lw7irlBWJII The III Kind Vo.i Bato Uwm Bought, sad which ha Iroon hm for ofr 90 vr, im borne Mm Swownture i ;,,,! Ii i Wi lt MOl IIIMK T III- " l" T' ' -"''' mperrlakM atace Itolnlnncy. LuxSlC' -fAi. .ih.o. in i" di rjotee roo I" AUConntorfMto, mltetlon and suii-iimn - ..r.- bed i:x- ... rliiM iits that trillo With i.fi.l ihIhiik. t ltw heal. I. m I ii ran is and chiMr.n-Bxpertenea hhm Knrunm. What is CASTORIA OMcorta is n snbetltute ft OMtor CHI, r.r.K..rh, Dm and Boothlng-Bpr 11 to Hitrmleea and ' eonttUni neither Opium, Korphiise nor other Kajrootic imbetnare. lUnge to H ffunmntaft It destroy, trornu illnya Perertohnew. it cnrer Diarrhoea "'i Wind Oolle. it mlw rae Teething IronblM, cnrm onsthMtlon ,l Put mi. n v. it aaaUnlmte tho Pood, th hi ocl ! Bo-web, giving healthy nnd nntunl Hm ChUdrra'i Pnnnn The Mother' ih.h.i. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho Signature ot Mtitjujl Pub CnMSg Hit .tyrf 1'ionrrr Wmiiiii. 7N YEARS AGONY FROM ECZEMA CURED OY CUTICURA I it..-i.:- X. MMidftoi I OClt It) mI ;m, wtien .1 In" r i'K Rnnili el One 1 ka I li A (lllllti'"t . , tea! i"rT " i DAVID M - M i' ., ftNTnm 1 ' . vrtfl laa ,r it - .naMMataa 1 ' I i.'. I if r e tlce, 111 at.lhtr, tried mall faiM. I I. and hal lot d me to icita UM-il lW l t'j Isjie of i. . JicU in an I'l.uimub, 111. i H ,ar Hum ... m.m witk i.li a, i 1 - Ion He.id.nir In t.uftmr. RMHMMl Ti ltf'iu. M I tin hintnjlol Mm mhirlni k-"- flew, a pioneer of till Vhe died i the borne ether adopted daughter, aire II A H)ef, l"'i Monroe street, Few; Bast, tMu place yesterday efieru.Mn troei K H Dunning' iiii'lerUklHit par lore. Ilev Jame Harbour, rector of the Mood Hhepherd KIh;iuI cliun-h of I Upper AIMoe, eoedueted Ibebvrial iH-rvirfu, nflr wlilcli Hie rfiimliH wt-r lakefl to Ihw Fir wnMrier. lb PWrrLAXD ERBrleleWi l'k Mm IWnfrt-w turn In lv"""1- n,e Kik ii- i - ill. .-. Iimh IiiiiiI-I vsnla In IM), mil wrnihl y m nl' I t ,l rilii,i.Ii. n.'l H" '"' ,IH Mil u Li'UA.'LTMi .M(iI)A . FEB berdnuh 9beo ehlldebe motel win. bei peieale le iuiin ManoaWUn fmniiv nwred i" MMhi "iflr bow in "lii" oMidea innf w Cbtherlie nvi. laObhiehelhH ami wan luurileil tu I J)r All xmiili r RePlreWi nl nHli-r thl-y ITii-hfll lllf illll With H'l OX IfHIII, ioeontpu vltb eeneidemble niu nf niiiiiikrrmiili In ilil Imln wi re Hie The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Ye?rs. i...... .....i.i., i II.. .t' Imiim rt"' UiU Mr Hrl.:.. I h totter eentle ... . if .1.... f ifl l..rt iimn win ipav- ntuiimiq uml. wlifr if to w ' pttpnelllot olthlhe OrejMi Karaite r MaouIm niriin; CeapMPt ,f the BHnt mIv -m nl nrmeof lUbled oe tie ooait, Bffore MterlMg Uih peetoflMTi where Mr Bdeton in tpw for Dombei of Lum I., m i- iii tin- ii. i : . Day & U rapt of Merlon eoaetr, kridetoOMeMl RM(laraoll , th,r rarnltora laetorp, KXIKA Jlllied IOT HBKPID Hut the Mtafai .Hutu Be ItdletrteUrl, Mejn LI reel) afndf Henlltee. Juilgn J VV U UBlltOO ( 'hll judicial district wriles to thn Oft gouian in follnwr: MRotebartl OP, 'eb 8. 1 note ilmt Si.ntnr Kuvkinilall.nl '.am1 county littH iDtrodOOOl lueuniiri' for tlM cnation of the """' of1" additional circuit julf of the Hocond judicial dii'rict. This in my ration lor addrcaning to you thin letter, and roUi'Htinj that i. may Imi given DOblioUj, IhrOUgh your coluimiH. 1 do Dtd know from wliit HUM H MMlOl liaa re ceived liin inforiiiiition, liut in order that there umy Im no niihlake uimln Id that regard, I denim to my lh.it tho judicial labors ol the judge of 11. - district have not hern ho wroit or enorinoiiH an to e ill for UM remedy roK)Hid hy him lliocrea tion of a, i additional oflieeal anex pnnM of 180OO per term. "II he iH really in earnest, ihe iilau introduced in the mesHiige of tho retiring 0rOrS0r, namely, re district tho judicial districts of tho state, is the DM which should, in my opinion, be followed. Ksiecially i this true it there ia to bo any pretense made of economy. Hy ex amining the several judicial dis tricts, with the view nl us crtaining the counties comprised m each, the aenator will liiul that the difUlOD it not equal . For instance, the llrst district comprises four counties, and has two judges. The third dis trict has five counties, with two judges. The remedy, if one is re quired, is apparent. There to no doubt but UUtl the reuMinncuicnt would be satisfactory to the n - sDeotive judiiee. Ttii ing th necessity of maintaining an iinmenie sta iding army with which to keep most ol her colonial sub jects under control, the only real InlerOttla their welfare iii most in stancis In-iiig purely commercial. Taking Kngland as uii object lesson and bar Ptopll government are practi ally limllai 10 ours we have not the least excuse in going lavan thousand miliK from our nhores and annexing territory the inhabitants of wliich are biltrely hostile to our pretensions. And territory, too, that is already deiiHely populated with an entirely diU'eront race, none ol whose blood llows through the the veins of our our people. With all this the a nintry that in to M subjugated lies in the tropics, a region that has never been successfully colonui'd by the white man. I be ttle of blood and death that tho electri wires have just br night Iron far avay Manila, with hitter sorrow to many, is but sn earnest of what wo may expect in our imw policy of expansion. And we hold only Manila, anil that city by force of arms only. What tales of blood will be recorded if wo at tempt to complete tho subjugation of the Philippines with their 1400 talaodaaad 7,000,000 popnlaUoof "GETTiia i: kn. nl Hie Ililltiilik of Unit eoliuly Al IWkI )r ReOfrtW and wife willed in UuBOeOMPi "ia' where Itrownvilte Dowrlanda Here tbtp rMwdaed for at miii I two year . when ihey aMVed to Knei'e, where they inaile their home for alioiit 10 yeur I'hey kepi the HI harle. hotel III Kilgelie, lahire tlie eooetraetloo of the Oregna a Uatlfet nia railway, and were known fir and aear amoog ! "id llaaara ami the traveling puhllo. I)r It ii f re died 10 July, 1876, Mm Renfrew remained la Eugene luff a lew yeum, ABd Ho n cone to Portland for tbl palalx years -he bM inaile her home wllll her ilaugliter, Mm MA Dyer. Kor Iwo yea's her health had eoiiHtanily ln failing, and she had been ie!ft for two Ml I, She will not a ii. i ml. r of the PlonOH Association, hul It wa her ardent desire to beeone a member, hut ber fahinK bealtb, after opportonltp nil. red, prevented her doing in, Hbe bad one eblld v bo died tw-fore coming t Oregon, and I a Krai class meehaola HI rjaay Wende wUh him Neeasa iU Ilia new 11, Id. The Raarharg Kuvlew f e'eh t haa Ulla tbOOl some D diiilaa aaoolf weather: "T B CBHaO measured Ihe Ice that frn 'in a toll of water at btopleOS la-t nlKht and It waa I .1 s Inebeetblek, it i very aildom that thia lias ever Is en excieded " (iS DiHtoMiM'KD. The beach mall route from Florence to (iardiner over arhleb HH iiarrett h, oartlad mail for nearly tWeOlp yeara iat was dla eaoUnued Jan .Hat. The Ahne (iardiner r.,ute la to lie extended to Qleaeda and the mall tietween Klor ence and (iardiner will he sent that way. Pi mi Nt.H.j-The Brat news of the battle at Manila waa received hy the Uuard mterda afiernooa and waa Immediately posted, it created oon alderahle ixeitemenl. It alated the bamber kllle I and wounded lt hi Katate Tranaaetlous Oheebrr Davlato U H and ArdellaO Martin, BJ hy 100 feet in Shlelda addh lion; (7S0. JUDM II MrKarland and wlfetodee W Mcl-arland, so acres iu Tp JO it 3 Wl. Mary J BOTgai et al to Frank U ArmlUga, lot l v i lot 7, block i, Parkard's addition; M.iuki. O A 0 K it to I- rank Telleaon, SO aaraalaTlTB ur W; imo. Ik CWmh 'ji Ihkiffk l$iiHl Mil1 Wll.l. I OMI HI I III rTKH. The Mlewtag reaoitttloos paaard at a iii;.- meeting last Friday litoht Of the clilieoaof Mohawk are aelf-expluatiry alx.ut 75 person belnif preaeut: Wiir-KKAS, Ihe Mohawk river has for lli past lifieeu years len used as a riavltfaole atreani lor commercial puriHaaa and ha been made such by , the Hlaaoa of Mohawk, and Wiikkk.-, The county court. Of Laue county baa leased ald stream for ninety year to ihe Hooth-Kelley Lum ber Ho, contrary to the laws passed iu yi relative to franchises of un uavitranle atream-; Hierefore lap it RaaOLTaDfTbat we, the citizens of Mohawk Vallep iO mass meeting aa aemhleO on the 3rd day of February lVKi, iiinibmn Hie ae.lnn if a ! aoualp l ourt iii graatlogiald franchise to the Booth 'Keller I-muuer Co or any other company ai a tranagressioii upon the rights of the citizens) of Mo '.awk Valley. BOBOLTBD, That aid franchbe will lie contented by the cltl.eusof Mobawk and furthermore we will neither (jive nor fell lli- right of way through our land adjoining said river BBBOLVBD, That said county court had no right or juriadh tlou to grant said franchise (10-10 Oregon Krl . whose house is conspicuously clean, whose work worries her least, whose leisure time is greater, how she BMHafea. The chances are ten to one she will answer : I do all my cleaning with Sold bv nil grocers. Largest patliage giiwaai cvui......y. THE N. K. FAIRDANK CQMHMUt, I I.,. Ijew VorU. I'l.iiiiilnl.lila. He- A murder trial at Pendleton the other day n aulted in the conviction ol the accused of murder in the second degree. The convicted man, c i ' Oanuiogbanii appaart lo have been one of those characters l iund iu almost every community whose hand ll against every man, and in DQBBaQUenoe Budl the hand of every man againat him. The Kast tire- seems to jinjs iiius sums up tho case: have been overlooked by the urigi- "l or ve.irs he fought the com- nator of this bill. Yet it is plain numty, anoouragad erary kind of to anyone that theadyicocontained i ' rstvuiion ol him, aith the result . , , . , kuk I that hll in, ' 'I lidd was lurther ,n the governor emi sasagct, WA JjJ , EhiPt referred, was obviously wise. ,U1 ,,.,;,,, . 1)t ut panaioni and and on the siils of economy; and pn.ju( ices. His whole life was de tho other is tli i' f i travagance, voted to persculing and 'getting and seeking to create additional . even" with his enemies, and he hap- I. ... ..1 a. a . I I a ... aa ..... I l ,,lli t tl i .-..,... ot the mil.luv l"''' " ' '""K '' " " v - - -" g ---- - without any neces-ity i isling therefor. "ll it perhaps right thai 1 ihottld express my views in rrlation to a proKised incus ore which would seem to have for its ibect the te liefof the court of wheh I am judge, and hence these lines. "J 11 VMM ION, "Judge ol Second Judicial Dis trict." I.MI1.ANH AID mi I I1TB0 ITATKri IN iiiMl'.Mtixo and OODtanapUbla as he Wiis, who ladievinl in p"rse 'uting and 'getting i vcu as he did, and society is forced to protect itself by placing t'uiiiiinghain within stone walls whete he cannot harm the hair of a head, or be mob stcd and aggra vate I by those on the outside who have similar instincts, and would come in eontu't with tutu if he had bi liberty. There is nothing more criminal titan the 'gelling even' habit.' THEY ARE COMING H -4 ,iM J . ,- Jj? The English and German Expert Specialists v i -.-I i ! niirt: ittt t (riu lh brut Mil Incorporated Under the Laws ol Ca!ilomia for $250,000 Established 26 Years A part of the staff of the English ami Gorman Expert Specialists ami Dl" Mover- cv Co. will make theil regular monthly visit to Eugene FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24 They e ill be at th HOFFMAN HOUSE CONSULTATION AND ADVICE FREE. Am ik Hi' ailmart, , urr,l t tha Knli.li au.l liana m KxpaH 8eotallU are Um rolkiwiaf! Iligilit'i liaa aii.l all tkrr Diaraara ( Hi Ki.Uk.. Diaaaeaa at the Bhakkr, I'rinarr TrTgaaa I iTtriftrltia flptoa. IWwah. Waart Htmaana. I'i i . Kr, Skin n,i Smt. au, lap avartahed Bioad, b; ri on aaat Batwaiaj Hatarrh, I i ,iliti, OoaaaaapUoa, tp,n ,'hitla, Aa'loua, an.l lhr ll.iaat an, I I HI Ueul Mj luni.ara, lVIrmiti,, laanaoaia Malaiu li. Iv. I'aralyaia, Kupltire, llywiitrrv, Dv-- .1 , . rli, Khf iin ati-m, Siiif an.l ' S ,,ll..ii .l.iii.t. fv.,,,1.- r tiU.t.ia n,..i,..liM.. ii,..,.,. ... ...i.i . ini Vi.i,.u ii).;,,- ui '"", W ran aad Qi4lr; I ' , - :ia . (Vcaia anil I.i Haada I Tana ..rin. Ilill,,nauaa, lr, y. (1.11 Stn. graiana, I'mklea, BlackheakU, Haaoar, eU., l'he Detroit Tribune is very sar- aal fWadi IW iirralljr. Ii ,.. ,iin.. I )ui r.,i,.lti., 7 'Tf - -' itiamy. Maaa.;. v ( all mv, I -i-.. m.ln.uni " a -aev a to elect I'nite.l Slates senators by a Kngland hits an excuse for itn- dire t vo'e ot the people. It rc pariiluUB, the gaining o( ui w trr muka that "if that cannot be, titory abroad, where the Tutted however, it is certain that there States has none- Th 1' uiled King- ehould be a Uw t coojpel candi dom has a dense imputation, and date to uae cash registers." Sena must have room for it to eipnd. torial wtiteHa are beaming a na iler imputation per tquare mile of tional shame and scandal. Senator- territory is 283, while the l ulled ehips are hung up like purses at a Hlatea has but -4. I racing meeting, and the candidate I ' ' I "" 11 " .MUlAk-ioua Miaal kiaeu, ,iiUkly and a-iuianntlr. an, I at r-a,.uahl,ri,v. IhaKnwIUh and tifrie in Kinrrl f Uliata an. I I'r Mornk Ol " ' Bkb Vet with the crowded population that can drive the taste, t tinau 'ial her must Mm m! -: -i . , . u ! honor eorse the acquisi lion and holding of ter- lhau e i.pty when ecurel by such ritory by force of arms, thus entail-1 means c w Bvaura, su-eretary. J K VARMBbL, l hainiian. I 4aW "V aal BT .aiaTW Wm. V XYadVe X j..'jr a few quot( ant uiid i9i a rv . iroatment fri. , ii iree. Tht questions orb asked, as no iwo fvsrbol a.aaaaalfAa nml Ms IrtC.XmC it must to Orei'jred aa. US W v i n' p a"w -.w I I TP I cialli. A special Iraaimen: win oe pr.y. .jj f. J . . ai n .... you frae. It you su.mr from iierrous Minht Losses. Lost Manhood, Emissions, n. ancholy, uizzy ipeu:, opois uvt.iw, ties, Sleeplessness, you ought oqtt 7 -ia a a a...i..,' . Special rreaimani. nv puivni mtti cine, but a careruiiy preptr treatment. Lverymanc maa. a trial treatment frie. Tht, An y i neakf Where? Hon long? Do you havi pains ? Where? Ho long? Itiqhtsmats? How often? J i , a tat 9 U0 your eves Oiurt nnenr Oo you sleep at night? Horn long? tre vou constipated? Answer these questions and a special ii uti fro. i imnnt will be prepared and sent to you by mail free, you take no chances. lid dress DR. J- H. HUDSON, 7 STOCKTON STREET, RN FRANCISCO. CM.. sands nate oeen cuim i and they write n bits I and white s :yingn M3twen;uistm I and g '.tabu tree. I NKW DBVICI. Apparataa for Effectively Stopplag a Train. To eflretivelp Stop a heavily loaded train iu a mil itnun distance, I one of the de'ails that railway magnates have a-ldi'iualy IOUgbt, Au apparatus made for this purpose ha l-eu invented by four Kugene men, and experiments w ilh the model show It to 13 eueeeasful in aOOOrd with every expeetatinn of the inventor. Mesr Jume Handle, K L Hitman, O at net to and K Houser, are tlie invent.. r- and aie iron worker and wi nd worker by trade The principle of Ibeir new tie Wee, f.ir w hid, application for a alent lias i already made, I very almple. Tlie action of Hie Ireak i OOO trolled by a aeries of small wheel or rollers, held away from ti.e wheel when Dot in Use. When used the rollers touch the large wheel of the ear and the track al the same lime. This gives double the resistance lurfaea of the car on the track. 'Ihe rollers coming In contact with the car wheel cause four nut of the i ighl lo revolve iu reverse order. The Inventors are very aangulne of Ibesuccesanf their invention ami us hoou as letters patent are issued w ill he In a poNllion to pi ice Ihe same before the large rail transportation c .mpai'ies liin.t blood i lid lEa-IIyi" uii' I In, .11. .1 ' at, Iflnan. lal : ...a . . ... . ....... u. ... I,, ov, . . - - atiilelnl!iiie-ne.onK.,t)rllBNnKllsoN .v I.. Thla I .unnua HfT.ly fan 1 quH Wy, pem-.nnoillrat I ii. r, iu dlaua , Wou !. : rf, t Ilia. . 1' war itilltr, Nlgbi r .aa law. dlawaaea canaaS If aa. I it ni-ri .- .nl, rat"aan,lpaaajj l I ra. llrn pi ,Vr:i.. a- rVaa i U all aai a i.wpi-,ua , l.ruaiau. Funeral of Mrs Sno-'gras'. Dexter Items. Feb 0, '00. Mi Ethel Kelsay ot Middle Fork, U staying at K It Parkei's. Mi-s Bib) Matleson closed hefsohool at Dexter, Ftidav and relumed to her home 00 Fall Creek Saturday. J P Taylor, who has in en working fur some time for the Bootb-KallCy Lumber Oo lis returned home. A rough form of the hi grippe has been prevail rt litrealout for a few week ast. Mr Burl. re and Mrs Earle have been very bad off, t ut are convalescent. Saturday morning was the ooldaal weather everenc lunterei! hy ye serine as Ihe thermometer registered ," de wree below zero. Thla wa certainly a record breaker f,,r Ibis part of Ore gon ItHltl.AK. YaqUlBaTug: "What might have la-en a real disaster happened Monday morning. During one of Ihe heavy gusts of wind a large tree, probably 160 feet iii height, fell and made kindling WOOd of 0 0 CUfllB'a stable. Nothing happened to ba in ihe demoliabed structure except a call, and the lucky animal was hauled out of thedehri uninjured. The tree was near the School in district .9 and had it fallen on that building, the result can only be Imagined," Pally liimr.l fob I ' r. .a. a a H e la e Mr P E Bood giasa aruveU ..ii today' snulli bouud local fr.'tn Pendleton. They were aooompanled ty the bus hand and daughter, her sister, Mrs W 8 Uower, ol Maker City, and two I rentiers, Kl mer and CllftoB ( leaver of Pendleton. The Bugeos imig,., Woodmen ol the World, met the parly at the S P. depot and marched In a bodv to the First CJbriatlan ebarob. rtervieea were con ducted by Kev M L Hose, pa-tor. l'he luterm-nt occurred in the Masonic cemetery. A large numlnr attended. hull CreeK News. Feh (i, '119. This section of the country will be booming this spring, it C Fdwards is tunning a loggiBg camp for the Kugene mill ami to putting ina line lot of logs. Messrs Carter und How ard will begin a contract Monday w ilh the Spilngtleld mill on J Ii r-nillh s timber The two camps will ruu a considerable force of men- As soon a the weather will permit the Messrs Nevcgold of Portland, will come up and proceed w ith the work ol developing their ledge on the upper cieek. Fill I'arkei is teaching our school again this winter Allen Garten of Trent Is going to school bere. X. DallT i.ua.'rt, Feb S DIM) -Lewis Dies died at bis liotni in Bttgano, Seventh and Llnadj streets, thl Monday, February i, a! S o'clock am, sged 1 yiar and 11 days. Mr Dn -s was born !n "iirtts. burg, Hermany, January 17. Is He came to America in the year lS'l.isi eetlled flfeOO miles west of Kufiajj where he r. si.leii i mil 1891 Wbi moved to BuieUO. He leaves a I four sons ami QVf daughters ! Interment will take place in Mulkey ctmehry, probably lorn iifiernooo. no definite hour Intvid been set on accouut of wailing arrival of a son. Hon Y M Colvig nus been appoints! a member of the state hoard gratinn commissioners by UovenM tleer, and Dr I A Macrum of I'orllul and bran selected us brigade auu'ioni 0 X o. DUE LlaU fI)r Wllll Jaiiii.ti,.. .f. .'('Ulutl wli.,,auiK ai. .1 HchuBl I'll, a li aba n il allays tbe Itcbini; n .ia ii i . . . . . 1 en. . lief. Dr. Williams' In,i in ment Hrreparc.l for Pllf Ink of the prlvaie part. Evi warrante.l. lly ilrutiri.t I . cHpt ot pnee. .'ill cent un,l Sl.isi. MXNUFACTURING CO.. Prop. I For sale bp Wilklns & Linn A LUIBl Tl'ESDA V FEH 7 DiKD At S:S0 this morning Robert lt'iea died at the home of John Hol land, corner tf Seventh, ami Olive stnels, this city. The young nan was aged 21 years, I month and 7 days. Services will I e held at the residence of Mr Holland at 11 a in Wednesday, Rev M L Bom officiating. Interment will occur in the Masonic cemetery. Friends of the family are invited to attend. Try a uACKSON SQUARE 5c Cigar i Julius Boldsmith's All Popular Bran Of Cigars for sale Eugene and Junction- Moft's NerverinY H laptant au.l rrliablf, hut at rwaait., la-iiu; tau knl bv ampli" capita! an.l Mv manatsL Hiaa..iM w l.ieb ha UriWI Ibaaklll f othrr phvan iaii, an.l i.tulbiraly rt(ust t riU X" ..r.tiuary ntedb iiie. tnrthiala and p)Jian,a, ara qaiokcj auUlueil aad uiaatrml by tha Kn hah ami (irrnian Kwrl Spnialiata, Tby have Uia laryiat an.l beat SqsippwU MdtMal in alitulien in Amarica. QuAea tsi Doenaa wan tun an All alBai psepla ako-il.i w iae anjllai n,i llrrinan Kvwr Si, lal lata. A Irifmll'; talk. wl,i, h alaJutly Baakhaga ami tor ault iu a nerat ibal of iiiaal, wkatbar trratuianl la tak'u i net BOM I I'l'KKM WkiU it la pre(rU in many I aall a aal t.iaea, a tiut. tha Knk-lidi and lirru an Kvpwrt SiweialuU have cunrd th ,.aau,h, al r na akoaB Xkry bava nrrrr art. 1( y-m .-aiinet aee Ihe iba-lor write the home offu for Urali UaA Atlvio la iward to your ailiuenl, nook 1,4 n.an an.l women an.l Iraaliaw n ai.v iHaaaJC - AI.i t'KKl. I or rrs n,laniw aad other .leaUn.a wilh paiirac or pnapeWivr patient aavmlly ur,, Initial. Tvrai aad Price Wltbiu the Keach of All. THE ENGLISH AND GERMAN EXPERT SPECIALISTS Main Ofrieo. FS Market St, San l"rancis4.to. I " w -v. I A 7 Vx2 aJ The best remedy 60 years ago for coughs and colds and all Kindred ail ments; and The best remedy To-dav. BoiLBB Akkivkk. The boiler for the Eugene Navigation Company's new steamboat arrived today from St Louis. It Is a large piece i, I machinery, Weighing over 30,000 pounds. Captain Hray lias a force ol men at work tak ii the boil, r from the car and getting it ready to move to the steamer. It Is .piite a job. Moviso.-J V Kaullman Is moving her large stock ol good to the two el-gam rooms formerly occupied by Voran 4 Son and B Hauson. Hhe Will now have a dm Lie front store and, as Iu the past, will keep a very One ba k of goods. a.la ISO. ka asd ahlii t such as Nervous Prostnti, lost Minhood, Impotency, N iions, Youthful Hirers, McnUl ccssive u of Tobacco or Or I . l ilyrawj ft, WW iczi to Consumpbon and btaflitV. 1 per cox by nuili 6 box.. MOTTS CHEMICAL CO., Prop's. Can For sale by Wilklns A Llni ISjBJ nil Look Here Farmers!; Columbia CBaw.--Tb February BeereaUoohaa a full page picture of ihe I'olumbia Cniversity boat crew, of which Ted HhaltOOh Is a uiemter. Ted hi Vol OU the erew, udU Iswiuning h,. notable mention. tour nm u bKms to our tannery. For all Xo. 1 green hides will pay vou 4 to 4j cen's n p IHl' forXol drv bides 10 centtl (ound; ForXo2 accor ijualtty, 4 to 8 cents. Now don't forget'these pr are paid in CASH at Tha Willamcll. I ' " Haines&C For Oanooa MrC Ooia, the is. la lie merchant, who hasjuat returned from the Ea.t, informs u that niue petaons w ill leave Missouri on the Bth ot next month for this section to 1 cate permanently. JET. MUTT'S PENNYROYAL PH , r-.-- pawaawMaaaa oi iieuian C UakniB, a minor. Protiable value of property belonging to her ftf'O. Markiaob Licwse.-a marriage lilVllae waa 1..11..I - u ... . . " '""'I i'V V iTK ... ... ,.n to Kufu lUwIinaraand linnl-BtttI3aP 0TTCrir. ..-M.tr 1 aimer, I all ol l.ane county. Thojr oTfrrom UrltT an 1 t nnd iHtni-b ' l aVWaftltby Wilktiw 1 ll,n