The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 04, 1899, Image 7

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Makes the food more delicious end wholesome
- ran i
., tffcets" l-ll again.
I - ,l.tPr.o.,4
H" ' . .....nero ill the.
it ... arc ri'-"
,h line
pfWUl"r,M ,r,""on4
pric . I In fore
, ! ink" pnmMb
riic i"
IVI I "(nil h
M ahul-
.s. . ..........
iiwsix. 1
ififfft nock "f Hrl""" ""''i'"
1 M ., . .
day w,re ,ulr-
. ih rt aiinure.
Mine of t :'" '" w"
. ijji
B-am.r. HO 10 MM BUHM
11 i i i haatajg
........ i r i.i iiniinn .
( . -. . uri iih.h aojouruea
,ttll lb ru ur February term.
smmiiii m ' Ml kind, ready
gMatf LCbsmbare.
Thf ..tal ix loy 141 Astoria will be
Iftju. .! A iiraiimer.
wd steel plow, any
If yu wjni, l F I' Chambers.
D I Anbury ha purchased the
jlcMiiinvllle Reporter.
A lull line f wall paper for sale
tin;' H LI name.
Fiuuiiit BaSSIS '"'"i " Inches to ten
led l'i(, lull lovH at r It member.
dsof F L Cham
bers, faf (ImjIim lull line (if garden
All ilie laueci ly lueml era In tbe
bow roted aRuii isl t lie sugar bounty
Fur Iltcim I 1 1 cull on Mrs Whites
Owr Ave liundred pocket knives,
gtahoici tot IS and BO cents at
lianil t r ; .ulwnre store.
VnK I: Cnnkllng, grand matron,
u.l - . - g I.-
r.Tiun iiisuiuieu i npw euipirr j lu
at AoteI, Oregon.
Tile milkmen complain Unit their
-- II I .. iLI. -
F Uriel lide Cities lod Sdwol
I'lUimisMuDm Court h
Following ApptfatMb,
8MB Mill ! .,
the Lup Mb With I
at Work.
ware, warranted acid
chip 'tl, that in what
scotch ranl
fool niui not '
liauilf r Hells.
Addison C Foster has been uouiln-
U'.U l'l I . L' I . I 111. ILI V
a ' - ' ----- j
I ... I
Nolog knives, hand prunera, long
, anil lii'due shears, at Urllllln
Awiou- fall, one which interetttn
vwi; uut , nit? lliup nil HtfH UI ail
Dpi Moves at L huniberM.
(jfoll Day, of Creawell, the old
I; '-.r i i .. . ..I.!.. I., u'alb ulw.iil
l. .
Ijmertm Hemphill) a prominent
JWKiuiii f ("Rrvallla, died In that
i' tb age of :)S yeara.
Hi tun rui iiibar ol the Elks.
1 ' . i' n s In- ori'liiinl
Wllhiiyt-iir will have good apples,
Mipplet free from worms always
mtfirt.i.i..l i .
Nnim fiinuyi, ,! t Wi be mi
"Jj'ino keen the worms out.
"Tll"U-ttlii- of ilcillnm" tnniln Inal
W' by -I,,. rllit growers of Lane
i,T.tblti would lave bt en much
Mr it .. ... ...
- .. ..i. ii mie wihiki nave dnr
PP'iw with mie of those Bean spray
ami -; rayed their orchards
" I mil ll,..r. I... ...l..J -
rti . " J n 11 1 fl -eia-ri
iw h L Chamber! has the pumps.
LBHtl Lint.
Cnuuty Clerk hss rtcuved re
porth from four cines ami eleik of
i:niM,i ni.irieiM. anil in ., -i-piimt, road
tiiKiriei npprKiiiK ,.. of il,e lux levin
made hy (he retec'lve couoeilf uml
iKiarun i, i ,iittit..i. u ii ' i inn. i i,
levied btfort Kebiuary 1st, nud the
work of tsfeodlni the tax ioiiwiu
now I,. i;io.
1 i:e f Mowing (utile hos the
amount In mills levied in ea. h of (he
cities and school districts:
Kugene e
Kugene I separate road ili-triet H
Cottage drove 24
Junction City &
Hprliigfleld 3
District No 1 II
Dl-trict Xo
District Xo 4
District Xo .r 4 l-lo
District Xo 1 zi
District Xo ll lj
District no H 1
District Xo M :t
District Xo 30 3
Diftricl o 38 IS
District No 45 5
District Xo )
DiBtrici Xo 09 4j
District Xo 72 6
District Xo 74 8
District Xo 78 ..3
District Xo 87 1
District No 80 15
District XoOl 10
District Xi 93 7
District Xo 100 5
District No 101 20
District Xo 102 6
District No 100 11
District No 113 S
District No IXl 1
District No 130 .'. 6
District No 137 4
District No 133 12J
District Xo 143 s 10
Distriot No 162 6
District No 157 15
Distliet No
District No
District No
District No
District No
District Xo
District No
District No
Ditrict No
DtetrM No
District No
District Xo
District No
Distriot Xo
Ditto ot No
Dl irlct No
District No
Di-trlct No
District No
Diairlot No
District No
District No
District Xo
Distric. Xo ict No
District Xo
District Xo
District Xo
Dl-trici No
District No
District No
District Xo
District Xs
District Xo
District Xo
District Xo
District Xo
DUtrlol No
District Xo
District No
District Xo
District No
DUtrlol No
District No
District No
District Xo
District X
District Xo
Dlstiict Xo
District Xo
District Xo
District No
District No
District No
Dls rict No
milty school Appointments.
Tk ftllloWln ' lire Urn
l l' I" I .1 Kadtota for
NMay, hknuy Mb:
"finei K
"SfleW, l p xun BMitOtl,
Dyo'.!knn.,v the mean
in" (i
: ( uracti
le as can be
Without extrav-
Grxy ft j, '
1 n-1 r Klected. '
- . Roger. 2, Hume
m li ''"''iiHrdson 8.
fo.SATr ;
""OIlliT.. f,,r rnrlk
mrr uouce.
ru-. .
- not a young man
mcfu ""' ,l"d l" new. that bi.
nm. v ju,,t dt,ad COIDe' Ma
Pturaii i ' U" bd ded the
m. ' """"fibre, wore and ten
v atcore ofyearj.
Dr Diniii Will iirniain
In Eugene Until Further Notice.
Owing to the Many Patients
Coming for Treatment. Perhaps
He Will Remain Until March 1st
Mr Editor: This i. to certify that I
had a pain In my hear; and breast twen
ty yeare, and died many physicians,
without success. After four mouths'
home treatment by Dr Darrin I a in
restortd to health and gladly give my
testimony in h - behalf. I reside at
Hllverton, Oregon, where I can be
addressed or referred to.
U w Babkbubit.
Dr Darrin w ill rcmaiu at the Hotel
l.ugene until further notice The
poor treated free, except medicines,
from 9 to 10 a m daily. Fatieuls able
to pay, from 10 a m to 8 p m. Exami
nations free to all.
Death of Wiu. Stocker.
Drain, Oregon, Jan 30.
Will Htocker, a very estimable
young man, aged about 28 years died
Saturday evening at 10 o'clock at the
DO0O of his parents, two and a hulf
miles west of here from the c ItVots ol
the measles. Mis case was progressing
favorably until 'Ihursday, the measles
being well broken out, but he experi-
cncetl an itching sensation about the
fue'e and neck, aud sough relit if hy
WUblOg those parts in tMld water. He
almost Immediately lapsed into a semi
conscious condition from which be
uever recovered. The sorrow-slricsen
family have the sympathy of the
whole people of this community in
their bereavement.
For La Hrlpne.
Thofl Whitfield A Co, 240 Wabash-av
corner JacKsou st, one of Chicago's
oldest and most prominent druggists,
recommend Chamberlain's Cough
Keinedy for la grippe as it not. only
gives a prompt and complete relief, but
also counteract any tendency of
la grippe to result In pneumonia For
sale by Osbnrn A DeLano.
The rurnl free-delivery experi
ment, which has been In operation at
Turner, Marion county, for the past Ir
months, hB. ceased to be an experi
ment, and is now permanently estab
lished, O Frank Robertson having
been notified by tbe post office depart
ment to that effect. The business ba.
grown considerably MOOS It was put iu
operation In October W7, aud isgivlog
satisfaction to tbe authorities.
lOUIt 11 1 ' 1 1 1 1 ! i 1 1 Mr follow I, ,.r
supervisors f.,r the tUSttlog year
1 A Simons
2- Rodney Hoolt
I N P llammltt
0- F I. Crenshaw
7-F M sfePbtraon
0- J F Smith
io J K MeKaosia
U-J B Sellers
12 Jam. s Scrivner
14- W H Lincoln
15- X W White
IT John a Juckiton
18 Fred Wright
20 j j Marry
21- H h Dunn
2.' J M Bhaob
24-1 X Doak
2-Dick Coryell
20-Wm L Wheeler
2'.'-J M tic i hart
.12 -H Bebnaa
88 I barles Kolbert
;W-J B Vales
40 It F Smith
41 J O Cox
42 O 0 Millet t
4S-S W llarpole
4811 k Uastesl
31 Z T Flsk
o3 J H Young
r,4 A W Jones
578 it May bet)
68 Wm Eyler
88 Dennis siagle
: 1 J A Itayer
80 -Samuel Htlers
0S-B V Houstou
72 Jerry Atkinson
74 lien It Camp
75 tieorge Huillu
70 -J llurnelt
77 John White
TS-Wm Hlachley
81 A 1. Vuughau
84 J A Clearwater
80 A J Ken fro
7 Alex Lewis
85- W L Pbelps
B0 B t: Potterf
81 E W Cobo
03-Richard McOovern
94 J nines E I Jay
90-James Redford
97-W M Marshal
w-J ll Belknap
Dim n t No 101 B B Mills
D trlol No 102 J w Wjooll
District No 100-Fred I'epiot
rbe following changes in road dis
tricts were made:
Rt.ail No 02 changed to read as
follows: Commencing at the H W
corner of Bee 80 Tp 17 8 R 0 W, thence
DOrtb 3 miles, thence east mile,
thence north I mile to the center of
Hec 13 Tp 17 8 R0 W; thence east to
Coyote creek In Sec 10 Tp 17 8 R 5 W;
thence southerly up Coyote creek to a
point 10 chains north to the township
Hue between townships 17 and 18 8;
thence west 10 the wist line of Sec
84,Tpl7e)B8 W; thence nonh 30
chains, thence west ; mile, thence
south ' mile, theuce west :; miles to
the place of lieginning.
Bond dlstrlcl No 74 Changed to
reied us follows- Commencing at the
X E corner of Sec 6 TplSS R 9 W,
thence south 4 miles, thence east 2
milts, thence south abo'it ) mile, to
the south boundary ol Lane county:
tin nee west 14 miles to the S W coruer
of Sec 4 Tp 108 R 11 W; thenoe north
.i mill lo the HlOSlaW river, thence up
Hie -mitli bunk of said river to the
pnini where said river Intersects t lie
township ln.e between townships 17
and 18; thence cast on suid township
Hue to the place of beginning,
Boad ilistrict No 108 Abolished.
Road district No 104 Boundaries
changed lo reael as follows: Com
mencing at the Xr E corner of Sec 10,
Tpl8BBfl W , we-t 4 mllCS.
tbenoe south 3 miles, thence west 2
miles, I hence south about 3 miles to
the c iinity Hue, the. ice east on county
line about 4 m les to the . E corner of
8ec6Tp 8R 8 W, thence north 3
nub s t , the x F. corner of Bee 29 Tp 18
S R8 W, thenOS east 2 miles, thence
north 3 mil sto the place of beginning.
Boad distriot No 105 Boundaries
changed to reael: Commencing at the
center of the west line of Bsoll Tp 17
8 R K W, thence east six miles,
thence south 21 mil s, thence west
about 4 miles to the center of the river, tbenoe down said river
to its mouth, thence northerly along
tl e Pacific ocean to the township line
between townships l" and is s, thence
eust about 4 miles to the X E coruer
of 8ec 0 Tp 18 8 R 1 1 W, thence south
o miles to the 8 W coruer ol Sec 17 of
said township, thence east 1 mile,
thence north 1 mile, thence east 1 mile,
thence uottb 1 mile, tOeOOS east 6
in i Irs to the 8 E corner of 8ec 6 Tp 18
S R 10 W. theuce north 3 mile, to
the plaea ol beginning.
Now at tola time the matter of
further change. In road districts and
appointments of supervisors was post
poued until the February term.
Whereupon court adjourned.
Pkun-ks Let evrry one be full of
them, and they will is- when the fruit
growers of Lane county net to using
the Rean spray pump, and thereby
kill Ihe worms and blight that works
such a reat injury 10 the rrull in ure
gon. F I- C baa ben is interwied in
this particular Industry ami has one of
the most complete .;i ! -bray pump,
ever brought to 1-aue OMBljr. price, in of every one.
'tsoi Jktv Bus . i,.rittd ,ii.J
Till SI Oil IV
sped) to ttu- oaaal
Salem, Or, Feb It This week the
lob .its at tbe state rapitol are crowded
with those who are dlri-o y inten ated
in using their Inflames for tin i , , m
eif t'i sehemes.
Piusiiians of Ibeaooallsd Mregolsr"
lObOOl, are very active in their eiul.-uv-ont
lo posh through the BMdieal bill,
Wbleb is iiotblng more nor lrs than u
messure, going llielr parllculur branch
of pi act ice, a monopoly In the pr.ctitv
of mtellciiie, aim compelling all nth, la
to dlseOUtlniM busilieas.
Another. measure.wliich Is also being
kindly favored by the "p ish," is ti,,t
palatini to the refundlog of eounty lo
debleduess. In fact it l OBlteail t i.l
that a very "tangible" llfiuenes is
pres. nt and Its object Is lo prvraot a
defeat of the propositi law. Thi meas-
ure Is Dodoubtsdly in tbevi lereeta o
vVhltebead and other eapttallats who
believe in keeping a yoke I f bjdi bled
liess upon thi people, so that, should a
wave ef prneparity striks ihe.u, in
place of paying oil their warrants,
only Interest can be anl, and w hen,
at the end ol 20 or 80 years, should
there be a drop In none matter-,
another lot of bonds could foisted on
the tsxpayt r-, thus making t'telr bold
on tbe people stronger and stronger.
other t ill, w blob ars In the laten its
oi oorporationa ami private individuals
are the la- t SOgaT OOOniy bill and one
relating t'l the purchase o! a new site
for the deaf-iu i te school. The lormt r
has been pretty thoroughly aired
throu, h Iheeoluiniis o,' tin. pTess, but
the Utter has not as yet been given
much notice.
In regard to it, it might be well to
explain thut the Idea Is to (urn the
ir -'til site and buildings over to
Oregon hospital for lbs Insane, and
ami purchase a site in nr. r to the city
upon which it is proposed lo erect
uew buildings. This in itselt is u
W rtliy act upon Its face but under lbs
suifsce appears the objections to the
mutter. A rewirt from a spS0tal0OD
mit'ee names a certain lo ac S tract ol
stump land a mile from town, the
owner of which is u ven molts, man
of retiring disposition, w ho only asks
the ridiculously low sum of 88,000 foi
the bunt. The stump ars valual Is
but this liberal minded IndlvidoM pro
poses to throw all of them In with the
tract of land. Ex-Governor Lord is
behind this job.
In regartl to the msdloal bill, It is
safe to say that it will never pass as
now worded. The county indebted-
H I II I li till K
Hali in. Ft b -' vt ihe special st salon
II iollU committee whs Nbltoihtetl lo in.
rsrtlgats the Midler's bocne at nose
bars;, It repotted today, ihe report
ay the Botnmlttea mads a luit ex
amlttal on, it ssoaetvitrd ex-Con:
vandanl Byara and praimsi hi
management highly it was tsoom
in nihil that the bw proviilmg for a
Imard of ti usb i s be lepcaletl, leaving
all provision! for the BOOM in the
tiivtrti'ir's bauds, ami that cert. In
rule relating to turning pensions over
to Ihe boo e be Also reported
a bill on Mi" subject.
The MM ate pSSSSd IBS dlrSOi leglsla.
lion rseointlon.
Beprsaentatlva I'mtir's, of Astoria,
bill amending law protsittng salmon
pa-s, tl the bolls today.
Senator Driver's bill providing that
co. it lets shall labor t.n public highway
was pa-setl In the . nnte this forenoon.
tin Wood burn charter tin, ufte-r
oeing lecon.ldered passsd the house..
The Cold Su.p
I his morning i.t 5 001001 the tlier
momoter in Kugene ieglteretl degrees
above aero it looks Ilka another e-oiel
ulglit. The snow is about two Inches
Junction City. Feb, I -There were
ulroiit two inches nf wet snow on tlit
ground early this morning, about 2
o'clock p m, the wind shifted to the
north and tneis names regular bluv
the sard of frosen snow, the temperature
fulling 10 degree In less than tell
minutes. The mow is now about six
ii t he d ep.
Is the only plow made that
is better than the No. 40
Oliver chilled. See it at
F L Chambers
I Ills Will 1 Uti les oil.
1 want t.. dose out the remainder of
my Stock ol watches, jewelry and
lllvsrwate, and ns au Inducement to
plirchasi r-, wiil close the ids nut at
from 10 to 60 pst cant Inflow the firt
cost Itclow I tpiote prices on a lew
j lit ms:
Ladles nbalnSi fount r price 3 50
now 11,78.
chain braoeietsj Ibnnei price 88.00
I now 1 no.
t Cufl buttons; toraMi price 81.M
now fo mats
Sliver beirv simoiis; loriner iirlce
uees refunding measure will also very ag.oo nowll.OQ
rtiUBBDAY I'. b 2
Him Taxpunon'i Bauav nu.i..
Mbauy DemOCratl If IbSN I any
I ' .ni bill that should OS passeel It Is
the t grunting 18,000 fbr Ivy leni-
pleton on acts. u nt of ilamagea recelvetl
by going through a bridge In this
county In ivm, re-ublng in the loss of
a limb, so that she . now- abllgsd to
walk with crutches, t'nder the law.
of the stale at that lime the coumy
was not responsible. II Us Tsm pleton
bus bssn crippled for Ills sod it ironld
beonly a inatlcr Of JuStlOS Hint she
racsive compsosatlon which can only
In a measure satisfy ihegt. it ..--. I be
tab) Which I. grunting thousands for
ripcctal purposes hIioiiIiI not stop with
a matter like this that exciti tbe
sympathy of everyone familiar with
Dnalwaf Talked sweetly
Hi aiaora fotad With Pear.
prob.ibly never become a luw. while
sugar heel bounty bill, ISSUChB plain
"graft" that It will hurttly receive IhS
vote de-ireel for it by its friends
I'hat relating to the purchase of the
site above mentioned, may be pushed
All other goods at about the same
I have a few set of Rogers llros
knives and folk at f.i 50 per est,
J Q Waits,
Optician anil Jeweler.
Up stair over McCluug's store.
Quite a Purchase.
Ax Hilly having purchased tin in-
tire stock of samples from a representa
tive of one of ihe largest manufacturers
in the Fast, consisting of more than
loo different styles of sn 1 1; is uml u
large assortment of PAX IS, he is now
prepared to clothttlhe I akttl lit a pin a
i hat will astonish the na Ives. Tiie
gooels were bought at a price Unit ill
enable Ax Hilly to sell them to you for
less money than ihe goods ... uid onst
you, say nothing about making. Be
tides BHIBT8 A Hilly baa tbe laruesl
siid Itest aaanrti d teck of CLOTH I Ntl,
BOOTS A SHOES etc, in tbe valley, lu
all of which he can give you Ills
( loms and see and be oonviuo .1.
Ax lit I. iv.
TOLL voi it IUTT1B.
A lieaiitiful eswpbndoa is iuiswilility
witbeal geod pais blood, tin- sori that uly
t'ti-ls iii ei.nut'cti'.ii witli g'.isl iligmtion, a
hsslthj lit er .1,1 Isiwrls. Karl's Clnver
l(....t Tea .t'ts tl rt'ctly on tlitt Is. wult, liver
mi. I kidasys kc- ing taasi la parlkst kssltk
Prio. 25 ot. aad 50 ola .t rTllkias aad Uaa
Iimk Ski. Monday forenism at Hi
o'clock Is the lime set lo In tr evidence
In the ease of the objection i.y.Mnry B
Warren lo Ihe final aOOOUDt uf T ti
Heuelrlcks, executor ol the t late of
Ell.abeth Coiiser, tlcce nsetl. TbeOaUSS
will be beard before E O Poller, County
Jmlge. George It Dorrls will appear
for the e-tate while Hale A Norton
will appear tor Mrs Warren,
Porta BaUMDr. Examined by tbe
best of Judges and found to bs strlctlv
pure ami the beat of stimulants Foi
sale at 7.i cent per qu rt ot 12.60 pel
gallon. Bth ami llluir streets, Btt'
gene, Oregon. Made be I M Frat.oi
All onlers by stage (n ight or cxiire-hs
i will receive prompt aiteiillon.
Letter List.
Eugene, Or, Feb 2,
ISurdlckEE Gaunt C K
OastleMlM Myrtle Harper M J
Richmond C W Hmith Robl (2
Trefren Mrs W A
A t'ii.rK of onu cent will Is- mad. tin all
leltern gtveu out. l'emoiif citlliii : loi It-Item
will pleSSa lle when n.lvnti-. .
H aVJacCoasi k r M
Local Market
Feb 3,
Oats Us
Hops 15 to 151a
Butter 80 to 60s pel toll.
Potato's s loo.
Poultry-U 50 to 50 peT
Drleel prunes 3 to 41c
Apples -40 cents er bushel.
lv 0,
To Trai'e.
A goo.l work horse for u gooel driver.
Must lie spirited and toug i and not
weigh less than a thousand pounds.
See I)r It C Setileef.
Fur Sale.
Severul houses and lots, very cheap.
Must bs sold ( nil at Hotel tfiugene.
Spray your orchard with the sun e
cure that you cultivate it ami you will
have cl an full and get a good price
for It.
To Bl Marrimi. C uniy Clerk
Lss todsy tawed a permit to wad to
Henry Roblmtt. aged Is, ami Vis
l.t la Smith, sge.l IS. 'Hi,, parents of
(he prospt fiive gioom Bled their con
sent to the issuance of the license ns
ri'tiulre-d by law.
Tbm BnukTaoAT, Geo N Frasar has
delivered lbs engines to the s iteam
bout ami WOrkffll u are bUSil) engnged
plaolOg them Iii position. 1 hey are
very fine ami all iinclninlcs atimire
them greatly. The boiler is expected
any day,
What I- para brandy? it i the
double ellslllled essence of hull. It
contains no drugs or poison
what Is In the fruit. I huvn It put up
in tpiart, hulf gallon ami gnilon paok
uges. For sule by 1 .M I'miicl.
Inn Bull Bogiatersd from Cbas
Miller's celebrated herd at Jefferson; Is
months old. Reaily for service. Apply
to Floyd Vaughn.
After slipping (lie Woman's sullrngt-
emendment quietly throagb tbe senate,
Mrs Dnnlway worked the Hooao in an
squally eOsetlva manner, immediate
ly after roll call nt I lie i t nlng session
sea ate Joint reeotntloo No 7, bra con
stitutional umt ndmsul giving the suit
rage tow.. men was ooiisidered. Ily
ananlmous oonseuti Mrs Abigail Bootl
Dumwuy ot r.'iil.ind udtlrcsstil the
boues .n advocacy of tiie measuro.
Mrs DUttOlway spoke very pleasantly
and entertainingly for alsiut ten
minutes, bring frequently interrupted
by api Inuse. One of her expressions
which seenn d to please the house was,
"Gentlemen, ve don't want lo rule
you. Tb" man who would be ruled by
his wife WOUld not be worth corralling
after she bad driven It I lit home." She
ex pre. ad oonndeaee that the members
would tin tin, square thing lu thi.
mallei, uml her confidence ellil not
prove to be mispleerd. on mil call
Curtis explained that he tllti not favor
WOman suffrage, but did not wl.h to
dSpriVS t lie people a chance to vote on
the question, therefore votetl aye.
ay bailey went to Bimridtartrls length
te explain why he voted no.
The icHoiuiiou whs u.lopietl, there
Mug but mx Voters against it; He'sch,
Butt, Marsh, Boeder, Thompson of
Washington ami Wliiill.-y.
Dangers uf tbe iirip.
The greatest el , tiger from La Grippe
Is ot it resulting lu pneumonia. If
rea-ouable care i unl, however, and
Chamberlain's Cough Bsmsdy taken,
all danger will Is avoided. Among
Ihe tens ol thousands who liavee useel
ibis ISmody fOI lugrlpHi we have yet
to learn of a single case having resulted
lu pneumonia which shows conclusive
ly that this r. ly I a ' i Main pre
ventative of that dangerous tli-easu. It
will cure la grippe in 'ess time than
any other treatment. It is pleasant
ami safe to take. For sale by Osburu
tV Del, alio.
HiiW IS Vuiru WIKK?
Has !, I.Mt BSS liratity? If , constipation
latlig.', ttek In. I.rlio am tin) print ip.
Callsrs. K.oi n ('I..WT '1'.'. lit ciireil
iii. in. for Iialf a eaalury, Prio. , t- ami
AO eta, Mnii,.y refo uImI if results .re nut
atisfa.'t.iry. roff lals at Wilkin, ami l.iun
Removal Sale!
WeKiu i.ik hai.k. Rest 4 foot
fir. LoieiHtiiLLEB A Pkteb.
On or about February 1st we will movo our
stock into the two rooms formerly occupied by
Yoran & Son and Hanson Brothers opposite Hotel
Eugene. We do not want to move any more goods
than is really necessary, so we are going to give you
such prices on our goods that will make them go
fast. Remember this means we will cut prices on
our entire line of Dry Goods, both Staple and Fancy
notions, Boots & Shoes, Clothing & Furnishing goods.
We will not weary you by quoting prices, but if you
will call we promise you that our prices will please
you. We cordially invito the public to take advant
age of this sale.