The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 04, 1899, Image 4

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Rugene City Guard.
The business department of
the WEEKLY GUARD is caused
comlderable trouble by corre
snondents addressing the pro
prietors personally. Address all
letters referring 'O the newspa
per or bu jineas conn-ctd there
with to THE GUARD,
Eusene, Oregon.
To Correspondent.
The Wkkki.y UOABD pas to ptosi
early Prldey mornings. To inun- lbs
Insertion of' corn- pondi-noe It l Id
reach us not later than TOursdsy
morning. . ...
Correspond-iie- whh h rea' hea ihi
ofllw las 'I hursdav and n Friday and
Haiurday. unl 1 1 1 1 1 r t n I . will not
lie pabuabad It m uld ba old whoi
the mr want to press a week sfler
ward, and making allowance fur the
h v. dy iirtiK reqtlrod i isecb
sobatrlbsfs thwghow tba snontrj
would t-i stale and nf Utile Interest
when the pepSf was reoslvsd.
Oofsospondoots sboold rotll loow n i h im Toaaday sod
Wednesday, nil rly Thursday.
Later Una Thursday 10 ty my not
be ii- !
el'UAll. I'll Kl. AMI
If thefVt.d'Mi i nr ik"ir bounty
bill gs thr rOgfa the Itfjslttort
why not MpnltlBtot it with
stnllur to encourage Ibt pfOdOoUofl
of cucumber ami oaltni-B hf giv
ing producer- tln rt"il ii bounty? H
thirr must be a turifl, b mnty, DtttT
nul overinn iit (or tin- licm-lit ot
classes abaft ibotlld hn DO ObjeCllo i
to extending tiio lit-t of (afortd
guests Unit may f'"i i t lire family
table. The iihhiui h tun r of ul
moat i'Vry ar n 1 that may 1'
enumerated liuve been taken under
the wing of lliu kind pr.itei ting
goveriimml, tnd Wh tot the
grower of tba MOMMry pickle and
I'll AN tt h i 'TED MAIL
The season ol the year i almost
Upon UH when plant and bulbs will
be received by m ul for ring
plflffMiTfi It would 1)0 well for
purcliiiscrs to note these few simple
directions f ir loUllifiOt handling
of the name:
"When the plantH urn reeoivcd
through llie mail icr:so rare to
keep tin m riH fresh as possible, and
instead of laying tliein out in a row
for inspection vvilh the roots ex
po-ed to the drying influenced ot
the uir, keep the box or package
uuoHncd until tin aod and pota
lire all ready for the reception of
the plant. Take tin plautn from
the wrapping of uios about the
rool one at it time, potting Ibftfl
as they are taken DOV if tlx' plant
arrive dry and somewhat willed,
Which in warm weather and with
careless packing soiurlioies occurs,
immerse, tlie plautn, root and
branch, in tepid water for an hour
or o, to reviy.t tln ni, alter which
they may be taken out and
prtted. Should the plant ii.rivi
(rox'in or b.tdly frosted tiny ihoilld
be taken at once to u cold room or
cellar and allowed to thaw grad
ually. Cut oil all froeu or fronted
part, ami keep in n shaded, cool
place for a lew days."
We kuew rialeru had Ik ar-ylu.n,
reform sebool, tod otolttoUtf so
institution! t" reform and correct
fidlen, or OOfortODttt humanity, ya'
bud never thought lbl anyone
would place th'; legiiiliture in the
an in" line. Ptfbtpa Hr- Uriver
baa quietly jot POOM leaven into
the dough, not Hooneisl dough,
and th s 1 1 v i m of onr biennial
OOQOlt Tt f rtatlaQKUl I n' oii 'iely
aNPurwl, even tti ugh the reverend
0 lit tD tfl 0M have bin doubt
whether or not the legn-lature, and
Uul hot tilaee aguinat which he
h i- been wanting rh people l"r
VtOfl may be the aame.
A dltpOtefa from Ottawa the cat
itol of the ('anadiin Domini m,
eny the tdopliOII hy the legislature
of Britith Colambit of a bill
rjatigot J to tbot Ameriein minern
out of the hake AUIt cmniy, is
likely to prove a boomerang. The
Alanka boiBtsltod lawt panned by
Boogrstt, tooordiofl to the ottivt
boro CtO ditDt tbt aame mining
right and privilege aa potseta d hy
i itizi-na cf tlie United BUttt, pro
vided the lawn of the do ninioii or
any local liwa ol the domain ac
cord" d liflsiltf righli to Americaiih
in Britltfa OolUOIDM or llie North-
eel Territories. Many Canadiana
are mining in Alitnaa and m wn
; lb it their rightn have been legin-
Ultd away by the llritinh Colum
bian aNHembly will not U very en
cournging to thern.
Toil in how the QrtaVl I'aea
Oouritf tella about the heathen
Chnee feinting oil white hrothern
of the gambling fraternity: "It i
reputed that u John OhlOtBBtfl
'imu into town not long nince and
gave a tool of I M tin horn und nil
the Melieiin tin h irnn renpnndeil in
h.irmonioiM Itrtloti ll ih Hiiid that
the boyn thought they were going to
feunt on dohnuy'ri OtfOtM hui
Johnny did the feinting ami left the
boyn to ween and mourn, and pluck
on the old jnw bone '(iood bjt,
.1 .hn.' "
lv Trr
tiOMK. AMI. It 10111
(ieneral tiouic. deiManda "
OOOjOOO aa the price of Inn u iini
ence in the dinliiiuduienl of the
Cuban aimy An Inn "army" in ol
a guerilla nature and Mrgtoittiioai
aud linn Incn d.nhandeil uioatoflhe
time, it ia not likely oungreaa will
nee lit I i throw nuv more "liu.-h"
money into the laps of Cuban in
surgent than the i.'MO.Ol'O al
ready tpoiopriftitdi
Comei WOOld miike a food con
gressman or ruuu-ber.of a itglttt
ture. At Kant bin nerve m ni ll'n n ut,
thoiih his nnce i rather high.
He could isaeh tbone M at na
leginhitorn a great dtti ah ut the
folly of becoming a low priced man
and celling for ptliry (80,000.
took TBI BAIT.
The (!i too ootspli in nti 'I Bth n
on its most wboltsoBM loflosoett
and ramaodiogt, ooaBpartd with
1'orlland, and took the lUiid thai
was good aud luiBoieol rtttoo
ugaiimi removal of the itata oapitol
to 1'orlland. The Siieui Journal
swell, with pr de at the compliment
to its city, and lodolgw in thin
almost lachrymose burst ol couti- j
"You are right. Salem is a clem ,
borne city of churches and nc.o .!
Many a legislator has come ki
Salem, and fallen under influences
that have redeemed hiin u a man,
aud made bim a useful member of I
society." I
Marie II inhkirtnefT, the remark
ahln youn ; Ihinsinu woman, who
died nl the ecrly uge of 2ii, ban just
hud a singular meiuorial erected to
her in I'arin. ll takes the form of
a hotel, htiill in the city of I'iris
and in a veritable marvel ul taste and
comfort. iWU formally optOtd
and occupied last week ll con
tanm, among itn attractionn, n num
ber nl paintings, the work of this
precocious m ling woman, taken
from tbt walls of the superb sludi i
which she Intituled for herself.
The dtptbl ol Spam's norroivs are
yet heii.g reached. Only the other
day, January 1, a transport steamer
made fast at, Coruna having
brought h ick the regiment
furnished from that city, or
or rather what was left of it, from
Cuba. Of 1400 soldiers from that
place hut oUO were brought back. Nn
wonder the cheers of friends of the
returning soldiers a ere drowned in
the learn mid lainuutalions of the
relatives ol those sacrificed UK)ll
Cuban soil.
It would be im surprise if a lOOt
traveler nn western plains
should be found ArOttO to death,
hut the reader cannot but be
astonished to learn from telegraphic
dispatches that a MOtOtl and
dailk'liVr were froen to death
wlu'.e rttttroiog to their country
home Ir mi the populous city of
Buffalo, Nts Y nk.
Details of the OonMotUoO Ol
00 per inti rests show that nearly
all the mining companies of the
country have otntd under the
linancial man igeinent of the men
who control the Standard Ot)
Btttd upon thftthio ri turns,
the linal cro.i figures by the govern
ment for ISiH are as follows:
Wbstl, 67o.00000Q bushels; oorn,
l.rAl.lXKl.tM 1 bushels; oats, 7ol,
00OJXX) bushels.
Oooo Tiiino - a ii.mmi rivttttrnt1
i indent has this shout one of the
former liraduates of tbt I uiversllv of
OftRMI "Mr 0 t Mel ''all has made a
!a!r MVbsg ttilhoMl r for nallniK up
iraw lierry cralea. The jMOaOttd b
uailllig the Imxes on the latlv DOSfalft
the utnciinii'. From a n is'p li:.pi d
funnel at the top thr nail' drop down
Into twotJM U Iters, the jMlnin of the
nulls pr j. etlinj tblOOgh t -lit at the
BSitBtS, KSd SlHU ttjt Ot wires at the
tltt, luaklng it i. - to pick them elt,
sn loimis. .plirnl at a lime. Two
It three suiiul of nalU can te put
Into thr fuutirl, and th" tMtbltt can
lie rrKiilated to take any Us)d nail. It
is a i nl Imprrvriuent mi the old way
af h ..linit ii . Mill In the uioutb."
Tti vimin who If
nuenun, lirr l n(l
ihauitri) ; who l
nerve; who sufTrri from
paint and ai In I ilras-
uir now n ami
''.:. in,'
ttons; and who
I ' I .,'!''
herself, that
hr ha become
irritable, SfSSS,
blue ami '.'
pondent, ii ia
almost every
ra nufTerinit
from wakneM
and dieraae of
the delirat
nl inifnrlnt orfanttbat lar the burdens
of maternity.
Tie. ii -and of annnn suffer in this war
and 00 Ml rero(nite the rause, or if they
'.n underitand -Ihtti SOOdMoo, nrflect it
,41umu ' '" Ihe obnosl iu i on
t,T i be areraifi- .liwian. Dr. HaYSri
Favorite Hecription ia a wonderful medi
rme for women whn euffer in this way. It
dues away with the neceaaily for lhee try.
tuar ordeale, and may lie ued in Ih" privacy
(if Ihe home. It acta directly on Ihe dele
rate orifana concerned, and makes them
strong, vifforoua and healthy. It baniihea
the diacomfortaof the eipectant ieriod and
make baby advent eaay and almost pain
less. It transforms weak, nervous, petulant
invalida into happy wivei and mothers.
Thousands of women bave testified, over
th. ii own sig-natyres, to this fact. The
"Favorite I'resniption " may tie procured
from any iro .l nmli iiie di aler Any wom
an who will write tn In-. K V. Pierce, Buf
falo, N Y., may have the advice of an emin
ent and akillful Bjieiialist without charft.
Mis Cof M Miljiunn afJUMtjSSfl Copiah
Co. Miss, write' i had i1isilaeenirnl snd
Inflaminstlon of the iiOiiis 1 was under lha
treatmrnt ut our (smlly jihysU lsn lo a long
time, hut received nliicfit I had fsilnw ' in.
lernal organs with uli-rrstlon snd rnlaiiirmrnt
I comnouinl using lie ttrrrr's Favorlle era.
arrltilliMS. 'Ceilden Meillcal Olsnivrry.' ' l"leaant
Prllets' anil ' Kalrart Of Hlnsrt Wrr.l 1 frum
the 6ist ilay I lirgsn to linprinre and In a sh'irl
lime I wss able to do all my hiHisrwuik II It
lis I nin liren for yisn innluiuea I would havt
been dead long ago "
Stomach and liver troubles with sluggish
SCtlOB of the bowels are cured by iMittor
I'ierce'a I'leaaant Pelleta
C'loverdah- Id Ilia
February 1st.
Yalem inu ilay ia draw hut near.
John Heilern family has the measles.
( riant 1 1. burn purchased a new earl
last week.
A lyceum Is nisiu to be orgai Ized at
( llovtfdtltj
John I'arker will be ROtst some time
Inls month.
It KM Hs In vIsltliiK bis slater Mrs J
MrBollOhaa jusl ftnisbed fencing
the rar in he DOOffbl of V M Wilkin.
The dance at J II Cruxati'a was not
much of a success, there were inly It)
or l'i hoys ami no r ' - present.
MLBbodttll here for bis health
He Is hiilberi il with the aathlHS SO bS
can't sleep Mr Bbodtf is talking of
Ittvltt snot if it doo'l ImproTSi
A aarprlae was KlVetl MlsKelley's
family hy a party of jroOOg folka la-t
Friday SVtblog. Musi I was furnished
hy tin-Lower brothers anil every one
enjoyed llieiiielve Immensely.
Nut Imig nn a lyeeurn was oritan
Ui'd In SebiHil District No ;g.'. They
llleel every I l.tirsil iy eveiiliiK the
qtMailon tu In debated m xl thiirsd iy la
IUsoi.vkii, That Ibpior bsa caused
in misery than war.
N ' it ItOg S0 Charlie Ofdtfl made
ihe rttstrh that he wouldn't remain a
baobtlot very long anil last Hatlliday
he came home from town wilhanew
InphOgHy. All the yoililK ladles In
Cioverdale are wailing for the top
I hn ciiiuily roml throuih the upper
pint af dttttdtJt Kolug up to Diairlet
No hl'J In iiluio-t liupiKsitile even fur a
borne without a rig. If some wot k Is
not dune nn this read In'fnro long, the
pooplttf Ihntlict IjJ will uot be utile to
Kfl out w llb a t Ik 111 the winter at all,
an this Is Ihe only county toad they
have. If ll w as nut Im the kindness of
Mr Walker letting them travel thrminh
his ii. id they would have to leave their
rigs at b mis.
Tin hup house oil the Sellers farm
has lately been changed Into a dance
ball. The young laeli Ol t'loverdale
and I'leasallt Mill tlObbsd together
and laid the Moor ami organised a
daQOS Oiubi The ball is Mt4t tsst,
Tbt tlrl dance, a private niie, will bt
glttOlbtlQUi of Fehruar) , andnfii r
that dances will ls glttO about every
two weeks pin1 matloltni .. d to
furnish miisle the luth are Mr Swat
man and Mr Ih nl m of Hear Crick.
Cubing Items
Feb, l. Ml,
Ml.s Lain kltltbtWOabtS bstfl 00 the
.V'randma PbUHps, hns gone lo visit
her sat at BUttftOOi
Mi Win liisnlale has gone to Wash
In Ion to uoik In a mill.
The I 'in ted BtttbltO are boldlogt
proArSOtOd meeting lu the church.
Fa grl pe has mad Ut tppotttnOt
here, though aa yet in a mild form
An addition has been OOUttt the
rooflO of the saWSOlU, tototbit more
uik lo In- done utnl r cover
Wa are having i regular n 'tlliwester
today which remiinU "laiiy clti
XD from Mlouean'a of "Auld hang
Mlsa Ura Harkiiir sod btf Of th r
enleriained arw.ut thirl of their aolmol-
males ami friends on Monday evening
The 1 1 tu was spent In playing gaitien.
hefreabmeiits were s i v. d, and a plesa.
an' time roi Ofttd i y all
Hrattsin Disagreen.
From tbo Hatem Jmrotl't fegisls
live report: "Wh n HaWsOSf atftSSi
an well bill came up, Hawsot spofet
highly lo Its fvor, -. l0 that the
astern portion of tba lata bad not
la-en getting its si, an- ol the appropri
ations. Ttoli call -' no rnoad bol wbofi
Itrattuln's nSOM wsj rest bed he 80S
ineneeeJ to explain Ills Vole, hut was
called down by toe speaker. BtilUBSO
then moved tha roll silts tflstOO
tlnuej and soother npportoollf bt
given for dlseuaalon, This b lug
can led, Brsttaln p k agalli-t tbt bill,
aaylng that I'JOO.OOU hail Ju-I hern
appr jpriate.1 Im t l nellt "f the
eastern aeetlon of lbs state, and tills
MM appropriated F. ' "0 each f. r four-
tis-i dlll'ereiit e,'iinti-s. tl.' n"io. The
OMWtf would lie expebded mid the
w! ' in 11' wo lid lie si ri.uieil up ill
fi urteeii post holes.
"Htiiimah ikon ntdoto Impaostoood
tpptoj iu favor of the bill, and its
pasts ajs r, i artds"
I "Tlie way to be i( . .
( hap is to l.avc a j i 1 1 ! J
j You look to the
) heart )
j Pills j
j will take care of the j
( liver. j
Calwa.r-aJfc'fcJ I " "
To the Fruit Crowera Ot bsue
Saturday light February i
Come early and secure some of the
few good things that are still on hand.
DUD Jap Kvans, an old settler of
the Mobawk valley, In this eounly,
died at In hmue thin niomiliK, ag' d
N yearn. Mr Evans was horn In
BtOgamou inly, Illinois, and rami'
to OfVgOO in IMI4, seltliliK III the
valley w le i-he died Me was mar
ried in Him Mlssoutl Y'lunic Id lhGd
TbtJt living children, ill gfOVOi
survive I. on Tbt lOttmtOl will take
plaee Prldsj tBOCOlOg January -, at
tlie Isabel l einetery.
Ax ABIioTT Makkiaiik At two
p'olnok lb - sltonoOO at Hie resldeu.-e
Of tbo brldei parents, lu the tiorthwe-t
part of BOD ne, K M Atihntt slid M ss
staatO Abbott were united lo the holy
bin ds of u.a'riruony. Ufooottl Itev
t T Abbs tl was rot)Dsstbdlo poribra
ibOttfSSOOiiy that made tin in one In
heatt nn.: -'il, no ehm i-. of naii.e
bi-lng required.
Haitv I.izik.--It conies to us
through a lelti r that Mrs I.lzle Hull-
man. of I' u'ene and Isiiae Norton, of
lllod((etl, Kent iu eourity Were married
at Ihe latter plaee one week ago last
Tuesday. In .the letter she says:
"iiive my la-si regards lo the Kugeue
soldier Isiys." Wliy, Lizzie! Hume of
those hoys have sweetheart,.
Oiiii Kki.miwh. ,'ipeeisl Deputy
lirand Master A l.elloy, will deliver
an address and li'-Orie ii mis to tlie thin
Fellow of Kugeue and vlelnlty on
Saturday evening, l-'ehruary 4th, auda
few invited frleudnwlll lie present lo
enjoy the muslo, luuob, etc. A i-piei-ally
kimmI lime Is sntli Ipoti d.
Anotiikh Jt ini i .'ii-itur Kuykeii-
dall has 1'itrodiiei d bill in the senate
providing for an additional judge iu
tills district. Judge Hamilton says he
011 do the wotk ea-ily.
A Hoap,
-0 aen-a of land, all In eullivatlou,
three acres In bearing prune trees,
story and a half bouts, all splendid
fruit land; two allies north of Kugeue
on the liver road. Prlos $700, Inquire
at this ollUv or call rihtress
Jliuetliin ( ity, Oregon.
"Mmi.iiis SaaKl"
"A lew nigbts sgi ," writes a Trans-
tool tonttpi mil nt, "I, in e mpaoj with
a cbuni, took n stroll round the Native
Location which lies alotit S00 yards
from flio mil way itatl n. We made for
a row of huts, four In number, In the
front of which wi i I n r. i wire burning.
"On reaching them we noticed tbt
natives were in the net ol catching lo
custs, dying tots and other qaatc look
ing lOSSOU which were swarming itrcutid
in hundred!, being attracted ty tho
1 tl-ht light of tl" .
"After their wingl had DSSD singixt
UutOOgb com i n.: in with tho
tiro, the insects Wire K oped into a
large hole dug iu the and We waited
si i ral minutes woiuli riiig what tho
motive lor all this , w, bt, Vhso tbt
nU'K-irs formed a droit round this holt
ami i . mini uced taking out luiulfula of
these bldtOUH looking tilings mid catiug
"This, a- wo aaoortained, formed the
niggers' lA iiing meal, they informing
us It was 'i slils. scoll' viucef. -ill."
London Answers,
Tho froll growers or Lane county
re hereby itQPtOlsd t meet at (he
Court House iu BogOOO, Saturday,
ftb 4tbs ltW. tl 1 o'clock p iu. Ihe
purpose of the meet I rig in to consider
the advisahihty ol uniting the ttu.t
growers aud more SSOOOl illy the prune
growers, into an organization to han
dle mid market the fruit crop of the
county. When we consider that the
Italian prune is Imlay selling at retail
in the Kistern market at H to U cents
per pound, it is plain that the Oregon
grower is not getting bin share of the
profits ol the business.
This Is a day of eomhincs and trusts
aud they who do nut combine and
pool their common interests will cer
tainly la- left. Conn- OOt fruit growers
and let us see what we ran do to ad
vance mir uiiitual interests.
V 1 1. KINS,
Ami many oltiers.
A itoad ProtJ Uottage brorotoBobt
lllii lll'orpora'id
WWOgleshy, llohert Clo and ti
t Bklpvorth ol Joootlooi today II ltd
the following at tides of inc irporatinu
Ll the county clerk'n oflitOI
Flmt -The name of said corp 'ration
shall he The Cottage drove and ltohe
mla Kail Rotd Oompany and its dura
tion is lodtflolto,
Second That the purp. se for w hich
it is formed are to construct, build,
maintain and ojierate a railroad and to
secure the right of way for the niiine.
Third That tbo principal oil lee ol
said corporation shall he at Junction
City, Oregon.
Kour'h--The amount of the cai ilal
stock of said company or corporation
shall lie KiiHl.tOU.
Filth The amount of each sliate nl
such capital stock shall lie f 100.
sixth The terminus of SmM railroad
shall be at the Itoliem a Mines, Lane
ccunty, i rrsgon,
Noil e to Contreiors.
Sealed h:ds w il; he received by the
district clerk of school district No 38
Of Lane County Oregon, till March 4,
I8t!, for the building oft tohool house
In DiStrtOi Nn M Of Lane counfyT
Oregon. Said scbiHilbouse to v ItlxSO
feet, one story high.
I'lans and specifications may he mtn
by tpplylug to Jesse Bovtrna, olsrk, in
Booth Junction precinct. The Hoard
of Dlrtttofi rostrfts tht rlgir to rojoel
any and all bids.
Jksvsk BoVIBMt, Clerk
JOOOtlOO City Oregou.
Crawford Bicycles
$30 $40 $50
Have Superior
Bicycle Sundries.
Griffin Hardware Co.
The Big Thin
Is all off. However, remember
you will still fin 1 the right goods
and prices at the
Remember This:
We do not inter d taking a back
seat for anyth ng in our line.
Seasonable goods, and remnants
at your own pri3e
v. 1 1 rv upl H . !, PARL0B&
Kayue-Moore-sirahao Cane.
Schillings Best
nil 01 utt
COt VOUf inoili'V h:cV ii'vnn "r":"" Kefeieiuv is made to Watts
'..... - Ootlosl Parlors, i ver
totttt StOW that
tho us lids of
aromva will r-
,' I nit ustoiv
aLsirfl of m.v'.tir.y siif
fering nisi
foit tod during menstruation a
store ot ashes, darting pains, torture
in hack head, limbs and aMorurn.
will sort tho ttftfott itsulsls
Iheii ini . rive mil all "(
Drtcgtstt sell It
IsiC 51 a b:?:'0,
' uMruroa hi . iiius Ba
Ci; i Ker. . L'-i., likari Hi , Kor sai,. t, osburn & delano
Mtetatrt, Car axl 7th tti 1
A Mm pli- simahlar U. i nnli r,
Prooort an empty quarti r i lata oaH
bowd bos, id lo the top ol lbs lid cut
a bole aliet'. ; half Q lonh In tllimttOT
close tii th, , of one side. Then fuisti
abltof sti'.'. '. i wu paper ever this hole,
and when ih y i tick a hole 111 the I rot n
pajHT with a j in.
To tisc t! a si.nshiue lotstJsi placo a
pleco of pai r in tba bottom of tbt hox.
but tetuitii, sio npiarmost, and on
this place a KlaaS plata lo kisp the pa
per flat. N j ut tbo lid on containing
tht pin bole, ami stood tbt whole thing
flat on w ii. .i, w the pin In hi ile
bstsaff thi uth aud tuakea ai il mark
all round i it los,sothat yon always
place it int - - uno position. ainlihaiiKe
Ihe l it-. r . a day, wlnti a . n i Kar
tu nlifiv r" jeep of SBUsliiue will bt
U uud K . . rk Mali and 1. u reas.
t'ons'inipti. n i ivrsirsaUMr' S.wnis haa
pn-vrn thai, and aUi that ui(ls t is suioidal.
Ths worst is. Id nr cu-h van tar iurd with
Sldloh's l'ouh and Consumption Cur. Sold
on aiaitiva siiaraalsa f.a- uissr t-ity sars. Fur
m), MVilll.....! Inn
Try one after another and
A 1 1 .1
Hon i nkc iiicin at your
re- u s by
Kor Sale.
SO acres of land M miles weat of
Kiitiene in tlie Noll Valley. Portly
Isaprovtdi tood tokV snd oood watti
Near 'Ohiad. l'riee fltui on easy term;
lliiernl dtseoont for ossh, Bst John
Sinllley on file premises, ur iddNOI
H I-' Lakornouil
Kiowa, Colorado.
Dp-tO-Uott and Devoted to a Modern
Bugtos It fbrtooatt in btolog an
VXteoalvc optical parlor and labniamry,
t tblDg enjoyed by hut few towns lu
J 11
MitJodgt Btfabta failed tn secure
$4,(Hkj Imuds fir tbe release of Utt
d .tighter, Kayos Moore, tbe former
Albooy girl, ptodlog ber trial, and
she will remain in Nov Jfork city
until the case I . diaposod of. AmU
tsut District Atturii.v Mo l ni vie
McClunn's refused to liavo tlie hall rednc-d. hut
" '!r''; . said iu case ol conviction that be would
JO Walts eomt to Bogtnt from dobU bett insecure the p... linn of
'i.l.y,a..,,oa-d has since con- Mrs Moor. t?tyoe 'IwOfb, absoliitely
ducted a Aral class Jaw.lry and repair refuaed t plead iruilty in oWer
tttabllabment ,., this city. oieors any kind ol tern...
, 1 n "ear" K0 Mr Wa,,!' Moore whs taken to Sing Sine hand-
begOO tbO SlOJy Of opttat With the culled to ,wo dirty looklOg hlgbwsy-
determlDOUOO tO master tbO SOjSOOS, men atts. I Una
, .... men, attractlui; general attention,
lie took the roll toorotol the Cbtauro Tiin,, , , . , , , i
,, , , ,. ., ,. ,. mongb bis sentsoos It for 10 years ue
.(..a.u vsviis, ,e wbcM a.. igsa , . Mtvl0Ur c t OUl It
ins-, leoooi i optics lu America,
r. . . iviiik merited r cognition at grad
ust loo
Mr W.i ;s ; d ied (h
Kor Trade or ale.
A ranch of Its) sores of
Crook county on lbs McKoosio out
PliOOVUbl WOgOn road 1J miles west af
Ihe lies Chutes river. A good feed
stsnd Will trade for a small farm.
Kor further particulars Inquire of
owner, John I. Ttiompaon, 1 mile
south of Sprinufleld bridge on Cotlsge
Urovo road orJ 0 Rkdoohart, gfttsti
BOgS e, tlregoa. n...t
I .... ....i-.M.ini 111 Bill UID Ul lipillH
to bis jewelry Iiu.-iioms, couducting
Jbolh until rsCfOtly, when he vo'uti.
fOally dlsp Ntd of hi j-welry stm'k to
land, in devote his time fully to the practice of
bis ncli DOS,
may by rood behaviour gel
eleven years and seven month. Mrs
Moore's second trial will nrobablv 1
' In February.
Mr Waits i- :,,) iip-to-dale optician
and lias all the modern minli-n ... -
' ueoesMtry It produce snd luure tbe
la.tresul'.s. hi fact very few optical
hoiis, s, eveu in San Francisco, bave aa
c, tuplete an outtit for the work.
In his new location Mr Watts has
admirable ipiartere, well furuisbed.
tasty snd tOOOOJalent Owing to (tie
I will pay the highest cash price for scarcity of thorough work In this iQt.
Host Huyers Attontioti.
I have 100 good grade young nanny
gnats for sale until Fob 1st, near Mon
roe. Fir prices and poitltoisn r
respond with Guo A HoOCK,
Bogeoe, vr.
Second ttaud Knrniture.
SCOOdboOd fumliure.
I Tll TON,
Seventh A Willamette Btt
For S vi. k - -JlM acres eiivileiit farm
ing lands. lnuuire of John Van
l)p n, I olnirg. Or.
in ll past. bb work will tie found
km in comparison with what people
have been accustomed to pay. The
establishment of these parlors is per
inaueut. givlug lo Kugene yet another
oiaimopolitan advsutage
K al Katate Transactions.
Francis M Cnleroao to Henry Colt
msn,!29.95 tortM jn ,p jn . r ;, w, M
For Infants and Children.
Ihe Kind Yen Have Always Bought
Costs tho
Sina-.are of