The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 18, 1899, Image 9

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    . rheumaliim hangs on. It is
m' ... ,-hillv. damn weather, but
"!l!,,jbii.l thatHt. Jacobs Oil can't
pilv Wd tiWMty MM It.
Turpi Hull".
lieutenant 01 poohi
MBIM a I"" I"' 1 "nice
. .. meanling over the WW. SMf
nn r -Ug,
( nronlule.
1 ftiy ft 5fep
is Difficult. 1
The first step in Spring
should be to cleanse Nature's
house from Winter's accumu
lations. Hood's Sarsaparilla
Joes this work easily. It is
America's Greatest Spring
Medkine. It purifies the blood,
as millons of people say.
l . ,. ur.ia "ir.iis.'ViiB nervous
11 "iTiimtn itadlj' MMOy. It cures
' M UMMMItdi of ruml
ulT . t'rit.- Il iiusl flier Heine,
V""".":;.:. . m irin
I T . . rale trial.
.i .....
ill Bluilly nay after you
halt arts
B,d Boot.
I r,r III"'
I.rlirs "f I'"'"'
,r.. after IPtlU
miininrf My
Villi, hikIi past 70 t ears of
. i i , i. . i
r, . kr 1 1 . V wen. ii us iitrvc
.1 r-: I il ri I 111 Mtul made
ilniovrr Jim iii medical
trouble ausa raw sure mi
i i r .. i mimiv i nun
V i' -J- '
,trr)i, I... mil, Mao.
r?on--lnK Sorea ''AftTWornrliif foul
muiilli- I mr children Hood s tiirsa-
urill" ami il cured !- f running sores.
ji . 'ill cured me nf ilvsiM-psitt ami
eutullllon." Mm Katk K ThobIai, 31
Governor m.. AttoapoUSi Ha.
Consumptive Cough--" Five yearn
il i iad consuniptivi ooufn which r
uucnl nil I" a skeleton. Wa- advised to
ljtkt. ji 'g BaiMjMtrilia wbleb I did and
KCorernl normal health. 1 have lieeu well
SveTtil'e." afatltO HniMitWATm. Cur.
pearl and 1 Ihestlltlt Ma., Jeirersuuville.lml.
in in laaaaaaM I I ( II l
Um.v. r il- ' ir" Hv-cr nl, Hie non-lrrllatltiB ana
unit istlinrllr t lake with HoikI's Hersiii.ttrilla.
4 Budget ofOeeerel Newe ll., ,
"""I 1'aclMc (uul
The Sorehead.
Fie.l'lv What's reformer, pa?
Cuhwigger He's a man who failed
to get a nomination on the machine
ticket.-J udge.
Piadotti manhood chronic, special and
priraW diseases st ientilicallv treated and
Ul'RKDby Dr. K. II. RslellAb, the chain
pioaipri ialil of the l'aeilic coast. I'rin
sry tad Kidney Trouble. Lost M an hood.
Varicocele. Ituture, treated according to
Jaie-l mid beat met hod known to medical
pi B M Hatclitle, ak'i Morrison
St, IVriland, Or.
She What do you think of love and
He One thing at a time, please I
From Mrs. Rank to Mrs. Plnkham.
The following letter to Mrs. Tlnlc
ham from Mrs. M. Rank, No. 3,354 Susquehanna Ave , Philadelphia,
Pa., is a remarkable' statement of re
lief from utter di.scourugcmcnL bhe
" 1 never can dml words Avith which
to thank you for what Lydia K. I'mlt
hams ,v-e tulle Compound haa dona
for toe.
"Some years tifro I had wnrab trouble
ami doctored for a long time, not see
in any improvement. At timea I
would feel well enough, and other
times waa miserable. No It went on
until last October, I felt something
terrible creeping over rae, I knew not
what, but kept (retting worse. I can
hardly explain my feelings at that
time. I was ao depressed In spirits
that I did not wish to live, although I
hud everything to live for. Had hys
teria, was very nervous; could not
sleep and wus not safe to be left
" Indeed, I thought I would lose my
mind. No one knows whut I endured.
" 1 continued this way until the last
of February, when I saw In a paper a
testimonial of a lady whose case waa
similar to mine, and who had been
cured by Lydia K. I'inkham's Vegeta
ble Compound. I determined to try it,
and felt better after the first dose. I
continued taking it, and to-day am a
well woman, and can sar from mi
heurt, ' Thank Ood for such a medi
cine."' Mrs. Pinkham Invites all suffering
women to write to her at Lynn, Mass.,
for advice. All such letters are seen
and answered by women only.
Tha MfWU Mia Ct:
In the circuit court at Baker City,
Oi., Judge Eaktn sustained the motion
to quash the indictment against K. L
""""i iiiaigeo witii olitaining money
'JJ false pieteiitea, it being aPeged that
me sc. n,.. salted the I'lark . t.-.-k
minea alxiut lour yvara ago, at which
time he was paid 920,000 by the Kim
national bank on behalf of Kiench ca
uailits, who I ,-ht the mines on the
One showing made by the alleged
sailed apeclniena. The promt grand
Jury il now making another investiga
tion of (iironi'i case.
Thought II Waa a fire.
m lien me all itreet arc light! of
Laa-etiew. Or., sent forth their bril
liancy for the lirat time the other night,
the people of New Pine creek, who saw
the glare reflected in the sky, believed
tne town was having a big conflagra
tion. The operator tried to communi
cate with Operator Boyd in Lakeiow,
and being unable to get a reply, oon-
oiuileU that Hoyd was out lighting the
Are. The alarmed neigblioii were iooii
put at lest when informed that thu
town was brilliant with eleotiiuity.
A i. ..I, ArriiUnl.
Noah Bonewili and Donnell Nelson,
equipped with 22-caliber rifles, started
np latching creek, in Coo county. Or.
on a squirrel hunt. They had proceed
ed but a short distance above Charles
Barklow'i place when young Nelson, in
attempting to load his gun, accidental
ly discharged it, the ball taking effect
in .Mr. Bonewiti'i thigh. The young
man was put in a boat and brought to
Myrtle Point, where a doctoi diessed
the wound.
HrolttabU Ualrvleg.
John Thorall, of Wilson river, Or.,
delivered ut the rairview creamery
luring the season of H'JH, for seven
month, 63,272 pound of milk from
ii cows, for which he received in cash
1210.84. He also told three calve foi
$18, making a net income for the siz
cows of 1241.34, or an average of a frac
tion over $40 lor each cow. There are
farmers in Tillamook county who aver
age from 60 to $00 on each oow in 13
Iteralver Made It ray.
The final report of Receiver J. C.
Drake, of the Tacotna Oas A Electric
Company, has been tiled and approved
in the Jedeial court in Tacotna. The
report ihowi that during liii 17
month' reoeiveitbip, Mr. Drake
managed affairs so ai to make the net
earning oi the company a little more
than $30,000. Receiver Drake waa al
lowed $2,660 for his lorvioes, and At
torney Stanton Waibnrton $400.
Wheat from Morrow fount jr.
As nearly ai can be estimated at this
time there has boen shiped from
lone, Lezington and Dotiglait, three
Oregon towns, tlwi year 900 oat loads of
wheat, with lone in the lead with 600
can to her credit. Thii number of can
will aggregate about 700,000 bushels,
which, if sold at an average of 60 cents
a bushel, would distribute nearly $400,
000 among tbe farmers of Morrow
I ' i v for th Troops.
The transiort Valencia, on her way
from San Francisco to Manila, oat rios
$1,600,000 intended for the payment
of tbe troops now in the Philippines.
Tin large amount of money is in the
custody of Majot Kugene Coffin, an ad
ditional paymaster of the volunteer
service. The West Pointets who are to
have their first eiperience in army life
at Manila, aie on board the vessel.
. hi. ni from a Dream.
Iia Muhuii, son of J. F. Malum, of
Mule, Harney couuty, Or., went to
Ontario the other day on the stage
from Burns. While asleep on the
stage and dreaming he was pursued by
some horrible beast, he leaped from
the wagon, striking upon his face
among the stones. He received a bad
gash on his forehead, hut happily es
caped any permanent injury.
- Wlnet, Shnpn and Forms; Fteel tog.
j"sa, Jloimnia; Engines; llosChlwl
1 Saws, Albany tirean. etc.
V to a.s Flrt Street Portland, Or.
i rvmont btreel, ban Franclioo.
And jfoid enough for you. Then It more ol
Ink urd by the U. S. Government lha
" ill oihrr asskai put togtthrr. It costs you oo
are thjn the poorest ask lor it.
Funnj booklet" How to Make Ink Pictures " Int.
CARTER'S INK CO., Boston, Maaa.
M A N'TFACTl" It ED BY ...
Tbe Rational
Inventors' Association.
ITriii .,ntr"duc nd M patenu. Otu Nfa
n M "torney can get rou Dateota direct (rem
FSSfti PP0.eJ to be acentennarian
Married Nlxty-Four Tears.
"Uncle Tom" Mtwrehouse and wife.
of Weston, Or., have been married 04
years. Mr. Moorehomu is in his (?th
year, and his wife is one year older.
The latter lias never lidden in a rail
road car, although she hus alwavs en
joyed eicellent health, while Mr.
Moorehonse has traveled but 100 miles,
all told, by rail. They came across the
plains to Oiegon in 18U1.
fltrurk by a lllg Itoek.
Mat Hloaue, a native of Finland,
and for the last seven years residing in
or near Carbonado, was brought to Ta
couia suffering fiotn a wound that may
cause his death. A stone weighing 80
pounds rolled down a mountain side,
and, striking him on the left hip, hioko
a number oi hones, anu caused a wound
from which he lost much blood.
A Hlg Lawsuit Knrtad.
The suit of the Buckley Mill Com
pany bai finally ended in Tacotna by
Judge Williamson, of the siiieiiot
court, making an order for the sale of
the property. A judgment amounting
to about 141,600 is to be satisfied.
The piopeity in iietie includes a saw
mill and appurt-enaHtfca, anid a logging
read and equipment.
CominMted guSrhta.
Charles Becker, who owned a batcher
hop in the Walla Walla addition
Seattle, committed suicide at his sack
near Maple Leaf, on tbe Seattle & In
ternational railroad, by shooting him
self thiough the head with a 32-calibre
rifle. His children say that domestic
trouble was the cauee.
Oeorge Small, of Silver Lake, Or.,
eipects soon to start foi California
with a hand of 100 ntules that he ei
pects to sell.
Horn In an Kngllah Coal
Mrs. Forsyth, an old lady at the
poor farm, in Kittitas county, Wash.,
was born many thousand feet below the
surface of the earth in the coal mines
of England, and ipent the greater part
nf her life in digging coal. She is now
Ma I'mlrMlonal
Trratril Kree.
He. I .... i,, Urila.-ra
t , hi- IM,r
lr. Ilarrtu haa re.luird hla
ft- to half l.i. fornui charges for MM
month only, so us to aivommoUutt many
of tha aflllctru who wrr urmble to nu.t
hla terms In the pant, and alio for the
ben.rit of hu. who have hesltatej to
apply to htm The worthy poor will be
Jf" 'T' e,w,', """t'clnes, from to to
11 dally. Those able to pay. from H to t,
evenings, 7 to Sundays. 10 to U
Thai Dr. Darrln Is efTrctlng some w.n
derful cures by electricity and medicines
Is a fact aupportrd by the strongest evl.
deriee, as the following names will show:
Mrs. A. 0. Ijindls. sua West stre, t
Beattle, cured uf a scrofulous sort on leg
years ago by Dr. Darrln.
Mrs P, Hajrsg1 daughter, southwest cor
nrr aith and Marahull streets, I'urtland.
Ooltre (large neck) for tar, cured with
electricity alone.
J. W Ke.iu). Long Creak, Grant Co..
Or. Kidney complaint, pains In the
back and down the sciatic nervia, re
Jiored. R. C. Cook. Portland, stricture of the
urethra, cured after Ave doctors had
J. A. I.lndah-y, news agent on the N. p.
R. R.. residence Mount Tabor, Or.; con
sumption, bronchitis and calurrh, cured
and gained IS pounds.
W Hays. 490 Commercial street, Knst
Portland. Or, Inllammnthin neck of blad
der and sciatic rheumatism; came on
crutches to the doctor. Cured, and left
crutches at the doctor's office.
Mrs. K. K. Iewey. SM Davis street,
Portland, nervous and general debility,
deafness, heurt disease, dyspepsia, liver
complaint and female trouble In all Its
various complications, permanently cured.
Dr lairnn give free consultation at MS
Morrison alree!. Portland, (Jr.. from 10 to
s and i lo I dally. All curable chr .nl.-.
acute and private dlaeuses confidentially
and successfully treated. Circulars and
question blanks s. lit free to any uddrcss
and correspondence solicited. Most cases
can receive home treatment after one
visit lo the doctor's office. Batteries and
beltj furnished, with full directions for
their use. Difficult surgical operations
sclent Ideally performed. Cross eyes, rup
ture, varicocele, hydrocele and stricture
cured and guaranteed In every case.
A Colony of Outlaws.
Writers of fiction have frequently
pictured the idea of an unknown
tropical paradise turned into a general
asylum for outlaws and criminals. In
the Bonin isles, not fur from Japan,
such a refuge bus actually been dis
covered. Men of every nationality who
have made civilisation too waim foi
themselves having decamped to this
ideal rendezvous, leaving the place to
record the unsatisfactory lesult of their
investigations as "gone abroad." No
rates or taxes have to he paid, and gov
ernment seems to be entirely dispensed
with. The discoyery was made by a
Japanese vessel which called at the
isle. In futiiio the aliens will have
less fieedoin, and consequently less
happiness, for the Japanese dominion
will have to be recognised. Their
dream is over. Western Morning
"Ha, ha!" laughed Desdemona, de
risively. "Do your worstl"
For, it being a one-night stand, tbe
pillow borrowed from the hotel oer
tuinly wasn't largo enough to smother
Think not to escape me, wretched
woman!" cried Othello, deftly fulling
her with a chunk of coidwood.
Thus art rises superior to obstacles,
Detroit Journal.
What Caused Ilia Frartura.
Hansons Did you hear about Stew
art? He is suffering fiom broken
Hi ' II. or v ThatV whut football comes
Hanson But it wasn't football. It
was golf. A tangle with the dialoct,
you know. Uo'ton Transcript.
Her Maiden Aim.
Honx So young Ooldrox has take
a wife. What was her maiden name?
Joax Her maiden aim seems to
have been to many Uoldiox, and she
proved an unusually good shot lot a
woman. Philadelphia Hecoid.
A II... Term Defined.
MiBS Fondart Juok, what do they
mean when they speuk of a first-wutci
Juck One that um er one fresh
from the mine never been soaked,
you know. Jeweler's Weekly.
McOonigle The candidate's voice
has played 00 1 1
Heeler Well, he can still sign
cheeks, can't he? Philadelphia Noith
Trip In Hatter.
Wipe tripe and cut in pieces for
serving, sprinkle Willi salt ami pep
per, Jip in batter, fry in a small quan
tity of hot fat and drain. Tiipe bat
ter is made by mixing one cupful of
flour with one-quartet of a teaspoonful
of salt, add gradually one-half cupful
of coll water, and when perfectly
smooth add one egg, well-beaten, one-
half tenapoonfiil vinegar and one tea
spoonfal olive oil or melted butter.
Farm and Home,
Itrlght Porto Itlean Women.
Porto Kican women are rejsirted to
be brighter and more enterprising than
the men. They attend not only to do
mestic affairs, hut tako an active share
in trading and transportation. Many
carry on farms and keep stote. Ameri
can visitois admire their energy und
sagacity and think the women of the
island will cut soniu lignie in its fu
ture history. Chicago Chronicle
m rm.tton furnished on rensrat.
nsst or Coast aaca Ilrnni Si.
R." M It
Coatrartlng Hops In Vsklrot.
Hop buveri, in Yakima county, it is
understood, are now offering to contract
the coming crop at 11 cents or 1-etter.
Thil il tbe best price offered for years
this early in tbe season, and indicate a
good year for growers.
An A ft-e-rtii-ougbt.
Ms, (iwadley It wOTTM be gMsxa!
thing for you if yea UiwugU twine kuu
fore speoitiMg wave.
Mr. Osradltw It's to hire aw. I
should rMtv-e autwiesl tWo pkw I
prepeieal t yea. ' Fnaai ki
tMiuaer. er tha Kama Class.
"You," said the sentimental board
er, "are a person who would carp at
the lovely butterfly." "You get that
idea," aaid Ashurv Peppers, "from my
occasional kicking at the grub." Cin
cinnati Knqulrer.
llarahoaded Spaniards.
Theie are parts of Spain where the
hat is unknown except in pictures.
The men. when they need a coveting,
tie up their heads, and the women use
What is there in feminine human
nature that makes a woman so rear'y to
believe that she is really beholding a
bargain because there are two price
marks on it, the higher one baing
croased off with red ink? Philadelphia
Some persons bare done a great deal
to run down cyclists and, on tbe other
hand, some cyclists have done a good
deal to run down other persons. L A.
W. Bulletin.
"Par sis yeara lasts Tlftlaa ol a) Ms
peuala n. lit aotat lorSJ 1 SOU id rat nettling
but milk toast, and at limes tuy I sots a. h sroulQ
not retain and digest svaa thai. Last Msirh I
began taking CA8CARLTri and sines thai I
have steadily improved, until 1 aui as sell as I
ver was in my life.
Davtu U Mi in-ill Neaark. O
I I" ii Sailors rroui Una Shin.
The 1' I lie. .liii hip Vrriuoul. noa over
. Sail gfli ha. turn the school hunee for over lallnri in gaa navy The ae and Ihe
scconipllshini no of the Verinoul an Btaek the
same as II e Me r sn.uia. Ii Hitters, ahn h
has been !ai..!e the piil'lie lor .In veais and ha
. ii red iiiiiniu.-ral.le caaea ol malaria, lever and
emie. MsMaj tyspspsla, eoastiaatiaa, ladlgss
t lull, blood disorder?- and kidney affections
In order to keep the
should keep It coaled..
ttOT hot you
Health for Ten Cants.
A lively liver, pure Moodi clean skin, l.rl(lit
sysa i erfn'i health OaasaieM Caaax) L'atbai
tic will obtain ami MOWS thcui for you. All
drusglsts, lis-, las, OAs.
Modern Science Recodniies
aaasaa 1 saraa la a a. - - w
& Diseskse of tha Blood
rases asASs asassrsaco
V aassnl PsIaiaMe. I'olenl. Tssta Oond Do
Quod. Nsrer Sicken. Weaken er Orrpl Rsj Ztc MM
Ilarllaf H.m.j. i ....... ........ S.a lark. Ill
Drink is a noun
unable to decline.
that many men are
No household is complete without a lot
tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey, il
is a pure and WboteeoiMf stimulant' rec-1
omiiiended hr all pbystciaus. Don't ue
k'lcct this iiccessitv.
Mold an.l snsranTrr.1 all drag
glalalo t'l Ktst L i scro llsl.ll
you know of a gixsl fortune.
"Yes; Hradstreet or Dun."
There ii populir idec. that this disec.e
C6ut)Cd by exposure to cold. And that
some localities Are infected vith it more
thin others Suih conditions frequently
promote the development or the dise&se.
but from the fitt thAt this Mlmcm runs
m ccrtcNin families, it is hown to be hered
itArv. And Lonseoucntlv a iwoo or- tha
, . - - 1 -
il i" Nome f stria l ae Paint.
Miss Sillygirl (sobbing) I think
it's awfully mean. Thut horrid Jones
girl bus been saying that I paint.
Miss Meanness Never mind, deai.
I expeot if she had your complexion
she'd paint, too. Stray Stories.
u lax Out.
It is the specific virtue ol penetration
in St. Jacobs Oil which carries it right
down to the Sciatic nerve in the cure of
Sciatica, and the effect is to soothe the
nerve and wie out the pain.
Stiurigely enough the "better hall"
is not the one who does the bettiug.
To Cure a Told In Una Day
Take Iaiiatlve Bfomo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund money if it falls to
cure. av.
The fool's advice may bo poor, but it
is ut leust sincete.
A powder to he shaken into the shoes.
At this season your feet feel swollen, ner
vous and uncomfortable. If you have
smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's
Km d-Kase. It rests and comforts; makes
walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating
feet, blisters and callous spots. Rehires
cms and bunions of all pant and is a cer
tain cure for Chilhlalns, Sweating, damp
or frosted feet. Wo have over thirty- thou
sand testimonials Try it faddy. Bold by
all druggists ami sho tore.; fofav. Trial
ra 'V.age FItKK. Address, Allen S. Olm
sted, LoU iv, N. Y.
St. Jaoolaj Oil cures IMic utnatism.
St. Jacobs Oil cures Neuralgia.
St. Jacobs Oil cures Lumbago.
St. Jacobs Oil cures Boilticsa
St. Jacobs Oil cures Sprains.
St. Jacobs Oil cures Itruises.
St. Jacobs Oil cures north.
St. Jacobs Oil enter) Stiffness.
St. Jacobs Oil cures Huckiiche.
St. Jacobs Oil cures Muscular aches.
"I (eel all run down," said thu
jocular citizen as the evi list rode over
him. L. A. W. llulletin.
I'iso's Cure for Consumption has been a
Ciod-seud 10 me. -Win. H. McClellan,
Chester, Florida Sept. IT, HO.
can give yOU the U'st bargains in general
macuinery, engines. Doners, taiika, pumps,
plows, hells and windmills. Tbe new
Iteel I X 1. windmill, sold by him, is un
e.pialled. When coining to San Francisco go to
Brooklyn Hotel, K&-2U Hush street.
Allien. an of Kuropaan plan Kooui and
hoard l to 1100 pet day ; nanus SOOMta
to $l.(sj ikt day; single meals a cents.
Free cuacn. Chas. Montgomery.
FIT! Parrnanetitly Ottrad. Ha ntaor nrrvousnrs
rile n.r iui gajra use uf lir. Kim. - ureal
Nerve Ileal, .rcr. Bend fur ikii as.oo trial
nettle and treatise. Ml II. 11. KIJ.NK, Ltd., Mi
Arch street, I'blUtdeli'lila, 1-a.
Among Ihe oldest and heel known residents of VUittt. Ill . Is Adam lie hag alwavs hern pleimnrnllv Idrnllnrd sa-lttl the Interrals
uf thai place. It,- , the fiiat pnaidnit ol thr Hoard of Tiuetcce, and lor
r long lime haa pM n a Justicr of the peace. He eays : "I had lieen a suf
leret of iheuinull.m let a aassbtt ..; vi uia and Ihr pain si limes waa eery
Inleuae. I tried all the pi. uu-duiura 1 could think oi hear of. hut
received no relief.
"I Anally placed my cnae wllh aevernl phrelclana and d.K-tored with
thctn for eeinc lime, hut thev failed a sal me auv gsl I mail) with my
botSBI of teltcf ncnilv eshauatcl I trad nn attUle irgaidlug lit Wlllianie'
I'tnk Pilla f..t pule People, which unliu. .1 me lo try them 1 snsious
to get rid of the Icttll.le disease isss.l houghl two tu.ars of thr pills, I hrgsn
using Ihcni nhout Match, rtay, After I had taken two hoses I was com
pletely l ined, and the pain haa never trluinc.l I think it la the heal me.ll
vine I have evrr taken, and ant willing ut any tiuic to testify lo Its good
merits." A'ai (,'.'.) iss.
Tn genuine
sold only
m pack
Ages like
this 50
per box
Vs W a. -r
, 0o tuWAtt fit iry Tsnit
At drutl
dists or
tlirett ifom
A bad player and a bad piano make
had combination.
Mothers w ill And Mrs. Wiuslow's Booth
lllg Bynip the best remedy to use for their
children during Ihe teething period.
When we hear of a lite where the
organ was saved, we don't Itnow
whether it is an advantage oi a detri
ment. Washington (In.) Democrat.
With local applications, as they eannnt reach
the sest of the disease. Catarrh Is a blood or
constitutional. I:-, ase. sn.l in order to cure It
you must take Internal remedies Haifa Ca
tarrh " 'tire is isken internally, and actsdlreetlv
on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Ca
tarrh lure Is not a iniBck medicine II was
prescribed by one ol the best physicians in this
country lor years, and Isa regular prescription
It is Composed ol tho liest tonics know n, com
blned with the best blood purifiers, acting di
rectly on tha mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two Ingredients Is what pro
duces snch wonderful restiitB In curing catarrh.
Bend lor testimonials, free.
F. J. ell EN K Y A CO., Proprs., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, price 76c.
Ualls Family Pills are the lest.
lie. Knew Their Csa.
'I'o you know what conseivatories
aro for, Willie?" asked his uncle.
"You bet I div1' replied thu hoy
promptly, and then, turning to his
sister, he asked: 'Shall 1 tell them,
Mamie?' "
That being the first intimation she
had had he had been in or neat the
conservatory thu evening before, nuttir
ally she blushed. Chicago Post.
Tha Voice of W ledum.
Say3 Kpiutetus Only the things
which are within your will concern
you. Those outside the power of your
will are not yonts. Therefore let them
alone and he untroubled.
HI ADAMH HI., i III. M. ii.
Men requiring unsur.sed treatment should
n n -nil i. r nallv or by letter " Free" Willi Ilia
I neer and onl) Bxolesivs men's BPcclallsls la the
1 Idled Slat. a IMeeaeea of men made Mia or a life nine. I' tifnrlunatea everywhere
should Immediately eomuanloale wltk ir l oote,
of Chicago. Kvefythlag tl.tentlal. lleiu.sllea
asm ev .-ry where III aeale.l iackasea atnl letters lo
plain envelopes. Correapondence solleltad. lateat
Surgical. Medical and Kleclrlral methods
adopted. Iiclualns the slniuacli w lib druss slain
doaed. Avoid druga rmunmeiHleii by the unaii
thorlaed and sell styled sHH-iaiista In TY t etsrn
inwna. Few seajalaa awM-iaHsts looate oaislde of
Nea VOrkOI l lilcag.. In these cities yiiurprl
vale attairs nr.. sarc. I'ne.iuale.1 Irealmeiil for all
dlasaaasaad u.-akuesai-a nf the UaMlto frinary,
Sesilal, ReprodUOtlve SBd Nerv .nts Systems, tin
pediments In marriage removed "Nyiihala"
poalllvely purlhes the alOOtf, . urea ay phllls and
removes ail srhtts alotrl in throat or Moalh,soas
per oolored spoil nn t. . u and eruptions oa skin,
also cwtarrh und rheumatism. "Vlgnrala," the
only ierihanciit restorer ami Invlgoratur, glvisi
vigor to v ital orgaua ami nerves prevents anil
cures grip II per bottle, n tor . I rial to 1 1 lee
cither remedy, hair price.
Dainty I'araaola-
Artistic beauty adequately exptcsscs
the array of siinsliath. and paunads QOfJ
rapidly appearing for thu summer nf
1HUU. Dainties ami beauty of nattl ml,
com hi tied gmrd taste, are their
lending characteristics. Their sixo is
rather larger than that ol previous sea-
I sons, the majority being 'JO and i'l
inches. The ooiiohing shape is the
favorite, while many (or lull dress oc
casions are heavy with ribbon-edged
flounces. The lace parasol will he lit
tle used. Km those desiring something
exclusive, regardless of expense, the
handsomest ones are exquisitely em-'
bfoldarad in how-knots, serientinea
and polka dots on plain latlota back
ground. These are very laiautilully
! I also. Crosswise effects sre very
prominent, and the ones with striped
bordarl will find greatest favor with
thnse desiring a leasonably-prioed sun
shade. Thu Ii ii i rli at the (op was an
elaboration new on pat . last year,
and this year the idea has been carried
even to giester lengths. One beauty
has a top finished in Imitation of a
ruftlcd collarette tied with a bow ol
llbbofl and it was decidedly (etching.
A oortl and tinsel oi a bow ol ribbon
InVairabl ornament all handles.
Oreek and Koiiian doors invuriahlv
open outward; a iersoit passing out of
the house was therefore obligod to
knock on the door before oiening it,
to avoid collision with u passerby.
It would he difficult to imagine more
extraordinary digestive ixiwcib than
those of the hyena. One of those
beasts has heon knuwn to swallow six
largo bonus, whole, without (.rushing
A Oeruian investigator states that
the fig was known to eastern people lie
fore the cereals, and that it was us im
portant a fruit with these primitive
tribes as thu bunaiiu with those of
Houth America.
The owners of the famous cog rail
toad running up Pike's Peak, have de
cided to changu the motive K)wer
from steam to electricity. It is esti
mated that the cost of making the
change will be about foil, 000.
A singular feature nf tho tinned fruit
trado for Russia is that the fruits have
to be prepared without r-ugar. Thii is
especially the case with pitieupplea for
Warsaw and other thriving Russian
tow us.
In Prusr.ia -113 school elilldten tin
ier II years of age havo committed
suicide within thu spaoe of ten yea is.
Three bun li I and th irty-seven f
kkeas vw ,; girls.
(.JartilngHAl SfsavtasMr kMy iJiwiw-v-eed
at Mustat FaeahK Im Wre wajat ut
N-tew ttk Wa-Ws) sWw phist m a Ah
toast agar UM a "!'-i v-i't;4 Atsbr-asl-ior i-Mra
tw or sb".' a aUasji T'srvf ueasast
fossil siiells, etc.
The 15 surviving memlMiri of tho
Washington Artillery, musteied into
service in 1110 at NeWort, Ky. . and
never musteied out, will present claftns
to the state for about (185,000 lor :n
years' service.
If, Dapelnobi sacretary to the min
be active
A Niivel A il verllaenient.
Ail original and novel form of adver
tisement conies from Kussiu, where a
shopkeeper Histud up thu following
announcement: "The reason why 1
have been able hitherto to sell my
goods so much cheaper than anybody
else iB that I am a bachelor and do not
need to make a profit foi the mainten
ance of wife mi-1 oblldian. It is now
my duty to intuitu thu public that this
advantage will shortly be withdrawn
from them, as I an about to be married.
They w ill, therefore, do well to make
their purchases at once ut the old rule. "
The result wits that thorn was such a
rush on the shop by anxious customers
that enough extra money was mude hr
thu enterprising proprietoi to pay the
expense of his wedding on an unusual
ly luvish scale.
A liiiiiliimn In Hunks.
It is now tMissible to roll aluminum
into sheets one loui-tbousuiidtli of an
inch thick, in which form it weighs
less than ordinary puper, and exairi
ments aru under way looking its use
in tho manufacture of books. The
metal will not oxidize, is practically
fire und waterproof, and is immune
against the attacks of the vaiious
Hteel Traeee for Harness.
A new use for steel has been discov
ered consisting of truces for harness.
A nar row ribbon of steel from one inch
to ouo and a half inches widu and
j rolled very thin is used. The steel
j trace is incused in leather. While j
i showing a tensile breaking strain of
; double that of the best leather the
' steel t ratio can be afforded 20 pel cent :
cheaper. The steel is necessarily ol
tho finest quality.
For La Grippe Use "5 Drops"
Cured by "6 DROPS" Three Yean Ago.
'.THaoc MASS 1
Hr Ii ttill .ell and antes, on Ocl. 10. tltl: ' I resl II a Sett
that I use te Gel and luSerlng ttumanlli tosnnowncs terse sal
all the aorld ahat -6 DNUFI" has Issl lar sse "
v H 1 1 1 K 1 1 1 A . I'KltltY CO INT.. JAN , ISM.
H WAN Hi N ItllKOIATIC I'Ullr: COM I 'ANY 1 would like lo thank you fur youi
Kieut remedy. Iiltul'rt.' and ti ll you what It line doM for me. 1 had Hhruma
ilsnt In ev. ty Joint und in Die limit and i hud I'alarrh of the llenil for 3D yiara. 1
waa so laiorly that I loM the use of uiy I.'kh and anna, und OOuid not move without
I-. nn I was so crippled I li..d done inn little work (or rev, ii long years, anil our
mm ly nil) aieinn, u koo.1 told no tliut my Itlieuniiitlam and i aiiirth
In. hi ..I.I. und I h.-ll. v.d lilltl Hut now. Al-Tlll I'SIMI . IdlnlS UNI.Y TWO
MnVI'llrt. I enil liuly any I 1 1 A K Si IT l-l .1 . r Si W I A I . I'' Ut HK V KN YKAltS
I Ills medlctni does more tli.iu Is elulnud for It. At Hits time my ramrrh Is much
letter anil I line scarcely any Itheiiuiiiiatii ut nil. und the heart wnikneaa and uuln
gone. My Il uiIuk la now a I mid my nutlii Is nun Ii helli r. I huve Kalned
more th in In i.oiiiiiIm ol il, -i, ind I an do a full dny'a work. It Is the lo st medicine, t
i v. t smv to give n mother who has a voiimk . luld. for It haa the sunie effect on lha
i liilil as on the mother. II wards off Croup und cures the lllv.a of the ehllil, and
OaUMI SWset mid lefreshltiK sh 1 1' lo bottl young and old. WM. M K KI.I.KM8.
In a L iter of October 1". UN, from Mr Kelhnis, he says: "I feel It a duty that I
ovv. lo ami siifieiluK Immunity to announce to yon mid nil the world that I am
yet In thl iIuk with untold Ihoia-ands of others, to testify to ihe sir. at merits of your
valuable remedy i alh d "6 IHIol'H." I bvllevi I was the first sufferer In this part of
thl .it'll to learn of the ulatl nee of ",'i I iltoPS." aome three years ago. I was then
badly iillllete.l wllh Itheiimallsni, Catarrh, etc . which my letter of Jan. a. lMss, fully
spiukx of All 1 ran say is "f liltoi H eured ate, To make a long story abort, '
llROPrJ" needs no recommendation In this part of the country, as everybody knows
Ihe "5 Ultol'H" remedies around here I P 1 1 AH CUHKD morn cases of Ithruma
tlsm. Hclatlia, . run l.i and many other pains than any other medicine that has evrr
Mi n sold or heard of. For thl lost three years I have noticed Ihe effect "I Dltol'H''
has on the sick, throuali my own ou-. rvatlena us well ns my brother, who Is a prac
ticing physician, und aBBff TIIK ' IUl"l'H ' IN IMS I'll.Vi "I ICK All ye that wish
for r in t In r Information. Wrltl and fOU are sure to act a reply without any delay. I
will (as I hi,, dona III this I. tt. ri cheerfully reeomineM It lo nny one that 1 may
mine in BOBtaol wllh. I mysi-ir can never fcrset whut this remedy haa done for
me and many others. Yours very truly,
WM M KKI.I.KM8. Hlherla, lnd.
vVltniafll to the above: Jns. Ilrady. J. It. Cox, 10 It. Huff. 8. Taylor. Dr. 8 W.
Kellems. Juo. Hays, ull of Hlherla, lnd.
The wonderful success thai has attended IB UttrOdUOtlOtl of "t IIROP8" la un-
Ir lentM In the history of the world, Think of It! It has CI'HKD more than ONR
MILLION AND A vjI'AltTKH siiffeters within Hie Inst three years This must appeal
to you. one million and a unnrler people i annul all he nilotak. n. If suffering we trust
you may have sulflcleiit loiilldi-nee in s. n.l for three lurae not ties of " DltOPS' for
Ii! Ml, which will surely cute you If not. lion send for a II In. tile, which contains
inough raedlclni to raori than prove it" wondirful curatlvi properties. Prepaid by
mall or express. This wonderful curatlvi reivesslmost Instunl relief and Is a 1'hilt.MA
NKNT i 11(1 Rbaaiaaatlaaa, Belatlrn. . ,, . ,. i,; i... lit apepala. Ilai-karhe.
AathlllH, IIm 1'eier, t alarrli, alreplraaliraa. rriiiBsnraa, Nrrsnua and Kail
. oi.'. I. Ilrndai'lira, llenrt vv . o i. ... 'I'mitlineltr, i ...... I.. i'roni, I, a Urluue.
Mnlnrln, t reepliia Niniilinraa. in ion- anil Islinlml dleeaaea.
BfAno" 's ihe aaaii and
U VA J O prepuld by mall
I.AItHK 1IOTTLK ( dian-s) II,
express. TIIHLI'. IIOTTLKH, K U).
I L - till
Hold only by ua and Our hkciiIs. AHKNTrt
S rile loday.
' AM Itlllil vt v i 1 1 ' I I HI-: o., HIT llrarlmrn at., t'hlrasu. III.
An Important In-. ..eery.
An ioipOf tant discovery which may
revoliitionize lighting by eleotricity
has just been inttde. This is incandes
cence in air. An uluuiiiiinn tube thrco
twelfths uf a millimeter receives the
current through two small platinum
wires, the tube becoming effulgent on
the passage of the current. No glass
bulbs aru needed, and the light, it is
claimed is much more effulgent, while
tin- cost of manufacture is appreciably
She Wanted Fiill-I.enath.
"I want a "seulp1 of I'arvenu," said
III" Knn.1 wife, an she entered thu etti'p-
tl'S at 'I In i.
"I low wwuld eni) nf tliesn brwas
Miilte yno'!" sai-'-l Ire-, us see juo i ri tti-1 wait
sasnie sismi j-.-K'tj roif his work in th is- Vinm
"Them's U'l-1 riK; Mat I w-a-rnt u Ml
ssaneh has f kviatk Wke kd'H liVKauiro
re ke BeeaMusiesI'?' ' BtlWel WMW Pm-ss.
A.k 'lruifirlila fur Hr MHMM I
Frtn- ri'mulf I'll I M III t-m
t. ill. I riihi It Klauf on ton In Mlur.Wi.llr
HaflJ f anil Mil. lnpt un hawintf tln intiitM
h-ii -r for wamm"m&naFmxm in iim
ele1 Iftl'T Wllh (tlIH)lllltlaaillI'irllclllsla
FRENCH DRUG CO., 38 1 ft383Pvll.. Mr York.
h. i-i- yon havr piiliii In fottl bMki ftttl
ItOBMOD rtfUMM 10 ttlfMl rood, or bwiuw
vvury ktep h i-iiih h Imnl n. tt'lfOUf blOodj i r
Uuiidft'tln hftvt- t ii ixTiimni-iUly rured by It.
. DM lotil M your druKKit'i.
ONE FOR A DOSE. 1 '"- ihk Headscbe
in.l Hy.K-la. lteiii.iTe I'lmplssand Purify Ike
Hlisid, Aid I'lS'.lliiiiaiolPre.siii lllllomnsas He
notMrlpeorHli-krn Tneouelaee will mall
ssinpla free, or full Ikis fur We. lilt. ItllHANKW
CO.,alillala., Jaaaa. ta , liruislau.
i riles lir...'. ins mi.lsluissii'l aaq.s II. Tilae.
ii, as a. II as lllunl, It . i . r rriitiiiiliae
Tneanko e rilsSimsdi
lllg A I - i1 - i nil, .. U
fatreera.t-t!ea Ii.imbi Wuiirrau,
TV saasas oaMiass-iMsiautes taf Massouri
reMrti tlsot pee unt ol the woiuen
applying fr wilt ut tho publio em
ployment bureau ia St. Louia have de
serted their husbands or been deserted
by them.
IHb Keaaon for It.
Mother "Why, Tommy I you don't
mean to suy you took a second piece of
of (posts and telegraphs, is said to Jie when you were visiting, do you?
ctively studying the question of Why did you do it?
reducing the present rate of sisiage tommy I Just wanted to ihow
hr letter in France from about Ii to a them that I was used to bavin' plenty
ents per hslf ounoe. to eat when I waa at home. Fuck.
A big yield of both
! profit and satisfaction
will result if you plant
I 1 ' V a 1 n lv 11 i a Ihr I.. .1
fo not ast'iuiit ulaatl-
tuta iKiiit. hut rrrrr'a..
Hohl hy all itaalan. Wrltw fur
I Ul Ji ' t-l An., nn f'.e-
D.M.FERRY A CO.. Dttroll.Mlch.
ItlMlta I loitnnl, 111 ilK'" Matdffl.
rlnlati fllllritf ftiul ilr'llun.
Dr. T. H. White, RluKT
! Tim i i ..
1 I'iIm ara t . I iij pf
St i it h tiat ml il-'
Jar t l rug (lata ,if tut l tis a I fr at fmc Wyila
lua aiHfut f nur raaa. im nninKn, MMtPMHJ . 'a.
We auarantea to fit every case ws ondrrtaka.
I'u.. t put It off; write for particulars at once.
.'. II. u i,ni tun a CO., Kspert Traaa
i nters. Ida ttacond Street, Porllaud, Or.
! fritr floiNirrh i'a ami i ! t a-t I'abrt'i ' 'liar fa'.-lflf It
la Ilia oNI.V I- -!. ii, hlt-n wtU rura Ii artd try
raaf. No CANK knowa M haa aar falM Ui rura, na
uat.isr h" r bin a ,r t !, Itng atenilltitf KaaulM
fnrtn tu uaa will aMonUh juu. Il la aliaaoluulf aafa,
f iil l'li i , aii I can ha taaan wUIihuI littNuara
bit ma an.l 1- t.ntlnii fr.Mii hualnaaa. I'lil'K. ft rur
aul" Ii all r ha' lf ilrnafu lat. af a-n( prvuaiu of aaj
I M ' (If Mil AI. Ol.
Circular niailinl un rtwfuaat.
JHv Mj
Mf i. t w eolaiara.
Hffn ante "iutalon.
fMMMi i
I sa in. Si far unnatural
Ji. i liars..., tnfls in i,.atl..aa, or ulisralluae
of iiiikuii aiaail isaaa.
I'alldess, am I n..l aatrla-
llstEmiCaia csiCo. " Maonuue.
sM a7 oaaiata,
af asnt la plain araseee,
I i sirrsss, prspald, let
II ,ai. or tK.ilUe. u.)t
llreular seat aa reeesel.
N. V. W. V.
WIIKN wrltlna
mention thle
NO. il
ad sartlsere
Alatastlne the only durable wall eeallus, Alabastine .an la- used over paint or neper; Irary church and s l,o,.ih.,ue ahoiild lie
lakea the flare of k alius kalsoiulues. wall I .aim nr i-ai- r .an l uaa-rl over Alal.aaline i eialieu ouiy aim aiauaatine. iiuinn at
.ai-er aod laiiul for walla. Il can he used on Buy oaly In Oie noaud tiaakaacs. properly ions uara yearly n.r iriia aors i.enuine aia-
Slaaler, brlik, woowirr cauvae. I laiaiiaai taae uo biiubuiuic. , ui asw mm iuo an., eaeie
Alahaailne packafas have Mil dlrectiona
aayoaiaaa brush lion Ask paint dealer far
Uul i-arj. "Alahaatlne Ira" free. Alabastlm
t'uuipany, .rend Haptda. Mich,