The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 04, 1899, Image 9

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    --""TOi! e,,rM ntieoinatliiB.
f j!o,,t-"i earn Neuralgia.
jleoha Oil cure. Luml.nuo.
2" Jacob. O.I core. Sciatica.
Oil cure. Hpr......
Siwob- ml cure. Urn.tea.
r Cua il cues Stiffness.
Xeobi Oil eorss Backaab
J jJIwtaOnJara Jlu"c,,,tt, ""-
B U,,-K-Hiiful ol powrleioil
nm arahio in two tablwpoon
f,"BB water for an bowl
l3!rl.ol water aa.l carefully
'. ,,,.l. Uil cP'0l
U ,n, b.ll a cupful pi water t.
...tii thev spin a tbraadi iir,
tot oirVwMt-id two well
'. ......tinu continuously; than
,l the "
2 eoWT-1"-
That Pimple
i. MoMqatooM wa f"H'w a
"', ,, , MsWatoJ TatoHood'aBa
"fiSta ,V.l It . yr "l-Ml. cure
irtli '' . ',j,. um.I makaroa
ill humori "JSyviy it will warm,
ffin, '" i-'viK-rate your
Hood's Sarsaparilla
r,v i l..,liiine. Trier II.
Hood' WW
Ecuador Insurgents and Gov.
ernment Troops Fight
. mill beat until hi ill
ll.illio Journal.
til l.lver lilt. IS cents
A Mam, Tim.
Visitor (la "tale prison) W lint
brouibtrot. here, n.y friend?
ttarici I got up a hoiio-wuruiln
"Jjjtter Why, thai is not a crime!
Omfict-H'it. ymi nee, I li j)mth1
t ... t. .....!
wUili ! pari in mo "J "n
.S. Y. World.
.. ORin.frrT orToi.ino,
n.sij i scw r uiakoa oath that he ll the
araJtf tarter ol I'lC 1J 1 1 vi . . v . x , ,.,
d 'nbuiMM -1" tin ' Ity ol Toledo, I'oonty
Ind'uutiOfM Id, and that MM firm will ,ay
ffiiotuNK in 'M'KKU DOUbtMtesaeh
u,d fTcrr raw i t'aiarrh tliet rannol be eureij
I'ttlrf Uul lUUH t'ATARRH ClSt.
Ptornto Mere me tnil suhacrlbed In my
antnitt, tauilti d "I 1'cri-mber, A. D. 1W.
I ul I Mary "iiMic
HilTi'.tarrli Cure la taken Internally anil acta
diiettlr on tin' tilixi'l ami inueoua surfaces o
itrmttm. lead lot n-.tltniuilala, tree.
Ml mil iii vl'V f. I'll l'..i.l.. r.
Kol.l by itruKit. He- t
Uail'a Fauiilr i'llla art the. beat
Hub VtffcktaM III Liverpool.
Tlie lanceat torUHNUM in the world
la at Liverpool, and it lina ncoomtnoila
Ad (or no (ewer than 6.U00 inmates.
It it not, however, often tilled.
It'hrn cumin Id Sail Francisco go to
Bnsiklui Bottl, XB-SU Illicit mreet.
A tn rtean or Kuniieaii plan, ltootu and
3uanl$l.00lol..'i per day ; room .'at cents
i ftN ' r day; -msrh- meals cents.
I'rte coai'ii. Chss, Montgomery.
A . f gold weighinit less than
HiMuillieiitli part of a grain can ho
en with the naked rye.
If nii want the bait wind mill, pumps,
auti, jilnwa, wagons, bells ot all sizes
builtn, encini'M, or p iii'i'ul machinery, see
jr write J 1 1 1 N POOI.K, foot of Morrison
artel, Portland, Oregon.
it hern uscertainod that one of
.Ik mountains in the moon is 30,000
Vetliiiih, wliilo soverul aro upward of
W,000 feet.
A Natural Krrnr.
Mr. Qothtm (angrily) What do yon
neutt, nir, hy Raying in your papal that
while at All .ii. y I spout my tiuio
inning the ealotuis?
Bdltor My dear sir, that was a
.iriiiler's mistake. What I wrote was
thai yon spent your time among the
lont, manning, of course, tho mam
am of the slate legislature.
Mr. fJoUtain Huh I That was a
rtrsngo mistake for a printer to mako.
Editor Well, you seo, sir, the piin
ier tieed to live in Albany, and er I
!0ipnse it conies sort o' natural to him
to planch words as solium and saloons
mijed tip. N. Y. Weekly.
Tho must costly piece of railway line
m the wot Id is that between the Man
lion limine and Ahlgate stations, in
London, which required the expendi
ture til uIobu upon 110,000,000 a mils.
False teeth for horses, which wore
"muted hv tho president of a Frenoh
"omins society a few years ago, have
finally been invented, and are gain
mj favor with owners of largo stables.
Fi'h with white flesh amnion- easilv
V"! than lish with leddish lienli.
Th. Battle i...t, aii na,-n.,,,nl
Truupa Vlrtitrlima Inaurgtiita
H.ii, I'urauril.
New York, Jan. 27. The hit.,at Mm.
paten irom the Herald's corrostiondent
i iiiiiiymiuu reHirts that a sanguinary
battle took place yesterday between
tho revolutionists and the govi-rniin-nt
ifoioeg at San Ancaiina. The lighting
was desperate all day. tho advuntago
j remaining dually with the govern
ment's army.
Tho losses on both sides wore heavy.
Morn than 4O0 men were killed, ami
800 wero wounded. Four hundred in
surgents were taken prisoners.
Tho ivst ol tho defeated rebels fled t-
waru tno province of Bolivar, hotly
pursuer! hy tho victorious troops of
President Alfsro.
NaWI of a decisive engagement be
tween the forces of tho rarolotioniiti
and tho government troops hits been
expected for some days. Keoent dis
patches from Panama stated that the
rebels, representing the clerical paitv
latarmlnad to overthrow tho Alfaro
administration, had invaded Ecuador
from Colombia, and that an engagement
was looked for at Tuloan, on the frontier.
Retrularity Is a matter of Importance
h every woman's life. Much pain la,
however, endured in the belief that It
U necessary and not alarming, when
" tnth it is all wrong and Iudicates
derangement that may cause aerioua
EWMiTe monthly pain Itself will
anwttls the nerves and make women
W More their t, me.
The foundation of woman's health la
Perfectly normal nod regular per
iornisnee of ntture'a function The
Utement We print from Mis. Glfr
W M Mm, of Eldred. Pa . la echoed
"""y city, town and hamlet In Una
,un"y Head what she .ays:
ne PwiaUMi 1 feel like a
' fi-son aince following your ad
2J nd lhlK it is my auty to let the
C know the gaod your remedic.
done m My troublea were pain-
' Menstruation .nd leucorrhrxa I
Cer",", YA Ud 1PC" ' bcln
I LTw ort ullD yur remcdlea
ein i 'Dy ,alln in Patcnt medi"
kfcla n"W Wlsh 10 sav lhal 1 DCTcr
HiM d me much tfJ ,or
am-, v uallon Lyiim E ,,ink"
I that ,
''ompound. also would
V')llrStnMi. W t. . i
ICUCiirrK... , I -t ... .
., i , nope uirse tew
women "
ti i ni
Prent Mrs
i , ,
neei, " inanam s expen
ded , HI. Is unparal-
sde. w'.'1 ,he worked aide by
aTar!l r LJi E Pinkham. and
af ctne past has had sole charge
St .""""evidence department of
"man 1 busin,',u, treating by letter
. i
lunnr a im.i,. .....
'anv. . T lre,un y
aaaat-',. """"Jcea thousand ailmg
women arc Invited to
"ly to Mr. Pmkham. at Lynn,
'orotic, khniit Ik.;. k..i,k
1. 1 . .11
. I I i c 1 1 . 1 1 -1 . 1 1 Aiming I.I i.
I" i onti-litla.
Chicago, Jan. 27. A special from
Washington says: It can no longer no
denied that considerable alarm is felt
in administration circles over the situa
tion at Manila and Ilo llo, and tho
latest advices are not of a reausuiiug
chaiaoter. General Otis is ol th. be
lief that tho insurgents aro atuul to
force the issue, and if this should oc
cur tho lestilt cannot be prediotsd fnr
thefthan that the American, will 1 it
victorious in tho end.
There aro two seiioua contlrcencifB
confronting the troops near Ilo Ilo, one
being a conflict with the natives and
the other a fear that Binallpox may
break out among the troopB.
Besides this, the situation at Manila
is considered OQSll more gravo than
that at llo llo, and it ia feared the in
surgents may commit an overt act
which will bring on a conflict.
While the warlike altitude of Agul
naldo excites alarm at tho war depart
ment, that is not considered the most
serious feature of the situation. Those
in a iiosition to know the facts sapr the
diplomatic situation is oven more grave.
Either Germany or Spain or both may
recognize Aguinnldo's little republic
for interested motives, Gurmnny to se
cure a foothold and Hpain to accom
plish the leleuse of its prisoners of war.
This action ia imminent, and govern
ment officials say they wounhl not be
itirprisod if it took place within 24
A Dsy In t'unreaa.
Washington, Jan. 27. At tho be
ginning of the session of the senate the
naval personnel bill and the legislative
appropriation bill were rciorted from
the committees.
Chandler introduced a hill teinor
arily creating the office of admiral of
the navy. It was f 1 to tho naval
affairs committee.
The senate hill providing for the
ereution of u building in this city for
tho department of justice at a tost of
$1,000,000 was pitsBed.
Other bills passed are as follows:
Amending aection of the act ap
proved Juno 10. 1 880, governing the
immediate transportation of dutiable
goods without appraisement and direct
ing the seeiotary of tho treasury to
donate one Bet of life-saving apparatus
to the Imperial Japanese Society for
saving life from shipwreck.
The senate, at 12:50, went into ex
ectitivo session. An agreement was
reached to take a vote on tho peace
treaty February 6 at UP. M., and at
1:40 P. M. the senate lesumod otien
Thoro was also made an agreement
that tho senate should go into executive
session each day between this time and
February 6, for discussion of the treaty.
Authority was given also for making
the announcement of tho agreement
Tho senate committee on foreign re
lations discussed the situation of the
peace treaty in an informal way, giv
ing especial attention to the proposi
tion that a vote should be taken im
mediately. The houBe resumed the debate on
the army reorganization bill.
Saturday February 16, was set aside
for the ttailvaty of eulogies of the late
Hepreseutative Northway, of Ohio.
An t'ftilratit,ii!lng suit Be Had.
Y'okohama, Jan. 27. Hear -Admiral
Lord Charles Iieresford, who has been
visiting Chinese rta, sailed for the
United States today, on his way to
England. In an interview previous to
his departure the admiral laid emphasis
upon tho necessity of an understand
ing between Japan, Germany, the
United States and Oreat Britain to
prevent war in the Fur Fast.
.1. ..... it rravlsa fur ti TTgnlia .uldltra.
Waahington, Jan. 28. As the senate
eemingly waa about to conclude , on
sideration of the pension aiipiopriation
hill. Butler (Pop, X. C.) offered his
amendment inrMWROad MMM tune ago,
providing lor the pensioning ,, ex-Cn'
federate soldiers. Upon this he took
the floor and delivered a speech which,
as he proceeded, developed into ii most
unexiected utterance. While hi. 0ol
" " '"' t'-'th si les of (he ,.,.
Inewsof northwest
listened with interest, Htith-r defended I
the position taken by the South dur
ing the great civil conflict ol a third of 1
a century go. H declared that the
"nitn was right, and that histoiy
nrald so reeoid, and that every shot
tired by a Southern soldier wai tired
in defense of th- rights of his statu
constitution, in self-defense, and in
defense of his home and fireside.
The amendment was tinully with
drawn. Mallory (Flu.) was then recognized.
Ilo said that in the very face of the
declaration of our disinterestedness in
Cuba we proposed to take Porto Kien
and the Philippines. He thought we
ought not to he inconsistent. We
could not, therefore, afford to take the
Philippines, although ill the case of
Porto Rloo the os ight fairly b re
garded as different, The Philippines,
ho said, were 7,000 miles away from
our shores, and inhabited hy u people
with which we could havi-nothing in
common a people who were semi-bat-barons,
if not absolutely savage. He
00m plained that if the treaty of peace
should he ratified, the inhabitants cl
the Philippines, from 7,000,000 to 10,
000,000 in number, would have the
right to como to this country and coin
pstfl with our own laborers, and if they
did not actually como here, they would
have the right to send their prodootl
here to compete with those of our own
Tho senate tommitteo on oommen-e
has agreed to report favorably lliinna's
steamship subsidy bill.
Without preliminary business, the
house todnv resumed consideration ol
the army bill. The debate drifted into
a discussion of tho government's new
island iiosBcssioiis, and lasted until 5
P. M. At the night session the fea
ture was an hour a Speech by White
(Rap, X. C.) the only colored . mem
ber of tho house, against tho election
methods in tho South. At U:l4 the
house adjourned.
eying Comlag t, A an trie. Agnin.
New York, Jan. 28. The Herald
sava: "Sir Henry Irving is now in
active negotiations by mail and cable
with Several American managers look
ing to the completion of his plans for
the tour of America, which ho will
make next season. Ho has iersonally
OOmmnnloatad to them the ideas he has
in mind for the trip.
"Sir Henty living's present inten
tion is to pioducu 'Robespierre,' his
new Sardou play, at the Lyceum in
London at Faster, and his engagement
there will last until well into the sum
mer. At its termination and after u
sho-t rest he w illsuil for America early
in October. His stay in America will
bo limited to 20 weeks, and in that
time it is his wish to visit all the prin
cipal cities. He is particulaily unxious
to play in Sun Prsnosloo, whero his
previous engagement several years ago
was remarkably successful in ovciy
CiltiMiia t I
Haivana, Jan. 28. General Leo ie-
turned to camp tonight from a trip to
the southeastern part of the province.
ending at Unities, which is the next
largest town after Havana. Tho jour
ney was made with a team of mules
along the highway and the return by
rail. A battalion of tho Fotitth Illinois
preceded General Leo, and was en
camped there Ukiii his arrival.
The Amoiiciin troops were welcomed
everywhere, and their presence was
made the occasion of demonstrations.
General Leo received an enthusiastic
welcome at Guinea, Insurgent troops
escorted him, mid the town was deco
rated with Amet ican and Cuban flags.
Chiueae In llnwnll.
Honolulu, Jan. 28. Tho supremo
court this morning rendered an opinion
in the eight Chinese habeas corpus
rases submitted last week. It sustains
jurisdiction, but gives the collector
general of customs authority to enforce
United States laws. Chief Jastios
Jndd concilia in the first proHisition,
but dissents from tho second one.
Tho Chinese will appeal from tho do
oisiou to tho secretary of the tieasury.
t'uatoma of Snntlngn.
Havana, Jan. 28. As a result of a
conference between Governor-General
Leonard Wood, governor of the military
department of Santiago, a mutual un
derstanding has been reached regarding
the customs receipts at Santiago. Pan
tiugo's t28O,0O0 will not be used in
other provinces, hut will he mortgaged
to defray the cost of works now under
llnne af Q.S.f I IntSISel OletWSal
rasas Ills TkHvlsfl,
t i u-ru- out atssfiMse,
The government measure re, ently
enacted into luw, and ai I at the
Americans in the Atliu distriet, pin
tides fur the amendment of the placer
i mining act, pioviding that no one who
j is not a British subject shall take out
a iree miners iic-nre, ami unit no
company shall have the amc lioSIISS
unless iiicorporuRlR or regia ered under
the laws ol the province. The act is
not rettoapecttve. License, take out
previously may he renewed, but under
a rein-wed license no one is entitled
to take up new claims. Section A,
whnh is the most fai-reuchiiig, pro
vide, that no flee miner alter the pus.
sage of this act ahall hold any claim
un let the British Columbia
mining act or an inteiest therein as
trustee or otherwise for any person
who is not a British subject, or lot
any corporation not authorized to take
out a free miuei's OSttiSoats, A
mlnaTa license taken out hy tiny person
not iiuthoiizod to do so by this Motion
shall ho null and void. This Motion
shall not affect free miners' licenses
issued hefme the coming into force ol
this section, ami such licenses may lie
renewed from time to time. The only
seosssititss for a pat son la banana
naturalized are that the applicant is a
poison of good character und has re
sided in the Dominion for three veins.
For i i -1 1 1 rakes.
Within the next two weeks three
river steamers (onstriicted on the ohm
it Missouri river craft will be taken
in Mictions to Luke Bennett, where
I they will be put together ready lor
, service when navigation on the Upper
! Yukon "pens. The machinery and ma
terial foi the vessels weighs 810 tons.
Tbe steamers will draw 12 inches light
and .) . feet when loaded. The ca
pacity of each will bj 400 passenger!
and 200 tons of freight.
Halt of lllg H-Kiiiahla.
Anthony T. Priclisrd and Charles
Stewart, of Tacotua. have (old to the
Ninth American Mail Meamship Com
pany, a cot potation organized under
thu laws of the statu of Washington:
Steamships Olympiu, consideration,
$150,000; Taooma, $127,500; Victoria,
$240,000. These vessels were former Ij
operated by the Northern Paciilc Bteam.
ship Company between Tacoma and
the Orient, nnd recently received
Aun t ican registers.
Tn Cluat t e t'Mitniiry t'niiiltlnfi.
It is romrtei that A. B. Hammond
has left New York for Astotia. U)hui
his arrival he will close up thu cannery
combine deal it it is possible. In the
event of the combine being consum
mated, it is said, by 0110 who is fa
miliar with the plaifttuf thejooiuhiho,
Some new and itiiHirtant features will
lie introduced, one of which will be
the development of thu deep-sea fishing
To liny a Sunken Khlp.
A joint stock company is being
formed at Tacoma to buy and raise
thu sunken ship Ambdana in case liie
insurance company decidus not to at
tempt the almost imsissible task of
raising her themselves. The ship sunk
in the Tuuoma harbor during a storm
Flrat of New Line.
Tho steamer Belgian King, the first
of tho fleet of lino vessels of the Cali
fornia & Orinatal steamship Company
plying between Hong Kong, Yokohama
and San Diego, ('ah, has artived.
Over 201) carloads of freight are await
ing shipment on tho latum trip to the
HumlrtiU Curvil liy ll Whey. AllOlhtr
Ban. atlas 1 ait.
When we sansktst the no-. tunable !.
lug of health, and Hie liotn.r ol wllng
dlssase ami impaired vitality, as. mum
ssi ord w it iMrrUt the aiaalngutonsd
honor Hull BSlongS only to Hie nvbtSSl
bsnefaeiofi of our nn s By this dlwotsrj
hSMttdl lbs life um-iiu ,, thai grval
agent through I lie dsbililatSd IMine. he
-V- palll, rsstprM tk)S alrenglh and
Horfil bloom of glnriniu health, and the
1 i-t . m and Ipforunsss of spirit thai are
laal when aiilleriug Irom dti-se of the
iirituu ordsfangantsnl of the nsrvosj sss
li-ra. A few InatanOSS Of cure we give na a
proof posltlvs of the roperiority of slas
irisity over other iiii IIi.hU of cure:
Mr l-ii.ic Winters, leiiiralia, Wash.
A-lhnia of s years'aiaiiding; restored.
Joetph Moor,-. Portland, Hiyu 111 the
nose, 1 i sars 1 ourad,
Mi-- Luey Moran, Mosisaoalhi Or,
0l m e. Mnlgbtsnsd la ana ralnnts
with a lii.-hl operation.
j. w P...11..10. Astoria, Or Kldner and
liver coniphiiui for wan; reaton-d to iirr
fe.t heal ill
H. I. Whitman, Monmouth, Or. I'eaf
1 and ringing iioIm-s in the i-ura 12
years; n-.t..r,-..
Miss Mantis MsKsan, Portland l,-if-in
mill iinarrh, II veara' siandun;. cured.
K. K. Joslln. The Balh-s, Or li- hrg
lug eur. 21 ynirs; cun-d.
lr. B.irrin llSStl all curable private,
chronic and ui-rtniia dtaeaSM, secret blood
and skin dissaSSS, sores and SSTslllngg,
nervous doaitUy, Impotsnca and other
saalinMS of manhooo. Be sonasts the
secret snOtS of youth and I heir terrible
libels, losa of vitality, palpitation ol the
heart, loss of memory, desiNindeucy and
other trouble- of rolnd and body, I'n'
vents eonsumptlon, in art dlsssas, saftats
lug of the brain nmi -pine. Insanity ami
nlhir sflllrllnn. reused ny the ,-rnim, e
ssssM and dlssasM of hoys ami man, lie
also sttrss dlsaasss sausso by msrsun nnd
other poisonous arugi assd In the Im
proper tnatmenl of prirata dlssaass.
Ones, Morrison Mrsst, Kortmnd, Or.
Hottrs. 10 to U. t to and 7 to L dully.
Kiatiiination tree and cnlnlenthil, ijuc's
Uon blanks und lin ulgrs m-nt gratis to
any address; patients cured al home.
Helta and batteries furnished with full
dire, Horn, how lo use them.
Agulnaldu'a t'lxninnniratlon.
Washington, Jun. 27. The presenta
tion to the state department yesterday
of the communication from Agonoillo,
Aguinahlo's representntive, as he styles
himself, has not changed the attitude
of the department towards him, and
there is not the slightest probability
that he will be officially lecognized by
the president or the department. This
communication may bring about the
adoption of a new line of policy by the
insurgents in tho Philippines.
Madrid. Jan. $7. Unofficial dis
patches from the Sulu islands of the
Philippine group declare that all is
well there, and that the Spanish occu
pation continues. Dispatches iccsived
by papers assert that the insurrection
of the Filipinos is spreading consider
ably. A native legiment which w.s
.ltsi iuidfd by tho Spanish, it isalleged,
enlisted a. a body iu the service of
Jefferson City. Mo., Jan. 27. The
sen.te today adopted a resolution pro
tecting against allowing Hubert., q(
Utah, to hold his seat iu that body.
Another Knrlhiiiiake.
Kingston. Jamaica, Jan. 88. A
severe earthquake sliocK was lell
tluuughuut the island on Saturday
morning, and was lollowed by another
on Tuesday night, the direction being
from west to east. No damage has
been reported. The Northern West
Indies are telegraphically cut off. The
reason is unknown, but in all proba
bility it is due to an earthquake.
A bshSSlbSj'. Crime.
Albany, Mo., Jan. 28. T. B. Hun
ter, a teacher in tho Adams school, 12
miles northeast of here, has been I. it. il
ly stabbed by a lli-year-nld pupil
named Charles Ayres, whom ho was
whipping- The hoy is in jail here.
Christlsnia, Jan. 28. United States
Senator Knute Nelson, of Minnesota,
American commissioner to the Beigen
exposition, Htid U. T. Thorpe, of Chi
cago, have been gazetted Knights ol
St. Olaf.
Washington. Jan. 28. The presi
dent talked with a number of cullers
from congress tislity aliout the peace
treaty. He expressed satisfaction that
an agreement had been reached for a
tote and expressed confidence in the
reeolt. The president told his callers
there was need for prompt action, and
the situation was one that should not
be prolonged.
An amendment ha. Iieeu offered to
tbe sundry civil bill in the sen.te ap
propriating $20,000,000 to pay Hpain,
in accordance with the terms of the
peace treaty.
I in I I I i-I S,.,,. n, , .1
W. H. Donaoa, the 22-ynur-ohl post
master at Sweet Home, Ot., who em
bedded $1,257 postal funds, was sen
tenced hy United Stall's Judge Bellin
ger, at Portland. ilo was
lined $1,257 and sentenced to six
months imprisonment in the county
I'ugel Round Kanirla.
The exports of Puget Sound cus
toms district for the month of Decem
ber, 1808, exceed imports hy $1,684,
4114. Imports for the month were
valued at $IUH,70!1, while SiportS
amount to $1,728,357. The duty col
lected was $111,872.83.
A l.wrgi, Mortgag.
Tho largest mortgage ever recorded
in Wasco county, Or., was that execut
ed recently by the Columbia Southern
ISllroad at The Dalles, in favoi of tho
New Yoik Secuiity & Trust 0 pany.
Tbe consideration is $2,100,000.
Muilrrlng i'"i Volunteer,.
Captain Tsylor, mustering "flleer,
Was given official notice to the officer.
and members of the Eighth California
volunteers, that they will be mustered
out of the service of the United Stutes
on Tuesday next.
Tho Badger Gold-Mining Company,
of Susaaville, Or., has within the last
six weets shipped 75 tons ol "re to the
Selby smelting works at San Francisco,
tho values ranging between $100 und
$1100 1 1 r ton.
During hia incumbency of tho ex
ecutive of Oregon, Uovemor Lord
grunted 65 pardons, snd 03 paidona to
restore citizenship, and commuted 23
The thiee bridges across Yellowhawk,
on, the Walla Walla ei-ineteiy road,
hate beon reported washed away, und
tiuvel is impossible.
The heavy grade a mile above Mar
cus, Wash., in the place commonly
known as the Seven Devils, has slid
down on the rsilwsy traok of tho Spo
kane Falls & Northern railway, caus
ing a complete bloskada of the line,
ami necessitating a transfer of all busi
ness. It is probable a week will
elapse before the bl.H-kade ia broken.
Spokane hucktucn have organized
and have raised the rate. They still
carry passengers fr SB any of the depots
10 Howard stn-it lor 25 cents, with thu
nsual extra bang charges. If the
passenger dasilSS-tO go beyond Howard
street, however, 5" OSntsgJ charged.
Alsiot 4,000 fet of the Astoria Kail
road Coniperiv's truck letwen Clifton
and Srenson hat !een torn np hy a
slide and carried into the river.
Mis. Millie A. Wilson will sus
Olympia for $5,000 damages sustained
by falling through a sidewalk last Jnly.
There are 5,400 square miles of coal
fields in Ureal Britain.
About 2,000.000 quail are exported
fiom Kgypt to France every year.
There ate now 27 royal families In
Brfope, which have about 400 mem
bers. Of thoso 27 families 18 aie Ger
man. It is a popular belief in England
that n hollv bush, planted near a
Iwclliug ptotects the house (torn light
Tho Mexicans ate the most inot-
dinuto smokers in tho world. Kven
women and children aro habitual
The Paris Petit Journal declares that
it is in a position to ussurt that up to
the present moment no less a sum than
1127, 000, 000 francs has been expended
upon the Dreyfus agitation, a great
I'sal of which, it affirms, bus been sup
plied by England.
Tho oldest letter in the world is in
lhaBlltlsh museum. Although writ
ten over 30 centuries ago, the charac
ters are still legible. Its author was
Psnkesd, a learned Egyptian, and it
rives an interesting picture of life in
Kgypt during thu reign of Barneses II.
Am, Olualr or B.IM O.M,
The shah of Persia owns tho most
Valuable arm-chair in the world. It is
d solid gold, inlaid with precious
itonos. At one timcaumc ol the stones
weio stolen from 01 f the legs ol tbe
hair, and tho indignant shah ordsrod
Ihs arrest of a number of his servants
Ind held the keeper of the furniture
responsible for the loss, with thu inti
mation that if the thief were not d is
WTSred the keeper would he hcheudeil.
rheoulpril being svsnluslly found, was
forthwith beheaded and his head cur
ried 011 a poh- by the imperial body
guard through the sttcctiul Teheran,
Queen Victoria's favorite song is said
to ho "And Y'o Shall Walk in Silk
Most Chinese mandarins puss tho
whole of tlit-i 1 lives without taking 11
single yard of exercise. Under no clr-
oumstanooi trilateral is a mandatln
ver seen on foot in his own jurisdic
tion. TltV AI.I.EVS) FOOT- KtNK.
A powder to he shaken into the shoes.
At tills season your feet feel swollen, ner
vous and uticomf. irtable. If you have
smarting feet or tight shoes try Alb n's
Kont-Ku.-e. It rests and comforts;
walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating
feet, blisters mid callous spots, RellsVM
corns and bunions of all pain iind Is 11 cer
tain cure for Chilblains, Sweating, damp
or frosted feet. We have over thirty 1 11011-
sand testimonials Try it (eihn. Bold hv
all druggists and slu 1 tore-; for 25c. T rial
package FRKR. Address, Allen S. Olm
sted, to Boy, N. Y.
A recent Parisian law compels all
the theaters to have iu attendance a
doctor 01 a surgeon dining all the par
formunccB. Trilling Thai Cnata.
There is it way of trilling that costs
a heap of money. Neglect rheumatism
nnd it may put one on crutches, with
loss of time and money. St. Jacobs
Oil will cun. it sun Iv, right away.
A new system of sewers umlei con
struction in the oily of Mexico bus oc
casioned a con tract for 10,000,000
brick being mad- with a native Bra,
The heart beats tun stiokes a minute
less when one is lying down than when
one is in a.i upright position.
For Mills, Mint", Sh"p tnM Knrrn.; H(h-1 Vat
ylnf ad Holttlnp Kngln j Hot ChlfMpI
T'Mitli Mawi, OfVMti ftr.
27 to V Flrat Ml j I'nrtlniMl. Or
M f ri-miiiit hlrt'H, hsiii Fr$tiiciro.
A big yield of both
profit and aatisfactfon
will result if you plant
Tli-r ar- lit,,, (he heal.
' ai-ryt tar tut!!-
lute i,.i, iM.t rrrrt'i,
Kill. b ,11 detltpi. W III, fur I
tb- IS --e(i gJia i,(frtt.
0 M FtSfir.CO Mick.
ilia F reforests,
"My U,v," they said to him Wain
ingly, "she's MO SMOOtb, She'll fisd
you every time. She's one of this.,
a. eel, clever little women who know
lust how to manage men II you
marry bet, she'll lie the boas "
"Well," be replied slowly, "from
what 1 have seen of matrimony it is a
question ol being handled with a club
or with taffy, und foi my part 1 ptefer
the taffy.
And their engagement waa announced
shortly afterward. Chicago Pott.
To Oat. a OtkM In On Hay
Take haxailrs itr Quinlns Tablets
All druiriiista refund money if ll fail, to
cure. 25c.
It baa been proved, its the result of
SSparimSntS, that the circulation of the
blood is affected by music.
No honMhotd ts Botanists wltboul a trots
th- of the famous Issss Moor,- Whiskey, It
Is a pure and whole-. .me stimulant' rev.
swrnendsdhj all physniaua. Don't ne
glect Una 111, easily.
The latest use of glass is instead of
gold as a for stopping decayed
M doCtnt Mid I would die, hul PUo'l
fun-tor Consumption cured me kmos
Koluar, Uhsrrj valley, III., Nov. JB, lfkV
t i ttt O'in.oiin iiiT.., .
A weallhy lady rtrtsntlt !" a sati lirl cos
taitiinuj well w-ril, 11,11,0. int now nStra I
reward of tBlHi eaaa to the nmhrr The hex
ill health u far StOIS btfloSI than the'
j w. :.. und ei 11 ran l-e r er,-d without
paring big rewards A huh- aaoatrf InvealtS
in llmttllvl . -1. ma, h hut- r. will realuri
in iiiitli I- tn upitk. purlly tin I.iihhI estab
llak rvaularlli of the howeta ami ha-lptbt
-ii Ui pruptrlf digeai tho IimhI takea
llllll II.
Cashmere shawja aiema.leof tbe hair
ol a diminutive goal found 111 Little
FITS i-iiisn- it) 1 ... 1 s.i au , .. ..
rii. an. 1 11, -1 ,1,, . , ,,, 1,
N"" ' ! ss nn at.oe
l-llle ni l ll,,l,.e tin. IL U, KUM Ltd -ut
Arvli hixi, rbUadi I trade, !.
A French statistician has calculated
that the human eye travels over 2,000
yards in leading an ordinary sized
novel. The average human being is
topHiaoil to t;,.i through 1,600 miles of
reading iu a life time.
A method ot producing indnfoim bj
the aid of electricity has just been in
vented, and it it sunt to yield satis
factory results.
a Hud,!,, fern,
By a sudden turn we may give t
twist and bring on lumbago. By a
prompt use of St. Jacobs hl the twill
letl go and the PJOMM BOSOMS straight
and strong,
Hoarding Twin Her,,,.
A village clergyman tells this story:
He was walking tbrOOgh the outskirtl
of his parish one evening, when he saw
one of his patisboners very busy white
washing his cottage. Please I at thest
somewhat novel signs of cleanliness, lit
culled out: "Well, Jones, I see you
are making your house nice und smart."
With a mysterious air, JottSS, who had
recently taken the collage, descended
from tin- ladder, and slovlv walked t
the hedge which sepaiated the gardes
from the road. "That's not 'xactl)
the laaaofl why I'm a doing this 'art
j"h," he whispered, "but lbs last twt
couples as lived in Ibis 'ere cottage 'ad
lw Ins! so I says to my mlMUS, I'll taki
an' whitewash the place, so us th.ri
mayn't be no InfsOtlon, Ye see, air,
as 'w we got ten children already."
Oornhill Magazine
At an auction of old coins in Frank
fort a gobl piece on which was the por
trait and inscription of King Ptolemy
IV, brought $600,
off the
Grip It a treacherous dlsehte. You think. It
it cured and the slightest cold brings on a,
lt victims are blvrAys left in a weakened
condition blood impure and impoverished)
nerves shattered. Pneumonia, heart disease
and nervous orostratmn are often th.
result. 1
Or Williams' Pink Pills far Pal Pennl. ili
drive every trace of the poisonous dcrms from
the system, build up and enrich the blood
and strengthen the nerves. A trial will
prove this. Read the evidencti
.. S?n,, vlalteillhlaaenion Herman 11 Fytler,
S !i 0 1 J"""o". Mo , a well kuuwneuoirarior ami
buiMer.waa ODtol iiiu Ictirrn. and lit luia aluct heeu irnuliled
Willi tin, af;er ellei taol 11, o uiaeaaa. A year ago bla health btv
gau to fall, ami h,, waa utllge,l lo dis, ntnlnuo work. That ha
Uvte ss day 1 mu miracle, lit mru
"l waa troiitilrd with ,iiorincsa of hreath, palpitation of the
beart ami k-iktuI lUiauiy. My hack also pained no, aevercly
"I lrli-,1 on iliM lur alier another and utiiuvroua nmadlM
sucsrsie,! t my Irii-nda. Ian nitlioul nhnartnt henelit aud
Ih-siiii 1,1 giva up huts-, rbta 1 auwr Dr. Wllllarna' Pink I'llla
for I'alx Piiopie ihilld In a si l.nula piiper, aud aner luvaa
Ugallon iltefdrsl to glva them atrial.
"After lulng thu Oral but I frit arondarflilly relieved and
wasaatlalted that tho pill, were putting rat on th road tn rt
eevenr, I kooghl two nmn bolts ami I'oiitliiue,! taking tlieiu.
"After taking four boiajanf hr. Wllltains rink I'llla for Pale
I ei,i,l I am restored to good health. 1 leel Ilka a new man, and
having thtwlll ami energy i.f my former daya returned, 1 am
cnpulil of tratiaaetlng ml Imslne,, with Ini-reaaed ambltMB.
"Or, Wllllaui,' Pink 1'illa lor Tel. Teopltart a wnmlerhil
madleln and Bay oat aiitrerlug Irom the after erTerta of Iht
Srlp will nnd that tlieaa ,llla ar th spec I fie." II. It. Kvtl (H.
Mr. Kveler will gladly answer any Imiulry regarding thla If
atamp la eucloaed.-rVoirlfbhr Democrat, Jefferlun (V, Mo.
Look for thr full name on Iht package. At dmegiati or
direct from the Dr.WllIiama Medicine Co., Schenectady, N.Y.
50c. per box. 6 boxes 12.50.
A 01 everybody you know to
nui save their tin fags for you
The Tin Tags taken from Horseshoe, MJ. T.fM
Cross Bow, Good Luck and Drummond
Natural Leaf will pay for any one or all of
this list of desirable and useful things and
you have your good chewing tobacco besides.
Every man. woman and t hilil in Anient ,t t an fnul snniclliinjj
on (his list tMl they WOM like to have and ! h.ue FREE !
Write your name and address plainly and send every tag you
can get to us mentioning the number of the present you mitt
Any aissortim nt of the different kinds of tags mentioned above
will be accepted as follows:
1 Meidh Host, quaint nVijJ.n, nn-
J PI- 1 M la, in H
9 K 1 ii,-, nrtr hbilr, imm im . . Jfl
9 Sritgaiira. 4S Nit h, iritiail rt- , JA
4 hil !' Sri, Kliifr, P-itk -ml SK.n X
I Ssalt nl Viprr, out en h, iiu.itl-
ru'ile tilate m wlnte mrul , 0
0 RlKf) hulluw gi'innil, tine I nlt h
1 Miillrr Knifr, fripls fellsr, lTl ua. Ml
9 ' , ... flan, inling ailvr . 70
10 Knifr, "Ke-r-n Ktittrr,' lwi IiIhiIi t, 70
11 lluti Iirr Knifr, " Kr-rfi knlut,''
rVimhtlsde 75
li Srirarv " Kt r I Kuttrr," H itn h,
nitkel T8
19 NtilSet.eMtkcrandfl Psckt.ailvrr NO
14 Nail lilt, sirrling silver, inuthyt
-', ti in h 100
lft Tooth Rrtiah, aietlin-i siKrr, atiue-
thyit set, 6 tin h 100
19 I'apr-r ( utter, alctlinK ulver, amc
thyst strt, 7-inth . 100
17 M.if Hall, "Assvh Mliun," lifat iiiietl KNI
19 Waith. stem wind ttml art, ,i ,n
teed gixi time keettcr . 300
19 Alaim (link, rut lei, svanam d JtiO
ll -,r wis., I.titkhiirn handle, n I
el . . o
all Sia KfJgteV 1 f4N. 'll llCSl lul 2at8
9J kum iiel r .ikt, mutf biak-
h.nn handlts , 350
J Cttxk, rt.rt.ty, ( Jrn.U, I li.-it
eter, lUi nnciff (00
34 IftOVt, Wst9M Heater, aire No 30
-r No 4 500
35 11 Set, not pla) thini(, hul real
Utah 550
'Jf Tottsi Si i, decorated (xiriflain,
vety hinils-'ine HltO
37 Walt Ii, a,,u kiUrr. full ew.-eil I0H0
'JH Seuini Muhine, fifal class, with
all Jtta- Innenti . . I )
3D Revolver, Colt's, rsttt ijtialny MIO
H Kille, Win.hesier. II ihfll. JJ Ml ICrOO
I Shot fiun, I -ui I' ham I. hatUtAfJ.
I -lull Iwitt . I - (NIO
93 Guitar (W'aahhtim), i
Ind with moihcr-of-eail 3tMl0
ill lluyile, fttOarjMl make, ladies' or
MMr . 3500
IMMtKS 90 rhnicc tcltciiona - same
fta last year'a Hat, 40 lags each
This offer eipires November 30, 1999.
Address all your Taj's anil the correspondence about them to
Hlnoe tliRiuissitiK of thn first vmvii a
tlofl SOt in KnlKand, in IHII, the death
rata from smallpox has fallen fruiu Ii7t)
pur million to 20 p,-i million.
Drag Catalogas
... prbbZ.
at ,
Cut Rate
rireiaraaNT i
fesff Oootirrlirm an-l '11H t l alsst's kj fV'lrV U
9s tltsj ofI.V mtwija inta sshla h will rurtr eauh arid sey
NO ' A I a ', ri Ht asSsSt -t faliav (.. i fit
mat tar how arrtous Of of Ima lontr Oui1imr It Ita
flout ita uss- will avtotiuh ynu. ft la sjlaanhiuly satfa,
rt rrnb stti' tur. anl r-stn t laki-n witlnaif li r-ouvev
ni ai 1 il la nti'iii from bUBina-eas I I. I' K. l t r
alt l,f all n lial.ln ill 'nfpflsta. or arnt prt tasul ti i-iprrat,
blajnly wntiits-i, on rTii4 of ptiesj, ly
f'Alint C'llfuf ll.'Al. Ol .tltk-Hft., ILL
Oular tnsULwO on n ourat.
Konta 4'rikwfie-it. 9lrltla;ea Msatln.
I'Mlnlfs till Ins; biiI irttrtlon
Dr. T. II. White. ,
W i(iirs,iitfs lu fit cats w utnlertaka.
I tun t put It uff; wrtlr fur Mrtkulsara ai ones)
4. M. WIHIHAKI A O , Kipssri i .....
9 Ulra, 1U0 ,-vcuiitl Htrcvt, loi lUs.4, Or.
Aak drunlata for l)r Martel a
' f rtwi h Kriiiftlea I'llla In Hiatal
with 1 1. -in h Haur on ton In lilu.v V hits
an.t fUd. Inalat on havinst (Me ganulne
1 "Hfllff for Woman'inall.-.rFkKK In nlala
t U'. I It-it. r witti itt-tlmoulalaan.lDartlrulArs.
FRINCH DRUG CO . 3B I 4 383 Purl St., ft Torfc.
Women, Why Suffer
i V In ii M ritfi iniv foi DM dollar ft posltlTtj
ftliti (iiitk run iiit 1 1 1 ( ii a n m ' i 1 1 1 1 a r luyiMimeml
I Will rtirf you Ihrrc Hl giv rfllrf. It
i.iiitatns tin ftltidinl, ur other aplrlts, nu qui
ttltlf r tolftoii.uii ilru'H may and pleftafttil to
tako. Uflfl dollftM 9ft)l ix'tll. nt your tlrnajglat'ft.
Is. Uia fat far uunaturaj
tlia liarrja. inliitniniallooft,
irrllaliona or uh n aliotia
of M u r o i me in trail aft.
Pravsata iitsta. faluleaa, and Not aalria-
tTHifnalCMfsiriiCo ' taonoua.
o i.i my it t si a lata,
r arnt tn plant arsiaar.
I. ftlftraftft, rat, tot
ai hi, i.r i tt (Ufa, ia- :t.
I ticular aent on rs,,uaai.
ifM SI
m ia I w lan
laSMc aciaairi.o .MH
n r. si. i
i f a
Nil. a 'BB.
'IIKN wrlll,,
al!u 111
g a., aav.riia.rt piea.
Te ayr.