. .n . iVITWTV JfKDAV MAY 17 Small Feet . ..... i with inon's and k ! liuf. - - r .-. .. -II .1 mi. .1 I wii 'J $1.50 to $2.00. . mvfl il lew an ui uuu .11 -J. ...,, J,H- 111 S 1 1 1 it I I M.CS, lll.ll i...;.... ..ih or i.. i ma ni ji'p ai.k Pbic. Yoran & Son, Tne Shoe Dealers. Iti:i VIT1KM .,e,.e elbto. i mjtatgtiWWlll buy all your Llttem itrlt- ..,.- WoyolM late' model only . ,. uiefii K L Chambers bring us "ur OblttiBI Bark, P. Lik A Bon. 1 1 . i ,. . i jggu acres ummi wmr I0? i I r J, ,hn Van Stv., Coburg, Or. ... .Ul.h ...... ran cure that alik'lit attack i' u ,ni ...... i-l "li ny menus. lj K'Mlul lMma Vino vu.o ... . .t. what you t-ttt" and reatorea the . i .... Vl.u.1 A f'.. organ lo nea.i... iuitu. . vu, Corner I 'rn nure. Bicycle repairing and sundrls at lalliick A M.C'lanaban's Kambler SOOT. W'altOll block. ( . men --man Tongue was fined f 10 L BUUboro yesterday on account of oni- remark! while trying a case In a lu-llu Farmi-u Call and see that French ma. iu -union at nangs' siames It will p) J'ou lo K" So0(l serviceable bock. DO Pal in, of Lorane, has been ap- olrjtcd adjutant of the Hose burg sldleri Home by Gov Lord. It Dial.' " do dlnerenoe how hail the wound I . ....... (111. L II 1 U . I 1. i: i'.-iii mien uazei i-iiiive; u Ej ) lieal and leave no near. Vine -lit . i . 1 M.er Drug htore. N.-st designs In wall iu.-r f. 121c ,.uM mil. K L Chambers. l.v allowing t lie accumulationa in the (., to remain, the entire system h i 1 1 lU'l Little Karlv ltUera regulate the Em Try them ami you will MmiW M ViBOMl ami l o. 1 orner t'rui Dtore. I will have auother car lad nf line luiggie next week at last ear h lice. Wall for mem at r i. nam be r. I J, I), l'.ri.lge, edllor ami proprietor of the i, Lancaster, ii.,iij'h: i wouin a Ithnnt One .Minute Cough Cue for bv boy, when troubled with u rough or sold. i. the Ut reineily lor croup I ever linn. I tin. ut a i o i ori.er i irue .-n.r. 4 iKX) pie. es of tinware and a half car ad of stoves bought ueiore i ne ai kuce In prices See 1- I. Chambers ' i '.r.' I : - If voa hive 1'iieM . i;rk them. X" line ioWyofng horriblt perutiona that Hiiuply lni..ve tne rr.-uiia .. the .l.f. ie withoul l.t'irhiiii: the diaeaae itHelf Place vmir eon- Ueooeill I e Witt 'a Witch Hazel Salve. It uevel failed to cure ntheni; it will not ail to cure YOU, Mncent A t'o. Corner Irun tore. Kaila am tin. wire. iron, ateel and all uiple artialea are vtill advancing, but P L e liaiuliers naa an immense how q ground lloor prices. i , f tfiu pAMiiltn of ueeleeteil ilvMlietitie I. .... .'ci. i. i.f Aha HtoniAeh are cancer, oon- iruuiptiou, heart diaeaae and eiiilepay. Kodoll ! na "ure irevent all tliin by effect bll . tuiok cure in all Mmto of dynpepala. I iik. in and t o. t. orner uriiif Bi.ire. rii-ieiii. Inkea the lead fur hard airvlna und easv ridlinr. V ti make no ' mistake in selecting u UiWoenl bicycle. r L uambera nan an s'ze A meeting of the citizens of Junction will be at the City Hall, Saturday, May JTlh at 2 o'clock, for the purpose 01 OODBldetiDg the question of cele brating the Fourth of July. i ottotl Imp twine, all sizes and best quality F J, Chambers. I have been a Btilferer from chronic diarrhoea ever since the war and have U'ed all kiln s of medicines for it. At last 1 found one remedy that has been a success as a cure, and that la Cham berlain's ( olie, Cholera and Diarrhooa Remedy, p E Qrlaham, Qaare Mills, La. For sale by DeLano if i niufftrfrom tendetnsw or fullnraa on ' ride, pslni under almuldei blade, : .ti ii, liilioimnew, aick-headnche and !. heavy ami sleepy your liver in torpid I W itt's Little Kaily Kisera IS oii proDptly, pleaaantly and ir 'iv brreniovins the ciiDKeation and th. ! iie iliicts to uwn and How natur ally Isey ars good pills, Viuceutand Co, I n.er Drag SUire. Many old soldiers now f. el the ellects of the bard service they endured dur- lagthewar. Mr Geo 8 Anderson, of 'i viiie, York county, Penn, who saw U.e hardest kind of service at thefrout, ' D''w frequentljr troubled with rheu niatisuj. I had a severe attack '''i he -ays, "and procured a bottle imiw riuin'H Pain Halm. It did M much good that I would like to uow what you would charge me for e dozen bottles." air Anderson wanted it Ix.tb for bis own use and to "PPlj it to hia frieuds and neighbors, as every family should have a bottle ' their home, not only for rheu luatistu, but lame back, sprains, swel cuu, bruises and burns, for which a ut.e.jualled. For sale by DeLano, Local Market. May 2n, 1899. Wheat Ot. 0ats-:t5o Hopf io to Ho. Hutter-20 to 36c per roll. Rgs-lSJo Wool- 13c Potatoes 75c, l'oultry 13 60 to $4 50 per dozen. lrled prunes 3 to 4o FARM MACHINERY Buckeye Mowers and Binders and Peter Shuttler Wagons. ' ' Tou want a mower or a binder If to, tha beat - The Buckeye. '' yon waat a wirob? If ao, buy the kw The PeUr Shuttler. l-iliiai?e Implement Agency ol Kugsse, D'-ite poatofflco. p J Mi.CI.ANAH AN, Agent THE CONFESSION Claude Branton Tells of Killing John Linn. A WtllMM. in hi: BBBBBB Following la the complete text of the written confession made by Claude Kranton, murderer of John A. Lin, to Kelher with the affidavit made by Hev. K M. 1'atttrson. to whom it was intrusted for the purpose of publicity: Fugene, Oregon, May 6, 1SK9. Riv F: m Pattbhson, Dearly beloved broth' r in Christ: I, by the will of God, according to the pro.nlse of life that Is in Christ Jesus, put forth my strongest eiTorts In an appeal to all who are out of Christ, by sketching a brief history of my own perilous, leiflih, blasphemous, unholy life, that by my downfall others may be greatly beuehtted and llee from those things, and follow after righteous ness, Godliness, faitb, love, patience, meekness, fight the good fight of faith and lay hold on eternal life. This Is expedient for you for we are all sailed but not compelled. I fill undertake to BUOhOf a buoy in this narrow river of life and put u light thereon so that others may look ou It while traveling this dangerous r..u and not rotne in my tracks, or else they be dashed against the same Jagged rock when least expected and their cargo of hopes be sunken and their soul left tloatlug lu ruin over the precipice of everlasting destruction the violeut wave of justice will sweep them into the death' Jaws of the law and there iu sorrow they will reap the bitter fruits of violating man's laws, aud in horror will be led to (be gal lows, there to speak their I a1 words o! woe in shame and disgrace After reading my brief history they will r'nTzo the necessity of Solomon's pro b, io "Keep the hi "t arltb all diligence fur out of It aiv (tie Issues of life." One accused of the law II universally and individually looked down mi as being a Inula1, blood-'.hlrsty luurda Bf belonging to the lower elements next to the anlmtd and is spurned Willi scorn and coutemp'. This is wrong; consider lest thyself fall lu perdition though you may be born of a mother s i pure. Von all live in glas houses and don 'I know it until they are broken in and like lightniig your many frieuds have tied and only one remains to rescue your aching heart from the unceasing liaunis ..fdispalr. I am this o h day of May, 1680, U years old, was born near Walterville iu this county aud lived my child hood days as happy as ever a child lived amid luxuriant pleasures, thus prat tling and playing with my brother and sister, cared for by a dear loving mother's hand, strolling through or chards aud meadows green, among the beautiful Mowers; every bree.e was odor, every noise was music. Pure, In nocent, loving children wliiling away those past happy days of childhood that are gone forever. At the age of 11 I moved with my parents to Camp Creek. I found I was fondly attached to my old home. I soou made many friends at that place. I stood at the bead of my classes in school, and wag well liked by all of the scholars. We mojed back to our old McKenzie home when I was 14. I felt the same regret of leaving that place. With the cousent of my parents I satis fied my imaginative mind by taking a trip across the Cascade mountains alone over six feet of snow. I returned wiser than I left for I had imagined any place was better tbsu home for the past year. My father oorrected me aud I left home the same year, Was gone a year but all the time I wIhIiuI I had not left, though I was well cared for at my sister's. I met my brother Clarence, he asked me to go home with him, 1 went aud father asked me to stay. It did uot seem like home at first, 1 longed to be back at my sister's I was soon settled and happy at home agaiu until I was lb My brother Clarence wanted to go to California. With no object lu view but to be with him I went along. We were innocent and lirnoraut out in the world alone. We experienced many hardships, loneliness and soi row, but not despair. Sickness brought at back. We prepared In one year to go again. Before leaving I met my heart's idol. We went but I my self could not stay, aud would not let my brother stay. With hard pleading I turned him homeward again, though bis prospects were bright. I spent two years of pure bliss and happiness worshipping the idol of my heart. The happiness un surpassed by any earthly joy, even those days of childhood. True love Is rare, known but once, aud never forgotten; but alas, my youthful lust for trilling with other girls and an occasional moonshine buggy ride with other men's wives through gossip of others scandalized my lover, aud through parental iulluence, she desired to dissolve our vows, which we did through tears, with many a bitter sigh She carried away a heart 1 had opened to her as true as ever best in any man's breast. F'rom that ery day thecloude of despair began to gather around me. I was slighted by old frieuds and spurned by strangerr. I could hear people say, "He has trifled with an o'her hear'." Tbe winds and rippling brooks seemed to murmur against me. All nature In her gay besuty whis pered lonellneaa In my ears as i roamed through forests and over plains I bad lust passed my Hist birthday, and bad lived free from tobacco, wliis-i key and card., and all debasing habits nave otie: tta too intimat'o with the trange w men Solomon warns us agaluet I had li.vnl tuy friends sod every lady with the kindness of a brother But I had U-en encouraged by my lusts against my mother's will and teaching t. trille with l he hearts Of Women, and that nUMTiagS was only planting a tree ol (rouble which I mast shun. I cau only speak IhUI of my passion which thought it wa- marking out to me the road to happiness, to warn other parents of this road to vain glory and destruction, "for her house inclineth unto des'li and her path unto helC" Oueysar previous to this while 1 was 20 I was away preparing for future comforts where I was ace noted most worthy by all, when th.- news CUM to me that my parents had separated, which 1 laid to heart with grlei for It was the fiist sorrow I had ever knou n. I had friends everywhere except a' my old home. One of my (barest friends at Cm. don offered tne JOOO head of sheep to take any where 1 wished and keep them for him on shares. I also had other good offers. My brother was so o .1 and kind to me, and told me, jut mythlng I wonted todohs would l.elp me. If 1 wanted the ihi tp he WOtild help me am' we would do the best we could with them. It srsoil now to me like my folk knew I was not feeling just riulit for they did all l hey possibly could for me, bul I did not feel worthy of their loVS f-r What 1 bad done before. Mr Linn wanted me to bring him n stallion from the valley here and take his l aud of horses on the shares. I would not promise, but lie gave ins (120 iu gold and said: 'Go down end get the horse This will piiyyourix- nsniet;and do 't went you to lake those sheep for l have something bet ter for you. If you won't take it, I will pay you your price for tbe horse." 1 came down after bin in February 1898. The people treated nw ith t lie same coolness, which went to my wounded heart, like smoke to the eyts I felt like I could never overcome idea i f helping lo destroy him ii lii my sysf, ttolng ovtr esy otd stani wouldn't -elite with me an) a .v . but lug ground, tne U n waring gulltj haunt just kept irylng to get me in eutvr into never left in . Iu Arkau-aa I consult s.mie kind of partnership luisii ,,i rd m ticket g nt abmr i life policy take his horses mi the shut,. HI- f,o a rnlrnad lour, allin g In fall b. - mlstrsallng me so many lime and tween ths Wheels of the iraln, but u n s winning talk w in got ui l i looked 1 1 plum I knew liny w. aid not oonssnt to lin desliMttoa lu a brutal pay it, (the nolle), I oatM keek to way, lor be was a gun apparently of he of any use I could to my folks, lak- no heart. Me lelt me dyui on the log the chance of being betrayed by range mice and when he siw 1 ill I o,.t ,y rrla-iiat Green, fbl there are lio MO in beseemed mad and said I gave yon pcasful t rni.ii. ds, !'h,.y may live ami due warning of that annual .th,. escape death at Hie hands of Hie law, one that kicked me 1 mid but titer.- Is an infallible, unceaalim ' Courtis and we swore veuitancs agaliit htm. Af er nil his good propositions were rejected, he Wanted to 00000 Willi Hie to ( rook county and go Into business, tie Wanted to be my benefactor, I know; but linen hud mi heart and for the haui. I worse than death, that will take UBS to OTtreome lo Stia degree, and -ay the leas'. My itssIrS 10 la- al home and lite e pure life was greater than tuv fear of the gallows. I lave ta-eii wavered around by divcis of advisers, and now sit herein those fault finding people by pure liv ing, F'or the past three years I had tried to atone for my conduct the two years previous, but found the people would uot allow me to, so I resolved to end my miserable career, for I hud never been sick or dependent in any way since I was very young and was under no obligations to live for any one, not thinking my death would hurt any one as much as I had dis graced my people. I even thought my family would be better oft withoui such a wietched member. I meditated on my way of destruction and looked on my open graye 1 1 had uot aught against any person) I aimed to write a note stating I was sorry for my con duct those two years aud have tried to atone for it the three succeeding ones by living a pure life, aud if 1 cannot be respected In my own neighborhood I will hid you all farewell. My bleeding heart yearned warm companionship, when a filend, Court laud Green asked me if he could net go with me over the mountaius. He said he was my friend and showed it insu lin redeeming manner that he gained my true friendship, such as never dies without great cause. 1 picked up courage once more to try to battle with this dark, sad world. Before leaving for Condon in March I discovered au invisible defect in my horse. I had recommended hiiu to Mr Ldtin iist as one of the best faimers iu Lane county had recommended him to me. I even laid awake of nights wondering what to do about it. I thought I would sell the horse and send Mr Linn his money, but he was dependli g on the horse and nothing remained for me but to go to him aud explain to him the defects, as I did. I went to work for another man for I'io per month and board, but Mr Linn wanted me logo with him and mn the horses and he would buy a ranch and we all wou'd take up laud, but I did not want to leave the man 1 was work ing for. He stayed all night with DM and said lie could not get along with out me aud be would pay me bigger wages for my services tbau I was re ceiving. I went as quick ss I could get a discharge. Cour.le Green was working near town and would come to my bouse every Sunday, and ivc my little sister candy to keep away from me so we could talk He would try to get me to enter into partnership with Mr Linn and let him kill Linn and take his part of the property. He always said tt.e old man would fel better dead tbsn alive anyway. One time, just to please Green, I said I would not tell anybody if he did kill him, but I cao nntdowhat you fay. The old man had been my friend, but since I had worked for bi.Ti he tre ted ine so mean I did not like him any more, but had no promise I had made to him, did noi two dsyeof death thanklogQod thai l want l.iuh lo go, Tor I knew he would have had the opportunity of learning want .ne to keep it, and I did not I. el Hie Word aud not hid behind tbedark like aiding him In committing Mich a Bo,.in f despair, but the world is horrible deed. Clarence wauled me lo bright, With the roads plainly fnatke.l settle With fatal soin way. SO I to me to life Of destruction. But for he w.t.t with me to him, I Hied, sire to live and leach this BOON but Linn iuslsted on . . tiling lo j sary dOOtllne of Hod's, I would be Crook county wl.h us first Then If 1 more willing to go; in spit -of all pi. would not accept his generoue oiler, j tended weakness 1 have exhibited he would settle. I rejecli I my noble through deceit to a pftrpose of no avail, In. .1 bet's advice and accepted Courlle ! I am t last in the bauds of a pure ami as my Idol. Despite tie sickening ' ut 1 1... I awaillng my hour and Jndg sensation, I allow. d hi in to exact any j nient, which, without great mercy promise he Wished from me thinking: uUd be eternal damnation. eomsthlng wou'd bsppen so he could hsvs given jroubnl sfrallgllmpse Da Oarry OUt his resolution. of my conscience-accused OOlTOptnrSS, Alter all preparation w a. made lor a pun,, ,.,.ry aud wretchedness, which CHAMBERS start, Linn ssked me to see Mr Muotoe and ask him if he v.. end pay a i is. n al noie belters It was due, Mr Monroe Sam he would pay it if I Just WOUld wad till the next d y . aud said he had something to say to me We tdkul f..r a couple of hour-. In the mean time lie told me not t" have any thing mors to do with Linn, for be wee man of no principle, and so on. I promised in good laltb that I would Inees-aiitly follows the guilty of such crime. I have given you a brief sketch of my experience previous lo lbs deed, not for faOM Ol clemency lii the UnWOrtblOSSS Ol the grave crime, lor I have many dear to me who do not believe me guilty of such a deed; lull Jesus says: "Km sake all, DBMS and follow me." So I write this with good intent, that many may turn from their w icked was and walk in the paths of Sot of tired Buggy Wheelfir, V'mv Buggy, ISW) Crescent Bicycle $12 $42 $35 All Special value. Sec them sell leal Bquaw Creek and go nofvrtnsrl ilghtsoueness, and to show how easy with him, as .Monroe -aid be wou'd bo I person may fall into perdition una- sure lo insisl on i'. hen we got loiwaies. "Watch the heart with all Bquaw 'Jieek, Mr Linn offered me u dilligence" aud never despise the cha lull of sale '! hall ol bis horses and full tening of the Lord It Is profitable partnership in nil the test of his belong Inge, and all Inducementi possible to get me to stay, and then said It was Qreeu keeping me bliudsd from a good stait in life. My promise tn Mr Hon roe together with In en, ami the prom Its 1 had made h. iii, prompt. d 111' to absolutely refuse all of Mr Linn's propositions. Hesaldhewaa expect- itig to g. i me to lake I be horses at least and run them my sell Bo I told him I would run them myself without him. Then he so kindly ssked my reasons; then I (old him Whal a Irictnl told UM then he had to know w ho h wa, and it Green was not the oaUta of it So I told him w ho it wa", hut .1 i. d Ureeu having anything to .1 ' With It, My heuit sa'.k w it I, i ii me ami I offered take his horsus back for him, though he had 0OUSS of bis owu accord. He ri fused to go buck ol lo let me nave tbe horata either by myself. Clarence BttSpeOted through Courtie what was up, and was investigating and abusing him absurdly I thought, and saying he would go right straight and (ell it, I told him not to getej(olted and mskg Something out of nothing; (hat 1 did not feel any (he heat toward the old for you lu tliis siu-i'iirstd world. If I had been chastened to obligation by the reproof-rod of (iod, 1 would have lived through I hat gloom of despair that settled ou me from Ihe I.. i. winds of Imsgtnal Inn and come out In tl.e bright world happy, to never be dragged down again, if this world were pure we Would have less need of obastissmsnti (iod Is of Infinite merey, and It he can save me he can save you all. One should not faint even at death, though it is an Inionipteheiisible ciisls llirou. h which we must all pass, yet 11 i not to be abhorred for It Is a fleets, sary end, Without death lu this mortal world, Ihe innumerable and In. desCribeble haunts ol sin would render It undesirable. lealh hi ings us closer iu lunch with the spiritual world than auy earthly thing. Our forefatbeis have died and warned us. Why should we not die for others? We certainly are uot created to dread and fear from our birth to our death. No! We should establish our hearts lu grace, and we will live in pure bliss and happiness, fearing nothing. Strange to say , people cannot Irani man myself, but nothing s. i em-should the way lo peace and happiness. They hap en to him. Bather than lo be too , Uarrel, light, swindle, war and strive last, he tried to cud ell possible violent in vain glory for 'he riches of this intention by separating the tim. His earnestness and nobility almost . .ct ed a confession from me, hut the peel two months of laboring under Ihe bur den of deceit had borne me unconsolout ly below the grasp of honor, like a dog fnlloweth hU master I was following my unworthy idol. Clarence went out With me and saw Mr Linn. We told him Just to say how he wanted to settle, we were not particular how, but it must I . done He was generous lu Ids settlement mid made me a present of two head more. Then said he had no friends or money aud .way from home, am' asked il he could travel with inc. Courtie said: "You have frieuds while ( la ide and I are here, and can travel with Us." Clarence left us, charging ns lo do Ihe right thing, to which we promised. That night Green seemi d to i e more conscious of the awful da d than I, aud Insisted on letting it go. Bul I, in firmness of mind, at. I pr impli I by the fact, that I had betrayi ti Hie oonfL d. in I my friend Mi M n i u"d It would ooms to his gars, u I I would rather confront death lhan ba . found out to be a traitor; blluded from the faintest glimpse of n , i t'lou of such act, wllh Green's cot. euf , I pulled the fatal trigger that meanl in "iv than mor tal mind can r. a I Aa the mn, mi. .v. :ie. It raised (he old gloom and ti i rary wave of In sanity of despair (hat vain hopes a. id evil imagination" liad graven In me, leaving me lo rea 'he awful deed In innumerable depi of sorrow. Then world, aud when they are gained tin y are the most miserable of all men. rbsreisa short, easy, ipulck way to happiness D,.,ir friends, will you tako the right road'.' Come! 1 will alio you how to go. It may look hard to keep the way through this tall, dense forest of sin you cannot see through, but if you will star', and keep going you will find that the road ( is smooth and easy ; hut If you go out in the forest of sin you will lose the load ol virtue and get tangled iu the briars of Ictuptatinu, aud fall from grace, "Better is it to be of a humble spirit with the lowly than to divide the spoils with the proud." "The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long sullerlng, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness temperance: ayaitut each there is no le.w." J.et us not he desirous of vain glory, provoking iin.it In r, envying oue another, but help your despondent hrntlitir rise. Turn not away from him. You may be driving him to hi- early grave. Treat Hie young ladies as sisters with all purity. Care for Hie little ones. He spect the elderly women us mothers, and come with DM, hoy-, for I have been one wllh you. Now I know both roads. Come take advantage of my experience. ou are on the wrong road, lor the road "tomorrow'' or "an other time" lead to the town of "never." There Is a way that sssmeffa right to man, but the end Ibcrool II death." lu honor of my parents I will auy of a truth, t wa a bright ami promising Hill- 1 I.. .1 .... ....... , .. . - I aw Ihe world lu u'l Its glory, the sjfl m uwjaawiwju. w .wester the r, the foliage prat m brother, Clarence, like the tier-all ju-t tolm reass my unendura-1 noblegood feilow he Is, and the rest of ble terror I I had driven a ! ,ny fuujll' "kewl-e, man out of ihi-i-autlful, bright world I One more day and I will swing Int.. roreverlnl Qflef was D I eternity i tbers hoping to meet my ben- myhea-t ""tly, I could not j '' km1 ' bl forgiveness. have lied t i -.. my life. My fl,st Iffl- Oome, boys ami girls, wake up to a pulse was to come hack there St tbS N '"'I'e' HUti ,uwt 'K age of 4", that was hi age, and shoot I WOfl Good-bye. myself. I thought nf uy mother and iHTv- louged to be at h. r feet, never to get a j f fa&Zj mile from her. Some divine power e was accusing me evi ry minute. 1 had Kugene. to tell some frieuds who thought Hielsy,.,; of OpgsjOa 1 world was hard to live In, of the peace, County of Lane, f88 restand purity"! an Innocent man I , F. M. Patterson, being first duly j and the unutterable misery and rll-! sworn; say l hat the original of the! Many of the guilty, aud of the bright ' foregoing copy wai written by Clsude ' world and the blessings for tbs luno- Branton, and by him directed to me; oent, alduh they should be thankful that said original wa received by me. for, over the lin- 'ursed guilty person, and Is now In my posaeaalon; that Ihe , Everything murmured shame and ' foregoing ha been by me carefully guilty In my ear. compared with tbe said original and When I left my folks for tbe last ' that the foregoing In a full, true and time unaware, to my mother "and "oomplel copy of said original, eave ! children, I slowly rode ofT with tears and except corrections iu spelling gsjri Oorreotiooi of grammatical mistakes; all. I that said foregoing Is toe whole of said original thai the foregoing i published a! this time lu acctdance with the Instructions and r. qOOSl of Ihe sa d Claude Branton. F. M. I'A l ii i;s,.n. Subscribed and iworn to before mo this tne Slid day of May, A. 1. I MM). AL L. T. IIakkis, Notary Public CHAMBERS WILL CELEBRATE IIF.AVY SNOW PALL fwenlf feet of thr Keuimfui mi the summit "l IheOascaga Mount ains The following letter la sell explana tory: Mclen.ie I'.rldge, May J ird, I - , BOtTOg QOASO! 1. N Finn crossed the Cascade mountains on snow ahncn May 'Jl-t. He re, .oris Ihe s.mw Jll feet deep on ti e siiminll, extending down Losi Creek below tsnamscorral. snow having fallen late this spring, I soft. It will lake (wo weeks nf lavorable wea' her lo make it hard SttOUgb for horses to cross. Yours truly, A H I'owkiis. This would Indicate that the snow Is at least gOtnllss across. BD. UloriOM News Come from Dr 1) B Caigile, of Wichita, 1 T. He writes: Four bottles of Electric Hitlers has cured Mrs Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her gnat Hitlcrlng for year. Terrible sores would break out ou her head and face, and the best doctors could give no hclii; but her cure I complete and her health Is excellent." This shows wh'it thousand havu proved that Kleeirle Bitten la Ihe la'sl blood purifier known. It the su premo remedy for ecscms, letter, salt rheum, ulcers, isiil and running sores. It stimulate liver, kidneys and bow els, expels poisons, helps digestion, builds up the strength. Only lit) cents. Sold by Wllklu A I. Iliu, druggists. Guaranteed. Eugene to Appropriately Observe July Fourth. t PARTIAL, I im ISS nil: The general Fourth ol July ciiiinit- tee lua. I. a partial canvass of the city yesterday afternoon ami received on courage in. lit snfilalent to wutraiit the statement that a celebration is assured. I'lie remainder ..I the soliciting will be completed as soon as practicable, and active work at once begup. l'ho various sub-committees will soon b appointed so that every . (Tort to provide suitable amusement cau bo made. The people of Lane county generally will weloomi this news, aud will at tend and assi-t In making thl cele bration one of the most notable lu the history of the county. A Queer Paradox. This dyspeptic nation eats $ i oo.ooo.ooo. oo "worth' ol " worthless" food in a year. Schilling' Best te.t baking powder co Roc ftavormg extract Soda and spu es arc badly needed. For Sale by QgAY dl Bog CoNnirrroKH' BXOOMDOM. -A rail road conductors excursion will be given at Salem. Sunday June 11 via the H l it It. Price fur round trip tickets, H , chlldieu .ri0 ce lit. Schedule of Cottage UlOVa and Ltigeuo train: Leave Clot tag drove H ;) a ru, Walker .". Crewell .. Fuvene 7:14, Irving 7:i, Jutietlnn City 7:4A. V L Holt write from PsolfiC drove, Calif, that the V M ' A conference lea great success. There aie four delegates from Oregon. cnnlini hark Wanted I want fifty tons of c'llttlm baik for which I will pay Ihe lilglu st market price iu cash. Keiuember tho place. VV Hanukks. sick Headaches, The- ciin.fi uf overwork.sl ar.iiiiaiiaiiiif, ar ipiltkl and s.iiely cured by Karl' Clorsv Best Tea, tin. ursat bV "l purifier and tiMiis builder. Money refunded if nut fatlafaetory. Price ( la. aud .') cla. Hold by W'llkina A I Inn. -8 ri ir liltNMi in (epMiN tl 'ii u . .iimI I. run) M ; t . ,if U mh. bim your iuv iUm I a- .w V'.-i miu0t iMtp Mt RkHl ttiu llMtfll Ifijf i:i you ti)i',' rc.l for thu Work 0( Urt (blV. VOW 0MU ntessM vonr oofiitiiBi ki i m i ' Miiii i ,t ti i iinfiift,, i i'i . or WMi wuptton of tiru kita. w t'jr ssMlil, " r blQMT Aiiers n dr in vlll.l.ilt T-ika ft a fiw il.... Y.'tl will .in feel buttsr In m way, for ..ur I.I.,. ..I w ts- i lire, voir ..ll'illio . . I -a, am ;ooi, ami your nerves nvroeK- f i.wv. B ii - .... .....a ..I, Iwi.r'a lllta TLey Kreaily al l tlx. Haraaparllla. I III F I.UIO liill,li'su - ' " - , sj a bus. Vur ulo by M drosgUu. Wrtka MS OSSSM IN! - (l tha partta alart In yna. i "HI rrviia a bally uuar.l, May - Iniiian Wak Vrrt'gHANS.-Tho Qrand Bnoampoient of ludian War Veteran will meet In Portland Wednesday .luno 14. The Lane county survivors of ! I long ago Imliau wars should meet mid elect delegates. 1 1 may he that by united action this government may at lust feci ealod upon to rSOOgnlSS the just claims of tho few aurvivur. Latkh. We me n .in .1 lo announce that Lane county veteran will meet In Ku gene, Saturday June II lKfU, at I o'clock to elect (leleg dee. I he Appetitu of a (iottt 1 envied by all DOOI ly -i-ptics whom) Stomach and Liver aro out of order. All such should know that Dr King's New I, Ife Pills, the wonderful rsiomacii ..mi i.iver iiemedy, gives m splendid app lltr, sound digestion and a regular bodily hal.lt thai Insure per feet health and great energy. Only US cents, at Wllklu A l. inn's drug store. WosnMtr'i i. OiiK.in.N HoKriK. The KtCjienUfla American, May 10, contains a picture of Litiu II, owned by J T Botbsrford, a brother of Hutherfurd BfOtbSri Of I'urner. HI gMM I 11 feet long ami his tail 10 feet, lie Is a sou of the Oregon Wouiior, and wa In Kugene five or si.- years ago, laving ex hibited under the name ol Oregon Wonder Jr. His n vine w it afterwards changed III the writetip Oiegon gets no credit lu connection with the won derful Oregon horse. Foley spring Stage. Stage from Kugene to Foley Springs, and way sdnts, leave Kugeue hotel at n a m, naiiy to tiaie t ick. Through trip to Koley Springs, Mondays, Wednesdays, aud Fridays, returning on alternate days. Tickets mi .ale at Bttgens feed Yard, Tenth aud Willamette street. Boi.u Kim v itiJAKU--. -W L llous t m A Co of Jui c! in i City ordered 60 i Dailv (Iuahiih cootiiimiig Urautou's coiifession, for a newspepei carrier of that city. We tent :i aud today re ceived wool from the firm, "all sold." t t,nni ri. ii ...Irs,, wIL aluA t er Sale. A few choice young bulls, Durham ai e Hereford. Call on or address Amom Wii.kinh, Coburg, Or, kl