The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 25, 1899, Image 6

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    Kugene City Guard.
.... MARCH V
The manner in which United
SUUm senators are now elected i
open 10 lerioui criticinm. 'I he
money that they iuy for tln-ir m
ii not properly Applied, There
ihould he either a return to the
ripar, wind. I (Old be placed on
tli- Aoi' f. tan 11. irket and told at a
profit Ml th trust'! former figures.
There ii 11 lerge 1 ii go oi CblnoM
sugar now an rente to -mi Kran
CteOO, ADd It i Intended to di
ourage tin ' "f anymore.
Tbil in only i polite way the tri'Bt
haH of telling would be 0 'in petitor
that it want this market itself.
an m Mm
lef ilMlnes when "I" I'
. '..-ii'.ri. i all
t) wii, far.
it'irknma, v.. n ' Ith hasti
. ltur' wing, of f' ar
t J r lJ MW.-l.
. ; donM, ili dread of day, nta me
. ..nil swept.
. I. iifjr rinrknr,,
, th WOOll world "left.
Irftoia WlwrJ Oood la i .,.itj
but It could nut bt so v, ry late, t"i t"
paveueol wm thronged with peopli--nil
going the ajnw way, ddly Mfc
an it oouoirod to her afli r i nu i n
aotly tb- mrriege wei WocW,.""
obliged t g : !.. Hie 1.. ath'-r litt.u
n:lI;a. , tie. r-at in hr impatience
in i : iked out attain.
A policeDian appeared, e!) 'DtiriH in
ondible directions, and pmsing forward
tnroogn the crowd, which gave way
: mtly i ii t-lt!.- r dda, ft b r on
gOVI 0 ibll impatience she let down the
wind .w and beckoned bim to mo
Ante leotino pledges are sow
forgotten, 'I he ibtriffaild re -order
old'fAebionod method preocribed by of CImiaibm oountj id they
tbe constitution, or step should -e would pay th-ir own de.-.u-y Lire,
taken loteeura to the ptoplM large hut bftff cbADged tbeit mindi and
(hare, at leant, ol the revenue now a-k. 1 th- commissioner f .r an
,im,7 Irom the sale of seats There Ofdw that lb! county pay tin-
Dl I! r
"Can't we pi t en.-
ia murli to ne Haul lor the old nepuins. "ii'- .,u.wu u-u.,-
fahioncd DMtbod. In theory it DM, the other A llopublieiin. Apart
bring the honor within reach ol from plcdfM through, the demand
il. bam man and the rich man Of tllO OtneiAII ar jusi.
like. !ut there ha come to lx-m the larger art of their salaries to
Bbe wm very pretty, very v. my, ery
proaitio. Btn world bad i wn l
i!rn I of -Mr. Treluwuey 'i I igne Bhi
huil just intimated u dealt i I r en 1M
and bet attendant Mtcllit bad die
pertiid at once, each tuner ' i' fore
BMai in tlj" j u -m6.
Hbo bad bad boiy day, and it wai
pleMABl and cool tbeti behind the
It take- I-''"' ' '
would not wbtaper aotnewi aar.
Ebo crkd. "I um
in d linrry. Wbut U tuo lucaulun ci a, n i
thi i rrnwd?'
niilv tlu-v v.i re aware bow Bni n
Brievou- a departure from thi rule pay deputy Inn the heet they can lbe, wblfparwrried tbaoao ordinary
. .. . .. i .-.i... .i v .n.kl. mnn r.r court MM l And while abe meditated an epl
in practice llial u mein uwi) '
entitled to further trial. ehould expect offloUlfl to devote
No one who haa kept track of the their time o the public eervice
rgOM.MDAtorial election can have without fair compensation. I'ar-
failed to note thi. Bribery obArgM iimon ii h Mntonbleu extrava-
have lacome ho regular tht tnr-1 jMcc in that particular.
prire ih excited only when they lire
not made. The late election,
in WAAhlflAlon and HODtADA
The higher nervice of the army
waa never more popular than it ia
bmiav. There are no le- than
.. ....1 ivll
mil lllll, tin' lionri ioau numcira t....
ly. "I'm afraid you will bavu to go
"Bot wo aro alroofit there tho Kan
L' 1 1 1 1 i Inb!" abe cried.
"It'Htbcclub tlmt iHouUrp. DM'UB, 1
y In . in in uu-'.v r. d. 'I'ln u. an i be
tumul white, be added kindly, "Uou't
be frightened, ma'am; they've got tM
lir. well in bADd by this timeimd every
one in out. "
"All Haf"V Mrs. Treliiwncy gaepoo.
"Welti a few I rokrn bonea and such
like," mid tb'- policeman cbeerfolly.
"Kotbiog to rpeak of, ma'am only
one gentleman killed. A aad bosineH
that 1
"Tho gentleman who did koi-ii greet
thing! not In llurmn a fiw years igO
llaj f TrelAwney."
My bMbendl"
It ht-eniid to her that iM bad kuowu
Dully BeeiA, Mr. 7
Attn- family realdeuce, on g- .t I
itreet, In Eugene, Oregoo, Tburaday
.'Vt iiltiK, .March In, 1S!J, atSilio'eb ,i
Rhode J Jennlagn, belored wih of a
i Jenninge, After en iiine oi ai.. ut
tig weebe.
fhe lady ll'nt waa atllicted with B
urn pe, but aftrrwHrd It developed into
t nun rver( wiiicn proveii muu, Bba
wa I' tii near I)anvllle, Indiana, Ptb
ruary li), 1S4U, at the time of her death
idiig.j'j enr and -Jo day of age,
Willi boi parenia bhe went tn OWA in
lViti, ainl from that plaee came to Or,.
.- jit :iu, 1S71. Slit- wa the datiKli
tr of John O and Italy Hurk. tin
merriAge to Mr JeoDlngi waa oelebra
led June J7, lsii". She waa the mollier
oi l.'t oblldreOi the eleven youugeal
MrrlVlOg her, and all reahle In
Dty. She gjao leave two brolner
. . ilr i t j ... i '
,. ., , m on er tb . so u deralei .line " ";" "
III 1 .0 View l.l riu, ...wn, .
- rURDAY, U vH II l
' ii tpxAM'fl Bccci sioik TndAy'g
, ,, ,. iujuji When ibe reelgnatloo of
Pn ii ol I b pn si . "i the Ue voielty
of Oregon, wee eeeepted by tlx i"ard
, i n gi id, to Hike eflbel in ,,f
tbe preeral yeer, 0 A 1 Ipb, Ju-'ax
Bi leoger, h PTbompa u end Jude
llean were api ted to i. cdnmeod A
man tor tl e poelUoo, HeferAl eppllOA
tlODS have been SOI I ' ' fr IM pOSh
Uon, noetly E eteru people. A
there will be do regular meeting of t lie
, t regents until June next,
. . .- ry that the
Himliciitioi shell I MMIO-
Tin y have come to sas the fire, eml ly committee Appointed
to reoommend u , enon f"r tbe position
lof president, ed venUge will b taken
,t the oreeenoe oi the members ol the
RommltUo i"'i some other m mMre of
the board f regents in tbeoityi to bold
. mi infomtAl meeiiiii; of the oommlttes
may M arriv. d at
the members of the enliimlt'ee in re
I rd to tbe selection of s new president,
and dedde whet ooorse it will t- test
In lake in the mutter "
havo IxM-ii particularly illuuii- G0 (M ir H,,,li(-ati n forwmOBbslloM,
native. Keport from Iblaware in,. ,, Hlflt ,, ,jie in u10 war
reveal merely a complication, not dtpirtment The pIMldent bAd In
an alleviation, of Hie aucimn if, ,i ,..,; ...menta to second
system. IVnnsylvania shows the tl.Mt(.Maul ( .,,, ,,loh of p "Wjj
gram i n Ihli sol y I "i 1 " ' r
eye and lo' In I ui 'I mi aln i l : r
the whisperer
There wih a particularly In
corner near Mr.-. Tri lawney'l N I re
treat, a three ci.rninil. low I nked
tat, in the lull glare of the Hi
onpleesantly close to au Intrusive and
piky OAOtOA
Hither had retll 'I I "t oouein ol
the hostese. a lit r ! - girl of 17, I ndi
dressed and pals fsoed, oonspiouooi
. 1 !.! 1
enly lor a v. r i n ss. ssisa , . . .unk . ,k . CM. Tau .u!,i(.t.t l.ui.m ,1 a the winter
,1 - i i ciin ..v. v .. - 1 w
wash; Minerva uowmog,oi siayion,
Oregon, and Harafa w MoOoonell, of
Itetiver. Colorado.
She was a pure I hrlstian woman
laud wa beloyed by all who knew her.
-i lTBORATORH ai. COMTgAI Die jne fumily has the sympathy of the
Mi'M 1 1 ii v i lie Keiioiter liu- a weil
written account of the tate oratorical
oonteet held At that place. It ay-of
Mr Aogell'e oration: ' Kali! BAbl
Rabl BAhl BAbl Bab! BAbl Kah
itab! Oregoo I ' preceded the oration
of Homer D Angell, of the stale nnl
I . , .1 CI... t'.tt, ..a If ITI II
are:;;,. v;;; w i
the poliosmen s feae, end tnen sne oor-1 vrnr, iuihw, suun '
oomuolty In their groAt loss.
dinu rum. Bbe bad i n aion-
tbe evening, and now it wai u 1
ber boy btul at 'l ivli' wlii-peno bad
disturbed Mr. I n l iwney
lbs long agony of tbodrivo- i
Interminable, mid yet when at la-t i'io
.. ... enjoyin,: your 'carriage ,p, p, d chc nr.t -juite still f. r a
. . . ... i s -1
, . . I 11 fc iesaee sv.., , gu. f'' L T e tin (',T IlUHiaU'l. awawvas-,
chief aspirants n-etiaiUinK I M h , t wan.d , 1mj naMM.,l to ..'So murb. .!. -:.r" ' an-'wer.-l tl... littlH nextmov. Th-n tbe o,t i
m a I A..t.....'A. 1 ..... ..... ii .... 1 na if in i ri.iMt she Tt:i.t tl lit) t lit!
other iroin nrnx ry .,y u-v..,. )iU ,. of
moment, unable to nerve herself for the
VAOAneiMJ that is to
ny, there were 317 candidates for
gob pi AM. A lot of people want
'ho gjaod po-itions very badly.
: Applications for service as irivates
: are less numerous.
Tbe Albeny Demosftt raleri to
the ADMUM 'f sotno young men
from that town iu the following
DBA r: "Years ago when the
grand jury wa in session it was
. . . ... ... ... r
!.. ..r ll... t'l.rulnill .lllillVT III (i -nine .,!tle Volllll'lUell Ol
lieu VI - ' I
will he held in Detroit, .lul v 540, tbe olty that tbey wamawaj taking
At tbAttimt 60.000 vutltON Are e I a tAMtion. Old times an- being
pocted. Tbe prtM oommittM bu I repMted, BoTeral AlbAny young
begun tbe work of iMttlnR A bitter men AN I id to be oil" on a vacation
tins week. I'ue to utvers rumors
About what liu grand jury was in-
' itigAting."
Miirviillnci'. And tlilo, out
little while ago, furnished an ODjMt
lesson in the same line, ol VOI00
the pongent aroma still lingere.
Tbe tiBtial California AMtlon ll In
progrtM but the bidding is not
spirited enough to force a knock
down ol the merchandise.
The ISth international OODfen
in which the attnetions ol Detroit
and the coming convention will be
set forth. Lectures by nob I per
IODA will bo delivered at the meet
ing and the music will bo of a
higher grade than usual.
Htlr.Mis am BONUS t.(M
A sad commentary on the muta
tion that time brings comes from
Albany. A former c unity ueusrer,
who served two terms, have been in
dicted by the grand jury for tmbl -element
Of county funds to tbe
amount Oi nearly four thousand
dollars. The bonds were placed at
$2,000 yet tbl man who at one time
was able to give a 160.000 bond to
Timely raini have gaved Califor
nia crop. Oregon rejoioM that a
second MnMOUtlve failure will nut
be recorded against ber sister state.
Tbo PAOiBo OomI states are really
closely bound by mutual interests
no matter if tin South attempts to
ignore lo r lure, steady going neigh
bor of the North.
Tbe government at present is
strong enOOgh to decapitate the
trusts that propMI to control the
industrial output of the country.
It should be done The best way
justly account lor funds placed in to no n is io remove tne proie uve
his hands could not Bnd Iriends j jtnrilV from all articl. the price and
who would become security lor his output of Whlob there is an effort
nnoAMBM in court
thousand dollar risk.
No better moral could M cal'id
0 the attention of young men than
this practical exemplification of the
Wisdom of holding rectitude and
honor above all Mher considera
tion.. DBCMRKU l Mi: ItlYITATtOS
a two j to control.
RoMburg Befiewi Qeneroue,
modMt Admiral Sampson declines
a promotion, and hi generous,
modMt brotber-ln-Uwi Seoretery
Long, declines to pay any attention
airl enthMlAiticelly. "If sail so pretty
and so iiinusiti towetch. ree nerer
se n aiiythiuK so pretty In my lifel '
"Pre been helping Ledy La j 8
geked me to take s, me old ledli down
to supper," the boy buetandwenton
with a comical Importenoe, "Yon're
sure you are no! deli lu re all al neT1
Dull': Ob, deer no I" cried the little
(jirl, opening wide eyee of amanement
"lib, there's I.ady I.uey looking at us,
doar. I expect ibe want you again. "
The boy honied "it agein, prond end
elated, and in little wife sat imillng
nfter him from her corner. Mr- Tre
lawney looked sharply from one to the
other. "I wonder how long the! iteto
i if tblngi v ill lAitT" ihemedltAti 'I eyn
slim Untsw a certain amonBl abooi the
ntVairs of the foolish eonple Lady
Lucy had conlliled arions details in the
courso of ber apology for their pre Dl I
Ihete al BlL Mie buy was a journalist,
with it mloroeooplo Income and very
limited taleuta, and the little wife was
peiiiiile-s, mid lie y liad a tiny ll it x u
win n in the ' lit aome uncivilised i'1
eality, the bare thought of which cent
ii shudder through Lady Luoy. "In ten
years' tune, "she Mid toberielf, "what
will have become of Ibemf" And at
that point ibe paused igbaat
It wa exactly t, ii yean ilnoe she
her- If. a tiirl of IT. had m le a ran
away love mateb with bandiome Cap
tain Tn lawney.
Mil curiously White and still,
while that dead and ball fi rg Iten past
Daebed vividly before ber Bbe would
never havo thought it pi aeible then for
bi r husband to be at hi'-' Inb v. bile she
iniuied herself luooenfally elsewhere,
and now this was the normal statu of
tiiius between them
There bed been no qoirrel, no dis
pute. They had limply drifted away
from each other In those ten yean of
married life, DA til DOW tbe W( re Oi m
I .native utraimers. Neitbl r roold lnvo
told bow M when the dirlsl n began.
Bbe looked at the Be le 00T
DOT iiiiiiin and with new . y. 1 pali
little face was the bapph il In tbe room
the ouly contented one in light end
when the boyhneband cam" mar. al
ways with a glance and smile in that
di notion, what a radlinl li"'k was
Boated back at him! Tbey really ieem
id to be enjoying their eTenbog,
Mrs. Trelawney reflected, and then,
und, an if in a dream, she passed up tlm
before the contest. U was liMinlled III
a p p:i!ur way, that of a just war with
humanitarian motive ami far reaching
. tl. ote, iinil probably for thi teooon as
mttcb u- any other, curried the weight
a the decision With the judges. It
itepe, walking firmly, b r taoe white I wm clear that Angell wee A German,
E . , , ,
and her eyes s, i nun iiaro. ii. r .ii'im,-
nt beartleemeM was illently noted at
the time and afterword freely oonv
men ted on in the earvanta1 bail.
Had they brought him 11 home!
the wondered with a loug shudder. Bbe
was in tbo ball now and MOM one was
hurrying to mi St her the doctor. Sbo
was nut surprised to seo him thcro. In
ber dreamlike statu nothing seemed
straii.'0 any more.
"I have had Hew for you, Sirs. Tre
lawney." "I know 1 know!" sbo answered
petulantly. In hi I man all ninn mUery
she was annoyed by his bushed tone.
Her own v. ic e v. as unnaturally shrill
und strained, and tho doctor raised li is
hand iu proh t
"What heartless creatures these prct
tv women are!" be wa.-. thinking an
unconscious echo of tbe lerrants' cpiu- , under-tand that he ha a wife at Mil
v. lie'i be began. He was very dehber
ate, even to slowness, and mmle but
three or four Kc-ture With hi left
hand, the right band being a wixjden
i at a ii gloved. Tboae who knew
ProfUlen, formerh of MoMlnnellle
. liege.' knew that he hail been
Angell'l drlllinasler. The spea ir
mode triple refennoe to "Uobeon
i; . veil und Dewey" ill an order
lather p.-rvirxe in tlie light of history.
Hot Aftab HiM.Boieburg Beriew:
Bee Kasson Smith, wlio spent a few
mouthe iii Boeebnrg, leaving lor Beet
em Urcizoii last summer, bu a won'""'
hot on hi trail. Mr Molllo B
wrtteetotbe iheriB, claiming to be
Kai on'l wife and wauled to know nil
pre t-iil whereabout. She says he left
her m lvis without beiiiK divorced. and
"I must hog i f y u to control your
I self." he said sternly. ''Brerytbing de
I pen da on quiet His life is hauging on
n thread. "
"His life? Ob, God! Then ho is not
Sho bud brushed past tho doctor, deaf
to bis rcuiciistranoea With noiseless,
flying feet, ibe was up tbo itairoaM and
a moment later kneeling by her bos
band's 1 1 (bride,
Tbe doctor, following rapidly, stood
Ion, Eastern Oicgnn, who be also de
serted, She wrote tn the sherill of
Walla Walla (Waih county a d he
niswered that Smith had six wives
Mr. Smith state- that part ol her bu
band 'a religion wa that a mail should
he entitled to all the wives be wanted.
Kviih-ni ly, ll her story be true, Kasson
i-. practicing what be preaches
------ - . -
DKMKs 1 1. Today's Oregon ian edi
torial: "Mr LO Bradley, ol Bogene,
inform The OregonUli that a letter
arrest, d at the ibmr, looking iu at tbo ui-eiilly appearing iulbise column
darken, d r. ila km w idle tig- , ,...,nng hi signature did not come
lire, with i ! hand- and large, nxeu fmm ,, H11(1 tlmt , algnjUore
eves, the swathed wreck of a man lying
very still on the bed.
One hand lay outside tho coverlet.
Her own stole out slowly, hungrily, to
ward It, as if her own daring scared
her. Hie, bowed her head over tbo band
aged band at last und knelt on motion-le.-
. The doctor, watching mid quite
fi rgi ttmg his scathing condemnation of
a moment before, thought with a swift
contempt of cirtiiin reports OonOQWlUg
tbo Trelawueyi' domestu happiness
which had reached his ears.
thereto wee a forgery. We have sent
the letter In question to Mr Bradley,
and trust he will be able to Identify
i he perpetrator of this contemptible
a Dawson Strikr Albeny Demi -oral
March 17: Word received yester
day afternoon from Deweon itapyi that
I. mil I'arker son of Mose i'aiki r, mid
John K txTt of Lebanon, and two
I'orlland men havo struct it rioh in B
Bomething oame before hie shrewd, loiine they recently purchased, and
Coatmleilenere t'ourt.
The court entered into contmct
with W 11 Katon, wherein he 1 to
run tbe Jasja-r ferry one year from
March :f, ls'.m, to March 31, liMsDfor tbe
-inn oi :J'J tier mouth.
At thi- time Qm W Breeding tiled
hi bond in the sum of :J1 I with Aiiioi
1) Bytand a surety, for the delivery
Ol luo cords of wood per contract.
At I his lime the court annulled tax
certificate No tfjtj upon the payment of
7.60 paid by Jacob I) Wigle, present
owner of laud sold in said tax crititl-
0 de fur tax of lb97.
CL Weber, pauper supplies for
Wm Kruna family 8 W
I it Bellman, for work In jail... MOO
W M Dickey, Indigent soldier... 1 Ctt
lame J Wlun 00
John D West 4 00
A J .umwalt 13 40
1 J Taylor IT 40
Alex Lewis 17 00
John P Tanner 28 00
J W l'atriek 21 40
'. I am Durvee 15 BO
It ll Mills 28 80
Qeorgo Oourtwrlght n oo
J T Uowland 12 10
K H Payne 12 co
Wm Campbell 10 00
Bruno Yitu 19 20
P N Shelly 14 40
J J Ell wood I-' I"
A J Harlow U 00
J B In nh. 12 60
H K Allicghani 14 00
0 W Thompson 1" 20
Kred Wright 18 00
J F Atkins 12 20
Phllo Wilcox 13 00
0 M Callow 13 40
Geo Morris 20 NO
Lincoln Taylor 17 'i0
T J Kirk 14 00
J Duncan 24 00
John Tuit 8 10
L Hilstrap 2 10
Thomas Bailey 8 It
E K Uendereen 14 10
n B Smith 2 10
1 T X ckllu 8 10
1' T Carter 12 30
E P Coleman 1 1 40
c" R Wetherbee 4 10
Frrnk Armltage 4
to hi declination. What a tran With an indcsoriUit le neniation, it
parent gallery play I
Male School Clrculai
Win J BryAU, and Chairman
Dl TAKIMI M 01 Punuc
donesof the National Democratic NMK1 , lll(NSi srATAOl OltMOM
oommittec arc having their inning
with the so-called Democratic party
organisation ol New York stile
Chairman Perry Belmont sent in
vitations to those gentlemen to at-
. . .. . . , ....... 1, .... 1. .
tend the meeting 01 me o-i.ue ioui- iicgmniiig on tue
ocralic cluhs.
Chairman. I ones sent a circular let
tcr to each member ol toe stale cm
Belem, Oregon, March, 14, 1880,
To County Bupertntendeuto, Qentle
men! 1 WOUhl ie-p,riiiiiiy call your at
tention to the following)
1. Bxamlnatloni tor state ami
count v paper will he held a to mil.
1 ond Wediusdav
ii May, next.
The -late ho.tid of tdUCatloQ ha
not yet made uilew and legillatloiiH
nvaf nlna oxanaiiiAl ions tor slat,,
tuittee pointedly asking if they D BnM( ,. Mm HWi pul da
mi iii the ne! future,
I t he prOTialOAl relating to slate
deolined tbe invitation utpreeeini P-t". " , W
111 i.'rce 1111 mmj mi, is,
I.oi.le.i to sell out the slate ill l'.'K
n thai did iii 1896. Mr Bryen
the opinion that a 110 a plAH. "an
qOOt WM OUt of plAOe, and should
tiol la' given under the name ot a
larty that promises financial ie-forms.
curred to hur that she, the luhiureil and
petted society beauty, was actually
envying that plain, badly drewed, pen-
little girt
Mr.- Trelawney breathed a long sigh
of relief when the I roughaui door waa
shut upon ber aud slie WM I D 04 r way
In me. Bhe bad a h ug way to drive,
plenty ol time to follow oat bar present
train of thought aud to I e a-unhappy
11s ihl pll used.
Bhl told herself that she was a deipi
cabin little wretch, a man lootety lut
tertly, and it was no womb r Horace was
tired of her. If BBly Horace bad been
poor, so that be ami ln could have
worked and struggled together I 11 en'.y
their one child had lived t'cycr.d 1 ll
hiH'dl llut that she could DX t hoar to
think of ein Bi W. If only all the pelt
ten years null 1 lived over again. 1 w
diSl n ntiy -. I v aid use them I
Now it wa loo late, and then she
suddenly fat up straight, with fa.-t
boating heart, it was not too bite; it
could U. t be too late. She would t :u
this very utgh: and try to ronton
keen eyes which blurred the picture be
fore him. He turned aside for a mo-
Uiont and tin 11 was recalled by a swift,
low cry: "Horace! Oh, Horace!"
The doctor sprang forward and then
drew hack. The injured man' eyci
had opened and wire fixed on the shim
mering white figure With an expression
of mingled awe, unbelief, bliss.
"Clara!" said the faintest whisper in
tbo world.
The doctor could scarcely hear it. He
did not know that the old pet name had
,. .. .. . 1 ... , 1 a
Iievir 1011 iimii l1 1 cars. xjiaiuou
iimt they were inking out 11,000 a day
ome running as high ai live dollar
a pa; 1. Mr Roberta wa grub staked
by Mr J W UUilck, of th ol y.
i oBBKor. Albany Democrat : ''Our
people are now lUfflcltntly educated so
that they should 110 longer trust
Itinerant! going through tbe country
taking order and receiving money In
it vanoe. A penon ebo l-so credulous
deeervei bung bilked once iu a while
a a lesson, iu I, 'iiie county ii cenllv
man took order for button photo-
graph! collecting ill advauce, and se
cured plenty of suckers."
John Hamilton
Robert Butcher
D it lllll
A (' Mathews
(It urge Holland
H c Bannon
A L Peter
1 N Green
S M Yorau
Te Bacceed llerschell.
lli lnlr,., In. .'il Ii, the Viuliiiico.
All Clark of Ho; kiusvillo was a local
wag who, when Eli Perkins visited that
town 011 cue occasion, stood bis sallies
Makvki.s Lincoln, Kansas. Jour
nal: "Hev Frank E Jones gave us a
sample of Oregon prunes, sent him ev
all afternoon long. He was to Introduce Mr p, AJllT. Mr Jones' father.
l.ii that night to the audianoe to which
be was to hcturc. Wbeu the time ar
rivel, it was found that tut flW were UlCJ
present, owing to a heavy dioh ot ram
that same up just before the hour set
for th.i t.elnv.t I'htrlr to. 1 I'll l.v t l.a
ami aud walked him gently t i tlm to, t- .0ri'K,,n'
lights. Making a bow, he laid I
"Ladies and gentlemen, it ii my
pleasant privilege to intr. dnce to you
t the prunee are a marvel In their way,
b ll I !..r o, plump, vers meaty and
Mr Alley, be the wav, i the
gout I. muu who raised the money for
the building ofthe church of I'htiel
in thi city. He is now at Eugene,
4 10
4 10
4 10
2 10
4 10
8 10
4 10
8 10
4 10
i a k kn thi Mk.vsi.ks. Prof Straub
received A dispatch thi forenoon that
London, March 17. The Pi
Q iMlteieyi it understands tied ntelj
that the Lord Chief Justice of Eep
laud, Baron Bussell, of Ktllnwn,bH
heeii selected to succeid tbe late ltaroo
Henwhelli on the AmerlMn-Brltht
jot t oommleilon,
Harrieon Renominated
Chicago, March 17. The democtiHi
convention today nominated Mayor
Cailvr il Harrison to succeed huiis'''-
phIIv Onaid, Msrch It
Bohemia minks. In the wlndowi
l. School clerk' bond rtiiiire a
titty cent revenue -lamp.
S. Your annual reports to tin office thing of the , Id loving rt lath ih of t.u
l ,01 -t, i.fc I'l.Miir it' I , ' it l.l " . . e ll i . . . . . a j
,,,i..n, ,i, I. r . f .',.,. v. . Vr ItmnVlKMnL sshn la t Pa.n.,,,.1. 01 M'Murpliey's ottlce totlav
BliPerkiua Judge Poland, this ii Bli Cal, wlthbU m iher and sinr, had j displayed a large amount of fine Quert
1',-L-',.. Mr. i ... ... - , Oi,i t.,1;. ii tli. li.roiH.i tii....-!.- H.. 1'ikell fr.ilti luinnd In l h llotlelll ia o'1
wasjust ri covi niig lr .in iiie la knppe, , 'nci. Aio n tilue print nian '
Hie to I',' mailed by the tlrsl Monday
iu April.
Be i eel fully yours,
.1 11 AlKKHMAN,
Bupt. Pnb, Instruction
l'ho sugar trust Wednesday cut fha AttAOhee of a Hetbodkd mifudon
the unco of sugar at I'acilic v.'oat school la China lately picked fifty liv-
1.... mrl i .,f m river llllo
which their parent! bed thrown them.
, have o -, not to iurn, but to
drewn, in China.
ternnnils almt hslf cent all
rotted, la some iMtADOM tb OUt
hoi. units to more ihan half a cent.
The objeet of the trust's action is to1 Uv- an coining in at a lively rale
l nkluu I l the Shsrill's ottlce.
eton the imiKirtalnm ol UA1MMI
yoaisago. Mie would cant, r n i
hand now at bit club, be mat ubeied
having done so i nee or twice in tb so
bygone daye, when something ;
live had pWVmted him from , a
with her to tiuir mutual disappc; :
She gave tlm neoussary urdrr to b r
coachman, and ilnu ust tense aud Bp.
right, her IJM t right, her bJ
Ab, they v,:,. u.t (nr tr. m : . , a
now th. ten tumutes more sud ber
in w 111. w, ul.t iv, I gu:i '
Sho bad uo ktea what the time was.
EuFbMm. Mr Bnnter Wood, this is
my friend, Mr. Petkini G I 1 Camp
beU, allow DM! this is Mr. PerklM,1
Thus be continued until bu bud made
tho lecturer p. r- c.a'.ly a.'i;oaiuted with
each BMBberoi the auiinucc Houdir
which out tn in oowu
welgbtcon district giving tbe location ofelltbj
leaatngminee ami the location ei
'Itiart mills. Many of our eitui-ns eJ-
Boceni in i;,.v BLA.-Portland """" t'x"""t-
Telegram March 17: The contract bis
A 1'io.r Shut.
"Don't be to hard on him uovv, "re
marked one olal mau to anctber. ".He
:i--i.r, me iu the mct positive manner
that bo always aims to tell tbo truth."
"Well, i 11 be charitable, but if that
( 11 w a o - ,.im to tell tbi truM; 1
Just want to say that he's a wcane shot
tbuii hut t-puiard that ever went te
wir." Detroit Free ftOM
b,cu let for a -1' esidelice for K v U
A Blair, pa-tor of Hi Uumberlind
Salem .l:-patch of March IT: TM
three nu n who iveri, mixed U! 10 'M
I I lllll - . . ... A
Presl.ytenan church, which will lie 1 'gene ea-e, the attempted muh n-B"
l-". twelfth street nr .1 B Coleman out of $3000 on a org
ereeli d on
E it Madison.
New Taoot Law. Prom ami after
. the new trout 'aw. it shall he unlawful
for any toon to take, catch, kill, or
have iii poaeemioa any trout dunug
the i! November, Dtc.mber,
, Januaiy, February aud March.
promissory uote, K 1) Horner, lo'orp
H sveoer, and Claud etoHargne, sen
tenord to six year each, were reOelMl
It the penitentiary today. '1 1"' '
- . ec of conveyance was 37 M-
Bpraj liuj material of all kind reau;
luixed hi K I, Chambers.