The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 20, 1899, Image 9

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    "In Union
There is Strength.
Tme strength consists in the union, the
formonious luorktng together, of every
ptrtof thehumjinorgimsm. This strength
(in never be obtained if the blood is im
pure. Hood's SdrsipAriflj is the sUnUrd
r pUoH for purifying the blood.
ow Tiik.lV Wine la Marie.
HC.'Vt la -'",, nt New Vork
brown a light on Hungarian wine-
B(Bng. One of the litigant! is an
taporterol HaRgarlaB wine, ami tin-
IBM iru in (I'" lial'it of fiirniihiiiK
the niui' n :in w ith ii IPMlal bmn.l ol
tokay. ""' l;,t"'r iiiiiiK the
BHBMfi a"1' ',e U",''','H 'I"" lu five
n I. pMl Ii DlinoftHJlBrd I utr-
lionlai brand ol (okay, wnioh the im-pofii-r
told tor mmlloinnl parpoata.
Aeeordini lo theevbleiiee, the profit.
, . i hcm- Inure, for lokay,
blah KtoaUji aoeU but u cents a but
tla, waiioM i"r 3.oo.
Bara'a tt sworn formula: Sixteen
gallom ot acoliol, 640 K.illona of
ttr, 160 jxrti ii Ih farina anaar, 40 noun. la
of boripv. I pounda ol tokay essence, 2
pound laraOH aold, 10 ounces salicylic
miJ, ii Ih of gelatine.
iimitrc mt rrmnii
Errry mirri'M brrvria Imitators and counter
Inn I i. oki lor substitutes when you uk
sr t'aarsrets Casati cathartic. All iinu, -,
loc, Mi iui'.
The jraai 4 7 H. 0. wan the longeat
rear on roeord, an it bad, by oilier of
Julius Oaeaar, 448 lujs.
Tested ami true. OMfOO Mood Purifier.
Bight ol tlif olive trcea in tbe bit
totical Uairlen of Olives, in Jerusalem,
are known to bo ovor one thousand
yean old.
There a voting man from I.enore,
Who Boldly went off to the wur;
The "beef nutria him sick,
He itearvltd quita quick
By the pnimpi uaa or old Jaaaa Moore.
Ten per cent of the cage canary hiiria
drift iti'o oonannptioni and they com
municate the iliseiiHe to those wlio keep
CITJ rafmaneiiujl Corel. Ho It Of nervnuanes
I rile alter iii in .t i ue of Dr. Kline i i,i. i
IVarvefl atom. Bod ror .ou trial
Ibnlllmiel tr UK. U. IL IflJNK. I J1 9.1
iui ..nil, a u nan, iu im , 1 a.
Itisaf.i.l among Parisian actresses
) have tlii'in .- awatliod aa mum
bum, ami thiia iinotograpbed in their
My 'I i..r -aid f wonlri die, but I'iso's
rurel-.r i ' n ii in ,1 1. mi curc.i me. Amos
lellirr. Cucrrr nlicv, III., Nuv. 23, )(tU5,
Tho woi k of Mirroring the lino of the
aow UMn-uanton railway in China
lag been started.
Among tho Bgjrj tlani
Inse.l about 700 A. D.
t'm In the fnun most refreaning t
ita and aocematula to tho ajraten
sthe one perfect atroitgfhontitg
In Bzeellent Combination.
The pleasant mi'tlux! and ticueficial
ets of the well known remedy.
rill T ok tins, man u fact tired liv the
hUFoiiMA r IO BTRUP Co., illustrate
1 value nf obtaininif the liquid lnxa-
Ire principles of plants known to be
ii'itiul l v laxative and present msr
lem in the forju most rcfrcshiiiL' to the
m. It
leaiisiiis; the kvsU'UI effectunllv.
palling colds, headaches and fevers
jntly yet promptly and enaMinpone
'overcoine lialntiial constipation per
aaently. Its perfect freedom from
rery objectionable quality and sub
nce. and its actinrr on the kidnrvs.
far and bowela, without weakening
' Irritating them, make it the ideal
In the prooeaa of manufacturing figs
e used, as they are pleasant to the
late, but the niedieinul qualities of the
niedy me obtained from sennn and
her aromatic plants. l,v n method
town to the CALIPOHRM Kki Syiu p
J- tn'y order to get ita beneficial
recta and to avid imitations, please
member the full name of theCompanv
""ted on the front f every Dackuce.
Wnmu,! KY new von. vj v
V UK t.y all DruKglsln-UriCT pjrixjtne,
i'l LI V .. ' K.-i.i Bun. I'lV
"'lll.NH ,.,,r Tkl.l .,,.1 U....I.....
ana Wire Worka.
1 Viae
r,,n haaiaa;
HOI railing, ale. SAt Aider.
,Url r mill mile
PAItn iir,.V
lfin.r, 1 MAI IIINKKY AM)
S ' l"r eutllleinii. lks.KIl Vr.,nl Ml
' 'I'll !lr..l
BO WE N ...
Trite for Citalogut.
1 1, FREEMAN. Ipt,
M F.t Water Street.
rU the beat h..i... in .......
r-uiVrv mat I . ... k , i , . a
V, be!,! "Blmj. boilera.Uni... MUBpa,
!'xlV"5 S,Bdm'" The new
fcW L "idmil, m,ia by hIm u lm.
A PeHlaM Merrh.,,, . Oh...out
an.r . T... f M .nugu
ami llregnn DUtfteta,
Captain (Iwre ftp, , 'orll,n,) hop
wariihant. ieo,,tly returned from .
our of inavoetloa ol tba hop Stlda of
WaWlingtOO and tlreumi. In diacnaa
iOg the aeaaoo'a proapecta he aaid:
".My lour of inapection took me
throug-h the I'uyallup valley and
iuthern Waahinaton. and from what
IbaTeaeeii the unacaaonablo wcalhei
haa worke. a peal hardahip on the
bopuiowera in both atatea.
"Moat Browera have been able to ao
oompliah very little in the way of cul
tivation in the Puyallnp valley. Tbara
aie few yarda which have been Well
cultivated, becauae their location waa
favorable, aa reKarda l ru inMKe. but ,
by far the greater number of Tarda the
initial wink of iiiiaiiiK a crop remaina
to be done. Some of the varda on
White river look well, and the roung
vines are in progreaa of being trained,
but aa a rule I aaw few yanla wheie
the vonng vinea were above the giound.
"The Patterson yard, at Olequa.
looked well; evidently much work had
been done there up to dato. the nature
of tbe soil admitting cultivation.
Tl-roughout the Willamette valley I
may aav that I Mud the yurda in more
forward condition, although quite a
number of growers havo not yet com
menced to cultivate. This ia notice-
ante on low-lying ground. On tho
higher npland prairies the young vines
are coming up atrong and healthv.
especially where theie waa fall cultiva
tion. At Hampden (irange, on Klliott
Praiiie. whora my firm coutrola a large
yard, we have vines up to the wirea,
which are 10 feet above the the ground,
but wo alao have a poition of our yarda
where the outlook is not so reaaaoring,
bocauae we could nut do any fall plow
ing. However, fiom what I obaerved
in Clackamas, Mai ion, Linn and Polk
counties, I have come to the conclusion
that we have the pioaiect ol a very ex
cellent crop, taking of courae into con
aideration that for the paat two or three
years n great number of yarda have
been allowed to ileteiiorate on account
of pooi or lack of cultivation. In aome
eectiona I have noticed tho young
shoots are already being attacked by
the aplna, but I do not attach much
importance to thia aa a few riaya of hot
weather ia aufticient to kill off the
'giouml crop' of thia peat. It ia tho
June-July brood of the aphis that plays
such havoc in our hop tielria, hut aa we
ate now having our full ahare of pre
cipitation it is reasonable to infer that
when the weather aettlea we shall get
out just due of aunehiue and warm
weather, and as wo are having an ab
normal amount of rain now, it ia but
fair to predict we ahall have a cone
m Hiding iiiumier and fall of dry
"On the whole I am well astiarle.l
with the outlook, both from a mer
chant's and gfowct's point of view.
Thia ia the situation: Should nil hop
growing sections of the world lie equal
ly well favored as Oregon and Wash
ington, the production of thia year's
crop might be in exceaa of what is
anted, but 1 do not look for thia, as
my obeeiYationi for many years lead
me to the conclusion that when one
section is well-favored, anothei eoction
suffera correspondingly, either from
dlOOtb, bail, wind, frost or aphis. The
DOW crop will therefore come on an al
most bare market) and 1 look for prices
that will recoup the glowers fur the
past loaaoa."
European flnna
Fi.rlment la to be made at the
Corvnllls atation with two varieties of
of NarogtM bega thai it is as pearled
may benefit bag production in Oregon.
One of the tarietiea ia eaily. and the
I other medium early in cropping. Kaeli
1 la very atmng in Inpulin Only half
a iloien loot, of each bus been furniah-
eri the station by tba department at
I Washington. Dr. Withvcmbe will
I cultivate these on the college (aim.
I on ii reauna are favorable
inenta will follow for
supplied with
giom-ia to be
enough cutlinga to tret
a atari in the new vaiieties.
Koiikeark BIVM tafcery.
Oovemor Itogera and Piah Commia
aioner Little, comprising the niajoiity
of the state tlali comiuiaaioii, last week
visited Kendall creek and ita continence
with tbe Nmik-.n k liver, and officially
designated it aa the aite for the liah
hatchery piovidetl for by the last legia
lature, to be located on that river. A
force of men waa ret to work on ita run.
Mm, tion, and it il eipeoted to hatch
spawn from it this tear. Pire thous
and dollars was appropriated for con
structing ami maintaining the hatch
try for tho tint year.
MurOm Oaaalf frue.
"Unless the Weather in-derates an 1
more sunshine ia hud aoun, there will
be a light Wheel crop." Thia is the
opinion of a number ot piouiiucut
WhaatgrOWari Of Mat ion county. They
say that the acuson haa lieen ao bauk
ward, the weiither being cold and rainy
both night and day, that wheat lias
not yet made any appreciable growth,
though uaually at this lime of year, it
ia well up. The wet ami cold weather
is favoiablo to the incieuao o hoplice,
wnicli nave ma le their appearance on
bop vinea in different purta of the
e w-asa
b- rwyrtr rjrjr ft ft ft ft
year, with
ccm her 31
were paid
laeatMea in tYHsiiingiim.
Tlie repoit of Washington State In
surance Commissioner Ueifuer, show
the following summary of insurance
business transacted in the state during
the year 1 SOS: Seventy-one lit e insur
ance companies wrote risks amounting
to f82,833, 1 18, and ukui this incurred
losses of $591,344 83. and paid losses
amounting to (588,803 82. The giosa
premiums amounted to $1,075,004 13
and net picmiums, 1,241,170 81.
Taxes were paid amounting to10,
281 93. Life riska were Written
amounting to 16,927,155 during the
$18,709,008 in force De
1898. Losses weio paid
to $341,100 29. and taxes
in the sum of $8,120 34.
Marine iusutance was written amount
ing to $8,704,t53. and losses paid,
$113,052 19. Net premiums amounted
to $99,602 10. Accidents policies Were
written amounting to $1 1,108,300, and
losses paid amounting lo $40,610 09.
The gross premiums amounted to $57,-
797 19.
Olympla to the Cruiser Olympla.
The final order haa been given for
the souvenir to ho ptesenteri to the
cruisei Olympla. the matter of a
suitable inscription has been in con
tioveisy with the memorial committee
ever since tho funds were raised, but
finally the following has been agreed
on: rrom tho citizens of Olympia
and stato of Washington greetings of
Olympia to her namesake." This has
been forwarded to Arthur P. French,
the New Yoik sculptor, to be put on
the tablet.
Iteveniie Cutler Fleet.
The United States revenue cutter
fleet has left San Francisco for the
North. The vessels will rendezvous
at Seattle, where they will receive or-
lets from the treasury department.
ffseLtfiS! ,rrl'T. dlaeaaeaof the
"'aery, in Jru M , Portland
Northwest News Notes.
Snow is three feet deep at Cornucopia.
.Many shad are running in Coos
La Orande will erect a $20,000
school building.
The bicyde tax law is to be tested
in Linn county.
Cut woims are injuring grain in
Shetman county.
Sheepraising east of the mountains
is nearly a month later than usual.
Fruit along the Columiba river in
Umatilla county is in excellent condition.
The Coos bay
600-gallon churn
Montana men
cattle in Oilliam
ties thia spring.
A farmer south of Walla Walla
drilled nearly 600 feet for artesian
water without socceas.
The Commercial Club of The Dalles
la devising ways and means to em out
age bo ma manufactures.
I'orllBnit Merkal.
Wheat Walla Walla, 69c; Valley,
60c; Bloaateati tilu per bushel.
flour lieat grades, $3.20; graham,
$2.05; aupcrlitif, $2.16 ikt barrel
Oata Choice white, 43(g44c; choice
gray, 4 1(4 2c per bushel.
liarley Feed barley, $22.00; brew
ing, $23.00 per ton.
Millatiiffs limn, $17 per ton; mid
tilings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $10.00
per ton.
Hay Timothy, $8(99; clover. $7
8; Oregon wild hay, $0 per ton.
Butler Fancy creamery, 40c;
seconds, 35(j$40o; dairy, 3036o store,
I0 26o.
Cheese Oregon full cream, lSo;
Young America, 16c; new oheeae,
10c or nil i id.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $8(34
per dozen; hens, $4.00ut5.O0; spriuga,
$l.SB(t$ geese, $6.00(37.00 for old,
$4.60j')5 for young; ducks, $6.00(3
6.60 per dozen; turkeys, live, 16jt
10c p.-i poouda
Potatoes $1 1. 10 per sack; sweets,
2c per pound.
Vegetables Meets, 90c; turnips, 75c
per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab
bage, $1 1 .26 er 100 Hiunds; cauli
flower, 76o per dozen; parsuipa, 75c
per aack; beans, 3c per pound; celery,
70(3 76c per dozen; cucumbers, 60c per
box; peas, 3 i,r ;!,! per pound.
Onions Oregou, 60(375c per sack.
Hops ll13o; 1897 crop, 4060
Wool Valley, ll(312o per pound;
hastcm Oregon, 8(3 12c; mohair,
20c pel pound.
Mutton dross, licet sheep, wethers
and ewes, 4c; dressed mutton, 7l.c;
spring lambs, 7 ' ier lb.
Hogs Oross, choice heavy, $4.60;
light and feeders. $2.50ia' 3.00; dressed,
$5.00(36.00 per 100 )iinda.
licei Oross, top steers. 4.00(3$4.50;
cows, $2.60(0 3.00; dressed beef,
6(0 Ii 'sc per pound.
Veal Large, 0(3 7c; small, 7 '(38c
per pound.
BeatUa Markets.
Onions, 80co$l.lo per 100 pouuda
Potatoes, $36(340.
Beets, pei sack, $1(31 25.
Turnips, per sack, 60 (3 76c.
Carrots, per sack, 76c.
Parsnips, per sack, 86c(3$l.
Cauliflower, $1.00 per doz.
Celery, 35340o.
Cabbage, native and California
$2.76 per 100 pounds.
Apides, $1.75(32 per liox.
Pears, 60c (3 $1.60 per box.
Prunes, 60c tier box.
Butter Creamery, 20o per pound;
dairy and ranch, 12(3 18u per pound.
Bgga, 18c.
Cheese Native, 18c.
Poultry Old bens, lflc per pound;
spring chickens, 14c; turkeys, 16c.
Fresh meats Chuice diessed heel
steers, prime, 9c; cows, prime,
9c mutton, 9c; ork, 7c; veal, 8(3 10a.
Wheat Feed wheat. $20.
Oats Choice, per ton, $20.60.
Hay Puget Sound mixed, $7,011.3
8; choice Eastern Washington tim
othy, $12.00.
Corn Whole. $28.60; cracked, $24;
feed meal, $24.00.
Barley Boiled or ground, per ton,
$26(326; whole, $24.
Flour Patent, per barrel, $8.86
straights, $3. 10; California brands,
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.60; graham,
per barrel, 18.60; Whole wheat Hour.
$3.76; rye flour, $4.60.
Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $15;
shorts, per ton, $16.
Feed Chopped feed, $21(322 pet
ton; middlings, pet ton, $22; oil cak
meal, per ton, $33.
and and
baa a new
other im-
have bought 1.000
and adjuining coun-
Ran Franelaro Market.
Wool Spring Nevada, 9(3l3cpei
pound; Oregon, Eastern, 10(3 12c; Val
ley, 15(3 17c; Northern, 8(3 10c.
Millstuffs Middlings, $16(820.60
bran, $15.60(3 16.50 per tori.
Onions Silverskin,60(3 00cper sack.
Butter Fancy creamery, 17(J18o;
do seconds, 10(17c; fancy dairy, 16o,
do seconds, 14(3 14 c per onnd.
Eggs Store, 16c; fancy ranch.
Hope 1S88 crop, 15o.
Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $1
(92.60; Mexican limes, $4.6006; Cali
fornia lemons, 75c 0$!. 25; do choice,
$2.50 per box.
Hay Wheat, $18(315.60; wheat an'
.t. $13(916; oat, $14,3 18; bast bar
r, $12tajl3; alfalfa. $11 I i per too,
straw, 40(3 70c per bale.
Potatoes Early Kose, $1.60(91.76;
Oiegon Burkanks. $1.65(3$1R5; rival
Rurbanks, 76c(3$l; halinaa Burbanka,
$1(91 10 per aack.
Tropical fruits Bananaa, $1.60(1
2 60 pet bunch; pineapples, $1.60(9
' 4.60; Persian dates, 6J'C pei
. pound.
my opluluii Kilty Clarke waa the
prettiest girl iu tbe town of Bran
don, anil llriindou was famous for
Ita pretty girls. The fact that she waa
18 and 1 waa 40 may have Intenetfled
her beauty to me, for l can remember
now that 011 ouo or two occasions 1
came vi . y nearly marking three or four
peraoiia off my Hat of acquaintances
been om they had ipoken ratber alight-
Itigly of my taste Iu feminine beauty.
Aa 1 have stated. I waa 40 and Kitty
waa twenty-two years younger, but
ulil I.. .. II.. I.. .1.1,.. III... .1 l ... .
I " " 11 nine iuiiik line nine in me
cohabit-rtitlou of a matter which lasts
for etefnitjr, aa love aurely doe? Not
that 1 waa In love with Miss Clarke,
but 1 held her lu such lofty esteem
that love Itself could not have been a
Very great Improvement upon the 0011
dltion of my feelings. As for her
beauty, 1 must coufras that masculine
eyea 40 yeara old are possibly some
what more susceptible to feminine
beauty aged IS than would be true of
the referee proposition.
I had known Kitty abottl a year, and
being rich, as wealth Is computed In
towns the size of Brandon, and Kitty
being poor, 11a poverty la computed til
Uioat anywhere, 1 waa received with
more enthusiasm tierhiuia than mlirlit
bare otherwise obtained, Even then
there were times when I have seen
Kitty smile on a nephew of mine, w ho
was my cashier, Iu a fashion which
forced DM to wonder If she would have
done ao hud be been 40 and rich. In
stead of 25 ami nearly us poor as she
waa. But I did not permit trifles of
that soil to worry me long, for 1 felt
with the sublime faith of a man In my
position thai "ben I was ready to nak
Kitty to be mine, Kitty wns going to
be n ady and walling to answer affirm.'
There was not another girl In Bran
don who wouldn't have boon glad of
Kitty's opiKirtuiiitles. and why not
"Why not, Indeed':" I chuckled, well
satisfied with myself; ami 1 went about
my affairs whistling with much con
tent. On such occasions my nephew waa
wont to look up from his desk as I
paaaad along, but he would any noth
ing. Next nfter Kitty my most particular
admiral ion was the w idow Price, her
uuut, with whom she lived, nnd In con
Junction with w hom she taught a small
private school, whereby they managed
to eke out 11 fairly comfortable exist
ence In a coininuulty where existence
came cheaply. v.
Many Is the time I have Intimated to
aunt Price that some day life would bo
t-usier for her, all on account of Kitty,
and It was only necessary that she
wait n little longer with tbe same beau
tiful patience which hail characterized
her life even when the shadows were
heaviest. Then 1 felt nil overwhelm
ing desire to put my arms around her
plump ami pretty waist and let her rest
her tired head on the Ihisoiii of her de
voted nephew-In-law-to-be, but I al
ways restrained myself, though there
were times when there were (ears In
her eyes, nnd I hnve observed that
when women weep they weep more
satisfactorily If they have a manly
bosom to sob their sorrows out upon.
Incidentally I might sny that Kitty's
rhapci'oii was a dozen or nmre years
uliler than her charming niece and
allowed very plainly lu every line of
her face and graceful curve of her fig
tire where Kitty got her beauty, and
this wns a comfort to me, for I was
fairly possessed of good looks, as had
been my father and mother before me,
and their brothers and sisters, so that
I hud an ancestral predisposition to
hereditary traits along the beauty lines,
as It were.
One evening I called upon Kitty
with my mind fully made up that I
would propose to her on thai occasion,
as I had been growing more and more
frequent about the Price cottage, and
people would soon begin to talk open
ly, ns they hud already begun to whis
per. I)lck, my nephew, hus there
When I arrived, but as he had been there
many times previously and alwayi
obediently arose and departed when Ids
uncle came, I gave the matter no
thought mid cheerily told the hoy be
might take my trap and go driving with
some of his friends, aa I would walk
home. When the front door closed and
shortly thereafter we beard the noise
of wheels dying nwny down the street
I thought I saw a look of patfl In Kit
ty's face, but I did Hot seak of It
That trap would he furs lu a lew
months, and then the dear girl would
never have to sit at home for luck of
her ow n vehicle.
For an hour or more I talked to Kit
ty BOCta lis I hud done on other even
ings, mid then I uskcu fur to be my
I waited a moment when I had asked
this Important question and wns sur
prised that Kitty did DO) throw heraelf
In my arms, or, lit bust, with 11 aby
blush, wnit for ma to lake bar there.
;)n the contrary, she bt ran to cry, ami,
asking me lo excuse her, she went out
of the room.
1 do not know that nny man who
rends t Ii Ih slory has ever asked a worn
in to marry him. and tlu ti have her
walk out and leave him sitting alone
w ith bis thoughts. To him I Mod not
slate how I felt; lo any other It would
be Impossible.
Ten minutes or, perhaps, a dozen,
though It seemed to ! a week, had
passed and then I be door oieried and
I arose to meet Kitty and receive her
affirmation of my suit, the dear, rierv
ua little creature.
But It waa not Kitty.
".My dear madam," I itommered, aa
Mra. Price entered.
";xl evening. Mr Kllklna," respond
rt Kltly'a aunt, coming forward with
her band extendi d. which I took, for,
as I have prevloualy aald. I liked the
widow Price. "Be seated," she added
wltb a wave of her aoft white band to
ward tbe chair I had Just left, at the
aarue time acatlng herself In tbe chair
Kitty bad occupied.
I was entirely unbalanced by thia
procedure, but I obeyed.
"Will you be kind enough to ex '
I began, when she Interrupted DM,
"It la no more than la due you. Mr.
Kllklna," she said, "under the very ex
Inordinary dKumatancee, Indeed)
Mr. Pllklns." she went 011, getting more
excited every nilnute, "1 don't aee w hat
ever possessed a man of your age to
talk us you did to n , hllri like Kitty.
You are old enough to know better, and
I'm sure If I had had any Idea you
were not to lie trusted I am very sure
I never would have permitted yoO to
have seen her except In my presence.
Why, you are the last man on earth I
would have thought would lie making
love to my niece; ami Kitty thought so,
too. Yon are old enough to lie her
father and ought to be ashamed of
yourself, ami It was such a painful sur
prise to Kitty, too."
By this time 1 saw 1 bad made a mla-
iano, lor 1 no nave sense enough to
know Ivans when the bag Is open, and
I tried to stop Mrs. Price nnd explain
mid apologize, tint nothing can slop a
woman w Den she once gets a start, ami
the w idow had It.
"Why, Mr. Pllklns," she flew along,
"Kitty hud no more bleu of your want
Ink to marry her than she had of the
man in the moon. She never thought of
"niKN 1 tsKi ii 11111 t.i nn MT wit-K."
ou us a husband, mid she always
talked to ma about you as the loveliest
uncle "
"Stop there, madam," i thundered,
rising In such majesty ami might that
she was forced to silence. "Slop there.
It Is her uncle I want to be. Will
you "
It was now- the widow's turn to be
embarrassed, ami she broke in on me
w ith a lid Impetuosity.
"I don't mean that." she exclaimed
"It's Dick, your nephew. Haven't you
ever discovered that they are In lort
With each other? Are you blind or Just
plain stupid?"
Qoodneaa knows how I ever did get
out of it, or the widow, either, though
she didn't nllogther, for she Is now
sirs, l llklns, mid Dick and Klttv 11 v
Jtisl around the corner, as happy as tw
ins' 111 a Honeysuckle or as their tin
cle mid aunt are. Detroit Free Press
The claim of the Infrlugineiit of
constitutional right to sell Intoxicating
liquors by a dispensary bnv In retooled
In Plumb vs. Christie II nil 4" I. 11 a
IM, where the dispensary net Is anollc
able to a particular count.
inattachmeniof Intoxlcatina n rs
snipped into a Stale for an unlawful
purpose Is behl, In I.umihun vs. Bailey
IB. I ,), 41' u K. A. L".i7. to be Invalid
under the Smith Carolina dlsponsarv
law, by which any sale of such liquors
Is unlawful.
A promissory note payable six
months after date If the promisor Is
elected to n certain otllee Is hold, lu
Specht vs. Iteliuhirff (Neb ), 4'J L It. A
to DO lacking In the certainty DOC
eeaary lor a negotiable Instrument ami
also void on grounds of public policy
us a wager 011 the result of the election.
The loss of a reward for making an
arrest caused by false representations,
under which another person got 11 tele
Dh communication and himself
caused the arrest ami obtained the re
waul, Is held, in Smlthit vs. Gentry
(Ky.l, 42 U It. A. 808, to give no right
of action against him, because the
damages are too remote and contingent.
A statute modifying the n ly by
attachment so that an attachment win
lie dissolved by a general assignment
of the defendant for creditor! within
ten days thereafter is bold, in Penlnau
lur Lend mid C. works vs. Union "II
and P. Co. (Wls.l, 42 L, It. A. 881,
bo unconstitutional as applied In cm
tnicts made w hen the right of attach
ment was absolute or was not subject
to this contingency.
The Hovel question whelbiT a bllllk
holding certJ flea tea of deposit issued
by another bank Is a depositor is de
cided in Slate Savings bunk vs. Poster
(Mich.), 42 I.. It. A. 404, holding that,
when such certificate does not repre
sent any actual depoeit, but only a
credit on the IsM.ks, against which
chocks or draffs may be drawn, tho
hobbr la not a depositor In the other
bunk within the meaning of a statute
creating an Individual liability of
stockholders to the depositors.
Methtaaolahe or uaa Pnceoi.
The ages attained by Homu of the
COtti feme are scarcely less extraordin
ary than ilielr colossal bulk. The
greatest longevity assigned f(( any tree
Ih iM-rhaps credited to the celebrated
taxorilum of ChagUl tapes, In Mexli-n,
117 fii-t In circumference, whlcb Is
thought lo exceed III age the baobab of
Senegal. Inferred to be S.l.M) years old.
lu l-omlnrriy there Ih a cypress tree
which la said to have Ihs-h planted
the year of our Savior s birth. There
Is even an um lent record that It was
growing In the time of Julius Caesar.
Near the rul'ia of Palenque lire trees
whose age Is estimated to I..- from
4,SSl to ii,ias years. The mammoth
tree bna boon eatlmated lo live 4.iaai
years In California, ljidlea Home
.... . nk 1 hair.
An amuaing slory la told at
pense 01 Mr imiuiI I 1 1111 ie.
At a recent auction aale of old fur
niture held hi Bdlnbargh a ehalr wua
put up whose back tatre the curved
words: "Ouuottur Castle," tbe name
of the famous fort on the Scotch coast
near Stonehaven, which waa built in
1848, destroyed iu 1716. RxHila ex
pected it might fetch ebOOl 4".'S. The
bidding began at Ave pounds and aoon
reached t'lld, when onlv two biokeia
temamed in the competition, which, to
the amazement of every 1 pieaent,
advanced in bids of live and ten pounds
to 1175, at w Inch price the chair was
knocked down to the successful rival.
The result ol thia extraordinary sale
soon leaked out. Sir Donald had seen
the name on the back of the chair and
bad commissioned an Kdinbutg broker
to buy it. Next day, forgetting what
be had done, he instructed a Ola'gow
broker to bid for the chair, and tluwo
two were tbe rival bidders, with the re
sult that Sir DAnald is now the posses
sor of what is probably tbe most costly
oak chair in the world. Liverpool
Franre'a New freililent.
The new president of Prance la calm,
sane and a trille bourgeois He looks like
a man who would inline into French poll,
tics as 111111 h vigor as II, ..tetter's Stomach
Hitlers will into the run-down system of
anyone who ues It. It ia an absolute cure
for ull stomach disorders.
Suits to millions of dollars' worth
of property in the heart ol Sioux City,
Iowa, were decided adveraely to the
claim ants.
Caused by Internal Catarrh,
Promptly Cured by
To roe. real I roe owe u.e taty,
yileni by I'liiiel. r' orrgi.u Hlisnt
nrlfy your
urine r
Kata are unknown
Debloia, Me.
ill the town of
lion. J. II. Caldwell, a prominent
meiiitier of the I siana Statu Legiala-
ture, aaya the following iu regard le
I'u-iu-ua for catarrh:
lios. j. 11 in i, n 1 .
Allen a Foot Paso, 11 powder for the feet
It cures painful, swollen smarting fei t .0.,
Instantly takes the stiniront f eomaaitd
bunions. It s the neatest comfort discov
ery of the age. Allen's Pool Fuse make.
tight-lilling or new shoes leel easy. It 1- a
certain cure forohllbbuna, sweating, damp
callous nnd hut, tired, aching le, t Y
have over 10,000 teetimonlali preurti Try
it today. Sold t-y all druggists and ,h..e
stores, gy mall for Me in stamps. Trial
package FREB. Address Allan s. Olm
sted, I.e Roy, N. Y.
Tbe llrst equestrian statue erected in
Grant Britain waa that of Chailes I,
at Charing Cross, Loudon, facing Par
liament street.
aino itKwanii v. 1 ....
' paper w ill be pleased to
I least one ilr.-atte.t unease
Ttie readers n this
. 11 1 list llicre ia at
M...I science I. as tiei-ll slilu 10 cure 01 nil 11.
ataxi'i, aiid ll. at lacatarrh. Itall'sl alarrh 1 are
Is the only positive cure known to the medical
Iraieralty t slant) being a . oiiailtuilnual uia
vaie, le.pilrea a conaiTtu.l.uial treatment.
Halls Catarrh Cure ta taken Internally, actios
directly upon the hi.,,.. I an.t aoooea aarfaes
of the system, thereby delr.Ting ihe fn. nuta
tion of Ilia itt.eane, ami tlviug the patient
an. . .alii by huil. III. 1 up the comtltuPon and
aalllng nature In Ita work. The pro
prietor have so much fatlb. 111 Ha curative
powers, that they offer One Humbed hollart
lor any easp that It falls to oure. bond for list
of testlmoaiala. Aililress
r, J. I'll KNKY A CO., Toledo, 0.
Hold by druggist. 7ile.
llall'., 1.1. ni) 11 11 are the beat.
The Pullman Palace Car Company ia
aaid to have nearly 6,000 men 011 ita
pay rolla, sgainat 1,200 wbeu tho
itiikoof IH.04 occurred.
Mothers will timl Mrs. Wlnalow's Sooth
tig Syrap the best remedy to use for their
lluldren during the teething period.
In Japan fashion compels married
women to blacken their leetii, not as
in ornament, but to make 'them ugly
and save them from temptation.
Rostorod to Hoaltb by Lydla B.
Plnkbum's Votfotable Compound.
".. in. My (lag Work.
Mra. Pathick ihmih,
West Wiuatod, Conn., writes :
"Dm. Mm Pinkiiau: It Is with
pleasure that I write to you of tho
benefit I have derived from usliir your
wonderful Vegetable Compound. I waa
very ill, suffered with female weak and displacement of the womb.
"I could not sleepal uight, had to walk
the floor, I suffered so with puin In my
aide and small of my buck. Was trou
bled with bloating', and at times would
faint away; hail a terrible puia In my
heart, a bad taste In my mouth all the
time and would vomit; butnow, t hanks
to Mra. Pinkhiim end her Vegetable
Compound, I feel well and aleep well,
can do my work without feeling tlredj
do not bloat or have mv trouble
'I sincerely thank you for the irood
advice you (ravo me and for what your
medicine ha done fur me."
''1 have uacri Pe-iu-na for a nnmhor
of yeara with tho very best results for
calarihal diseases. I shall never lie
without it. I never fail to rcomtn I
il when an opNirttinty presents itself.''
J, 11. Caldwell, Robellne, La.
tiilbert I Infer, (Intya, Ky.. aaya in a
letter dated March 7th, 1HU4: "I
have use I four bottles of Pe iu 11a and
I am well of my catarrh, and it cured
my Hright'a disease. 1 bad been
troubled for two years. 1 weigh twenty
I ni ls more than 1 did before I waa
taken sick. I shall never bo without
Pe-ru-na. "
Send for free catarth book. Addreas
Dr. Hartnaa, Columbus, ().
Waller In . 101 .
It was iii one of the large downtown
taatanranti that the short little woman
and her tall huabau.l went to dinner
one night.
"Will yon have oysters " naked tho
man, glancing over the hill of fare.
"Yes," said the Mori little woman,
as she tried in vain to touch her toes to
the Moor. "And, John, 1 want a has
sock." John nodded and, aa he handed hi
order to the waiter he aaid: "Yea, and
bring a hassock for the lady,"
"tine hassock':'' asked the waiter,
witlt what John thought more than ot
dlnary mteiest, aa he nodded in the
affirmative. Still the waiter did not go,
but brushed the table oloth with a
towel ami learianged Ihe aiticlea on it
aeveral tunes, while Ins face gut very
red. Then be caiue around to John's
aide and, apeaking sutto voce, aaid:
"Say, milter, I haven't been here long,
and I'm nut on to all these things.
Will the lady have the has.oek boiled
or fried?" Chicago Obionlele.
Kai king dogs are rarely heard at
night in Japan. When an iinuaay dog
iliiturha a neighbor and prevents
lumber the owner is llnuri and imprisoned.
Jr pan
(Jim lis;
EftgLsh Breakfast
Ideal i cud
Cannot I'rala II 1 u.u.jl."
Mlaa (laurie Diinhik,
Pruuklln, Neb., wrlteei
" I suffered for aomo time with pain
ful and Irregular mciiatruallou, falling
of the womb aud puin in tho back. I
tried physiciana, but found no relief.
' I was at lust M-raiiaded totry l.vdie
K. I'iukham's Vegetable Compound.
and cannot praise it enough for what
It hasdoue for me. I feel like a new
person, and would not part with your
medicine I havo recommended it to
aeveral of my friends."
Tl.o Uight lion. James Ilryoe, au
thor of tho "American Common
wealth," lias been elected president of
the Alpine Club.
QfttGON Bipod Piwf j( h
very in. .nth, of tome dtSSOai Dial h0! tap
noaad waa laenrabls, t'aina in the i.a. k alee a
le. anen, nr. . I feeling, etc The rem, I) 111 ml
gel at Die seat of llie illaeaae
Moore's Revealed Remedy
will do II every lime. The ihouaanda who
have used It are loud lu their prat.. If a
only l uo ..-r bottle al your druaiist'a.
rtlnglon. 0. C . tlirr will re-
Doctor I woiiM aclrine ym to tnku
whIIc ev.-ry ornlng btfort hrHHkfHt.
BippyaawBtli (lootofi I ih nver
Kt up until after liwaltfiiKt, j'kuow.
Aak 'IrUBTiftltl f .r Dr Marie. I I
frrin-h Krinaa I'llle In uintal lanl
with r r ttii.-h Klsw mi Ion In Ulna W tills
nil ni htalai n hftvlitif tht f.uifif
"l(rl..f fur H .ineii 1 n r i i . I F k I I III 1 In
'latlrl lot ft r wit Ii (-II im hi lain at. I tan r fl . 1 1 r .
MINCH DRUQ CO., 18 1 4 33 Pearl It., Na 1 ark.
Wrlla Is NSIHA
HSli. Wathlngto
reive SBiea replies II .Mb N. i. a.
Malt Jith l orpa .'roaeeutlns claims sine Ists.
tte auarantee to At every caaa wa uii. intake.
IM)-t put It off; write for twrtleiilara at ..nee.
'. II. u .... 1. 1 ii 1. at 10. 1 1 p. ir Truaa
Itlars, 108 decoud Utruct. fortlaod. Or.
l as- Hie; W fur unnatural
)lai hnrg va, inrt j in mat i. ria, .t ulrtrl i.u
ft m 11 r 11 u a niaralrrniiaas.
rluIM, i, I nut astilo
griii ur BKiiu.iia.
WM hf It, in,
pr 11 1 111 pUia tmu'T,
W 9Tm, i t i ai I, fuf
1 ft, or i bottle, ;.7S.
I'lrcular wnt uu nuawjt.
Lazy Liver
with uirpnl llvat Wajak pr.xturaa n.nailpo
lloa I fouad ( A -.( !( KTs sou claim
fortbem an. I aeeuraO aueb rail! Ihe Oral trial,
Uiai I pji. tiaaal anolber aupply and waa rum
plalalr cured I eball only ba loo f lad to rec
ommend t'aacarat whenever lb opporiuouy
la preaaoud " J. A Smith
Wrm Hiiniuahann Ava , Pblladalpbls, Pa
VaW a-l ft eutetate
r'l"4 '""" eaauacte.
Ial Im CHIM rifj
laA a mil BH
lad n,ip. p.,a I . 11 1 1 ,,' 1
Cure Si. k ll-i.l.i ha
lf.iai,.:a 1(, l'l 1 I... ..1.
HI I. API l'l. .lii.ii an, ll.l.,,.. ...... Ik.. ilrlp or Nleken Tornuvlnca vnu. we will mall
IBM free. ..r fuM la.i f.,r i.V . lilt. IIIIHANKI'
....nil.,., 'ru, H.,13 by Hr.i(UU.
Ah. nil Itallrunai I mill.. y. a.
There are a.V) ein.l..yea to every Ksj
luib a of rsllroad lu the I u.tej Kutea,
raaos taasa asasiaaao
Pleaaant. PaiaiaM
rolenl Taal Ml Da
...... 1,1 Ur Ii-.
pa.. Olaasja. MtaawireaJ. 1T.
No-To-uc Bm. uvnnL'
r-.r '.ii..rrriiaa. in1 'llea-l rt-t Parjavt't Okajr fmeitle.
la tli N.Y rutHlM-ln M li eja ill rurv ran h utl ary
Mat. V(i CAAK knvarn It haa er fail..) to run, M
nialtawr bn B-rluu or of Lov lonaj aUmlinaj. Heaoltai
fri. iu uaa) will rwUh you. H Ii at.ilutalj mt
t"'lU atrVtlira, an.t an raw Uii.fl witlnxit lniooea
lrt4e a,td tHanU u froni I'lih K. S(U. (Via
mim uy ui rt .lr NsxHUtU, ur atM prpM O
fvlaunir wriH.l. un r. - rit-t t nrtrr m
I'AHfrf iUlalH AL CO., ntirtfo, IU.
rri InMU Pllaa ifu-,u. tB',
I le. lutm, aa wall aa ai.a.l, ftia.u.naor Pr.-iruJing
Pilaa ara r-irit i-lpr. Inlanko'i u Hamadv
nl M llrhlaa ao I A la,,rba I mvara its. a
.. Ir ... 1 --1 1 ... I , . , . f Wrlla
au fuai caaa. lilt SDMiNko, .b,l.,la . Pa.
a. p. n. i.
wrlllnar to
ilea tbla paper.
l Niera pleaae