The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 11, 1899, Image 2

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Eugene City Guard.
I. L. i ami nr i i rrtpiltur.
In I I ollrrllon of lltnil Praia
tha Two Hrllllapllrraa I'raarlilall
In m I ..a.lrnaan1 Puriu.
The North Human (iuiette tgln
denial Ihe rumor thai I'rm.e ll'dieiibih
coiitcmi dat.l realgiiwg Ihe imperial
Twenty ch i Id ren arc ropof tod lo have
been drowned by an Ice Matter at tha
village of Warpuhnrn, Hoirheiin. re
cently. The iretlnt ha nominated Colonel
Aia II. 'arey, aaaiatant permaatot -general,
to lie paymaati-r-geiieral, with the
lank ol brigadier general.
A ttfrlMl UiHtrl wai genera)
throughout tha Miiippl vtlley on
the ituth ami 30th of January, reaching
aa far toulh aa hi. Louta.
Three representative! of 40 Herman
families in Um Kaat are looking urer
the i'acltic Noithwett with a view to
buying several thuuaaml
fin colony.
Mra. Jane L. KUiifnrd, who baa
aettl.-l the Mtetf of her late huabaml,
Lelaml Manlord. ami who wonhl been
titletl to $37. T'i4 aa feea, to ao
cept anything for her tervnet.
Com pin lea H. D, K ami L, of tha
Seventeenth United Mate Inf.ntrv.
413 enliated men anI nine officii,
bate hit Coital DIM for the Phlltppl i
They go tia New York.
Tha American ahliilng Interest ol
tbe Hawaiian i. Ian-la hare largely in
ciaaaeJ aince their anneialioii to the
Unlled Btate. There are now load
Ing for or on the way to the ItUttdl 60
teateli, ol which 88 fly thu American
F. W. I'." k, I'mled State cmiimi-aioner-geiieral
to the I'aria exposition,
aaka oongroaa to I nci c aee the amount
aet aaiile (or the government eihlhit to
$1,000,000. The Drat approbation
wai $116,000. whi li Mr. 1'eok nay a la
entirely loo email.
Tha reported rich ttrike of got. I at
Cripple reek haa hren oonfliiueil. It
la tbe rlcheat ever rliaoovered In the
woild, eatimateil to run aa high aa
$600,000 to the ton. There ia btoebad
out in one level, at a depth of N60 feet,
I6.00U.UUU woitb of ure.
A. Thompaun, agent of the
Seamen' Union at Seattle, aaya: "Un
leaa the IhlpBWMff' Aaaocialion give
up trying to put aoab aeaiiu'ii on coaat
ing veaaela, a genernl alrike will he or
dered, and every .ailing veaael on the
coaat tie I up aa noon aa ahe get into
Oft, The union men will not accept
lea than 40 per month."
Theodore Kin In ner, aged 00, acci
dentally ahnt and killel bia wife at
Newtoiiville, N. Y.
OM billion leet ol Oregon timber,
on Ablipia creek, wa fJoM to Wiaion
aln partma a lew dava ago.
The thermometer ranged fioiu HA to
40 degreea Isalow aero at different
Hiinta in Wiaconaln thu tlrat ol the
On the 17th ballot taken in the joint
ration d the Montana leglalalure Sat
in l. iv. II..O. Win. A. rlaik . elected
United Statea aenator.
Ill the lower lioiiae ot rongieaa a
Joint reaolutlou ha lieen adopted grant
ing to Veneiuela the privilege of cud
lug a cadet to Weal I'oinl.
t 'bargee affecting the Integrity of
District Judge Scott, of Oiuahu, ami
stoking hi tmpeauhlllent by Ihe logia.
laluru have lain piccnlc1 to that
i.x Senator Slater, a prominent llgura
in Often) politic foi a nuiiiber of
yeara, vllinl al hia home in I .a llramle
on the UHlli. lie came to QllgOi hi
A eomblmtion ol tbe big fieigbt end
oaaaenger car com pan tea of the United
Htatea ia being formed.
Fine boildinga covering half a block
in the heart ol the buaineeea portion of
Colurubue, O., were ileatroyed by Are.
The tianaporta, Ohio and Senator,
Uaring ihe Twenty second infantry to
the I'hilipplnea have tailed from Han
Franc iaco.
A freighting party waa caught In a
now alide in Lincoln gulch, DIM
mile alxive An, Colo., and it ia be
lieved five men were killed.
The aecond battalion of the Seven
teenth infantry are en mule to Manila
via New Yolk. They tailed from that
port on the traiirporl Sherman.
The largeat combination of whiaky
ml dlatilling interests yet attempted
haa been concluded in New York, un
der the title of the Kentucky Diatillera
& Warehouae (Company.
Negotiation! (or the consolidation of
the leading pottery inteieata have been
concluded in New Vork by the forma
tion of the American pottery com pu -niea,
with capitalization of flu, mm, -000.
A anow-alide occurred on tho Cana
dian I'acltlo al Itogei i'aaa, ill the
kirk lange. The ruilroad roundhouse
ami other boildinga were demoliabed.
Nine peraona are known to bave been
killed ami two injured.
t'ontiact havn been let for the erei
lion of a laige beet -augur factory at
Amera. a aiiiall town weal of Omaha,
on the Union PaciaVo. Tho men who
are furnishing the money to build the
factory are BoftOtl eapitaliitl.
The United Htatea tranrt Ornut.
which left New York January 10, hav
ing on boanl Mujor-Oeneral I.awlon,
the Fourth iulantry ami a battalion of
the Seventeenth Infantry, bound for
Manila, hit arrived at Oihrultur.
Steamer Khviilaml, from Liverpool,
for I'hiladelphia, went aahore (our
ruilea north ol i'enwick'a lalaud life
aaviug nation. A heavy anow-atoiin
waa prevailing at the time. There
were 13 paaaengera and a crew ol 711 on
board, all ol whom weio readied.
There haa been no further general
fighting between the partisan ol the
rival vhleftaiiia in the Siimonn ialau la,
ainue the laat advice eicept that u
party of Matanfa'a followera waa routed
in tlie buah by Malletoana. It ia ex
pooled, however, that lighting will bo
relumed, aa Matnafu ia arreating per
aona who have been altcady lined and
relcaaod. The work of pillage con-
tiliuea, inoug tho houaea looted being
V 1 1 1 inn. the home of the late Itubert
Looia Stevenson, the noveliat.
Iowa iiiineworkera are making an
effurt to have eight houra duclaied u
lay'a work.
Native triropi aio to he utilized In
Cuba and American aoldicte gradually
A syndicate fol!lMiacil o( American,
Canadian, Knglish and French capilal-i-l-,
la making an effoil lo secure Min
imi o( all Ihe railroad in Cuba now
building and in operation, and all to
be conalriioted hereafter.
The bishop of Havana baa declined
that l'reoteitiint aervlces cannot he held
over the graves of the Maine victims in
Oolmbttl i enietery, aa it la OOUWOMtod
ground. Americans were picpuring to
decorate the graves on tho anniversary
ol the explosion.
The Central Cable Com puny an
1. 1 ii i uces that the United states govern
I it hi the Philippines lias modified
the recent prohibition of telegriima in
cipher oi code. Mena.igea in secret lan
guage may now be accepted, subject to
government cneaorahip.
The senate committee on naval
affain haa decided upon favorable re
port on tbe hill providing for addi
tional pay to btbONH IB navy-yards
who worked overtime during (he emer
gency o( wai with Spain. The amount
I en aired ia Iron! $1100,000, ami about
0,000 men are involved.
The Filipino Junta haa teceived a
cable message (ruin Hong Kong ex
plaining the second proclamation ol
thu rhiltmuno republic. The message
'Ihe Montauk Club, of llrookh ii.tcn- 1 ..... T. )rHt proclamation, in Ail-
d I a lniniuet on Ibvlllb to Admiral 1 nut, waa the work ol Agninaldo and
William T SaiiiUHiu, and rllrirlrl I IkfJ lanofll. The second is the UB4Wl
Seciet.iry uioua work o( the r ilipino itsaeinbly.'
General Otla cahlca tlie war demrl
incut, giving the number ol deaths in
hi command ilnco January 7. The
total it 10, many of whom died cl
mllHix. The greatei number ol
death weie ol Kansas, Colorado, Cali
fornia and l'l-unay Ivani piivatea. Ill
the Imt appear the name of Allen K
Carlyle, private, First Washington,
Jannair 111, typhoid; K.urld A. Jeatia,
Flrat Waahiugton, January Vtt, ty
phoid: Wlatar Hawthorne, private,
Second Oregon, diphtheiia.
Cuban lleneral llomci rcdisea lo
dlahand hi aimv tinlesa paid DMrlf
The picdent haa Ihe '10,000.000. He claiuit to have 40.000
I I J I 1.1 I... L .
men lllioer ariua, iur h nun in- unnn
pay (or three year' acrvicc, at the same
rate a given American soldiers. For
Ilia own aervicea in the pits!
(11,000 a year, the same a paid an
Amen, an lieutenant-general. II has
aUuil i'00 bngadier geneuiln, who de
mand pay at ibei.ite ol A,M0MnMlljl
for three year past, beside numei.-nn
other office i a, wbose pay aggregate
Gomez Will Accept President
McKinley's Offer.
u 1 1 i. DIfBAID TBI i I It AN AKMY
Thr Million llnllars II nslrtr a
Nuiall Amuunt, Hill Itcltar
1hl Nulhlna.
among the other guest waa
ol the Navy Jimh li. lauig.
A big celebration was held In Havana
In honor of the memory of the that Cu
ban president, Joae Marti. Four thou-
and p!o Were pleaent, ami tliciil
waa no Ulnorder o( any kind.
The l---lv of Captain Stnrli .ml,
pilot o( tbe 1'atll .lone, haa been Inlllld.
Fiom the ololhing of the bodv it ia be
IikvimI he wm off duly and asleep when
the disaster waa caused by the boiler
(leneral Kagan, tried by 0011 1 mar
tial on charge ol lomluct uiiliinamln
an ottlcer and gentleman, was (mind
guilty and aentence I to dlniuo-aal from
the army
innr to mitigate oi euliiely aet aaide
the fludiuga.
The district attorney al Philadelphia
ha iiotithsl counsel (or Senator Onay,
bla ion, Ittchaid, and ex State Ilea- I
urer BtTWOOdi that he had tiled Mon-
day, February '.'0, a the date lor trial
of the tin lefendaiifs oil Ihechaigo
ol conspiracy In the misuse of tba
money of tho stale on deposit In the 1
1'cople'a hank.
SI Itiio N.iii
The third regiment, infautiy, haa
left St. I'aul lor New York en ri It to
the l'hilippiui
A blitaard ha been lagiug over
Wioming. A lecenl fllipotOll ya the
deep now haa a hard ciusl, and Ihcrv
will Ire much (uffering among stock.
All Iowa syndicate, with S0,OO0.O00
capital, has asked congress to grant a
uhaidy o( ii. 000 a mile lor a r nlrool
and telegraph hue to the Yukon, via
Copper river.
all. M Manger, aged ICS veai and
8 roontha, died at Walton, Kan., of
grip and old age. She had conic Iroin
Andrew, Iml, to vialt her MM, Tbe
lemaiua will be hipp4d there for
The government nsrt on lb wheat
in the I'nited Slate (or Isys I a fol
low: Nnml er of acre of wheal, 44,
066.I7K; bushel, 876. 14H. 701. value,
flttl.770,110; acreage winter wheat
(animated II.MMM, which iat.ail.
MH acre greater than the area sown hi
lgj. ami 4,0H,H0g acres in ex.. a of
Wiuter wheal liarvealod iu 1
lleneral Sheridan baa iMiuplecli d ar
raugcmeula to send Ihe third Upodb
ItOfl o( trop to tbe I'hilipplne. Il
will consist of III c 'in pa 1 1 iea, taken
fioni Ihe t.'lh snd I , ih infantry regi
ment. A ftom Cokevill, Wyo ,
tayi a snow-slide a mile long oc. unci,
burying aeveral men and learn. All
the men were taken out alive with the
exception of Hurl Handy, who waa
dead when found.
The serials committee on Judiciary
liae made an adverse tcpcrl on the
noauiiittnui of Hamilton!. Iv
United Male district judge for the
Western district of North Carolina.
Ke art waa apsiuit.i .luring a revcan,
ar.-J iw bold Ihe p..sition
The French chimb, i ot deputies, Isjr
a vole ol 344 lo 1N, obspuxl tlut got
ernmeut'i propvwal to ut.utU to a
pedal committee iutr uste.1 w llh ub
ualter tile bill pioviding that c.inea
for r.-ri.lon ajiall be bmughl before the
milled eciinwf Has ivutl ol
Kcmedio, Kanta ('lam, Cuba, Feb.
4. Maximo Oomei, commander ln
chief of thi! Cuban army, laced him
self arpiarelv In a sition trsluy a an
active ally Ol the United Stales govern
ment in the work of recoiiatriiction in
( 'uba.
Aa result of a conference which
liobert P. I'orter, tcittl i-ouiminioner
of Prttldtat Mi:Kinley, haa had with
liiiliii-l, the latter cabled to President
McKinh-y this afternoon assuring blB
of hia co-oieration in diahanding tin
Cuban army and distributing among
tba 0abM tOldltVI B.OOU.OUO appro
priated for the puiaae of enabling
them to return to tln-ir boiuea. (J OHM
also telegraphed to Major (leneral
Brook, saying lie would accept the lat
ter'a invitation to go to Havana.
The aucceaa ol Porter' mision
ijieatly limpllSwi tin- lotaraiog ol nllt'
tax Cobaoi to potwlti ol paooo. In
view ol Oomei' supposed prior attitude
il bOttility toward the United Slate,
Porter came here clothed with absolute
authority, and his tender of S.000v
0U0 waa practically a verbal ultimiiliiin.
Had it not bean lOMptcd DO more pro- would have been made. In
brief, th' compact i a billows:
Pint The Cuban officers in each
province shall aaiil the American ulli
cora in dialributing the liiud.
Seoond These ofib'i-ia shall lit once
meet at aome convenient point and de
vise when ami where settlement are
to he made, and ariiinge any oilier de
tail. Third The sum paid to each man
shall not be regarded a part payment
of salary or wage due lur lor service
rendered, hut to facilitate ilishamliiient
0l the army, in relict of Buttering, and
to aid in getting people to work.
Fourth The Cuban shall surrender
their arms to the Cuban uaaeuihly or
to its lepreaentative.
Fifth The committee on distribu
tion ahull uae il best endeavors to di
tribute the money aiming the popttlaV
lion so all may si-cure work.
Sixth Tbe fit, 000,000 shall he
placed subject to the older of (leneral
Brooke, ami action in thu matter vhall
be Immediate.
mi. Be lore to in. Oortoi Family aii
ii. i oofleeoteel FroportjF.
Seattle, Wash , Feb. 4 -Mail ad.
vices from Japan today any Uenoftl
Olia, ut Manila, has ordered to be le
tored to Ihe lull Colics (amily all the
property which the Spanish govern
ment conliacaled. The value of the
biopertjr la estimated at l, 000,000.
I). Maximo Corlea, the head ol the
family, ia said to be in Waahiugton.
Later reporta from Hong Kong say only three of the crew of QIODaV
von were hint in the wreck ot that ves
sel ill the China aea.
A line of ate. liners i lo ho estab
lished Ironi Sunn to Kobe. The Jap
anese government has decided to grant
nn increased to the Kuiopean
line of the Nippon l usen KaisliH. The
Toyo Kiacn Kaisha i Oriental Steam
ship Company) has made claim for a
similar allowance for its San Francisco
line, it waa refOtod on the gmuud
i Iml a similar NQjUOit had been related
the Seattle line.
Arrangement have been completed
to ahip MOO Japanese lalmrera to Peru.
Alaaka llniiuilaty niol Reel I" '"Il y.
Washington, Feb. 4. The subcotu
BtitteO woik of the Canadian joint high
commission today was divided between
the Alaaka bOWMMfJ iication and the
reciprocity clause ol the treaty. The
icciprocily tession was the longer one
of the two. and was the first at nhich
Mr. Payne, Ihe new Amctican tn. oi
lier of the coiniii maion, was aide to ap
pear. Il i thought that the two sides
will leach Ihe hcdiock possibilities of
an agreement within a lew data. The
Uiuudary QJMotloa presents fewer an
gles and a settlement aatislacloty to
boil, aide I regal-hd aa very likely.
Manila llftti-et arrive.
San Fiatn inco, Feb. The steamer
Coptic arrived from Hong Kong and
Yokohama via Honolulu today, bring
ing a large number of army and navy
officer fiom the Philippines. Among
the passungen waa John A. Sciym-ei.
realdenl of the PeeiRc Cable Cmu
puny. Iu an inteivien he Bproaoed
Iiiiiim'II as encouiaed to bOBt a cable
would 11 maintaiiicd and operated by
the United Statu government. Ho
wa ol the opinion that private capital
would not take the risk of it control.
i ...... leeeooal Dloctev
Waliiu.-toii. Feb. 4 Keprcaenta
live Paine, ol New Yolk, ban I ecu ap
pointed a member ol the Canadian
commission lo till the vacancy catmcj
by the death of Mr. Dingley. Mr.
Payne also lueoaotled Mr. Uiuglev al
chairman of the way and mean cun
Uiillce of the house. lo.. I. i- k. I
hialeiu, Feb. 4. Oovernor Ueer hut
beau not i tied that Private Clark 1).
Hakcr, ..ui.ini t'. flaeoiia UfafOO vol
mi lon-i a. now al Matula. ban been or-dere-l
dis. h cged. (In will U allowej
travel pay to Cottage Drove
The Spanish civil i rinouer held by
the Patllipplne army, have not l-eea
rwteaae.1 aa reported, and are nl to be
outiagcoualy tree bag, An ant'eal hat
been made Ui the American lo slop
Ihe tragedy.
rati. I Peeot Ika Maw link.
New York, Feb. 4 -The World
ay: "An epidemic ol (cailet fever
ha broken out on the cruiser New
York. Admiral Sampson' !laghlp.
There are tlv men now in the naval
hospital under the care of Surgeon
Woods, ami other ate being trvalcd
atboaid ahip. Navigation officer Ca
proo. irho ii conflne.1 to hli cabin on
tbe ah I p. UMjd lo be a victim of the
ditTtu "
Kplllloyaa ot II..,? , ig
Company iu Sioux City ar piauuiii
10 atlalbitb a vllage of their own.
Kravlullort Adpl.l by lb Lower
lliiuaa f I'oBf raaa.
Wellington, Feb. 6. In the nte
the president pio tem(iore prenented a
memorial from the Chamber of Com
merce ol New York, urging ratification
of tlu peaie tr.-aty. Hale, chailman
of Ihe naval affairi committee, favora
bly retained the following rint leaolu
lion, ami it wa adopted:
"The aecretary of the navy is hereby
authorised to have erected in Colon
cemetery at Havana, Cuba, a loitahle
granite monument lo the memory ol
the lailora and marine who iosi men
live by the destruction of the Maine,
and whoee remains are buried in that
cemetery, and to amiably iMtribO MM
lllllm MOb monument, ami the aitin
ol lu.oou i appropriated for that pur-
.one. "
Harri offered the following retolu
Ihui, which he asked might lie on the
"That the United State hereby dit
clalmi any intention oi purpose to et
ernise permanent M-w rciguty, jurisdic
tion or control over the Philippine
nod attert their determination when a
stable and lodepeodeat government
hIisII bave been erected therein, en
tilled to recognition an uch, to Iran-
f... t.i an,. I, tit mam term
....... . -
which hall he leasonahln and just all
right teemed under the cettion by
Spain, ami to thcrupon leave the gov
ernment and control of the island to
their people. "
In accordance with previoua notice,
Money began the ditCOttlOB ol tUMD'
sum, ipeekilxg in oppotitkM to taking
llie rnillppine. .vionej conciuueu ni
2 o'clock, and Daniel then addreiaed
the senate on thu same subject.
OppeatlsaM lo Ta.l I ol.
Waahington. Feb. 0. The contro
Verty in the senate ovel the vole iiaill
Ihe various reaolution interpretative
of tbe peace treaty took on acute turn
late today. The opposition to a vote
first came from the friend of the
treaty, who held to the theory that It
could he ratified without compromise.
Thoie who apparently were then will
ing that a vote should be taken today
held uu opNtite view, and absolutely
refuse to agiee to a time foi taking a
The content occurred in the execu
tive teanion, which did not occm until
a tyMMer alter 6 o'clock. The next
hour ami a qnuter was apont in a vain
endeavor on one aide lo gut an agree
ment to a date for a vote upon the
resolutions, and on the other in a more
ucoeaafol effort to bring the day'a ses
sion to a clone without allowing any
thing to be accompliihod iu that di
rection. After a general debate on the subject
thu senate adjourned.
Tllry May lla Ceilarl lo Itta Dominion ol
t'aiiNila liy Traaly.
Waahington, Feb. 0. If the report
of their subcommittee i adopted, ns
seems poHsihlo if not probable, a slice
ol Ahinka territory, embracing the en
trance to tho Klondike, may he ceded
to Ureal Mrituiii in treaty to he arlopt
ed by the Anglo-American commission.
The subcommittee' repoit, it I
said, comes dangerously near to putting
Skagway and Uvea under Mulish con
trol, leaving to the Americans, how
ever, the control of the hcadwatOtl of
tho Lynn canal, bjf which both ol
tin-no aupply towns are reached.
To Kin aii Pemslgwere.
San Pranolaoo, Feb. it. In the sto
rie of the in orders of in issionur ie ami
foreign resident recently in China, rja
tails of a pai Ocularly barbarous iffail
at Chongan Chiang, involving the lile
ol an Bnglttbaan named Fleming, ami
Bvaageliat Pan, have been wanting.
J. I; Adam, of the Chinese inland
mission, visited the scene ol tho mur
ders, and tellt of a shocking condition
of affaire, in the North Obloa Daily
News. He ascertained that tho people
of Chongan hud determined to take the
life of every foreigner in lh, place, and
when Mr. Fleming net loot in the tOWn
he waa a doomed man. At leuat 1100
people witnessed the uiunlcr from the
oppotlta tide ol the ni r. strange lit!
Pan waa suddenly ami quickly cut
down. Mr. Pleating ditmooutad Iron
Ins mule logo to bit tttltttnCO, hut
he, too, will attack I md llgiu all' II a
desperate conflict.
A Conn or Iweeiry Prebable.
Washington, l-'cb. tl. Indication
are that a court ol nn miry will be or
dered lo investigate and repoit Jip n
the truth or falsity of statements al
leged lo have been made by (leneral
Miles, iu which til quality of beet
furnished the troops during tho late
war was brought la quetttOB,
PeaaU 11 ol "I a Train.
Pitlshurg, Feb. tl. A two horse
wagon an which live men and a young
woman were riding, was struck today
by a BalthaOrO .V Ohio Ireiglit tram
tl RivertOQ station. Four men were
killed and the other man ami the young
woman to badly injured that they will
orobthly die.
IUburn'a (anal Hill.
Wellington, Feb Ihe house
com ni in., i on interstate and tottigu
coimuerce tmlay directed a lavoralde
remri on the Hepburn Nicaragua canal
hill, with amendmentl, a a substitute
for tlie Morgan bill, passed by ihe sen
ate. tter.o.l Itraablng Voyaga-
fajbington, Feb. a. The Buffalo
arrived at Manila tOvlay, having made
a recoid-l'ii'akiiig tun from New York
lo Manila in 64 day. She hai on
board iboot TOO sailori to relieve the
men in Dcwcy' Heel. She will Ihj
used as a regular transput t for men and
naval sloies. makiug regular trip-l-,..
iweeu Meall. and San Fianci-eo.
Il ii calculated that the men of tlu-ji
Hritain laeird at leait lie, 000,000
jrery year on ilk htta.
So,.l,.l, . ,. ,,,, r4
Havana. Feb. A number ol Span
iard iu Havana bare iaaued a ttrong
appeal b ineir compatriot throughout
the iiland to unite fut tbe purpoee of
bringing abaal the annexatluu of Bflba
lo (be Jaltad SiaUt. The tppeal re
pud late gajf detire on the pert of Span
iard lo Join the proposed uev imle
pendent party now In progreet of or
ganiaalion by Joaquin Castillo.
A memorial window to lb lale liov.
Lutvn It. Morria, of Connecticut, ha
been placed in Center church. New
H,r.i bv hia .laughter, Mr. Pratt, of
loltlatKa and K.far.n'luni I'aaaaa Ik.
Itaaat flwrlrti ' at wortad
oa vi l ouniy Boada.
Eight bill were paite.1 in the Oregon
tenate laat Wednelay and two were
recommittted lor amendment.
Foui of the bi list patted were to
amend the chatter of Lakeview, Can
yon City, Seatideeml HiUboro.
Ujoney't UU to provide for working
state conviction about 124 mile ol
Marion countv road, between tate in
stitution, and appropriating i.UOO
for aaparlataadaaoi ami buying toon,
piited by a vote ol 111 to 7.
The bill to make a pel ton who vol
untarily chnrget a crime agaimt an
otlier before a Juitice o.' peine or grand
jury pay the col in cate the pineecu
lion prove malicioo or iriroloui finally
a did a bill lo prevenl twine
running at large in Sherman county,
ml a hill to reduce the lalane ol
Waihington county oftkeie.
Ill lha llouaa.
Tlie reoonii leration ol t' e Woodbmn
charter hill win the occasion for tn-
oilier Ipilited foreusic battle at the
ion of Ihe house Wednesday. The
bill, however, patted by a vote ol 36
to 15; abaent, 10. A motion lo recon
tider the vote by which the bill was de
feated January 27 passed unaiiiinoiiily. j
Oilier billt paaaed were: To amend
tbo charter ol Arlington; lo incorporate
Modford) to fit the compensation of
the aanesaor of Jackson county at fl.OOO
am anuiiui in lien of per diem; to
Lcreate t atparatt board of OOOflty com-
inisioneis lor ' laiaop couniy.
Tbe following bill weie intnsluced:
To amend the charter ol Medford; to
InmtnnratH Kutei nriae: to relx-ul the
act providing lor the pajBtWl ol atreet
ami aewer assessment in installiuenii.
Inlllatlv. and Iti-fer. nd lira.
The taaolatioa for an initiative and
lefermlnm niiieiidmcnt to tlie conalitn
lion panted the aeui'te lust Tbuisday,
having previously passed the home,
and ii ready lor lubuiiiaiun to the neit
The American liar Association' oodi
flciitlon of law relating to negotiable
pupei passed both house. The Curtii
hill limiting the nuiubor and saluiiet
of profetsort in the Itatu university
passed the house altei it sharp diacui
lion. Hill's pilotage hill, which passed the
home t week ago, wa refuted by the" committee on commerce ami
navigation with amendment striking
out a large part of the bill ami leaving
it without dlieot bearing on bar pilot
ago und placing tlie apiintmi'iit ol
pilot commissioner in the hand of the
governor. The amendment weie
adopted, and the bill punned, 21 to S.
Mo- only change in the pie lit law is
to make river pilotage not compulsory.
In the senate Tbuisday a resolution
to authorise the exchange of the old
blind inititute ite for a block adjoin
ing the present site of the blind initi
tute, owned by J. II. Albert, was the
ipecial order, and, after a vote curry
ing the reaolution wan nearly complet
ed, it was recommended on a state
ment from Selling t at he hud just
beard something about il that needed
Tlie following bill were passed:
To constitute the county court a bounl
f equalization foi county ii-sestnent;
to extirpate Russian and Chinese
llllatlaai to appropriate 4,0o0 for the
Oregon Hiatoiicul Society.
In Ilia II i-
The greuler pOftrOU of the forenoon
cinn of the bouse Thursday wai
given up to hearing resuts o standing
oioinittee. In addition to tins, two
lulls were passed und eight new bill
The hills pained were those In Cur -tin,
amending the tulmon-tishing luwi
passed tl the special session so us to
conform with the regulations agreed
upon by the joint tinhciic committee,
and by Myers, to applv to Ihe military
fund ol the state all moneys that may
bo teceived from the government for
transportation and equipment of tbe
Second Oregon volunteer.
Other lulls passed were: To require
that all claims agaimt the state other
than salaries and liabilities established
by law, be incur pointed into separate
appropriation acts; to abolish the ex
pensive practice of copying assessment
roll lor tip' Date and to provide for
tiiinsiniision to the ec rotary of state
summaries only; to provide (or the re
organization of tlie state militia; to re
store to the military fund of the state
(fS.HO'.tiS expended iu the suppression
if riots by the state militia at Aitoria
and Ivoseburg during lMUi; uuthoriaing
the supreme court to employ clerical
aid ami appropriating 7,'.'00 therelor;
to codify the laws relating to negotia
ble instruments; to prohibit false label
ing of Oregon products, applying et
pccially to salmon and Oregon f ii its.
Keapimrtlonmriil lllll IpPvaved,
In the OiagOU senate Friday, Sena
tors Smith, of Haker, and Dufur pre
sented explanations of their position
with reftreneot 10 the reapportionment
act. which was approved by the gover
nor while they were speaking. Moth!
pppaoed the double dlttiictlng feature
ol the law.
The following hill were passed: To
tuthorite county court to H'rutit con
III net ion of logging roads along public
highways; lo ptcvent the unauthoriied
use of trademark!.
IMarrlcl Mrnv lllll It, mill, I.
In the Oregon house Friday the jo
diciary committee asked to amend tha
bill by iiibstitiiting 1'iod for 1002,
claiming the figure were placed in
the bill as the result of a clerical error.
The follow ing bills were passed: To
define the duties of administration g
payment of claims. n.J Jedare the or
der of propriety of claim; to give farm
laborer! lien upon frm producti lor
labor perortned; to protect talmon in
Alesea bay and ttteami emptying into
it, and tixing the dote; to pro
hibit the killing of more than 20 wild 1
duck iu cue day, and lo prohibit ihip
ping them out of Ihe state; to provide
lor a special tax on sheep, to create a
Wall bounty fund; lo provide for phy
Ual exam i nation of plaintiffs in a'c
tlou for Jjta.-tge for pcihuial injuriei;
to authorise an electiyu i J;),,P, iylK)
foi relocation 0 tj,, couniy r-eat o il
liimlua i-punty; to incorporate Cativon
fvilfi U) change the tune foi hold'ing
court iu tU pintli jtidicja disfrict; ip
amend the charter of Heppner. te'
amen. I the charter ol Medford,
The home devoted it te
tiou to the third reading of tulle,
BUI Inlroduead lo .! al Olympla
I ailing for a Itaducllow.
When the Mi Lean 3 cent per mile
railroad and traniS)rlation bill came
op in Ihe Waahington tenate Tiienlay,
it wa at once referred to the commit
tee on railwaye and transportation.
The niury and interel-rte bill wa
referred to the judiciary committee. A
dipoiition not to ipprove of tbe lion
bill fixing the rule on tate wnriant
t 6 per cent manihited itielf during
the diicuttion.
Billt intro.ltice.1 aeie: Reducing
expreit ratet on fruit to 70 per cent of
the rate now in force, ami on all oilier
expre mallei to hO r cent ol Hie
afaaaajl rate; for tn additional fja.
perior curt judge in S okane countv;
conipjlling mineownert to keep on
hand a supply of mine timber for the
uae of employe; re enttldiihing munic
ipal courti in Tucoma, Seuttle and
In tlie llouaa.
A letter wai teceivod in Ihe house
Tuesday Iroin Speaker Tliomts li. Kee l,
of the national house acknowledging
the compliment paid bim by tbe Waah
ington house ol repretentatiret in the
adoption ol hit rules.
Hill, bill 1DM, for a conttitiitional
amendment to exempt $300 of ieion
al proerty from taxation, wat indefi
nitely postponed hut home bill No. 17
for the tume parpOMi wa amended
und advanced to its third reading.
Billt introdueed were: Appropriat
ing 53 for the relief of Frank O.
Kiesow, to reiiuburie him (oi interett
on cluimt ariting out of the conitruc
tion of tlie Cheney normal ichoal build
ing; allowing three monthi from dute
oi publication of administrator' notice
to preient cluim agaimt the etlato of
defeated permit: prescribing a crslo
ol mining law; exempting mutual lire
association! Iroin the liceiite require
ment! ot the state law; making waget
ml salaries ol all agent! and employe!
N count let, mttnicipalitlet ami school
Jutrictl tnhject to gariiishment and
ittauhment fur all debts couttacted in
the ttate. subject to exemption (or
'ici Is of families.
The home hill making the district
that remains when division occurs to
establish a new school dietrict respon
lihle lor debt for permanent improve
ment, wai advanced to third reading.
Bill! killed were: Ilelating to pub
lic Instruction; for a conititoliuiial
amendment to govern alien ownership
of leal estate; tixing latee ol interett
on county, school ami municipal war
rants, making county wurrunt receiv
tblv for couniy taxes.
The Choice of Washington
WlUon Withdrew In Ilia Payor, an-l t,,
Ankany-lluiiiea Forraa ll.,lt,.,
alia C'aucua.
Addison U. Flatter, of Tae ,m , vg
received 6M vote in the Republic!
caucus held Tuetduy evening. wul
13 o'clock Wednesday tlected to r,-,r,.
sent the state of Wailiingtoii at tin- n.
tional capital.
The nomination ol Foster in tliei-xrj.
cm Tuetdav night wat brought about
by thu Wilson following coming over
to Fotter late in tho atternoon TbtJ
ligned an agreement to tuppoil him ju
the caucus. To hit inHmate fricnou
Wilton stated that lie had c tj
topport from various leuliom of tb
ttate that did not come to him, an.)
that although he had promised frets
day to day that ho would make .
t. r showing, he had to admit that
could not bring to him lopporl Hi it
l a I c ted Uhiii. It wa then agrwl
that hit men ihoiild he released. In,-r,-.
upon the Fotter managert opened ne
gotiationt to take Wilton' men nn0
camp, wfiieh they lid veiy graceful),
''' ..i -
Iterunal.laratlun Kailril
at Nalrm.
In Ilia lluuat
When Speaker Ouie, of the house of
representatives, called the CaUOtta la
order, Senator Wilshire, of Beattl
repiosenting the united King oountrj
and Ankeny forcea, stated tl.ut the uli
ject of the caucui cull, under which
they Wert opeiuting wua ligned vvith
the nuderstuiiiling that tho canCUl, UI
n-i.- ..a ..I....:.. .......... I.. ...i,..,. wrioie, was lo seieci n man i"i c......--,,
mu euon to ununii irivinnn-iuiivM - ...
of the reapportionment bill ... tho 1 '"' that it wai unfair lor any part ol
house Tuesday, which gave promise oi j n'b' ' or'"" 1 '!
a hitter tight at t llON of the session nd. upon the man to b
Monday, hat tailed. After a debate Kf; his stalcment vval lece.v. -I
of over an hour, the dtciiion ol tho , '" '""" " ' .",'
sneaker in holding that the bill had
men. At tne conclusion oi me n
thire ituternent. the Ankeny men, with
the exception of Hose, of Wulla Walla,
Ankeny' home bolted.
We. lucidity waa the anniversary of
the elcetion of John L Wilson.
missed bevoud the jurisdiction of tho
house was sustained by a vote of -13 to
20; absent 7.
ritillinun't amendment tu the home
rule providing for reference ol billt
before being rend and ordered printed
in the internet ol economy of time ami
expense was adopted, and the senate
concitrteiit resolution adopting the
(ing. ui grape at the itate llower wue
concurred iu.
Mierwiu'i beet-sugar bill, which wat
defeated by live votes in tbe house last
week, was this afternoon passed by the
narrow margin of one vote, Ihe affirma
tive vote being Ml, negative 19, and
two mem bet! being ulileut.
In addition to the nigar-beet hill,
the following othel bills Were paired:
I To prohibit the driving ol Bah -trap
piles to ut to inleilere with navigation;
to tequlre the submission of new ebat
icrt oi charter amendments to the vote
of elector before being intnsluced ill
the llgillatOtlj allowing executors or
adtainiitraton to complete written
contracts of decedents.
Fifty-nine hills were read the second
time and referted, and 10 bill weie
read the lint time.
In the Srliata.
Ten bills were intnsluced in Oregon i
ttate senate Tuesday three pelted,
otto to incorporate Watrenton, and one
to tix salaries iu Morrow, I'luckumas
and fimbill counties, and the other
was Daly's text-hook com mission bill,
which tinally went thrungli by a vote
ol 21 lo 6, alter a discussiou ol fully an
Special order was the reiolntion
passed by the legislature of 1895. for a 1
constitutional amendment for woman
luffrage. Mrs. Duniwiy, on inTltatlon
of the innate, made a neat address of
live minutes, after which the reaolu
tion wa passed, with only Pretident
Tuylot voting no.
Kelly, of the committee on icvisinn
of luws, repotted adversely on Dufur'i
bill to admit widows and wives of bun
orubly discharged Union sailors and
soldiers to the Soldier'! Home, on the
ground that to provide acco'utuodtitioiii
for such would rcuuiro a larnu annro- man's adiniiiiatrutiiin of our tuil'lio
piiution of money. afTairi. I favoi an open river polW
Hills introducv.l weie as follows: To for the Oolumbbx nun as a genfrtl
reduce the appropriation for, the Sol- ! pioposition fuvor river mid harbor 1
die's Home from tlvl.OOO to f 10.000 ' provements of all kinds. In a word, I
atul authorize the governor instead oil 'desire to teo the possibilities oi
laiaid of trustees to appoint all officers Pacific coast, particularly ol D) 0W1
of that institution; to authority an ad- atate, reulixe.1, and I do all In "IT,
ditional judge for the lecond judicial power to advance tlie mitteriui welfare
district; to create the office of recorder of Washington."
The Nrff Senator.
Addison U. Fotter wat born in
Belchertown. Mats., 01 yeuis ago.
Early in life his parent! removed t
llliuois, ami when a rOUng man, Mr.
Folter'l fathei located in Central Wis
oonsin. There young Foster hml hil
first expeiieuce in lumbering. He as
listed his lather in clearing a farm in
the Wisconsin forests, und Inter moved
to Wabasha, Minn. At that p'a v In
waa elected, while a young man, comi
ty surveyor, and latei county auditor. public offloei of
ever accepted. While at Wabash, hi
engaged in the grain, fuel and real es
tate business. In 1873 lie moved in
St. i'aul to engage in the lumber tun!
(uel business, with Colonel ('. VY.
liigg. now at T.icoma. At St. Paul
lie formed the acquaintance and friend
ship of Senator U. K. Uiivit, Senium
K nn to Nelson and othel prominent R
publicum of the Middle est. He
ulwuyi been successful in butimss atul
equally successful whenever he engaged
in politics.
Mr. Foster moved toTacomain I T.
to enguge with Colonel Qriggl Ual
other! in the niunufuctnie of IlimbK
Hit principal compnny it known
the St. Paul A Tucoma Lumber OOOP
panv, and otieratct one ol the large I
sawmills on Puget sound. He ii in
extensive owner of coal and Olkl
mines, and of tiinbot lands in the lUil
of Wg-hingtou. His company is also
engugo.1 iu the shipping busine-s seinl
ing cuigoes, principally of lumber, lo
all parts of tbe world.
Foitar on National fla
Kegarding hit position on national
laraeii Mr. Poatii sayi:
"I favor what it- commonly term
the expansion policy. Dndei u buBs
ness-like imtngement I favoi the buiM
ing of the Nicaragua canal. IlBat
Mund niotiev und a thorough buiinm
ol 1 oik county, at a salary of $1,000,
nd reducing the county clerk' lalury
Irom $1,600 to $1,300; making taxei
a tint lien on real estate; to reduce the
alarie of th Multnomah county
cietk, cleik ol the ciicult oouit ami re
cordet, after the expiration ol the prei
ent term, from $;i,500 to $3,600; to
abolish the office of recorder ol Clatiop
county; to protect tish against destruo
tiou by exploeives; to prohibit the lay
ing out ol count,' roads of greater
grade ihan 7 per cent; for th brr.
Tlie men who voted fot Foalt I ft""1
iturt to finish are:
Buker, Barlow, Bedford, B
Bishop, Brown, Corey, Diokion, Frfl
Hrttuiiton, Hiiiniiier. Heilig.
bury, Le Crone, Maxwell, McCoj
C. Millet, Brown ol Whalcotn. I "
Sharp, Sheller, Stewart, Warbuib
WMranhtuia .
Of this nuiiiber, 13 are mil
the Pierce county delegation, tin "1
aaamiul l,i..l, .1. I ri..l,l wa-ui.l'l'
WM ..,.11 ,1.1 ,1. . U,.-'
Ballowaand Five were an-i-'
. . . . - ----. ,i.
eniorvemcni o. judgments and decreet, outtide tupportl w'est of ibemounum
Ihe amh.U county delegation, to
whom was leferred Maxwell' hill tlx-
It il announced at London
ing (he salaries of
county offlccrt ol
T.ll.mvx'k county, reefed . inbtli-1 ,, . , .
tu.e. leaving tba .alary 0 wwu o, J ! LJ,e nn'' ?'
tndtheriff at at p.eKnt. and ' n.i... I I ''4 hel"
theialaryof county judge at $t',00
treaurer $350. and alienor $800, and
"vi...- tuck clerical triiiunee at the
county court may dee,,, Bew.,.
The .ubetitute bill was reMed.
Tan degrret Iwiow ,t 10 0.c)0l,k
on tin night of tbe lot,,. ,.rkeJ
ftTtt I"1' ' 551 Ul rear,
thi winter in Chicago.
frotn m
Petersburg that the greater pari
j trade of North Siberia ii fall -
Anion, i- - tin r-
peninsula ji already 'J
. i ... i i .t.i, chop "
I ' ll VCOIIOIUIUIW '"- ' ' -
Americant, who own the i''11'" ,,1
island of Bb Lawience, in th" W1'
The wnatorUTdeaillock it N
Uadiaoo. Via. Jotepb V.
slilwaiikee. wat t.ominated "'
publican caucui to tucc-ed
blitcbell.whoae term expire ol '
Of Mgrob-