The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 01, 1899, Image 10

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AVcfitLiUcPrq-.. .
sWnilaliiiglkt. .!.-.:.
ling lIlC Stomachs iilidl30'.K.I. Of
isssawlHcsl.Conuiins ncithcr
Ojmiin.MorphinC nor Mineral.
Mot xahcotic.
' Um
Amu &44
, .
i... r, . -
ApcrfrrlFlcmrdy lorf'on.lipo
I ii. ' win Stomach. I JMi'lux'ti
onns .Convulsions. revenslt-oi-ssfliidLossoi
YsCoiinilt' Jiljiujtur: nf
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
1 rV' Kind
You Have
Always Bought.
l liurt"n gewa
March IT; 1810.
Bon to tin- wife nf S Hud Qoddard
boy. This l Nn 10.
H F Kuell Jr, mni IT f Bond are
suffering with the grippe. Btbaol
Woodmen of Thurston talk ot build
ing u two story hull ipfJOslM the M ." "I
Hi nry (ioddard was ntrui-k M Ihe
head by a falling llmh cutting gush
In bin bend nix inches lotj. He In
doing n oely.
Tlipy am digging 11111 " I ' 1,1
trun on tin- M V Iteta HlgM killed bf
Ihe fre-z.
Mrs K L Hinitb of Natru and her
daughter Mm Clifford, slatted Tl a
ton the other day 10 000 iJr Kus-ell.
Or Huasell la better and in able 10 bi
around again. 1 1 wan a riow call lut
bo la IoukIi and will MOO he all light
aKaiu. i H
Ht-aton Kliodea, whose parent live
In '1 huraior, while working In a log.
ging camp In vVashlugton wu hnw:i
ly a cable onto a double bitted m
cutting the knee to the b-ine.
Frank Chevalier I liaek In I Inutoti
IIIm wile's bondsmen, Mr Sever und
other-, liave withdrawn and H M
Fnce, John lih-herand IViry K limind
Htou have taken their places, M Mrs
Chevalier I Mill po tmanter.
I X I.
ill l
ti wwViwwxwrw sv
Mart In wn lb
JMl !
Blvei I'mli ill v
fl with Eczema.
. Useless,
by Cutiourg.
y !.a 1 Krnia all
i axL Htis never
w to full i.r
MM nt.and tried
" iji.niriitfiii eJ
mfK. Tha inrri
'u curat, and now
'. 1 .Hand, ft Y.
i Kr.ST ILtv tlrwoa.
ha .. w.ia I DIM-i
r. witk tt tic.,
A .kia caret.
rl tl C dir.,
rjr Hlij JJuttor, (..
Dally GOSUt M.I ch
W (J Kal'er Of III. who Will le
em neerof the City of BitgOOe, aril 1
iImI night and ha I em l.u llj en
l ..l olay In OYtrlOOklni tin luml'a
All loellier abou 6(1 tmia ol tr. inht
bt ttbtti d'jwn on (bffliMlnp,
rk I- bi Iiik rapidly iu-lied in t j i k -
i- ulieratlonn reijnired ami the erift
hIM tie in K"1 condition when it
t.. in nil PMWrltf AjtOt 8fBllb l0
fordwd reporter today thut the aU'l
tfoold in all likelihood he mad ) Thum
day mori Ihk.
I. ilirhmoinl uf -mi Kiaunxo,
Jaiumeii up bf a y rotgbl
1 1 DID.
ON li 10-
Albany Iiuh hid i lOOjll "i-amUl
in the clopfBMflt of a murriitl
pastor wiii u young wotniui of hie
Hook, and the DgaMMftl pf
town is led to rcniiirk:
"We hnvo had plenty of Hcandkl,
not a very nice Ihlog to bbM in any
oornmunily, and yet you 0to
not tell where u boil will gpMr, It
is interesting Unit ffbeo it nun thd
lirnti ct-n K a no. 1 1 il ,il ni A wimi .;
there i much mare fun- miido o. i
it thun when a man win) 'nnlies no
profeMHion to being decent does some
mean. This is nuturul Mgtjtfh.
Itut it is tint way of t'ie world and
cannot be prevented, for black
aheep will Hlipintu every plueo and
there are nubbins in all corn held.
"The moral is to pry your bfW
oicn and keep tin in revolving in
11 directions. lo not believe
words becutise they are smooth;
home of the njuarcut men are blunt
in their language. Sweet word
may be palulable, but they are not
always dlgestable. Many a rascal
ban the best n eotntnendatioii-.
Half the men are liko IbOM who
eign every petition presented, they
cannot refuse when liked, god
spread on the honey ko mu. Ii
thicker. A combination is needed
against nodal rascals as much g
against the I runt o 'topun."
v ll.i, MOT BZPfiAll.
Tb OrtfOOitn cannol be per-
inaded lotsplglg bow 78.r),ooo,000
of gold oimUtion in the United
Statts carrieH f 2 10 1,000,000 of all
kinds ol money in tin country, and
makes it good. Perhaps it should
try an easier t robli m explain
bow it would he p esiblo for a man
to reach its editorial office by lift
ing himself up the stops by his
bootstraps. Should 'be matbetnal
inn proportion tint the whole ih
greiter than a j trt ever I hi proven
false the ( iivoinan could chew its
gold standard god with coin
plac in y and satisfaction. I'util
then it USgt depend BpOg bare as
siriionaml weiin-ome iteration in
JilS'-col logic.
: ri"..iiig.
r striken a suil- i
w in:,,' a an.
ii thun a !ail
' In e!i ht;
. v. I ii la
it. l to it kilh
Ml sir I MiKU Ml I' KIl'l'l.Tl tU
Harry llolgnte. writing to his
relatives at i'nrvallis, from the
Philippines relatis the following
"When our troops were driving
the insurgents Iroui one ol the
suburban towns and burning the
hou-i's mum of the 1 It'll men bend
the strains of 'Iiie' oroceedini:
from one ol the bu's. Tbet sui-
rouudtd it and enteiing cautiously
found a TcnnesMC lad pounding
the key oblivious of the bullets
that jccuionally dropped through
the frail roof. 'What in Ihl deyil
are you doing heicV tltvcrud.
H 'b,' be answered '1 captured ihti
music box and want to see how
it works. I'm gomn to tal e it
when we go back. YuuYns itoi ;
want to bum this hoife. And t.e
made liie thatch tremble wii
'.Maryland. My Maryland.'
I b" M K .lib , .nlmiiii-tration is
I tl i to "church" (lovemor Koose-
velt of New Vutk for bii open and
BOqQAllDM ulleranceH about the
spoilt beet of winch comtuan ling
(.ieneral Mile r ontdained with th
result that the adunuistratijii used
every effort lodis ndit nud dcgnule
him. Hero is an i t ract from
Kom veil's iMtiatODf before iho
com t martial:
"I wish to lay unbtaliUUoglj
tl at it was uiierlv unlit and tin-
who. some lor troops. My ex
perience proves. I i .md the shadow
of a dottbl or qUMtiOn that the can
ned roast heel was unpalatable at
its in st and at its worst uneatable
an I nun holesotue."
As lovers of roses must repair the
lOIHI bj) t'.e disastronrt 'ebruary
fnerc the follow ing a.hiie Is in
"hoi i cs select a spot where
tbey ill alrtays get toe sun; keep
ibem away (roin ibtde trees; and
Olltnb ftt tin i . I ii ' better noon the
sunu side ol the house, i on soil
does no ma' tar in ouch, it the
placebo not Km and Met. Chip
din and ban i)raptngl are
good ler:i!i :ers, and should be well
WO) it o .ot.' t it earth. '
Cherry Feutoral
Oallv ', lard, Mao I
V.aterday afteri n It I. Riebm aid,
traveler for I)av a s ma of h.iu Prau
OlaOO, met with an accident on a
KoOtborn Paetfle fsajgbt train at the
"Dtvi'ii-." aboui 30miiM too lb of u
ggot r boiptr or front eogiat.bad
been oAcoUplod ami ran lolO a s itch.
The lin,k.. iiiuii alio op. nod ttM awitOfJ
failed loci NW ttio same bofofO i-lKliaiing
the trail! to advance. Win-n hut a few
fast diataot, tbe cagtrMei mw ttio open
awltofa ipplled the air and rui'deuly
Htoppi d. Air Kicbmoiid, who whs in
thecal."-" was thrown availed the
Mtoflbeear, and to I bo floor 'I he
lotatle i rve ni the h it log was injurvd
ami ooi wiiat ipraioed, He ma
brought i d attaodtd to iy
Oi Kuykendall, railroad turgton. .Mr
Rlebuiond went to Portlond today.
At tin lime the Mfdonl ooonrred
tbe tran was runnhiK only three or
lour mills an hour, having barely
started ir KojtonoaJI reports the
liiuri.- ii.. t ei'cre and says the pali'-nt
will i m I." all rgbL
a Hand!'
U the cry of women whose housework in
bt rod their physical powers. Such
women need to know that all clcaniug is
made easy by
Washing Powder
It's as good as an extra pair of hands in
tbe household. It saves time and worry.
Largest package- greatest economy.
Till; N. K. PA1KBANH lOtirANV,
C'hlrairii. Ht. LuuIk. New Vurk.
lloaton. i ' '
hurl hauadtra.
THI DAIXH, Or, March 7 Among
tl. asrsported as wounded at Manila
in today's dlspo tones la ariton K
rt.nii.'ii rs, tbe wui of Dr O K Maunders,
odenUot, ol Tbt Huiles. Kiri Bran
dens, OS bs was known, Is a gOODgl
man of 21 or thereiihnuts, who resided
bars for si oot 10 jrtors. His father la
lorgoiy iDIOROtsd in fruit growlogi and
has a v llUObts place about three miles
frem town. Karl woo entered as a
student at the OfOgOO unlveislty, at
Eugene, when I to ar broke out, and
was one of tbe llrat to voluuteer.
iiKnBY'd w tit Hiv
'ositloo ol ii,,. Vailous ,
V hut I hey Are Ulltlig
Ttii-' t " rook of Martyrs" hn never
been w rittt-n l'ox's fatuous work itt-als only
with Ihr ui .ttyrdom of ttic body WtM n
the real book of martyrs is writttn it will
deal with the mental martyrdom of the
woman who suffered in nileuce becau-c
mm:. y would not ht uer out into speech
the quckliou that hut lit
. in utr
Atil I fj r . "
You car buy a 3-piece Bedroom Setj'of Day &
Hentierscn, with 20x24 glass .'.
Corner 7th and Willamette Streets
13 $13
Oil! ;
i iH'
ingle or
Yi ur eon 'i illaat'is'nrs. yuur lunirs
seal, ;sr O r. .t l. , 'an , atrusg.
I 'iiseii:; ra.-.
A raiB la Ba-liTieU ty Ianng
over chest (mo et
Dr. Ayer'.s tlicrr) PfCtorsJ Plasters
J c. , tut CO , I. ... II, Mom.
About BoWlng M.n in . and 1 In Ir
A building to cost 160,000, U tO
U' OOQOtruOtod by the WoodoaoQ of
the World at Monpbio, Teunessee,
for the UH ol the sovereign offlooro,
At iho upnrontlou just held at
vb iii bio, J 0 Wool was eltclcd
Mvoiflgn cou m mdei and the fol-
. iwiug scale of salaries wis adopted:
wvsrsign oonmanuor, .w. per
aniiuin, clerk, lo900j tvinktr,
! O0j two physicians, 2,600,
A chatige bits been made in the
timber reserve law whereby torest
rangers have the powers of deputy b
U is marshals. Heretofore those
ofllcials could only make complaint
and by the time a warrant OSJ
issued the oAindof would lie In -yond
tho reach of artesting oAot ro.
Captain Oraibf, supervisor ol
reserves in Oregon, has over 200
applications for tho posit i us ol
forest rangers to be tilled by him,
with only about 28 ploco. to nil,
and applications are constantly
coming in. Tbe rangers will oot
go Into the forests until some time
in May or the tir-t davi f Juue.
It is explaiuttl that Admiral
Do ON y sent a request to the stcre- :
tary of the navy for tbe Oregon
ho wanted a "deeper j
draught." Naturally the Blls6iUl
Globe I V in. in at tiii nk it is strange
In tbie. conuooUoa tkgl bo did Mil
expri' . len nee for tbe M I-
We wool I like to have your atten
tion for a few momenta while we give
you a few (acts about New I ig Mai hlues
In the llrst place, everyone Is willing
to concede that there areipille a iiu.nbi'r
Of good Bowing Miieblnea made, such
as the Hlncer. White. New Home.
Domestic, Wheeler A Wilson, Dovll
and Standard; all good mOeblDSS. Any
one wishing to pure boss a mooblno
would not go am ism tu. buying i liher of
the ul'ove, provided they bought It at
the right price. These machines coal
the dealer about the same priceaud are
usually sold from the alerts at from
ggg.00 10 tglM, Agents ate, hoe ever,
canvassing from house to house In
town nud through l he country, selling
these same machines to the people at
front ttt,00 to 170.00, doubts iho prloo
asked at the stores. We know whereof
We sx'ak bOOOOOl we have sold all these
machines ourselves with the exception
of the Hinger, which tiss always teen
sold by agents in order to maintain
I boll exorbitant pricts.
Now we want toask you, kind ii nud
If you are so well provided with this
world's goods '.hat yen can sltnrd to
pay 1.10.00 to g:W 00 for a few tnoiueiit'a
ipsooh of u oily loognod ageotf if
not call at our store In Eugene, lu re
you can jfet the liesl of the lot i to no
to tH.00, and where you can alWON
have ycur guaialitee made go, d.
l urtlur, it is a fact, that pt i bops few
people are aware of, Ilia the rotary
shuttle Is the coming machine, tunning
BQ pr in nt lighter, with Its- nobv tl d
OS ing IBttOb faster, i'ne Whttlei ,v
W ilson and Standatd are the 00 1 V
uohlnoo of this k! d, both good
machines; POfhlfjO either pnotissluu
some minor points that the other has
not. I'he Standard, however, lenliug
III point of material and construction,
Is the tl.nsl llnlshed machine known
to the art, and w e will sell them from
. our store at from ;i0 Wl to 00. put
rcineinber, If you want to buy a
t machine at les price than Ihe Itotary,
j we have also the Staudaid Vibrator,
oaoof tho floral Vibrating (oooqlooi
made, with wcod work, stand and
atlaclieuienls same as Standard Ri tar)
or it mat is still too high, we have ihc
POIOffN at gflfl.00 and N'otw.od ut
f'-'i'lHl, also gtiara lite- rj for A years.
Now do net waste your money on
newspaper or other cheap machines
that no ractory guaranlei a, t ut lua
tPoragOa,'1 or if yen want the tet do
not let tt.e agsnts talk you Into l ht -IB
that then 170.00 BjOOhlOOl Is sny
belter thau the same machine BTOOld
It' at IM.00, and call at once at our"
store, and le couvluce that we are
ti ding you the truth, slid that we will
sell ou the l est machine en the mar-
IrVoablogtofii flrroh gf. Admiral
Dewey called the navy depart mcnt
the ItOOltOO and posltlorm of the
American fOfOOtfOf hlO fltot kl follows!
"Mriulla, foOfa 27. The Olynipla,
Oregon, Munadnock, Monterey, ( .
Manila and Helena occupy strategic
positions in Manila bay. TtM BoslOD,
tjbarloatoOi Oonooid and Patrol are
cruising oil Luzon. I have sent the
Ueniilnlon to Hong Kong to dock.
Tl.e 1'ii net ton Is at Singapore, n pair
ing her propeller The Nashua has
gouc to Quaaa, The Iris will sail
shortly for Ho Ho with coal. I will
dlopproh the Bolaos ao oorlj us possible.
Dawn ."
Au InuoToUoh,
- -
will call a bet of
tliittlili' harness
their itrenifth.
durability and general re
liability. Unr line harness)
can't be heat for beauty, style
and satisfaction to the driver.
Bring your hordes around,
and our equine tailor will lit
them perfectly, so that your
horse will be enabled to travel
in ease and comfort.
Preston & Hales.
I less Is
l.'HKAtio, March 17 TtM ChfOul
clesajs: Engineers and their englto
are to be divorced ou two of the rail- j
road systems dl rsrglng from Chicago
Hereafter od the Ubloogo, Milwau
kee A St Paul ami tbe AtcblsouTopeka I
V Santa t'e roa.l nil engine i will he
pooled and run outlnoooelj ragaith
less of IhOSOglni r in charge, instead
-pibelng run by . u driver and laying
up in the rout d house w hile Ida master
sleu s.
Since the tin. s en i bo memory of
man rtiniitth i t to tho contrary
rallrofsd engines have been oalgoedl
10 particular men Itut In the interest
of business, traditions are to be disre
garded and SUpeh!l u thrown to the
winds Ij tin' po .ling plau that will go
MOIO effect 00 these I wo roads at ouce.
A faot not geu rally known is that
rollrood eompsuin lose Iboooaads ol
dollars every yc ,r til sdharlns la tha
a O " s
custom of ki 1 1 It g one engineer to one
Under the new rule t lie engines will
be worked continuously for allotted
periods wheu tin y u ill u sent to the
shops for what, v : n poin ate D0OM
ary. law will l e operated sotlrelj
indepemleut nf Ihe eogloooro, and the
I latter will la- required to ollmh upon
1 any locomotive that Is run out for linn
to serve on Eeh oogloa will !
thoroughly ItispeCed lefeic it is stall.
, l on a trip.
I'nder the new plau , om i agios frill
do as much w i k rs t wo or t breo now
do, os i bey will is' operated tontlBU
. oUlv.
ae asked, uf
Crown of Maidenhood and
nd yet tin re have been liter-
of wt n crushed to death
ti, that shining symbol of
reignty in tha home.
vocxr, GIRL
. rriuctaat r, , t
a istai . .1 isi coil mrrt.
ilical period of her lift she
rieocs suderisg which she
with the I'iganaof aex.
i know Why it is
She needs thedi
it she rhrls .- from it. Her
' d i", both alike repugnant to
del ' -lie uu',r in sfli uce. The
st dn a lbs debests machinery of htr
i i- ' .i ' I . .. s more severe. Painful
Irrrgularitl i become vet mere painful.
And ... til ntlv, she treads the painful
path to connnued lavaUdlava, Her crown
ot modesty becomes a ciowu of thorns.
Sin sees tm li .-:.js bunp light of cheer
fhl heuirs. She hears the cooing of the
happy babe, the piatllt of ionoii- children,
jo fears that all thai life of home and
Or take the Olhel typical case of the
tsonwu alio baa tnurtd n the cares and
brTihs or wit aatooo
She has always beeO In althv ami happy.
But now a t liauge C00MS, lttr tye loses
lu low its spiiug.
i her check. Pes.
lied la lie down nud
ml pain. S!u looks
t.c. ndai towsrd the
of mothi rhood will
i " mt ,i in :i.
lasr.iuse she
We i iave.(
received our Spring and Summer line
of sain pies. Come and let us take
your measure and get you one of the
best fitting suits you ever had.
J. M. Howe
o rnf o rta b I e Pa mt
. I niirj U-Ual of 1 M Ci I A MfPnTMltfA I I : . 1 i t i . i .
" s oie iism I iii'il IB l i lt U III "D M
rkVOR r aint i& vmrnimmt, rot -n
' i -. -r. ,1 i
"Hia ,i mult
SIO 1,
, ,.-- w ui ..n r.
-. ..amy, ft!
. . ., ti. , , p
' I'loiyKt-iiri.' i
0 1 li.
i uf wi
r wih tetttiri'i
'.'I. N. JJir.r'
' .. smi. r.
He LAN:). Imu:
The COlor f.liles fi
qosntty she i- eon
rest slie a q con
diMdintly down tl:
hour w lnn Iht Imtd
be laid upon her.
But lbs too suflets
cairn l
Onsstii n
ik and op
' or siicu i
revolts nt. An
is has bet n
KlKK ! MUCH A WaiTK li.... Kd
HeParland of Juoctlou. lu writing to
his father tells how our soldi. n got
onto the l iliplno racket of hoisting a
White flag nod Ihen tiring under it.
'II. ey did tho 10 the llth boy., Q0
pa ! i n sttenlloa to It and killed tbe
Whoh u it H ,.f pagans Bfl c mi son
-fcliad lin ,t, aehett for parule . u'v Hint
ben vould probably not be called in oaotof otaorgoney. Me
repottttl guard doty Tory heavy He
says: "MoslOflhO bey- nre anxious
btgsl md flbt. Tbsy are mad
because tbey won't give us a obai oa to
'.' He aid t'
bOO - . (hey didn't ki
als Ul the Rghllag that II
' "r lo such
.bullions as her
I yi t ,,i this suf.
.till 1HIIIC :-.neir.
because to match ISMMSSt of speech Hurt
Is modest) of bearing.
1 - i on.- physician who has fullv met
the needs of mooes) women by ooetlag
abs ilats confidence la hfsrittgsbto!uta
eonfidencs in consultation combined with
absolute competence in treatment. His
ICS ksble disco Wcritl and the mtff in
win, i h has met woman's peculiar mids
has made iir. k. v. li. uc (chief consult
ing physician to the Invalids' Hotel and
Sntgicd Insulate, of HtiAalo, N. Y ), the
friend tod confidant of tens of thousands
of modest women. In over thirty yens
excellence with female disorders of tvery
r t; iting them to the nnmber
of hundreds of thousands, Dr. lit ice has
bit n aronsht into relation with every fbrm
of RmbtuM weakness, Iknttnine oecul-
... I A....:..: .1- .... .... 1
"'".'. e iiiiiniic uneapv, nere a
local ptaetitiouer has t xpei inn nted and
failed with ten eases Dr. Pierce s discover
ies and advice have gent ttajfhl b) the
root and cured ten thousand, livery varis
ticket Mi.- :.. ..i:, .,, ttiow-i't . this
lite-long sptti...ltst. The nrest c.-e .,; c. in.
plication - that confuse a ml bsfOS the oidin
S practitioner are every day t xuciienccs
anil every Uay MiccCSSSt to him.
His medical rliseoveritS and his confi.
clemnl. (..ilni'.t a.. ice. a:e to ,1 ,v Uu- .,tr
to wuicn wt.ig, hoprl
lunate woman can tum for ht :n
Iteui Kaiate Tratisactioug.
t'bas it Konell and wife to W L
Doll, 1.00 aerea of land ou uiair street,
Eugene; $1.
Spencer Ratio LodgO No 0, I O O F,
to j w Pollook; cemetery lot; 525.
Frances Anderson to EElmsr 0'Don
uell, lot J, block 07, Jut'ctiou City;
W K Itrown and w ife lo V I. t turn.
air , 1
H , 1 ' mi w
r-..-w r 1 ,ttflTA,MA SB.
.It. - . 1 :l I I I II
.... w Aiwa IVT1IIIV 1
afl The
W. Z3 asWrjkl nervo
.atla saafi 1 saoVh'
111 I .1:1 . Vl ilTfo
! r SsUM 01
s-T, st ch a: r -rvous Prostration, Fai
It-it i nl i,,.- j 1 a wt- ; ,s
hers, oult claim in inn so n it . . v-" . V . ''Fsy, in. entry
. , .... . V1V ,u ,y ,, nKJU louinu.i errors,
a r 1 tllsi; f..uo.
1' S to William H Ktueger, 1 1;0 acres
In tp l'i s r fi w; patent.
Oorgc H Conuer to Mis Barbara
Vales, 17s, till actes lu tp 17srjw;l.
tleo H Conner to Mrs llarba Vatts,
88 acrs in tp IT s r 6 w, l.
j I IflS ol Tobacco or Op ium,
bad , , Consumption and Ins,.nitr.
per tor. by mii'i 6 box fnt fUl
OiTSCHEMIWL CO.. Plop's. C t,8ant
Kor sale by Wllkius & I mil
la, unfor-
Tho Santa fiuz Surf Is complaining
about loo much rain In California now.
That 1 mt f the state is Inundated and
railroad tratie is badly Interfered with.
ltoltrt J BurdotlO, the buiuoiiat.and
M:s Clara Itaker, were married Satur
day nt rasmleiin. Calif. Mr and Mrs
BurdotlO Will make their future home
at Pasadena, where I lie humoiial will
Oil the pulpit of the First Prtobj terlan
1 ry a
Ur. (Ii.
Julius Goldsmith's
All Popular Itritn
Ol 1 igars for sale,
Eugene and Junction'
111-1,' ... e: ,
a Kim-Mug
Prescription '
lui mnais urei
on the deJiosts
strain ami stn
hotid. It ...i; ;
riercs is
I s...
ing. His "
y tcmoves
1 '.ivoiite
al pain-
niaiuiis out .iet iliitclly
o.g.ins that Mifli r in the
connected with mother
- vita: . ice and , neiev.
it all l ...
. , , r . , ' - in give
advice, frre ot charge, to thons who mmJm
his remedies
A 1 l.t-s !::
SJ a 1 :,
OW much
l!''illg OU.
The root it Ot Bfiogg auiiiorined
tbrte lirst class battle shii, three
lirst ci.iss arniared cru'sers and six 1 l, t ,,,r M- "r '
pro lot inl cruisers, tie idkji
1 loo boVj evi r m.ide in 0
s. h roar. No i aitle ships in the
a.o .1 are latter or moro poerful mf goad ch.sp wi
I K b. .'..Kill .., ..... .....- I
-l gill,, IBlts 111
dr s
' i 1 v Ided tor la ine last
Yours lo Live and Let Live,
Horn Polne
I" S We aie also selling oneoftli
tsst Hlcxclea In tbe world. The While
is. '
CiSI Mi KAWD -The case of the
Oblec ,.. . f l,,v K Warteu to the
:i" ' menl account of I t; 11, ...
Ulb ... , it..
belfa l'i ,r, d.eea-td has
of Kiita-
teen SB.
FtaiiciM-o vs 11I1 1 id. is frvm all over ii..
"'" " vv one nictc. win everx-. ,
Itilng." n a j; ' ecuior.
ner aitomejs hi. .v ,
l0O,tel . l.ane county ctreali ,s,nrt
ft all 1 ,. rsgbi aahowd ibal in tbe
tlsx'. . ,., the derision ws In f.voi
trfoItU ilrl ka Ueorge p, !),.,,
. mourn are sit men f.-r the
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
1 1 art i flclal! y d 1 gest t ho food and olds
rut in Mretsgt hetiing and recon-strtk-tingtho
txuaustcd digestive o
gouo. It is t he iat est discoveretl digest
ant and tonic. No ether preparation
can approach It In crtlciency. It n.
stantly relieves and ix-rtuanentlv cures
Pyspepa. Indigestion, Heartburn.
1 .atli'ence. Sour Stomach. Nausea.
iieaoaciR',uniigia,i ramps,and
Oil other result s 1 .f i mp, rfect dlgeoUoa.
Prepored by g. ft Cwlt, 4 Co Aim
INeEkTaCO .teOrui Store.
A'JD 'CtMHonrx
CureAaipotency, Night Bmiotioni and
v..-,.tin'r diseases, nil ihrt. t
abuse, or exceaa and indls.
cretion. Anervetoaloand
WiMMl balltter. Bring 1 tho
pink plow topoiochoehootnl
. chores the lire of youth.'("XO.'i.rrluv..sii
tor 2.r.o5 with n xvile..'.'.
ico to oaretMi roAmd the moiiey.
BtMoii i Jackson S., CHICACO.'lLL
For s.1, VI,Dril,,i5t Ef
Farm fop Sale Cheap.
380 Ac es.
t well improved Utl.
I -
ffttttsx 7 r V-
U tl
1 n. lent, ... . InJillPI
'Illetii.ii..' ,:J mm
11 nt... .
allays the Ih 1 st .'"1
las a multli c - In'-1
f. Dr. William- W
i.ienl Is r.n'nar. it I. ss
nt ihe privotu part . 1 orT.'
' arrtri....! 11,- , In, ...... .. . ::;4ll
S'.'EI.I'I JLr,,''. eents ami
maautr.tiUriiKG CO., I'roys.. t
For K.,le hy Wllkius A Lino.
HlIT VlrA sWt,a.....KAa..i Ml
tiuii i r i nn in iu 11
l.rM. .. .!,.., i !
and I' '('in. r I
II.. n " 1 ht v SI " l lf'
lo . r' . At '
t , fopiasiit .,r -.
hnaw n is.rfl,.lt ' r
thrn.. I'.iin- t
n,.., . .l
T i
houw. n, bams. Pl,nlv f Unn
.0.1. rm.uis, noi.n, ettV.
t.- i. - .. I
- mm "iCli,,i
fr- m
Kor trims. u.,
KU ) -
paoaas, ttrsgoa
l.i Ss. .1,1 i I Ul"
Ul I t ltllMl.
Fur fale by Wilkius A I Idd.
Look Here farmtfi
Bring vour Hides 3rd
Skins to our tannery.
For all Xo, i green bides sill
my fan t to H cell's a I iSlsUj
for No 1 drv bides 1" .t nte s
und: For'No 2 ai-cording
Uality, i to8 cents.
now con i rorget tre r-
ore paid in CAZH
The VV IIUunellt r.ase'r