The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 04, 1899, Image 1

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    T H E
iiTiiuun m tie ItuaniTIMIf MNtUtlt reincim-s. un t unit i iniituiiik W te sntiT nr nit
vol &
NO 4
s' His .
in Dry Goods
For Prices
We meet all
CAMPBELL BROS., Publishers
OFnCB-lMt'l'1'' ol Willamette street, Be
Iwnh S . . nth ami EiKlith trreU
Oe Yv 'i0
Sii Xf.-nttu LOO
TbrwMiisths M
AJrertiiiris- nb in i le kunwn in application
Addna all button letter toTHKOUAKD,
Eoitnf, llre,;..n.
tlncb, Watelie,
dry, ttc
Tlftpiirin,; pruuiptty dune,
. ..rr.iiitol.
Some oT the Members Maily
The Mum Saw Mill
li Sewn Today Levity i dot aud Talk of tin Electric list Between Pracliee Wbai Nw IWh-Rnoitr liJ Wants U St M the State Sew
at lltdtli Intetd of Muum. Stumps for jfi,000.
Ooe-Bilf Kill Kd fax.
All the Dressed Lumber Lost Machiuei v
Fell in the Hirer and Only
Part Dl Hie Wliirf Left
W BB ' A N, M. ft
i" . I in I ''.;'.- ; an Block.
OarBteni t to Ham: U to 0 to 9 ) m.
0 woodcock,
Otbce Pi half block south of Chrisman
ON A M Alt K 1.11 Y
N K il.tltKI.ET
Till t.i in all the court of the state.
Mot-In Walton Mock.
Ecuens. Oiieuon.
Harine 1 .,,,-,1 (he ollice and fixture of
A Ute 1 wnl V V If emlerson. I am
Brtr-d to .lo anything in the line of
istltttry in the above nam ottice.
i I r i.lne work a specialty.
I La k b,
ddicr." in.! new prices in" Foreiim and
Kmwti. Marble ana Granite, Monument"
HwiUt.ini - in 1 1 'oiin trry work of all kinds
Iiui ,,f v men Mid Children
MbiaHMd ! ...tricity.
Othce-Shdtnn Bl ok, opposite Guard ollice
hoists hii.i.
, i,i to ths (iuard.
Halkm, Jnnuury 81. Tbe sugar
beet Bounty Bill which win B f.-altd in
the house last week By a few votes, was
reeousldered this afternoon By I Be
house, receiving 31 ayes, ibis is the
constitutional number it.uircd to
pass a bill In the house.
The graft i- here in full force.
Map for Heady Helen nee.
The Chicago, Milwaukee & St inl
Railway Co. has just issued In conven
ient form for honehold, library and
school reference an alias of feven col
oted limps of the world, the United
States and our new possessions in the
Atlantic and Pacillo oceans, together
with an amount of valuable informa
tion connected therewith all up to
date. This atlaa will tie sent fiee to
any address on receipt of six (G) cents
in postage.
Apply to Oeo H Heatlord, General
Passenger Agent, Old Colony Building,
Chicago, or to C J Eddy, deueral
Agent, l'ortlaud, Oregon.
Wet supplement, Florence. Ore., Jan.
The news nached Florence this
morning tliat the Slueluw River
Bit Co's mill lit Acme Burned lust
night. The fire started in the Haw
dust about mldnUbl while the watch
nan was at supper and when discov
ered wan beyond control.
The wind was from the east at the
lime and this prevented t lie east side
of the wharf, where the rough lumbal
was piled from Burning, But the
dri Ml d lumber was all loot .
Two Boats Belonging to (loo Mont
omery and S J Seymour wen- burned
with i In- cull, also wnii. potato, s
Belonging to the latter.
The mill was built out over the
river on piles and a the floors burned
through the machinery (ell Into Hie
The mill and contents is a total
VMWim lo l lie cu District
Dally CuarJ, Jan 0
The city council, lu MMlon extra
ordinary, at 11 o'clock tOdkJT, levied a
one aud one-half mill tax for till Ku
gene road district.
The meeting was held t day to con
form with tlie law which provider
thai lax levies shall B made not I iter
tlian February 1 of each year.
lielo A' is published in liilitheordi
nauce levying the tBX It merely pro
vides for the proper y roail lax, aud
coining under the the direction of lbs
hew Kugene road distii.-t . makes no In.
cr, a-e of taxation,
lu detail the reside-iln of Kugeue arc
(axed as follow
Curvallis and Etpe
OoralUa Times,
A a MUnltlM 1 1' citieus from June
lion and .Monroe were In town Tliura
J day lu the interest of a colony of 1,000
I person who have in contemplation a
removal fiom Iowa and adjoining
stales to ONgM, l'he OoloOWto are
I I ho nmt of whom mention has her. to.
; fore been made in the Time. The
establishment of mills and factories, a
wuolra Dllli among the rest, together
with an electiic niilway connecting
BlIgOM and Coivslli, aic among the
proji ots proposed. Tba C. lonlsts, It Is
i undeis'tsid, propose to locate on lands
i lying tatweeii a point ten miles south
1 . f t orvaLls ai. I the nor. hem ctl.ins ,
anils of I. aue county. The coiiHtruction of
SP.Ih .-. 7 L - ni .. . j I
' '"n il c loneciiiig me , 'iiameiie ami
M Long Tom, ami wbloh Is to furnish
OMWy H II , power for factories and the railway is
Court House fund 1.3 among the plans of the colonists.
Bebool Dial rid No i 3.0 Adam Wllboliu, of Monroe, was .me
Bugeoe (oily) tlojlt, t..v Wallace, of Junction, was
Kugeiie road dliti lot I.S another of the c unmitteeiuen who
visited t'orvallii: Among the names
rotaj 80.6 1 mentioned in OOnntCttOfl wltlitheeii'
tuk oKiHNAMK. I terprbw are James rftatl,of Porttandi
An ordinance levying a tax for the
improvement of roads aud streets for
the )T 01 1800,
The city of Kugene does ordain as
Hki'I'ion I. That there shall Ih, and
is hereby levied conloriiiahly .0 the
ganoral law of the state of Oregon,
tax fir the year 1888, of 1 mill' for
road aud street purpuhee, fr the city
of Eugene, 00 eacli dollar o( taxable
proper v, both rea1 and personal, wltb-
111 Hie coriairate limits of the cits of
0 Woodcock, of Eugene, Puedersou
Avery aud Dr Karra, of Cotvallis, ami
Adam WIIBclin, of Moiiria. The
OOlonnta are said to he frugal, Indus,
trli us, and well calciiUted to advance
the interesleofa y community. When
asked relative to the matter, R-v
Wallace said, "We are pot building a
papei railroad," and raojueaad that only
limited mention might be made in the
Times of the project.
n m vi w 11, 1 it 1 1 nasi
l'wo things characteristic of Salva
tiou Army people arc raising Hie
Lord and lUhtiug the devil, and tin v
rarely ever allow an Opportunity 10
(scape wllhmt engaging I'l each of
tbeae t binge, oaya IbePuttUod iiie.
gram of Januaiy 80,
Ve-tcrday Major Nelson. ... , ol the
taithful uciiiheis of tli- .uiy, was
buried at hone Kir eametery, The
i earee bearing ins remains -,s aooom
pained by at Bast 800 niein' cr of the
army, beaded by tba band. All ibe
Way along the journey I mm the Kuril
Ide hall, where thescrv cis WON bald
to the ci inetery, songs and exclama
tion of praise were heard, and the band
made things lively with airs of rejoi,.
Tba member of the army look upon
the death of one of their cclurudes
the going home for the icward from
the battle lleld. Instead of wearing
crape on ibelf sleeves, a white baud l
there, ami tbe bearee i made to travel
In the rear of the procisdou.
lake the BelBI lu DottBgU QrOT
K i ll Strike in Ituln una
She was a i
i it. plain
lilthi woman,
Kugene, Laue c unly, atate ol Oregon, evidently just iu from the c.uuitry, aud
i ii i 01 m llll I.
speelal to the nuarj
BaLKK, ir, January ;i -Kx liov
ernor L 'id Is now puslilng a "graft''
jf ids own. it Is a bill to pnrohaaa ton
acre- i : lumps, 1 1 tn r Salem, owned By
Lord, us i, local I in for the Htate Mute
Sobool for the sum of lis thousand
dollar, l i e laud would be high at
three bBOdred dollars The graft's
Bgeotl are i Hug more bold dally.
Hatty "t Lord's friends are very severe
in tin,.-oondemoaUou of thwonlfngn
inn mi asnre
Two buudn ! dollara, mot Ibestampa
was voted by the booae today for tba
ue ol nietiiU r of that Body.
A motion to reOODSktal the vote by
which the h ipi.rl oimieiit was passed
was ruled out of order by .speaker
fatter. ICcmI.t appealed troll, the de
cision Uuavo'e the house sustained
The house ree-otisidered the vote by
wbloh the MllonatlBg Wlnalaf oownty
whs deosatod,
and the hOON then passed the Bill.
Progress o Legislation at S-Jcm.
st I. "in- Humorist
man has discovered
can he inaile rrom
dust, ami a discouraged
. Kaneaa
that brandy
wet elm saw
Passed January 80, 1 I
Approved January :ii), 1888.
Qjn FmBlst, Pri sldei t
Attest: BFDOMU, He oiler
To the
Fruit ('rollers
The fiuil growers of Lail unty
are hen by rtUeated to meet at the
Court House In Kugene, Saturday,
Fell -1th, 1880. at 1 o'clock p m I US
purpose of tlie mi cting is to consider
the advisability of uniting the tnnt
l i . ... . .it., ,i
, , , , ...ii, i icioiscin iiii.i mm k t-nin- i 1 1 1 iin iihh-
a-Us v hat chance the good cans- will , ,
growers, iiiui an orgaui.a-oci u uaii"
die i ml market the fruit crop ol the
have when a man can go forth with a
rip saw end get drunk on a fence rail
J It Shepard, of Zens. Polk county,
has returns from a car load nf dried I
fiuit sent cast; is QfJO poin ds of Italian
county. When we consider that the
Italian prune Is today selling at retail
In tbe Enstero market at fi lolfl cents
nor noiiml. it is iilnin thai t l.e Orecon
prunes netted V: cents, pounds ol f uol h(H ,
applaa netted 7 cents and 2,800 pounds , s o bUHineg()i
dried Royal Ann oborrles brought 8, .... , . . f tru.s
ami they who do not combine and
which tbemerobaolelpooi their common Interests will cei
In order to tj.-t tlit-ir talnly l,e left. Come net ftult growetl
Muddy c-ouiplexion, Nausealina breath
come from chronic constipation. Karl's Clover
Root Tea is an absolute cur,, ami has Isien
sold for fifty years on an absolute guarantee.
Prtos 38 of sad B0 eta For sale at Wtlklai
and I. inn Ib-uggUta.
Loani Savings Bank
Of Eugene, Oregon
CAPITAL ipaidup) $50,000
W. E BROWN Prtlldtnt.'
B 0 PAINE. Vice Prtildtut.
f. tv. OSBUHr:. Cathlir.
W. W. BHOWN. Sill Clihler
F'reight bonds
hsva to till out
freight delivered to the draymen now
rr quire 60 oent worth ol war revenue
stamps upon them. I.iltle tilings like
this gofer toward convincing pe iple
that this glorious government of Mark
Manna's is becoming mighty expen
Ti e dry house of the BjtOtlslor works
at Lobanoo caught tire Sunday, aays
tile Albany D.-mocrat, and was entire
I ly Burneel. Tlie tire department ie-
aponded promptly and saved ihe
...ii .,,.1,11, i in i,i mo hv liard wink.
Thara thirty or forty oorde of H P'P1 W upon the shelf,
'wood IN .he dry house which bur, ed His jolly dog's . i lone ,
for nearly two I rs ; Hia houaa la quia nnllkt
V hen John's awav
The J us- phi meillcal mil impost - a
I lltte Of t-0 to foOO on the physician
' publishing a iMtlffl unal Wonder if
'Joseph) would like to have the papers
leave Bis nameuloiie entirely. It might
ami let us sc.- w hat we can do to sd
valu e our mutual IntoNSt,
And in any ottiers.
When John's a h y.
she stootl looking longingly at a line of
gaudy purses which hung along iu a
row by the, notion counter.
After n minute idm stepped Into a
OOrner, tool; nut her own shabby Uttlo
leather purni and OOUltod over, thu
money carefully.
She evidently found out shu could
l.liue ""td it, as n great extruvagnuce, and
mi ut last tvtiiitcti Miyiy up to tno coun
ter, selected One with "pearls" sot iu
tiloug aha chain and a Big emerald flush
ing iu tint top, took np tho box in
which it was given her niiil vanishod in
the direction of tho waiting room. Not
moh) than live seconds luter sbo appear
ed again bat old purso tucked out of
sight and tho now unu hanging proudly
round her nock. It was almost pitiful
to see her she took so much prido in
tho gaudy tiling und then, moro piti
ful, yet more laughable, thoro canio
into view behind her tho prloo tag,
dapping gayly from its little pink string
and proclaiming to tho world at largo
that that particular purso hud cost just
B0 cents I
Nobody who saw that muoy tag had
tho courago to tell its wearer, and yet
that would have Been kiudcBt tou. Hut
be vanished down tho street with it
still iu view. How do you suppose sho
felt when shu found it out? Cleveland
I'htin Dealer.
Collage drove, dr, Jati .10 The new
municipal ollicers for the consolidated
town of Cottage (hove and small aPPROVKD Bl iiovkiinok.
mot tonight, and entered BDOB their S It 1 by Ihifur of Wasco-To BS
duties with perfect haimony. The I thoruo Hie town of AnWMpa to borrow
offlosra aroi Mayor, Darwin Bristow; 88000 to build water works.
recorder, N Martin; eouneilmeii, Kast 1 H II UK) By Paly of Rcnton -To IU-
Blde, t K Knox, W K lleiuenway ami corporuto town of Tillamook,
B R Pila r, West Shi,.. J I Jones, J VV i S II 1 J- by Fulton of Clatsop-To
dowdy and (1 I' Snapp, treasurer, H II constitute beach of Clatsop county a
Veatcli; marshal, Warren Mcl'arland. I public highway.
The annual city election Is to Be B B 188 by Harmon nf JOMpllInO
held the first Monday of each ye ar. !', amend chillier of drain's Pass.
Hereafer the town will be divided intoi BBtttby Looney of Marlon To
three wards. antnorisa Jeflirnon institute to sell out
R J Jennings, Just returned from the' to the school dstuict.
Bohemia mines, reports a strike iu the ' H It 1MJ by Hrowticll of Clackamas
Helena mine, which in richness ur- To amend charter of Oregon City,
passes any previous discovery In that H B 10U by McQueen of Laue-T'o
ssotton. The whole t mi in I shows tree t Incorporate Cottage drove,
gold. Since the development of this i-asmkh iiotii iiot'SKS.
mine began thcie has li.a u a, outiutioiis i .,.., . ,, .
,.,,. Hit ,1 liy Maxwell of ldlamook
teln or tie. -milling ore running ai, , ...
Inch a i:k mm rn.r ., Tl x - I o Incorporate Nehalcn.
W 1 - ... ,..,w,.ni . IBtaWl t.. 'P..
ii i m c iiiinrj- t'i uiiiu in
Of Eugene.
Paid up Cash Capital, $50,000
Nil and Profits, $50,000
Eugene, Oregon.
A 8?XI ' u' I'ANKING business
r asonable terms. Sight Francisco and Port-
Maes ci
lW. , "oil ob foreign eouutrie.
bllfcSo, ,u,'ject to check or certifi
Jwll'st; bi i-ntrusUd to u will receive
f attention,
"'Bin. k-
s B f:axin,
w'Hsie" Cameras
Seen , l. We recommend them .
Ueiieritl Kniikhig llnsliiess
TrniiHHi-teil on s'atoriible Ternia
LrafW lisued on the prlucipal olllci of Ihe
Onltel State; alo exclisiute lurnnheil aval.
able in all foretsn countries.
Interetrl'lontllaoesll , , . .
Flre-prcof raull for tbe itorfe of valuable
Collection receive our prompt attention.
p Fotografs
(Esiablisbee In i"-' I
H General Banking business in all branches
transacted 01 favorable terms.
A. (L HOVBTt President
J. M. AHRAMH, Cashier
A i. HOVKYJk.. AsstCaebier
he a good idea. The truth is that any
thing that Is commendable whether by
physicians or others is worthy of men
liitiin the new spaper, the chioulcler j
ol events.
Salem Statesman: M L Jones and
K H Jones have extracted 50,000
pounds of hop- of ttiis yeai's orOp to T
.'. Uveely & Co, ol this eitv. The price
to be paid for the hop is 10 cents er
pound aud Scents ier jsiuntl is to be
advanced at picking time. Ihe hops
are contracted in two lots of 8 ,0iHI and
j , ri - lively, ami the contracts
were filed lp the oflice of the county
recorder yesterday.
What Willi!..- politicians do now.;
.-r,.,. ,, - are I go. A Portland
agent givee tbe altnatlon as follows:
i-We Intend io cut r-fl every kind ami
character of fre-e transportation. We
all have Bad our orders from headuar.
ters, anil you may Is- c-rtsln that all of
us will obey. The Instructions apply lo
the half-rate tickets that have been!
ioed for tears to aldermen, to police
men to lireiuen
politician. M
i any Kiini e , uv
1 people or others Kree transportation
Is to be cut otr entirely. Charity rales
-iin.lve!iaslnthepMt. but only
We llllst Bis w hltle on tl - sir
We miss (be turning ll - .
His cheery mandolin's faV. rile air,
His company.
And when his cheery , i - come
We seem to read bet Q Hie lilies,
A wi tful yearning fol liin liome
Our love divine-.
Ob I army bine that el so bright,
Oh! army blue that i "ks warm,
It lolds full many h irtsebe tight,
That uniform
Margaret E BaUgiUtTli Harp, is
tan Cubans tioieiti Ihemaelves.
Uol. or ns ll I'lli-,' II. -oiler.
Tho youth's Companion tells this
story of Oliver Wendell Holmes, ono of
tvhnso hoBBies was to truoo genealogies
and family resemblances. At tho open
ing of the term of the medical class one
year, while ho tvas out) of it. lecturers,
iio met for the first timo it young mem
ber who intri dm ed himself ns, let us
say, ii Perry of Cambridge.
The little doctor looked ut him keenly
ami said i "Ton an also one of the W. 's
of Capo Cod. I know it By yuur upper
The young man flush, d und mad.)
haste to answt i that ho never had hoard
nf tho W. V and did not know any per
son iu Oapa 'ml.
Hut tho doctor smiled obstinately and
tt intervals through the winter would
iuuiro whether Mr. Perry had looked
up his ancestor, receiving each timo t ho
ii-suriine.' iii'iuiry Bud Been made.
1 ut M trace of this struiliof Blood could
bu found iu tba family.
One lay Ferry came to him. "You
weru right, IJr. Holmes. Wit huvo found
in an nln Hiblo record that my great
i:r' ;,t grandmother was a W. and came
from Cape Ctsl."
Tho doctor beamed with delight. "No
upptrlip ever deceived mo yet," ho
laughingly exclaimed, iiml curried his
littlo triumph to all of his friends with
of tunnels and chutes are being ptlslit tl
lu all the mines as fast as possible re.
gatdlaaaof the severe winter, which
will enable the mills to getaue.rly
start lu the spring.
"The Bllwaakea 1
The familiar name for Hie Chicago,
Milwaukee A Si Paul Railway, known
all over the t'lilon as the dieat Kail
way running the "Pioneer I. hulled"
trains every day anil night between
st Paul and i bloago, and Omaha and
Chicago, "The only perfect trains in
tlie world." Understand; connections
are mailt) with all transcontinental
lines, assuring to passengers the best
service kiown. Luiiirictt coaches,
electric lights, steam Le tt, l a verily
equaled by no other line.
See thai your ticket reatl t "The
Milwaukee" when going to any point
iu the t'niti-d States ..r Cam.. la. All
i ick. t agents sell Iheni,
l-'or rutes, pamphlets or other infor
mation, atldresi,
J W Ca - i , C J Knuv,
Trav PassAgt, (ieueral Agent.
Si; ati-i k, Wash, Pokti.anh, Ott
l-i'l a Ihgli Hindu Piano.
amend the charier of Albany.
11 II UB by Maxwell of iillaui wk
To Incorporate Port of Tillamook and
provide for the Improvement of Ha
sjnarton slough
11 It g by Wilson of l).iuglas-To
Inoorporata Drain.
II II 188 by Cur'H of Clatsop-To
Incorporate New Astoria, adjoining
I'orl Stevens.
II Btll by Maxwell of TillsitKsik
To Incorporiile It ay City.
hhl'si byFnrdoey f Wallowa
To incorporate city of Wallowa.
II II L'oi by Williamson of Crook
To rcdlstrict tho statu f n senators
ami representatlveH.
St II tkl by Heed ol Ho lights To reduce
salaries of Douglas county ollicers.
Heuate Passps
the I'm I
lli-preseiiliilivc Mytr' hill i No 10)
creating tlie ollice of si- Biologist, to
serve without salary, passed the sen-
ate yesterday afternoon By a v de of II
to II.
'I host, voting against Ihe pHsngo of
Uoh'l overlook the Halms llriia. piano the Bill were Clem Daly of Lake,
Indorsed by all leading musicians in Dufur, Halnce, Bowe, I icy, Mui-
Roseiiurg. They are u-.d und indora-1 key, r.itiei..n. Scllli Smith, Wade
ad by Or Bbnt, Itra Appelbofl and; It is understood ths appointee win
others. Mine Palti Bus a H nines up- b Prof I' I. Wnst.Burn, the present
right Itt bar b mdulr In her Beautiful professor of biology ot the University
home atOralgynoo Oastle, Wales, ami; of Oregon at Kugene, that genUesnet'a
u-e.1 the Ifalnes piano during In-r last friends urging hh ap ointment.
One Ol ihe l-est know n diplomatists ! nmch pleasuro as if it had been a the -Cubans ate
incapable of governing iliemeelt-es.and
that the Uultod State must maintain
Its present control r. ! finitely, or else
annex Ihe Island. There will be those
who will dispute I'M-, hut there are
none Whodl-pUte the ell established
fact! lint Hostellers -ii.mach Rulers
I capable of controlling Ihe common
disease nf the stomach. It Is a remedy
that Is hsc ed by fifty years of success.
It is an Ideal medicine for constipation ;
a strength (.builder for those w ho are
predisposed b u: .' : 'i1 l'-s, ami I r
nervousness It Is "I wonderful bent-tit.
As an aptirer It I incomparable.
Those whose stoma.' . sre out of order
.ml to all cla-es of -hould nut fail to try a bottle.
more concessions ol '
l giwn to theatrical eft JERSEY BULL
long lost treasure
I hive proeured an axtfl A I fall blood res-
l.tensl ; bull, which I will keep SSSJ-
uullr l Hat.,' taUHi.
i l I u . . faahBttltnerif -r li
re(uests from Ihe proper purlie and j
Towi may be tutor Md uulll with (if with . t
f.T ipcr put Duncan Scott
f 'onsuiiiplion i- preventable7 Science ha
proven that, ami aim that neglect U suicidal.
The worst cold or coukIi can Isj cured with
Shiloh's nd Comuiiiption Cure. Hold
M p .-iiiv Kuarsnten for over tifty ) eai. ior
sab- byU'ilkius and LutB Hnnts-isU.
Farm for Sale Cheap.
380 Acres -attV
Of well improved lamL Two got
h.niw and '-.ii,- I'leuty of farut
implement, SStSSS, cattle, wagons,
etc. Mix ndles i.uth.i from
Kor ternn. ttS., SStSSI
tirUH A PgRKlKg,
Kusene, ( kegsa.
tour of Die I'nlled States.
HatRBg P.HON, New Voik, N
IV n.'lKr's Klam nation.
The ie:.t quarterly leather's ex
amination for Lane county. Dregou.
will commence at the court Bouse at 1
o'clock p in Wednesday, Ki-B s, 1880.
TaaCfiei wishing slate certilicates,
state tliplomas and stale I He diplomas
should apply at tl.e same tune.
Hated this 27th day of Jan, 1888,
W.M M Mll.i.KK,
Co Sup'.
Of shiioii' Osasasantasa Cure tthiguar-
antoe: "All we ak of you 1 to use two
thirds of the content nf thl bottle faithfully,
then if jrmi can say you are not heuelitted re
torn lb bsjtle to your dragsjst aud lie may
refund tho price paid.'' Pra-e ' ots. 30 cts
and 81.08 For sale at Wilkin and Mini
A hi eat Work HI Hanger.
R une, Jan 30. - lly a recurrence of
the landslides near Airolo hi the tips
the St doihaid tunnel Is threatened
with destruction.
I he mil text of the hill, which is de
cidedly Bib f Is as follows:
lie it enaotedi That the ofitaj id
at ate Biologist, without salary, is here
liy created, ami that his excellency, Ihe
governor of the stale, Is authorized to
appoint a ierson properly tiiiiilllled by
self mil!.-attainments to serve In that
capacity. The duties of such ofllcer
shall be aeif ntlfio Investigation as ie
gar. Is tlie animal rt sources of the State
of Oregon, and as fur as possible the
development of all such resourcea
which have an economic value. He
sl.all, from time to time, or on demand,
inake a brief report of the progress of
his work to tlie governor of Hie state."
Curfew Sotlce.
Notice is li reby given that on and
af'er this date the curlew ordlnuuoe
sill tss strictly enfotced. It provides
that no person untB r the age of In years
shall be. in the streets af er Ho'clock
pm without urgent excuse.; Ofltuders
will Be locked up for the night.
HaoedJan, 31, 1891).
J HSTlhaa,
Chief of Police.