THE EUGENE WEEKLY GUARD. MTABLIRHKR m W. IIIINmTIII PUI1 llflfl rKIMIPLEa. INI ro KJR IN HUMITLIU. II TUK sWKIT II III UKUU Kl'UHNL, OKn SATURDAY, PEBBl Mi V s PECIAL SALE THIS WEEK ON LADIES' OUTING FLANNEL Night Dresses... Great values in this line. Remember the place. IB WEEKLY EUGENE GUARD. CAMPBELL BROS., Publishers OTflCl K .-l- I Willamette street, bs- rum OK SUlkSCHIPTION. OmYmt S0 Si! M : 1-00 Biiilftwi w lidTatUon rates ma le known on application AiUrtu bodo w letUrs to THE CtUAIlD, Eopuf, Oregon. I MLVCKEY, I v 7 I KAI EH IN U-.J luVb, Watch!, Chains, Jew slry, IU . sTlbpairinK promptly done. larAll . rk warranted. IT W BROWN, M. I). PHYSICIAN AND SUKUEON. Otfi.-tr UptUin in CbrlmM Block. I aril. i irv I to 11 a Bj 12 to 2, 0 to 9 p m. 0 WOODCOCK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Othot; One l.alf Murk 11011th of (iirisman at, KruENK, Obeoon. BNICl J u W TON N I MAHKLET BP-ALTON A MAKKI.EY, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW 31 practi e in all the courts of the state. QeVt-In Walton Block. kl'QKNI, OltEUON. LWHITSON, D1C XT I. ST. M aatd the office and fixtures of Ute .l.veaneil W V Henderson, I am otprri .n : to do anything in the line of Iwutry in the above "aid office. ywnn. l.ri.lge work a specialty. ft C LAKE, GRANTI i: AND MAKI31.K WORKS' I lJi'1!1" uew l'r'c'e9 la-Foreign and Jtio Mat Me and Granite. Monuments ' trry work "f all kinds riWKATlir.KINE L. SCHLEEK, M I "w fV . men and Children " V" ' . tri, ity. -Sh(lt,m Block, opposite Guard office A Filipino Kxplaiiiitiiin Hono Kono, Feb 6. The PlIlplDO junta bas Issued a -tit. 1 1 i t setting fotth that the lighting at Manila was only an outpost skirmish designed to influence the vote iu the United States senate today on the peace treaty. FIRST- MWflh BAM Of E ugene. Uf the 25 regiments of regular in fantry, the 1st, 8th, 10th, 15th, and eight companies of the 0th, are In t uba; the 11th and 19th are iu Porto Rico; the 14th, 18th and 23rd at Manila, and the Hd, 4th, 12th, 17th, 20th aud 22d en route for Maulla. The 2d regi ment Is at AnnlatOD, Ala, the 6tb is in Texas, the 7th iu Illinois, Michigan and Uliio; the i:ilh in New York; the Kith at Huutsville, Ala; the 21st at Plattsburg barracks, New York; the 24th in Utah aud Wyoming, and the 25th at Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico. Of the ten regiments of cavalry, the 5th is in Porto RiOO, the 8th In Cuba, (he 2d and 10th are at Huntsville, Ala, awaiting orders; the 7th is at Macon, Oa, the third Is In Vermont aud Georgia; the 1st, Gth and Btb are in the west. Two troops of the 4th are at the Presidio aud the balance of that cavalry regiment is In Mauila. The Ynquiua Hay News says; "The promptness with which judge Hamilton disposes of cases In his court is a caution to some of the young members of the legal profession. The judice evideutly doesu't believe iu making the term last longer tbau is absolutely uecessary, and considers that all cases should be fully prepared iD every de'ail before coming up for trial, and especially that wituesses should be promptly ou baud when a case Is called." Marinu F Davis has been appointed postmaster at Union to Oil the vacancy caused by the death of the former ic cum bent, Amos K Jones. Davis is connected with the Union Itepublicau. He formerly attended the state university. W "P Cash Capital,'$50.000 wplus and Profits, $50,000 Eugene, Oregon. A SJtfBRAL banking Buurasa 3nin-'" """nable terms. Sight ow'1"" San Francisco and Port- "1 "ii foreign countries. X, r,;" ' to check or certiti ta i trusted to m wiU receive . "Bileot. s n Kakim, Cashier. NEW LOT OF IMPROVED Win Sie CamfiMs We recommeDd them . EUGENE Loan ? Savings Bank Of Eugene, Oregon' CAPITAL ipaid up) $50,000 W. E BROWN President. B. 0 PAINE. Vice President. F. W. OSBURri, Cashier, w W. BROWN, aalt Cashier V DIRECTORS- FWOSBURN. BD PAINE. W E BROWN DA PAINE. J F ROBINSON. J B HARRIS W. W BROWN. a Geaeral Banking BaslaMa TrniiNiicleil on Favorable Terau braftt Issued on the principal cltlea of the United Stales; also exchange furnished avail able In all foreign countries. Interest paid on time deposits. rlre-prtol vauil ror me storage vi vaiueim- tin; iiii i ihttil iiiu UlAllIlill IIAIIIjU ri'tdpiliili'il liy Filipinos, 1 eiliim nl, but the Klli luM hi .Manila "l""" lb oplDloe iImI Uwtoovi nuo for luileptodenoi h rtetiftd it daa'h blow nod that annexation will soon Im VttOMMd generahy. raoM Dflwiv, 'Ma.dla, Feb 5,-To the 8. i n tary of the Navy, Washlngtiiii, Dl : luwi gents tun inaugurated gen, i . PCtflMUl yesterday uiglil, whin, wa- oootlotMd today, TIm AnwrioM army and Daf J generally autvtwful In. MirglDU bVI been driven back ami MORTGAGE TAX LAW PukJ the Hm BmUi this f FROM THK CAPITOL NO 5 leu Nl till 1,000,000, sperlsl to the lir tan. I II I inn I OHl M tin I .-pvi'lsl to the iiuar.1 Mai .stii nsssm bvi. t Sile.n, K.I. 7.- Ilie mortgage tux l.w ,.. '.,,, ... ,' ., ulli. mi t lit,.. l.... V a.. I . - -a i- aa. . . a . i " fi-ii.iuir I i im iiii-i nil' tii miimi; M i.t.i. 1 1, ml in inn,, ihii'i tun m n-. uf Olis and Dewey Report lapit cent to tl, navy. ORKBUH'H NOI II Manila, Feb 5, 8:15 p m. The longixpecied ruiiture net ween tie Americans and the PlllploOl has cmne at last. The clash came at H;40 yesterday evening, when three daring Kill pi DOS darted pat the Nebraska regiments at Santa Mesa, but reined IT hen challeng ed. Tney repeated the experiment witln ut drawing the MntrbV lire, but tbe third time Corporal Greeley chal lenged the Filipinos and then fired, killing one of them and wounding another. Almo-t immediately ufter ward the F'lliplnos' Hue from UaJooan to Santa Mesa cornm need a fusillade which was IneflaotuaL Tlie Nebraska, Montana and North Dakota outposts leplled vigorously, aud held their ground uutil reinlorci- ments arrived. The Filipinos iu the meant 1 ne con centrated at three points, C'alocau, Uagblaugiu and Santa Mesa. THK KSUAUKMKNT OlMCRAIi. At about 1 o'clock the F'illpinos opened a hot (Ire from all three places simultaneously. This .i stipple Bteotod by the lire of the two siege guns at Malik Bahk and by advancing their skirmishers Irom Paoo and I'm -dacan . Tbe Americans responded with a terrific fire, but owing to the darkness they" wero unable to determine Its effect. The Utah light artillery finally suc ceeded in silencing the uative battery. The Third artillery also did good work on the extreme left. The engagement lasted overau hour. The United States cruiser Charleston and the gunboat Concord, stationed oil Malabou, opined fire trom their sec KKOM 01 Is. Manila, Feb 'i -To Adjutant ti. n. rul. Washington, I) C: HltUUlM uiosl MitafaMoryi no apprabanaloo Bead ba felt. Pel feet iUii 1 prevail! io the clly and vicinity. List of casualties In-lng prepared ami will be forwarded a- aoou as possible, triKips in axotllatlt l.eahh ami splilts iitim " the vldi for exemption for linlebtedni--. '"rd late la-l u,rk First Ibe ineirury "Dkwkv." l' bad trtrjr little oppoatUoo, kl(boob ",,MM "" bulb ol ibe Ibar ra n h Mb d aa indulged In over the "fTl ' W H"'' '.i i . h I i I r i i I ra. still u uL.. I ' ! l-SP given to grallei- and wire puller-. SHORT BUT matter. UKTS 1WO TllolSANt li. pre-entative FTagg's 1,111 appropri ating two thousand dollars for the relief of Mr Magneta who aailojortd estiuialed in the thiilainls. The killed are given as follows; Washington, 6; Nebraska S; Idaho 5, JOaapoll medical lull, caused llocka . of "professionals" to ellinb on tlie ours I III I andpat fare for BaJtm-but they all' returned. Not n single loataODM "III. ill, 11h" from .f,.r Urrlu. l. ...... . ibe pviilicn.iary on account uf can- Ippoablba m.dlcal bill through, Ball, Oaanl Nl laaauaaa of other employes, pas,d the and those who came and went, bold a Claude Braotoo II ivb -ted nmr. booM tills fnrapooo. foot pinion of lagblaluraa in darar of John A Lloo baa eaparlanotd sa... .... genital. The why and wheiifore ol a chance of bean. n,l ai BiM lMh "-"n "ii i m - " . ,. , 'his opinion is best expltilind perhaps yesterday Ma received Int.. the Chris- leneial approprlaUoa bin for by tbe following sentence- ,, i.v u .... ....,, . the ixpenses of the state for Iwo j the .,ulli Inter from an extended ex- Usui. Morning years, introduced yesterday carries j nipore oral i delivered by one of: For MOM lime BrMtoQ bai atpiarcd American with it nearly 11,01 ii.ihji I he Insane ,he l,,,.v,lc'"e njeiitloned, to a brother anxious as to his spiritual wilfare, and i,...r,, ,,.,, ibm-m-, u, will stoou on on more than one occasion his tin-capitol steps: - thought I was listened to word! of comfort going lo deal lib some of the boy s, ' from his spiritual advisors uutil at last but lis nous... They are a lot of for. be made known his belief and hope In "on j ou can i get em lone ll.e a pardon f.i hi--,n Irom the .1 ml ire The NOTks. A special to the L indofl Piatt, reports that the wounded is given at 2011. ainl 24 kill. d. asylum gets nearly one third of the It also states that the Filipinos were enl ire amount. virtually slaughtered, tin ir loss being li-miii tTTOKNKYS The house yesterday passed the hill California 5. last n port. Tills Is a complete list at THE LATEST Manila Qjiet - Our Wounded Increasing SHM'lal to the iluard Manila, Pah 6 The city 's quiet and no alarm ls now felt. The list of Americans wounded Is increasing. The number of Insurgents dead Is yet uncounted, but is still growing. relative to placing district attorneys on riK,,t UU' "t anything." Well tint wIm sits above ail judges. The pastors la salary Under Ibe Mil the prosecut ing alt irney for this district will re ceive : I no H-r annum. sKNATK. I'he si iiiite was busy tills forenoon ou local ntaaoree and routine business. Treaty Katitled. Special to tho (iusrd. WasIIINUToN, D C, Feb 0 The Senate rat I lied the Amci Ican-Hf aDllh peace treaty made at Paris, today by a large nnijorlly. LOSSES AT MANILA. special lo tho Guam. sH-elal to the QBaid, Jan tl A resolution was Inlroduood in the senate today and iiuatiliiiously passed congratulating (lie Oregon regiment at Mauila for heroic conduct and sy mpatliitig with relatives ol the noble dead. Roth houses convened at 2:;l(i o'clock this afternoon. The principal fentute In Ibe senate this alternoon is the third reading of bill allowing clerical aid to thesiipreme court. Iu the house the placing of district attorneys on a salary Is being dii-cusst d fully. UltUOlT JUU8B 1 1 1. si ltK i s a Plu 'c Sought to Ho Untie For Judge Bobw. Portland Telegram. "There is little uestiou that the oh ec: of Mutt's bill to ctcate the tenth ay in- .in iiiHior, nut its a line tiling who have been ministering to the for Oregon that the fanners are In con- splritu d needs ot I ha condemned man trol, just the snm. became satlslb d alter lull and patient The Daly school law t proposed i has j quest inning aud exiimiuatioii that also .lipped out Irom under the Inilu-, it was a cas.-oftrue repentance, and BOM of iba "push," which rrpieneuts I not a subterfuge to gain sympathy, tlie American Rook Company, and Is and possibly escape the lull penalty of now likely to becnine a resnectablir outrinred law. state slaw. .Wain, that sugar ts-ct Washington, Feb -The preeldenl Judical district is to provide a berth for today commoted Oommlailary General iudgeR P Bolaa, ol Iba third judicial Bagan'a sentence of dismiss,,! Iron, the '"lr,et al lh" ',a"" l'ul " end to (lie factional light that lias he, n armv to stisi ens on for s x years. ,, , , in progress In Minion county for several ATKST KKOM MANILA. v,.r. Washington, Feb 7. Lata advlcei "it win in- remembered that an ondary batteriis on the FTlipiuoi' posi-; from Manila place the American loci effort was made to legislate Judge papers. Co! llectloni receive our prompt attention. vI..j: M JHOTO CO SuPerior Fotografs LAKE COUNTY BANK (Eslablished In i---' - or EUGENE, OREGON. A General Banking business in all banches transacted on favorable terms. A. O. HOVF:V, President J. M. AHKAMS, Cashier A. 4. H0VF;Y Jb.. Asst Cashier tiou at Calocuu and kept it yp vigor ously. At 2.45 there was another fusillade along the entire 'line and the United States sea going double tnrrettd moni tor Monaduock opened Are on the enemy from oil Malate. ADVAMOI 09 OUR TKOOPS. With daylight the Americans advanc'd. The California aud Watb lugton regiments made a splendid charge and drove the F'llipinos from the works at PaOO and Sauta Mesa The Nebraska regiment also distill- gushed itself, capturing several prisoners and one howitzer, aud a very stioug position at the reservoir, which is connected with the water works. Tlie Kansas and Dakota regiments compelled the enemy's right tl ink to retire to Calocan. The American losses are estimated at 20 men killed and 125 wounded. The Igorotes, armed with bows aud arrows, made a determined stand iu the face of a hot artillery fire, aud left many dead on the field. Several attempts were made in this at Maniln at two hutidnd and fifty Killed and wounded. Insurgent loss killed, wounded and captured, four thousand. KsKMY'M M) Two I IliiUHllld Dead Wounded. and :i.VI0 Manila, Pab 0 Careful estimate, place the the Filipino loaai - Up to date at 2D00 deud aud 8500 wounded, aud 5000 taken prisomrs. OHKdo.N TROOIM kWO I kd Manila, Feb 7 The Oregon regi ment participated in n .-harp engage ment Willi the Insurgents late yester day afternoon, but drove the enftny back without losing a man, AN KNOAOKMKSI Vt-STUKDAV. Manila, Feb 710:30 a m. Late ye terday General Hale' i brigade ad va iced and took the water works at Siugatou. Four P inpaulee of the Itoise out of cfllce early In tho season by reducing the numb r of udges in the third judicial district to one. The victim of this movement, hud It sue ci eded, would have been Judge llolse as the remaining judge, i'.urue.t, Is III sympathy and in nl with the domi nant faction ol the republican parly in Marion county. This situation was so thoroughly understood that Whitney L llolse, of (his city, a sun of Judge Holse, and other- Interested In his re tention, Immediately appeared upon the scene tor the purpose of defeating the movement. The result of this adverse lobby was a llajf ' execution, but Judga Itiiise has by no means felt safe at any lime s:nce, "While the object oftho Mutt bill, w hich aims to en ate the tenth judicial district nut of Yamhill, Polk, Tilla mook, Ban too and Lincoln couu.les, ostensibly is to lighten the lab us of Judge Murnett by restricting his ter ritory to Marion and I. Inn counties, and also relieve Judge Hamilton of the second Judicial district by taking from him Lincoln and Menton counties Iba not conceal the Nebraska regiment and a part of the friends oi the till do liah battery, w ith two Held guns and j ru(.t tht one or the prime oolisldera two Hotchklss guns, met tbe enemy : nM to assure the retention In offlM 00 the hill a half mile out, aud a sharp engagement took place, In which the Nebraskaus loat one dead and three wounded. Dr Young, formerly uartermastcr city yesterday evening to assassinate I rgeant In the ihml artillery was weuuoeu, cspiuini u.,u ..(uiuiijr iinn- dered, an. I his body when recovered, ol Judge Molse." Money Order Forms Changed. The poat OfflM department has made a change in the lorn, of the money American ohicers. death hlou to iNDn-KNUKNCK us found lo have been horribly order accounta rendered by postmas- . m T,f Filhdno. have 'mutilated. Th Kilipinrm were driven ters at many ollh.s. Heretofore, when appaiently reached the conclusion that the Americans mean bus'neas now that tbe barriers are removed, as pumping machinery, there were no further hoslliitiee lat I General Overslnnes brigade ad vain night, and no attemts were made to recover the lost grnuod. It Is impossible to ascertain as yet how the news has been received at back, retiring In I :id order, and carry- PsUsicr entered trie uescripin n ing with them the valves and heads of the order i-sm d by him he gave the of the ateamchesi and cylinder of the ; me of tho remitter and the pay.-e. In the new rorm this Is dispensed with, ar.d only the nundn-r of lin ed and look Baaaoaqoe, capturlug two order, Ibt MM drawn on and the Held vims. Thev mat with no ! amounts, Including fees are entered " d m r tiou. General M ''Arthur's division Thli will result In a considerable sav- advanced beyond i.agalanglu wUlut , lug of labor to the tostiiiaaters, and Ir. i. ,i,.,.,..m ...i,.tiD. ii,.,.,. iui... Gm aggregate, it Is said, will save Maloloa, the seat of the Insurgent gov. emu. writing I :t.'i1utw,noii words a year. Isiuuty bill Is la-fore the senate but with hardly a shadow of a chance to pass that august body. Other grails are laying low, with Ihc exception of the force behind the bill Whereby the District Attorneys seek to get a larger rakcoff from the stale treasury. These lobbyists are open and above board In Ihelr operations, but they aro lalsirlng in Hie cause of a blamed poor piece of lawmaking. The general appropriation bill will no doubt be Introduced on Wednesday in the house, and will make interesting leading lo (hone who delight In tigur lug up (lie state's expenses. I lie governor s message relative to Hie withdrawing from snle for a time, of the remaining few acres of school land now on tbe market, comes ralher late, but nevertheless, It Is a wholesome suggestion, and iu the Isst Interests of our school system, the arguments made iu behalf of such action should he heeded. The reapportionment lull has) not been signed by Iba governor, notwith standing th'. press reports to the con trary. Tbe bill, if it la-comes a law will most likely do so by limitation, although (here are those who believe that tbe executive will tiring his veto gun to bear on It, and thus destroy a few ol Portland's desired olllces. Fixtures costing t.'KMin were Saturday Installed Iu Maker City 's new poatofflOe, The equipments are tlie BOMt ami most modern In any On go: p attOfflOOi tlie MMi lock boxes and drn'w r being keyless, with the latest OUii blualiori knob locks. The new offlM la m u lire proof building 25x100 feet in size. T III BAPTMK. According to picvious arrangement Hev Patterson, of the BogaM Divinity School, itev W 1. Matlock, supply pa-tor of the First Baptist church, aud Itev M I, Rose, pastor of the First Christian church, both of Bogeno, called at Sheriff Withers' office shoitly before tlie time stated BOd sei iiudthe permission of thai official to perform the rile of baptism ii . ... Hrautou. Hherlll' Wit hers acceded to their request aud with Deputy Sherill Diy, and the ministers repaired to the jail. The jail bath tub was put In Mrantou's cell and partly 11 lied with water. Sheriff Withers Itev Patterson and Itev Mime entered the narrow cell, (iuarii Au drews, Deputy Hherlll Day and Itev Matlock rcmniril'g out-ide. Songs were sung and prayers oil. red by lievs Rom and Matlock, Mrantou was bap- tlaad iu the water and when ho arose, still standing Iu the water, ho made a few remarks stating that ho had repented of his sins and hoped to find forgiveness hereafter; ho trusted his example might have a tendency to make others, bo' tcr and shun evil com panions ami wrong doing. Hherlll Withers says the sceno was most im pressive, and that llinuton'H air aud lalk was that of a man who had resigned himself to his late, and was sincere in tho profession of a change of heart. Hit Kill I I WJTilKKS VIilLIAKT. Still no relaxation of the care and prison discipline that Sheriff Withers aid deputies have u-i'd Iu handling Hranton wl'l be allowed. Ills life is In tho balance, and the olllcers keenly realize tho desperate character of the man with whom they mitrt deal. To show the care exercised by the olllcers wo will state that tbe abend and min isters left even their pocket knives out side before entering the cell. The Big Thing 1101 Is all oft. However, remember you will still find the right goods and prices at the BIG STORE. Remember This: We do not intend taking a back seat for anything in our line. Seasonable goods, and remnants at your own price WATCH ME F. E. DUNN i