7
Fzeklel Hailey died at hlabomtlfl
Indian Valley, Idaho, May 24, 1800,
aged 78 years. He was one of ( iregon's
pioneers coming here In KViO or P51
from Missouri. He was l orn in Ken
tucky In the year 1S24, luKi3he
married a Mr King. He left ix chil
dren; Mr James Calloway of I.ane
county, Mrs Geo Wan, of Mitchell and
John H, Jetl'D and Lee of Idaho, and
Martha of Dougla county.
Mr ltailcy removed from Lane
county In 1S7"), first to Mitchell, Crook
county, thence to dabo, He was an
active participant in the Rogna river
ndum war or 1866-7, Hewaaatrue
mail and his Lane c unty friends will
lie sorry to learn of his demise.
JOB. Mr J St'ustls died at her
home near Bmltbfleld, in this county,
Tuesday, June Mb 1890, of pneumo
nia, aged 86 years and H months. The
Interment, take place at the neighbor
hood cemetery Thursday forenoon,
Juue8,atll o'clock. Hev K A Mc
Alister .f this city, will conduct the
fuceral services.
Volcau Kroptlone
Are grand , I it Skin Kruptions rob
life ol Joy- Bocklen's Arnica Halve
cure them, also Old Running and
Fever Sore, licer. Holla, Felon,
Corns, Warts, Cuts, l.runtes, Hurns,
Reports from Cottage Grove today
give no further particulars regarding
the poatofBoa robbery at that place
Tuesday night. The Job was one of
the best evet undertaken In this part
of Oregon, ami the oflloara are unable
to obtain definite clews. The los is
not yet known, as PoatBIMier Slier
Wood prefers to await the report of a
poato nice inspector, but it Is generally
conceded to DO from f70O to $ 1000.
T he Power ot I he Press.
"The power of the press" is a com
mon expression, but fw really realize
Its actual power. Deep thinkers do
uot hesitate to assert that half the
crime if our countiy may bo tim ed lo
this source. Hut great as Is the In-
Bnenoe of the press, it cannot begin to
equal the power of Hnetetter'e stomach
Hitter over disease. Most diseases
originate iu a weak Itomaob, The
Miller. strengthen li e stomach, puri
lie the blood and cures constipation.
It will touc up the nervous system ami
stimulate inactive kidneys. As an
appetizer It I uiiciiuallcd. It cure
sick people, and an occasional dose
regulate the bowels and prevents w ell
people from becoming sick. If you
want to get well, use Hosteller's
Stomach Hitters.
Fishing for Compliments,
Is Niunetliiii we neviT ha t o to
de they come n- ,i,t, hIich pa
ti ii- e tlis tiiiintt at v ! nml
baantvel las fshiwi. Ill sad ttatsti of
the mills that we are
Selling at $5 00 and up.
We have a imperii to, k ol alottUBf
or SSSa, youtlm so, I hoy. In nueli a
WHS variety "tvh- ami ire that
eveeyeai can iss sajflaa,
Protttsllle Klgbtlng.
New York, June 7. At a recent auc
tion sale of boxes for the Pitzsimmon
JelTries light everv box of the Iff n
sold realizing :. m i at -' . a box.
Nearly all of the 1000 ten-dollar seats
have bffan sold, also the 888 fifteen-dollar
The total number of seats, ranging
from 88 to 886 each, are SI 74. Total
amount for which they are listed $70,-
Kemarkabla Beeeae,
Mrs Michael Curtalu, lialnlleld, 111,
makes the statement that she ciiughl
cold, which settled ou her lungs; she
was treated for a month hy her family
physician, but grew worse. He told
her she was a hopeless victim of con
sumption and that no medicine could
cure her. Her druggist suggested l)r
Klng'a New Discovery lor Consump
tion; she bought a bottle ami to her
delight found herself benefitted from
first dose. Mio continued Its use, and
after taking six hollies, found herself
sound and well; now ihs's her own
housework, and is as well as she ever
was. Free trial bottles of this Great
Discovery at Wllkins & I. inn's Drug
Store. Only "s0 cents and $1 00; every
bottle guaranteed.
Where Every Prospect Pleases
I he artMIe eyo l hero the hrlghl. Ualntjr and
' I nulls eniort of your wall rcr VM with
Nalurv In tho coloring ol It, lullaite aud him-
ssass, metes roe win nmi in tat aaMsepa
in iv pal terra in bonlois ami eellluia. nor
rluiita aii'l erntoiiu' iMttterna, lleral ami lurlu,
makorlrli wall . ... . r. -
ptaaataataieis or iiameu and saddles
also ilealen In Paint, Oil and Wall l ap
Heslileuce Iturntd.
Monkok, Or, June 7. The dwelling
of Hon H J Nichols, representative
from Henton county, was destroyed by
lire this morning. The lire was caused
by a defective flue In the dining-room.
The loss is eatlruntcd at 11800. Th!
building and contents were Insured for
sil si.wv JBTTIM
The Work is Improving u,,. aju
I i really.
Oregonlaai Daptain w w Hurts,
corps of ( lilted Mali's engineers, hits
just returued from an Inspection of the
various government work along the
coast of Oregon now under progress,
and also the jetty work at Cooa hay,
UOqUIUO ami Sluslaw, (or which bids
are soon to la taken, and Niiec tllcatiim
of which are now ready for distribution
to contractors,
He crossed (he mountains from Ku
gene to Florence, and inspected the
piani.. ami the machinery to he used
in connection with the jetty work to
tie done there, and found them Iu very
satisfactory t dltlou. The nhoal at
the end of the jetty there, which i i
completed about I not) feet out, has been
scoured away by the action of the
water, and the extension projected Im
this season will have to be shortened
from 800 to 600 feet, on account of the
Increased depth ol water. The Jetty i
completed, has propuced a marvelous
effect, the old channel being com
pletely closed, and a new one opened,
and this season's work will he a great
assistance In maintaining ibis perma
nent channel, as every fool of exten
sion will count.
Diid. At bar borne on the siusiaw
river, May 20, I860, ol iuick cotihump
tlon, Miss Alice M Bj Frasler, a.p d 88
year. 7 months ami II days.
lially Oaaat, i iiio 7
Makkiauiv LlORMM County Clerk
I. ee today Usued a marriage license lo
J L Clark, 86 years, and Ft he I M
Stewart, 20 years.
The Buildings Will Be Erected
Here This Summer.
Pally (Intnl. lune -Ml
in Ko.yco and Petenou, of the
Lebanon Kxoelsior Co, have Just re
turned from Inspecting wood being cut
at Jasper. This coutract Is for 1,(100
Oorda of balm Umbet and the same
Will be Ii ia led hero .lining the sum
mer. They also have between 400 anil
'Ou cords at Coburg which will be
hauled tiara,
They have procured the vacant
ground Jaal north of the Water Com
pany's pumping station, uptin which
they will erect buildings aud sheds
before (text fall to be used Iu their
The mill will bo moved hern by Jau
uary 1, 1000, and pla ed in operation.
Bugeua needs more such enterprises
ami can afford to pay liberally for
nrt ill noinee 1 iiz-L- r 'rrl-if Scalds. Chapped Hnl.di-. Chilblains
H v. Ull ilioio., .'iiv r 1 . L 1 0 -, - . , , , T,, ,,
o : Lgni Pe cure on earth, urlves out
For sale
'elsatime for all thlog. The
- taae ikti'mi. i im. c.t.. ..... ,. .a
' i wnff vmi - .,,ir...i.,iMl. .. . n i -.. i ,,.-1,- .rlil. no ..In hlren nre -rr..I
wm mv I.. ii. 1 1 ii k Hutu iioot lea, the great oioon yxuiuwi
or other
Sick Heaaaches.
f nr.rwurke. womaOkiU'l, are
For .sale hv
J U flttr.KN & Son
"""Paiion, bllicajaueso.
a. - ,il
Wu. I
t Store.
alehr I, ..,!. wn.l aaaaaaVl U n, ,t U(. t.ry.
v. . . ... .. .'a vt -4. ft., .1 l.r i 1. in
1 . " inuri p iiiiidi ii ol i r it . i u'. n.i'i - .w. - - - j
Vincent k Co, Corner I l.ina.
Wrm Wasteii A middle aged
German widower with two children
seeks a wife through correspondence.
German or Kugll-h middle aged lady
Haa a
comfortable borne. Addres.
P O Box 509, Eugene, Or.
Pains and Aohl
Cure guaran'.
Linn, Drugglats.
(inly 2)etaa box
by Wilkin dt
Extra for mowers of all kinds
Deerlng, vVooda, Oaborn, McOirmack,
Piano. Ited White and lllue, Empire,
Champion, and others now on hand at
F L Chambers'.
Slightly Improved.
Cottage (irove, Or, June 7. The c m
ditlou of ex-L'nlted States Senator B
F Harding was somewhat better today.
During the day he ato half an orange.
T hi is all ho has eaten for llin-e days.
Okkickrh Ei.ectkd. At a regular
meeting of the I nltcd Artisans, June
Bib. the following olllcers were elected
for the ensuing term: J A Currie, M A ; I
J W West, rjupt; William Vincent,
Insp; Helen Huston, Secy; Carrie
Rankin, Treas; Alii 'lnoeut, SrCon;
llelle Chapman, M . Alice ( mtier, Jr
Con; Battle Bpeoear, fc, o v Boat ru.
mm ftrt jj ii
ThU itWMfl f" IIW tril.I, Th
tongiin 1 008jlsdi itw a. -iii pfsor,
tba dlfC'RtMlll W'k, trio IiIunmI thill,
Bud th1 m-rvi liriuMv.
Tho Dowels aro
Always Qonstfpatod
Frank A Hon-
frtTrUn' Express: "Mrs K Lons
berry returned Friday from Kugene,
where for the past five mouths she has
been teaching a enography and type
writing, aud also doing typewriting
for attorneys. Harry Randle returned
to Kugene Saturday evening. He will
leturu home iu a week, and after
spendlug the summer in selllug stere
optlcan views, will enter an Kastern
wed leal college next fall. '
Jeii'n iir oa tee liver lai.naiin-W
:R di- ...eft tomtit thvy win r ifiiuui k
tie- Ufl Kill ' I! IV' 9
at 1
eg ! k baadatiie. 2S u-uu a lux. 8j
J. I . AVER l , lwi II, Hau. W
Notice Is hereby given that there
will be a meeting held at the Clear
Lake Church on BatOrd t. the 17th al
June, al 2 o'clock of sahl day, for the
purpo f electing trutteeti infill the
Vacancies causid by the death (if J W
Hond mid the n of J p Cheshar.
and to make some agreeable disposition
of the property belonging to aald or
ganization. All parlies deeming them
selves int- reteii In aatd property are
cordially requested to bo present.
J. C. jK.M.NtNOH,
Veu Try It
If Sliiluh Couth an I Consumption Cure,
I which I aohl for the mall price u( 25 cents,
' ui'l ' 1 ". ire, tak tho
botik I iek and we v. .11 r. hitnl your money.
Hold for over titty ytiuaon thl guarantee.
I ri. e i cl. ami .si .
. . r
.ii nil uuunnt.'o.
I ! I by Yilkhutt
"I hi - -. lv i ill ctetl with a
ttiugh fnr si v. i .1 years, and last fall
ad a no I. -. ie cmu'h than ever be
fore. I have ueu uiat.y remedies with
out receivn much relief, and lsing
recommeuth d to try a bottle of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy, by a friend,
who, knowing me to be a pour widow,
gave It to me, I irled It, aud with the
iiiistt gratifying results, hie first bot
tle rellevi 1 1 rue very much and the
Heooiiit bottle has absolutely cured me.
I have uot had a good health for
iweuty years. It peetfttlly, Mhh
Mahy A Hkahu, (in. more, Ark."
Sold by DeLauo.