The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 10, 1899, Image 6

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    Kiifrene City
i Missouri it PP'JBI
trust wbleb promises smoe
"" Inbat effective. 1 1 provide that a
JUKB W I aorponbofl organised t" control
- - - prices cannot .idled i bill by
TO CO RRfcS PON DENTS, legal proeeea, Tbte Uw baa i Q
remaining !
iii i HaBs liw in r'"T
F I , 'i n if. ill nil. I: HI
I kM ' aioaal Bof, 'tin y
Of mPlHT M invtnl kuvUn-r niun
,' , mm iiiiru for tbn p-h memj
rwj assist m uoionti Issvsi iss
but fell l'ifm I,- llunhe ftru
-. nuth.
s. 1 1 -tiiri with the ruh conflii n'"'
.1 u,.t:nwl tu rt-ceiil ilti-iri'ili of Ti ' . i - .;.! I.m.k.. .
The business department of ' . j IbuI Ml, voW
the WEEKLY GUAHU is oauaeo ,,. i s Uourt 01 Appeals, n inn
considerable trouble by eorre- fa , , ,, , ll; uu.
anondents addressing tne pro
prietors peisonally. Address all ooerallj it will bare a tendency
letters referring o the newspa; . .,n,.t ,( bosineea of tTOlU to
r nr hiismess connected mere
with to THE GUARD. ., . . I to pro
mote tba practice oi din ou-uj.rr,
on u cash bull. It may Ix- l-und,
h'.wever.that 'ru-ls can allord to
take the chances of losing an oc
0MU)Iftl debt.
Eugene, Oregon.
To Correspondent.
fra Stanford don the senaibla
Tba Wixkly Ooabo gi-to press
..uru- Krhiiiv maralua. To insun-1 Ik-
Insertion of tiirte-pniidi-liie II should
... .... i -. ....... fPm ii M
ri'UI'll WH HOI WW WW' mmwtwmmt
ofKbnay aXn FrWay and lbi I. do, waiting until death lo
Saturday, UDlsM Important, will not p(fMt n trans'er olher vast property
SN:piS5ff-taArai.Bl-W -ivr-ty. te will
uio i. and making, allowanot forth- i,r,viourK provided, this last
I J .. . . .. .1 r. il III II M I
HCVeri.l Olljn HIH M''"' , i
Mbsariben throughout the onaoU ginwtiM
wouiii be stale and of HUla Inlatest at bean
when I he paper was leo-ivi-n.
rv.rM.nni.ltanta ., iil.l II nil their HOh
eontribatlons to raaeh as Tmwdejr and XbU added lo the pre? low endow
VVi-iIiii-iImv. Mini ri v
initltotloa ot iMroiog
tliu iiume ol li'-r dead
.Htimm.d .it 10.fXAW"
K i.fif - tint tht- kliuhlnc driver In 1. " i ''
t- n ili ft npriju.'h. no imnkj iutt ai itafS
J Inn i.fT-miD;, m.t overbrTi
i u ttM'lr card In futll ul'i'l'
H,ni r ur later, oflnr aoun than b'te,
ami tlw tii xt vtotlm f .rlh 1 !''
Vanntias btnaati urior orer fata,
Jim i n- ihi Imniij itrwn In In v' 1 r
WltbOM K"' atroka tba soloBSl lay hi
Vit in ihi I., nit niatrh otua; tin WOWIJ 1
Tba ecloiM-l playa not In lb El mn tl' l'la.
Pall Mull (iun'tte.
Tlio tnnn in tho tree win tliinkiiiK
Wiiy off nndcr a sonny iky waa a
ftunnlid Imt on a billsldc Tbers wcts
(,ritiit;ii treeti nronnd tho Imt mi'l i"
ilihtnncti watl lonir straschesol vino
ynrK whero men and 0BU n i BOS aung curionsly into the bnaebei f tho tree.
fin they
cartridtff sttpi Still
,,t.... a, -i ir. nti.itri
"VM i. i
rjniy 'Ju more almta, unl i in n
,beu the war would ba at an -nd for
tba man in the tre- It remain.-d hut
ti, die Think yon. wA St. J..aa, who ov. r the vineyard folk at home
balrdtbat praysrordid the guns make
ti o orach noiw?
tm . am- the Njn.el The leader wan
tall and fair He wre n blue ahirt with
thevrona on the hleeTe and a atrtpo
whh h had nr- U-u white down the
tnter troiivTH n am He waa making
straight for the tree in which eat the
man with tin- ritle
At ditUlieS Of 100 feet tho DMBiB
lb tees had brought the nick on tho
end of hUnriedowiiHothat Itstop JMl
reached tba apnce between the bin- eyes
i f the man on foot Hia laat shot should
be a fancy one.
Two of the atjnad eyed a treo to tlio
right, hut tho reat iiresaed on behind
their leader
At the third r,te I will tiro, decid
ed the man in the tree
At thu aocond ftep tho officer halteil
A thick bufh with briar waa in his
WBV. UeCOUlO see ovei n, "" j"-v.-
A MR DWeH kkKak
BuUel '"rd into Ma"'1
Hplit In Two Pieces.
i I d
l.aler Hum
la iim-iI
'I ii raduy
tlie may Hot
PoMibiy our idara been
surfeited with Cranio, i reatllt
iinitter, but we de-iro to oall Iheil
notice again to tbfl ft mil paraTftpb
of Ii'ih oonfeffiori. There in u
pooaliaf etyle sboot it tbsi Ureel i
attention, i-.ei ially when leparattd i
from the body of the oonlesiion i
the mind may not be coiiIuhihI nv
the detnilM of the crime thi n in
relaleil. II- thus to'iiluded ti'-
stnrv ol lii life, mid the iiuir
that waa responsible fur the end
thereiil by prOOeMOf law:
"1 have given yot' but n frail
L'lillltlM' Ol III V I'liliM'lehCI- ilei II- d
D - - -
oorroDtneee. rain, misery mi
eretonednesai which Incessantly
followa the guilty ol iuoh oriroes.
I have given you u brit I iketob of
my exM'riem ti nrevioua to the dee, I,
not for fame or ( leniency in the
unworlhiiicNH of tba grave crnm .
fori liave many dear to, mo wlii
do not believe me guilty of such l
deed: but Jesus snys; 'Forsake ell,
00BB6 and follow me.' So 1 write
tin- with good intent, that many
may turn from their wiokfd ways
mid walk in the paths of righteous'
iiohh, mid ti cliow how eaay a
ptnoo may (all into perdiUon
mint nfll.'i.OlJO.IXXJmukeB .Stanford
om id the fnost richly endowed in-
HtitutionH ol leerning in the world,
liy efTecting the truntTer daring her
lifetime will contenU are effectually
A oorreapondent of the i'uiilic
Rural I'reaa notch the fact that
when mi oi cimrd le pleated where
Oik trees have stood the fruit trees
do not thrive. The rmiic thing lias tho picture under tin- i-unny my
nlaee to anotln r wim n waa moru tin
Now tho women woro working alone
anve for the presence of a few half
grown youths and crippled ' 1 1 men
And tho women did not ing as they
worked. They wept sometimes, hut
wore often they looked tdloiitly end
wonderingly off into tho wn-t. where
the sky Una was broken by the crum
bling bastions of a rained castle
Off la yond He iiMl- was the sea aud
fryoud tho fen hip they knew not
t hat Strungo lands where men and
youths went to come hack no more.
This was the picture that tame to tba
wind of the man In ti"' treo
itut oaa cannot sit with a cramped
leu end dream of di-tant things for
long So the man tin-treo moved mid
Ii v m Held, tfurateriy nr tttgfna'
Kt -elseted Pneident.
h ndleloe, Or, June LIUJtevtoius
the legellla of the ICaatern Oiem,
m til- normal aeliixd at Wesioi, Ie.
lurnad freoi thai town to Poedleton
The rei-ult "f I heir elect 00 of a faeuhy
Is llittl I'lCHident It'-hl waa retained
suit every other member of th
(acuity waa illsmlsai rj.
Tho board bail Mruagled with the.
Isetlon Rr whole days, Iihvidv
Ihi n In session 1 ere the previous dav
and having been Doable to ooom to toy
lifli elllellt. The olllCOlUe Was u Vietoiy
for the fU srlern of 1'reaidenl :vl,
Albaiir Hi-tald Jane I
nrearniaand bullatt often cut quter
rlldo! na they are brought inuiptay.
Tbia is forcibly IHastrated by the
bolM which elileretl liatle- Karieira
head. The bullet aplit in two purls,
and only one part has bean found, It
bad entered the back of Parrell'a head
and emerged over the mo. The trout
or val part of the bullet la perfect, but
It la split Juki outside Of where it
fastened ill the rbell, and SoOUl on. -tblrd
of the bullet is gone. The part
. . i ,1... kaak nurt
which was toiiu.i was ,. .. . " " ; ,, AtW for tle other ii.alruelor.
..i k. aalnAti. w hero it had r, iDOUOaau . ... ., . ,
in i ii.
iiikinL' the door. h w
A plan is coon to la curried into
tflbot lo atudy Arctic ourreota.
About fifty pateul oaaki of a pecu
liar make have been constructwl in
San ITnnoiaeOi mid will be sanl out
iii the revenue cutter Hear mid vos
eels of the w haling BrOt, They will be
distributed in different parte of the
ocean and will be picked up by
veaaulB which pass them later, it
is tima hoped tu dstaroilna the
current of the Arctic and the
theory of an open current mound
the pole from tho Atlantic to the
In a second letter ol a Georgia
woman lo Harper's Weekly of laat
week the limet MriOUa phase ol the
race iUestioii is tom bed tiun. We
give an extract.:
"What I wrote of the way white
children go to school is only one
frequently ooourred In Oregon and
it has been found here to Iw
due to a toad atool fooaOl which is
, ant to m. found where oik treea
b ri l .
jjrow ami wlncu Stiaoan ibo ma
of the fruit trees.
The Bohemia mining dietrioi
,'l 1 ha bean atteaotlng conalderabla at
tention ol late. BOOie one writing
in the Dregoniau t in terning that
Motion Mama o think that im
mense wealth will yet be found
there, and doubtless he is correct.
The lioheroia district la altoated
in the soatheaatern port! in of Lane
county, and belongs to tho
Southern Oregon mineral belt.
A hod carrier, earning 19 00 per
day, laying up half hia earnings,
NOOld be obliged to bond bid back
beneath his load for the considera
ble period of live hundred thousand
years in order to save the sum that
Mr Carnegie received hia
Interest In the Oarnegia steel plants,
A law recently enacted in Min
nesota prohibits the sale of milk,
cheese, butter or any other dairy
product to which there has been
added any preservative or anti
septic excepting salt.
Late reports from Nov York, the
great hop growing slate, arc not
(aorabie to growers. Present con
ditions make it iilmn-t certain that
the yield for this year will fall con
siderably below the avenue.
An Iowa man, alter explaining
that he only expects to get a crop
of iruit from hia peach treat once
in lour nr live years, adds that it
saves a beap Of Work in gathering
The best way to rttlucc the grOW
out of tnanv illustrations that could ' In a. arm of offloe SCekera is to ro
be given of "life behind the scenes"
on a (ieorgia plantation today.
My own little nephews and nieces
go to school by the ringing of the
plantation bells. Think of these
children, scarce knowing- what it
all menus, yet listening for the
sound of tho hells to tell them that
the big boys arc coming to protect
them frOffl the dark shadow that
hides in the bushes I This thing
has not come about in a day."
Albany Democrat: When the
peace congress gets through with
its labor, mountainous in appear
ance, there won't he any more dis
armament than now. lurdcad ail
nations will continue to arm
heavier than ever, taith in their
navies and ariuics. Notwithstand
ing this peace congress and the nice
talk indulged in nations ars suspi
cious of each other, and current
events make it almost Imperative
for big nations to keep several guns
loaded. The idea of nations dis
arming is a splendid one, hut it
will not play, much of a part in the
history of the world before the
tuilleuium comes.
duoa the pay lor publlo work to the
same price private establishment
pay lor similar work.
It is noted as an enoouregtog
feature about tho wool situation;
that dealers are beginning to bay
it for purposes of speculation.
mediate and more distinct
Spreading out la-fore bin aud under
nentb was a Wooded valley with u hill
beyond. Down into this valley a bun
dxed yards to the riht dipped a trail.
yesterday it had been B mere mule
path half cloned by underbrush, but
now it was dearly defined. Tho bnshes
bad been broken oft, l?nt over and
pushed aside, while the tramp of many
feet had ground to powder tho weeds
aud gram
At a distant S of perhaps half a milo
beyond and below him the trail trav
steed sn open space Aa ho looked at
this opening in tho screen of green ho
saw Bgurea crossing it They stood ont
sharp and distinct in the bright sun
light They were men with guna. Few
of them wore coats Many of them wen
ban from the waist up. Their faces
were dark, almost black at that dis
tance, hut their chests were white.
What lino targets they made, those
white chests!
Tho man in tho tree picked up tho
slim barreled ritle which had lajou rest
ing across bis bent knees. Ho raised the
sight slide and squinted through it un
til ho could aoo tho stool pick on the
end of tho banal outlined against the
white flesh of a figure in thu autilighted
gap of thu trail
A little tongue of flame darted from
the muzle of tho rill" One of tho fig
ures iu tho green frame stumbled and
Tho man in tho tree laughed ecftly
and patted tho atoek of bis n lit-
still the men with irani streamed
along tho trail Aha! Tin y are run
ning They will HtHi Is -u-iu to run tho
Other way Just wait until the trenches
get the range A white l ack makes as
tino a target as a white chi "t
Hut hour after hour passed and the
human current did not sbh
Wan they hours or i inly minutest
What waa happening up on the hillsido t
The man in tlia tree turned to sea
i'ar UB behind him i D the crest was
aaqnanhuti with a thatched roof. It
looked liko a dovecot, but it was not
It was a blockhouse. What was taking
place there he could only guem Ho
saw an irregular line of dark flguna
u rainhlng up tho hill, some of them
falling to rise no more Why did not
tho rest go back? Row they swarmed
abont thu buildiug Hew their gnus
smoked I
'(.'arajol" Tho red and yell wflag is
Then the man in tin tree la ked into
tho heart of things and us Ins fate half naked pigs who fonght like
derila they would not be driven back
He was cut off To the right, to the
left, in front, behind they were there,
these men with guns who tired and inn
forward, and tired and van forward
Tho picture of the faraway hut on
tho hillside, tho Women and the vine
yards caiuo ouco more, and tho man iu
nt Ix.lii.v.i tluit's where ho is, said
he. "Tho shots seemed to come straight
from this direction. "
'No; it was farther to the left,
said a man behind him "That's the
one. that tree over there.'
"Let s try a shot or two anyway,
said a second,
"What senseless chatter,' thought
the man in tho treo.
"No- it's a wastoof lead,'' said the
officer. "Have was right. It must have
been the , tier . In- ' -1 hi He
stepped back from the bush and started
toward the left
As ho mOTSd off the man in tho treo
followed him thrmih the sights. He
had moved half a dozen paces before
thoriflo sputtered. Tho tall fair wan
pitched heavily forward
"Ho was tin re, I last, d coward!" said
one of the squad The otherssaid noth
ing ine.V Wt re snooiiuK
"Whv don't be drop enrse him?'
muttered a soldier after a score of shots
had raked I ho branches.
Tor answer they saw a riflo slide
down, strike a branch and bound off to
tho around The strap was duing its
Two women nt dry eyed, heartbro
ken and eomfui tl. "i He- was by a win
dow iiu-aiiit which heat the cold rain of
t let., her The pki. s went fur her 1 ho
otln r t-tanil out over sun kissed vine
yards, where tho leaves were yellow
and brown
"H, will come no mare." said the
"Ay El no mas!" said tlio
other, meaning about tho same. Sew
ell Ford in Slmrt Stoi ii
splinter on the list side and a plees of
boos - Imbedded under the splinter.
While I he oilier part of the bullet la
ai d what split tba bullet Is causing
OOMddembla argument. If the bullet
split Inaloeof his head thi two pieces
could not have come out at the one
hoi. , and the theory la advanced that
the natunl oouns of that part would
be towards the inside of the head. The
bullet either split befon it struck
Kartell, or il milt in Ills head, and a-
H went directly from Iheguit to Panel's
bead II seems hardly possible that it
o iulil have split before striking him.
who apparently bad joined iu the op.
po-itioii to tin- president.
The resolution adopted givi-B the
president powtn so large that he Bill
be able 10 maintain any foitofart
glon be may ohooae. Tin- .1.
de OS d are Prof, s-or Correl, Profsssof
Kewisatid Mlsa Wells.
and etn-
Ben is a
... , , ., : the tree bowed his head ..lid wept
It now appears probable that the u He lookod rain dow tho
wheat crop of the I lilted States 0, N0t alone on tho trail, but in
this year will fill short of that it many other places the figures moved
last year bv at least 100,001X000 now
oasa Mexican Muul.llt.
In tho "i ih. rvatlonsof a Banchwo
man" are pit nt it ill iu-latices illustrat
ing both the "shlf'leM-ness
niditv of Mi sican servants
nmpJa of the latter quality
Complying with law and custom
provided four men to do each a day's
woik toward cleaning a public ditch
for imitation purposes At the end of
tho day a youth presented himself and
the hill The names of but two men
were Inscribed as having worked, hut
tho sum demanded nmoiinted to tho
wages of four.
"What is the meaning of this?" I
Inquired "If only Luciano and l'edro
worked, why do I pay tho wages of
Matildo and JesuSf
"Two men worked, " was tho stolid
"Then 1 won't pay the wages of
fonr. "
"Hut two men did four days
"All in ono day? That is impossi
ble. "
"Hut. scnora, they did I'
"That cannot be. I must understand
better befon I pay two men the w ages
of four tin and requi t the majordouio
to look Into this affair. "
Presently the majordomo appeared.
"S. iiora." said he. "tho bill is cor
rect The men have worked. "
"Senor. I repeat, the thing is impos
sible Two men cannot in ono day do
the work ,,f four men. ''
"Seiiora. four men worked."
"Why, then, did this man tell me
that only two worked? And why are
not the n me i of Matildo and Jesus on
the bill?"
"He told yon that only two worked,
because th re was no room on the bill
for the nanus of the others. "
The majordi mo sinke quite Impa
tiently, as if I should have divined that
process of reasoning by instinct (in
duced him to squeen in the names of
Matildo and .l.sii, which ho did with
out a Rails, and we parted ou tho best
of terms
(iiinial mis Is
Amounts Men
Instructed a
ImuiU (twelve,
li al r.atate Traasaotlooi,
A E Butte to James L Hunter 160
aero iu T SO 8 R8 W, $175.
.1 .'in - I. Hunter to Nellie Hunter
100 i ' h Iii T an H R.I Wj fso.
N i' t I'lammi aud i tn K jj
Walker, Iris 1 and S, block 1, In N p
Co i-h.: Ii's uiiditinii !oCottre (irove
188 '-
josbua Taylor and wife to William
Taylor, 80 acres iu T V is "i Ii 1 W;
VVashi.mhoN, June 1. Secretary i i-'iank in H Decker and wife p, The
Alger has wilted tba quartermaster-1 Booth Kelly number Coin; any, 120
uoi oral to uiuko a careful compilalion 1 acres in T Hi H It 1 K; ."iu 1.
of mileage the Philippine voluute.raj
from each stats would oa enuueu i,
should they be mustered out at Han
l-'uu.ei-ro. I hi- infofiiiatl m was em- br
bodied in a menage which was cabled $yo(
U K to Franklin B Di cker, h, 1 hK-ret
iu T 16 B R 1 B, patent.
J T Kelly to the Hooth Kelly bum. acres iu T (88 R I BJ.
to Qeneral Dtis. Travel pay, exclu
sive of two inotiths' extra pay which
each shad receive upon niustei-out, ap
proximates for Western states as fol
lows: Oregou, 883 to f 51; Weahiogton, i"A
to 182; Idaho, 51 to 181; Montana 888
to j-v,; Wyntuiug, f"5 to 87.
I nch regiment is to determine by
vote whether they shall muster out lo
ISMi Francisco or III the home stale.
In the 1'eu lor Life.
Henry Brown, received June, IRSts,
Hake county.
H M Bailey, September 8, ib92, Mal
heur. J A Bally, September 8, 18W, Mal
huer. Wm Btokman, March 30, ISDo,
WmBarre, October 88, lsw, Grant.
KM UambnOKel ux. to George K
tSutbtil'iiiil, 40 acres intp22 s r:i w;
J II Pratt to Calisla T Pratt, inter,
est in land iu tp 18 s r 11 w; fl.uOO.
J D t'raig ami wife to Mrs Hattie 8
Wheeler, all ol block numbered 55;
N A W Howe and wife to W A Bel
ton, 3.:ts acres of land lo tp 10 s 1 I w
$100. Bond fur d. J.
bushels. The general leiulen -y ol
the market is upward, and while it
is not probable that the price will'
be hitfh when the new crop comes
in, the situation la such that the
exportation of better prices on the
average lor the next crop than have
been obtained lor tho crop harvested ( Jut a little t tin left
laat rear is justifiable. went true. Hi down
Wheat Matket
The man in the treo tightened the
strap w hich passed under hil arms and
around the tree. Ho fitted the ritle
stock to his shooMaa aud peered out
iiuder tlio Isavi -v Thero was a big fol
low with so:;:, thing rod sewed to his
shirt sieve Probably an officer 8-r-r-r1
That nuit ba. gone too high B r ft
S-r-rr' lhut
Very busy wai
the wan in the tioe
Not SCO I lay, however, to in to the
approach of a little squad of men who
stopped ami 1. oked UO into the tr.i"
The lirei.t I .knn.
It was many years before tho "Great
Unknown" waa identified. At the pub
lication of the "Lay of the Last JHn
str.l. ".Mariuion. " of the
Lake' and finally of a novel called
" Wa verier, " popular curiosity was ex
cited, and the whole of England ram;
with the fame of tho "Great Un
known," as Scott was called.
The secret was well kept Sir Walter
Bcott. who ail his life had Wen storing
mat. rial aud training his mind to snch
concentration that he could work in the
midst of interruptions aud was able to
turn ont volume after volume with a
rapidity, two a year, that made his
l eaders don I t thi ;r very senses. His in
K It t'arver, December 1
John Campo, Beptember 2", is4,
John Campbell, October .'!, lS'.Hi,
' c Cunningham, February 4, lS'
I'm 1 lla.
Win Fay, May 'JO, ISMi. Grant.
Lee tlit, December 1L 1898, Wasco.
Wong Gee, October 25, lsc8, Union.
Courtland Greeo, Norembor io, isos,
W A Henderson, May S, 1S93, ( lack-,
Mrs Kuinia (i Hanna, Nov. :i0, 1S05
Martin Hill, December, 17, 18M, rape!
.'rank Ingram, March 'Jl', 189", Linn.
Jos Relley 1 Bonoo) February 18, 1885,
Tlieo. 0 l.tiebeke, March 21, 189H,
George Moray, June 88, is4, Mult
nomah. John McMahan, May ill, 1S!i7, Grant.
J M OlbeimaP, April 88, 1800, Doug
las. J N Russell, October 81, 1807, Cooa.
Frank L Smilli, May 30, ls9, Jack
son. A RBtoughtOB, April 1"), 1S'.)2, Col
umbia. Chas Slagol, Sep' ember 4, ISO;), Jose
phine. Alonao B warts, June 88, 1807,
.1 It Todd, Novein her lo, KS3, mail
robber; United Btatea court.
Ueorg. Upton, May Hi, 1808, Colum
bia. H vViotMngerode; April 4, 1881,
James Weaver, November 15, 1808,
Cottage Grove WW Celebrate.
Cottage Grove, Or, June 2. CotUy4
Qrove wl'd oelebnte July 4 This
decided at ai a nia-s meeting b' ,) ,
SI 11 K)K DlV(.-.K.Uuh E Hn(
has intituled tt Huit for divorce in tb
Lane county clrcuit court agalnal W
F Hiues ))t.r ,ubaud. The oouph
werBr.arried in Illinois in 1SS0. Tbt
Imv 0f sa,i marriage Is thrw
.augbters and two sons, ran li gfron
0 to 15 years. Desertion iu the yer
1SH1 is charged.
Officers Ki.kcted. Helmet lodp
No 33, K of P of this city elected
Offloers last night as follows: t'i
Wiutermeier, 0 C; FC Fish, V ;DP
Hall, Prelate; Dr W Ii Cheshire, U ff
(Jeo A Harger, MA; A C Woodsotk,
1 G; 1 TNicklin, OU.
KotK ( KtsiiKK.-Cottage Urove
Leader: "Tlie couuty rock crusher
wus unloaded at the depot, Saturday,
tt Wl ir;hs over 12 tons anil is calculated
to crush from 10 to 15 of root per hour.
There is loom on our roads far several
tons of the rock."
DuKi'. Cottage (Hove Lisder: Mr
(ii 0 Lea is drilling a well at Beglnaw,
aud Is down over 80 feer, but has noi
yet struck water. He says the form
lion at that place is unusually bard.
Jacksonville Item in Ashland Tid
ings: Henry Ankeny of the sterling
uoiue, who has been In California In
specting certain niiuiug propositions
In the Interest of others and thai ol In
own company, aud studying the
general mlniug prospects of the stats,
went north on Monday's train to Lu
gene. From there be will g" to Port
land thence to Idaho for tin' purpose
of studying the minersl interests of.
Baker county and other localities.
sprcltl to the oiuM
I.ivkki'imu., June 8. Cargoes ou
paiaaga. steadier. Holiday m England,
NOW Yokk. June ,V Mrm; v..
UMIOAOO, June 8- Flrm;77j.
Sv Fuan. is.w June . Fmn;
rl 81 .
This Is a raise ol from 1 to .' cents,
aud now and then fired latothedaBM cognlto waa all tns mors perfectly pre
foliage of the I ranches. ! served in that be kept open house nt
The 11. an :. the tree laid his title
carefully a, r. v his knees and reached
into the b O' - aboVW him He OtOBght
gOWn a gi :r..! " at.r Wd tie. held it t,
his ear aud shot it From the p.vkit
of his blue and white cotton blouse he
fished out a piece of dry black bread
H: una. ei. !. d he threw the empty
p.i aaabel ail along the Hue inlay. I gourd firom inin aadhagaajo owsat tb
Abboteford .! vt ting much of his time
t enanaining i guesu and vfeltiag
It was not until the embarrassment of
hU I ahUahenoccurrid that the identity
of tneauth 1 1 f the "Waverlay Novels'
was disot vend
The c.i..' ol v tt furnishes one of the I dsys to tile a bill of exceptions.
many lUttsuaUOOS the power of do-1 will spieal the ciwe
wiving tho public in literary matters, court,
Portland Telegram: The recruiting'
ofBoe here fluds it dirtlcult le ge -""hI
men. There are many applicants, to
many of them fail to psss the byskal
Ml being for niurd.r except where tXl,''"iatlou, which is a !"tul '
uui oi bi applicants ai uie i ii"
lice during May, only 12 were accepts
! Out ol 4S applicanta at Seattle, 27 eeB
rejected. The men nearly all want W
go to Manila.
Junction City Times: Claude R
11 lor the (Vnnnn nfthukiiM hu received tea
Judge llumelt Fixes July
annolninieiit ..f itonutv COlltctoi
, , , customs for Alaska. The appoiutnien1
Dallas, Or. June 2 -Judge Hur.uit s worthily bestowed, but at tHe mie
today overruled the motion for a new tvnln, ,8 Mug recogBiBBl
trial for W (i Megers. convict, d of the tuere wl uol n ,ufflclent n""'1'
murder ot Ray Sink aud sentenced of republicans lefi to form a central
Magers to be banged July 21. Magers committee
took hie sentenM with indifference, , - -
M,,,.ur' tti.riiuv. ...... i 1 I.-, .-oi ... . v Itonev BSS
-i,t I .III II l.l.l.-- .llO.ii . - -
to tba supreme
Nt io elks' Hall u - i ""
They force of meu working ou the bagj
.reine Klks' new lodge room. It will
haudsoiiie oi e wbeu completed.
I trial at the circuit court. He was its j
i ,. . .
ss4iBsved'sssMhad Beet. MuHon. Pork, Veal, Ham, Bacon