7 STOLE A BlCyCl A Vila), Ull;g LhjW lllf l:,U) IV: v. .1 Omm TkM. iim i ui ! 111 ti!y iiu .nl Jsn ,7 MlW "" n , ., Xi,e (wiitooum If) vr..i h. known among UH a- A "' bo claimed w ,.nl,. , n ivy fttrkwiita, w. Mtcitou thla w tie, from Ku . -lie on tin i- large ol im ,piioClaBiiWnloi( blob be cUluwd i have , , . lu England. place, "' tt M v llt UOt, III llll fit Claimed t have taken .. , to Eugene for olMMilns ami "V illV, li la reulity liuil puwiiuil It hi mm ui i ; ,h ftores in llif Oity. lie leaves hit Indg. lug ntwt bOBldlng house keeper, to lunurii lii lo.-i 1 1 iiu amount of several dnllars. n mi principally through 1 1 r lorteof Mr Robert Carey, the station h;;, bervi and who h tomalhlog ol a ieteetlve, li t Mr May wh taken idIu custody. Mr Carey Oil a friend in the aawloy of the l'o Mam featuring Co, u Portland, hy .vhom lie had been lu foriu'.il of I lie theft of num.- Wboola made l.y the company. Uu comi. 4 hue and battling ol the wheel in Mr May'-1 o--c.-siou his suspicions became aaaaaad by the tatter's oiler to sell It at tbe low prl I ol $Ii5. Wheicupon ht wrote to hit friend lu Portland giving lbeiiunil.tr of the wheel etc which led (o the am it today. When laet m hh awning Mr May wet hi lad t iwurd Kugeiie with one of the depu- tin sitting on hi lap and tbe otbtr driving ti e h am. If prcseut Indies ileae are correct Qobonj i vtll rid of a wolf iu ibeep'o clothing." tt,..: .,,! mid Pol'ocmnn CKMtvenl to Cohurg jesteiduy after- loou uc brought the you. ig man to Ufti.f, tn be held uu the charge of tteallog the wh .'I. Our Coburg torr pmdent givta a giiod d.'.ripliou of the young man Md his habits in that city, but eiu toniewhal about his detection. A short loieag E K McClanahati, traveling nlrMiiuti for the I: itiihU r.und the Pope Manufacturing Company's sulestnau were iu Kugeue. In talking over their buslut a in'. Tests Mr McChmahau poke of a Columbia chainh -s in this city. The other fellow -aid his 1 uu nauy had one stoleu at Portland. From this the matter m i looked Into, and lh Wbtel here wen found t . be the stolen oue. Iim 00 October 6, 18'.iS, lhata young man rented the wheel Irom the PopeMfg Co's cyciery In i'orilaud, autl both man anil wheel disappeared. Bom time after the wheel was trailed to K Hanson, clothier, for a suit of clothe, valued at ?J0. After the discovery of the whetl, and its identity wri established, Iba police offlcju of Eugene and Mr Huusnu were notified, and the win ! returned. Ptfom desci ipiioua given by the Port land cyciery, and Mr Hanaon, the mau wrs located and Mr Carey of Coburg notllled of the atlair, milling his ,uuta to the apprehension of Mr May. Tlie pious demeanor of the accused makes it evident that he in somewhat imnoth, yet not Ftnooth en nigh AMOTHHH WKUL VtOLIN. I'bas Williams of the Eugene Mill Elevator Co, hud a wheel itolen Wedneaday . um the mill- it wua found Thursday, iu an alley in the fouihwut pa't of to wd. TOB IDBNTUnOATIOM. Chief utiles today notified the Pope Manufacturing Co ut Portl and tiiut Kay had t 30 nrres d unit that II would be in leaaary to have blu Idtntl netl. ooordtogly a man will arrive Pjoalthtfor (bat pur we The ex aaunatloa v i 1 1 h made tomorrow. ft- -:3s B-Mi 1 - . h IM PORTA RT VNUhl'M 1 Ml N MIR H SLATER in, tan i The fun! BToarta f l o. .. Ij , , . . are hereby rtqutah 101 1 at r.-Mllll W ITMllii'i III llrfjl Omirl Hotiae In Eugene, Haiurdayi Pab in.. 1809, i 1 . 1 1 k p in 1 he purpuee of the nueiii,,: u to ri, aider the advlaablhly ol u itlng tin- fruil gronrera and mora .-i ,liy the pnine gr.., r-, In in ill,, urn:,. i.:iinll t., 1 mi die ud nwrkel tbe fruit cop of Hie Bounty, When we oonaldef tr ut Iba lallan prune la lodaj aelllng at retail In itie E utar n ntarket .,t 8 t"l" rente pei pound. . is plain that 11.,' Oregon rmver 1-i...t gelth.i 1,1s stui f Ilie ; proiiis ,,i tbe bnali aaa, Tins I 1 day of enmbinea and truoti N III, Mtlll it I'lOM 1 I Ilia vsi-i:, Hr, .1 .11 BJ , , j Mlater dl.'d tlds morning at Id, home in ihlaoity afti . 10. exit ml, d lllneea, aged T;t v a, . ICopj -rlulu. INON, til ,1,. ,.aa IiImmh i,,,,.,.. 1 ra.ar.2 ZT nu'' xrT v ' ' ' ui taking plctnrei of the guide Um holy father ap. peared. iu.tan.l.y a 1 knelt, ilia holincaa. eeeinfi tbfl iu im .t and its manipulator, asked if the gent), man were SuMTti'T M' ' ,,li,, Oounl Peocl . Straightway , be n, called Mr. Dlokaon to him ami put Um f al I ,rly. Tbe photographer had just received froiu Lou- dou some prints of the aeriea ho bad taken in April Qoahowed theao to tlio pup,, and 11, v ..leased hia bolineaa in., meiisely. UORHCIBNCE IOSBY. I lie Kallroadg Et tori re Reltlaneee Kr, m Uaexpeot.Hl Honr 'e. The manager of the (). gn Hhort o Li i,t in Portland recently received a remittance of $1 fr.m a former Pull man conductor on that r ud, who aeut the money lo relieve Ms eon Cienoe, having defrauded the mad out of (hat 1, mount. H wmte 'hut bavin'.' "confront d rellgi'Tt" he w'shed to settle Up. This incident re lied aUOthei of the name kind. Home mouths ago the Southern Pacific i tophi in Portland received J1 5d from u wnOlM ho had 100 BllATO'tiY I THE LEGISLATURE Swiheto Pacific Mtached for Damages I Palmer, Popalbt, Kledtd Temporary ir. Wuii'Iiuff C?$c. U ll S, I I I , 11,1s I . , Mil,. lully Uuaril, Jan W Sh rill Wither tttaahed the Bi 11 1 1 -eru Paoiflo depot offlcea lu this city, for the sum of I66fl (H), the muount of a ridden on one, f the r iiupany'a ruiusi judgment aud costs issued out of the without paying bi r fate. At' indlmi n Oampmeetlng and if sing inver sion she relieved her conscience bj endinf the 51 60. About two weeki agotbe OBA N general paaaeogei de enrtment reoelyed a letter from some point In Kansas, Inoloeing pini money order 'or ft rbe remitter ufe ted that ' . was a or ieoi Mwotem money," and ihai ahoul 11 year ago he h le a ride ba tween Wui i,i Walla and Tbe Dallee, and by tending tbe money he thereby Oqaltted himself In the court of conscience. The rallrojida bad better Inaugurate a oampmeetlng campaign with a eiew f bringing allof thcoe to see the errors of thdr waya and oauae them to nmit to cover all the "free rid " (lie.v had taken at the expense of the compiiie. iShould all the guilty ones remit llic troMUriee of the ralrroadi wo'jld over flow with c h mid railroad atock would lake a hoom. Something hor Not hint;. olrcultoourt ol Lane county, in the cu e f James Wood rufl who sued the OOmpany for tlO.iHXl duiua.;,s. Judge Hamilton awarded the plalutlfl The Company neglected to meet the judgment, and foreclosure proceedlnge were) made aa above on the Judgment. Sheriff Wltbera attached 1206.88 in money and the fixtures; leaving (lie depot offlotala with only a small sum a ohange Assistiuit Agent IVngru rec-iv. d a telegram thla afternoon fo nndeaaeol the at Inch, d property, which was m ute iijv.ii iiis laaulnga draft for 1586.80 tbe amount of judgment and Costs. Noil e to t!,ntr." vt Healed bide will be revived iy the district clerk of IfbOOl dlatrlot No 38 of Lane County Oregon! till March 4, 1888, for the building of a rchool house In Dlatrlot No ;i8 of Lane county, Oregon. Said -chooU oiisc to lie lllx,r,0 f et, oue story high. Plans and speeillratlona may be seen by applying to J' um Boverna, clerk, iu .South Junction precinct. The Board of Dlreotori reserves the righ' to i ject We have heard of the boy who wanted to e.it Irs cake and keep it too, but never in lore ot a bualneta man who sold his K,W)ts and tlieu gave the nyandall bids, purchaser credit for the amOUUl paid JgJI 8oVBNB, Clork Toleurn about this tend to James! Junction City Oregon. VlCkl S.,ns, of Pwhes' r N V, ho agreed todotbia in their Uulde. The (Golden Wedding edition of Vick's Qarden and Floral Guide li , itamly i f. . " T 1 . , 7 , jowei uox, appropriuteiv inscriocii, 10 it areaty.four " ,,,, ,'' TOO lltmt)'. "ituggles, 1 am in some emlmrrass- mcnt. I want to niakn a pi, lent .1 a Alvin 11ICVCLK CASK Ray li identillci t t riiinnul, (lie luiiy Qutfd, Jan Js. Jor, of the Portland branob l,lePoPe Manufacturing Company, wrivd aP hat night In reeponae to a euiumoas from ;ho offloeri who arrest JJ ' v May at Coburg on th oharge ofstealiug a ut.yCie from t, popa wwpaoy'a eatabllahment Ir t Oc' ber. Mr Peeler visited May at the jail this Wing and la very positive in his 'wntlfieatlouofthe man. jUoOcerfrom Uullnomah oountg wit arrive up tonight to take v-uny my a Portland for his preliminary I1IK AUTHORITY (itVKN. dSttSS u the di,i,atch rrti 1 , Portland, Or. 1 1 :4o a m, J.m K, h,i . Vts,,.u'-, Eugene, On hu.rr '- .Ml4y- HttVe "ranl for h ha ," I M wl" k've tonight for u,m. I barge larceny by bailee. 0 M afcLAUatTLlN, Chief of Police. an ariiatlo work, with I' twenty. P'ige.s llthogiaphid in colors, utid nearly oi.e hundred mote pager llll, d with bandaome half ' Tie llluatratlona, photographed from PJowere, Fruits,! Vegetable! uml homes. Vhiie this Uolda is really t to ex pen-1 elyc to glee away, they g,,e It with a I Due Hill for ceil' world Of feeds for only lSoenta, Auc iher new feature is the doing away villi with the old' packet of vegetable . eds ami stutil g i the quantity In each wae, the buyer getting more for his money. young lady" "Corbus, I'm sorrv, but I haven't a cent" "Confound you, did you thiuk I wua asking you for money? I only wanted your holp in getting up the motto to iuscribo on the jewel caBo. " "Corbus, you interrupted inc. I was about to say that I hadn't a sentiment in my miud that would bu appropriate to tho occasions. " Chicago Tribune I860 Raw ABO. I Will pi, c:.",0 re ward to any ei.i, fUrnlth'ug infor mation that Mill load to the ui rest mid conviction of the person or i r-oua who wantonly shot and killed l'l 01 ll heid of my abiep aud i,fi ihim lying on the gri ut d Dated at Elllalon, Lint January l'T, lM:i. John Cikif wui.i. ut BsMtiav, Iu ouo of Miss Mnlock'a stories she says that "a cheerful heart seeth cheer ful things," und gives this iucideut iu proof of it : A lady oud genthmuu weru iu a lum ber yard situated by n dirty, foul smell ing river. Tho lady said, "How good tho piuo boards smell I" "I'iuo boardsl" exclaimed tho gen tleman. "Just enioll that foul river." "No, thank you," wus tho reply, "I prefer to smell tho piuo boards. " lll llll IIM II I VI II. TORIOHHOW Special to the iluar.l. sai.km, Jan 88. Tbe Uottre con veucd at 10 o'clock thin foren, mi, no quorum being present. Speaker t'ur ti r tieing abatnt the bouse was called to order by Chief Clerk J, unluga, Palmer, populist, was elected tempo rary sieakcr. Motion to adjoin :i waa made, when a call of the lu lls,- occur red, which failed to show a q Tln-n motion lo n.tjtuirn until fc ev ui lie at loelock prcvaiuil. waa made nect sary to ful II 1 1 r Uietils ,.f the cunttitutioii. lurom. unday Thla quire Janiea Harvej Blaler ws i,rn m Haugainoa Bounty, Illinois, in 1818, re tie llvi i until ivio, receiving hi- education in the common lohonla. He waa oue of the many to come to ' 'alii uu i in 1848, and from there eailie t Olegoii III K',0, settling at Cor a.li-, Benton county, where for tWO ill - he was a public e ool tencher. I i 1888 he was appointed olerk of the United Btaiao district , nu t and in 1854 waa admitted to the i-ir. He aerved In the territorial teg i islature of is,", IV.H aud Is',!! aa an Independent demoorat, and eru also a member of the firai ftate legislature. Prom 1850 to 1861 he pnbllabed a pa- p r. called the Oregon Weekly UntOO, atCnrvallia Ho eraa aha), for a con lib rablo time, poattnaatet at the town of Corvallta, in the year IIM he moved to Baker City, Oregon, where be l':,.'tli' . Ilie In a- for four Venn, over the atgoature of J CRIobardeou, l,.l,l,.,aiiit..ii in iaaa nsv. purporting t,. reply to my note. aeUM yoor he wn-. elected dl-trict at- published h. yu columns f the gird tornay for tbe foorth judicial district, inst. lauppoeethUJ c mohardaon ,i halii oin. iu., v. i taaah. t.. be -it v j c Rtohardeon.t .muirmiy m. , ,. lucr ;.,.,,..,..,,,. ...... known as 'Champ.' " ,,.,. ,. ri..,l,t.ll,l.i ,.,,.,.,, ,, Mr Ki hard-on dlnctn his obs, . a- ,., f.,r seviimur niol Itlnlr I., tlontalmoal wholly to toe latter fart 1H70 Mr Slater wri the successful ,,,. ot my aald communication; but what ,, ,. f ,r ,.Kr,.HM ,rolIl oitgoo and ... .-s,se,a..v i no wm, any 01 ll M.rv,, (WO ydMl during the folly Is a thing I do not know. However, ,.,,,,,, ..... . )ur- tho naa aaa that pbaae of tbe matter may p s. yaere be realded al LaU.'ande, where Mr Rlchardaon plaoei a very nar- practiced law and engaged fxleo- row coii,ttueli.,n und UieiinitiK n niv '" """a ra ai ng. , , , ,, -in is.s i.s notion-ii ny is-inir letter, meaning wholly unwarrant,,!, ,.,Tteil t'mte I Stales senator tor tir. and such aconntructloii tin,! in, niie I iron and tarve I in Unit e iitneit v for si it hut a i nrro.v hii; it would tuit noon il years, lie I, 'tired to l.adraiiile In ami they wi,., do not combine and pool their common Interval will i tainiy be Ml Oomeool frollgruwrie ami let u- -c what we cm do lu ad vanoa our mutual Intereel Sti vi:ns,,s III IIPIIKI I . Omukr, Cu tan, i atnm, Wll.MNS Wit I, Ml. An. I mam others Mr. Bklpwertb'i Rrjel t r. Dsiir Oaart Jan M BoatuiN, Or, J:i 28th, To nu: Editor: -1 not la ;, , im munloailon In your laeae ,,t yi iterday, 1886, bUl in ISST wai again called Into public life i y the appolutllleiit as rail- did not iiitiiuute that th,,,- were ..... l...,.,K,i,isi men in i mil, or Ol eomml- loner for Oregon. Ilia course, polygamy cannot lie lira. Heed time iu such nlllce axnlaad in IRsll. without the concurrence ,.f h,uh sexes. H'"ee which lime he has lived a retired life at l, i (irande, Oregon. Mini Si inner for Manila. 1 ii re-poo ' , many Inquiries us to My observations with lefoiwnoa to th o'gani.alion known as tl.o "WU T U" waa entirely general, no reftrenoe whatever was 'nude toany local organ ization. Neither w.,s (lie isliuhh sl Im- ,...,, . in m ii 'in 1 1 y cmhi u,,u ,,ny .,.,. ( ,,,iiilu. ,,f !,.,..,- n: .-vv organlaatlon ol the W u T Ut ami it is ' m.,i , ir.nii. ,.,, ,,,. steamers leav Kehruary for Hong Kong and other Asiatic ports, by one it ilh strange thai any aooomplhhmenl to sign hi. name would lie obtuse enough to think there was. Some years ago lb,. National W 0 T U warmly cspou-ed the cause of the enfranohuaament of women on equal terms with meu, and on lh,. , principally that the ballot In (he hands of women WOttld have uu elevat ing and purifying tt. i t on the politics No! illlleietil ... . ,,, ,, ,., ,,, ingthls coast during Tiiai Telltale irni. Bhe was B poor, plain little woman, evidently just in from the country, ami she Htnod looking longingly at a liuo of gaudy purses which hung uloug iu a row hy tho notion counter. After a minute flu- stepped into a corner, took out her own shabby Uttlo leather purse und inuntid over tho money carefully. Shu evidently found out sho could afford it, ns a gn at extravagance, and so at last Walked shyly up tn thu coun ter, selected ouo with "pearls" not in uloug tho chain uml a big em, raid flash ing in tho top, took up tko box In wiiich it was given her und vanished in tbe direction of the waiting room. Not mnro than flva seconds later sho nppeur cd again her old purse tucked out of sight and tho new one banging proudly rmmd her ucok. It Wat almost pitiful to sco her sbo took so much pride in tbe gaudy thing und then, more piti ful, yet moro laughable, there canio into view behind her tho price tag, Happing gaylyfrom I U little pink string and proclaiming to tii" world at largo that that particular purs,, hud cost just CO cents I Nobody who saw tlmt suuey tug bad the oourugo to tell Hi wearer, und yet that would have I u kind, st too. iiut ha MnUhaA ilnu-o ll,., sir, . t. with it still iu view. How dn you Mippoaa sbo W,,Uci "'1 aoclnl Ufa In any one felt when sho found it nut? Cleveland of those stuU-s Is better thuti ills iu riiiin Dealer. uny other state in tins Colon. Once iiion ; .Mr Itichardsoii, in ell'ect Whloh letters For Manila may he sent. City of ltio de Janeiro, leaves Sail Prmnolioo Pebruary "; Riojon, leavea Seattle February Bi Canadian Paelfio steamer leaves Vancouver, B C, Keli- ruary 8; Qlenogle, h aves Tacoma Pan ruary II; Garonne, leaves Setu tie Feb ruary !"; olympla, leaves Tacoma ",l 'aciinai nu, K,.btuary L'l, uml Canadian Pacific onianlaallon dh t demand luffrage tteamer leav. s Vaneouvct. it t: Keb- mary 87. I'eoplo desiring to send for tlicir own luemlMTs but for all the women iu ull the mutea Their de mand obtained in Utah, and the rteull la, Mr Roberta, with three wive- and over three thousand majority is sent to congress. Tbe women nte lu the majority in Utah and had they so desired, Mr Huberts would have bren ovewhilmlngly defeated.. I presume, had tbe women of the W I T c been In the majority In Ctah, Mr Robert would have been defeat d, and i would have helped them at least with my vote had I bean a citizen of Utah. I he r,al id, a with me is, that the plea put forward by the W C T li for the oallot for women, lu the light of events, fulls to the ground; rs for lu slauce, npial sullrage prevails iu Idaho, Wyoming und Colorado; and now will any one t ii me In tt bat n 'Uniy, llouuh on the Sulona. it was in Maine that an outspoken parson of tho old school prayed: "O Lord, havo compassion on our bewilder od representatives and senators. They havo bocu sitting and sitting and have, hatcbod nothing. O Lord, let them arlso from their nests aud go hutuu aud nullum am Fao Roadar, Tho youth's Omnpanion tells this story of (diver Wendi 11 Holmes, ono of Wboae hobbies was to trtoo genuologlos and family roeomblancos. At the open ing of tb,. term Of the medical class ono year, wbilu be WU one of its luoturcrs, ho mat for tho first time a young mem ber who Introduced himself as, Ictus say, a Perry of Cambridge, ITIu l,i,l.. AnMrm t.u.l, . lit k , 111 V ...i ...wi "V,.., rnnls,.nnoof iho W. 'a Chrl-tlan faith, that. says he would Vote against the seating of Mr Roberta "if tbe beaveui fell." He it so. one minute taken eolemn oath to support the constitution of the Uoltt d Btatt - aud the laws of the land, and (he next mlnUtt vole to deny Mr ItoliiTts a scut that he is legally en titled to, tliereliy violating the consti tution and his oath fine dleciple of the That may lie letters hy any of thes" steamers must mail them In time to allow of their reaching Hie port of sailing before the date on which the tteamer leavea, Aa steamers are departing so frequently, and persons eiiilcavotlng to send let ters hy any particular steamer an, likely to miss slu m through miscalcu lation or delay lu transmission ol mails, it will he about rs well not to bother with making calculation for any par ticular sicaincr, but ti deposit letters for Manila In the poHtofllco at any time, marked via Hong Kong, and having 6 oentt In postage stumps on them, ami tin y will go by tho next teamer tailing from any port on the coast. of Capo Cod. lip." lh, i young (Jeo A Dyson, Blue It v, rco, re-pond- enot to Brownaville Timet under date of January ii: I supp ise t!iu most i f yoar readeM are tully aware that a oil tho praiso shall Ijo thiun. " wagon loud is heiug Junlt up Is.ue River here to the Lucky itoy mine, aud some IS men ut work, hut a levera mow atorm eet In nearly three weeks ag i, and -luce that time the snow h.is hien too deep lo do any work. Figures havo been CO tinted in a subnrb of Berlin showing that M per cent of all tho children work two to thr. o hours ut honio before echo ul bourn. I know it hy your upper mr Kionaraeon't nigueat meal or a Christian patriot, but not mice, Mr limn flushed und liiudo Itichardsoii also says tiiut the W C T baate to aotwer that bo nover had heard - N doing great good, etc, l will not of tho W.'i and did not know any per- debate that qoettlon, but will venlura son in i. ap... on. to say that its inlluem HUt llll' ll. , l'a tn.,' '.,Bi..i..o i - 'tn ., intsM il. , Ir .ni'h the winter would Inquire Whether Mr. Perry hud looked It would seem from his ulterancea that up bis anoeil r, reooiving each time tho J he would he a very proper sul j.-t upon airarance that ioquiryhad been made, which to infuse some of its good it.ilu- but no trace ol tin- strain or niooucouiu encis. has oortaloly Mr kiclinr,l-u, and K it Bkipwortu. i. f,,i,,,,i 0, the family. Onn dav Pi rrv riuao to him. "Voo were right, l)r. II linos. Wo havo fouud in an old llihlo rucord that my great- j John M Kitson, who fnrmerly v veat-amnduioth. r was a W. and canio sided In Kugene hut Is now a citizen of BORN -In Irv'ug precinct Jan JO 1SW, to t tie wife of Ueo A Hicks, a son. i By tbe bowli emanating from it, we Uug thai ll..- baby is not cutting ti utu, I ;t that t1 ' teeth alu cutting thu Laby. PhiladcLi.'iia Tiuiea. from Cntie Ood. Thodoct'.r beamed with delight. "No upper lip ever deceived mo yet," bo luuglilngly exclaimed, and carried his little triumph to all of his friends with aa much pli aenre aa if it hud been a long lost trwi-urn. Marion, bus tiled an upplicatlion for voluntary hankrii) tey. ills liabilities are tll.Ouo and his asset-are practically thanks to the friends and neighbors nothing his er-ditors are In I'.ugene who tendered their ussistance and Roll for Divorce, Friday's Portland Telegram: "An other divorce case almost as bad, but in which only the defendant Is allegi I to I ulpable, wt i to have come up late this aft moon before Judge Cle land. '1' A Llddttrom la thuagrleved bu hand of A mule I.indstrom, whose home during a part of their happier daya was In Oregon City. "Mis lilmlstrom is accused of having been llagruntly Intimate with oue John Anderson, and latt Ootobor she Is charged w.tli having desert i d her home an. I children and gone to live al Eugene with the aama Anduraon. "There are to me property rights involved III this -iill, hence the defend ant will con' st the suit. "There win do doubt t be a good d audi, in ) lu attendance to listen lo such things as they claim WOO I shock them outside of a courtroom.' 'Ibis is tie Comslock .C !e, and Anderson Is the man who -Ii went to Florence with. ( uril of Thanks We de-iio to e,ress our siuoeie t'orvah , Philomath, Salem, Oaks dale, Washlugloij and elsewhere. lympatby during the Illness ami death of our beloved mother. Mns Emma PmroMBTr and Family.