Kiigene City Guard. SAlTIUUV F 18 TO CORRESPONDENTS. The business the WEE deoartment Of KLY GUARD Is caused considerable trouble by corre spondents addressing the pro nnetors neisonallv. Address M letters referring to the newspa-, .j i tior I, Um lrk loofltoed fro i. ' OkUlaiU'N IUI KKD No question thai DMBJf orchard! hive bu nenoii'ly injured y ihe recent frwjee. The pfftrVsMM x-I cplionslly warm wrather startl the Hip to llisriug freely and it ten j ilegree below iftn froze it. Then when the sun thawed it out, before tlie tree resumed its normal con- 1 ner or business connected there , i r- . i a r r I nt UUnu, with to Eugene, Oregon. To Correspondent. Tlie WKKKI.V OlfABI) ROM t pre early Friday morning TO Insure tin lOMfUoO Of coril-ixilideni it "!'' l-l reach u DOt later than Thursday morning. Correspondence which reni-hes (his ofllce I hi 1 huraday aud "ii I rid) and haturday, unle lintsirtaiil , will not he published. It would be -Id whi n the paper WaDt tO pre week after ward, and making allowance for the aeveral day time retired to leach sub-eriher throughout the country would ! "tale and of little Inteieat when the paer wan received. Correpondeutii nIh uld n ail their nontrlbullotia reach u Tuesday and Wednesday , ami early Later than Thursday they may not he used. A PAPKI Kf AtVAl. Every subscriberto the WEEK LY GUARD making advance payment of one year $2.00 will receive FREE for one year the CINCINNATI WEEKLY EN QUIRER, the leading paper of the Mississippi Vaiiey. No bet ter family paper published In the United States. WITH THE DAILY. Any subscriberto the DAILY GUARD paying aix months In advance $3.00' will receive the ENQUIRER frea for one year. Send us your name, and we will send sample copies of GUARD and ENQUIRER JORDAI n AlltfXATIOI. 1'renident Jordan of Stanford University tttki-H alarm at the prop onition take the I'ilipinos into our household with promise of tillitnute citiienship. limn n'. le lure on the PhillpptM question ho reviewed the hiittory of France, her Inilure in colonisation, the unlitnoris of the Filipinos to become American citizens, nud tin untitueas of our form of government to colonize HucceuHfully . lie said, in part: "Our treatment of the 1'hilippincs should be the sumo as that of Cuba. No inhabited country should he acquired by this government which cannot bo made self-governing and ultimately lie received into the family of states !.et the Filipinos lit their government to their own needs with a guarantee of our pro tection from outside interference, hut unJer no circumstances should nny distant territory inhabited by nn alien, semi -civilized population be retained as a permanent posses sion." WHAT OF TBI IIwYlR USUI! Can the lemocrats of Now York, Khodo Island, New Jersey, C'on Bl i. cut, lVnnsylvania, Delaware and Maryland, which rulused to indorse free silver in I8M control in 1000 the delegates from other states which have reaffirmed their dtvottofl to silver? 00 the op K)iient of silver secure all of tho Democratic delegates, from the states mentioned, in support of their propositions? I'pon the de cision of these two uestions de pends the proof of tlie assertion ot Mr t'roker, the Now York lam many bos, that "silver is a dead issue." DMttOQMtla leaders all over the country have protested against the declaration of Mr t'roker. illiam J Bryan declared there would he no turning back upon the part of the party. Senator James K Joins in serted emphatically that silver at 10 to 1 would be the isaun of 1900. May ir t'urter llarrisou of Chicago indorsed both statements and lc clared that Hryan would bo the standard bearer ol the parly again. Similar assertions have been made by the great majority of the leaders of Democracy in every state of the West anil f mill. WHEAT A.Mi HILVEK. The total prxlucliou of grain in the I'nited States in 1 was mire than half as much as that of the rest of the world, being 3,533, 18$,- (H.K) bushels, while that of the entire world was about !V. 00.000,000 bushels, or about 0,400,000,000 bushels for the balance of the world. The silver production of this country is more than one-third of that of the entire world, being in 1800 976,009,000, coinage value, a against I:1 13,403,700, coinage valut. for the world. tree on that p;,rt -f the body to wards the afternoon sun. Orchards that were highly culti vated and bad an exceptional grolb last year have fared thewoMt. And j those on bottom lauds, respondii g, more quickly to warmth than those on uplands, have been most seriously injured. Thiak r lit. Opposes Annexation. tnif ' r I , . tw. after on I Wash i no I '. rb M-rlie Jrdii I Eowj iwsolnUoti was adopted In aand puip aeliali l..iiv ! a vole .,f I-j; 1 with (be .,-( ally flsad Tin- N the future i nrrary wa-tr r.'ine valid. Jacksonville Times: every reason why U There is K senators should be elected by direct vote f the people, instead ol by member ot the legislature, a his been the custom since the formation of the republic. The sentiment in favor of such a change is overwhelming; but, as it requires favorable action by the senate itself to make it, there is hardly a probability that it will ever be considered. Few of thone who now compose that body would lie sitting there if the masses ciuld directly ex pi ess themselves at the polls on tho subject, and the sena tors are aware of that. Among the manifold reasons for making '.his change is that representatives of railroads' and other oorpof tloni often secure their el lettoil through the free use of money or by combi nations against candidates w'.io are acceptable to the people and would really represent the country nt large. The deadlocks which many of the states have been cursed with would also be averted, another great advantage. The (iertiiuu hark Artenis, which cleared Irom Tucoma last wirk, carried the most valuable cargo of fir ever leaving a I'uget sound wrl. She had on board DoO.OOO feet of decking lor Hamburg, (iermanv, valued at pr 1000 feet, or more than three times that of ordinary lumber curgoes shipped. It entailed an immense amount of waste and selection to secure Hie i material lor tilling this order, which was booked for the Tacotna Mill OxipOOJ some time since. The decking goes into the construction ol (ierman war vessels. graph "( death In-iciiIk-) -ii "row and check and Hp Tbou-andi of wiitnrn live for a year or two after all hrlp fnlnea and li.ippincmhav icme out of their llva. Whi n a woman Wromr- hope Wasljr hilplcas and unhappy be ii ora'tlc. oung woman to wboi the ft ife who in a htlple. m rv;u inv the mother whote wihea are a bur in in stead of a Mraaing. all tbeac, unlraa they take the right incaMirra to rseoMf their health, are Tx-tttr dra! than living. In tbe majority of caea tbi -e ghosts of women owe their condition to weakni """ atxl lt eaae of the distinctly feminine omalSSS, Frerjuently tbey have been deceived by the incotrect ifiagnoait of aome ohwure pbyaician and do not undi mtan'l thr true nature of their trouhle It -nty coata a two cent noMagr utainp for a woman to write and drurribe her condition to Dr R V. fierce, an eminent and kkilful operial lt, for thirty yearn c hief c-nvulting phya ician to the Invalid' Howl and Suigical Imtitute of liulTalo, K. V. He will answer letter fiom ailing wi.nii n without i liarge. He la the diw overer of I)r Pierce 'I Fa rorite Prewtiption, the greatest of all known nude ine for women It acta directly on the delicate organ concerned In maternity and make them tiong, healthy and vigotoua. It baniiihea the in disposition of the aniious period and mak s baby's coming easy and atmoat painleaa. ft cures all disorders and dis placements and I liecka eihausting drain. Trevloua to avOsrfeSal aw wife was very alck." writes ieniii II Connelly Ksq . of Clear Water. Wright Co . Minn Two buttle of Dr. Fieri e s t-'avunic rYaaaviptkMi made her s ell and strong. rr 1'ieice's Pleasant Pellet cure bil louane and eon -.ti pat ion. One a dote. Tbr mvei gnpe. ol Ihe not teat -i ihe ra ulutlen foil 'Thai hy the ratilliyition Irwal i. f,f 1,,-mi'i' Ml i"-- in'ended loloaorporata IbalnbaWtaBli ol tha Palllpploes Into oitlaasablp of (be L'nlt.d Slate-, DOT Is It intended 10 peimai.eutly aonei anl ilanU a an Integral pan of lbs territory -I the t.'tilled Mlaten, i nt 1 1 is tbe Inteniiou Of the Polled -L - 10 establish on sold Islands government atu'abU to the wahlH ami conditions af the Inhab- liania ol the said i lands, to pn para them for h;l aelf-ifoveriilUtOt, ai.l in due time tonaks such dlspoaltlwii of aMlalasdaaa will beet pro uoia the IsteOsOtooftbecltiasus of the Uoliad rttntea and the iobebliaots of ald Ul.l d.." A reward of 180.000 bs bem offered for the conviction of any Ixsly voting illegally in Pennsyl vania. This is too mufli, for it is sufficient to the private detective to "detect" the innocent, and a lot of false wearing can tie done for the amount. During the past two yeirs the private secretary of the governor cost the state 15825.85. Hut we have heard of no retrenchment on this score from this legislature of grafts and scandals. It is unfortu nate that the legislature is so one sided jHilitically. It has destroyed that sense of responsibility that always exists where there is a re hpe. table opposition to hold the majority to performance of its pledges of economy and reform. A large majority can always whip in enough of its members to carry almost any measure, however odious if it has even o qUaal party Indorsement. Knglish is determined to be the langunge of the world. A compari son of languages used at the first and last of the present century shows that Knglish h is advanced hy leaps and hounds In 1801 French RaO ipoltOO by 19 per cent, RtMaUn 18 GONQM 18, Spanish Stcretary Alger promises the re lief ol volunteer troops in the Philippines ny replacement with r ,-n! ir ,i- mi;i a- po--ible. The transportation of troops ten thous and miles is no easy task. Darrin Rem n. is to March 1 AKoriiiK ml or iiiiraas Mr UltOrOeai Hlr: in justice in Or Darrin and to the public in Hernial, I Ireely give thin tent I iiioii lnl. I have teeii very ileaf in one ear for several yearn ami kept growing worse with n constant ringing ami iioIsih in my earn ami head ami the other ear growing ib nf 'juite fust. I OOnaUllad Or DarrlO at the Hotel Kiigene mill he aalit be could cure Die. I have taken two weeks' Klectrlc Hen' Ml unit do camlidly ami cl ccrfnlly say be bus cured ine so I call bear eh nit as well as I ever could, and the llolsc have all left my bead; also he Inn greatly benefitted my kidneys and bladder troubles. I live in Thurston Or. Can be ratal red to. Bo gOtW, Feb It, 1 109. J II Heever. Tbe MHir treated fieeexce ting medi cine. Out of town patients are treated wllb unfailing suceesH through corres pondence, one visit desirable. Write for symptom blank and circulars Let ters ef Impilry promptly answered. Consultation free LARM 001 STY'S PART. I i w foots l-'rom Up EUatoifa V o ly The vole for a constitutional cotiven lion fr the admission of Oregon a a state was held In June, I s."7 . The vote showed T.HIT for it and 1 liTJ sgalDJl It. In i.ane county there were ihi far and only T6 against. In the OOnsUtO tloual convention Knocli Moult, Win w BrlatoWi Jassa Cox, A J Campbell) I K Misires ami Paul Itrattalu were the delegates from I.utie county. Among other delegates were iK 'uoti Hmllb John KeNay, V I. tirover, M 1' Deady, S V Cha twlek, CrSO II Will lams, DovM l-"gan, ThOS J htor, P P Prim, R I" BoWf, Jesse Appli gate and I tiShattuck. Tho vole In lbs BOD tltullou showed a insjority of l.mai. Id and Knglish 1-. The end of tlieoeiltury finds Kngiisb spoken lu Lane county there were o!M lor and bv 'J7. (ierman IS. Ktisslin IT. agiiin-.t, :s I r slaveiv an. I Elks' Hall Ku.ene Uklgd No W7, II P 0 Klks, have for some tlins been ewitempla Hug Ibe fl'Mi..' op -f a new liall for Its ouusml it lO ol her fraternal orders Lil I . ing the bslge ordered Its hoard -f trustees to enter Into a oontraet today wllb L N Hooey and Ibe A O Hovajf e-late to build thein a hall. 10 I located on Klghlh street Ver H skell's feed store, and have lakt-u a lease ou the same for a term of je .r. The dimeuslon ol Ibe buildiug Is I0mi The alalrs will enter the lead -'"re on the WtSl side and be incased. The malu hall or lodge room, will he X'ixJH feet In size; han- qtttl room, S9H18S 'eel; Hli'er-om, i ', draaslog r-oin, 'Jxlu; live locker 5xl; ayood r-oiu, etc. The fclks will furni-h ibelr new bOJjsM elegantly. The order I growing rapidly in Kugene and it has an i no rprislug ineinls rsblp Ur Honey will commence work on the null. ling as soon as the WSatbaf will permit. He has enough brlek to build tbestOTV already burned. Dangers or the drip. The grealast danger frotn La Grippe Is of lis resulting In pneumonia. If reasonable care I u-ed, however, and Chamb riain'a Cougb Remedy taken, all danger will be avoided Among IllS lam llf thnWBOnflS wh" have used Ibis rem, ly lot la grippe we have yet to learn of a single esse having resulted in pneumonia which shows conclusive ly dial this remedy Is a certain pre ventative "f that dangerous di-ease. It will cure la grippe in 'ess tiuie than any olio r treatment. It Is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by Ostium A Del, an-. Jkhsky Him. Registered Irom Chas Miller's celebrated herd at Jellersou; lh DtOnlnS Old. Ready for service. Apply to Floyd Vaughn. linal liuyers Attention. I have loo good grade young nanny goats for sale until Feb 1st, near Moo ns'. K r pin. and particulars cor respoud with QM A BotTOX, Kugene, Or. 1'Kt NI-s I. et ev.-iy one tss full of them, and they u ill he when the frail growers of I.ane county get t i using tbe Dean spiay pump, ami thereby kill Ibe worms "and Might that works such a great injury to the fruit in Ore gon. Fit Chambers is Interested In this particular Industry and has one of the most complete of spray pumps ever brought to I.ane euUtMy, prices iu resell of every one lit K roRTIKTH INMVKKHAKi The Planters tu Sen Oregon, Great Kmersld We l lie Xreiicli I'J add Spanish 10. 18 8)i.' against ' against, M and The metropolis of the new world is in the grasp of the severest weather known for years. The in habitants are suffering from a shortage of meat an I provision sup plies. Kven death die not releicc people from the thrall of Ihe ice and snow king as bodies must await MMN sOOsOVOtlOO of the storm Indole buri il can take place. The claim is made that the Mult nomah delegation iu the legislature swapied votes whereby it stood with Marion county in support of a state (sir appropriation in return lor nou interference with the new apHirtionment law. Qoneial llutler of the V S army gives it as bis opimou that the native Cubans will make good soldiers if psy day is regularly observed. Many of them fought a guerilla warfare for years without stated comH'nsation. Oregon tii called pine by the trsde ;s winning favor abroad. Large limbers estwvially are in de mand. for free uegroea agalisl. On July 7, l.". Dane and IVIsoti Smllb were eleend tbe (list J S senators bjf the legislative body. Latlvsi Uklna of this odRnty presided at (be joint session. Tbe vote in congress for tbe aduiis lOO of the state resulted in Ml for It and Id against il, thus passing by a very small margin. ror t rade or I ale. Kmcrald, con raid, emerald laud; l.autl ol the -nn mists, limit of Ihe sea, Stalely and Stall II aiui storied and grand As Blood-mantled Hood in while majesty Mother of stale", we are worn, we are k-ray- Mother of BMtl, an going away. MoihW of states, tall mother of men, Of cities, of churches, of homes, ot sweet rest, Wt ate go ng away, we must journey agaiu, Aaofold we J lurneyed to the vast far West, We tent by tin 1 1 er.otir feet unci mole, I'lea-e Hod, ar set for Ibe ultimate Joseph ! shore. Mother, which mother, w hite Oregon, In emerald kilt, with star s'! crown of sapphire, say leltnlgbll 1 it dawn? Say, what of tbe night'.' Is it Wall Up aud dowu? We are going away .... Prom your high watch tower. Vi BDg men, Your Hair Turning Gray? Jost remember that gray hair will never become darker without help. Auer's Hair Vigor fl-lIS WEEK s - SPECIAL SALE OF J will bring back tojour hair the color ' reverts the formation of rlan.iruff. of vooth. It never fails. It cleanses the scalp also, ana : r It feeds and nourishes the bulbs of the hair, making them produce a luxuriant growth. It sfips the hair from falling oat, and gives it a fine, oft finish. (1.00 a bottle. Atalldrngslit. If T"n An not ntrtatn all the benefit von tiMcir'l from the use of the Vigor, wrlta the d' o.r alsiut It , Addreti, UB.J.C. AVER. LsWsSi sseOj SILKS tohurg Items. February 15tb, 1S99. La grippe! Mrs Harry Macy Is rejiorted out of danger. Tbe sawmill resumed regular work yesterday for the first time since the cold spell. Mis W'm (Joodala lias gone to Wash ington to Join her husband who is at work there. Welby Wllklns returned to school mi Monday after a two week's vacation span! iu California. A Kugene dtHitor is said to have made llfteeu calls in the professional line ou one trip to C'oburg last week. Prof A M Utt.vburn has so fur recov. ered as to lie able lo attend to bis du ties as principal of our school. Kvery tsaly is glad to see the prulessor out again. While visiting with ills wife, at the home of Mr and Mrs I 0 Onodale last week, Welb Stevens indulged in an attack of Dutch measles to relieve the monotony of la grippe iu town. The young man who threatened suicide because of disupioliitmeut iu love atluirs, a lew vveiiihgs ago, was at last accounts, well and hearty, w hich demonstrates that "grief does not kill, neither does love."' WE HAVE THEM Wood Wanted. Rids will be received by the execu tive e mill Ii tee o,' Ii e hoard of regents until ihe 6tB day of March, IM0, 18m, for H e following amount hd kind ol wood: Big b dy II r. 878 cords, 4 feet. Grub oak, not less than ; inches unr more i hau 8 inches iu diameter, 130 oords, l b-et. Said wood to be delivered on or be fore Sept L I8W, at the L'niversiiy of Oregon. Hids received at secretary's JOBBTJ J ALTON, Beers tary for ii-gents. Crawford Bicycles 30 $40 $50 Have Superior Bicycle Sundries. Mil Hardware Go p Id For $13.00 $15 offlos. Letter List. Kugene, Or, Feb 10, 18W Mrs Addie llowman. A W llrewn. Mis Mary Kennedy. .1 A Jerome. Mrs M J Vaughn. Mis Marj- Warner. A charite ol one cent will tie mnile on ah letters kivi-ii out. fartulll c-avlMuH (01 Utters will please state when advertised, II f. McCOUtAI I i' M You car buy a 3-piece Bedroom Set of Henderson, with 20x24 glass .'. . Corner 7th and Willamette Streets $13 $1 Don't Forget J. IT Howe TOLL vol ksisi ki;. A Is-autiful couiplt'xinu i- an imp ossihility witlioiit kiuhI pun- lilo.l, the nort that only sxiats in conrnvtinn with noivl iliestioti, a healthy liver mill bowels. Karl's Clover Ki't Tea acts directly on the Imwels. liver and Itidaays keeping them in parfssl health. PpIm I .1. M tAm .1 UML I... mmA T Drum lata Will take your measure and have made to order suits from $13 to Pants from $4 to $11. Over 1000 samples to choose from. Fit guaranteed or no sale. See samples at Starr & Aya lilllll i''lllll'lll i t 1 ra arrived. Iathtsahlaaisnt wi 11 1 II I 111 Ml. i ? '' fled ELASTIC SPAR VARNISH Whloh H u""u"u v v" w li.rall rxMeil wotk lluon w nils, elo. It wl! klndi of hanl trili-, nch aoap ami waier, I I flU.DTfll The leadlin: I asimonla, and ths lts, foe sale b L. fl- UlcnlUI, Wall fwpsr V I ror Sale. St) acres of land 1" miles west of Kugene in tOS Noli VhIIcv. I'mlly Improved, aood soil, and Rood watar, Near SOhool, Prlos rlisi on easy terms; UU-ral discou-it for cn-li. See Jolui Smlgtsy oa me prsmlsas, ur sddraas u 9 Larokmoub, Kiowa, C'olorado. Junction City : Milling Compsd IIANUFACTDREBS OF THE WHITE ROSE FLOUR.' At;enti,in Woodmen. Work Id tbS protection degree Kri day evening, Kelt 10. Sprlnglicld camp will ass;t in the work. Refreshments, 0 B Kakkow, OoomI. w w Moon, Clark, GUARANTEED BEST QUALITY The most popular Hour in the market, leading tirocers. Soil by 1 A ranch of IM acre of land, Iu I'riHik county i n the McKenle and I'rlnevllle wagon road 'i miles west of lOO Das ChttlaS liver. A gmnl Iced stand. Will trade for a aiuall farm. For further particular Inquire of oMtici. Join I. Ttiwaapanai. i mile south ol Sntingtleld hridge on UottagO (itOVt aoatt. or J O Ithiuehart, grw?r, Kuge a, Oregon. i ircuii t'outt Oaatf) Tlie following cases were HIshI tinlay: Katchlld Hto vs Sidney lloru el al. forw!oure of mortgage. Judgment I ask. .1 for rtM l.mlly BavajJ vs TheSiuslaw Hlver l.unilH-r t'o. to recover money. Judg BjajH Is asked for fst2t 1H Vol KNOW ln iiii'ti. o U rvaUl'le' MMSI has pSOtaa Uv. aJ alw thai ne-Iel i aiini.lal. Th i-ull H roush can t curxl with Sbllok'a fuugh and t'oouaUa tVrw S.JJ ,4i mU guaraat l sfty . I oe aal by Ukiua and lina llruauU. TWO iouK.-Adjutaut-(ieneral It I) Tuttle has OBttlfM to two more of the member of the ml III la, who wet t to , Uamp McKinley last spring, and were strung nan, say, what of I f-j'ted hy tlie muatarlog offlosr, The BSM are: l.eroy I.aisirle and Samuel Mokl r, of Junction City, nud are entitled lotttfiQ Bli u raapaa lively, irom the slate, f,.r nlr time spent In tbe oamp, "BEFORE BABY IS BORN." A Valuable Li::lo E:ok cf Iatersst ' to All Women lail Free. Every woman looks forward with fool tots ol Joy Indescribable to the ' " ' in her life, com-1 I . ill others pale into in How piiid she will fol I J nestles on her breast I II 1 rsatMof uatotharln And . oi mis event j the bott if Youug men, stroug men, there i- work to bs done; K.i;::. : be cherished, hatths t llgtit, VlOtorl - von were never ell ou s,v fnnrlrsslj wou for Uod aad the light. These cil im, these In in. a nrtt peace aud hai ndl 11. ftahl . but ashen, w lib the ititldel. Have fsilh, such failo as your fathers knew. All i l e must follow if you have but faith. X899 Handsome, Strong, Speedy. AND IDEAL BICYCLES He true to their fallh, aud jou must be I I wishdMai of the pa nand daa- true. P r"( ilwordswJ. so tiiat it is nuniawl "Wo! lillwwlthyou,"theMa.ier , ',Vk'I22 l!'l of Jorobodini ...I, . 1 A',V,'!M wer her. The danm .: a.: . dnnt upon being a ' ' ly preventl, ac Miith H.s dd'je, dawu is i'tiiltig day And otic b ouewestrtki tent and away Good bye. Slow foldiugoursuow-while teuls, tur dim eyes lift to Ihe further shore, And never ttoae riddled gray regimen: rusll sMWSf full roll-cavil any more Vet never ad ubt, nay, never a fear t it old, or now , knew the riouaer. Joa . s .. . r ... : f drill : r can : il: cot ,i FVr sale b little strangei '"" "anrsro to with fear. n w ito reads tm. aanobtala i e little lamk entitled "Be- . toasnding h. r ad "ri i ' i "ffStor t'o., f sootaJaa nrioa I jn 1 1.- ail wumen, and nc ' I ! I'd for it. OSBURN& DELANO Fitted with Special Heavy Tread G & J Tires Lead the World Hew '39 Popular List Prices: $40-$30$25-$20 FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE CO.. 105. 107, 109, 111 Sixth St , Port'and. Ore. Matlock & McClanahau. Repairing a Specialty. Eugei-. Or. i