Eugene City Guard. I. L. Ml III I I I . ., KUOKNK CITY ORKGON EVENTS (IF THE DAY a 11 imr t I'alUctluu f ItMM from tha Tmn llainUuhri I Im a ' 'i i . Tin- ron o( islmon in the lowei Co lumbia ii Increasing. Tim total MWibW '( plague cac re ported at Alexandria la eight. Two have dM anil two tecO Tared, A Pfcrli dispatch y i-eyfu will certainly I xi acquitted at Inn second ' trial. All liia accuser aru dead, or have fled the country. Secretary Alger will rontrol tha (ranting of fiaiiohise in Potto Kiro, subject to a nomiriul revisinnaty au- j thorny of tint president, which will nut i.eceasanly lie I'li'inw I. Two core acienlist of nolo, con stituting the Han iiniiii exploring nx pod it ion to Alaaka. hnvu arrived in Pur t l.trx). They will M bark from it-MlllH on tliti steamer Kliler. Ilaron von Munchausen' Kperbaia- I bruder won tlm race fur tlm grand prise ol Hamburg, valued it t 1 iKj.000 marka. Tlm ba run married Mi Net lis Orohy, ol fTwlMJP. HM year ago. j i'esidenl MoKinley ha Is uc. I the long-expected a in I in 1. 1 to tlm civil service rule which he ha ml under 1 consideration for about a year. It re lento (KM th epoiatlooi of civil serv ice rulra about ' ' ullloee. An order hat been blued ut Munila r i t-Ktubi i liiag tlm Philippine court, wlmli liavu been closed aim's the American Plain Baton. It revives all tit. Spanish !yeteB not coiilliuting witli Hi" sovereignty of tlm United Htatc. Secretary Alger liaa received a cable Kiani f rOfli Qooeral 'll in reipOBBI tu liia inquiry, announcing iiiat a ma jority of I tin (lir"ii reciineul uf viilun ai Manila have denied W retUtfl by steamer dlrMtl to Portland. The Washington r. i iiit-n t decided to uiiino Ural In San Plant ItOOi Within nnii week tlm ttates of Ne braska. South Dakota, lor. a, Wiscm- in, Minricaula ami Noillmin lllinuit iiavn ax pat lanoad seven ol the moat vio- lent aloiina known In yeaia. resulting In tlm loss of nearly a dnaen live ami doing ilainagu to pmprity ami crop! that will run into the bundled of thouaunilii. Tin- itoamei Chine, fron I lnic Kong ami Yokohama, via llunololu, hung newt to sun Vrnat laao of tlm murder of an Amencan loldlat named llemga Ityan, Baai Malolua, III fnghlfnlly mutilated body found on April 17. The I ... I waa lualm.1 tu ia(t floating In tlm r i tit. tim akuii . raaliad and both arma huil taaa BUl nlf at tlm albowa. Itoaa BOflbailf) the folUOUl Hiiuual ialnlr, la I at Laiodoo, Bngland. Tha North Atiuntic. aqiiadron will make NtWOOlV U I., Ita lUBBai ijimi tera. t'nli.m aohlii'ia at llaraini u (un I on tlm flial 'lav In tOOapl thn i ' . :. t timin hy tba United ttutea to lurraadai Hi. mi anna Kiom llar.lin iili, s c. la reported the hurning to .leatli of Jacob Solo ninn, hia mm ami aevun i liil.limi, in an aoaldental the whluh deatrovii.l Ittstf hoiiaw. riirtlciilara rerflro.l i.'pii ding tha fitiiiine in Kiia.ia OOnOm tlm ptOflotM haiiowing Mootwta soiuu atitliorltlaj atlaaatg that aa many go, 000,000 paaaanli are itarelng. The rlpaiiinli lrooa have with.liann tram Banboania altoi n imitie ariib the laanifantt Tbl inainnent toat waa aereri'. The Si'iiuikIi lum aa nine killed ami g7 ffOUndad Harry ami John Amleimni, hiotheia, went out aallinn on Yotiiig'a hay, neat Altorla, Or., In a imtll boat, and ".'"I drowned by the i'amling ol the bfNkl when tlmv were Una than b0 yarda from allure, Howard It Kreti, n y0U0 man atmut yeaia uf age. an art ntiident of tbaAoadant ol Design ol n' xorkt ndl a itartling and IDOONalul Jump lion the Brooklyn hn.tge, mi l aunt out ol the rlvw uninjured. An Oakland, (Calx) miner, lu haa nal ralttf nad flOOl Uoppai river, Alaa ka, taya that he known ut so pmapaO' tun in that aantloa aha are lulaalng, li nut nlraady daad tliay mil die In an effuit to reaoli Oviliiatmn. Mum uf them went out In mini 1 1 part lea, with ! only ntovialoni enough tu la.t iheni a few month. lien. ue pat I lea have l. on iinnhle to get trace of Iben Tha Landoa Tlaeatn an adltoilal dealing with tha pioapeet that the rn- mit of tba paaoa oonfatenoe nillhea IHumanent ai lulialinn trlhunal auva: "No goveinuient oi p.'uple have devot ed thenmelvea with gieatvi ai.lur In the atudy of the theory ul irbltrattHt than the anveinuieut and hm. ul tlm United Itataa. Tha Atimi icaiia nut only Kieieaa gieal lawyera. hut aie a coiuuiunlty in Wblak knowledge ol legal prlnalplai mme RrdeOBtoad than in any other." Ml II Ml llfIM. Kooaevelt'a rough rideia will hold theii (1 rat annual leuuieu on June lit In New Memo. The vTaaUaghaaat Electric Oobh puny haa raotivad an oi.lei to eyuip a trolley line hutwreu PblUdelpiba and Attaatta city. The eueatilan atalue of Major- fjaaaral John I . Barirantl in Uapttol paik, Hun miiiug, iv a a railed With liupionaive irieinoiiiea At the annual meeting in t'nnin nail of the We.lein ioolatl hu the Nippreaaion of Vir. V. J. Hied, if t'lm lnnatl, waa tfottad piceldetlt. Word eoiiiei from l.on.luu that the Joint high ooainilaaloa t. Battle db ptitea hetween the United Slalea and , Canada will reauma Ita tllUniaAa guit a. l.Tii.llioral, the country home of the late Jay QoaM, haa Keen puichaoed l.y Miat Halen Gould from the Qattld ea tate. Tha Lyndhural properlv oonalata of M aoree and the pi ice paid wat tat 4,000. LAItll Ntws. Japan ia .aid to be pieparing for war With Ituaaia. San VraBeleaO won three gamea from Seattle III telegraphii: i hen . Texaa haa ipiarant ine.l agninat New Orleana. The Southern 1'aclllc la tied up. William Daahnell and Otia TVkI.I were killed in Ohio hy tram running into a hand car. Hignor Chinaglia waa elected preai- lent of the Italian uhambei of dupu tiea. Cunfederato dead'a grave were dtto rated by Unioi. treteiann at ITiiliadel phia. The queen of Spain ha appointed Marlines Cumpo to presuluncy of the BKiale. In Lovtf Oallfomll miner are Mid to he getting aa high aa two ounce ol gold to the pan ol dirt. Canada ha an eye on Skagway. if given the allghteat eniourageinent to hui for the comeaaion ol a irt. ('ana. liana ghtlaj they h:iili overed a doriiment which obviate further queation ol owneifhip to Uemluian' lalaud. The tierman nmhaador at Wah ingtou haa protected agaiimt the Unit ed Htatea aunding aunther warthip to Saimib. Thn .late ih parlment baa made pub lic an official ul Mr.utof tlm rejairt ol the Nicaragua canal OOOBllaaloa It uatimutea tlm OOSt at l IN,1 13,'UO. lJuka do A reus, the new Span in h ininiatni, haa arrived, lie nay Ihi ir.try ia ao uiweiful, tlm Philippine inaurgent will aooii bo compelled to aurrumlur. The lOlh annual ae.ainn ol the Traii-Mimalppi t'uinmerelal emigre opened in Wichita, Kan , with 1)00 delegate In attendance, und 200 more reHirted en route. Oeiiurul Otia' force of regular in the Philippine will conaiHt of 'ib regi ment, ami he will havo mom if Im n I them. i'roNtdont McKinley ha declared Im ha no pieaeut Intention of tailing out tlm iirmy. Hubert Cieighlnn, iu.irlermalei clerk on the Iranaport Sheridnn, tOBJ in i tied autcide hy .hunting lllnuell through tho temple with a levolver in Sun Kram I In reiently armed hero from Manila. Deapomlency maaad by 1 1 baallh tlm luppoeed augt ui in aot. Kom Ibouaaiid of tho vol-.iuteer now in the PhlllppinW are reported '.o have aigned a petition to tin- preaideflt and aecretaiy uf eai. piaving that they re celve then diachaigea in Manila, In- lead id at the place uf ellllMlueiit. It wa eiplaimd that they lailieved that tim Pblllpplna ielandi "offarad are oppOl luiill lag fur induati ion ami entei pi iHin A inei lr.uu to make for themtelvea bumoa. " K K. Rollina, a rauchei at Ouilcene, Waah., wua Otnabad to death by u tree falling on him. Mujnr l aal cl.. .ine.l with anlhiimuKiii bf tbo Preoch on hia ur rival ut tOQ Ion. At Paili es-Praaldant Barrlaon de livered tlm Memoiial day uralion ul the lumb n I, a Vayattl Tim Daltad Bit tec oralaar Brooklyn wa damaged hy alrlking a hidden oh aitmtion In New Yoik barbofa Krank BonlBi a lunl il parent, wa killed while he alepl hy Jil Iwo young children, whom he had iilmoat alaived to aalmfy hi own want. a tramp kaeaaltad the ll-yaai-ald laughter ol K. V Mc.pelt, ncai . m, Or., a iha wm raturnloi from Khool. The gni broke away and aecapad. The winter w beat imp ul Southern Kuaaia ha been eompletely de.lrnye l by a piutiiu'led drought. The .pinig wheat Crop i almi In jeopardy lioui the aame cuu.o. Aa a loHiilt uf the leCtl made at the Chicago ateckruid hv tho liveHlock domaiUeloBan ami health ofBolalc, it hu been du-cnveied that all uf enw eiaiullied were .utTering from lubercii Inaia. M. de lleanpre create. I a deep aen.a tlou in the Kiench con r t uf lecltat by uieiuuiy declaring that ho had become convinced that the hordftciiti naa writ ten bj Major COOOI Kerdinand WalllO K.tei haay. He lor in In the navy ia being talked of In Washington. A plan fui u teor gauiaalion of that department ia on foot. Dewey, It i .aid, mar be placed at the bead uf a board 10 paM on bU reuu in ut let. A dlipalah horn Manila mti Ihal the men (ruin the ho.pital alnp Keliel captured hy the iu.nigent off Tata naqite neie the llind engineer, anolbei oftieei ami a boat'a crew Tbev cte .ailing in a cat boat, ami native from the ahor el out in boat and look I hem. Abraham ami OeoarJonttl, biotbcn, are the fli.t Columbia river lihcriuen n .nled diowned tin eaon. Then boat wai ca pel and on Paaorxk apit, and they aauk before the UtCMViB cie could reach them. Aunther li-hing-boat containing two men wa carried over the tun The Point Adam Me taling craw went out alter them, but m.h aaabia to pica I bent up mid re lumed. What became ol the men it not known. A Ifi:i(i. OF TERROR A PENNILESS WOMAN. Filipinos Occupy Towns De serted by Americans. XATIVI'.S TOBTl'BRO AID KIM.F.D I I .. fir llif I BBtOrB f Men From in. Relief Neva ' ' Oilaaate Paftf. Manila, Jaaa 3. Detail regarding the capture by the Filipino of Iwo officer from the ho'pilal .hip liellef have jut been obtained. The Kelief lie In the harbor in front of tin oily. Third Officer Fred lleppy and the a .-.'ant engineer, Chaile Hlanford, rigged a tail on one of the lnp' boat and went ..tiling along the .lime mi the .until, oiipomte the In. urgent line. The boat I.e. Mine becalmed near the .horn and BNM native canoe with Filipino on bOBfd put not and nap jured tlm two men, who were unarmed, ami alao look o.eion of the boat. Tba Mnriadnnek ii- kfy ai'iit a boat with a landing parly under cover of her gun ami .belled the .bore brlakly. Thn native, however, ru.beil tha pria oneia into tint wood before the Mon adma'k'h Uiat reached the land. I'ur .on on laiard auveral other ahip aaw tim affair through but were un able to present the capture of lleppy and Hlanford. Friendly native, nnlvlng from the country aiouml San lidro and San Miguel, report thai a reign ol terror ha prevailed aiuce the Amur inau troop were withdrawn from thur.ii part ol tba ialand. Tlm In. urgent who return nro dealing vengeance upon thole of their countrymen who have (liowu any frlcmUhiD toward the American dur ing the latter' DOCOpBtiOB ol the terri tory. The frieuilhe declare that un offending people urn being mmdered daily, ami that their houae are being burned ami their property cunlUcated. Plenty of lympalblaara with the m- lUrraOthM raMlnad during ll.e Amorl can' .lay, ami they have been r. puit lug Ibata in. tame ol Iriemlliueaa Inward our troop. The refugee, and the Inhabitant! were hmily oppreaaed hy the native aohlicra before Aineiican occupation, hut their condition le Wore now. Diiuhtleaa llieie ia much truth in thn lepoita, though .tunes Iron Filipino source uio alwayi mag- lulled The contract for di.tiibiiting govern, aa I eed. thi yaai ha. been let hv the atienltaral department to Chaile Paikei, of Santa Clara, Cal.. lor tl, t00. For the Hut time In IS ycai. U W. Wagner, a pioiuineul citiien of Hu eviu. 0.) i able lo apeak. In I III he vai afflicted with illue which loll hitu mule While holding a New. rriim l.llninre. vVailllngton, lone a. -The following JitpatOh teceived by the navy depart ment I the Bnl new o Lieutenant Qilmore reoelved fur aei week, und ia taken by the department as a hope ful Indication oi ins eiiuaikMi "Manila, lune g. BtOapBil Spaniah priaonera repot I leeing Oilmure ami Home aailnra well. Oiliuoie la alluwud a huisd. " BOTH CLAIM f HE BODY. Train Pfreeh BJrlag Hal aimr r a Dae I Lire. Waterloo, la , June i Two women are claiming the body of Kdwm J. darker, who wa killed in the wreck on the Huilinuton. IV.I.n Kanid & Norlhein railroad near here Sunday morning. Tlm now lie in tlm morgue here. One ol the claimant ia Mr. Iv J. Barker, the widow of the dead man, ami she I now 00 hei way from Hot Spring, Aik. , to take charge of the remain. The Otbei claimant i Mi. Ida Shad ville, of Niahart, Mont., who arrived in Waleiloo last night. She declaie.l that Darker wa to have met her in Minneapolis Sunday, ami they were to bare been married Munday. She Identified the lemnlM a those of her prospective bridegroom A special I roll) Spring say that Mi. H.nkci came ilmie with her husband from Molilalia several month ago. They were married a year ago at Hutie. Her husband waa a man of consider able Wealth, being Interested m cileii mining Interest, at Ureal Fall and olbet points In Montana. Mr. Darker know nothing a yet of tlm dual nature of her husband. FAILED TO AGREE Dlaarwemenl it, a Peoi Ihew iu it, I'eaee Oeegre The Hague. June ) Both MOllOM ai tba dlatmanianl ooomtlttee met to- lav ami, aa wa anticipated, tailed to aglte With regard to the question of new itnention in armament. The drafting oomiatttec uf tim arid It at lOB Committee made boBM advance thta allernoon. The delegates submit- tad their HbeoM, telatlng loanarbltra Don tribunal The plan profldeetbal each OOUntry .hall appoint a .Ingle ailutr.iiiir, to bo (elected by the 0 piame coorti ol tba ihjnatory powete, The tribunal .hall have a peimanenl entral rcat, and be composed ol at three Judges, who thall mil be nalive oe resident of countries lie longing to the power in disaccord. Hi., gaaaial upeaeee ihall he .bared propoitlonattly. In the event of new laou aililag within three mootheolB deolalon, tha caaia tribunal ihall have power lo try again the question in dispute RaOOUrM to the tribunal shall bo optional for the lignatory Kwer. Beglaear Arret leg r..r Palmare. Wallace, Idaho, June i AI Hut loo, tlm engineer who pulled the rtoteia' train from Duike to Wardnei, wa ai rested yesterday lor perjurv. HallOO claimed not to know one of the rfotora, alter being on the Wallace Duike run for yeais Nn. BaaaeWra "a. Traa.r.rrtd flee K lire WesltB k Bleeraltrjr, San PkaocilCO, Jaaa 3 Mr. Jane L. Htanford, widow of the late lawatO Stanloul, ha formally traiisfeire.1 all of her vast wallh lo the university which hear the name of her dead ami. Deed representing properly valued at over IIO.uuo.iiiK) have been given in trutl to the trustee of the Iceland Blanlofd. Jr., univeiaitr, ami thia, added to it previuu endowment of over l6,0bl, nun, make it one of the rtoheat inititutiuii uf learning in the wot hi. The pro petty ineladei tocka of the Southern Pai i tio t!ompany, of the Siuthern Pa itlc Improvenient Canu pany, the Market-Street liiiilway Com pany; atock in Eaelarn railroads, in coal mines, in everything that might or might not pay a dividend; real .ette in California ami elsewhere, and even her jwcl. It wa believed her jewel aim.uiit-1 in value to nearly M000,000, but thll I" denied. Hmy will amount to a giN'dly sum, but not to that figure There w-i h,hoo in war revenue tax stamp attached to the deeda of truat. In turning over her property, Mr. Stanford read an ad. Ires to the trus tee, aoggeating plan for the future and adviiing a to the present. Hhe aked that them ahould bo established course in mechanical training. Here after the only control she will eiercise over her former vuat estate will he, that of a truateu of the university. MARCHAND AROUSES FRANCE. lie l 1 1 . 1. aalms tlm QOVCVB- tionl for llm KvaruatliHi tit Ka.liotli.. ObiMgO, June I. A special cable to . jlHge figure the Chicago Tritiuiie fiom 1'uri eay: thiuk twice Major M neliand a apeech at luuluu bag (alien like a bomb. Marchand's previuu attitude and hi frequent re prole "latum of loyalty lo tlm govern ment gave no indication of hi inten lion I" laih tlm govenimeut fur the unlliui id k'u.luJa Tli .........I, 1 ia regarded aa seditious. Here is the incriminating phrase, spoken in reference to the evacuation of Fa.luala: "Seeing what a statu of division out country ia in, over an affair of whnhl need not speak, we Otnaptaband that France could nut make the supreme effort. We felt that our country could not uiake a proud, Oetgeiic reply. Ten centuries of hialory have taught her that p?ace waa the instant question. Happily, peace was inaintaluetd, but I believe I .an sav that uf that aurt uf peace there had better not bo too in ne 1 1 in Fiuuce In the same century. " Aa a result of Macrhaml'a apeech, a gioupofiitv couiicuiimeii tilay asked that plans foi the grand reception tu MaiOhaud at the Hotel do Villa be countermanded. The piefcot ol H)licu has forbidden any one inside the sta in. n tu meet ll.e hero save gnveinmeiit 001 tail, who must be provided with special permit. TRADE WITH ORIENT John Barrett Talks of Possi bilities in Asia. MVMU 01 1 BTEP TO CHINA ad.lis.t riallvrrrd ller.,ra Iha Nee tuik Ofanmaer ml Cemeieree l a. III.' I i.u.l Inter!. REDELS NOT QUIET. Open t i Be ee Oaetpelga at -... Kv-riiniHli. Manila, June 3. The insurgents irOOnd Ban Feruamlo this Ulurmng at lacked the ootpoeta of the Fifty-tir.t loWB infantry, slightly wounding two men. Colonel Fieneh took tim remainder of the Twent y second in fan t rv to QaU daha yesterday, the insiirgcnle having appeared iu (nice theie. tieineal Lawtun ba Ih'imi kIvcii ooniniand of the dofenaaiof the city, and the troop forming line around Manila, which will be hia division. MaaArthar aonaandi the unliving garrison and the holding tho ralllOad ami riven. fillet Hardarer PaaUhedi vVaahlngtOn, June ;t. The war de- partnanl received the following lodayi "Manila, June Jl Suittli reports from Negios tluit he haa punished the Inauigeati who tuoidered Captain ''lev; that the eastern cnat of the I land ia now under the Aineiican flag. Bad tho inhabitant ask protection again! rubber band. The hand pur sued into the BMUBtaini were severely punished. OTIS." Tlm follow ing is also from Otis: Missing, Apni 18 Captain Bocka. feller, oompany II, Ninth infantry. Wounded Thn. I infantiy, Sergeant Hell Kiege1; F.uirteeiith infantiy, 1'nvate Caster; Kift tiist loWB, Fli vatc Stuvenson and Stretch, Coiporal Com ha. faty liu i urn A ire teg. I'aria, June B. Lieutenant-Colonel I'aty du Clam, seriouslv implicated by tlm recent proceedings before the court of cassation, and ll e probable instigator Of some of the forgeries that have fig ured in tho DreyfUl affair, was placed under ariest at 7:10 last evening, and taken to tho Chcrchc-.Midi military prlono, The court of OafaaUOB at noon yes terday resumed bearing argument in th Dreyfus cae. iwej Teh la Life Kaay, Hong Kong, June 8. Admiral DewCy lives quietly at the Viotoril Paah hotel, and decline nil society overture. He lakes short walks, gen eiallv alone, and ia recupeiatiiig rapid ly. He inalltl tiiHin giving tlie crew ol the Olympic a good time on the Medit erranean, reaching New York abuul October i. child on hit lap lecentU he wa n- icd with a sudden detue to speak lo her, and to bit MtptlBf wa able to do to. Dr William Sewaid Webli haa pre- anted war meilal to eviy member of the Vermont regiment ol volunteer ajaipaaed of metal taken from Admira, : Cervera' ttagtbip. the Marl Teieta Hear Admiral Wntaou, who euccec Is Pewey in the Philippine, wa a lieu tenant ou PaiiaguC (lagahip at the bat tbl of Mobile bay ind emitted in 1 lathing the adiuiial to the rigging of the Hartford before he went to do or die. Furlhei attempt lo float the Ameil can liner Pari bave tweu abandoned uulll the neit apilpg tide. FOad lu Lao, Wi., June 3. Wil. little liam Skinner and Arthur Pratt, young Dueineea men or tin city, were drowned in Lake Winnebago latl night by the capsinng ol a boat. Mtmuiurtil I Tains New York. June i After 0 yeaia. the Thomat Paine moiunuer.t in New RoahOlb ha been tliiihe.l by the ciowning of the theft, which was erect ed to is.t'.i. with a colossal butt of the freethinker. About 800 admireie of the writings of Paine m.i le the trip to the monument yesterday and partici paled in the exercise. It bad been expected that Kohert ll. lngeraoll would apeak, bnl ho did not appear. The placing of the butt wat under the auapic of the Liberal Club of Man hattan and the lltooklyn Plnloeophical Sm icly. The Haiti- lo III lire, .kirn. Washington, June 8. The navy de partment hai been in'ormed that it will cost tvooo ami require 30 day to repan the li juilee utainel by the Brooklyn in touching bottom In New Y'ork harboi on Decoration day. Seattle, June 8. The Poet-Intel li gencer ta that negotiation lor the formation of the Pacific Coast cracker trust are , tt Tlm syndicate hack ol the deal has not made the final pay-uieiit. T Tak l ' i . , r . Hem. New York, June 8. A diatch to the Journal and Advertiser from St Pierre, Martintqaa, y: It i ttatetl n the best authority that the (learner La Faetie, which hat just ariive.1 here today, bring offleere and men who will take Captain Dreyfn home from hit prison on the Isle du Dtahle, off French Uuiana. to a new trial in Parle. It i said that no difficult ia the art of cutting glovea that tnoet of tha prin oi pal cutter are known in the trade bj name and by lame. New Vork, June 8. The tegular monthly meeting of tho chamber of omuieice was held thi afternoon, and ihe feature was tlm address nJ John liarrett, ex-miliitter to Siam, on "America's Interests in Fat Fast." Mr. Bar tell nld in part: "If ihe Philippine, with their impu tation of ), 000,000 ami area of 1 IS. HOC square mile, are un inviting field, China, w ith her population of Hall, 000, mm. and area of OfOf 4, nun, 000 square mile, is fat mure to. While we wish to gain a large sham of the foreign tradti of tlm Pbllippil which uow amount to nim. a year, and should reach, under Americin control, f 100,000.000, we must have great am bition to secuie tlm major part ol China' commerce, which ie now f2S0, 000.000 gold, and should soon in crease, with 'open dour' and fteedoiii ol trade, to 3.VJ,000,000. "Add to this rant th trade of China proper, which i separated from Hong Kong, ami that of the other Asiatic countries, and wo have an actual total ul nearly 1,000.000,0011. Are not which should make us befme shirking our re- BOniibllity! Shall we, ill the face ol them, retreat and leave the prize to others, or shall we advance uud win our reasonable share? "America ia today the arbiter of China's future. The Pacific coast haa vast Interests ut slake in the develop ment of commerce and trade in the Pu data and the Far East. Under such de velopment deien.l largely the future prospect of alfornia, Oicgon und Wusliiliglull, three powerful giuut of talehoisl, whose wonderful growth and splendid posibililie must appeal to yon all. These states ask tho Fast not to ba BtCtiOOal in this question of meet ing our raaponaibilitiei iu the PaciAo, They beg that New Fngland and New Vor k will recognize that aa Huston anc New York city have built an enOIBMM trade on the Atlantic, San Francisco, I'uitlaud and l'uget sound cities wish to rival them on the Pacific. San Francisco would say tu Huston, iu tlie latter' agitation of anti-expansion ideas: 'Kemeiuber, you uro working directly against the interests of the Pa alio coast tiy such agitation.' "To you business men of New Y'oik I say that the business men of the Pa cific stupe are lunking fur your hearty and effective supirt in tlm develop ment of commerce and trade in the Pa cific, ami in tlie holding of the isisses- ion we have legitimately gotten hold of, believing that you appreciate that the prosperity of the entire OOOnlty is to he considered, when It am ing vour poller, and not that of the Fast alune. "Yuu of tlm East, yon o( New York, Boat on i Baltimore, Philadelphia ami New Orleans w ill have Cuba and Potto Ikico all tu yourselves; we of San Fian Cisco, Lo Angi-lea, San Ihego, I'uit laud, Tacoma ami Seattle, contend that you should at least approve of our having some interests ami opportuni ties in Ihe Philippine, and in China, for we recognise that all may ho lost if you do nut join us in our effort! to ad vance ami protect our Internet! in the I'm itlc. "Briefly nmaarleed, our pollot in China ihookl be directed, first, to tho preservatinn of the integrity of the em pire, with no further alienation of tomboy; second, freedom of tiade IbroOghnl all China, commonly called the 'open doOl,' Bl outlined in the old treaties; or, third, iu the unavoidable delimitation Ol 'sphere of influence,' such delimitation as will not close the glowing markets to the pioducta of the United State. We should stand foi tho integrity ut China, boeutiao we have much to lose and nothing to gain hv It breaking up. If we retain tho Philippine we shall lie strong tu the south, but we must have, under the conditions of China divided, n pott iu Ihe north, If we would properly main tain our puaition In tha Pacific and Far East." TRAVEL PAY SCHEDULE. i:n. Oils la laetreetet at lo Amounts Men In. ll I il Herri r. Washingtnti, June 3. Secretary Al ger hu caused the quartertuastci -general to make a careful compilation of mileage the Philippine voluntoere from each atato would be entitled to, ihotild they be mustered out at San Fianciaco. This information was em bodied in a message which was cabled 10 Qanaral Otis. Travel pay, exclusive uf two months' extra pay which each shall receive Um mutter-out, ap pioxiinates for Western state a fol lows: Oregon, Hi to $81; Washington, t:g to 6t; Idaho, 6I to 8I; Montana, I&8 to 84; Wyoming, ."ia to Each legtmeat ia to determine by vote whether they shall mOOtO) out in -an 11 aacllBO Ol in the home atate. Mr. Maylirl.-k'. Ir.r.l,,,,,. London, June 3 The Daily Chron A'le announces that Mis. Florence May brlck i likely to ba liberated shortly, ia the ieult ol the pressute hiought to eat hy Joseph H. Cbuate. United Mates ambassador, in HTOr of rOOpotV ing the case. Devrej Bfeeaaaetit, Chicago, June 3. The Lincoln Park beard haa deoided to erect mnnument to Admiral Dewey, tlie iniount to DO niised hy subtcriptlon. Bleeartelty on Warships. Waahlngtaa, June 3. The board ol 'aval BO reel chief ha dinided to atjaip the six new cruiser to lie built ith lull electrical plants fcr all uf Ihe eaantj machinery, including the 'inches and boat windlasses. The Battel haa been undei consideration .'nr many months, involving a It did he abandonment of pieeent ideas a to be extent to which electricity may be afoly and utelully employed aSMid hip. GAiETY AT MANILA- In Greenland potatoea lataer than a maible. Sever grow r.srhln th Plllprae ' aortal fm-liiiiit-Comtnltilsnort IJav llall. kia.lla .Inr.a R.--The Philippine commission lust night gave one of the moat brilliant ball Manila lias ever seen. Il was one of a aeries of enter tainment intended to fostor friendship betweon tho American und natives. The cominiion ha tho handsomest lesidence in Manila, ovei look ing the haibor. The ground! surrounding i', were illuminated, while tho boHM itself wa decorated with the American Bfjofg, Tba newly-aiointcil judge. Oen ?ral Ol', a number of other American ifflctala and many wealthy natives Were present. There wa a display of gorgeous na tive toileta, und many jewels wero worn, ami thn array of handaome women surprised the Americana. Theie was a long programme of Ainer'- can and Filipino dances, followed hy the rendering of several iintrumentui selections, ending with "The Star Spangled Hanner." Qeneral Smith haa punished the In nrgent! at Recalante, island of Ne gro, for the murder of Captain Tilley, of the signal corps, who wa fired upon by the native! under a flag of truce and cut off from rejoining hia companions on board the cable ship from which he had landed. General Smith burned tho town and killed a number of mem bets of the bund of insuigenta whom Im found in the neighborhood. Three niembera of tho South Dakota legiment weto Wounded ut San Fer nando in the encounter between in- urgent and American outpost. SAM T. JACK'S REQUEST. Well-known ft e tM ami Manager "Ill Ilia Win hi. Brekker, New Yoik, June 5. Sntn T. Jack willed his wife to hi brother Jame C. Jack. Thu lust testatiuent of the actor and theatrical uiBtiiigner, proprietor ol several theater, "Creole" and othet burlesque companies, who died April 27, has been filed for probate in the office of the surrogate. It contain! thil remarkable provision: "It ia my wish first ai d foremost that my brother James and my wife Kmtna shall become husband and wife." Mr. lack, the "Euiina" ol the will, was Misa Emmu Ward, tho favorite ucteress in the Lily Clay burlesque company, which was playing at Niblo' in 1893 when Sam T. Jack married her. James C. Jack was asked if he would accept the bequest of his brother, but he would uiuku no state ment. The estate is valued at 175,000, of which gtiO.OUO is said t? bo in banks in this city and Chicago. The testator left oue-third of his property to his wife, one-third to his brother James C. Jack and divided tho re mainder among othei utives. HEAD OF THE NAVY. Deuej Will Have (Inly a Life Title III III Hon. ol Knlrelll. New York, Juno 5. In order that it may he clearly iimleistood whether it was Adiuirul Upshur's intention, when he suggested a gift of a residence in Washington . to Admiral Dewey, that the properly' purchased should be come his personal propel ty and puss to his heirs, or whether it was his inten tion that it should remain the per manent home of the ranking officer of the navy, to ho occupied by Admiral Dewey n long as ho remained at the head of the navv, and thereafter to pas to his successors us time goes on, the department of history of the Unit ed States Wiot! to A Upshur, asking for his idea on tho mutter un der date of May 'i'J. The admiral replied us follows "Yuur inference that it is my prefer ence that a home be purchased by the re! will Offering! ol Americans for tho admiral of the navy, should he occu pied by Admiral Dewey as long as he remains ut the head of tho navy mid then to pass to his successors is en tircly coiroct." Tlie fence t'onferenre. The Hague, Juno 6. The special commission to which unofficial projects have been referred has decided unani mously to discard all projects not com ing directly within tho precise uiui of the conference. The third commission has finished its wotk treating on good offices and mediation. It has welded the various project! into one, which will be sub mitted for discussion Tuesday. When the discussion is concluded, the com mission will diaft a scheme based ot the various projects submitted. Baltimore hlpbelldera' strik. Baltimore, Juno 8. Seven hundred union men employed as shipbuilders and boilermakeri In the various ship building plants of the city, attuck to day, and us a consequence, tho ship building indttstiy i practically at H standstill. Tlie strike rwulted from tho refusal of the employers to reduce the working hours from' 10 to nino per day without a reduction in pay. wiaBaiu iu Paget leant, Ban Fialtieoo, June 5. The battle ship Iowa is now taking on coal, pre paratory, it is presumed, to going to the Hiemerton naval station on Pnget sound, where she will be placed in the drydock. Steel bilge keels are to he titled to her hull to prevent rolling in heavy weather. An A 11. mu it Jadge In Jail. Baa Francisco, June 5. Judge Fran cis Oorbla Randolph, formerly an Ala bama jurist, is now serving a U-year sentence in a Colombian jail. e bought lauds from a Herman The title proved to be bad. and during a quarrel he shot the German in self defense, he alleges. 1 a lettei to a Mead it. tin. city he bitterly assail, he American consul! officer, in Co. loinbi.. whom he declares have not ex erted them selves in hi behalf. Permit, ror Minora. Wallace. Idaho. June 8.-Iern.its or umlergtouud work are being iesued free v. nearly 800 having baaa taken to date, Nearly all a,e leasee at "ardner, a men coming from outside atop theie, and come to Canoyn Creek 'u I Mullan latei. None of the old union aie miming, and the union miner decline to ask foi permit!. London. June 5.-The British ' Banffehire. fiom Wellington N Z., March J8. 1 burning fiercely in Victoirajdock he,., of,. Bandits Rob the u cific Through Tr' NEAR WILCOX IN Mug Hlw Open th sr ,V)( -uu are sini.i , "'eh Ham, n, Denver. Juno b.a ltmi Tlmee from Cheyenne, Z l 4 o'clock this niomirm n. oiflo mail ami Rsnr.. , .V""! held un I i mil... ,.' 1.1 - " - n i, ; Ut, v miles lr Vl'u. '' i . . . ' u.'iii . in tin stiiio, try six inaHtieil lj denllv nrnfeanl c. IIJa. i .... . v. press carasj. awuv nil lis uu, - .im not touched. ' . "''11 tbi.1 f, . "l.of 'Ul .t... 111 ol... L charge. The mail and en,r,. first ho. I Ion of K- , ... . """ !l ,, ' overii,,,, j ' I fm niiirti 1 um.i t i. "at , inllna, , . - minutes be bin, A i.- i 71 , ,,,,,, . (mm the scon.. ,,( . . . ' ,, ,,,,;,., - l. nruru.,1 ,1... . ' a w ,... I tl,,,,!,,, iuK up juiiiig nperatioiis. L k-yj front of the train ... . el trainman were all cover, i and the robbers took their tiaa.' vuiuo oi me plunder is UIlkl is ropieseiited as liglit. Tho sheriffs of Alhm,. ..j. ... J "ii'ltia countics.wtth posses ami l'riiT marshals, aie after tl... t,....:. ""mint a are supposed to bo ineiubeitof , i J "llolo 1 .. ... " '"'I ,,, Wall which tiaa terrorized the vcara. Later advices say that utUtaJ reaenea tne binigc. on (,f ,..,., engineer iatje1 pull across tlie bridge and .i u. l.ll. .i. ....... 7 I a i. on... no- uuieis of the gain; vru wurK in tne exuress .-.r r I - wmiaaia engine pulled off the bridge tbeteartjl a iromenuous expiusmn that tcattagl the expiess car for a hnn,l. t.l ,. . . - -- "-" 'i a. every niiectioti. The end of the na-l nr was uiohii in. and several sri. I. ..... .1..1 ..... ..I .U. 1..:. i.iuv.m. u..i "i viiu uri.we e,... Jones wua Injured l.y ihe ttyi,lB ,le ltolil)rt Yliule it III.. RH Salt Lake, June 5. A special m.i. irtiiunu irom itawniis, win , ... ..... , , -v 1 Ho Union fitcinc runners f, obtained $:i(l.000 in money uilt,g worth of diamonds, and alamnL of money in bills waa ilcstruyelViat cxplosoln. I ul. in I'aellle Oilers Itsxirt. Omaha, Juno 6. Tlie Union Pk Comiianv offers u reward ol tl.uea I head foi the robbers who ht!U?J train in Wyoming this morning. CEDED TO GERMANY. !pain (lives l' Her lleinlnlii Inail r.lHHeaalults. Madrid, Jiinu B. In a ejieech fneJJ the throne nt tho curies t.slav, itajl iintiotinced that tho MariaoBt,Qm line and Pelew islands were cedtiil Germany by tba late cabinet. ('liitrgeil Willi Forgery. I'aiis, Juno 6. The arreet vniea I evening of Liouteiiaiit-Cnlouel Fittl Clam, who in 1 s n 1 was called vestiguto tho charge against was ordered after thu miitteter of had consulted with Premier Dim Thn prisoner is charge 1 wilb forpfl It is not yet known whelhei hetik) tried before u oourt-murtiul oria ciplinary court. Tho Petit de Kopubliipic has I naa that Lietitcnnnt-Coloncl I'aty do Car, who was arrested and sent to CbeBll Midi prison last night, uttompteJ 0 1 commit suicide in prison. Several pel pers announce that proc li'ius will k I taken against Mercier, ci-tiiiniiUr ai war, und other ufiicets. NO CALL FOR TROOPS t'aliint Ilwrlilr Slur Voliintrrn In ol Nerileil. Washington, June J. The ca biaaf at its last meeting today decided liaa was no present necessity lot tlie incut of more volunteers, lotaor tion was gone over very full; M' this conclusion was lescliel. w piWlidant stands ready to aullioriniM enlistment of volunteers, should nw men be deemed necessary. A letter received from Genet Wood, govemoi of Santiago protinc was read at tho meeting, which a considered eminently salisf actor.r (leneral Wood has completed a "u"' the province, and has found thin."'" admirable oondition. TREASURE BOX GONE. Five Thousand 8ovreln llelaa tm Steamer Alameit' San Francisco, June B. There W great excitement on board the tteB Alameda, upon liei arrival (rota AW tralia today, when it was 't''0" that a box containing 8,000 "" was missing. Seven hundred and 0 thousand dollars in gold had been nilhei from Sydney. The monCJ ihipped in 30 steel boxes, each coat ing las.OOO in British gold. these boxes waa abstracted from steamer's troBiure-room duiinl voyage. The theft is ihrouded i"1" deepest mystery. t.ouk Very "Trul " Waahington, June 2. Bids were have been opened by the n V.V ' ""I"' eat Khluy for armoi for tlie ' ships, monitors and armored ''"jJIJ now authotized hy law, but jj! '' were received within the price tiie' ' congress. Tho Carnegie Steel t- i t..u'.i.. i, on tear p.iiiT .iii-i ins KtaUl euro. pany siibmittel statement thai were unable to furnish artimr ol J"! character reiiuired at the pfiW" hy oongreaa. Nlmrp K i nil u nl" is ;i A rbaa .-u . inucisi u. iiiiw " earthquake shock was felt Ihrooaew" Northern and Central Canw'" 11:19 o'clock tonight. The vibran in this city continued for four and were from north to south serious damage ia reported, but t waie and windows were broken plastering cracked in various Pir" thia city. The iteamer Kin.hiu Maru bJ newa from the Orient of a hirfe Km. w . j.nnn. Six hiiinlre.1 nee- and 11 ahrinea and temple er' ttroyed. A numbet o' lie aW 101