The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 04, 1899, Image 2

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    " ' -II I
Eugene City Guard.
I. I. am run ! PrararUtor.
An MaWOOBtOg I ollrrllori oMlania I
it.. Two H -il SfO0aOaaf
.1, a I iiN.Ii ii.i .1 fMH
Button capitalists are "ni l In have
made an offer of 11,100,000, pim-l
gol.l, lor tin' San Joita VMtllOUM and
wharve at Havana.
Hundred of oattl. met, am in Dm
voi to take pail in the convention "'
the National Association.
Tlia attendance will lie large.
Oeneral Itussoll I lust ing, of Mania
chuaetts, ha been chosen Spfolnt
Dirnt director of the bureau ol
American republics, to succeed tlio late
Joanpli Hmllh.
Hank notes tn the value of tt DM
have mysteriously disappeared fruit:
I'arr't bank, in Bartholomew Lane,
London, England. It la opposed that
they have been atolen.
A diipatch (ruin Omaha i uj The
Twenty-second iiifaiitiv hu teieivci!
order tn move at OHM lor Hun Fran
ciaoo. The regiment haa orders to nail
fium Han Fiancisco on the Villi.
A bill hai MOO Introdooad in MM
gnats which pinvhha that "no porOM
living In 01 practicing silygainy shall
be aligilile lo he a member of tllbei
lionaa of oongross, nor "hall stub pel"
ton I permitted tn boM IMl 1 1 train "
The aecretary of war has O0m plated
the orgsnliation of a rol nl commis-
urn tn undertake the adjustment ot all
inatteia ol detail roOPOOlipg the govern
in ii . f territories it i u t I liming the
war occupied hy the United BlatM
tor maw
Lev. Edward II. Hud. I, who was
thought Ui Lava hen loOl on tin' Paul
Jones, ia avltra. The hI wan .In
taiiini in I'hm a La OdtN so long by
foggy wealbtt Dial Mr. Bodd gr00 hi
pnlient mm) U'll the inn ty, returning tn
Now Orlcjua
An a rearlt of the assignment ol the
buttle ships Ioarn ami Oregon to tha
Pacific ami Asiatic stations mpMtlf
ly, ami the decision tn iliHji.itrh ths
cruiser Newark to tlie Put'illc mast, the
couiiiiiaiiioiied naval force uf the I'nilnd
Htatea ia alioilt equally diviileil be
tween the two ooeana.
The treaauty depaitinent hai given
Instructions to the customs nffic i al s at
Hitka ami Hkugway to Hop tin' 1 1 n
pnrtatinn of liiiior iimler OOllVOy lioul
Canadian ) n t through tin- While POM
to the Northweat terrilury. Inform
tion haa leached the department that
finical of being hippo.l MIOM the bur
lier into the territory thin llipuo haa
liotin leturnoil secretly to the Incality
uf Kkagway mi l disposed nt tin in, eon
traiy to law.
The president haa MMiMtfjd I I
mull 1). Wiggin, of Washington, D.
I I,, to bo register uf the land office at
Wearo, Alaska.
The Itiiuie oirr.'ajMiii.l, ii t nl tin. I on
dun Times, ivfcrilng to the ruinnr that
Italy ia about to else a nuI mi China,
aaya he hclievue it ahiulutely devoid of
Advice reaching New Oilcans leave
nu filither iluubt uf tin. Iimh uf lliu
yacht Paul Junes Putties are soar eh -lug
fni the Isidics uf tin' unfuitunale
Member uf the pleaaure parly.
Henry M. Iloyt, aaaialant United
Htatea attorney general, haa been or
dered by the department of justice to
go to Hantiago ami udvieo Oeneral
Leouaid .... I on legal qtHatlOBI.
The alt ike. if the .lurk laborer, at
Colon, Colombia, la faat ns-nming a
aeiloua aapect. A batch of lit Panama
duckmen armed laal night, ami riOMI
and rev ul v era weie liad at the train aa
it uoarcd Culnn.
Kharkov, the pugilist, and In- "pur
ring paitnei, Hubert Armstrong, nH
ariaiuged in the municipal cuurt at
Huatun ami lined f I 5 each for partial"
paling in an exhiliilinn wblOO the po
lio maintained paitwk uf the natuia
uf a pitae tight.
A diapatch fiom London aaya: Aroli
blihop lielaml, alter hia viatt to lintne,
will coin., here to cnnaiilt with tha
Kienrh blaaOM on the anlij. i't n lie. k
eriam. The biahop of OrlaaM haa in
vited the dlaUBKulahad Amtrloan ao
clealaitlc to preaid over the fctea in
honor uf Johu D'Aic.
A recent diapatch aaya: The real
truth aa In the alluatinn in the (JuDgO
Statu ia U'lng hldilen. Tin. ulmlti
ouuutry ia in a ferment, ami the leliel
linn ia nut la'ing put (HtWBa The guv
eminent tioupa ippaat t (ear tl In
la ami lb pleat Ige uf the wbltf ha
been muih Impair.-. I.
The gre:llet gatheling ill th hlltOff
uf Alaaka IndiaM ohjdttld fur An
gual lu next at Kli.uan, un the I'lnl
kat tlvar. At thla grand potlatoll, tha
tribal war of the Wnutgal ami Ohllkal
Indiana, whi.h haa I wen tnging fur
man.' yeara, willcnue to an eml. It
la mlimatihl thai over 1,000 Indiana
will be praenl.
mi Raw llavaa
The Cunne. ticnt aiipreuie mull haa
iendere.1 a dcclainn that the prupeity
of Yale univeiaity la eieinpl Iruui tax
atlmi. A diaiatch from Uio Janeiro t itea
that the Hraaillan oungreaa haa ap
proved a treaty ol extiadiliuM with tha
United Ktatoa.
Miaa Virginia Kvana. daaglitU uf
"Klghiiug llnli" Kvana, will inaku
liar bow to eociety duting th pivavut
Waahtugtuii official xaaun.
At a meeting l citiaena it waa de
cide.) lu hold an International agpaal
tion lu San PVtMHM in I'.'ul, 0aMlla
In June.
Mr. McKinley' health haa sr. all v
Improved aino he went to Waalnng.
ton. In the paat Iwu yara ahe ha
gained 10 aiumla in weight.
The atate In which the death pa)
ally ia forbidden by law are Cohirahi,
Khode lilaml, Maine. Mlahlgaa and
Wiaounain. In ll'io-le lalaml the only
alteinaliv ia impriaunmeut fur lifw.
In Kanaaa the aiguatuie of the gover- '
or ia neoaaaary to an exeoutiua.
February 8 hi ben agreed open by
th aanale aa lb dal to vote ti un IM
peace treaty.
Tbo New Vmk Kvrrnng World piinti
an Interview with John hherman, in
whiob the latter foreibly eXireaa hiin
ell againat expantlon.
According to flgurea pubiijbed at
Madrid, 60,000 Hpaniah arddlera Mkf
iahed, ohiefly through an kneaa, during
the laat campaign in Cuba.
It ia reported in Havana that 00V
ral Uabi, wltb 1,600 Cuban Inaor
genta, baa taken to the hula in Hanta
Clara, In defiance of American author
itlea. A battle haa taken place at Ran An
ranna, Kcuador, between goviriuio-nl
troopa and iriaurgenta. Knur linn lr. I
men were kilhcl and 800 wounde.1, ami
400 lniurgeiita wera lakvn piiaoneia.
Th premier, Henor Hagaata, haa an
nounced that th" gOVafBiaal had de
cided to convoke the coitea during the
ecuml half of February, whether the
United Htatea aenatu ratifb a ll.i. p. :e
treaty M oot.
A bicycl aaddln combine la to he or
gan i re. I and MpiUliaad at I,MO,000
preferred and TM,000 enrnuiuii atie k.
Thoee already in line are aaid to pro
duce (10 pel cent of all the aaddlea iiae.l
in Noitb Aiiierii'j ami fair percentage
uf tlioae Hau l ahruad.
Cunaiderahle alarm ia felt in admin
istration circlea over the aaalbility
thai Hpaln and fjermany may recognile
th Fhilippine repuhlic (lerinany
from intereated nn.tiv.-a and Hialn to
free the H.000 or 10,000 Hpaniah tlouai
held a prisoner hy Aguinalihi.
The strike w In. I. I. h.-eu lu .mg
reas at Culnn, Oilninhla, fur nearly a
lofialfht, amnng the duck lalxirera, haa
aitanoad to I'anaiua, partly owing to
the fact that the Chilian line uf ( mi
r ha increased the wages uf its em
ployes, thereby a. uentual lug the .lead
in, k.
John F. Kennedy, who attained nu
tnrlely in oniiei-tliiii with Ibf niiiner
ous train inlilH'rna ami utl.ei i ilinea in
the vli lnlty Of Kanaaa City, haa lu eu
held w ill, hail at Manaliel I, Mo ,
fur a boaliBfl HHM the grand jury uf
Wright nullity un a charge uf truin-
The I'lanters' hank, at Kanaaa City,
with a capital uf Jfi,ooo, ha been
oiu-elby the atate. The (irupiintora
are B8dal arreat hv unler uf Se reluiy
uf slate la'aeiir ami Aaaiatiiut Allnrliey
(leneral Jeffries. The hank has un via
ihle assets, it is alleged, whatever.
The seennd annual cnnvenlion of Ihe
Nun, .1, nl Liveat.N'k Aaaoelatioo ia in
lOfjIOfl at DaOVaTi Nearly 1,000 dele
gates ate present.
Ooveinnr (1. A. Ciills'isun has been
elei led hy in i lainatiun in the Texas
legialatuie tn be Cnite.l States aeualnr,
tn am i . e. I Uugel ij. M ilia.
Auialganial inn ul the nipper mine
inteieats uf the Hniightiin, Mich., dis
trict ami of Mi. ni. in. i haa been delayed
by the severe i Ineaa uf Levy Majer.
Judge K. W. Wuudluiry. who tnWOd
the first prohlbilorv liipmr law en n 1, I
by the Maim, legialatuie, Is dent at
his DOM lu BoUmIi in atate, aged
HI yeara.
The fourth minimi cunvcnlinn uf the
Natinnal Aaaoelatlon ol Maonfaalnrart
la iu aeasiun in Cincinnati. It ll
lh. Hindi a full iittemlauce of 1,'JOO
aotbari will bf praaaol.
The Spanish minister uf war has le
elded to ibollah 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H v inaishals, to
retire half of the unattached g roll
ami tu greatly radOOl the number ul
officers H the active list iu the interest
of retrenchment.
A dispatch from WoihlOgtOO aaya:
Tliete ia reason tn heli. ve that kUO hi
oanoy in the Auglu-Auierlcan Jnint
high OOnBliaaOtl caused by the death of
Mr. Hiugley will soon ki lille.l by the
appointment of Itepreaeiilalive law nev,
uf Minnesota.
The cuuiiiiiasinncra sent by the Cohan
aaaambly to Waablngtoo to laarn what
the Uollod Stales gnvei iiiuent will do
about paying the Cuban army, have
ailed fur Havana, uauaral QoUOa
taoratary, Oaptain Kobly,aald Hint the
oommiailoo had obtaload u pait uf what
they aake.l.
No in. ue names will be considered
for aj'i itiin nl to any loaned of the
I ..-I .I ac r vice iu Cuba. Till poatoffloa
department baa been OTOfWhOlntOd wild
aiiplioatinua lor these appnintiuenta,
and en. nigh eligible naincK uie 000 00
Hie to till all puaaible emergencies (m
live years tn , nine.
Heavy rains, iintisual in this lati
tude at this time ul the year, have in
jured the spring erup ul sugar cine i it
Nioatagua. The coffee crop in Ni00
tagua, now being gsthereil, will not ex
BOOd hall of the annual cmp. LstborOfl
are asking high prices tu gather the
haiveat, ami aie indisposed to
A aumewhat sen mis slate of iffaill
prevails un tmaid the I'lnlnd, Iplnu,
now in tbo barbor ol Boa Dlago. Biaoa
the amval of the vessel, uly ur.pnte
80 lueiulxis ul the crew have deserted,
and ul theae IN have been pMOBtOtod,
Ihe men say they weie denied shore
; leave al Central Aun rican and Mexican
1 l-ots, hut plOOllOad it when they ahoul I
1 leach an American port, but since ar
riving here km fen I. me teen pel
untied lo come ashore,
The two ri.h, wt prima donnas are
Adeline I'm tt i and Sihyl BOOdotOOO.
Tensions have been grante.1 lu the
Wi.luw of Capt. Ally n Capron and
Capl. Allvn K. Capruu, father ami
on. Intl. uf whom foil in the war with
CI. 1 1st Monliergcr, wlo died in Huf
falo. N. Y., of a fracluiol skull at the
Filch hospital, whittled mvrry tunes
all thiuugh tile 100 hour uf his mortal
III 000 and waa iiiicuuih'ioii all Ihe
Toledo, O., ha in pnvtwa of con
truoliun what will v one of the
large! plate glaa laolurlc lu the OBOJh
A oiob deatruye-l tha internal rev
enue entry Isixe and ttOOOjd the gen
daime! Nlmeiui, Sicily, at a protest
against eioeaaive taxation. Mai y pal
una were wounded.
In recognition ol th late Senator
Morrill't great inteiest in the improve
ii.ei.l of the city uf Washington a newt
paper of that elty suggest that th
uw lapreme court building be made
a tuauioi ial of blm.
Authorizes Aguinaldo to De
dare War.
Ad Amarlran OaaOff Hills 0000X0 '
rOMIppla Ariiilsry
ail i ..,.t.,
Miinila, via Hong Km g, Jan. 88.
Hepublioa, Ihe official organ uf the
Filipino, announce that cmgresi at
Mslolns haa adoide I Philippine con
t it ut inn. piisard a vute of cniilldeno in
Aguinaldo and i in;siwere. him to de
clara war un Iho Cnited Slate when
evei ha may deem it advisable. At a
mas meeting of the women of Cavil
7terdy, the papei adds, it waa en
thuaiiatically nwolve.1 to petition
Aguinaldo for pcrmisaion to take the
men's places in defense uf Independ
ence and lo laar arms if iicenery.
An American sentry yesterday killed
a captain of the Filipino artillery at
lVxotO OOlpOOL As a ntiill the native
press is intensely excited and denounce
ll na a "cowardly assassination."
On Saturday, January 'Jl, live Fili
pino daiOraslOOd 10 have revenge for
the captain' death and attempted to
enter the American line. An Ameri
can sentry killed one of them, who
wa armed with u revolver. After an
exchange of shots, the other were ur
inated. The incident ho intensified
excitement here.
'Ihe cabinet yeiter.lay insisted on the
liberation of Spanish civil prisoned,
in commemoration of the proclamation
of the Filipinos republic and also do
nated moiiev to the native clergy.
An elaborate piogruiiiine ha been
arranged for formal ratification ol th
OOOOtltOtlOO today. Nothing was ac
complished at thu conference here ye
tcnley, and it ia rumored the Filipino
at their next i .ting will give th
A mere ins eight days in which tu accede
to their demands fur iccuguition. Th
ruinui is disc re. lite. I.
Vlaiiv 1'i.raona llrowits.l and Vlii.-li I'rnp
erly llrslroysil.
Vicloiia, ft :., Jan. 88. Tha
steamer Aorangi, from Ausfulasla,
bring details of the leriilile i vi Imie
which swept Iho South seas BDOO.I th
on. idle nt Daoatobar, dovoatotloi vil
lages, wrecking ahipuing ood ennsing
Waoy deaths. At Samurai, in New
tllliliea, on Hei'emls'r II, the gale was
terrillo. C' a palms went down by
hundreds and were carried tu sea.
Tonents uf rain fell. Twelve vcascli
were nieck.'d.
The cutters Mayfluwer and Nahun
were total wrecks at ll.isiliaki. The
ketches lleheiii and llaulaii wen. loat
off Qoodoi gh island, and Mr. Ken-
liody, manager of the New QoloOO Do
voloptooot Oonponyi xraa drowoad, to
gether with his oiew, save one Isiy.
The schooner Kl It'll iow an and the
Ctlltel Ivy were lost in the Kosnnan
group and fJoplalO Qodot and otew
Weie drowned.
In the BolOaWNM the hiirric.ine did
the Boat damage, whole villages being
destroyed. Hundreds of o.icm plauta
llOM weie OptOOtOd and y tin pat. he
leveled. Ovei fiOn unlives are reNiit
e.1 to have been killed.
Captain I'entecoat, of the yaelll St.
Anion, who brought the news uf the
disaster to Sydney, says he saved a
wurniin whn was in have been killed a
ll aorccicss, she being 1000800 uf having
caused the hurricane. He Isinght her,
the purchase price being a pig, and
took her to another i-laud, w here she
w as n leased.
I'rall.l Itelraat. ttl I rlaimrra.
New York, Jan. '.'N. Through the
Flench embassy here Spam has again
urged the Culled states to procure the
release ol Spanish prisoners held hy the
1'litlippino insurgents. Inhumation
officially re. cued by the Madrid gov
ernment from the Philippines slums
that the lives nl Spanish 000100 and
rli i I.I i n, as well aa men are iu danger
and that the prisoners are not receiv
ing proper treatment.
Secielarv ll.iy replied tlint Qoootol
Oti had been instructed tu give im
mediate attention to the matter, hut
this government has made un promises
to obtain the release uf the prisuuers.
ll Is the glowing belief that lliev will
bo able to obtain the release ul th
prisuuers only by force.
Ti.e Bovb kaawaaoadi
New Oilcans, Jan. 88. Lawrence
Jones, owner uf the ill fated launch
I'mil Junes, which was lost 0001 BrotOO
island boot JOOUOry A, with all un
board, and Maym Tagfait, ol Indian
apolis, vvhuae daughter was aiming tha
party, have returned to the oily fiom
down the river aftet having made a
fruitless search (or some trace ul tha
victims uf the disaster. They only
futiiid aoiiie wreckage, 00100) which i
a part ul the stetu ul the launch.
atria Uinta In tlnasla.
Lpodoo, Jan. 88. There have Iwn
eriuiis strike riots iu the iMttun nulla
Ol the St. Petersburg district. Th
police, while attempting tn raid the
workmen's hairaoks in order to arreat a
i Ingles. ler, were attacked by the work
men, one policeman being killed.
.'kl.l. a W aula I.. Ha a BtOtOi
liutlierie, O. T. , Jan. 88. The ter
ritorial stateliissl QOaTfoHuO haa ie
Milve.l for a aOOOtltOtlOOOl ixuvention
in June and a state election in October
on a promsitnn lu go tu congress and
demand adiniasiun in DoOOOlbOfv
AtsiMaot .... in. Rao l..rk
New York, Jan. 8S. While cleaning
a Unler iu Ihe cruiser New Vmk today
ix men were injure I seriously by es.
capitig steam. One ul them w ill .11.
Three other were scalded slightly.
Scitile, Jan. 88. The learner
Itoaalie, arriving tonight from Alaska,
brings news tha: the llshiug avhoouer
St. Liareiuv, ol Seattle, haa Wn
wrecked on Turnabout island in Fred
erick aaOOst, Alaska. Her crew
cured Indian oanooa ami made their
way to Juneau. Thev were three , , ks
making the voyage, and uffers many
banl a I pa,
A ditoh from Culima. Mexi.-o,
tale that the volcano of that nam ll
In full activity. Au uutburtt ol amuk
fulloweal by lava, occuired diiectly af
ler the eailhquake Fnday.
Slavaa BjfO aaily's raw T C
i. KM 01 0001 ouiaa-
Vanoouvar, B. C, Jan. 80. After
escaping death by diowuing. II oj lb
arOO uf the hip Manbare wel cap
tured and eatn by cannibals of RcJ
TIi Manbaie wa bound for Sydny,
Australia, wbefl it wa caught in the
terrible gala of Decern bat. Near Capo
N. lson it begn to link. The crow, 18
all told, left Ihe veael in two loat.
I Mini (afkllll lhM-alllM sfi.arated. One boat,
ruutaiiiing It men, wa finally thrown
aaliore 10 milea fruin the caie.
The tailor wei ei.a hy nativea
fruin Hi Interior and hurried off to
the villaga of tha chief. One man,
J tinea Oreene, ecasd. The aailor
were atripped and bouutl ami killed,
one each day. A wild orgie wat par
ticipated in by at lOOOt 100 savage,
who boil gatheied for the (east.
In aeveial caae th uiloi were tor
tured by the old women and children
of the trilie. Tho eye of one weie
gouged out The doomed men atou-allf
watched tha elaborate preparation for
their death. A huge put Ml-d with
boiling water wa used nr the feast,
which on tbe first day waa piulunged
away into the night. In mait caaea
the men were beheaded, theii held
being stuck on ailes and paraded be
fore the men who were lo offer the
aiuii fate.
Oreene wa rescued by a ateamer
after tramping without ftsal i day ami
a night tu reach the cuoat. The scene
uf huiror he hud tTltOOOtod turned hi
hair iioy white.
Mora Haarhs oil Kl aitsloa.
Washington, Jan. 80. At the open
ing of the lOOOtO BpOOOal un I Itawlin
gave notice of speecbo on th reaolu
tion op-.-i: g aiineiatioii, Ssauier
Wednesday uml Kawlitia Thuirclay
next Mason asked unanimous consent
for a vote on hit resolution, dsclariug
it to lie the p. ln y of the Ciuled State
not to ittaOlpl to govern the people of
any other ion, next Friday, at 1
o'clock, and Hoar (or a vote on his res
olution deed g the Filipino might
tu l free an I mile pendent, but Caller
objected to both.
Ill lltS II .MISS.
Wushiugtun. Jan. 80. When tbe
huiiae met this morning there remained
hut little iu, .re than an hour of time
for general d. hale on Ihe army reor
g un. ill. hi hill. Henderson ( Hop. Ia. )
wa the lirsl speaker. He opsio. a
standing atiny of 100,000 men, hut
was willing tu auppurtil proposition for
a (oreti numbering fruin 50,000 to 00,-
Court -Martial 0aa
WaablOgtOO, Jan. 80 The case of
t 'uiiimissary-Oetieial Charles P. Ka
gan, charged with conduct tending to
the prejudice of g.ssl order and mill
tary discipline, is now in the hand of
the court martial appointed to try lum
Ttslay the taking ul teslimuny waa
closed, and argument of 0000001 lilb
utitted. The tnal lasted three tluya
and consumed less than eight houia' of
actual sitting. A session bODlUd closwl
tloori of an hour or ao luflti'ed for the
court to reach a conclusion and cni-
IhhIv its lOpOrt. What the verdict mil
he ia altugether a matter uf specula
tion, and I v at leust will not be
made public by the tiial Isiartl, mill
tary regulatiniis repining that Ha find
ings shall go through ptOOOribtd ch in
nels, and he kept seciot until action he
had ami protniilguled by the DIOpOl ie
viewing aotJxotittaa,
Holao Paalla tt in Praia.
New York, Jan. 30. ll wa itattnl
last night that the details uf the plan
fin the exchange ul DoioD l'a ilio com-
noa itook for ,. Bbort Line stuck
OOOld be made poblk In an advertise
ment. The ilirectnis uf the I'nlnn Pa
cilic have settled the terms and tho
ullloial annuuiioenieiil is expectel to
day. It U generally bolloTod (hat the ar
rangement arrived at will be share fur
share nu the tT,4O0,OO0 Of Short Line
stock, w ith a "oiling" tu the deal, in
the shape uf u small assessment un tha
Short Line holders. Tins deal should
net the DolOO Pacitlo abottl 1 ,000,000.
Itairt of Varillel or tlulllla
Chicago, Jan. 80. A sfoul to tho
l imes Herald frOxO Washiiiglon auya:
Dismissal ft 001 the military seivice of
the Dottod States without any it i-
BaodOtlOO lur oleaiency. is the verdict
passed hy the court martial iipin Com
miatai f tlencial Kagan fui Ins recent
lirolOOt attack upon Major Oeneral
Miles. The verdict was rtoobod with
in 45 minutes after the trial ended to
day. I'trlahsil a lar.
Seattle, Waah.. Jan. 80. New ol
I no f reeling to death of tdroe prospec
tors on the Valdes glacier, near tha
month ol Copper river, Alaska, wa
in. mgiit tu this eitv today by ponoogon
Ol lb steamer Collage I ily, irOH kag
wav and Juneau, Alaska. The n.iines
uf those who Hrlslied are:
Henry Kohn, New York city;
Smith, Chicago; KaMNOO, DobiWiO,
Fight la tha Itrl. harath.
Vienna, Jan. 80. lit the Inner hotll
of the Aii-ti i to rolohirath today a
dieturhanco ansing out of racial differ
ence led o ii hood b baod Igbt be
tween dopOtiaO. Tha ushers tlually
succeeded in -eparating the enmhat
auts, but the sitting came lo a oloaa
amid a aoeue ul turhulem
aiaautar I , i, Iran I I l..ia.lllig.
s.m Kmi loo, Jan. 80. Tha
ate. unci Centennial, which has been
chartered by the l'nlte.1 Stale aa a
taaVMOOrii tialay finui POfOt
ouml, ami will at onot N'gin loading
with supplies fur th Ameiican tlOOM
in the I'hilippiiies, She will probably
sail tn otimpatiy with the Ohio and the
The heart heals ten tiukes a minute
leaa when one is King dnnn than when
one ia in a.i upright pooltloo.
Washington, Jan. 80. The filia
tion at Manila is regard. si as BtlUooli
uf OxaUOOi but the offleial see no tea
sun why they cannot command it lor a
time al least. Oeneral Oti reported
yestertlay, in OMOOOttoO with some
iiialteiivvnmvi.Nl with the shipment
home uf unii tick Spanith lubltoio.
that he could hold out beyond a doubt
until hia reinforcement arrive, and
added that the new had reached
Manila that tbot wa every protpect
that Ihe peace treaty would be aooo by the I'uitevl State aenata,
the effect on the "tiv "lenient had
Icon (atiafactory.
Wballaf' OralO Bill ! Attract!!
Mora Allrnll'.M fffcOO Aujr
Oilier Mcaaura.
K.lem Jan. 24. The bill that i ro-
ceiving the moil attention in tho house
just now I the Whalley bill, provid
ing (or the creation of the office ol
ai.iie irrain inaneclor. The bill pro-
lidMtof n appioprialion oi j.auu
for a comniitiion. The comminion ii
to comist of three meiiiliers, to ls ap
pointed hy the governor. One ol the
three in to be tbe grain innoctor.
whose annual alry shall he 8,600 in
addition to all MpOOOaO. The other
iu,, ineinlsTS are to receive f .ill a yeal
each and eiienae, aa not much work
wil be retpnred ul th Ihe lull alwi
provide (or a aecretary at 1,000 a
year, a niinila-r of chief deputy iniec
tors t tl.hOO year and a number of
other d. putie at $15 a month each.
In addition tu .-lah labin ' irrain grades
and bxapOfltiOg all the grain that leaves
or i bfOOfhl into tha state, the Juty
tt tbO ohlot toOpOOtOI will also be to
inspect sirah-s ul fS each. Liberal fees
are allowed (or the inspection ol giuin.
A hill Inn been introduced in the
bouse for the protection of upland
bird). The bill ia an amendment of
thu general game law enacted by the
legislature ii. lS'.I.V It provide that
every person who hall, within the
tutu of Oregon, between the first day
of January and the first day of Novetu
Iter of each year, take, kill, injure or
deitrov, or have in sssession, except
fur bleeding pursises, ur sell ur offer
for sale any pheasant, Mongolian
pheasant, ipiail or partridge, shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor: provided,
however, that it shall be unluwful,
within the state ol Oregon, to kill or
loatroy any ring-necked Mongolian
pheasant, ur any uf tho various kinds
if phaOxPntl IsOpOrtod into thil state
by tbe Hon. O. N. D uiny, or any
quail, buhwhito r pheusant in that
part uf the state uf Olegun lying east
if the Cascade mniintaiin. That evory
pOMM WbO shall within the statu ol
i ire.-. hi, at any time enter upon prem
ises tint his own with intent to cutch,
reoover, take or kill any hinl or ani
mal, oi permit any .log. with which he
shall be hunting, to do so for such
puiposo without crmission of the
WBOI ot irsnn in charge thereof, or
hall shoot upon any premises nut his
0W0 (ran toy public highway, shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor. That any
pOltWl violating any of tha provisions
Ol this act, shall be deemed guilty of a
roiadonaOOOt, and upon conviction
tln ieof shall bo punished by a line of
not less than .ri0 nor more than f 100,
in. I in delimit of payment of fine im
I aiaed shall be imprisoned in thu coun
ty jail ut the rate of one day for euch
two dollars of the fine imsiso.l.
In the (muse this ufternnun. the My
ers resolution donating $2,r00 worth of
i,....k- to matobon was roaeiodad, ami
Indefloitoly poatponod. A roaolotion
directing the Hergeiint-at-arins to gather
up and restore to the secretary of Iho
statu the stationery and supplies ut the
close of the session, was, after a spirit
ed debate, indefinitely postponed.
A bill has I en introduced in the
houao touching on railroad taxation, is
iM'ing considered hy Portland railroad
men. Die bill piovidc foi the licens
ing uf railroads, us u substitute for the
established system uf taxation, to ap
ply generally except on lands not occu
pied as a right of way. It is modeled
allot the law puivailn.g in Wisconsin.
Twei.ty hills were read the second
time uml referred to the ptOpOf com
mittees, and the following bills were
passed: To retpjiio doors of public
buildings lu upon outward; to provide
for the dltOOlotaOO of municipal cor
porations tiM0i tho payment of all out
standing Indobtadnoaai amending the
code relative to attachments so us tu
obviate tho necessity of Misting notices
on propel ty attached. A tetition
was presented fiom It) Polk county
lawyois, piaving for the ictcntion of
thu I circuit judge in the third
judicial district.
A petition Iroin lj1.) citizens of Wash
ington county, for a change in the law
so as to tOQ, dire householders instead
of voters on petitions fur saloon Ii
con e was ptiOOUtod,
A petition piaving that the state ap
point threvi commissioner!) to I my the
Mount II I and Harlow wagon mad,
the paper hearing the names uf tit resi
dents along tl.e mad, was introduced.
Haines, uf the special committee ap
pointed at the special session to in
vestigate tho taOWOOboig contract nt
the penitentiary, submitted a lung ie
port, snowing that ItiMI was due the
slate un tbf OOOtiaOti putt ul which
was Ml MOOtOtl, It recommended that
032. SOO he accepted in full pavmonL
The resiit wus adopted.
Mttlkey, 0t tbo OOnflstttoO to IXOtO
Int the affairs uf the MOrOtOty of state,
roportod that bo had found everything
aoouiale and satisfactory, and the ie
port was tiled.
A Joint memorial wits passed, urging
the attorney-general and the United
States supremo court to advance case
afftvting the title uf settlors to html
in tba forfaited Northern PoolSc, grant
in Orvgmt.
A formula for the prodooHoO ol
oivstal alum mm hrunxo consists of a
powdered aluminum, powdered glass
in "diamond dust," and sulphate ol
sine in certain ipoaJJOd propurliotis.
lis l..ra N..I t lark Now.
A cleik in an Australian hardware
store booth! the Australian pate
lights to the pneumatic bicvele tire for
IIS, and after teolioing a fortune
onhis interest for 1800,000.
In a now form of diawbridge, aside
tlOOl tho anlog and 0 lost Of mechan
ism, the .iofjawtnic uf mtetost is, that
gates are prefvidisl that iOM the path
way when the draw is open, so it ia
bBpoOOtbla to go through.
kOBOtOitf or 1 ni,,- Hallaary.
It is said that letter dropped in the
puttuftlce at Pari are deliveied in Her
lin in one hour and a half, and some
limes within 85 minute. The dis
tune between the cities is TS0 miles,
and the letters are sent by moans of
pneumatic tobOO,
Htalaa Wartilnarv.
While the pars and trade Journals
are fall of laudations over the accept
ability of American machinery abroad
three huge direct-couple alternators
have been built Igr a Swisa firm for aa
American gold mining company.
It lo it.-!,, i in Maiiaiaiiiaiit or tha tat
laeaae a lavaa.
Salem, Or., Jan. 25. Josepbi'l bill
to reform the system o( manugemeut of
the state insane asylum, putting the
institution in tbe hands of four trustees
appointed by am! to act with the gov
ernor, was passed by the senate this
afternoon by a vote of 81 to 8, aflei a
debate of an hour and a half. By a
atill larger vote, Diiver's bill authoria
ing conntv courts to employ county
priaOOOri on public load was passed.
The defeat of Mulkey's resolution
to limit the Introduction of bills to
tlie 2fith day of tbe session and an in
tnnulmn that the matter of the Loewen
l er j contract at the state penitentiary
would be teopened were interesting
incidents Of the senate proceedings.
Iu the house, six bills weie passed,
including one cariying an appropria
tion of 25,OO0 for building and operat
ing salmon hatcheries, and a bill to 135,0000 for buying and
operating the Mux mill at tho peniten
tiary was introduced.
Other bills passed were Stillman's
bills leguliting marriages contracted
within the six months' limit, and
amending tho code relative to action
for recovery of personal property so
that the defendant, where property is
claimed by a third party, may surren
der the same into the custody of the
couit; the Itoss bill to abolish private
seals, and Morton's hill to oure defects
ill deeds hereto f. .1 e lllade.
Many hills were put through foiinal
readings in both houses. This bus beeti
by fur the busiest day of the session,
and u great amount of work bus been
Considerably out of the usual order
wus the proposition of John II. Albeit
to exchange an eligible full block ol
land adjoining the present blind school
for the state's former site of the blind
school, now occupied by the Salem hos
pital, so he might pieseut the property
to the hospital, and the state would nt
the snme time get more room fur the
ac oxidation of the blind. Tbe peti
tion went to the printer undci the
rules. The property is estimated to bo
worth 1,750.
Ursfon' Lawuiakart Ara Now latta(
Uoaa to i Hard
All ol Oorarnor It.ifara' A ppolnliua OXO
Olympia, Jan. 25. All of Oovernor
lingers' appointments during the past
two years were continued at a special
session of the senate this afternoon.
The vuting (or United Htates senator
today was exciting only when dnnder
son changed (rum Humes to Wilson.
Two ballots were taken, although un
eil it wus made by fusion members to
adjourn after the 14th ballot. Uiilluts
ttslay resulted as fulluws: Foster, 25;
Wilson, I8 Humes, 20; Ankuny, 8;
Lewis, 25; Houston, 1.
Dills introduced in the senate were:
Appropriating f.iM0 for thu relief of
Captain Jumes Koss, cumpuny A, inde
pendent hattaliun, Washington volun
teer infontiyi appropriating fsoo for
fish ladder at Myers' Fulls, Stevens
county; appropriating funds to pay
employes' judgment against the state;
providing that escheats go to the stute
school fund instead of the county school
fund; to rebate interest and penalties
an delinquent taxes assessed prtur to
IHUU, if paid before November 8, 18D0;
requiting fire escapes on all public
buildings; authorizing county OOmmitV
loners to spend a poition of the roud
fund within city limits.
In the Hnliaa.
Ill the humnj the hill prohibiting
betting and selling ptMils on elections
was roportod fur indefinite postMino
niotit by the committee on elections.
The bill fixing railroad passenger
rate at 3's cents per mile was received
from the railroad committee carrying
a I -cunt amendment, and the whole
matter was referred to the judiciary
Hills in trod need wore: Amending
the school law so ns to enable school
boards to expend M per cent of the
ilistiict income for public i in prove-
mi nts; all of tbo Preston sonato hills;
making six yours the life of u judgment, I
uml providing tor action for its re- j
nOWOl after tlvo years; prohibiting I
blacklisting, creating a board of live
examiners for loconiotivo engineers at
I subtly ol 11,200 per annum; making
It unlawful for uny employer to use
any duress to prevent nn employe from !
joining a labor organization, under
pain uf 100 maximum fine and otio
month's imprisonment.
Nomination Con It r mail .
Woiblngton, Jan. 2rt. The senate
today continued the following nomin
ntious: T. A. Winter, to bo iiostmiis
tor ut Colville. Wash.: 11. A. Olselen
register ol the land office at Hum
boldt, lal.; F.A.Jones, of Ottunui,
lu., to he commissioner to examine and
classify lauds within the lund-grunt
limits of the Northern Pacific Company
in the Helena, Mont., land district.
An Baxaaallrao mil BklvsJ
Washington. Jan. 28. The wars
and means committee today indefinite-
ly postponed the bill relating to the
gieatei America exposition at Omaha,
which was designated to show the re
sources of Cuba, the Philipdines. Porto
Hieo and the Ladrones. Favorable ac
tion was taken on the hill nermittimr
spirits to bo shipped in tins, which is
uesigniM ia secure a lurger trude in
J i pan.
rayruani or Itnuntlaa.
Washington, Jan. 20. The whole
question of the payment of bounties to
officers and sailors who participated in
engagements which resulted in the de
stmctiun of the Spanish fleets during
the war has boon referred by the navy
department to the court ot claims,
where tbe claims will be adjusted un'
lei the Boomaoafoskoi act. It is not
yet determined when the cases will be
taken op by the court, but is more than
likely it will he within two weeks.
Kn.irmom Tranaartlons.
Now York, Jan. 26. Yesterday's
eiu.romns stock exchange business
caused a nreaking of the record today
tn ti e Clearing-house. It is eatimate.1
that if all the clearings had been made
tbiough the foimer insitution, as was
done during the speculative era in the
bOa, the total clearings would have
reached 1500.000,000. The total clear
ings at the banks' clearlng houae today
amounted to frUT.ilg.SM.
It is a curious fact that the hony.
bee was never known in the United
btatea till Imported from England I
In the Oregon atute senate Wedne.
day the following bill weie passed:
To' ant bonze the constiuction .n
maintenance of floodgates on bougUs
und otiiei sloughs, Douglas county; (0
require justice of tbe peaoe tu submit
complaints to the district attorney, ex
cept for murder, aison, robbery, grand
larceny, befoie fee may be Collected;
to piovide a trust (und in Multnnuiuh
enmity; to authorize the Kugeiie d .
vinity school to confer theological and
biblical degrees; to amend the act
passed last fall so us to make all quant
ami p'ueer claims real estate; ton i
from defendants in proa. . ,.
turns fur abortion the shield afforded
b) secii.iu 2011 of the slutulos, whi. h
absolves them (torn test Hying on the
grounds that it might incriminate the
witness; to provide for county clerks
to transmit to tlie secretary ol state a
nummary instead of u complete trans
cript of assessment rolls; amendment
to Orunls Pass charter; to peimit smt
for iMissession of reul estate to bo main
tained by pluintiff not in actual -lion;
to provide for election of a die
trict road supervisor.
Uatca' bill for clerks of the justici
courts in Multnomah county, nfter be.
ing emasculated by striking out the
sulury feature, was recommitted be
cause found not to bo limited to Mult
nomah county.
Adams' bil'1 to tax dog also was te
commuted, nfter considerable discus
sion, for amendment so ns to exempt
cities where dog are ulreudy licensed.
In the house tbo bill providing for u
special election in Malheur county fur
reluoution of county seat was ma le a
special order for Wednesday, Fehrtiuiy U
Upon motion of Curtis, euch Wednos
day night hereafter will be devoted to
consideration of local measoies.
Dr. Jnsephi' insane asylum hill,
which passed thu scnute yesterday, wus
rushed through the first ami secou.t
reading" and refened to the committee
on penal, reformatoiy ami chuiituhlc
Shoiwin's bill, to amend the chartei
of Oohl Hill, so as to enable the town
to isstio 12,500 water bond, was passed.
The joint committee on fisheries, tc
meet a like committee bom tho Wnsh
ington legislature, was excused till Tues
day next. Tho bill of Curtis amend
ing the fishing laws wus ordered print
ed and referred to this cnmmitteu with
i nst i net ion" to bring it to tlie atten
tion of the Washington committee.
The leiipiKirtionment hill wus passed
in the honso Thursday by tho narrow
margin of one vote.
The bill to create a new county out
of iHirtions of Urant, Crook ami mi
lium counties waa defeated.
A bill for protection of trout, and
one for protection ol carwtish were
A resolution wus introduced to re
strict the introduction of new bills tc
Fein nary 3, but it was i udctiliitely
A resolution changing tho tlute ol
visiting Corvullis by the joint commit
tee from February 1 to Februury 4
In the sonato the hill to authorize
school clerks and county judges to dis
pose of luml bid ill at sales (or delin
quent tuexs came up as a siecial unlet
Thuisduy. An amendment excepting
from redemption by Otiglnol owueie
land contracted to be sold was offered
and the bill was recommitted for tin
Hills pussctl were: To amend Un
law relating to certain initio animals
running ut largo, applicable to Kasteru
Oregon ranges; to cure defect in deed.'
heietofore made that ate faulty in OS'
ecution.w itnessing or acknow ledgment
t0 amend the law relating to tho mak
ing of doetla by tho sheriff.
The reapportionment bill whiob
passed the house Thursday passed tin
sonato Friday after a debute OOMOmlnfl
nearly the whole morning session. Tlit
timtl vote was 22 uvea, 4 noes, 4 absent.
The toport of tho cominitteeippoint
ad ut the special session to investigate
the Loewenborg contract at the peni
tentiary was taken from the table, and
amendments proposed to the effect that
thu f:i2,500 settlement bo rendu by
February 10, that not less than f 10.00C
be paid in cash and tho balance in
notes satisfactory to tho boaid, and
then the wholu matter was made a
special order for Tuesday at 2:30 P. M.
In tlio senate the following hills
wore introduced during the pnst week:
To put In the hands of the secretary ol
state the mutter of ordering the print
ing of reports, session laws, circulars,
blanks, etc., the printef to act only
nptm the written order of tbo secretary,
except that the governor may Order the
printing of executive documents; to
protect life and property from duiigi't
of railroad trains by providing numer
ous regulations for warnings on tninl
anil railroads and exempting (mm
claims for damages inilroad companion
that comply with tlio law; to prevent
combinations between flic InlOrencS
companies to maintain rates some SI
the Iowa statute; to amend the chut tor
of Woodbiiin pnssed; to appropriate
35,000 for a (lax manufacturing plant
ut the M3tiitentiaiy same as was In
ttodoood in the house yesterday; 10
provide for a uniform public system,
and complete codification of sclusd
laws; to permit recording in all but
one county of certified copies of deeds
for property situate.) in two countn
or more; to authorize county officers to
old property bid in for sales lur delin
quent taxes.'
Friday in the house the bill to in
crease liquor licensee in tho state un
practically killed by the measure being
repotted from committee with tho rec
ommendation that it do nut pass. Th
toMirt was followed up with a rnoti""
to indefinitely postMine. By amen 1
ments lo the pilotage bill, which eel
passed Thursday, compulsory pilotagl
is allowed liet ween Astoiia and tl"
hot, and optional pilotage is estab
lished between Astoria and Portland.
In tbe house Friday the bill to t" '
mote the oulttire of sugar beets in tb
state, by appropriating 00,000 lot
period of four year aa bounty "'"'
was killed by a vote ol 28 uoee to
A bill for the protection of
clams waa paaaed.