HE EUGENE WEEKLY GUARD, KSTABLIMIP.II CIIR TUP IIUUMiTltl OP UKUnrHATH' nUY'lPLKI, AM' Tl 1111 Ll IIIIITUTIII II THKilWPAT II III I Ml EUGENL, OR,, SATURDAY, JL S 10 1890 NO 21 We Can Please You A man is never at his best in old-fashioned kind ofready- de clothes sold in most cloth- stores. yu want to do Lrself justice, try one of our rt Schariner & Marx finely lored suits. You can get one It Will lit U Wicmg" iimut iu Lsure and bring out your good ints better than anything the eragi' tailor can make to your der. The H. S. & M. suits elegant, durable and not Ipensive. HART, SCHAFFNCR & MARX GUARANTEED CLOTHINQ. lAMPTON W m m (; I T '"I Jl FOUK-BUTTON SACK SUIT Copyright iSqS by Hirt, Schiffner ft Man BROS EEKLY EUGENE GUARD. MPBELL BRO., Pub Ushers EE B lit d It M Willamette street, 15- twseu Seventh nl Lighlli Btreets '1 BBM8 OF SUISSCHIPTION. I Ie:ir until Months . S'.'.IMI . . 1.00 . . .no thing rate ma le known on application Im --letters to Till: IICARD, lie. Oisgoa. a i w.u rod n I makki.it ALTON ft MAUKIJiXr ATTORN EYS AT LAW fcractie" in all the court of tlio state. Id - alton ItlocK. EcuEXl, OltCi.ON. i. whitbov. DENTIST. Iag pnroha d the otfiue and future of late deceased W V Henderson, I am r prepared to do anytlunj.- in the line of Bltiti-trv in the aliove said otliee. CWu an ! bridge work a specialty. Youno Attorneys.-Salem Journal: Following applicants for ad tuition t the bar appeared before the supremo court today: L. H. MoMiihon. Miss Auna M. Carson, W. E. Richardson, and Andrew McFatlutid are of Halt m; 0. H. Nixon, Albany; V. A.Carter, (iold Hill; R. S. Sheridau, Roseburg; Everett Logan, 1 i ul i-. i in-. A. Hurley, Independence; Minx Marin Pfumler is from Portland, and the follow ing named uulleelged Rlackstonltes: Lee Moxom Travis, Leon R. Edmund son, Hiram Overton, W. H. Merritt.J. 13. Overton, 0. P. Halght, Oscar A. Neal, L. F. Bteal, Win. L. Morgan, Joseph A. Boyce, F. Hoecker, H. 0. JJryson; Raleigh Trimble, Alfred C. Wheeler, 8. R. de N'ul. Horace 0 Lake. FIRST- P C LAKE, Irani i b and marhlk WORKS- IS dasigni and new prices in Foreign and tome-tic Marble and Granite, Mono nisnta mu Ittoaei and Cemetery work of all kind S Ll'CKEY, I'tALtH IN V Eik-. Wat bet, I balm, Jew u , , r.o. rKrpairing promptly done. All work warranted. 8 JlAJlOJIflL BANK Of Eugene. Paid up Gash Capital,!$50.000 Surplus and Profits, $50,000 Eugene, Oregon. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Done on reasonable, terms. Sis-lit drafU on Chicago, San Francisco and Port- I land, Oregon. Hills of exchanco lil on furs tgn countries, , Deposits received mbjietto check or certifi cate or deposit. All collections entrusted to us will receive prompt attention, W BRDWV. m. i U PBT8ICIAH AND SURGEON. W Upstairs in fhricnan Block. Irt: ' to 11 a mi U an A t. (I n m. C WOODCOCK, AFIhKNI: VAT-LAW. H " Ulf Hock south of fhrisman liitSE, UBEnOX. T G Hiuwum, President. - B Kakin, Vice President. P. K. SXODO.BASS, Cashier. L. 11. Potteii, Ass't Cashier ' S BEAN, J ' ATTORNIY AT LAW. C" Mb i.'i 1. 1 collections and matters in -Money to loan on real estate. hn-Whh a C Woodcock. K THKH1NE L SCHLEEF, M D fBhltjHol Women and Children P--sl.-:t..n Blocs;. opioslU Guard office I OW, M. IX attention to anrgery, Diseases i nrtiAtt kui t v i ti vu( tMiu 4ft .iuk ti. : i : t ,Ml'Yperienc in Cook lty H,pfUl, Chicago, Djui.x Orilok, EUGENE Loan a Savings Bank Of Eugene, Oregon CAPITAL (paidpjf) $!H,000 w. E BROWN, frtlldent. B. 0 PAINE, Vie Prssiotut. f. W. OSBURN. Cashier. W. W. BROWN. A(t Camls- DIRECTORS- F.'WOBeuRN. BD PAINE. W E EflOWN D A PAINE. J F ROBINSON. J B HARRIS W.W BROWN, A Uenrral UankliiK TrauNurted on FavorabU- Term lraJ Issued on the principal elites of the I oiled States; also exchange (uruiahed arall sbie In all foreign countries. Interest raid on time deposits. rire-prcof rault for the storage of valuable nSS&MlMI receive oar prompt attention. COMING HOME. Oregon Regiment Will Leave For America This Week, l. Kelses, Corsslllt, Killed Saturday. Special to the Uuard MANILA, Juue 6 -The Seooi d Dre. gun regiment Will depart this wu k tot hotSt, L Kelsay, of I'orvuills, wu aiuoug ihinrt.-killed In Ibtflgbt Satur day. The ( liegDii - have bttn 10 M Uiia lurovera week renting pn p.iratory to the home JottlMy, but euttrcd tbe engagement ou the BMliDMlUl south of Die city, made a eh rge acr.s ai-wumpyrice Held, said to lie the most brilliant attack of the entire war ou the island". Thus their last act nill endear them more and mure to our people, am! to their many Im ive cull pan i"iiH w lio rein air. Kl 1. 1 OKKl,()..s UOaiNti MACK. Will lie Mustered Out at Forilantl. Manila, June ti The Second Oregon Is lielng brought back to Manila to pr. pare to embark on the transports for the joui ney home. The region nt Is expected to leave the last of this week, and will go direct to Portland, where It will b' mustered out. Consultations NEW LOT.OF IMPROVED Willsie" Cameras rl- We recommend them . LANE COUNTY BANK ,Ealbl.sne In kf the JHOTO CO Puperior Fotoarafs - EUGENE, OREGON. A General. Banking business in ail branches traniaefsd on favorable terms. A. O. HOVEY, Preaideiil" J. M. ARRAMri. ( aahler. Real K-Ute Irausactlons. Lila Coon Wink and HI, Wink to ROM Knslcy, 1 interest in 100 aOTM In T It) s r 5 e; G(X). A H Kisk and J B Hale to F I. Chambers, 80 acrei iu T 17 s r 1 e; $:t(.0. Pom yostey to John J Rupp 471 ;i7 acres Iu T lli s r -, " and 0 K; j ,00d. Clarence Clark and wife John J Rupp, 1G0 acres iu T 10 s r 5 t ; $2,000. Win Houston to Mary J Houston, lots H aud 'J, block 58, Juuctiou City; $1. J N Dennis guardian of fJtO C Taylor, insane, to W.H Heck, 80 SOTM In T 10 s r 8 w; $100. James Ruoy to N'auey M Ford. 88.80 acres in t 18 a r 3 w; also lots 4 and 7, block 2. Creswell; $15u0. Kllaaud J W Raker to Custis Mm terson, one-seventh of 100 acres btttlg :i part of F N Aubrey donation claim ; $400. KtiLWAV UOHDUCTOSU Annual I'.xcursiou to Salem From All Valley Points Sunday, June II. The anuual excursion given by the Ort'er of Hull way Conductors will be held from Portland aud all south val ley points to Salem Sunday, June 11. The rate, $1 round trip has made these excursions very popular, aud thou sands will attend. Tlie conductors take good care of their guests aud this year will provide more amusements thau ever before at the state (air grounds. A letter from Conductor C R Miller, manager of the excursion, states among other attractions booked: Professor Periston In a balloon ascei. sloti. Rrowu's Concert Oichestra, of Port land, for the grand stand. A colored cake walk, opeu to all colored folks-o couples already en tered. The North Siar quartette Iu late coon songs. The (Jreat Melveru Rros iu acrobatic acts. A handsome prize for the best trlck blcycle rider 8 now entered. A baseball game, and many other amusements. Among bands to attend are two from Pol t land, oue each from lnde-J pendence. Albany, Kugene and Bllvt ton. Tickets are on sale iu this city at de pot or J Goldsmith's cigar store. Medfotd Mall: "T N Segar, of Ku gene, Is In Medfoid this week. Mr, Segar Is a fruit buyer and is here IimL iug through the difleieut oichards of the valley getting some idea of the prospective fruit crop. He reports that as far ns be has observed, no n a erial damage has been indicted by late frosts and that prospects are good for a heavy fruit crop. He also thinks that Doug las county IH have a good fruit crop." Republic, Wash, tbe big mining town burned up Saturday. The Are, started by the explosion of a gasoline stove In the Siegel building on Clark Aveuue. where some men were oook-1 lag breakfast. It spread on tbs west side of toe street to Rrowu's restaurant, and south to the Republic Trading Company's store On the west side two entire blocks were destroyed. Voters of Iebanon refused to pay for j more school buildings by a majority or 105 to 10. HOP PiUtMUPtls. A -talenieiit by Valentine hocu i R garding the Future Crop The last issue of the New York Price-Current hat the following hop report by Valentine Loewl, the well kuowu brokers. Rales. Receipts for week I,u3d Receipts from S pt 1 114,720 Receipts same time last year.. 125,488 Fxports to Bums for week IK.s Fxporls from Sept 1 Iu3 "ids ! Fxports same tune last year sj,.'e.'s Imports for week 10 Imports from Sept 1 .',703 Imports same titne lust yeur ,70:. Cold weather has retarded tin) growth of the vine in New York state as well , as ou the Paeltle coast, and nearly ail the yards are Ulte backward for tin SSSSOB of the yeat. hi tlii slate many I of the vines are old and not havi g had ptOptf cultivation of recent yeai I they do not show stri ng, vigorous ( growth such as newer and well cult! vateu yards ought to. Tl ,-re bus been some bOsiOSSS iu I he Int. riot lately iu range of m . cents and i few remain ing ure now held Willi . Utile mote coiitideuce. Some of the Oregon pa pers hot shortage of quassia chips, which are used largely in he mixtures for -praying hop vine-. The local market has ruled very oulet, but If SDylhlui the feeling is just a shade Hi tin r. Possibly a few mote brewers bs s boon lotsrrstsd of late and some business has transpired Holders rec ognize the fart thai it demand should show mUAih Improvement the maikel would advance at once, a- the holtliugs here ate very moderate and there are tiut few lots in the interior to fall back on. Broweraara oooalaiilly reducing their stis'ks, and the whole situation seems to be hrlghtcnlnc; somewhat. Such sales us iue making are at about former prices, ai d are fairly covered by the quotations given. JUNCTION NKH". rreight for sunnier Kugene- i; . W. M it'ii i, Quite !e ar. Special to the (it'ARD. Jdkotiom City, Juue 5. Massts. Ruslineli & ttoMahon hnvo tlnlshed buuliug 2.r tons ol prunes to Hurrts liurg to la- Shipped to Portland on the steamer City of Fugeue. Ttta Soulh arn Paotfbyi rate to Portland from Junction City Is 30 i-ents er Imndreil pounds, and the rate by steamer 20 cents. Just as soon us the S P thought the boat was going to get the business they made a 26 cent rate to defeat I he bout. The boat then went them one better and the S P made a d ro; to 17 cuts, nearly one-half their tun ft' rate. Messrs liushnell &. Mc.Mahou will save about $50 by hauling the freight to Harrisburg for river shipment, at the same time assisting the company which lowered tho freight rale. Junc tion shippers are very favorsb'c to the steamer company, and will give u ma terial assistance. f I VP I KK OK CtSlWIriKS INDI an v tl! V i i KRAR8 Accidents and Fatalities at au Illinois U hgatfl Khcted to the pi I ale K ll Pinei ui C lli pill 111. I'll' Chicago. Juue ft - A soecial to the haily i.iisrJ, June Chionlcle from Arthur, III, says: line Phose proaeOI at the meeting of Ihel boydrowned, a little girl fatally Id- tadhw War Veterans la-t Saturday I jured beneath the hoofs of horses, two kfternoon were: J F Mulkey, .1 A; ' women and a man brought to death's BoUDda, A I Nicklln, latM Itarclay, doorbylheshocksoftheaccldelits.all Robl Patlison, Jesse Co;, N Felder- Ineldcnts accompanying the i'uuer.l ol veit, J S Montgomery, P 0 Nidand, It. a man who met with sudden death. 9 Bo were, Mllo Taylor, Barney Wood, made Sunday a rem rkatde one in this 'city. The si range chain of disaster begun when the local II. A. R. post buried T. P. Weils, who whs asphyxiate 1 by gas at a hotel in Chicago last Wednesday night. While the ceremony was in pr..n at the cemetery , inwr, rescind C S e Vinson, Jasper F.ddy, I. 11 Row- j lai d ami .1 j Witter. C.ipt PC N, laud was slfottd hulr- j man ami J F Amis secretary. An Informal dUcnaalon was sntarad ' lot by J F Mulkey. L It Rowland Dr a I N okllo and Mllo Thy or. The fo, low lug delegates were elected tills H.ikt r that his I.I year old son hud to the Slate b campmeul, which ( ills; I. en drowned while swimming Tbe shock prostrated Mr Raker, and he had to be taken home in a carnage. Whan the news w as broken to his wife, she went fiautlc and boenUM uu con-. .. us lloth are In a precailoiis condition. Wlnle the funeral procession was rc turning from the cemetery one of the carriages ran over Mrs. William Sulli van's Utile .' yeat -old daughter, msiigl iug her in p. horrible manner. Ml-s Ola Clark, a witness o the lalterac cidenl, fainted and was carried to the nearest Louse, where she lay for four VOneS In Portland June 24th: Captain P c Nolaod, Dr A l Nlekllo and L D Ro land, Capt PC Nolalld was elected tern porary Comiuaiider aud J F Amis. Sicretary. It was resolved to reorgaii . i.o the local camp niter the meeting of state Kneampmant, on motion adjourned to meet ou. June 24, 1880) at 1 p ni, in the county eonrt room. Ied. Pally Uuard, June (!. Rev. W. M II. .... ton rir Ion.. hours befoie recoveiing -nlllclently to ,,, .., .. , , ' I sickness died at his home In Junction bo removed to her home. , ,, ,,, . , . i r , v.ii h.ii , tiicsotiy n. m inn, juue ti, lS'ili, at H:20 o'clock, aged OS years, 0 months and days. II" was a Cumberland Presbyterian minister, and was respected by all. He leaves n wile and several childieli to mourn his loss. His sons are Win. L. and C. P. of Junction, Conductor D. L. Of Portland, and ltert of Rosi burg. The funeral services will lie held at the Oumberlaud Presbyterian church, in Junction, at B o'clock Weduaaday forenoon by Re'. McFarland. Inter meat In the) Oak urn cemetery, tive miles west ol Eugene, Friends of the family Invited. (iu-hcu ii. iii- TFKSDAY J I ' N F 0 Hon. Editorial iu Balem Btalaa man: ''It is said that "reliable grow ers" can now contract their hops, if they w no! to, at 12 cents a pound and better. Ily 'reliable growers' is meant those w Im will make deliveries at the contract pi i' es no matter w hat prices they might have realized hid they n fused to bind them selves, ibis is evidence that the dealers iu (he Fast and iu Europe think hops are going to no high. It la a pleasant ooUooIl Rut the 8 tales man insists that it would be la-tier for all growels If none of them col traded any hops at all, this year, and any mid all years. Let them go to the dealers aud consumers tor what their hops are really worth for cash in hand at the lime ol ballug." GOOD Wokk. Hueet Commissioner Hcott is cleaning up alleys iu the busi ness part of town, in this connection it may he well to call attention (o the fact that some business properties have not been connected with the sewer as required by law. Wo are informed that in more than one instance waste water Is discharged Into cellars. This is In violation of law, la'sldes being contrary to all recognized sanitary no lb.. .Is of disposing of water t li.it hits been used. June 0, '00. The picnic June 10, next Sa'.urday. Mrs Win Lockard visited (r. Sunday. Miss Millican, of Kugene, was a guest at her brother's over Sunday. Mrs Win Dillard has been quite llok lately, but Is now reported as soma better. Jasper Schaul and father in law, Mr Logan recently from tho eail came doe D from Creswell Sunday. The unveiling ceremony of the Woodmen at Pleasant BUI, Sunday alteration was attended by iute a number trom here. Mrs Then Bneney, of Seattle, and sister Miss Ke.iah Williams, ol TatOtTJa, aie guests at the home of Mr Keeney's brothers, J R and R f Keorey of this place Some one has added much to the ap pearance of the D U cli nch by remov ing the old fence posts that stood so long In front of the same Other and similar improvements might be made in tbe tow ti. Everything now bt lokena one of the grandest picnic hew Saturday under the auspices of the K aigbte of tbe Mac cabees that has been known iu the county. Dome and ess . What DM ll! Myrtle Point Enterprise! Mrrilm moos, one of Myrtle Polnt-Boaeoarg uisil carriers, reports a phenomenon In the vn initv of Remote, Some force or other has cut a furrow three or four leet wide and about hs deep for a dis tance of about a quartet ol a mile along ; thehlll lde. Where logs lay on the , ground In IU path they were cut In two, pushed SSiae ami mi go trees were spill and divided sud left standing With part of the roots on either side of tbe furrow. It has occurred Just re cently, but what c,u-d It Is a mystery. Any person cau go nn tbe Native Son's Excursion, w hether be belongs to tbe orgaiilrallon or not. Tickets $3. Buy your ticket early ss only 80 will l.esold. DlVonCI SLir. -Ella Mc.Mahou has Instituted a divorce suit against her husband, John McMahou iu thecli ciiit court of Lauu county. The couple were married In Laue county August 24, 1888, The following children are the Issue of said marriage: Charlie 12 years, Thomas 10 years, Willie 8 yi'ars, Ethel 7 years aud Leo B years. The complaint alleges desertion and asks for the care aud custody of tbeohll dreu. A Read Maker. Koschurg Review: "About a year ago tbe county of Lane made the pur chase of a ruck crusher. The city of F.ugeue utilized the work of the ma chine In improving n short stretch of. street to test the cMi'li-hcy of thel crushed rock. It Is noted In the news- 1 paper reports from the city durinir the past week that I he mayor of Eugene lias been mil horized by the council to vlsii San Francisco and purchase a rock crusher and an engine to operate It with for the exclusive Use of the city. It Is evident from this that the council after a year's experiment with thel crushed riM'k has found it very satis factory." The city of Eugene and Lane county have demonstrated beyond question that crushed rock is as cheap, and In comparably superior to the loose gravel with which I, aue county roads were formerly built The crushed rock Is as much hotter than gravel as gravel Is better than dirt. The crushed rock stuyi where It Is put.jimd wears smooth as a Moor BIG DAMAGE SUIT Sophia E. McKinney Wants $10,250 for Injuries on Southern Pacific. ANOTHER SUIT fOR SIMILAR AMOUNT The Boss burg Revhw Iu Its Issue of June 6, publishes the follOWlBgl " Through her attorneys, A C Wood cook and J F. Young, Mrs Sophia E MoKluuey baa sued the Southern Pa olflo k R Co for 810,260 damages for injuries sustained while traveling on the DWa, It SSSnil thai Mrs McKinney on March j:, I8W, purchased a ticket at Yoncalla for Cottage tirove, paying 01 eenta therefor. When near the divide, the m ight train on which she was rldnsg was sti pped so suddenly that she was thrown violently upon the hVsir of the c ir teahouse) so the complaint alleges, sustaining Injuries as follows: Two broken libs on the right side, spinal column and spinal cord were wrenched, sprained and injured, breast bruised, and that other bruises and Injuries were sustained by plaintiff, causing her to bee inc -id. and lime, and thai said injuries are permanent. That said accident was due to tho carelessness aud negligence of the defendant. "In the same accident a trayeliug man was injured ami he has brought suit Bgalbsl the railroad company iu Portland (or $11,000." POB v H08I RACE. File Depart nn lit Hants Ml an At traction July I The Eugene Fire Department would like to have a hose rail' among the list of attractions iu this city on the Fourth. At the regular meeting of the board of delegates Saturday night It was de cided to vote $3 from department funds for this purpose, understanding that not less than three beams to en ter, entrance fee balog $". This would make the purse $20, and the fire boya would expect the general committee to swell the amount to 880 at least, if not $75. Such an attraction would lie a big drawing card. Hot Wva Fust. CHimnan'i Day, The Christian church was tilled Sunday evening to hear the Children's Day exercises given by the Sunday school, under Ihu direc tion of Mrs Essen, superintendent, and Miss Ruby Hendricks. The uudionce showed Its appreciation of the excel lent program Iu various ways, The collection, including the amounts raised by the children, amounted to alimsit twenty dollars. OfFIOTW I'.i.Kt'i mi. Tbe V ol O Athletic Club has elected ofilcers for 189940 as follows: President, H. D. Angel, '00; vice president, C. M. Bishop, 02; secretary, 0, N. McArthur, 01 ; treasurer, W. L. Whittlesey, 01; tsiard of malingers, L L Uoodrlch,0l; R. 8. Smith, 01; J. B. Wlnstanley, 02. In in I-Atrai ii !. -Sherll! Withers this forenoon had seventeen teeth ex tracted at one sitting. He took chloro form, and when be commenced com ing out from under It Imagined him self a lighter and ll took five persons and a doctor to suodue him. After this he was very sick, but Is better uow Bi pjtEMK Court Orkkr. Made yesterday: Jennie Saillson respondent vs Southern Psclllc Conipsny, sp pellsnt; ordered that A. C. Woodcock be substitute.! for O. Eforteej m at torney for raepoodenti Rorn. -Sunday, Juue 4, I8M tO Ml aud Mrs Frank daughter. No 1. Htlll lighting. Manila, June 4. The Oregon Isiys are still In the ranks, driving the rebels out of Moroiig. There was it running hat tie for several hours today. ic gon'i lost tluec men killed and six wounded, nuines not given. Many prostrations from heat oc curred throughout the Fast yesterday. New York, 07 In shade; hottest day of the season. St Louis, 00 In shade, at wblch point It remained for several hours. Two cases of heat prostration. Chicago, third day of extreme heat, 80 degrees. A number of horses killed by heat. Cincinnati, 88, Three cases of sun stroke reported. Warrants CALUU,-Uou n ty Treue urer Patterson makes a new call In to- .liie'd (ll'AUli fur colliitv v tin. lit. to the amount of 128,000, Ca'l and get your money Is his reitiesl. Ha if uuard, June DlKl". Mack So miner .'I lie leceived the sad news that his mother, Auut Polly llommervtUOi died at Harrisburg; at BOOB today, and at once went down accompanied by his wife. Aunt Polly had been Id for some time and her death was not unexpected. She was 70 years old , and leaves a number of children. OUT AT LASTa ComoH the long lost sun, and at THE ItlCI STORIi you will lind the things you need Iu coral irtahly cujoy the much needed change. Wearo hero touoll good, and can aavo money for you. .Seeing is hdieving. Parasols, Gloves, Mitts, Organdies, Zephyrs, Madras, Polka Dot Hose, Chiffon Ties, Fancy Belts Shirt Waists, Duck Skirts, Lawn Wrappers Spring Suits Nobby Pants, Fancy Vests Crash Suits, Crash Hats, Bike Suits, Now Sweaters, Golf Hose, Link Belts, Cool Shirts, New Collars, Swell Ties Wctherbee a 9 pound Dellr Ouard, Jans i Divinity School. At the First Christian church at 11 o'clock yesters day morning Dean Sanderson of tbe MatalM acbool delivered the bac calsureate sermon, the school year hav. ! lugclosed. It was au able address and was listened tn by a large audience. Swell Shoes Of all kinds to suit ami tit every one in price, Ntylo and color F. E. DUNN