Eugene City Guard. I. L. CANFBKI.I.. PrrHlor. KUOENE CITY OREGON EVENTS OF THE DAY An Intaraallng 1,'allarlluu Vt I i. .... Yrmm III Tig llamlanhar I ,, la fandaueinl ' Ei-Oovernor John I. Alt I J in dan r ''' Various Toruntu work men at ru k fur higher a age. Admiral PoWOy cable that M "I tin' Yorklown' crew are ptleVBOM ll insurgents' hands. Chilkat Indians aru rOBOrtod OH the warpath in Alaska, arnl driving whites off the White i'ana trail. Returning Copper liver prnapectnrl tiring horrible tale of Differing, lick lies and disappointment. W'lnle A 1 1 1 i lean, in Manila eipnet jiein e soon, Oti keep Igurously pre paring tn prosecute the war. Captain llait.-r, chief (piurtcrinaatei of the clepaitiiienl of the Miaaouti. liai been onleieil tu Manila foi iluty. Frod WliiteBi.le, ex-senator f rum Flathead county, ha brought "nit fur 1100.000 against tlie Untie Muiei fur defamation uf character. Under tli n terinii ul tint recent naval ai priipriatimi law, tlin 'Icp.n tment in IU thoi ized to I'll I in t J, lit 10 ly Kiel hall tint number in unt lie constantly ut ilea. Murderer W. (). Maer, under len ience f death in I'nlk county, OregOB, fur the murder nf Itity Sink, hint Sep tember, ha Im-.-h rMiwl a new trial by the supremo cniut. An officer in missing in the Philip iine. Hit I .if nut teen heard fruin since April DM. Captain Him kefellcr, of the Ninth infantry, went tu vlait MtpOAtfli an I M tim e ul bin haa since heen found. An Older haa heen received fiom the War departiuent tu the commander of tin- department nf the Lake, tu have hi tnaip ready tu move tu Wardimr, Idaho, where the uiiiiem aie rioting, aa a reault of hihur truuhlea. Brlgadler.Geaetal BarrloM Oray Otla, lately in high coiiiinaiid in the Philippine, haa arrived hutiiii in I'ali (otnll. having voluntarily resigned, lie vill at once resume the editorship-ill-l llief of till) l.oi AllgeleH Tlllllia, Action haa heen taken hy the i, ivy departiuent which Mill result, it i he lleved, in ti,. submission of several bida In the forthcoming armor plat nun pot It inn. The department hua re duced the amount of the check each bidder Mill la) required to auluuit with Ilia hid from $ 1 ,000,000 to llun.niiu. Hida will be upi I on May HI. The beef conn of Inquiry haa DM plete l lt report and adjourned. The apei In import! at New York for the week Mere 'i0,UlD gold, and 'J4.- Iti ailver. Dewev ilny Ma eolotu ulcd lorinally or otherwise in a patriulic way (ruin Maine tu Hawaii, and Alaaka to I'min Hicu. Knglaml and Knaaia have aigned Mil denying agreement regarding I hina which la Intended to put an end to the contention over laiUiiy and other conoeaaiona in that country. Seventeen farmera of I'cmlaOOOt coon tv, in Souiheaat Miaaomi, have boon e'tMtod on a federal iinlictmont uharg- lllg thelll With cutting the levee. No denial la made by the farmeia. I.. M. Pitkin, Idaot of the Va riety iron Worka Companr, and one ul the heat known tQlintM men of Cleve land, (., waa at mi. k and instantly .ako shore tlx ei , at I 'oila, killed by a a aubinb. The lepoit of the Nicaiagna ennui commission will lie pieaented to the piosidcnl NQD, with the leport of the N.araguii ruute. The pi act lull coat of completing the canal and opening nav igation to Vosnel of all nation ia: Minimum, 1111,000,0001 poaaildn in i n i in ii in . 1 100, nuo.ooil. I he United Statu oolliat Abaraadg hua aailcd lor l'agn I 'ago, Samoa. In addition lo aliiu tural mateiial for the OOOl pltl at PttgO Pago, the Ahaiemla i ai nes ,000 lOBO ol aonl for the war- hipa at Samoa. The aleel piei ia to lie lull down on "T" aha pilea, w h ich Mill he Mrawsd Into the aoral boltou, Thra) peraoua were killed mi. I more than a doaen aetmiialy Injured, and Ml leaa n injure, I, a the leaolt ol a wreck on the Kochciei I, ake On-1 lanu rallioad, neat ItoOOeater, N. Y. t wo Mil of an MOOrtlofl trtln filled Willi paaacngcra hit (he tinck while ronndlng a mim ai full peed, anJ Were completely a looked. Five men were killed gndoM fatally Injmad by tl iptoeloa of a iiwder pre ill DuBOBt'l amokideaa powdei oika at I'liinev'a Point, N. J, The Md aie: Captain Stewart, It. S. A.. powder ineaMteri Harvej smith, Joaeph Yeaget, laaac K t, Amot HOttlO, Jr., wmkineii. A woikmau aaaMi Roaaall mm aorrlkly awagM ikoejl the badji and loat the aighl o tailh evea. He la not elpeclisl lo live. lai tH NEWS. I'urto liicu ia to have a fJnt-clatt poatal ion i The cruiaer Chicago will par the Mourn a iigniflcant vltit to remind theio of olaima due ut. The Italian mlmatry haa reilgned Diacoaalun over the eipoaura of official correauondence cauael the rupture Sadie Tunic, a 13-year-old Human girl, waa alruck by lightning in a crowded New Vuik alreet. She auffured aevere huina, but ia atill aliva. At llutahlnaon, Kan., John M while In i g tiled for the murder uf hia five children, admitted that ha bad killel thein an that fa could get work. The military guver nrneiit hua del W ed lo return tu the Tinted Stalea all 1 volnnteeia now aerving aentencea in Cuba fur uilaruniliu t under their teimi of enliatmi nt. The CallfotolO raiiin grnwera' bmu ciatiun have aeeured cuiitrol of 00 pel cent of tilt prod net uf the comitlea uf the atate. The packer hare accepted the term offered, arid will work in harmony with tin aiaociation. The new Montana Kipper company ha been organized, with a capital of 171,000,000, and kUl KM I'aly aa preai dent. Several other large pfOBOftlM Mill he united Mith thu Anaconda iiiinea, it ii . I mort thorough woik done. 'I he prehident haa appointed Hon. llerL V. liowen, of New Voik, aa min- i-ler lo reraia. Miniater liowen waa roiiaul general at Kmcelona before th Spaoiah Wat look" out. The phn had pr.-vio i lv been tendered el-Uov i inni Uord, uf Oregon, Aii inaiirance deeiaion of mui h im porlain e haa la'cn rendered by a New York court againat the hipiitulde bill It i held that led icy holder are en titled tu a ahare in all the company' autpliia, in pruporlioii tu thu amount of hi polo and paid premium 1'lie California I'ackeia' Aaaociation haa POOD incorporated, With a capital to, k of gtO0O,000. It la cuiiiiMiaed nf u tile nf the largeat fruitpackiog eatah liahmenta in the atate, and ita ohj will ho to control mid legulate the price of canned fruit which It will ahip to all part of the woihl Mr. S 1 1 ll rill nil , the preaidcnt of the l)nite(l State I'hilipplne coiiimiaaion eiprerwe the opinion tl at the inter vlewa BOtOtdOd by liOMIBl Oil to the Kiliiino icpieaetat ivea will have a good moral effect, ua loading to MBflni Aguinaldo' repreaentativea that the Amen, an ailthoritiea BOM to give the l ilipilioa a g(Hl giivernmenl, and not omi of the Spanlah milt. Now it i a peanut t runt, to control the whole produit uf the country. Vu.i.v'm friend am working hard to influence aeuatuia in favor of aealing hi in. Tho Heading, I'a , Iron Coiopanv ad vai veil wage for the ccnud time thia year. striker at levelan I were mcccaa till in obtaining more wagca ami ahortei honra. The price of ga in New Yolk haa DMB rOOBOOd fiomlt.lU lo OlOOatl H IU0U feel. (lerman papira are aniioualy advia ing PNOidoal Mi Kioley to give up th Ihllippinea. Lieutenant I ill re haa I B BOttd from. He haa aent Brord of hia cap tore to ( let) Bra I MucArlhur. ceil lihiide ll failed to BATTLE AT SAX TOMAS Rebels Defeated After perate Fighting. Des II MM Kits' llltKi AI)K AIlVA.STIXO Harili on an I ,,i. .e.l., la Hgun a rgafll1 r i a peal araai l'ar ProBoeolOi me thr in hw Nlnai st Iteaaa. It ia attiatOlad (hat Argentina Will dare 1, 100,000 tuna of nunc avail able for elpoii. Mra. MoKinley'a health ha im proved very much ol lute and ahe i now aaid tu tai U-lter thau lur many year part. El Correo Ka atinlo, the Car ll.t organ at Ma in I, haa heen auppreaaed on the glOaad that it la the pro part ol a lint. lab aubje, i. Th Yankee eliiper ReBM, which haaairivcd In New York fiom II, mg Kong, made tho Voyage of m,oe than 10,00(1 mile in 08 day, an average ul more than I till mile a day. iurin Martia, of Lowell, Ma., haa won the Drat piiie for general Bt cellence in deaign and craflwork at the annual eihihitioii of the lliimiughaut (Englandi achiad of art. lie. Dr. Room t, AIop. of Itnmk lyn, ha bw-n elected general ae letary of the IVimealio and Koieigo M ary Hociely f..r the PiolMtBBt KpiMOBal oliurob in the Uuited Htale. aid uf the llritlah government Cape to Ualru railway a, heme. PayauMloi ueneral Btewart, having n ai he, I the age limit, will he n ine I with the i auk of leal admiral. Howell 1. Moigau, who returucl ti South lieu, I, Ind., Irooi Alaaka, wl he I. ad loat lii mm, I ami money, com untied inlolde. redeial tiiaipa liom ancouver, Spo kaue ami WalU Walla have been oi dared lo praoood lo VYardnor, Main the a, cue uf the milling truuhlea. Secretary llav haa bMB formally no li lie, I of the letOeM of the Spauiall garriaoa al ronapel, in the Uaiolim lalanda, mi, uf ii natnr.ilircl Aineinan oIUom Banted llellnder, held aaapna onei of war alnce laal aiimmer. Agulnaolo haa again aeul envois t, Ueneral tia with pence propoMle, bm aa they hear the MBti inalrucli lieloie they w III accomplish nothing. I hey al i II inaiat that conaiuit of the rlliplao ooograu tnoal he obtaineil A a reault ol ticncial Tonea' op pies. n conduct lOWanl American m, i. hunts trading at IHucllclda, Mm ragua, thia gororaaMot ha goioi milled tu riiUire Hie Nieaiagoau gov erument to relieve him fiom dulv at that point. A i, h In. hop I orrlgOB I letter to the I i , thanking him for hia declination against "Arnerloantim," waa anavrered immediately DJ the caidinal MOMtai nf atate, Mho clpreaaed to the arch biahdp the gicat Mtlofaollon Minob ii gave In hollnea. The pMtBtaiter-geBOtal baa dllMled kba jvialmaaler al an Ki aliciaco to take nut ol the mnila lor Manila llnee pam- phiet lamed by Kdward Atkleooa, ol Hoatoii, vioe-piei,lent f the Ami ltueiialitic League, di-inlcnt and even mutiny among the aoldiera bolag Itatad by the depeitaMal to lie the de aign ol i publication. The American l.inaeed ml company, of ('III, ago, haa ahaorhed the lour oil mill ot the Twin Cities. Minn., the ooaatrJoratloa bolag 14,000,000, The Herman government haa heen inhumed by Ureal Britain that the lattei ha no deatgna on BBBfMtlOB or proteotoratu on the Tonga lalamU. QaOOftM I'uwei. Maine, lias called a tfOOlal election lor June IU In ajMBBH a wngieaainaii tioiu the SecoUil dlt tnct to iuvHd th late Nelson Dinv- ley. There ara only two full admtiali afloat Admiral Dewey and Admiral sir John O. Hopkina, commanding the Hntlsb Mediterranean atatiun. Charle Dial, one of the boat-known Imsehall player to Califoiuu. Ileal in ilia Valley of brain fever, caiiMnl In bis being tiuoi above Hi right ear by a pitched h.,11 which fractured liitakulL Th poatofli,,, hpai tinent haa re ceived notice ti n the ptroel tnt Ma ventioB aalereaa the Dallad State and China ha len ratlfle.1 and arrange ruent have lieen made foi it Ma ml efleel immediately Manila, May fi. The Seconil Oiegon volunteer, with the real of Colonel Hummeii' brigade, are advancing northwaid under hia leaderahip ill the direction of Maaain. lie American under Ueneral Hale captured San Ton as tmlay after del perate fighting on the part of the The Ameiicana entered the town after it had been lire. I by tho in aurgenta. Meneial Hale and hi force are now pushing rapidly on San Eer- aaadoi The advance ol MacArthur'a tlOOpI began early this morning, Mith tin Kariaaa and Montana regiment march ing along the railroad truck, and the t ' tu ii battery, lowa, Roferwka and South Dakota regiment on the light of the line. A ahaip battle waa fungi t at I bridge foi mile from San VMBM Wliere tile rehcia in great niimlieis made a fiend stand. The engagement at San TomBI while not long, wa tru meiidouily furiuu. u ,, i. i , ll,,.. Mioillia True. Manila, May ft. There wa a con froncc laaling two honra today laitween Major leneral E. S. Otii and the en Toy who came hero Irom Ueneral Antonio Luna bearing tha DtOOOMl for a ceaaal mo of lioatilitie. (leneral Otia adhered tu his refusal lo recognize the so called government of the liiscrgenta. The Kilipinoa now ask for n li uce of three month to en able Aguiaaldo toNUIiililun the coiign-ss and OOMOll with thu insurgent leader on other islarnl. UNDER MARTIAL LAW. (..., ,ar I ... . a tlit, rrur- laraoliaa. Iloiao, Idaho, Mar ft. (lovernor Sleuneiilairg tonight issued a pun la illation declaring Shoshunu county In a atalo o iiisiinectioii. This Mill result in placing the gnvernment of the county, in so far a may bo necessary, under militaiy rule. All day long the work of arresting the men believed to have been onli ne, ted with the Hunker Hill outrage has been in progies at Wardner. To night 104 prisoner are under guard in the barn that ha been turned into fall (or their detention. Among them are many riuglcadei in the organization. Moro ol tho chief dynamiter, however, have escaped, and aie now getting out of thu country as beat they may. tlraal si. . I Truat. New York, May 6. A financial new bureau reiteiate today thu reports that the large steel combination will probably bo lowed on a bull of ,V.,,, 000,000 capitalization, to take in the Carnegie Steel Cmnpanv, the Rook' Ofellor Mesa ha lion interest, the Ke.l eral S'cel Company, thu American Steel ,V Wire Company, tho National BlMl 0 puny, and tho American Tin Plan Company. ,1. ,V W. BoHgntBB Co., .1. 1'. Morgan iV Co., and tho National City hank are named as the Baanolal agent ol the BrOpQOOd combi nation. PtaelaloBt Tea Down Baal Rpart Washington, ,M,ty ft. PrMldOBl Mc- Kinley is said tu have amended those portions of the beef court of Inquiry report which cast aspersions on Miles Hint liieckenti lge, ami when made public it will simply BBOUlfl the pack- era con ten 1 1,, the heel was Co,, I without accusing any army either ol negligence or failure to do hi duty in reporting complaint at the proper lime to the proper olllcer. A riahl " Ragle, Montreal, May ft. A a rMoll of an eipclition of the Dominion polo, igainst the ohstrepeioua Indians at S. Ragll today, one Indian was killed, two were seriously wounded ami four ai li sted. I he dead man w as Lake Ice, who had been accused ol killing Ins wife. The wounded are Jake Sun lay and I'ete Soinelualy, .Like Fire, Peloi I ne, Peter Thorn peon and Aiu. hahoni au Wele aitcste,!. OREGON TROOPS IN BATTLE. Hummer' Krlaad ltould tta r. r I Washington, May g, Th war de paitment recoived the following di patches tody: Manila, May 0. Colonel Summer, with six battalion, including tbe heo ond Oregon, tbe Dakota regiment, the Third infantry, and a piece of the Utah light artillery, ol Lawton' diviiion, proceeded north IM- morning to Maasin. where thev croascl th" hut and charged tho enemy in atrong en trenchment, driring Ihem northward and inflicting ooniiderahle lou. 11 if casualties were two wounded. Hoth Wheaton and Hale, of MacAr thur'a diviiion, found the enemy in (urce and Itrongly entrenched, anil commanded by Commander-in-Chief Luna, about four mi let south ul San Pot Bando. Hale, on tho right, dislodged the enemy, ami Wheaton. on tbe left, lead ing in patOOa, made a brilliant charge, cattering bil (MOM, inflicting gieal pnnlaBaaOBfc Several nfflccr ami aa llHted n Were crm ,-ly wounded. MacArthur proceedi lo Ban Eei nando in the moroing, delayed by tlo partial deatruction uf li e bridge acroaa the river. It is not believed that the ei en, v will make another dctci mined stand until he effe, i liil ri treat to Aia- yat. a ahuit diatalice from MB Isidio. The situation is as follow: Luwtuu hold llalinag, taken May 2 after a lapid movement from Angat, where he left IBppliM Mith a wagon train, pack animal and rations. He scattered the strongly entrenched enemy to tho north and northwestward, capturing large BUOOnl of food supplies, and has In iletio hmeiit thrown out to the north and eastward. Hit iicee(ul movement i- attended with gieat diltl- culty became of the chaiacter ol the i oi nt i v and the rati and heat. He now coven our railway cum mini ica- lloM, and will he aupplicd (rum Ma- lolo. MacAithni's column was concen- tiated mi l took up the advance on San Per nando at 8:80 this morning. We do not ap lelu nd a shaip resistance on the part ol tin- enemy, who will pioha hly leave the lailioad and retiie in a north weal.-ly diiection and to the ii or 1 1 1 of Lawton. The ileatiuction of tho railroad near Calumpit necessitates lependence on wagon transportation. The enemy to the south and east of Manila, 0,000 -trong, i opposed by a lafflcienl (oice under Ovenshine and Hall. Hi deiuonatrations thus (ar have Issen piopeily met by these olll cer, with slight losses. Many reqUMtl have been received liuni outlying cities for pioleclion against iosuigeiit tnaip. ona SPAIN IN A NEW ROLE. ll i In Makr ll,,,,, f.o Trrlt(ir In OhlSHV Hong Kong, May 0. Spain is col lecting eivdeuce here with a view ol claiming a cession ol laud in China as indemnity from the Chinese govern ment for permitting the steamer Abbey to leave Canton last August, with aim (or thu i'hilippines. I In- little steamer Abbey wa seized hv the armed diepulch-boat of Admiral Dewey' squadron Septembei 23 lat. She was of Ameiican register, though (oimcrlv known as the J'usig. It was repotted tu Admiral Dewey that she wa cairying arms and supplies of war to the Filipinos, ami he sent the Mo Culloch to inteicept l er. When the Ameiican cuttei finally found tho Abbey in llatangiis l ay. on the south cm coast of Luzon, the filibuster had lauded her cargo of arms and muni tions, ami the IflOUIgenta refused to give them up. Thereupon the Abbey was seized and taken by the McCul loeh to Manila, in accordance with Ad miral Dewey's desire tu maintain the status quo in tho Philippine! pending the conclusion of the work ol the peace commission in I 'aria. THE CRACKER 1 KUST. AS EXTRA SESSION : Tl THEY FLED IN lij Congress May Be Called To gether in October. TO TAKE rP CUBBIHCY MKASI BF. la I Clear lh War rur I ! latlaa fa in ' CelealM1 Washington, May 6 President Mo Kinley has talke-l with some of his congrelonal visitor about the ad v ii ihty of calling an extra eion In October t0 consider the UlipMHIOO M the currency measuie, so that it may not interfere with legislation which will come Interior the government ol the new colonics. There is a great ileal (il work to come before the next congress and two mouth extra session would help a great deal. Qreat satisfaction was expressed at he war department ut tho manner in which Colonel Summers is going ahead wiili th Second iiiegon and winning laurels lor himself and regiment. As fnilher details aie received concerning the action of the Oregon regiment, and especially a NOOltod in Manila napera, offloexi lone are loud in their praise ol thu lors ami their officer. While (leneral Olil doe not request troops, he indn atea that mote could he peed to advantage. It i plain that with 0,1100 Filipinos near Manila and town asking for garrisons tu protect them, tioops aie needed. A call foi .l.'i.ouo more Iroopi might have whole some effect upon the insurgent. Scnatoi Mcliridii called on 1'iesident McKinley today and invited him to visit Oregon on Ins Western trip, re minding him of the invitation that wa lent some time ago by the committee appointed (or the purpose. The piesi lleBt BUnred him that if he made the Western trip contemplated, he would gladly extend it to Oregon. He said, however, that he had not dellnitely de cided as to whether he wouhl make the trip, as it would depend much on the pressure ol public business. Kdward Atkinson, whoso pamphlet have U'en refused transportation to the Philippines, claimed that tho senate had endorsed his documents and made them government pollinations. This is true, but they weto oidered printed is poblifl documents in a perfunctory manner, tho same as thousand of other documents are ordered printed by the senate. Senator Jones, chairman nf the Democratic national committee, and Senator Caffety, of Louisiana, both rabid anti-expansionists, asked to have the Atkinson papers printed as public documents, and without any one Inquiring what they wete, the leave was grauted. In the senate, If leave to print such publications were refused, the senator asking could read them and make them official. For this reason, hundreds ol crank documents are printed without objection, in order to save time and prevent thu defeat ol important measures. Charles Cintis, one of tho leading lepicseutatives ol Kansas, says It ia quite likely that (leneral Funafuti, who has distinguished himself in the Phil ippines, w ill he sent tu the senate after tho next election. People of that state are wildly enthusiastic to do rometlling for the voting olllcer. TAKE TO THE HILLS. tViarilner Away to Borstal itumua CopM RI Pato, Tea , May ft. PBeiiffStcw. nit, of h.ldy, N. H. and poas,.. read ed hero tonight from the .larilllo IBOUII lama with to i member of the faniona Ilia, k Jack" gang in OMlody, who eie lodged in the county jail and will ho taken to Kddv count tomorrow the men Mere captured at luniiae this nooning at I'arkei s Wells. 00 miles north of here, and I ; miles from Tun juoiae, a small railway station. Mm Ratararea the Dairwlt, Waahington, May 5. I'nles the ituat in lllnetielda improve, the administration, it is said, will send ad litional lnp to reinforce the Dcttoit and teach Nicaragua the lesson thai be mint not maltreat A'ueticans. Similar action, it i thought. Mill be needed in Honduras. wiiiew Barnaa to Deathi Cortland, N. Y., May A. Mr. Jo MM DeVOtia, a widow tlO year of age, wa luirne,! to ,leath in a ttre which leat ive-1 her houae here today. be waa rescued from the building line, but relumed to It to ivcuia valu able paper! and perished. tv i.a ,i . aaeoelt Itethlehem, P., May X The Chap man Slate Company, whose bit 'unai- I'a, nir I ea.l Itraio Ii I , . ,, , t ,., i,. New aaraoj . Trenton, N. .1., May fl, The Paolflt Coast lliscuit Coinpany, with an au thorized capital of $4,000,000, was in COrpOratod today at tie otlice of the secretary of stale. The company is empowered to iiianuf.n tine and deal in cakes, biscuits, pie, eta, if the stock 11,800,000 is preferred with ; per cent coinulalle dividends. The incor porate! are Turner A, Heal, of New York, and (Icorgc V Vican and Ualpli II. Corhett, of Jersey t ity. Tim iBOOrporaton only nominally, represent the real interest hack of tin concern. It il said the company will control the ci acker and biacnit trade ol the PaoifM coat. ami as audi i be lieved to lie a bianob of th, eta, ker tiuat. Chilii'a l.en Jouraey, VanooBVOf, 11. t'.. May 8, Ida Chamberlain, a 6-year-old child, has arrived bore from London, England, on bet wav to Santa Monica, in 1,, An gela c unity, having made the entire trip ol ueai I v ?,000 miles entirely alone, Bhe is being cared for here bv the Young Women' Christian Am ation. hllaaa Naval Vaaaal WreakaB, Valpotalao, May 6. The govern ment ha - reci , ! an announcement of the wreck of a Chilean naval vessel in the atraits ol Magellan. No dotal Is ol the catastiuphe are at hand. Banhe,waBea In tirvere. Athens. May ti --Severe seismic dis turbances viaitcd tha southern an. I eastern disticts of Peloponnesus last night. The town of Liguditxa wa seriously damaged, mauy houses being thr-w i down. PI al Me .lantern. New York, May 6. A dispatch to the Herald I root Kio Janeiro says: A great tire W.slneaitav ileal rove. I ne are near heie, HtBOMMOd a M I BBMt M booOM around the market -.'0 per cent advance in wages today. Who aaaertM will BahlMa, Pari. May 5. I'nited State Com Oiiiaionet Peck tovik lormal p,sssion of the exposition site tivlay, and to night the stai ami Strlw ttiat ovei the place from font cornei ol the plot, winch ii j& meter mjuai. It is ftanke.1 on each side by the Tuikidi and Austrian site, and Bear the In valided bridge. Apia. Samoa, via Auckland. N. I , May &. Mataafa, the rebel chieftain. ha accepted an armiatice. The Her s. however, decliued to algn tha ptovlamation. place here, lour peisom aeie killed. Tnrkay ttni ry Onr Claim. Uuidon, May 8. The Comtinti nopi oatreapoadoal ol the Daily Ob ma tele lays: The sultan has aa tbonied the American minister to tel graph PtMideal McKinley that In ula jesty bm prnmlaod to pay the Amer lean claim of . 0,000 lor Iomm eui aVVMOi by AateriMibl in Turkey dutiug the Armenian massacre in 180&. Bloro Tin,. r,.r Trihialla Waihington. May 6. The Italian government has extended lor three toonthi tha time m which tha claim ol Certuti may be paid by Colombia. Ill lonelier Itun A vnlil t Nit ill a. Watdner, Idaho, May tl. Four hun dred United States troops ate on guurd tonight in the Incur d'Alene mining district, and martial law is in full forco la Shoshone county. While Oovernor BtoBBOBMrg a pioolamation, issued yesicroav, nas not yet heen poltsl in public places, citizens aie awato that Btaitlal law is in force by reason of tho fact that Dnited States troops are on the ground to see that it iscairied out. BrigadioMJeneral II. C. Merrlam, who arrived today (nun Denver by way of lloisc, has determined to arrest, if pos sible, all those implicated in blowing up the Hunker Hill A Sullivan mill. Wliile it ii known that Mveral of the mob, (earing arrest, have escaped from Shoshone county, a largo majority of those wanted aro still within the Manly, Today the mountains aie full ol neelBgttOB. The snow on the mouri tan - is ten feet deep and soft. With the tailroads all guarded, the only safe way out of the country ia over the old Uliddeo toad to Thomiison Kalls.Mont. That route is lined with them. Some take the road direct from Hurke. hot others go via Murray. The road from there was kept open nearly all winter hauling oie and is fuiily passable. Asteria Rallraag Rataaslaa, aatoria, Or., May i.-a,, official of the Astoria A Colombia Kivei railroad has announced that the road will he extended from New Aatoria i k- gOmmeat reservation at FortSteveui (tilling tne present summer. Thii will permit all government supplies to he delivered direct to the foit, instead of having to bo transferred on boats, a at present. Alaaka, Itoumlarjr. Washington. May 5. It is learned here that England BM mailed the re ply to the American communication on the Alaska boundary question, and that il IBM decided to con firm the decision of the Canadian officials who accepted the Cmted St,m provisional bound- ary, ami a lew Ul.shficalions. It . . i.e.p,, auerica will accept and the boundary question will tle.1 for the time being. Thii 10 the Dalton trail from Cbilkoot to Pyramid harbor. Kinlual.ia In a fowdor Mill. Plaolo, CaL, May 6. A territic ei pBMiOB took place tovlay in the mixing houae of the California powdar worka. ' J- w. Dadorllol detectevl tbe r f binning pulp used in the man ufacture of dynamite and not being able to dlaoont where the fire wa lor.ra.1 gave orden for the SO Chinese un.laa him to run The men barely reached placet of safety when the extdoaion n. curred. The shock wa .... - ll. II ic. lutein rtaat Kaal In ami tJaObla to Karauo. Ban Franoiioo, May 8. Adice from the Northwest confirm pre'iou report that neatly half of the Yukon fleet is fast in the ice, and will probably be deitioyed alien the spring freshet comei. Among the veiseli in danger is the Shertnun. of the Alaika P.xplora tuui Company. She ii neai Nnlato, and ii on a land bar in the middle of the river, broadiido on the current. Four mile from the mission is the Dawson City, owned by a San Fran ciico firm. She i fast in the h, with no chance tu escape. The OoT einor Stciieman, owned by Portland capitalists, is about 'J5 milts above the mouth of the TsBBM river, and she will probably break up when the fresh eta come. The May D is also di led. She is near Ban pat I City, last iu the ice iu the middle of the liver. The Trenton is close lo the May D, and she cannot escano destruction. The ClotOO, owned in San Franciico; the Seattle No. I, of the Seattle Yukon Coinpany, and the City ol Chicago, owned by Chicago capitalists, are in bunch a short distance above Ramp City. They will probably be ernthou to piece with the first cake of ice that come down tho river. Tho Robert Kerr, the Seattle, (he Sovereign, the Tin a, the Arnold and tho John 0, Hiirr are near Oirclo City, and there is little hop" that any of them will escape dattroetlOB, Allot these boats were engaged in genuial freighting and passenger business on the Yukon be tween St. Michaels ami Dawson City. NEGRO'S BIG FIND. lie Pig Do K'OoL That Haul linen Iter. led and ii,, Banraaof Maeh 'i rouble. Cincinnati, Mav 8. Buried treasure in the shape of 11 $1,001) bonds, hear ing urn lipped coupons which add sev eral thousand dollai to their value, were found by Thomas Lawson. u negro laborer, while digging in the cellar of a down-town departmeot More on sixth stieet. Tho ground was fuimerly tho property of Putting Bros., piano man ataotorata. in the tin box was found a iper on which was written: "These bonds belong to Julius and Martin Putting, and are the result ol years of industry and saviug." Thii discovery solve a mystery which had been a souice of angry con tention among the heirs of Julius Britting, whose sistets brought suit against Mai tin Britting, a brother, charging him with having concealed tho bund. Martin denied everything, but noli, withstanding hi denial a judgment was rendered against him in favor of the estate of Julius for about 4.000. The money was collected and the estate distributed and settled. Thu negro claim tho I on, Is as tieasuie trove. CENTRAL AMERICAN AFFAIRS. Hereafter Aaaerieao lata recti win Thoroughly I'rntarted. New York, Mav H, A special to the I I lei, ild f i oin Washington nays: Meal lire nave been Initiated bv the navv ihpartment which contemplate provid tug constant protection for American interests in Central America. As a n suit ol a consultation between Assist ant Societuiy Allen and Keur-Admital Crowiiihsliield, insttuctions have been given to Hear-A luiiral Hi, I, bom, chief constiuctor, to lit out the converted yacht Viking for duty in Central Ameiican waters as expeditiously us possible. The Viking's small draught will permit her to enter the shallow wators on the eastern coast of Central America so that the American Hag wi hu flying constantly at Honduras and Nicaragnan ports. Tho detei minati.iii 10 send the Viking to Cential America is the result nf the coinmiiiiicatiuns received at the statu department fiom Americani in Honduras and Nicaragua ncnug M -retary Allen said that no word had yet been tOMivod from the Detroit, but it is supposed that Com- mamler Dayton and Minister Moiry are continuing their investigation, Obtaining affidavits fiom Amer'cuus, 110., bearing upon their refusal to pay tounie duties on goods imported by 'in into .Nicaragua. Rout of the Filipinos at $ Fernando. TOWN WAS WELL Iowa Tronp Mail tha PORTTJij. stoar.-e.. aaaaaove' BriSad Jaiaeg u. I.awtua1 toll,,,,,, 0ro Manila. May 8. Th, M ,i. I., i '.,1.1,1, i a - oioiinoi e,t,.r Maasin, near San Miguel, and JmS! with his main body ot Iroopi TS now. IW The fallowing i a list of thaHBj and wounded yesterday: KilledTwentieth Kansas, 0,111,, tenant and one private; First Mont,. 0110 urivate; First Nebraska, u0 J vale. ' pn Wounded Twentieth Kintal 11 nieu, including two officers, r-t'sj, ' tana, three, including one ffc.' Kifty-Hnt lowa, three; Fir-t ehraik, live; First South Dakota, one. The Filipino army, though terrilk demoralized, had San Fermmdu fortified with zig-zag treneh, . , , structed and a BOmbor of Si,j,( blockhouses in position to , These rebels could have rMilli I ,,,lllK.j stronger force for a long time, ,f g-. had had moral courage; but the , disheiirtened and dlaoraraged, and a ran in groat disorder from the pac Spanish prisoners left behind in iki rout of the iiibelB todav told the AmHi can that (leneral Luna had i wounded in the shoulder iu lightin,,, San Toiua yesterday, and the FiUBal soldier have nil gone to pieces. Qoneral MaeAtUiBr has niuveuki full commanil to San Fernando. Many people left in panic, diicajk property and leaving household gora behind. Thu main residence part ol town is intact hut the church, convent railroad buildings and hiisines Imuaa ire tired by the Filipinos. ia these, be set- appliea pass MURDERED HER MOTHER. 1 lili'mn lt'imiaii La) In Walt ror llrr Tan llmira. I Incago, May ti. Mrs. Augustus M.vles, after waiting two boor in a lark tecess of u hallway at tho on tiaBM to Wallatt'i hull, Borlingtoo meet and North avenue, this alter. tlOOn, shot and killed hei mother, Mrs. Catherine Bcholta, Mr. Bohnlta was 10 attend a meeting ol the Martha vYaahiagton Fran Vereio, which was add in the hall, and the daughter lay in wait lor her until she cume. Five diots were tiled, three taking effect. Mrs. Styles, who is 85 yeais of age, aid she was driven to thu act hy her mother's revealing a closed chapter of her nil life to Mrs. Styles' daughter, loyeatsof age. The child's Daren tl were not regulaily married, and Mrs. Schultz Is said to have disclosed tins fact to her grandchild. Mrs. Styles w as ai rested. Naw Town. In Cnlnrailo. Durango, Colo., May 8. Building on several new townsites in the Uto lands is Roing forward with all possible speed. The filings at tho land office up to noon Unlay numbered SO. There is no way of estimating the number of actual settlers. Sana Till They limp,,,). Washington. May 8. The double hanging ol William Strather and Charles Winston at tiie district jail passed off quietly. The two coloied men started for the scaffold just nt noon, and seven minute later thev were hanging from the gallows. Wins ton and Strather hoth sang on the wav from their cell to the scaffold, and con tinued to sing until the drop fell Strather killed Kose Talbot, who left hei husband to live with him. Win ston shot bii wife, Kmma, while in bed. Th I'urrrnry Kill. Waihington. May s.-The preiident i not satisfied with the cauoai com mittee's currency measure, according to report from thoe who have die cussed the subject at the White House The trouble is .aid to be that it goes fuilher in the direction ol banking and currency reform than the president deem expedient at this time. -.rotoril,. .1 111 aitl I I .Van l .1 - iiie William L Haven, of and could ha ,. 1. ,,.t.. ..t. L. it ,. . 1 . 2 ' ujnr un-s4.uiei icao mole SocletV uri il,.i taut. The entire plant Ii mm. n. l.JTaOO ul, k... ' M-Ts ' ,sl ov"r - mmmnmm aa H ST VI I K 1 1 111 1 II I I I I I I II (M KIM JJ- piadthacitv; troop occu Capture nr San Karnaiolo. The capturo of San Fernando n ma, lo by the Fifty-liist luwa, alter i gallant charge. Ueneral Hale leil tin attack, lie had two battalions ut th Iowa regiment, a Hotchk. - gun. and Hank movement on the ri;ht wo made. To reach the city the tnams. kaf to ford two shallow stream-, llefoie the advance wa well begun tba main body of rebels fled to the north ward from San Fernando, leaviaj small garrison. These fired un ua lowans when in the middle of tlieteo- ond stieaiii. Although the rebel Un was hot, the Americans were not checked for an instant. With a yell the lowans r no bed up the bank ol the stream nearest the rebel rifloB anil or gan sprinting aftei the now fleeing BV) rison. Heavily armed and accouMr-l the lowans had a handicap as againM the lightly clad rebels, and when out run, many of the Americans stopped his quarry with bullets. This oliaaa lasted through the town and almost i mile beyond. Tiied out and w i.nled the lowans returned to fight the ff.iniei consuming tho piihlio boHdingl (t the torch of the natives, and then held the town until MucArthur's cumuisnj uame up. HAS HAD ENOUGH. Aeuinaldo (iu. . . M Hiirrnniler lie tiki Bar lint Little. Washingtiin, May 8. Aguinaldo'l i envoy to tho American Philippine commission have foimnlly idinittoi tho sovereignty of the United Stale over the Philippine islands and t lie sur render of Aguinaldo is believe, I to be closo at hand. President Schtirmun. of the American Philippine commission, who has never heen optimistic on the problem, cabled today to tho president the beliol ol the comtuisiiion that Aguinaldo is ready to surrender. Ho informed the prajitMll of tho new plea for peace ma le by tlie lagal lepicseutatives. Aguinaldo offer to surrender, but make, th tough his rapiMentattTta, plea for certain assurances as to Vxal itli.eis and government being giro wie Filipinos. The condition! areot minor consequence, aa lai as this gov ernment is concerned. As a reault ol the dispatch sent by Bohurman todsy, it is the confident expectation uf the ptMldOBt that the end of tlie rtiMliiui is neat. This result will not he obtained with out some of tfie concessions nskeil tor, rhloh have been recommended b.r tn ntnmission, and which, by the cabled lirection of the president today, will be granted. These MBMMioni con template giving tho Filipinos a tonn government modeled after that ot the United State. acriotll railway Klut at Iluluth. Dnliith, Mav 8. The first lemonstrat'on bv the stieet strikeia am! sympathizers occnired to- tngliL They used dynamite to etop trafflo. Four car weie detailed, three? at West Duluth and one on inrfield avenue. One ol tho cars lo e U luth was smashed almost beyond re pair, and all of the glass in the oihjj two was broken. Tba VU oo OarBBB avenue was served liaewiso. ' Ine iu'n was seriously il not fatally ii.juroJ, tnd foui others wore slightly hurt- l ,, . In Vaneiurta. Carncns, Venezuela, May now re-eatahliahed in Veneltie 'ler.eral Kamon Uara, formerly Veue ruelan minister of war gnd marl! who Btarted tbe revolution last Febru ary and wiib finally eeverely it1"' iy the government troots, h-ia bMPi into Colombia. Lord Salisbury expieaaea mm li mIb faction at the Analo-Russian as'"" ment, and hope Kouia will oonteal w its publication. Order at Wtrdaar, Wardnct. Idaho. Mav 8. Ten cot"' puiieiof United State! tro i -. ! nt. pert- Wardne for a and ft- tiering between 600 and 600 m' now itationed in Shoshone " guarding mining and other t hree companies are held at to guard prisoner arrested Participation in Saturday's riot. tho tioned at Mullan, Hem and B Hie Dlrnnaa nl llliaSM" al the district and prevent ifg esi-sri,! nf ll, nt.,..(.t nf r eneial Meniam ha hi lujadq""" beio th ting- V