The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 06, 1899, Image 8

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    Eugene City Guard.
The pump trust bM ix"-u organlsi-d
ulili -v-r tlilfiic rlgbl up to tb- handle.
Seme nnMoiiH MM I" f It I ilk Hint Hint
Open iliMir In China Ik iiii Illimitable cow
China may yet have to live In n
shiiuiy IxiK If xlic doesn't 1 1 j 1 1 lousing
Lit IiiihI Iii foreign wcr.
In Cuba every nt her mini must Is- n
roldbol That' n remit at hating U
ui iii of iihi lib n w oflctn.
Under (be nw law it (MM to
i tinilly Im coining fashionable to K" i
Into bankruptcy, oxiM-dally among i
IMntrlMl i" onJoi
When m KMH no goo N lard
Hie admiral' ship In Id limy every
Jink till' Mill recognize the KlilH'mr lit
M ill will lie the only MMtBCbO
on board.
Warship ileterlomle more hy Im'Iiik
put out ot commission tlilili wlii-ll kept
III set vice. 'Mi in III on the principle
often nbatrtad among men in are
BpOlllOg for ii fight.
A progressive dinner pnrty la the
latest fad. Weary Willie, Dunty Rmh
mill I'lott cry Hold MM Hie origina
tor of Hie puna, hut It never bOMBM
i ally popular until society took It ui.
Do what they will wllh automobiles,
the horse Hint lit driven out of hiisluc
liy them will pafcbaiM take hla re
venge in the torn of beef, and do hi"
bMl kl.kliig lu (he lltHMfbl of bit
The New York Tribune In authority
for the ni -lit Hint spilling In public
place U .11 : ..ill, on the decrease In
Hint i lly. I im- MM to show Hint It
MM sometime pay 0 Interfere wllh
Wfcal other people MM to consider
their right.
The mi railed MdORUM Hmrt, all
ilny bicycle racca, Iuih beta prohibited
III New Yolk. Among the IiIIIh passed
hy tin' Legislature of the Slate was
one inn kill),' It n inhuleiurnnor for the
pfoprtalofi oraupant or laoaoa of n plioa
where hleyele mien lire held to allow II
oootaataal to eontttrao in a race for n
longer lime Hinu llfleeu hour during
twenty four hours.
divide patfMMMI wltli "Chilled Har
old's Pilgrimage " Nntiirnlly I'rof.
Kocb'l Int . t ligation w ill excite a de
tree of curiosity, hut we udvle hlui In
ltd vance thnt In- cniiiiol sell any ma
larln lymph In Ihe pnrt of the world of
which We wil'e. ll people lire coiiaerv-
ntlve and never desert a tried nud
fHlthfiil ho hold n iii dy lor any now
fancied medicines.
BIOMrtki In BpoOjtlOg nhout I boat
people Mho arc always complaining of
the hchnvlor of the poll.,,, Mild: "I inn
reminded of the sltiry of I he police coin
MtMonorof Hanover, a wmltby mo
complained lo him thill the pollCODMO
Were iiiiiii MMUrtly abrupt lu aihlrc
lUJ Hie pill, Me. 'Well, you MO,1 MM the
commissioner. 'I've advertised for BOCh
0l men lo Join Hie force, hut I can't got
If the In w eluihled every person In
Jnrcd or Hie helm of every person killed
hy lire or In IttOmMlOg to escape from
In In a puhlle Inn or hotel to colleci n
considerable fixed MM hy u prompt
and iippiolmnlcly Huiiiuiury pro,-,.,
the precautions against Im and
against filial MOaeqUOtteM from them
Would he made very much more effee
live. The tlgllaucc and Ingenuity of
the Innkeeper Mould D0 fur more cITce
Hie than any nllhliil aupcrtlslou.
Kvcii Italy MkM demand upon
China. Till i- prohuhly to gel n new
Market for MNMl, The flowery
kingdom muNt got lata Buropaan ways
nud ibeorb the good of foreign devlla
or I here Mill ho the devil lo puy. Kng
hind litis forced In r to huy ophini.
rraiice boa ataalatao for mIo, Oartaaoi
wanti tua Moaajollaa to omi in laaocu
oilN bOJTi nud the l ulled llalM will Nell
ii i elaaraltaa, The aoalhoa Obtnaa -
cerlaluly up agalBOl a doOMMlbllng
BUM when he Ottackl OCCtdoaMl civ
The BOpaJaf Idea of the upper OMM
WoMchDrOMB I Hint MM In MGOOdlBjfl
ly fond of dicKN mid Nlyle, mid the ile
BBtod Khive of Hie UtotM fMbkM. The
aoiMIl BkN of her nature In not no well
known. Mow many ivuderH arc iimiiic.
for liiNiance, that BJBMUJ Hie I'rem li II of the heller BUUO there In nil
order OMWOrini eluhty IbOBMBt) MM
licra, whoNe aim In Hie illlevhllloii of
Muffcrllii.' ami the general BDtlftlBf of
their uiifortunate Bolghbofal It I" Mid
Hint more i Im n one hundred thousand
In iieliMoineii are trained nud irmly lo
no mi Hie MttlalaM aa anroM or "omm
BBBjCJT ililera," In the event of wur.
The eminent M'lcnilKt, I'rof. Kix-h. of
ltd Hit. who htiN aoblovod much funic
ami bfoMfM pfMl blooalnga lo bwnaa
Hy hy rilliliiliK dOWO MWTOUOI to Ihclr
Hull v v lull'. bM departed for I ha Oileiil
and H,e iroph'N un a -nil hunt for the
orlKln of inn la rln Niiturally It OWIWWd
lo no clever a man iih the pfofOBBOV b)
iiMik for i he origin of Mlaria BUMNUJ
the Mnlays. from whom It BJMMMIWB
bl) iIcI'Ivcn Ita inline, nud we bBTB M
ilouht that lu n few weekn or mouth
BrO tbojl hear Hint the bafllll aiv lu full
MtMOt, nc kill): rafWgB In the OattM jun
ties or lu the ciivcn of QOBU When
tin' pr. feor nu. ci eded III caplurllii;
the i bobwa hn IIIiin llfleeu jraara ago he
dlMoicntl i hot II mii a couiiia. .in, I he
la lu. Hue, I io MlbM that lite MUM
dewi ipt:on win h appUrabla hi the
MaaMI IwcIIIun Thin, however. U vIk
nrouNiy iiiapntsd hy irloatlitj llftng la
the lovr mid Mfabg dlatrieia Hie
Middle Went, who 111 a 1 1t 1 11 1 It ojo
rla In not u loiniun. hut it pei t.ul. nlnl
whoNicnIR.t MrtBBd thai iheoiflt Mat
of l. :r,i iuk Hie ImcIIII In lo droit n
them out arllh wblakj mi, I iiilnlu nt
the rnllo of HI to I On a, count of the
popularity of Hun life roBB WlBg ratUodjf
the e(Torl of the MafBBBM to BtOMD out
BMlMM ure auivetctl itllh DOM lilt J In I
inn 111 tin I election" Malty tlCdloBI
Mm aata i.. n afrit Ma in tlMlnaailua
of Hun BjMM hiiinan Niilfcrlut; com I
nioiily teriural "fever and acr. ' and
We reiui'inU'r reading Ih-i fall a very
In :u i t l eoutrlhuil.iii from a pooi BM
rlnuliik' Thtfrltlll of yel. r e . n la tvltli
lu.' mill," IbaMkdf iUhjuxivIiii; Hie pwipu
lar ilieory that a chill rvt urBl avery
other or Hi t.l ilny Lord Hi roll's fa
in.. it- imm in. "The I'll-ouer wllh u I'h.ll
On," l uiuch lii.ulte,l for III llteniry I
Blrciei lu the iwuiun landa. and (airly
The MenuoulleN Neleci pimtora hy lot,
and the cereinoiih hy w hich the nchc
Hon In made are conducted with ureal
dcllhcriiiloii and solemnity. The people
incet lu church, and afler pn lltiiPiary
iiHkIoiin aervlcea, n couiiultteii retire
to mi uliteroom. A BIMo for atcfc ean
dldate for the paatofal OMO I pro
cured, nud Into one of Hie Nttered vol
lime a -l,p of w hile paHT In MOftod
'I he hook are InteriiiliiKh d and phi I
on it lahle, when eui'h candidate ad
vain i n, select a llihle and BMll blM
-.11 The lllhlel are then eantllliuil hy
the hUhop, an. I Ihe pOBOBaaOt of lb" oil
In Mhl. h I lo- Blip of papM I" found D
come the apparently predestined pas
tor. Ordination fuUotv; the 800gMga
Hon unite In praise nud tliankaglTlOg)
Mtiaflod ami bappf In Hie belief
Hie ebOMB is hy DIbIM appolntmeiit.
it ippiari that the jroMg da acini
Nomaa in an KiiKlein i lly wlio einl.el
luiied Hie onnoancotnanl of bm
eiitertaluincut hy it bing II-" of UOH
of very distinguished "pnironesse" did
not io lo Hie tranMa of asking Ihe "pat
rnoaaooa M porasloolon. some of laa
palrone-ses have puhlieli ohj. etfld) and
as the BMMMMNM hi Mil l ralher more
ahout He in iban i boo) iba onlorlaJn
no lit It seems Hint they have soi.o
right to feci aggrieved, it is dlffletUI
to stH- whiil the "patronesses" have lo
do with thl or n grout BMB other en
terprises which Ihey lire said to Is- pat
noising, anj arajr. Poaalbti it u n a m
fort to Nome p. opto who huy Utkotfl tC
the eiitcrlalnmeut to ktioiv that Ihey
are pa tfon faring a show which also en
Joys Hie patronage of Home very
ii. altliy women; hut It ladlflMUH to see
how It make the show any Letter.
The effort to provide hollies III thli
country and t'miailu for the l(ushin
Bed culled Ihe lioukhohor. of iilctn
the total BOM tMf I aboOl lOyOMK gives
prouilllelice to one of the most CUriOUB
rcllgloua ImhIIc Hint are to he found
uny where In Ihe world. The real title
of the body I the I'lilversal llrollier
hood Christian, and ll was first hen id
of lu IT.Vi. The leaders IfBCO Ihclr oil
gin to the Kiighsh qoakera, attbongb
there are now remaining few Ira MB of
Hie parent religion. They are deci ll d
na "poOCMbiOi simple and d. voiit. and
Ihey live the communal life." At one
time they BVMbOMd more UMB 90)000,
but poMOBVtlOM and cfrorl lo repress
t llilll III llll-shl have I I'd need their IIIIIII
Mf aboOl one - litt I f. Their form of he
lief Is ulhtr uud Strang.'. They dan)
the existence of n personal liod, ami
their doctrine of Hie Trinity I Hun
Memory Is Hod Hie I'alher. H IB BOH I
Qod the Son anil III Qod Ihe Holy
QhOOt They hcllete iii the liiiinoiiallty
of the soul, but hold Hull mi Infant Is
soulless ami that II does not possess a
Roiil until the BftOOBUl or BlSMOMfa
year of Us life. They deny h 00100 nil
lh,, illy over them and denounce the
forcing of one MO 10 do the bidding of
another, hut Ihey arc In no sense rem
I. in.. nuis and ihclr only reUi men in
the government t their refusal lo lul.o
up arms In Us behalf. Tin lr ilotin -tle
t.ii. nt - are a aMMMM a- their full It
Their family lies ate hoocil entirely
ll I h ,n in 1 1 1 1 in I hue and MfT, ellnii, bill
their MRMgOOi or unions, me binding
fapea Djcilbof buabnnd nor orlfn, Tboy
hate DOM BMOt llilttini.-t lily pel sei tiled
iii Buaala. lu kugitat, I TOO, the entire
ImmIv whs bnnbriied lo Siberia ondor a
nkase Hint proilihd Hull they should he
kept for life at hard bjbof "mid IhOl
Ihey should never hate the i h.ilns re
moled from their hands and feet " lu
IBM they were penult led ,, colon I.,. a
Siberian farm, hut in 1880 their farm
was sclxcd and Ihe aide hodied nieti
were all forced Into Hie army In v.:u
they wen. BMUllttod to Icltini In Ittis
sia. and BbOOt 11,000 of Hieiu came
hack, but Ihey wi-re driven froiu one
part of the country to H iher an, I
Were lllllllly reiuoted to Ihe CoUcaitlt
Alsiiil two years ago Ihey were given
h rinl-slon to emlgiate at Hielr on n e
poise, and the cost of this in. u em, 'tit
was, by iba cfforls of fount Tolstoi,
contributed hy ihe Kngltaa Qnakora a
colony of ii.. u. I.Iiki was scut to t'v
puis mid anolbar bod) is to i.,. sent to
wootan Canada, in ibbi counlrj tbore
Is a eOMMllM which has taken up the
MUM of those refugees, tit lbofaplll of
it hleh I- Wllllani I), It oil eIN. lie HqI el
1st. of New York. Jane Addnnit, of
fblcaga'll bJm iiii actlvv uioiubor of
ibis board,
lllKtily Aipreclnieil.
All old Latin Haying. I.audaut qnod
lion InleUlgiint i 1 he) praise what they
tlo not understand), was once lllus
trilled hy an BngjUatl tourist it ho hap
ponod Into the l.iithermi church at
MBMrTO one Sunday MOfnlUg. The
toiitUl did not kitotv a word of Hie
Danlgb language, hut he it t ote, "The
clergy man had a qnwt earnestness or
uiitnner mid it BOMnUMtTa elo.picii.e
that pleased ami Bttradsad I admlrwl
the dbMwraOi altbougb i did not un
doratand a word of it." The isok from
which Me have copied this UluatratlOO
of a coiniuoii prnetica teUa the follow
lug BMBSlng story of a Dntcb nudleiu e
listening to one of Sliuk-peare - plan
I will tell you, such In do power- ,.
de Sh.ikspoare. that I rBIKB MB) a
play dc great man acted lu Augllsh.
hi Hofland. it here der las not TOO per
sou lu nil de koMa hut myself ,iml,l
oiulersioiid It; yet dcn ttts not a ,r
noii In all dal h..u-e hut tat va In
tears, dat Is. all crVlng. blow In,. .1.,
nose, BO) vis-p very BMMCbl COBMo'I
oltdcrstotid tun turd of de play, yet all
tis'plng BOCD Mis de pott els of dc
"t'ome and dine w ith us to utorroiv,"
snld Ihe old fellow who had made Ins
none) and wanted to push his nut into
so. Icty. "Sorry." replied the elegant
man, "I can't. I'm going to m 'Haiti
let.'" "That's all tight." -aid the ho
pltyhleold ireuih tuan; "bring 1,1m with
nu." Til HU.
Johnny bus boon playing n found ba
phino and has had u fall " hat BM
you hatvllug nlsiuty nskul Her lie, roll
tempt uoilslt ; "It was Hie Soft vdal
your bend hit." BaaMB QmottBt
A tllver lining may have a i-Jppef
m ; -i ,i r
!,-.'.- .a
t'UM)'ttrft-OV,WUl'il'W.-VM' . - ii BV V.M- O V VVt
The Jlotoer of fjeatb.
a a "4
' T r or nre n goisl ns dead." mid
the im tor, looking steadily at
Aaatota itaggorod. Bo bad com to
pas a cheerful evening with his old
friend, Dr. Ihirdals, the avnnt whose
work In potaOnoM MbBtMOM are so
well mid favorably known, but om
Whose excellence of heart and BlflMOt
fatherly klndlie Anntole hud heeii
able to npprei late more Hum any 800.
And now all of a sudden, without re
gun I for hi feelings, without balng pre
aand to Mar it. Iba terrible prognoatla
it nttSNd hy M greiil an aiithorlly.
"ITlfortllliale felloiv." continued the
doctor, "ivhat btTB you doMl"
"Xothliig Hint I know of," Ntjunmeritl
Anntole, gteally llolll.led,
"Try to recollect. Tell M what you
have drunk, what you ha to eaten, and
what JTOB hate breathed."
The last word ipofcM by the doctor
vut a ray of light to Anntole. Thar
very MffBlBg B0 had reeelted a letter
from one of hi friend who wa trav
eling In India. In thl letter hud bvOB "
(lower plucked on the shore of the
QangM by the traveler- ll Hotter, ml,
warped, ami of bl.nrre ibapO, the odor
of w hich, he reuieinlH'reil w ell now. had
seme. I to him slraiigcly penetrating.
Anntole searched In hi pocketlssik and
tisik tbarofroM the letter and Bovw in
HMOtlOBi which he showed to the M-
"Without doubt." exclaimed the doe
lor, "It la the r.vrmncncusl IndlCM
the fatal tliiiter, the Holier of ilealh."
"tin you really think hoV"
"I am sure of it."
"Hut 11 I not pslhle. 1 nut only fQ
year old. 1 feel myself full of life and
ben I lb "
"When did you open that fatal let
"At P o'clock thl morning."
"Well, toinoi row morning nt the
anine hour. Indeed at the same mo
ment, you feel a sliurp anguish at the
heart, mid It it III M nil over wllh you."
"Ami do you not know any remedy.
uny mtaai of "
"None," said the doctor. Bfld biding
IiIh face In Id hnnds he Hank backward
In nil nrtn chair, choked with grief.
I 'mm the emotion displayed by hi
old friend, Anntole MBlbVad that there
tins no bope. He departed III a
With head of cold BOMplMtfaM on
III bfOW mid hi thoughts confused.
Anntole united along iiiicoiiscIoum of
what was passing around him, and not
JVell HUNpectlng that the Htreeta were
baconlng deserted. 11. wandarod a
lung time thus; hut nt length, coining
to n bench, he sat down.
The rest did Mill good, t'lltll then
lie hud been like a man who has boon
struck on the head wllh a club. The
effect of the si k weie disappearing.
nud he begun now to collect his vagrant
"My plight." thought he, "I Hint of
a paraou condantood lo death. Yet i
can still hope for mercy. Hy the way.
bow much longer hate I to live?"
He looked at his natch.
"it lin ks throe hours of morning, it
In time I nils In 11. I go to bed, lu
deed! To delete the lust sml hour of
my life lo Bleep! No. I can certainly
do Is'ttcr Hunt that. I tut. what? I'nr
bleu! I have It. I it III ill tin up my
itis! w ill ami tostameu4."
A restaurant which remained open
nil night was near by. le enter
ed and sat dolt It.
"Walter, a bottle of champagne and
a bottb) f Ink."
He drunk a glass mid hsikcd nt hi
writing-pa per, re Hooting: "To art
ahull 1 leave my six thousand franca
Income? I hate neither father nor
mother a fact which I lucky for
tbett. And among the persons uh,
Interest M I van think only of one
Nicotic tvii one of hla forly tecODll
cousins, it chminliig young girl of is
year, tilth fair Ire-scs and large, black
eyea. I.Ike himself she was an orpluiB,
and thl community of fate had long
ago chIiiIiIIsIhhI it Ismd of sympathy
POtWBM them. HI will wa s.edilj
drawn up. Ile left everything to
When It tin BnJabod he drank a M
on. I glass of champagne.
"Poor Nicotic," thought be. "Her
gvnrdlan. who know inn,. ()f the
w orld BICOpI hi class, w blch he tench
e to piny on hra-s lu-ti uinent nt the
t'onsci i itory, hn bethought blMoM
to promise her hand to u brute, u sort
of bully, whom she detests. bOCOUM she
lot M atiothcr. iin she has avoii e.l to me
altbougb with reticence and an em
bamaaad air. Who Is this happy inor
talT Itut he must ho worthy of her.
since she has lived her affection on
liliu. Qood. gentle, comely, mid uffce
tloiiate Nlcelle deserves an Ideal litis
band. Ah. how well Mould she have
Mltod me for a w Ife. It I an Infamous
tyritnny to ssdl her life by giving her
to a brute. Hut w hy should 1 not is.
NtCOtte's champion? 1 have said It
uow. and to morrow morning 1 will bo
gin to act. Hut to morrow morning It
will ! tsi late. Now I Ihe time to
begin. If at all. The hour I a Utile null
a pnsi to sis- people, hill M I ahull In
dent! lu tlte hour I don't care n sou
for coin cut lonnlltlcti. Yes, I'll do It
BM life for Nhvlte."
It wa 4 o'clock In the morning when
Anntole rang the ts-ll nt the house of
Nhvlte' guard. an. M Housnnl. Had
ly frlghtcmsl and wearing his ulght
cap, he answcrtil the
"I Ihe hoiiHe on Ore?"
"N, my dear M. Hottiard." rellsl
Anntole "I bate come for a chat."
"At this hour?"
"I am at nil hour pOMtaad to mi' you;
but ton an- not dres-ed. M. Ilousard.
Are you going Im.-k to UsJ agalu?"
"That's w hat I am going to do. Hut
I supst tnouslcur, that to distuib me
In this manner you uiut have
thing very baportanl '" n1 '"
"Very iMportaOt, M. r.oUMird. It I
Docoaaary thai jrou giro up your plan
of marrying my coUbIo Nleette lo M.
i lapoodnca"
"Never, MOM lottr. Ilcler."
"Hut I say, yes."
"MoiiHleur. BXJ rooolutloo la taken.
The BMJTMgJB will UritS pi ice."
"it win not"
"We ll M aboOl that And now Hint
you nre goojwUnted wltb my mistier, I
will not detain you longer."
"That Is not altogether polite. Hut
1 inn ii good hint. "I' d a- I nut tOM'
clou. M. Holism. I. I am BOl Offended
at your proeadure, nod I w'H remain."
"Iteiimln If you like. I consider you
a gone, mid I will not converse further
with you."
And M. BoOMfd twned toward the
wall, ITODlbllOg, "I ild one ever the
iii.e; to dbrturb peaceful man, to rooot
hlui from his -I. ep. for the purpose of
listening to bw Ii nonsense."
oddenl) M. Bonanid made n bonnd
from hi bed.
Ana tOle had taken nt one of the
ttwnbonofl ol Ibo professor. Into which
he blew with might iiml main, mildly
moving the slide. Infernal BOUBda
were omitted by the Inatrotnont
"My ebeiiabod trombone, given me by
my pupils! Leave the InBttWBMl
alone, monsieur."
"Monsieur." Bald Aiuitole, "you eon
Nhler M us departed. I mushier you
a ah sent, and 1 am nniUHlng iiiys.-lf
while waiting fur your return. I'm pa:
I'm pal What dulcet melody!"
"Yoll will cause me to receive notice
to leave the house. Sly nelghlsir will
Hot tolerate the trombone afler mid
"'1 hen all I can say Ih. they have no
love of music In Ihclr souls. 7. 7. i. z!
Wow! Tootle loo! I'm pa! Cm par
"St.. p. for mercy'a Hake."
"Ho yon rot -. nt, then'.''
"To whn IV"
"To give up the marriage."
"Hut, monsieur, I can't do It."
"Then, urn pu!"
"XI. Capondac I a terrible man. If
I affront him Hiuh bo will kill me."
" thai reason influence you?"
"Yes, ami other bBBldoB."
"lu that case leave nil to me. Only
awcar to me that If I obtain the con
scut of M. Capondac to the breaking
of the match, my cousin shall Is' frit'."
"Yes, QXtnaleur, she Khali he free."
"ltruvo. I have ; ur word. Hernilt
me to rctlrt. Hut where does this
Oapandno live?"
"Number 100, Hue ilcs"Tlciix BpeOO.'
"I it III go there. I lood by ."
"Aa for you," thought M. BoOMrd
"you nre pulling your bead in the lion
iiiouHi. nnd you will be taught a lesson
that you desert e lo leant."
Meanwhile Anatoli- hastened to the
address Indicated. boa he arrived
there it was o o'clock in iin- Morning,
"Ting a ling a ling."
"Who is the re?" said a deep voice
front within.
"Open, I am the heater of n very
Important message front VI. Bouaard."
lie heard the noise of a safety chain
being displaced, uud of n key with
which three locks were siucessltely
"Here la n man well defended,"
thought Anatoli'.
rimilly the door opened Anntole
found himself in the pretence of u gen
Unman with a large, curled muatacbe,
who wore a fencing coalUMB a his
night dress.
"Always ready, you sec It Is my In
The wall of ihe antechamber were
hidden hy Hulls of armor. In the little
parlor into w hich Capondac conducted
his visitor he MW only weapons ga
lore; atagbaao. iis, i arrowa, n
hers, one and tWO-banded sword, pi
tols. lances: there nas pleuly there to
make a tlttiJd hear! quail.
"Hah." thought Anntole, "it hat do I
risk now ? Two hours ami a half at
the most. Here goes."
"Monsieur," said Analole, "ton are
going lo marry Mile, Nlcettef
"Yes. monsieur."
"Monsieur, you shall not marry her."
"Blood and thunder, and who will
hinder mo '."
"I will."
Capondac looked askance at Aoatoie,
who mis not ti large mail, but who
Bee wed rery dotenalnod.
"Ah. young man." sal. I ho, at length,
"you an. lucky to nud me lu a pleasant
humor. Profit hy It. Ho you know
that I bare fought twenty duels, in
w hich I bad ihe misfortune to slay Bra
of my advertarlea and to wound the
other tltiedi ' Once more I warn you
to retire."
"I see." replnsl Anntole. "that you
are an adversary worthy of my Bitot,
and my desire IncraanM to measure
swonls with a man so redoubtable l et
us sis'. we fight Willi those
two stionls b) Hie chimney, or these
cat airy Mbert, or those or what do
you an) to these , tirttsl ntaghan. You
don i deddel Why do you BOOi ta toT
"1 was thblklng of your uiolher and
the grief yonr deotb would cause her."
"1 am nu orphan. IM you prefer the
oarbiuc, the pi-1,.1. or Ihe roiolter?'
"Young man. do not fool with these
tlrearuis "
"Are ton afraid? You tremble."
"I tremble'; Nonsense. II Is the Cold "
"Then cither Bgbl or renounce ihe
hand of Nhvlte."
"I like tour pluck. The brave should
alway bo In harmony with each other
1H you wish me to COfl (BOB something
to you?"
"tut w ith If
"1'or bom tin e past 1 imve wish, d !..
frtv myself rroM thlt letndhal. Hut I
did not know bow to go to wort aK.ut
It. 1 would consent wry willingly to
what you desire f ir,,. ,t you must
uuderstaud that I OBfaBBtaja, cauuot
have the all f j h hling to threats. NOW
jou I nte BIOBaCtd me."
"I withdraw the menace."
"Thou II Is agreed."
"Will you write uud lg'ti your n
UnqnlabMonl of NkBttoT"
" hate so much syuipathy for yoi
that I can n-fu you nothing "
rnralihad orttb the proclouo pnpM
Anntole knrrtOd buck to IbO reshleiH.
of M. Boiisard. lie nached hi doo
ut H o'clock.
"Ting a ling a ling."
"Who I there?"
He off to tied." cried the prof, a-or
I bate the consent of M. Cilpeildil
OpaBi or I will have to break the do T
m. Bonaard aod n. Auatoo how
cd him the paDMt mid going to Hie do i
of Nleette' room, called out:
"l oiisln. rle. dress yourself qulckl)
mid t'ome doti ii."
S minute nfter. Nleette. freh a
Ibo da op. mm into the iittic parlor,
"What I the matter?" ahe Inquired
"The matter i." answered M. Bona
tird. "that your cousin I crazy."
"If that lie so there Is nt any raP
method in my. madnoM." axculms
Analole. "Thl very night, my deal
cousin. I have BCbMVed two things
M. Capondac baa renounced hi clnln
to your hand, and your excellent guard
uo conBenti that you shall ma rrj
tr bom you plMM."
"Id ally and truly, my gUOfdUtn. am I
free lo marry Anntole?"
"Hit!'' BBCMlmad Analole.
"Then, I love you, my cousin."
Al that mimical Anntole felt hi heart
Is'itt rapidly. Was It by reason of tin
pleasure which the unexpected ntoWII
of Nleette had cnitscd him? Wa it Hn
pang predicted by Dr. lianhiis? wai
It ileath?
"Wretch Hint I BMl" MCUlmod Hn
poor fellow. "The cup of happlnc b
nt my Up, and I am going to die with
out (anting it."
Then feverishly taking Nleette''
hand, he told her all: how he hail ic
celled the letter which contained till
BoWM w hose fragrance he had inhale I
ami of the prognostic of Dr.
bOW he had MBdO Id will III her fnvut
the Htep he had BttbMquently taken
mid the success with which 111 elTnrt
bad b'-cti crowned.
"And now," sighed ,.e. "I must die.'
"Hut it is Impooalbla." sa'.d Slcetta
"the doctor Is deceived. Who Is he?"
"A man u ho Is never wrung in hi
diagnosis. Nleette Or. Bnrdnis."
"Bardala, Bardaur cried m. Bonn
Bid suddenly, bursting out Inughing
"lleiir it hiit the morning paper nys:
"'The learned Dr. Bar.lal lull Jus'
boon sml. hilly stricken with BOBtO
allciintloii. The maiiin from which In
suffers h of a BClentlfic charnctcr. Ii
Is well knoii u that the doctor made a
special study of poloonou sni-t
He belle Tea now Hint nil whom In
meet are polBOOOd. and en.lcavors t.
persuade them Hint such Is the case
He tin removed nt midnight to the
big w hite house' "
"Ana tide!"
The young couple had rushed Int..
eiich other's arms, and were locked in a
fond embrace. Argonaut.
X PloaW'OB Hint Wu Tim .1 lijr e
I.onu- w note I lavooatl
"Ii happened," said Col. .lack China
"thai there Mere W0 colored preachcr-
InbaMtlng eel hi in the penitentiary oi
I'tatikforl nt the same time. If I re
member aright iith vrere tentencei
for polygamy , hut old Bam was a Meth
Odlal parson, while old .lake WBI of I lit
Baptlal faith, ll seems that Sam bat!
.lone something to greatly offend tin
warden, ami the pnnlabmenl decided on
Ml an old fashioned lashing. Soun
areeki after ihe affair came off. the Be
Sam. arboM I had know n from boyhood
w as telling tue ahout It.
" 'I didn't iiilml de ivhlppln' so much
Mara .lack, ef it hadn't been for dc n ay
old .lake acted. You see de warden In
stild lo me: "Sam. I'se gwlne lo Whip
y ou. and I 'low dc wblppln' w ill do you
a it hole heap in good. I'm gti inc to let
old .lake pray fer you. mid de blow
itill coin lime to fall on your black bldl
while Jake's pra'r Is a goln' 00. When
im conic to a until stop do pnnlabmenl
ii III IIKOWlM end."
" 'land sokes, Mars .luck. I knoived ll
tias ail up with Die den. for that IgOOT
ant old nigger never did knotv when It
was time to gel up off'n his knees. He
fac' dal it po' human bcln' was lu ills
tress wasn't gwlne to make a bit of dif
feronco tvltli hlui. Well. sir. It was Jes'
like I 'spected ll'd i-. Dey brought mi
out ami old Jake, dc old vlllun. slartci!
III. ami as faal as h(. prayed the warden
come down on tue w Id a ivhlp dat CUI
like a kn ic. I Dover did want lo hear
a pra'r coma loan end m bad in mi life
hut It weren't any use. Kvcrv lime 1
Ihongbl he nas most through old Juki
1Mb a fresh hold nnd down COM di
U. ks harder'!! ever. Shorely It scented
10 me like he prayed a month, and.
Mars Jack. I mints to tell you rlghl
mw dat i tun sot Rgalnal ions pra'n
for dc res! lit my life.' "
Of Recent I's, Tiiouuh me rrlaclph
W us Know i for Aura.
H is a curious fact that, although
dwellers in sort ben ctlmea must have
known forage thai n low temperature
in .series Beefa from pntrofnctlon, H
inter seems to have struck any otic
that this natural fact could Is- turned
to attllehtl advantage until Lord Ita
Btnffad the historic chicken with
MW, and Hi Tchy caught a chill hlcfa
killed Liiiii. it is parbapa even mow
. tinous ihut an experiment restdttng in
Ihe death of one of the MOBl en.lncnl
men lu the world should not have
mlled any Bttenttoa to an already trafl
kiimtn prlndplB it hleh might' have
iss'u rondlly mned bj gn at advantage
As a matter of fact it was not until ihe
yonr I8T8. MB yean after Lord Bneon'a
final esperl nent, thai fnviing bm
pia.tleally etnployisl as a BMtbod of
presorting Beob. Thl was the com
MMMl of DM froien meat trade
hot WeOO kMaftia and Lngland lour
ffUt later a dry air refrigerator was
WW fee led, and the system on which
this ittis constructed ha since hcvouie
practically universal
lske l sniy .ii Mi,. I Whirl.
The lul' of a Inch gnu. which !s
us. ,1 in BOM warship, ha fifty i!ral
groves Inside, which cause Ihe shot
lo revolve at Ihe rate of seventy Ute
HatM per ttstiud at M rushes through
the air.
iekoeand Jokclet that AreSopposed
to iiavc Been RsceatlJ Bora suyinit
snd DolngS that AictHU.furiou.uua
Lsuulisble Tbe Week'. Iluiuor.
Ku!hT -What do roU kick nt every
thing for wln ii you strike u restaurant 1
It MkM me DOfTOUB,
(iradhy Impollteiiesa pnya. The
wl I that H.ileaks the mosl get oiled
the oftonMt. sun CrancuKo Bunlnar.
k. iii.'ii to History.
Kveiyn Hid you enjoy the Colonial
Pant ' lea. HOI tens ';
Hortanaa Oh. ho mncbl Tbo lub
blrad an old onnlbni to go in nud it
broke down.- Detroit I'ree Tresa.
Krridnii I. ndr I.
Rnrrfa Waltera baa been looking
pretty sad llOCB his tlaiighter got mar-
rlcd, baan't he?
I'orrell Yes: toll see, he had no soon
er got ills daughter orr hi bands than
he found he would have to put her bus
hand on his feet. Brooklyn Ufa
So Hi Woy Went.
"Ilh, yea, 1 can see my weigh clear
enough." said the butcher; but he look
the precaution to sinml In front of the
scale lu such a tt : y that hla customer
COOldn't see It. II s on TriiiisiTlpt.
How lie Loot a Patient,
Mrs. Murdoch-Hoetor. Tin afraid
I've i ati u Bomotblng tbat bu di
agreed wltb me.
Dr. Pellets (abMntly) WoU, it might
hnve known better.
Ihn Important,
"What bus become of the Chinese
Emperor T' Inquired one of the leading
citizens of Pekln. "He doesn't seem to
he alive to the situation."
"Vis," replied the intiinlarln who
know court secrets; "as a politician
he 1 ho completely off the eiirth that
Ihe Km press doesn't even think It's
north while to BnDOUUCO uny more
funerals for hlui." Washington Star.
Casual ' Irs.
"So you regard this Idea of preserv
ing beef with chemicals as ail exploded
"l do," answered the nrmy officer,
"and there's no telling Just yet bow
many people have been hurt by the explosion."-
Washington Siar.
Ill l urk View,
"What n pessimist that man Arml
tage Is."
"I s he believe our BBtlM 1 upon
the brink of destruction'."
"Well, no: It Isn't quite ns had as that,
hut he bOUgbl n new bicycle last year
and he's fretting now U'causc horse
less carriages may le within reach of
all before he gela his Whool thoroughly
worn out."
Woman', i ttrlosHy.
Miss Bill hens 1 saw you get up mid
glic y onr scat In the CAT to a tired old
lady yesterday.
Mr. Bllmbna Yea, I am In the habit
of doing that.
Miss 1 51 likens That Is very good of
you. I'm sure, but do you always coin
pel them to wait until IbO conductor
tails your I tat km I
Not to I c Taks i l iterally.
"Why wouldn't you see mo yesterday
W hen 1 culled V"
"I tins 111."
"Itut I saw you sluing at the win-
dow. sewing!"
"Kr well, 1 tvns on the mend"
A Menu M m.
"How did you qnlet little Jack?"
"l told him ho should see Barnnm't
circus when It came."
"When is it eoMlngf
"I dunno, It's an Bngbab corpora
tion now. I guess Jack'U be old enough
to pay his own way w hen it comes. "
Cleveland Plain Dealer,
A Ckeerfoi sont.
"I'o you believe the lima la i..
when nobody w ill read isieiry:"
I Hon t Si e why ll should. U Inn.
as we iHisses the art of priming tic
MB preserve the work of the poeta
Who Uved nud wrote long ago."
His Pro j let ton Verified.
"I see there I talk of a plow trust
with a capital of UI)00(kOOQ.N
"Weil, haven't I lsvn t..iiin,
f , ..I.
right along that they would run dug
trust business Into the ground'."
A ivriecti. Natoral Query,
The Lady So you are a ham ... . ...
late war, eh?
The Tramp Tea, ma'am:
The Ldy Well, what have you gOM
wllh the money you racalvari r
magazine articles?-Puck.
A 8ini,r t iirr,
"Doctor," said I.e. "', , ,.,,., f
nsomnln. 1 can't Bleep if ,.rt,.s u
least noise such as a cat on the back
feuee, for Instance."
"Thl pOWder will l, effective" re
plied the physician, after eOBXtMOadtna
a prescription. k
"When do I take 11. doctor?"
"You .I,,,,', take It. OtVO tt to the Ml
In a Utile milk." Tit Hit.
Th if. the Time.
"1 wish I kMW how to make an oys
ter loaf." said Mr. SnuUdlg, as the
pored over her cook-Umk.
"The oyster loafing season conies at
oooua the month with u. , ..
replhsl Mr s.mlldig.-Pinstinr,. ,.u
kle Telegraph.
Wlirre si,,,,,,,. i.T;
..... . ,
Ten her Hid miv of v,,
. . , . " M Sh
elephant s skill w l
llrlgbt Hoy -Pleas.', r,
Teacher Where wa It, ,, . '
llrlgbt Boy-Ou the Blephaat a
t'lnciiuiati Bnqulrer, v
The My.nti.d Pathos
"Your son." said the school bat
I very backward lu his .
"That's funny," iuiuhsI th,. f,,L
"At home In conversation m,.
Hccina io Know It nil." lhiU(,.e
Vortli A lllOI-le.i M
it. 1
Too low.
President of the t'oinpnny 1
you'd better dlHcburge that bu, l
Manager-Vhy-? 'Ha Bceuts to hi
nice, quiet kind of a boy, and Ms-
noticed thai he ha neglected bis
President Thufs all very in I'1
I don't think he has the maktafafi
Snandal gantaa in him. n,.', . '
around here for more than three
now ami hasn't given either fog r ,
to understand tbat be knowi J
about the business than do. -I'LL
( ago New a. '
Too Powerful.
Hamlett Algga Have you lost yoo
graft a a ventriloqulstl
ltrutua Vodevlllaln Ye, niy voire
became so strong I could uot throw It.
New York World.
The afscbsnlsm or style.
"I wish," said the man who wti
writing a speech, "that I could think
of the word I waul."
"What kind of u word Is It';" asW
his wife.
"Something that means cutthnn,
robber ami villain. It' got to tie
worabf at least four syllables, Ustua
I w ant it to be a polished stir, tism."-
Wnablngton Btar,
Dnpremedltated qnMtlona often k
suit In unexpected answers.
"Why should we celebrate Waslilnr
ton' birthday more than mine?" uiknl
n teacher.
"Itccause he never told a He," shout
ed a little boy.
At she Rxproooed It.
"Y'e." said the lady from Boston.
s'aking of her favorite lecturer, "la
Is one whom the laity would designate
a a biscuit John."
"Beg pardon?" said the member of
Ihe hilly.
"Or, to Ih explicit, n crackerjaek."
Indianapolis Journal.
A DanojeroM Tonic.
'What has become of tbat II tie girl
who recites 'Little Hrops of Water,
asked one of the boarder.
"Well," answered Ihe young twin
w ith wide ears, "with the present thaw
In the sired and the possibility of I
freshet nptbe river, her mother thought
It would be Just as Well to keep lur
quiet for a while." Washington Star.
Golan slow with Jim.
"And you have made Jim JackM
deacon in your church'"
"Y'es, sab. Dat is, he's a brevet M
con, Mb,"
"And what's n brevet deMb
"lle'i; a deacon dat don't haBdst i"
money, sab." Cleveland Plain DMUtK
A Chnnue.
The belle Her dress Is awfully kW.
The beau I'll bet It came higU
though. -New 'Y'ork Journal.
All l.arlj Mart.
"Mammy," aald Pickaninny Jim.
"wns Qeorge Washington tirst io
."Well. 1 doosn' wnnter 'slnuato Ml
anybody Is In do riiiuc class n il' ilinrgi'
Washln'toti. Hut I wants ter . till '"
Hon to de fnck dat Dovroy was mi M
ground befo' de wall happened. WBB
In' fur It." WMhlngtOD Star.
An Idea.
"What would be the first step you
would advise lu civilizing the benight"
i d heat hen V"
"You mean those Filipinos who aw
burning up towns?" asked the man
who ha been struggling with the IB
rant girl problem.
"I'd send them n lot of comic p.i!'r
lo Impress the danger of handling kero
sene Incautiously." Washington Star.
A Mean HvabBnd)
The tea thlnirs bad been
nway, and the head of the BStahllSB"
incut was trying to read the evennoj
paper while his In'ttcr half bulled li'r'
self with some fancy work, nnd nt
same time endeavored to Interest Ului
lu the gossip of the neighborhood.
"Maria," said be, glancing up ff,m
his paper, "did you ever hear the BtOBj
of precious geuisV"
"Why. no." she replhsl; "what hi Itl
"It's an old lime fairy legend that tpT
grandmother told me when I OTM :1
iy," he eontlnood, "about a wobbmi
from whose lip there fell either a dh
iiond or u ruby every time aba ipokBB
'Well, go on." she said.
That's all there Is of It, Maria." bl
rcHlod. "Kut I was Just thinking "
sucV thing hnppoood nowa.hivs I"
Open a Jewelry store the BlBt tiling
the Horning."
And then for thirteen ennaecntW
mluut.'s silence relgmsl supreme.
Mil I t slilo 111 Ireland.
Then' are more thau -Ui mud cab
Ins In l-claud w hich coutaiu only a S1B"
Ble roon.
ehune poets are always a musing lui
Out LicckMi ilj 1 unity.