The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 10, 1899, Image 5

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Closing Exercises Held at die Lieut D B Ogden Is at Eugene
unmuui uquici im
Looking at the River.
Dally (iusnl, Junes
Tim cli "g exerclsea of tbe Eugi
public scboola occurred Iii-i nigh' ul i e
pint CbriatiM eburoh before a ian
and apprecla'lve audience. The pn -gram
as presented ly the glodlMlee
was largely on patriotic llnee regard-
I'urltmal MtfMMb Jnr "
"Lfoutena i D it Ofden, of Major
Flak's fifflt, .it today lor Eugene
whir.- ii, loagtmal Malhlorna li ai
work Tbli itiriuairiou. boat baa been
at work for s. few weefca OO Hi- Jpnei
unn ....
rt mihhc-h-, where 1KI
. , , , ii f i i i t i . .li.. .1... ..... : .1 . . . .
lliBiurPu..jv. .ii.-.i.ob v ourine i.'.i, i,.r I ,1 "itchsht I lez.l. n
ii ........i, tu.i i.A......i ...... It.
etc All auquiueu lOMDMITM v i 1 1
credit. planning reflection i
ability f the teacher, ail -; -dally
to Superintendent Itsler, v. in h
joue much since his cornice: Ion with
tba Kbool began to lyetom tlxn the
OTK, mid place it on u higher 4 . .
Tiieciass Mum was uslivrred hy
Prof 1 M Glen. He clioae f r hjH
Ibamr, "Tba Worth of a V
was a very scholarly effort, fuiloflel
iuif points, clothed in mi , , i,
Eogllabi ami carrying edeepuodai
current of philosophic truth. Th
spt aker's repose of bearing, his spiel
did delivery, and skill In holding I he
att-ntion ..f his audience, showed linn
to lie a perfect master of the platform
'I he lecture abou 'ded in sarcastic
blows at incompetency in high DOf'
Hon with sallies at the expense of self
important ignoramuses, minor chords
of pathos, and strong (lights of elo
quence. The address was a real treat
ami Eugene will always welcome every
chance to hear Prof Glen
Diplomas certifying to tho our f
study completed by thv graduates, were
Following is a list of the pupil- coin.
pitting the Lightb grade work and an
mi. ii io advance lu the new gr .i I la
be established uext year:
Boyd, Kay 15 ( 'alloway, Mvm'e .1
Church, Ermine Cututuloga, Beade K
Driver) 1-ena 1 Francis, Lixzie A
, Daisy H Ham, Kthel A
llinksun. Nelson C'a'r Holt, Theodore P
Howe, Lloyd .Lamin -. hela
Kuowle,., Olive Kollar, Oolda
Martin, Jamea E Mc.Mui.y, Nellie II
.M r.-au, Winnie E l'ickena, Wi'UrmC
llice, Nellie Sovern, Gertrude
Stevenson, Donald M Straight, Leonard .1
Taylor, Oral Thomaa, I'xrtha B
Turner, Anna B Wald, Yetta A
Wilkim, Nina Wright, Ludada Ann
Zei,ler, Grace E.
Adkiuf, 8 Claude Bellman, Lloyd E
Balahaw, Qeotge B . n. ; i . (irace
Campbell Kate Conger, beanie
1 h is, Talmatfe 0 ay, Tred K
Ed ly, Certa Farrow, Han y
Kml, Sadli I Oilatrap. Lala P
Ortea, Paul A (3roa,Koetu
Hamill id, (iortrude Hart, Lillian M
Hfll, I lara M Hulery. Mattie A
K iikendall, KLerle Eamb Lionel I.
M Comaeki KlwiuA i'ickens, Lola
nw irona op to what baa baan ae
eottipllabfd and in arrauga for odd
tmotlog a nnrnbar riania along tba
river with a view in eontraetlua tba
clliitinel U-fitre low m .,'er in In,
"Outing tba winter nnntharnanj
siougbs are formed whi. h oarry moeb
nftba u!er away fro n the regular
ohaonol In ma y plaeaa. olhaaprlng
dama art bulll arUlob turn all of tba
waler lisek into tbf river bafON tba
In water period
wTtaworh of ib inatboat la rarv
necessary on a ; ream like the Bt
larnetie. It clears the rlvpr at atan.
- -
thing that might pro e daOgl roua to a
boat. Kyen -mall limits in i'ih wa'er,
which might cause the eip uin ot a
boat unaaalnaae, are takau out. ami
many great I res, MHUa of than more
than 1(X) feet long, are removed by lh'
'Bentoetog Ibeee big trees Is inter
esting work. The boat u run under
tie end nearest the aurfaoa of ihe
water, and a- much as p .K-lble la
-awed .. Then the boat is run lurther
under, and more of the tree -awed Off.
This Is kept up unlll the big "giab" is
able to lift the remainder of theob-
trttetion bodily Oal of the water and it on the bank.
It is surprising how many tries
N I I fall into tbe river .lining the
winter season, aril up; ! tlv all f
litem prefer 'be OUrrent of the stream
fills gives the M .'lil ma all tba work
it can do during the rtOMindl r ol the
bat 'h rain I- at
An.t th.. wtod rttaoel Mow .,Wn hm .i.mi.
ah. i Die at at f t iinjn
An t Ihe Outani hurry ..f hcr. .- f,. t'
r. r I re.t wttaia wnh My llt. loaUak
l riirhi"lp" kW' Bd lh L,"h 1
Ah. I,.re l Ui
Thin ne . r I. matt than half .amf.d-Ju-I
half. I Ml elrrnlly
Were all t.w .h .rl l tell the real I
i 7' M wl""n "ur lov tonlahf,
An.l ih. iMOMl ,r. few, and the h.rth
-A. ft.Td Peott in lUdaaae
Betwe n Prominent Yamhill
Bus! Dean Men.
R Ineon, ltaiph
Soruerj, l'aisy S
Til.lietts, Delia
Whiteaker, John 0
Wald, Clara P
Simmons, Archie
Somera, I orilla .i
Warteld, Mary E
Whiteaker, Loin V
Wood, Li' lie B.
JlldfiTe Hauillton Hnnds Uown a
cislmi in Hjiear Estate Case.
siiKKiDAN, Or.June I. -J Bt'barofa-
man eigtii tinier Hta'ibed and severely
wounded K I, BoiOgtlni with a knife,
at the olllee i, it,.. Yauitiiil Millunr
Company here Ihla nftt rnoon. .-crog -
gins' Injuiii s ure not thought to be
Itolh parties re prominent here, and
thenllair mis created intense excltt
meiit. Bcroggiogi la senior member ol
lint Scroggins-Worlmau hanking linn.
and Churchman Is a mi ruber of the
Yumhiii Milling Company.
Theallia.v maulted from a ijuarrel
over a wneai deal, and had Oeeu pr
neded yeaterday by a rough-uid-tum-tde
Bght between the two men, who,
however, were sepaaratcd before they
cold Injure seh other.
Will advei Use Oregon.
Daily Uuard, June I
Judge I (ninili in handed down a d
cision this morning In the eatateol
Janes Spear, deceased, reversing the
decision ol Judge Potter, in the county
court against John Btawart aud L YV
Brown m sureties of Elizabeth Beetti a
for the turn of4241.40.
The c uirt thids among other thing :
First-There was no lade b ted ni sa
Hon Joseph M
secretary of ihe
Am rotation, w 1 1 -Portland
ilia' tbe
that there will i e
IV. g.-, c irresponiling
N i ' ai Editorial
" lieaiiiuarteis in
ii.iiit atiohs now are
en nnusua'ly large
crowd here this ytar. Me hays that it
la tb beat advertised affair f myof
the ses-inns of 1 lii national aaaooliltop.
He believes thai On, on will reap a
big reward.
Our trip to Denti r,'' said he, "has
brought ninny thousand. of dollars
into Colorado, aeveral of i ur di 'legatee
Lyford Merritt was certaluly a moat
Hasperatiug man In this, for n won
der the whole village concurred, with
the exception of his wife. Sho main
tained slleuce on the soliject which was
best, patha pa inasmuch as aba was tbe
catiMt of it all
"He's he's tho most downtrodden
and meek eort of man yon ever let eves
on, and it ain't right "that it sboold be
an," Mr Blake declared, aa Lyford
Merritt. then nuder discussion, ibnffled
along the dosty rond "It's dreadful to
see n man so suppressed, " sho sighed
"It ain't nature one bit.
"BOOM men are lurn n.ivk and
would rather a womnn'd go ahead and
Ik8 the house ami him, too. and then
you don't blauiii ' em, but Lyford ain't
that kind Fore his wife got bold of
kirn ho nsed to be as np and coming as
any one "
A slight flnsh spread over her thin
clucks as she felt a critical gluuco hik u
"That was the time ho came a curt
In yon, I s'poso?" her gnet remarked
blandly "I nlwnyn heard y. u hadaome
sort of words and then he took np with
the new schoolteacher and married her
right away fore you face and yet
Mrs. Illake bent bee cuke vigoronslv
"Ho ain't done nothing but he set on
ever einoa," aba declared al length, "so
that ho ain't himself at all And that's
what's so exasperating No man with
any natural stand up to him ought to
give in the way he doe. That's what 's
the tronble. He seema to think it's ull
right. "
Sho poured tbe cake into a tin and
shoved it into the oven and shut tho
door with a hang
"YVe'vo all had ppolls of talking to
him, " she went on, "but then., it ain't
no earthlv go, .; II. . always sitsso inks!
na tared and dnd of nods his head as if
agreeing, and wli.n you come to stop he
liH.ks np with ho- bine eyes and says
Well, well, you don't understand. It
may seem kind of hard sometimes to
ontsiders. Mis Illake. lint them, you
see, tile's got the nerves.
"Nerves, " scornfully . "as if any of
ns couldn't get up that kind of nerves
if we wanted to Hut Lyford. he ju-t
stands it always, and it s terrible exas
pernting. "
She gave another glance out of tho
wiudow. Lyford Merritt was not in
sight Unccnscions of bis neighbor's
scrutiny and OomUMUt, ho slowly cross
ed tho stubby Held and made his way to
the barn. There lie deis.itcil the pack
ages from the store and then went to
the Woodpile. Ho seined in a sort of
brown study, aud his movements were
"It ain't rigiit for a man not to bo
master in his own house," ho rumi
nated as if tho sentiment had just been
impressed upon his mind. "It really
ain't, and I am going to assert myself. ' 1
Tho thought caused n stick to drop ;
from his arms. Ho hastily picked it up
with a backward glance over his shonl
der. "I wonldn't do anything to hurt
Carolina for anything in thu world. Of
course I wouldn't Sho's a good wife
a very good wife to me. and I'm thank
ful Va got such a good wife, nud 1
hope I moke her a gissl husband. "
He paused and slowly Inid two more
sticks on to his burden and walked to
ward the woodhouse.
"And I've been thinking that iMrliaps
it ain't good for her to have ON always
giving in to her, "ho continued as ho
returned f,ir B Bocond load. "I read
somewhere tho other day that women
was liko horses they like to hnvo their
own way long's they can, hut when
you make 'em mind they go all tho bet
ter. Not that I should ever try ami
make Caroline mind" ha paused
aghast "but jHTliaps if I kinder took
tliihf.-s for granted that she wouldn't
mind my doing moro tilings I conld
I'm a-going
his hewt and r1'"'1 .. I Hit. :,h
Um tipper r. 'in at i down tba front
al Ira arbea be i at n bii aboee again
II. i i i ' . n ti. ,!,! K
tuck, but ha had forgotten that it ..pen
ed in in fact, be nova remembered
bavini ooeood it at all bafta
The men filed iuto the stuffy i uior
Nome one suu'geMi t that the w ind
beooaned Lvfoed itarad for a mm ,
There wire no Kreeni in the window
Oh. ye. '" he replied, with n deal of
em i cy "Of coin -, I meant to have
them open and forgot M,,. Merritt has
been very buey or she would Imvo at
t. n ! d to it for me. '
lii bine eyes twitched and he drew a
deep breath as he pushed up tho win
lows and dung back the 1 Inula He
MW a doen Him dart In, and he gave a
ipiii t chuckle His emancipation had
The meeting opened with its usual
aolemnlty, but toon it grew exciting,
and there was a busy hum of voices.
The men bad removed their coats, and
theyawung tike draperiaa from chair
oai k. toe family Bible on the marble
cetitei table made ail , ccllent dia-k for
the presiding officer, and ballots ami
papers were Uberallj dlatributed ovei
the l! r Some of the men w ere sniok
Lyford was making a sHah it was
a very excellent q at , h on the freedom
of the Individual Bia andlenoewaa in
t ri -ii i Suddenly there waa a buah
He turned, and lira Merritt ettsal in
the doorway Lyford gave a little gasp
The eyee of the nu n were upon him,
and he straightened visibly
"The meeting of the committee, you
know, my d. nr." ho explained, with
the faintest tremor in his voice. "1
trnt we have riot di-turlnd yon ' Ih
eyes were a bit beseeching
Several of the men were on their feet
Ono was struggling iuto a coat Mrs
Merritt did not reply Her kirn brown
eyee swept the and a peculiar
snille settli ,1 , n her face
"I wai going to raggeet"--Lyford
made the effort of his life "1
was goiun to inggeeti seeing it was so
very warm, that wo prepare some sort
of rafeahment foe tho gtntlftnf n. Caro
line. "
There was a note of Inquiry in his
voieo His wife turned, and with a
hurried excuse he followed, A nervoun
laugh from one of the men bloke the
tension ol the moment
"YVe shall have to give him an
office. " some one suggested
He was gone tome time, and then Ins
wife returned with him Ho carried a
big pitcher of Iced tea, while she Uiro
a platter of spie,- cake and jumbles,
which silent!, i ard aupplemented with
loaf cake mid pickles
it was a very si da) lutermiaaion that
followed. Mrs Merritt made beraelf
very charmiing, and Lyford was in the
high eel .piiit Then she retired, and
the meeting went on. Lyford was nom
inated for school committee Ho ac
cepted, of course His wifo had never
allowed hi in to run before it would
make Iter nervous to think of tho re-epoiisihility
At u the meeting broke np Lyford
', Releases Kxceed Mortgages in Baccalaureate Sermon Sunday,
riRSt TIMt IN 10 VCAftS
Pally duAi.l. lune .1,
w K. floarbarougb, ot i be Baa n
V ' i iVtmpany baa prspaml 'be
following atatemeni ofmortiagtl and
releasee tiled In La nunty during
the paal live months t( i-i very gratl
tying to note that th n 'eases exit ed
themnrl agea over I6,0 . which Mr
closc or rouatH teas
I'ailjr ' BStdi Mine I
Tba Baeoalaoreata sermon which
markaihe rloae or the fourth! r's
woik in in,. Bugene Dlvlnlt) nol
Will be preached t y Dean S . n
in i he i hristlan church next
a! 1 1 a lu.
Tba year now bIobIm hM Is uti
!CaruroUall Inform I GVAVU rt- moot prosH.rous ol any h the hi! i. v
iioieriin nrai iitnetiiianaaooonrred of the eohool, The Hist
for lii years
Tills Is B0 ul lows II
'" unty oltlsana, and wlllbavo a
g.s.ii imprvaalon wl ii ll many I onto
aeeketa fr,.m the Ksst now Invading
January .'. f .t i o
Kabruary 19 111,1.10
March $t 4,:t."i0
April 19 18,880
May IS 18,810
January 81
February 1 1 .
March -21..
April -88.,
,. M.088
. 18,400
. :'.ti,."iG7
M iv
:i 83,;ro
N tgagca..
.. fll'.'.li'iT
excels $ 18,087
I OKQ RONAWAV I'h aioie David
hi, theHpenr r Dutta dairyman, Im
n.led t t ooma to town lat night and
I his t 'nui hitclit d t t the wagon in
front of Ids home about revan o'clock.
The hot aagOl rrlghtem I and started
for town without a dilver, They ar-
rlvad in Iron I of Holden'a car bouse
Without any particular damage to the
outfit n broken a ike, when ai
Holden ellmbrd Into tbe wagon Iron
the rear and raked in the iiu with
tbi whip, stopping the bores at the
M In n i House, They were pretty
wi ll f.tgg d ait ir tbe long run.
IUvrk Imphovkmintb. The U 8
anag boat ore w com plel i driving thai
piling on the south bunk ofNkiuuers
rapids Irat evening, Today they were
year the ei
rollmenl waa 7: the leoondi 10; tbe
thint, Ii; the preaanl year 18, Thirteen
tuden' . are from Washington, one
IrOm Idaho and twelve trom Oregon.
T a beautiful property west of the
university is now free from debt and
ie ' aeotaa value of at leaat 8T,00o,
'ibee dowieilt is m ns yet but li
Is i Spec) I that this will Ik. materially
ItM I ed do lug the summer.
A Correspond. nice lilble c turse h-s
been oM.nei and hi under the direction
Ol Mr Harry BentOO,
DO Kallema,'B, 0., Drake (Jul i i
ty :s, the principal of the school of
oral ry, promises io make this depart
ment of the gren si value to the
If the Christian church, under whose
auspices the school exls' , coutluuea '
lve the luetltUtlOO the hearty moral
and financial aonpori it bra raoalvrl
during the Hut four years of lis ex
1st mi , we no rat na why the
schc il should not uitluue to grow
and increase its mwer for good as the
years go by.
Mrs. Stanford Has Transferred
Her Entire Wealth to the
Han Kkani isnt. June I Mi- U,..,
corted tbem to the gate and watched P"tUBgbruah nl immen athedam, LHtanfi rd, widow ..f the la.e snator
them as they passed from sight Then wmen wm is-ns-Kui unerwarus. tney Htantoni.
be slowly returned to tbe hones, gave a fouia tne water ii r ueep in this ofhe
lias formally transferred all
er vast we kit li i i th- unlv, rslty
kmg i took at th., disordered r.-.m. cloaed channel, which is however not very which bears the name of her dead son
the door and shunted oil to the shed wide. This will lie turned Into tho ' Deeds renr auilhw nmi v Mlsasat
There be aat for several moments and teaaWt nhannal s,..i i. n. "lH,,Hr,,,r ting propeily valued at
drew hard at his, Id pipe " " ' " ' , ' ' 1 " 0ar 81000,050 have laeu given B
I. mi' mint Oitdtti. ol rortland. is im.i i,.n .,...
... w ,.n,,-,-n.,i i in- i.ei'tiiu rsan
kem looking over i he work. It is ex-. fr(, Jr., university, and tbU added t,.
peon I that tbe boat win work four it previous endowment of over 815.-
tmO.dOn, makes It one of the richest In.
existing agalhBt the estate of James having gone there to n side and Io do 'em, and she'd liko it
Spear, deceased after tbe comnletlon I enter in,o business, ami many ol us (o try anvwav. "
nl tbe lir.t administration ol his estate, have invested money there, tlmusuuds
Secoud The County Court ol J,me i of dolla . Een Oregon has now
county, State of Oreson. was w ill, out gained one e ll.ens. and valuable
jurisdiction to make the seem d ap- ones, too, on i. t iuui of ouroontem
pointment of an administrator of the plated visit. I am confident that our
tstateof James 8j. jar, decea id, and trip through Orc n a 111 do that stale
the said attempted appointment of more good than baa ev r beau done be-1
said admiui-tratrix.and said at tempted fore f .r i ."
resale of said real property under said j
Petition therefor waa without authority OoodStrBBT M I BB1 At.. -The block
The supper bell rang At tho sound
he hastily started for the door His
hand wasoii the latch, then he hesitat
ed, his hand dropped, and he returned to weeks yet be! ween here and Han is
" s'11 uarwn anu ran ins nngera ourgi stitutions of learning in the world.
ThataU rang second i He laid Diw-K'-'burg I'lalmlealer: otJt, , 'I he pr.t.K.rly Includ s s 00k of tho
hia pipe down earefnllv. aroi : ,w. his w Whiisette, n piomlnenl fanner of u,hern laclllo loinpany, of the
vesta pull, seitled his ha! firmly i n his Uear Uotla ;e Grove, whs In attendance ""thern I nprovement Compauy, tho
head and steadfastly wall; . I into the at the (uncial eervlOM of bis brother, I Htrtet Hallway Company;
kitchen Marcus Whits. lt. w ho died In this elty i lu Ki slem railroads, In coal
His wife was sitting by the table, on May 80. 1 !!. aud was hurled In I he mines, In everything that miuht or
I nringthetea Deer Greek remetrv on the foiiowimF nilght not pay a dividend; real est at
d iv. fWaaarri aiaa lata nt rulir,.r,.u i In California and elsewhere, and oven
prettier , .., .. . . iur i..u'u n. n.. , iu,n... ,i i.. i
Ilo.n ,inl .....l,vv P. rl...- .1... "" H'" o,.,o, ,ei,s. Kir- " " ' " " ' ......-. j..wi-l-
on a better dreas. marly resided in this county ami was """unle.l lu value to nearly HiHJU.OOO
"Waa your meeting siiecefiil?" she well and favorably known, lie haves ''Ut this Ih denied. They will amount
queried, her eyea on the amber liquid, several grown children ami two broth-: to u KM"' sum, hut not to that figure.
"Very, " be replied BB be creased tl rs. O W and J II Wlnd-cli, ami many ,'1"'1" w,,,' 's""" '"war levenue lex
room to where bis coal hung on the frlenda to mourn bia loss " stamps .niacin itotbod la of trust,
w idenpeg "They nominated mo for I In turning over her property, Mrs
"ft" JS?" , , Bn.PM.rtx.vB0AT.-Bu $g -J tftrlfiB
she nodded her head reflectively McMahon. of Junclion Cite Iihvh,. iii. uii. I ...Ie,.,,,., , i i t
traol d w ith the attamboat city of Eu-' akad Ibal tnera should in. establlebt i
geua I., carry 1 1 Portland twenty five In moohanlml training. Be i
j., j , ,, , . a.1 :r the "lily ill I ro Hie will exercls
tons Of dlled prunes r,.n Harr,.,urg. over her fonner vest slate wlil be that
Thu lruit will be handled by team of a trusti e of the university.
from Junction i
He hesitated u moment She looked
very pretty as she sat there
' on Ninth street
and Oak proves
crushed lock is
which to make
f law and void.
Third-That the said John Stewart
nl L W Ilruwn are not chargable
i.har.y amount as aureth - on the
undertaking of Elizabeth Beaaton, as
WuHnistratrlx of theeetate of James
(' "fdecersed, or any part thereo'.
""orney George H Dorns appeared plain ordinary gravel.
etwven Willamette
conclusively that
the material from
solid f .-r. Hy i
I'lgglug through the same It is found
that mud d es not work up through il
as it I generally supposed to through
It was undeniable that Lyford Mer-
ritt's heart heat somewhat faster than
usual ns it nea red 3 o'clock on tho fol
lowing afternoon. The town committee
had ordained to have an extra meeting
it was usually held at the Perkins ,
but Mrs. Perkins whs sick, and so Ly
ford bad generously uskml them to
come there,
A few had already gathered and weru
sitting in the shade of the big elm. Oth
ers could he seen coming down tho road.
"I suppose wo might as well go in,
seeing there aro so uutuy of us alreudy. '
Lyford remarked
It was an unwritten law that the
meetings of tho committee should al
ways be held in MUM pallor or the
church vestry It was nut compatible
"Voti will make a good one. " she said
"They ought to put go, ..I un n iiiofllce. '
He stared at her back "I'm sorry
tho parlor" he begun
"You needn't bo. " she broke In sharp
ly "1 guess'' Sho set the teapot
down, aud, arising can fully, walked
around thu table and set it down at Iter
husband s place "I guess that a man
has a right to do ns be wants to in his
own house. "
She glanced at him proudly One arm
was in his c at sleeve
It's pretty warm, ihi remarked,
fating herself nt'iiin, "alio i.vford
o the latter clly. Our
height, irs at Junction should er ot u
small watch, use on the liver and then
boats could land at the same as long
as they call navigate the river to liar-lisburg.
Hold a Meeting at the Court House
Dally QWUU, Juris I
Pursuant in a called meeting, n i. um
ber of I iidian war veterans mil at the
UOPH..I GALORI Junction t'ity
Times: "OopherH are reported unite :
iwrhana van 71 ha morn comfortable if numerous In i ertain sections. On the ''"Urinous,, lo'hiy l:i IIs-Um matt, as f
yon didn't put your coat on Jseoh Hoff foam below town iin-y
Ho lent a keen glan, in In-r dir.f- threaten to take the place. On-(lay
Hon, ana ma nine eyee twina-ieo ue this week they succeeded In killina
with the dignity of thu committee to the performance of one of hie plays at
int ti st to theiuselvis In the national
legisb ture and to elect d'.degi 'es to the
stale eiicHliipliient si on to be held in
chanicslly he replaoed the coat and took I thirtv mrf it aunii v ,., Portlnnd.
bJe eeat at the table ' oj i for gophers either. The best known Oaptoln P 0 Nolard waa named aa
" think that sic ol. berepUed , ex.ern.lna. ogopbers.s we j chalimai. of the meeting and J 9
Globe-Democrat 72 . a ...u ... ,,.,
, cs mis and mice la an overflow of the Amis st i relary.
Dlaaarr'a S"l. Willamette, An Informal discussion of the old
The Kuipres hugenie once asked veterans various interest, occupied
. . ' . . . ... I I I V I.I.' I" . i . s;i. 'I II...... ...I , I '
D tnin ry, the Krin n ,iramini-t, mt-r
. Iiallj ouard, lune t
"Kixiior Brutes. "-Albany Dem-' l'svi:n.ixi Ckkkmoxy .-The un-"cr-:
' Kugene can boast of the wort veiling ot the monument erected to the
.rute "tslde of the Philippine islands memory d the la( Mo Comber Will
A'ter allowing his wife to support him take place at the Pleasant Hill MIU'
anl aiter they hadeeparated. he eeoret- "r.v tomorrow, June 4. under the au
'ytR up the remains ot their child spices of the I'lea-ant Hill Camp of
Wn'cli had been buned and hid It else- Woodmen "f the World Kuitene
uere. The mnth, ,,,,.,.1.. a , ' mamhai ol tie order are invited "
w.Mv. ,vm.u,ij '.e.'ini
IS I . .
-a empty grave. Then the man,
"no had skipped out, this week wrote
tne former wife, boasting of the act
wu &n Investigation proved It true.
e brute's name is King and it may
U that ha ie the king of brutea."
A Denial. In the divorce case ol
C M January vs Gennie January, the
defenciant answers and denies all the
statements in the origiual complaint
meet in barn or shops, us did other or
Thames sprang up and Lyford h-d
the Way to tho front of tho house, where
they greeted the others. They stood a
moment and chatted, wbilu a few strag
gled up. tie ti I. f. void put his hand on
tho door
It refused to open He hi ido several
attempts, hnt it would not stir. He'
grew rsl in the fucu with exertion
"It's unlocked all right, " he declared,
"beoaOtt 1 MS to that this morning
Yen . ... we don't use it very often,
mi, 1 that's the reason why. I'll go in
Hi). .,!el s. . if 1 call start It.
He left the men and skirted tho hones
avoiding the kitchen windows and steal- i
iug in the back way. where he removed j
,. . mosi oi ine atternoon and at the time
Kugene ariivn hete finin l'ort'and . i ., . ,
the Tuileriea, "H lid your 1 ne lUW forenoon at M o'clock with ,.,..,.,,. An . ;b.rt will be made
gat the pol i n (hi ary f. r about bo bona of through freight. Hhei, , .,.,.. . ,,., nraM..
oleared mora money on the round trip pe,.,
th,,,. an, former one. She bai a foil TnaONgOfl delegation In congress
load o, down freight already engaged. ()WCH t , , , o1,.ew "wh()
Vmoctg her Officer are a new Oblel fllKlltfl)r ( clvlllZlng nftba state to
engineer mate and ..everal deck hande. M(.rl emy Hlirt , , ,
. . V-T I I P '"""""y! the proper manner, a n the manner
n i i ii i i"vn,
tho denouement "Ah, your luaj
ty," said D Kmc ry. "tbut's tmtt what
1'vo never hi 1"! in getting her to
telL "
Another lima the directors of a the
ater wln re In drama. "Tho Two Or
phans, " was It'll.' arstsl, asked him
whut he was di-sati.-tied with "Ob,'
lie replied, "it s . nly that each of you
has gut an Imb '' lor a partner
A itrr llulr.
Do Canters-Is tin re any sum way
to tell tint ago of a horse T
De Trotter -Yeei ash the deiih r and
multiply by ooe-half New York
WooDafia Mr wi ma i ugnne I uop
Woodmen of the World w ill unveil a
monument erected f the memory ol
their lat t brother C B Watson, Hju
day.Junels, with the uaual memo
rial exercises of the order. The pro
gram will appear in due time.
with which the government Irs
treab tl soldiers of other wars,
bally 'luanl, June 1
COMW HON. In the list of tesi lit IIS
selected In the pubiio schools, t Bu
gene nubllsbed yisterday the nama
"Mis- l uniile Williams" should have
read Mi-s Kauuie Milllcau.