The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 22, 1899, Image 4

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    Kugene City Guard.
The busineas department of
the WEEKLY GUARD Is caused
considerable trouble by corre
spondents addressing the ae
prietors personally. Address all
letters referring to the newspa
per or business connected there
with to THE GUARD,
Eugene, Oregon.
To Correspondent.
rbe WBKLT GCaBD poo to prww
i-arly Friday iiiornluK". To Irmure tlie
Interii if cdrifpoudfiii' it "iwulil
reach u not later than Tliun-ilay
on log.
Corrceixnideiioe which reaches thin
illlc IBM I Imreilay mid on Friday and
Hal unity, unlc liiiKrlalit, will not
lie iutililied. It would be old when
the pB-r went to prett a week lifter
ward, and inakiiiK allowance for the
Several daya time retired to leaoh
tuherllier throuKhout the country
would i.i italt and of little loteroot
when tin- nM-r wan received.
( omspOMOflta Hhould mall their
mi tr ll.ut Imn to reach uh Tuetday and
Wednesday, and early Thurtilay.
Later than Thursday they may not
ba asad
The life of XU B Senator II A
V Tabor, who died at Denver the
other d ly, reailri like a romance, or
an Arabian Nigbt'l Isle. He was
heHt known br s lucky miner win
lUrted at the very bottom round of
the ladder, hut amattHed a fortune
of $5,000,000 or 60,009,000 in a few
yearH in Colorado and npetit bit
money moit laviHhly In every
direction. Me went to Colorado
soon after the dincovery of nilver
milieu there at a time when nilver
wan Helling at a premium for gold.
Look wan lii- conBtant companion
until ho becamo poHeeBBor of many
Mr Tabor waH probably one of
the iroalerit HpendthriftB of tho
century. He engaged in the most
n . . nine extriivaganceH. He bought
bin way to the U BoODAUot alaDOJf
price, and while in Waahingtin ho
wore night Hhirtu cotling him iflTiO
each, and all nil other oxtravaganceH
were in keeping with thio, He
ballt costly building" in DonVM
and then mortgaged them to di
velon in w milieu, from none of
which be obtained any new re
turn", eo in tbil way big princely
lortunutook wingH unto itself. For
tho jiaMt few years ho wiih literslly
a verv poor nmn. At tho time of
liia death he wan poHtmanter ol
Denver, this ollice having been
bestowed upon him as u matter of
Tho avorage crop of tho last dg
cade iii Ameiica line boon l'.'7,f00,
000 bushels. Last year it was
675,000,000 hushele, or 177,500,000
buMiels above an average, and this
enormous amount was added in to
swell the average crop as above
glyen, Omitting the last big crop,
the average of tho nine years pre
vious was 477,000,000 bushels, or
nearly 'JOO.000,000 bushels les
than tho orop of 1808. Naturally
production should increase right
along in keeping with the growth
in population, and henoo in con
sumption, so that tho average pro
duction should steadily ioorease.
It is hardly likely anyone expects
a crop this year eipial to last, even
with the increase of Id per cent in
the winter-wheat acreage. Indeed
it is lwrhaps put as well, if not
iM'ttt r, for America that this belief
was founded on the possibility of
crop damage, bOOOUOO two crops in
succession like the last one would
mean very low prices for wheat.
Had the world generally not
bgea ' -leaned out of wheat at the
end jf the last crop year, the result
of our last big crop would certainly
have been cheap wheat, perhaps
very cheap. So America i in a
position this year to withstand con
siderable crop injury, presaging a
reduced yield as measured by that
of 1808, and yet have enough to
meet all probable requirements,
unless, purehance, the crops of
Kurope should turn out interior,
something yet to be decided. It is
this phase, perhaps, that minimiies
the importance of the present rela
tively dark crop outlook in
It is well kAOWa that the prohi-'
bition states do not allow the bullet i
cars to sail intoxicants while within
their borders. During a trip of!
l'riroroae i Dockslader's min
strels, the train crossed through one
of these states, and as the ride was J
long, the boye were pretty thirsty
but nevertheleas could not get ft I
drop of .stimulant of 'any kind..
About tbe middle of the trip I'ritu-1
roae was seen in the smoking com
partment, assiduously drinking
cold tea. It stems he , knew the
porter in charge aud by a liberal
tip got hirn to ' loosen up." At last
Dockstader thought he detected a
ruse itnd.goiiig in, asked lor cold
tea also. "Sorry, Uss, hut de cold
tea am all oul. Mr Primrose am
dftt ftirrtH dt h done (irink all 1
had," said the caution porter. A
little later Dojkstader faw Prim
rose Bottlel back in an arm chair
snoring away and he then felt as
sured why Primrose was a tea drinker.
The Horticultural Society of
Minnesota recommends this cure
for barrenness in apple trees: He
move a section of brk an in .h wide
Oleftl around the tree, taking care
not to injure the cambium or mem
brane, and fill the space with crab-
apple hark neatly fitted. The place
then hound with strips of old cotton
cloth wound around neatly and
lightly bo as to cover the inserted
hark ami about an inch above and
below. The cloth must then lie
tied tightly with Btout twine, bo
that swaying in the wind will not
break the contact of the new hark
with the old. The bandage may lie
waxed with grafting wax. In about
ten days tho union will be com
plete. ThiH treatment will also
force hearing in young trees.
Leaie PbilippiiMf BtH)
May-Diw tbe Middle tf Jut
iiahL he mn little ltention to it. The
remit it eontunititiciti, nrrvou pfattfalMO
The city ehould make arrange
monts to mako all street repairs and
improvements with crushed rock.
It is the only material with which
good solid lasting streets can be
made. The Band and fine gravel
heretofore used Boon work into
mud and dust. It would be
economy for the city to purchase a
machine, then require the use of
crushed rock for all future street
Since the development of artesian
water for irrigation on the Kern
county, Mojave and Colorado
deserts in California, experiments
have been made on the desert of
Subaru in Africa, and now 12,000,
000 acres are under crop there,
irrigated by artesian wolls.
Volcanic r minions
Are urand, but Hklu llyiptlons rob
Ufi nt )oy, BiMklin'l Arnica Halve
run h tin in. also Old, KunlilliK sod
Kever Borat, fleer. I toll, Keloiin,
Oorns, Bralass, Buraa, He.ihl. Chopped
IUdiIh. I'IiIIIiIhIIIH. Ill -I Pile rill
earth. Drive out I'tlna and Aches
Only S6 ota a tmx. Curs gwurMtaad
Mold hy WllkinstV I. inn, DruKKlsU.
For a iiohliy and i-olid hitrnv i lit
Itaellie la the one that w Ins, see I In in
at r 1. Chandlers.
BAOaWftlO ltellll.
April to, UN,
Betaool bOgM on the lUth Inst Willi
"I III attendance,
aflat Ollla Whitney came down from
DSXIOI Monday for a short vlalt with
with her parents,
Forest Drury Is hksIii on thesluk
list with Dr T W Harris In stteriiliiiiee.
Barnlos Warblnton left for i.ake
Creek bridge Friday, where he will
litlOh a fnur months term of school.
Miss faille Weltioimic of Clovertlale,
was the guiHt of Mm Pearl llang-h-man
Monday and Tuemlsy.
Mrs Klla llrltlKce who has tn-en very
poorly all winter Is now much Im
proved In health.
Jon Hills and BttOO Bros, have
tin 1 1 1 a temporary nslitence on this
lid Of lbs river opposite JssHr, slid
will occupy the MUM a. nlt001)ttlS the
lialni woihI on the l.alrd and other
places This wood Is to ts shipped to
Oregon City to ba Mad In tho maun
fuel ore of paper.
We notice the following Item ill last
I Wtsk'l BSgtater OVSt the eiKiiaturoof
Wm Baton, ferryman at .ihi snd
Kdonvalc: "No ol passengers for
! Mar, h, ISM, DOfiO, We are a little
skeptical in regard to those figures, hut
! If they ar correct, ought we not to
1 have a bridge here and thus avoid the
I delay incident to crossing on the ferry,
'and the anney:iiuv and disappoint
ment cHilsod by high waloi
A mn mint reap u be iijw. If he wiw I
ill h ildi he wilt reap ill health if he I
niKl"' his health the weeda of dlaease
will iif'iw up and rhoke it
ll i a ilailr aud hourly marvel thai men
will rrrkleoly nil. -i thrir health, when
am i .. i.i tnoushl snouia leu ineni inn
they are onirtins death It lie in most
erery nun's power to live to a areen old
age. if a man would outy take the satt
care of himself that he does of his ln-r-- ..r
cow, or dfjf , he would enjoy good health
When a man owns a hunureo Hollar norsc,
and it gets tick, he does not waste any time
boat doctoring him up When his garden
get full of weed, he doesn't delay aboM
rooting them out, for he knows they will
choke out hi vegetable. When In ll '.'.it
of sorts irk. nervoua. headachey, b.i BO
appetite and i retlea and leeple at
ntKimr trrl'.tti Wood or skin ilis, iise In
I'irrce'i (iolden Medical Illscovery the
bct of all medicinea for hard working men
It iivr edge to the appetite liK llitalrs I In
flow of digestive juices, invlgor.ites the
liver and purifies and enriches the blood
It U the great Moor, mum r aa3 in -u
builder. It cure S per cent of all case
of lingering cough, oronchial and throat
oVctlon, weak lung. Weeding fr .tn lung
and kindled iitfectlons I io not wail until
the lungs are too far wasted to admit of
being ureo
" Am you know, five year ago the floetor ha.l
clvstn me ut lu oie vim onsnuiiiioii writes
Mr B O. Mc Kinney of lieepwatrr, Payette Co .
W. va. i look ireatmem irnm in k v
Pierre and am entirely well now I hiel taken
teadlly. as illrecled. hi Golden MeOual In
covery ' "
In Pierce' Pleasant Pellet cure eon
Upaliou. One litUl Pellet ' 11 a do.
Keal Kstate I phis u . n
W W Withers to Mary L Mutler, tbe
nj of lot 3 In block 41, in Juuction
The First National Hank of F.ugene
to H II and Herbert Kakin, Mxlfi I
feet on Hllyard street; B4SB,
Julius Pond to lugebet O FoSOOk,
320.47 acres In t IK h r 11 w;(l.'00.
Milton A Yeach totleo M N'eaeb, 4o
acres In t It) s r 1 w, I'JOU.
f H to James W Horn, V0 acres In
1 17 s r 7 w; patent.
ItoU-rt W Yanderberg and wile to
Julius A Pond, 320 47 acres In t Is. s r
ll Wi 1611.06.
h H (rriaodly and wife ti the Booth
Kelly Lumber Co one third interest In
4H0 acres lu I 16 r 1 e; 133.! 33.
A 0 Woodcock to The lluoth-Kelly
Lumber Co one third interest In ISO
asre in t 15 h r I e; 33.'l 33.
L I) Forrest nut wife to The BOOtb'
Kelly Lumber Co one third Interest in
ISO acres In t 1 trie; f33:i M
James (' Keed In The Hooth-Kelly
LuiiiUt Co .'ILD acres In t Id s r 1 e; II,
000. f H to John Kcctie bit) acres in t 16 s
r 1 e; patent.
U S to Althea Leonard 190 acres lu
t 16 s r I i ; patent.
Joe M and C J Houston to J M Dull.
II 37 acres lu tp 17 s r 12 w; fclil
Henry Means (o J M Dull, II 7s
acres lu tp 17a r 2 w; ggBD,
John It Kronebuseh and wife to 11
M Itlack, south lot 11, said to bS lot
16, block 11, lu nnwndtd plat of Ksir-
moftnt; 1600,
Julius a Pood to Boot w Vander
hurg, ItiO acres in tp l-m II W',96l 08,
it. iinl for deed.
Wsftbiftgion, April 10, -Usosral is
baa cabled tin- wai rjepartmaftt fol
Manila, Apt I Mnba'katlon
of the voluute. i- mi their return to the
United Btaie will I- i-'i" about May ft.
They will rsfuli i willing service until
return ttftawport available. Hw
enjliarkotn.o will continue through
Juneaml July.
In tbe abov.- .. patch ii OOOl
news which will gladden Hie hearts of
thousand of Oi i i ' . , -
that by the ml I June, allowing
for UUlooke i ... -, lb" ' e 'Ud
Oragon Volunteer will probabh have!
leturned to their I MM.
When the return ttt the volunteers
waallrsl Ulk.d of he governm-nl
MumiiifitTl thai Um raUjioasrsginMOtsI
would be hi ought boms lu thasonat
Order In which tfttj want oat, iiiisl
Mjd liuike thtt hecond llregoli ttlnl
th. Fi MUonb the llrst to come.
Thirty d.ys u rsqulrsd to mako Um
tia-'Uge lioin Maiiilu to Sun Friiicbco.
Notice. uaderthU l.eol not to ex.-tod 6
line. VI cent, i-er ueel.; "1 a luoutb; 1-
LUMBBB POB s.aLK a free
mount of all kind of MiK ni"
i . . r lumber for sale at low prices.
oil on Job" Cogswell. Bagono, or
Win Nojlor. Coburg, for tern s and
further particulars.
WAlfTIID-Bseond band household
.,,,1. In .ulre ni.e door West of
Ui 't Hall, Blgblh street, Bng9,
New Neckwear!
..)iil. HOITLUS WAMKD-lo
, ii- lie at 7", and hO cents per Cord
i itb iwh of each month. Apply to
(' .-. Mil., r, Urc-on I Ify, Oregon.
E!TRAV .n'dtic K Btmyod from the
form of rt rt rttephens, In Hpencer
prt clnct recently: One 2 year old red
bull, marked with swallow frk,un-
.lerbll lb r gbt ear, left ear cropped;
I Other Cftltla 'J year olds, marked
like aIho. Anyone sending their
v. here iiisiuts t S S Stephens, Ciow
postofflOS, Lane county, Oregon, w ill
be liberally rewarded.
60 DOZKN ( HK KKXS-Wanted at
one. Will pay cash for mme.
BUmI IIOMAHOK, Booth Wlllamelte
Display in South Window.
II tbe lli-t Iraiistsirt s' Muv '. there
for.. It. .Id onlve earlv lu June, i To t el. b. ate Hutu Year of AUierlcsli
tbil at leas) part f Ihe Hecond Ore
Odd fellowship.
goo will be on this MM there is no '
cause to doubt. The boy will pnba
bl Is- in I' .r land i y June 15.
iiuporiaut gotlaa.
The following extract Is published
for the information of all OMOtmedl
Hill's Code, Beetlon 11)72 -"If any
person -ball injure or o. .struct any
highway. iiiaoadhniUed road, plank
road, railway, canal, or brldgS, or ahaJI
injure 1.' d. -troy any material- being
used lu tbe construction or re pa r of
any such mad, caual or btloge, such
ptrsOD upo.i conviction thereof, shall
The Odd Fellow-sol EugtMMt mak
Ing prepamtloni In appropriately
0 -erv. the elghiietb anniversary of
li e e-tablirhmeut of i be order In tbe
I nlted States.
Th llrst lodge of American Odd
Fellowship was established In Haiti'
more, aryland, April 20, ISli), by
Janus Wlldey and four companions of
the Fugllflh order which btars tbe
noma "Manchesttf Unity."
From that small beginning it baa
readied a memhershipof over amilliou
active members, disbursing many
incline- ol dollars yearly lu benevo-
bc punished by Imprlsoiillien'. in the U- and I. dge wi rk The Knglieb
county jail not less than 090 month
nor tunic than six inoullis, or by line
nut less than twenty live dollars nor
more than live hundred dollars."
0m Hau 1'Ain. -Irfino c ant
made Us llrsl paymeiil "I elate tuxes
for I mi today, remitting 17,'.i-'2 10
Htate Treasurer Moore, leaving a bal
ance due from it of IITJJM II.
I One bottle of I
) will do the work of )
( three bottles of the
j ordinary Kind.
Ulviuity Hcbisd Appointnii'Uts.
The students of (be Divinity Kchcx 1
will preach s follows next Sunday:
llarrlsburg -C H o Humliert.
Cottage tirove It A t opple.
Mohawk -F lleaudreail,
Junction City I) C Ktllami
goung Both is
Croup i tbe terror . f of jrniing
tuetlier localise its outbreak is so ak'ouiioK
and (rctietitly (ataL Bkhoh'l Ooagh aud
1 'eusuiuptioh Cure act like HMgla in case of
Croup. It lia never Isisn kaVOWS t" fail. The
worst ewe relieved ill. mediately. Price '..
la, M eta aud 61.00, leU bv W UktM Uaa
My stock ot spring and lutnmer
millinery Includes tbobaal Mleotad and
most stylish goods ever brought to
B IgeOO, An oarlv call btfors OBOlOBsl
giH.ds are sold will Ik' oi advantage to
Mis.- F. Ha i. iv m an,
Ninth street, EugSOf ( r.
fiOWlMl When you are in l u
gene call on ,ef Sears the watchmaker.
2 doors south of Hotel Fugelic, aud g t
your walches put In order.
l otion hop twine, all sles and b -t
quality F L CliamU'ra.
Oohtrg cs.
April ID.
Bnparintoadanl w i Mnier, of Bn
gene, attended the graduating exercises
here Friday night and presented the
diplomas to the classes.
A car Ot lumber ran ott the S P lids
track Friday morn. ng tearing Iblngl
up geneially, but fortunately no 000
was hurt.
Oohfttg can now tnast of a ginsl hotel
lander the managemeut of Mis M,
The Cochran family have inovtHl to
' the Thai Voodnyg rUOh. and James
Tillman has moved Into the house
I vacated by thciu.
tlM Wood BOS anticipate a big time
Frldav night, which the same 1 to
consist of a literary progiam, a lectu.v.
aud last but not least a tug supper.
Claude It ran ton's brother was In
towu today circulating a petition for
the commutation of (he murderer's
Coburg need a remedy for the hood
i luni element, and one that will either
kill or cure. Last Sunday lilgth during
service Began one broke in oue of the
large glass doors at the entrance of the
Nolle Is hereby given that sealed
plans, specification and strain ilia
grams and btda for famishing inuti rial
for, and cons' luetlog u sixty fool
bridge acrosa Long Togl rlvar woatol
Junction City. Oregon, on hat Is
known as the ,-.uth worth Lune, "ill
be received I . Hie county v 1
Lane county. Oregon, up to 2 i
pm.ofthe.inl day i f May, 1896
llridge to he .. n .1, and to rest on
Oak DiUngi Ho appio iclies; all bid- lo
be accompatib d viitb it cu-h deposit of
ten hT oelit ol :in.o int . f bid, Ihe court
le-ervlng tbe right In rejeot uny and
all bids.
Iy order of tin county court this Nth
day of April, A 1'
B r ii i ,
County Cle'k.
Dalit ' aud, April -JO
DtKit.-Melvi. e I., infaut daughter
of Mr and Mrs I, Yesgar, h;uI I
years, died at iulriuouiit April I St h
from cereliro i. i ;iiis. The tuueral
was held tins on; In'ormontln
1 O O F cemetery.
Rhoomatuin Unrtd
My wife has used ChajnbertaJn'i
Pain lialtu for rlieumatlam lib great
relict, and lean reoommond it u- a
splendid Union nt lor rheumatism and
other household use f or which wo have
found tl valuable SV .1 Cnyler, lU'd
Orooh, N Y,
Mr Cuylcr la one ,,f the loadll
mere haul of I mid one of
the moat prom I m ut uieu m this vlcln
Hy, W 0 Phl lu, cdltoi Bed ( ret k
Herald. For at Dc'.au..'s drug
All the eoui u o!B era an now In
the new court houas building. Don't
go to their old quartora.
ami Aineiieaii orders do not annate,
and the i ll-pring lias far outstripped
Um i aretil order in the ipiatily of its
wotk and membership.
Tbe Kugene 1 idge w III give a l a-ket
supper in the hall on the anniversary
even 0g, All members ol the lodge,
Euoaapmont, and Bobekobs, nod
viitting brethren ere invited 10 come
and bring well tilled baskets.
I'neii'noaia, 1 ktii s., cough, oultb, croup
iitvl sipiug imu ,l ns ily ylrl.l to tine
Mluub roMghCurs. I w IbUretueily lotlmt
aniiae . .I.s't.' bill -r th nr.lertakerV.
it. . - i t A Ott, Corner pTQ St u
Tin. kw BBUDINO. The liard
of I! -gcuts of the I'nlv, rally ol Oregon
will in , hcje Saturday to determine
u pon ihe new library building of the
University of Oregon, rhtlasl legi
I dure appropriated tki.fkKl for lbs purpose.
You Try it
If Bkllahh Ooagh an I Coaewaptioa Cars
whtsh is told for Um mall pii. e pi 23 oeati
M aaata aad 6J.C0, dots aol cure, taat tin
Is.ttle bath ami we will refund your n.oney
geld 'or over idty year to n.i gaaiaottt
Prlee 2j ctt aud .'si eta. Sold by Wilkin ft
I. inn.
(tOIMtllhi: AFI'UOTKl
fo Confer v iiii Capitalists Begmdlng
I- teal ioi riant
M i I' W Harris has appointed a
ipsolal committee of tho following gen
Uc i i n In meet a business proposition:
KM Wiikins.rsl! Lakiu.SH Friendly,
J H MoClung, F w Osburn, F B
Dunn, A l WoodOOOk,
As heretofore stated gMtlomsn rep
reselitingau excelsior factory will soon
be ready lo make a definite proposal
for the removal of the same to this
point, ami wiah a eonferonoo with
business meu of Bugons before so
doing. It is with tbi- in view that
the atiove committee was named by
the mayor.
ft n to be hoped thai t Mtlaraotcry
arraogement will be made, Kugene
DOOdOtbO factoty, and the OpomtON
11. ed this locution,
what Is Bhllohf
A s'rand "Id retutsly ,for I'mugh, Cold and
t'oiiiuii.i.iu; med thrjiiuli the world for half
a century, lias cure.1 itiuuineralile cases of in
Sipltat QOatUBiptloe and relieved many in ad
vabotd ttagtt, If you are nut satislied with
the results we will reluud your uiouey. Vtkt
::, et , M i ts., aud .SoU by Wilkin
A Linn.
Ill Ulnnvllla Iranscript: "When
Joe l)ul'..i returned from Portland
la-; a cek, he brought a dog as lug as a
yearling oalf. And now the old maids
eathsygoby hxik up at Joe with a
shy kind ol glance. We understand
that three oi tour other old bachelors
are thinking of each pn curing a big
dog for self defense."
true I-ippincto can never ls known
without i tie blessing a child brings.
Vet the ordeal tkroogh which all
nolhtrt most oast is so full i pain,
anxiety and fear, that many a young
life is .to: i deed because of the InabUitj
to undergo tho oarnggls of child birth.
It Knot necessary toauffer in br;i--ing
new life into bo world, liy th.
ut' of ''Mothers Friend,'' l!i. suffer
ing Mid danger can ln avoided, and
the hour robbed ftojtMOd and (in
Thu rvi'iedy it praiseM by t -nn,l-who
h.n uttd it. Bvory oroaaaa i
aukmi lo learn how o avoid the
pain aid toBorlBg which may bo b
store f,.r Vr. The UttlO book, "B '
Baby i- In th," will Ih tout froo to any
address iiism tpphcation lothe Urtd
Held Kegtiltior Co., AUauta, ticorgia
Kor Mile by DELANO
"A woid lo tbe wise It toffloient"
and a word from the wlat should be
nililolent, hut yO0 a-k, who arc tbe
wise? i'h use who know. The eft pa
patted experience of triist-..rtiiy par-
- A may If isketi for knowledge.
Mr W M tVrrj sayi Cbambsrioln'i
Cough Remedy gives better satlsfsc
Hon than iiiiv other in ihe market
He has ui i;,e diug bUsiliest at
Elkto'i, By, U r twelve years; bat told
hundi, , t tatat n iucdy aud
neatly all other cough medlrlnet niaii
ometured, which shows conclusively
that Chamberlain's to Ihe moat mult
iset t,, tin. lseiple, and la ihe lafst.
f r Mil tl I 'c l, aim's diug store.
First carload arrived April 4th
'mm m : r :s ai it .j ,.- v. astsj
dm i m b a a m m m wm
iuaene, Oregon.
edsrf a
s.. .e
f mi t
Aii1 ui iict iiitHi thire to m t ytt
mil of t lothlnt:' Whin B
took of fftthionfiMt ii 1 vu
( lothiim m nil thy newest mIitm
ittiiiu'. hiniu lira t'CHiu mi it
IIIHt you cm l spirt I Hit 111 ll lywl
town. The ran b tTUt ol HI
Ik 1 I Ai A ktt
Knnit ann nee i.rri u'.rr m
Al l Mich things us Cttfl bt to
ill it flr! rlaSslJtti tirtmciitHo:
AX K I I I . V
Snrlno r?pnn;itinni
i o 1
.re in nruer now, ami a 1st
pal ii ton houses, bsrot fern . .irrtl
will not only beautify you I . vert
preicrve it and uitkv A luneninlas
sea.(in with
Spring Blossoms and Sum
W o will furnish ,u (Ilia
Kelts I Paint In tjirnilnrsOj
and )iandoi!k' ll i Oat
!tnutaeturer of BiriieM "JJ!
niso daalan in Ptli it, t iinitW
Junction City : Milling Compaa
FLOUR." lj
The most ponnlai Hour in tho market. Sold V
leaning grocers.
Mcv'oruaek lienn.
Beef. Mutton, Pork. Vail. Ham, Bacon.
L ard. Fresh and Smoked Sausages.
Math Street. Kogtat, 'rV't.
r:' 1 1 a i t:.i
mm mm ipeciri Heavy read a k J "
Lead the World J
Mew S9 Popu'ar List Fi $40-$3Q-$25 $2
105. 107. 109. Ill Sixth St . Port and. Ore.
Matlock & McClanahan,
Renairi Or.