The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 04, 1899, Image 10

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    bomb the eocu.isiB ire so fond of,
anil iIih Herlin polioa uvtk spoolo!
; pree.uti ms to in.ure, the -:. . oi
tii i emperor.
Slrnin tiittf Ihc l nod mtd Hctf tiki
ling Use biouuiuis um oatmm m
For Infante and Children.
PromoU-sl)itiPslion,( hfcrlul
ncMatvlHcM.Containsiiii'Ur Opium, Morphine nor
Mot nam c otic.
ifA.ll. Uli
Amu M
tip, nmjtl
liiiir n
Apcrfeel ftVinnly I il Con ,).--
lion. Sour Sioiik.ih.! i"'
WonnsjCorivulMMi ..!
tjcssoikII.osoi BUSR
TaeSrnulc .Signature of
nt.w YORK.
ggguryiriM :,
cxact cop or WKAPPCR.
The Kind You
Always Bought
Bears the
PUI K Kelley, of :eattle, who
gliofled 887 cir lools of prune ami
a'mou out of Oregon and Wish
i i.ton last year, has departed lor
a tour of Kurope, with a vie to
introducing Western dried
god OMOOd OglOMM into the Kng
(Ufa irruy. He takes eight ear
loadl of runes with ttirn two of
which go to London, four to I' iris,
ami two to Krin's Isle. Hi bWIo
i the first mau whoever abippod
a car Mtd of prunes or u train load
not of Oregon, and in the first to
ship Hear load toLoodoD.
Complaint conies from the capitol
at Salem that desks left Dotookod
ri buri'iui vii iff
ggff ' II
i II Motm w
rooeoalJl Iltlin
tvutluir tiiTDoat of
pTtr ud cold ebUU.
Of a- iill fell uleep.
ttiritbbarnlr.f fin
tbin itoi'l.lbe
ti- onto tb floor. I
I j-o.Ccticcb III
:. The mill btrde&ttl
ire dow cared.
ii, Pembroke, If. T.
'v-" 1 both!
t,',rnitbCCTICCI 4,
'1 IT.
iautilul Habile," is-
Dnp.T 0 Mount, "get! ft, dieil
Friday, Jan 27, 1809, Of heart failure,
bar bwn robbed of their stage at hi home m ar Franklin this county
You Have
Always Bought.
htc tup", four Mian worth of wbloh
are allowed each memher The
members will have their day when
the legislature adjourns The desks
Will he left.
II li TL J It
in ir.iU.'ii ii'
ui to Mount
practical afla rs of life. The rap
rior race will rule, and any law that
might provide otherwise would be
.ih im fl-ctual in enforcement as an
iffort to iniike water run up hill.
1 1 mis l iii 'i mi i i t l .
i real things are expected nf the
bill before tie legislature to ta
bicycle owners for the purpose of
constructing blcyjlo paths through
thccouuiry. Tbt PofUaod Tele
Krain ray:
"Within a year Oregon will he
the greatest state in the West for
the bicycle, provided the present
plana of the wheelmen ate curicl
out. Just as soon as the bill is
passed taxing ridirs, and the taxes ;( n. ,.lVl, i.,. arranged, one
rurriKTtf htati biitudiv
The fortieth annivi r-.iry of the
admissinn of the state of Oregon to
the Union will I e fittingly observed
by the t ii department of the Ore
gon legi-iiitnre, u ited by the rcf-
idents of the Capitol City on Tues
day Ftbratr Mill- In 1 too
celebration will be of dual char
ii i. r in i in in h ii- l'i In uary 1 lib
murks the fiftieth anniversary of
the oxIomIoo ol Uoilod Butaalavi
ovei t'.e then terri ury of OrrgOD.
It is prep Mid to hold the BfarelaM
in the statu houne. Tlieie will he a
in r g session for which three
can he giitheml, work on the pilhn
is tola) begun, i ue find potb will
tie built 10 Oregon City, from
there to Salem, and on up the val
ley. Then roads are to be made
Up (he Clackamas, aod up ami
down the Columbia. Many other
roads in turn will bl built, and it
it the opinion ot well-informed
wheelmen that within three yuus a
goo.l path will he
"This would prove i great attrac
tion to tourists. M Ml 1 1 iplt
travtliug Hose days can ride a
wlutd, and all the wheels in c iry
can he hired at any time in I'.ut
land. ith a good tiicycle path to
Mount Hood, not even a guide
would bo needed. A parly of
tourists a, mid only need wheel"
and lunch for a day to be able to
visit the grandest mountain on the
coast. .
"These are no fanciful dremus,
but are the well-laid plans of prom
incut cycl.'rs who expect to
them into execution as coon as
bicycle tax-law is
necessary lumls can be acti nQlot
each lobe dclivcr-d by rtyre-enia-tives
from the executive, judicial
mid legislative departments of the
state In the afternoon il is pro
posed to have an oration delivered,
theexercises including vocal music.
A bonqntt will probably he held
in the evening.
Talking about fraternal life in
surance, how is this for Hilbboro
saj s the Argus of that town? The
A I U W lo Igr carrie 'J2 000 in
polioiat and never had a death
iloea organltatioa in 1891. The K o
T M's p dicies Hgiiregato 27,0'K),
and ihey, loo, ban never had I
The funeral Was bald Saturday, Hev
McFarlaud eondUCtlng Hie -ervlces.
Iieceaaed leaves a wife and MvOO
ht it FiK Divoroo Loeiao B
Johi.s u ban iOatltOted sul. In the
LaM noonty circuit ooori agalort bla
wife. Addie K Jofili-oii The couple
were urnmed in Ne VorU state Octo
tur E8, Th ciiiniluliit alleges
Iteal Kaioia Tiooaaotloaa.
Chariai I. OTtrien sud Wlftj to W (1
Ki iflVr, HID acres in tp IM s rl w; M0.
(ieurge M Miller to John F Yost,
situ' mill up the Mohawk; 1,800,
lioml for deed
Itev J H McCain, who is known to
nil our old-timer", Is now part owner
of the Monitor Miner, a Medford
new spnper.
Bopa Boto. Oampball Bna &
Walker Irive sold tfieir '08 crop of Imps
to K t mitli, iigent for Horsl-IiOi h
mood Co, Price 18 cents. This was
the lust lot Hi La' e county bops to
leave tin- growers hunds.
fiuenr CotKT ( ask-Mrs A i
Aldrloh BOd I M Horn liavesueil U F
C'roner ami wife in (heeiteult tiurt ol
T.ane county, a mortgage.
JodgOieiii i- a-ked for tfiVi.
Born - To the wife of A J Babb, in
Irving precinct, Monday morning
January SO, ason, weight :i pound-.
Fre-li I of paints and oils id I'res-
tou & Mule's.
wflflflf IrVVVVr
I X899
lll.lldll NMl.l, tRll
Jaokaon villa Ttmrai ".Mired lloi-
huill lo Mount mini, ,m egol st c ass who return 'd
I not loiiit ago from Calitorniu lo
browse and bray in the pastures
of Oregon journalism, is proving
DMtMtlnfi if not obnoxious, as
Salem correspondent of the Ore
gouian while the legislature is in
Mallon. His attacks on Hon 11 II
Kincaid, ex-secret ir of state, arc
unjust and mendacious in a high
di roe Why 'the only paper'
allows such a fellow as llolman to
pRMtltBtO It! columns is surpris-
An i Xohaogt tells of the thieo
l'u,s(iugi i man on rtcord. The tirst
"w ...;il .. .. .. . I ,. .,r nlikd II
passed, and the,
'comes noiu ii ueigouoi n ncii, uv
Nond forbldi bto family lo write
ao bot o mall band it wastes
Fitted with Special Heavy Tread 6 & J Tires
Lead the World
New "99 Popular List Prices: $40$30 $25-$20
105, 107, 109, 111 Sixth St , Port and. Ore.
Matlock & McClanahun,
Repairing a Specialty. Eugene, Or.
earned IM F'.l-r, loaena Wll-oe,
ai.d JadUSKI, Kged In the erly
leens .tailed oul e-lenlay i" IsiaeMM
lird-rterr .r, Lut w.r BlBpad IttllM
IjUd. Tliey l.inke luto the lisldenc- of
Mr Miller residing tienr t !. Htaf
bridge and utole two Jara ul fruit
(iolng across (he river tney pfnaNdaO
to eat the same The i Wft next broke
lOlOthO beu house r.f all 'id luau
named Davis, residing aatoaj Hie river
aod ilole aOOM chicken-, which they
a II.-
uroughl to town arm mm w 1
Stevens for 9. Marshal HtlUs ar
rested the Poalff boy, who was brought
Imlore Justice Wiuteriueler and lined
Not Ising able lo pay Hie urn
Mypg PaMM was eommltud 10 IN
county jail. Tltf '(her two boys are
now being -ought by the cm-tiloe
ami will b trleil upon being apre-
Wki.i. Known Mkkk OotM Hay
Mail of January 'IH: ' J O K -Hy, from
(be Culled sitales BnglOMf olllce,
Portlaud, OmOa, arrived orr the bay.
Thursday, via (he Irdu rou'e. Mr
Kelly Is ou a tour of inspection of the
wants ol ilie various light! ouses in the
diatrict, Wd also VlM D here w ill locate
and aatabliab the two ranca llgblano
the bay, obtained from the ligblhouae
board by (lie ( hami er of Commerce
One will likely be placed ueartila-gow
and the oilier near the lanuery wharf.
From t lie bay Mr Kelly goes south 10
1'otlOrford. or rather 'ape Hlaiuo
I glii." Mr Kelly I well known In
ICttgtUe, OftWIOg resided bele for several
years. He drew the plan far tha BQ
gana -ewer.
Foo i in 1 1. The Baleni V M C A
defeated (he Cheinawu Indiana at fool
ball Saturday by it score of 16 In 10
Dell Knykandall played full bank ir
the V M ' A team and is said ( have
virtually won Hie game by his heady
work and spetd. Salem people are
now reany to swear by our champion
A Itt Moit olapendano West
Hide: "We have heard il hinted that
President Campbell, of the Normal, is
badly wanted both at Corvallis aod
Kugene, and that I" case the Nor
mal schools Of Oregon a'e disconlililli d,
which Is being ai tempted, be w ill take
(lie residency of oue or (In- other
school "
DtBD Wash Ciles, iiged ii'), died
M lay Jim l8Mal ins boms near
Crow, IS mile- lion Eugene death
whs call-ed freu ill-eaee of the hip.
I he bluer. d will DO ur fail I. Ir 'in the
family rraldcnat intba I. ilex cemetery.
DsOaaaad leave- a wife and eight
IgooRDMUi Court. Fred Poster,
aged ID, was thi- morning brought te-
fbra Racordtr DorrU on tba charge of
(browing stones at mi old man named
BOM Foster w:is lined fV liidi f.lIlK
of pa.Miieril be was committed lo (he
city jail.
Our declaration that "all men
are created free and euul" and our
suffrage laws ptovnluig I t .iial
political rights are veiv line ss ah-stra.-t
propoalttoOJi WoOB Ol
down to the practical politic il and
business relations n! l ie we (hid
infinite trouble in adapting tlu tn
lo the nduiary cm r lav conditions
ink to make large letters, the third
stop- the n ick at night to save the
went and tear of the machinery.
All of the u refuse to take a news
paper on ih' ground i at it is a
terrible strain 00 their epecta les
lO read.
Junction City : Milling Company
Thi most popular flour in the market,
leading grooora.
Sold bv all
Cortland DtipOMhi
Kine.ini, ag aaoroUry
makoa an agulaoatlon
of the gouian is regards his
lion II R
of state,
in the Orc
offloial con
of life. The Diifcer linlians
West, the illitente negro nf IbojdlWt, wbloh will bl most ratisfac
Soulh not y. l free frvu remem- l0y 1,1 11 lH ",rt,,y Incnds, at the
branccof the eliacklea that held his UaMt UM it mu-t convince Mr
race in latadage for centuries, ami Allnd llolman. the Oregonum's
the half oivilitid Filipinos w. re corn spondent, that Mr Kin
created with the right to librty
an I the blaoalngl of emal rights in
the protection of property and I I
but all (he laws that muht p s
eibly he enacted could not make ,
those inferior brothers (he equals
of the while man, or secure for
them iiermaneul and untrammcled
poasession of political right. The
white man rules tic S mth, and the
negro vote figures only as it givoal
the while eleuent of population
undue reprtsentition in our 11a
tlonal councils.
Otld is somewhat
of a letter writer
Senator II ile ol Maine has been i
rc-electid Ihs Spanish proolitfltMtl
MOWIOd him (he IMIfJoMgM
nickn.ime of die ' Senator from
Snain " vet the legislature thai
l I J "9
elccttd II ile indorsed President
McKmley's war pdicy. Those leg
islative fell. as are ready lo catch
the rabbit huh coming and going.
ri g
attend tiu
11 - lalittl did nol
i 11 rtiSM in d 'lit to
Fine spun the tries of mor tis and Kinror illiam's hirlhc'sy.
right are brushed aside in thej Koyslty ia eomewbal fearluloftbe
You car buy a 3 -piece Bedroom Set of Day &
Henderson, with 20x24 glass .'. .'. .'.
Corner 7th and Willamette Streets
$13 $13
Hornet J n H()we
Will Uiko your manure ami blVfl
mido to onliT suits from $13 to
138. Panta from $-1 to $11,
Ovar 1000 satujiKs to ohooso
from. Kit guaranteed or no sale.
See samples at Starr & Aya
To Our Custom era and Friends:
MaRMAoa LicgMsn -The follow.
Ingnarrlagi llcenaea have been is-ui-o
by County Clark Lea: Qaorga F. i i .-r-bttl
29 years, and Daisy Lea Gray, H
year-, ( has Vanderberg and Mary
J iboaoo.
Contra or Lit. il Bkaal lias la)
a OOOtraot to J II Carter for 1,800900
feet of logs for the Sprmglleld saw mill
and Carter will at ones oommenoa
At ( I Shli ami k i I m K
Met Hilt Hill
Rot Kr
I I'
s nml Hake
in rals
Wrablngton, Jan. 80,
Miles and Bagao met fac -to 'nee in
(he lobby of the Arlington hotel last
night. Midi Vta in civilian dltaf.
I'Oay looked at each oilier, but neither
saluted nor gave any sign of recogni
tion. Qanerai Bagan soon left the
hotel. The Inciileiit was remarked by
a nombar of parauoa la the lobby and
gave rise lo considerable comm nt.
W 1 f
IjJi .
.-.I;- nitrs qotcklir, p.r
ImU ! I - . bl bl
. I X i.ullly, "
. la
1 0 inr OS.
r. .. uJTK
. wi a f n
t ur i
Mia. irt'kn i,'-rr. u s-wtwiir
mrdl. : 1-w.k. '
Sn.n- ' "'
.Tnr-.V.;; itrBuESikw i ci n x .-. BiHm, dSB
. ur a tew q jbil ) a and goi a ri i treatment frtt.
is frto. Tha quoitioni arj diked, at no two . jaitm
ere alike. anJ the troati;ic--t must be prepared gj
mlm I . J mta.'itil ,T i mnnt Will j.t - fl.. mmj L
.i f. r. .uw,, .. r r
yOJ free. If yju lUnwr Irom Nervous Debilih
Night Losses, Lc J Manhood, tmi- ji,,
t.t n . r ll- a . n i
ancnoiy, wny tpeus, vpou actonf
eyes, iioeimsincss, you oujit topi
enafi'n anfmnnl tin rnat
. f . tn
:, out a careruny preitn)
treatment. Every man can in
a tr. a . treatment tr: e. Tim
19 " "S. a
- AmWmmmm L. V
Z AT. fold V
M taa,
"V Mfff AmmmW AmmmW km.
An you .cak
Where? How long?
Do veu he pains?
Where? How long?
(tight sweats? Horn otten?
Do your eyes u'ur f it hen f
Ooyoutltepatn ght? How long?
lire you constipated?
Answer these questions and a special
trial treatment will be prepared and sent
to you by mail free. You take no chances
sands nave b:s:i cum
and they wrile in bk
and white saywt$
and getabk
Prom Sundn's Salem Statesman:
"Mls (u ie (iiesy cut Mained tier
friend, Mi s Aria Hendricks, of Ivigene,
at lite n -Idei ce of Mrs R J Hendricks
on Fri ay evening. After gameaand
a ih lectable luncheon. Miss Hendricks
ami Mis- Yorao ' f EttgsOa, and llfao
HeleU Ortffltb mg BOMO4 those who
contributed In tills way to the enjoy
ment ol 1 he 1 veiling.
"Ill, re uere iiresenl: Mr and Mrs
Prank Hogbi -. MIm U aPaloa Mi
Mae Hoise, Miss Ada Hendricks, Mlsa
I'earl Carter, Miss tlolverson,
Miss Jessie llreymau, Miss Hughes
Mi.-s Mtlrel Hugbaa, If Ml Helen (irif
Stb, Mrs Hugh Thompson, Miss Yoran
and Mi Lena llreyiiiHii; I)r Wil-on
McNary. Mr Cliarles MeXary, Mr P
C I'atlei-on, Mr Harry Thompson, Mr
Harry Oiinger, Mr Fd I'attemon, Mr
Albert Jasaop, Mr Harry Albert, Mr
Bail Wagner, Mr Jordan I'urvlne, Mr
A W (iiesy, Mr F K Lovell, Mr
tfaekay, Mr Boyd Rlebardano, Mr it J
Heiioiicks "
Tba 1'arkages Will Be ?ent in Hi
Course of Time.
Postmaster McCornack has ncele
the follow ing self--xplauatoiy letter.
ukku k or tub CoLUtoroo or
CoarOMH, Port of Sun FraneiM ii,
Jan -7 ls.
Postmaster: Kugeue, Or: 8
In reply to yours of the lU'.h Inst, j
sie ndviseO that packages of dutial
ni'-rcliandi-e se it by sohliers frr
Manila, are -uij ct toduty. Tbers
still a lurge DUMbef of such pack
held at this olllce awaiting exami
lloO. As soon as they are exaruJi
the addresses are notllled.
B 11 JoaoMg,
Collector of Custouii
At Ckeswell. The revival idm
logsat Creswell, conducted by Ketl
Lltoseof Kugene, are re jmrted to I
very -u ci isfn'.
Try a
Acni" sg Mill.
Ju-l before the buruing of tic Acme
mwmlU tlie following adveitiMmtnl
WM plftMd in tba Forence Watt)
I want 1,00 1,000 feet Ol i I I growth
Br loaa dallvtred al tba saw mill at
Aon e, l et ween uow and Mav 1st,
Nod e to toiitrciors.
Sealed bids Will be received by the
district clerk of school district Notts
of Lane County Oregon, till March 4,
ISM, for the building of a school Imuse
lu Dlst'ict No :IS of Laue county,
Oregon. Said -choolhouse to be 40x50
feet, one story high.
Plafll and specilb aliens m:iy be seen
by npphing to Jesse Soverns, clerk, in
South Junction precinct. The Hoard
of Diiectors reserves Hie righ' to r-ject
any and all bids.
Jesse BOVBRNS, Clerk
Junction City Oregon.
5c Ci;.
E ""O'lgg aa y igjUJM" 'nag
for fioiefs
Wasa um dk It ia . ft l r f,-t
wet Jr.l ui,e i-:j ,,. ', n a i t
MM bath, a hl of hut drluk, a
J- c ' f A.- r's i .- ',vt atd
put the.'.i lo Iv:. fat ail be all
(.berry n etoral uill our oMcough.
a!,v; .. r.v ,n t! e coiuebs of br. n.
chitu. ak thr.'.n, and irritable
lungs. the bard coughs of
asaaaanRi a ar abaaai msiio easy
anJ frisj-tLtly curx-d by u.-;ng
Cherry Pectoral
AnJ wh.ojiou inl bvmJi m .Hir linr. rvmrmlvr
DVtlTI a
I-.IDI ....1 W
I Two in f ,v Vr. ,
I The Best Medival fUvkl Free!
I WMsfaaae Hr.rn.oor M
I Aodrou. On J , ai ;. . . I
Mate Proit Ura wan
The meeting of the State Horticul
tural Boelaty at Oorrallla ImI week was
a grand sOOOTM ui every particular. It
was held in the college and tlie large
assembly ball was completely 111 led
every In urof the session by an intelli
gent audience ol ladles and gentlemen
aii initreattO In tna growth, curing
ami ruarKcun;: oi viregou Irui s.
1 he ai limited discuseion brought out
DIUOll that was nf value to all fruit
grotera, There were valuable papers
read shedding light on the topics ol
dlseoialon Mr ami Mrs i h Mootletb,
as menders, were In attendance, Mr
Montlelb being eslbd upoif to lead In
the dncussion i f fruit evaporation and
msrKetlng on which he had a paper
containing many valuable fact-and
suggestions (hat a ere sppreclab d and
well received.
Sample of evaporated fruit were
plaOtd 00 exhibition bj Mr Montellli
tbai were oonsldeitd very Hue having
tiein evaporated without lye dip or
other adulteration. Mrs Montelth pro
dooed a punibe of boxes of crystallized i
fruit of dlBarvDl varieties that attract-1
ad mu h at en ion and were highly
Bporectated by die BMmban, aspeelallv
so by the a 'ie- present. CnK.
I ircou Court Cases,
The following cases have been filed
in the circuit court of ,ne county:
J M Horn t R Hand T Brown; In
re n-er money. Judgment is asked
tor tl J) and MatP.
Thomas J fobaOM vs Katie Johnson;
sun m tootty for dlvorc . The com
plalut BlMgM that ti e couple were
married May ?. im, in Xrbra,kB
The MM . f said marriage are F ,rl
mm feari Johaaon, twin boys, oaorli
four year, old. Deeertiou 1. relied
tS Julius Goldsmith's
All Popular Bran i
of cigars for agle,
Eugene and Junction-
Mori's Nerverine IH
The M
t ion
all ncrvt
o, oratirt
I',-, olo; AND AHeu t'siMi nf d
s x, such as Ncrvoua Frostratu n, Fafltag
i" t ulanhood, Impotency, iNiflitly
si w -, Youthful Errors, Mental WotrTi
e- of Totvicro nr Orejm.
't-id to Consumotijn and In.niitV. I
I be melt A 1- , . 1 -r i&JSX
NOTTS CHEfllWL CO.. Prop's. C' teiartN
For sale by Wilklus i Lino
Look Here farmers!
Bring tour Hides and
Skins to our tannery.
For all No. 1 green bldi - wi1
pay vou 4 to -II ecu - i :"'
for Nol dry hides 1 d
pound; For No 'J aooordlug to
quality, i to 8 cents.
Now don't forget these pr'
are paid in CASH at
The WIIUnKltr Tannery,
Haines clCo-
mi es
Dr W
Otatini '
PH.- i
allays tlio 1Kb
SS a Douuiee
lief. Dr. WUIIama I
rnrni linrepar'!! t'':
Irg ot the private part -
warraniO'i. riy nnu-K -eelpt
n( prietv AO cent, arnl SI
For sale bv Wilkin- A 1 !
.' .J ki MS
For sale by Wilklus v 1 !