The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 28, 1899, Image 8

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    Eugene City tlaard.
I. L. (imrill.l., rr.prl.tor.
The "New South"
now moan I'orlo
Spain found that war li hell, and ho
la more than half Inclined to think that
pen.,, la purgatory.
Spain waa wle In removing the Umr-a
of Columhu while that country hail
land enough left to bury tlkMD In
The Spaniard iiny tli.-y do not want
the prayera of rlie i IIISThlSBS They
certainly need the prayera of aome one.
At the rate MMIm are U tlntilnjf to
write for the nionlhllea, arming the
trixiiHi with magazine kuiih will Imi
quite In keeping.
I'erhapi the gaum of war didn't turn
out much for the hunt other wnya, hut
that $,' Sl.OIJO show they made n big
core In one reaped.
At recent launching of a rich man'
yacht Jt:i.M., .-, ., present on the
cbrUteiilng platform. In fact, t lie n
el Itaelf waa liullt on atocka.
Halt la 20 cent a pound In Pawson
City, which explains why the talea that
come from there have lo he taken with
more than the traditional grain.
It haa been dlacovcrcd that Sir Julian
I'aunccfoto la a composer of inualc.
He would confer a favor uu the world If
be would (li up a uuw tune for the
Korty Ore inllllou dollara la said to lie
thla couutry's toy hill. 'I'hla la a great
auiii, and the Joy hill It represents can
only Im understood hy the little llgurea
that proclaim It lu the household.
If the great iiicb of thla world knew
what funny thing their biographer
Would fete), out they would he Jutlllcd
In doing aa Mhak.-apoare did retire be
hind the acetic without telling the call
boy what to do next.
fcWaWlHt Courier Journal: Hpaln la
Indlguiiut t a'ie one of our preacher
prayed for her the other day. Spain
do. ie.t undcratand I lie Oral principle
of n-llglou freedom. In (Id blssSSd
country we pray for whom we dndguin
ined pleaae, whether the beneficiary I
Worth II or not.
It la now announced that cnpltaltat
propoae lo turn Havana Into a health
retort. Till will he done easily by
building a large hotel at tin- place. All
that I Heeded til HUlkc B health , sort
la large hotel, an orehisvira and
uxmqulloc. Havana already ha the
orcheatra and the BOSqaltOSS,
Now that a llelglan chctnlat haa dl
covered how to produce artificial meat
extract superior to the natural article
and at e coat, the OOWbOf may have
to relllliu hi vocation of a "Rough
Illder" lu the orvlce of fuel.. Sam,
while the packer uioiiopollat will have
to look elaewhere than lo the laughter
jh u for hla prollia.
Japan new goveruiueut phalg.-d
to an active and vlgorou foreign pol
Icy, which I a il I e way of nerving no
tlce mi Russia thill Japan will not re
main an Idle apnn'tnior of affalra on the
coin Incut. She Mil be Chlua'a friend
If Chin will ruilt, hut lu any event
he will not forgive Russia the trench
ery thut follows! the treaty of Shim
MMMfel Till I In accord with the tra
dltliiiia of the clan that brought about
the revolution of IHilN to alaillah feudal
lam and Ion e nil been the brain ami
brawu of new JaHtii.
An attack I Indng made by a BUI
bor of learned ladle on the old fashion
ed nursery atorlea. Mother llooac la lo
be banUlnsl. Santa Clan barrel out
and all the dear old legend of our
childhood Damped aa allly falaehiMxl.
f coure thla attack will Iki unatio
reful. To paraihra a certain
writer who waa himself a go.n deal of
an Icoiioclaat, If them had been no
M.-th t tiooae It would have been nee
eary to Inrent one. The mental 1 1 m
Itatloti of the people who decry the
uurery stork- prevent them from ace
lug how liiu. il good Uieae dear old
legelid contstn.
r'raucv to lie quieting down lu
flew of the fait smnunpll of KugUsh
occupation of the Sudan Aa a matter
of fact the country la In no condition to
go to war, utile for the graveat rea
MM The Mar mlulater of I.011I XI.
wa correct when he declared three
thing were ucccsaary to the
tloii of a war uioucy, money, money
Juit now the of Prance are
lu a bad way. The country rank a
one of the two or three rlcheat conn
trie of the world, but with debt of
neatly Vl,nai.IMHttMtl, or more than a
third for debt acrvlce of the total rev
enue, the people are not lu a condition
to find readily the money ucccaaary to
the prtMecutloti of a great war. lo
Ureal llrltalu the debt acrvlce I h aa
than one fourth, and lu tlcnuany only
one twentieth. Ill caae of war Prance
umloubteilly Mould make heroic aac
rlftce. but w tae gov eminent Mould
hesitate long baton calling for audi an
exhibition of palrlotlam.
i r 1 I,. t
Ituaal la audi a vaat iMuutry and H
little known iM'yond It border that It
la somewhat iurprlliig to learn that
the tramp evil I erhap greater In the
Cur' dominion than anywhere ele
In the world The Kuaalan tramp are
called gortouna. and In iiumlsr proh
ably rtiwl their aian-lca lu any other
country. They alniumt In every village,
land on the atea of aim..! every
church greeting the worshiper on en
terlug or leaving with the uaual auppll
catlou "radl Krlata" tfor Chrlat'a
sake), one reaaon, per ha pa. for the
Increase of the tramp cdc la the fact
that the peasantry alwaj hare the
boapllallty of their cablua with them,
giving them a place by the atovc and
a portion of their lmple fare. In the
cltlea the gorl.iuna have regular lodg
lug boiiae ami alao what might alinoat
ba deemed a regular calling, that of
paid mourner at funeral. The agon
rlea which manage the latter furulah
the gorlouo clotbea for the occasion
aud a torch, tbua enabling him to make
rea "as.1 table figure, and pa blui 40
kopeck for hla aervlcea. which, of
courae, promptly goea for vodka, a the
lttilan tramp, like hi congener lu all
other count rlea, la addicted to atroug
drink, a fact Mlilch alao I perhaps : ho
chief explanation of m hy he la a tramp
It appear that aome of the growth of
the foreign trade of the l ulled State
I due to the auperlor character of
American to foreign commercial
traveler. It li complained lu KOf
land that the commercial agent etit
abroad to repreaent firm In their coun
try are generally young men who have
worked In the office until they are run
down In health and who go abroad for
a change, with no knowledge of the
bualnea except that gained behind a
dek. A French conul write In the
same line that Trench merchant are
willing to accept a repreaentnllve
abroad men who have failed In thdr
own country. An Engllah writer, who
I hlinaeif a commercial traveler, add:
"1'ultcd State merchant and intinu
factlirtfl "end out a high claa of rep
ri ac iiiatJve nattlte men, who have
large ami varied experience In their re
ectlve lines; men educated lu the de
tail of the btialneaa they repreaent ;
men of the age that brings wisdom and
accuracy; men that earn ami command
the largest salaries, and men of push,
energy and vigor." The American
'drummer" abroad a well aa at home
I a reaoiirc. fnl Individual, which la to
any he la an American.
It li a chnracterlatlc example of the
Idea which prevail In Creat Ilrltaln of
the May to look after the Intereat and
advancement of It depe ndcmlf a, ao
soon after a conitieat like that recently
achieved by Kitchener 111 the Soudan,
that one of the flrt achemea proposed
la to establish a great university
among the cotuiieris people, aa a
no-aiis of cementing anil making Dtf
maneiit the gQBQBtt That I what I
b.-ltig done. Tho oclon of a con
tributory Intereat 111 the Khartum mil
Veralty aeeniH Jttat now to be one of
the neceasltle lo the preservation of
political or social atnndlng among Kn-
gllahmen, ami the endowment fund
ha readied large illmciislon. The
university will of courae he of a kind
adapted to the Industrial and economic
need of the Soudan, Becking the devel
opiueiit of Its people along practical
line. The example I one which
Americana may well emulate. It comes
Jttat at a time when audi a practical
'pointer" I llkdy to awaken Amerl
can enthusiasm for laying In our new
colonic eoiiallv up to. late found. 1
thin for the cRtahllNhlng of American
Influence among the new race now
brought under our flag. Those race
must be of poor material llld 1 If they
can Hie audi rcault following the as
tltlnlDCJ of the Star nnd Stripe
without being Bllrred to enthusiasm In
11 new Imrn loyally. It may, however,
take time for them to comprehend the
full meaning of audi offering fur
their advancement.
11 t l I v TV VliU fc'VTQ I It complete devt!lon. Every build
1L.MI Jil KVMUSalOt )ng D Him-klcy a destroyed. So and-
. den waa the onset of the flamea that
Kxtranrdlnarr recnnlarf laNgM In
flicted In the l.'nfltrd tltaifnl
thut Holt Onward In a Mad Torrent
of Uapuclou illllow and Uellea Man.
A foreat denutled by Ore present a
woeful alght. The tree are not entirely
consumed. The burmsl trunk of ail
larger onea aland at might and tall,
dead, but not deatroyed. Homollminj
furewt firm rage over MMI vaat an-na
that thdr aiuoko Is rlalble from any
point In a State. Dr. J. T. Ib.thne k.
OoanlaVfcHMT Of ron-atry for I'eiitMyl- 1
vanln. ahow that the potaflaifll MM of
for the onupoken grief In the face of
the unfortunate rldi who acre at ucb
ualua to enjoy theinselve. I ntver
i m i.,n ..... , .w uch haudaouie nun II I i In
tne pis.pie i-ouiu oui imm . m .
hou.e and a-ek a place of refuge. London. I never aee uh tie.t.tlful
without even in effort to aave their ; Mou.en I ee In I'urla. trench men
household effect. Kour hundred aud are InalgtilO. aut aa a rule, and English
eighteen person. alaiUt one lllb of women are b. ef) and dress like rug-
Hie population of the district, are rntia.ietpnia ui..nrrr.
known to have perished by a moat
a in tivKti ronisr.
Ileaklea the ordinary scattered shoot
lug stats there are others, presumably
of Hie MOM aort, but moving In great
swat ins, and In regular iirlilt ground
the aim like comets. Indeed In several
caaea audi a awnrin follow lu the
w ake of a comet, and Is alinoat certain
ly related to It lu some way not yet
quite clear. Some of the meteoric
orbit lulcmcd our own; and If earth
and meteors happen to reach the cross
lug together, we have a metco shower.
The little bodies rush Into our iituio
phere uiid burn. Allhough the meteors
III audi a shower are all really moving
In parallel line, perpectlvu makes
them appear to diverge from a single
point lii Hie heavens called It "rn
dlant." The most remarkable of these
meteor flock I one that makes It cir
cuit around the sun In a little more
than thirty three year, lu a long, oval which the earth crosses on Nov.
14. It la .-ailed Hie "Leonid" awarill.
becauae Us radiant I In the cousidln
Hon l.oo. Magnificent dlsplaya from it
occurred In 17ln. 18B8, and last In 1800
and HOT for the flock la ao exteualve
that It takes more than a year to pass
the Junction, and scattered outliers
precede and follow the main body for
evernl years. It was this advance
guard w lil. It In ISUN gave ua the feeble
showers that attracted ao much atten
Hon. In istm, or perhaps In lixsi, we
ahull encounter the wnrm Itself, and
the ky Mill be filled with tlytug ine
tisirs for hour. Whether the spectacle
Mill be visible lu till part of the worU.
or uot, cannot lie certain! v foretold.
1'he radiant la above the horlxon only
after midnight, and the shower Is ls
bit only where It occurs ho! ween mid
night aud dawn of local time.
A Valvrleaa Tire and a Dear that Mm
He i.'.n. k 1 . I banned.
Here la shown the I'rotcan gear.
which by 1111 expanding action lu the
large sprocket w lied enable the gear
to be changed by back pedal action at
the will of the rider. The new l-'iviich
tire I easy to put on and take off; the
Initial Joint, or seal. I made without
the help of any sir pressure, and lu cuse
of puncture It can la- ridden any dls
tauce wit bout the least fear of .Mining
off or Injuring the rims. The Hps w hi, h
make the air Joint are. a w ill be s,s-n
from the Illustration, vertical lu the
rim, aud, to Inflate, the nose of the
pump I Just forced through a hole lu
the cotnmoiiweiillh from each lire or
each aerie of lire that devastate the
timber producing area In Pennsyl
vania 1 f.'M. MOtOOO, The Area occur
chiefly from two causes. I: 1 . 1 ... id com
panics burn their old tie along the
right of May, without taking any pre
caution to prevent the lire spreading to
the woods, and the small fanner In
clearing w I lot for fanning pur
pose burn the brush and fallen timber,
without caring whether the lire spread
or not.
The Illustrations are algulflcnnt aa
honing the desert condition which a
Ore, or Bcrle of fires, producea. In
mnny pan of the fulled Statin one
may see such tracts, over which fire
have swept almost every year, destroy
log the young forest growth nnd ren
dering the soil, after each su fjlu
frightful death In the flamei.
Feat of Atria... I . the tireat la the
Hue of III It-.fli I.
One of the Itorle told by Alexander
the Creat I that of how, when a hy
of I a. he tamed the war horse liucepha
lus. The following Is the account giv
en by I'lutarch In his life of Alexander:
"I'hlloiilciis of Thesnly hail offered
to aell I'hlllp hi horne Itucephalua for
thirteen talent. So they all went down
Into the plain to try the animal. He
proved, however, to be balky and ut
terly useless. He Mould let no one
JOUl him, and none of the attendant
of I'hlllp could make Ma hear to Ma,
hut he violently resisted them all.
I'hlllp, In hla disgust, ordered the hore
led away a being utterly wild and un
1 rained. Whereat, Alexander, who
wai present, said: That I too gixal
bOTM for I boa men to spoil that way.
simply because they haven't the kill
or the grit to handle him right.' At
first I'hlllp paid no attention to him.
but a he kept lnltlng on being heard
and seemed greatly disturbed about
the matter, his father said to him:
'What do you mean by criticising your
elders, a If you were wiser thau they,
or knew 10 much more about handling
a horse than they do? 'Well, thla
horse, anyway, I would handle lietter
than any one else. If they would give
me a chance.' 'In caae you don't sue
eecd,' rejoined his father, 'what penal
ty are you willing to pay fur your frcab
nes'r' I'll pay, by Jove, the price of
the horse' Laughter greeted thl an
swer, but after some bantering with
hi father about the money arrange
I ...i Feline Rescued from theSpaa
lah Hattlrahlp Cristobal Colon.
The famous Spanish cat, Cristobal
Colon, captured from the Spmlb bat
tl. ahip on July 3, died at the United
fc-H 'SSI I
States government station at Benton
Harts. r. Mich. This cat na In the
cat show In I'hlcagg ami was awarded
a special medal. Seiior Cristobal Colon
was a mascot on the Span - , :naii..f
war of that name.
1 nl Writers on tmoklng.
The fact has been discovered that
Shakspcarc never mentions smoking or
makes the slightest allusion to the
n in
I'llll.l.Il'S lir.loiti: ami AFTER THE PI RE
roulliigratloii more and more barren.
The deterioration In the pictures. pic
lies of the country, or the loss In MM
ey to the person or pel sons w ho may
own these districts for limits. ring pur
poses, nitty more easily lie
than told. What could be more dreary
than the country shown lu the two
The year UM w-lll long lie rctnonilior
cd lu Wisconsin and Minnesota for Hie
terrible calamities which occurred In
July and August of t I1.1t year. Intense
heal ami Utile ruin had made the for
call almost like a kiln. All through the
summer lire had been feared .and look
cd for. and by the end of July It was
said that not less than 18,000 worth of
pine hud been deslrojcd. The lire ex
tended over n stretch of nearly llfty
n. il.-a wide, ami all that cicrletuv
gained by woodsmen ami lumtMraMD
lu dealing with forest tire availed
nothing against the sweeping tlamcs.
which were driven like an overwhelm
lug flood by a strong wind, leaving
death and destruction in their path, lu
the photographs presented herewith.
Which show a Wisconsin town nam. si
riillllpa before and after the tire, otic
may see how completely the forest tire
fiend docs his work. Phillip was burn
ed July J7, and the loss of life would
have been severe had not the Inhabit
tints escaped by taking trains to plucca
of safe!) .
In October, 1S71. one of the most ter
rlble Ores In Atncrliii on record broke
out at IVshtlgo, Wis., and more than
7is person were burned to death. Hut
probably the saddest tire was that
which occurred In ISJH one glimpse of
which, at Phillip, ha already ls-cti
had. the unTor! unafc place was
Hinckley, Minn., and the calamity is'
meiits, he went straight to the horse,
took li I lit hy the bridle, and turned him
around toward the sun. Thla he did
on the theory that the horse's fright
whs due to seeing hi own shadow
dunce up and down on the ground he
fore him He then ran along by hi
side awhile, patting and coaxing him,
until, nfter awhile, tasting he was full
of lire and spirit ami Impatient to go,
ho quietly threw off hi cont, and
swinging himself up, sat securely
astride the hotse. Then he ti I ill
raorsAM osan n ru.vst i Tint,
the rl in, so that It pac atmul three
quarter of the way up. when Hie Up
separate to let the air pa lu. and chase
of Hiema.lve as aoou m the pump
stroke Is
aranat roassT Arran tmsxtv ykars.
Ilia Will .. 11. . Was.
Aged HiMbaud tafiv r a d. 01101 lc
storm) - "Well, you eau do as you
pleaae alnoit going to thla ball, but If
you go I shall call on my lawyer lu the
morning aud alter my will.
Voung Wife oh. ink you won't. You
.vm to forget that when I married yon
I absorbed all the power In the Arm.
instance la often r sj.mihle for last
tog frleudsblpa.
litK taminii or at'CEI'll At.f.
alnuit for a while with the reins, with
out striking him or Jerking at the bit,
When now he saw that the home wa
getting over hi nervousness, and waa
eager to gallop ahead, he let hla go,
driving hltu on with a sterner voice
and with kicks of his foot, lu the group
of onlookers about Philip, there pre
vailed, from the first. Hie silence of In
tensely anxious concern. Hut when
the hoy turned the horse and came gal
loping up to them with pride and Joy
lu his fai'e, they all burst out Into a
chis-r. Ills father, they say. tear
for very Jov, and. ai he dismounted. hint Oh the head, ami said. 'My
son, seek taW a kingdom to thy
pOWtfll Macedonia Is too tralght for
thee." "
lluccplialu hcvanie from this time
the property ami the Inseparable com
pan on of Alexander. He
him on his cutnpalgna "sharing many
toll attvl dangers with him," and wa
generally the horse ridden by him lu
battle. No one else was ever allowed
to mount hlin. as Arrlan ays. "Nvausc
he deemed all other riders unworthy."
He I aportfd to have been a magnltl
cent black charger of extraordinary
slxe. ami to have Isvti with a
w hite Mt m the forehead
Women In P..-l.
"1 like the way the French take their
amusements," write Miss Lilian lldl
In a letter from lrls, "At the theater
they laugh and applaud the wit .4 the
hero and hiss the v lllaln. They shout
their approval of a duel and weep
aloud over the death of the
mother. When they drive In the HoU 011 Sept. 1 of that year. Owing
to the long drought, a la out lu the report of the Slate
ivuiuilsskvn for the relief of the forest
Ore sufferers, the fires had prvvalhnl In
different localities for several week.
but on that day the wind txvaine a tor- they mlle and have an air of enjoy
Ma and a small ore then burning incut quite at variance with the bored
spread with frightful rapidity, aud waa' expression of English and American
carried on the wings of the tornado who have enough money to own car
over a district covering nearly 00 1 rtagos. We drove In Hyde lark In
aquare nillea. A furnace blast swept j London the day before we came to
far tne fated dloirlct, aud left bcutud j Paris, and nearly wept with sympathy
habit This Is the more curlotta, as
11101 of his contemporaries, lieu Jon
son. Pecker and others discuss the then
new fashion at length, ami the humor
1st and satirist of the time lost no op
portunity of deriding and making a
game of the votaries of the weed.
The tobacco merchant w us an Import
ant personage In the time of Juntos I.
The Ellzuliethan plpea were so small
that when they nre dug up In Ireland
the poor call ihein "fulry pipes." King
James himself was one of tl ,st
virulent opponents of the habit, and In
his ludicrous "I'otintcrhlasis" culls It
a vile and stinking custom, "borrowed
from the hcasily, slavish Indians -poor,
wild, barbarous men brought
over from America, and uot Introduced
by any worthy or virtuous or great per
He argue that tohaco Is not dry and
hot; that It smoke Is humid, like all
other smoke, and Is tlurefore bad for
the brain, which is naturally wet and
cold, lie denies that smoking purges
the bond or stomach, and declares
tunny have smoked themselves to
death. Medical Record.
Dealing with Lumbermen.
There Is an old retlnsl merchant In
Petrolt who delights In recalling Ml
exerlenoe when nn active man run
ning n general store In one of the
northern cities of the lower peninsula,
aays the Petrolt I'r.v Press.
"I used to NOp n harvest when the
men were coming out of the woods,"
he relutc. "They were not up In
styles, and about any old thing would
ult them the color was right
and the III even passable. Hut there
were trickster among them, ami I
had to keep my wits abOUl me lu order
to keep even with them.
"'How much I that hat?" asked a
strapping six footer, who from
camp MM day With 11 DOCfctl of money.
"Two fifty," 1
"Then be nie that he al
vv a.v s had the crow ns of his hat punch
ed full of holes In order to keep his
head cool, and his hair from coming
out. 1 soon had this to, and
then he asked what the hat was worth.
Two fifty.' I responded In surprise,
but he tanghud at me for asking such
a price for goods. Q( bad
me and got his hat for a dollar. whlM
the Jolly crowd with Ma had a btogb
at aj txpanaa, lie wanted to look at
some tVddhUi' and after pricing oue ut
HO. to take It.
'"Where's the bow V he a I
was doing up the package.
"You only Knight the fiddle.' I laugh
ed. The others saw the point ami too. The giant to bluff
me. but I kept good humored, and pit
even on the hat by charging him flJH)
for the Iww. I not only got even, but
the others were so with my
'Yankee brick' that tbey spout plenty
of money with me."
oat Impoaalblc toSainggle Liquor
Into Indian Territory.
The United State Government baa
t wonderful antipathy toward the In
troduction of wbhrhy Into the Indian
territory, and necessarily, afterward In
to the Indian. It Is an old atory of the
love of an Indian for whisky it sur
passes all other lore. An Indian with
1 pint of firewater I an element that
disturb the natural serenity of the
lieautlful Indian territory scenery; he
longs for scalpa, which passion the
liovernment has long endeavored to
tamp out.
Hut w hlky occasionally gets Into the
Indian territory. There are too many
railroads running through It to keep
whisky away altogether. The man who
takes the seductive fluid Into Hint coun
try, even most Innocently to cure his
on n Mnnke bites, runs 11 risk Hint Is not
I to lie disregarded. The country Is full
Of United Statins marshal- and their
1 deputies and iMissemen. A f tilted States
marshal's posseman has a nose for
whisky longer than that of Cyrano dl
Heigernc. There nre fees nnd things
(..niioctisl with tim ling whisky In tho
Indian territory. And yet there enn 1m?
1 no doubt that the alMdlshmcnt of whls-
! ky from the Indian territory Is n gol
thing aud has saved many a white
. man's black hnlr.
Passengers going through Indian tor
I ritory on the rnllrouds have had their
trim, opened and their whisky taken
from them and their bodies thrown Into
Jail la-fore now. The only safe way to
Import whisky Into that country Is In
one's own comfortable nnd Imjienetrn
ble lnsldes. Otherw Ikc It may be found
ml then there Is trouble. A respecta
ble American clttzeu recently Jiad bis
valise ruvlshed by a fnlttnl States dep
uty marshal In the Creek uatlou ami n
half pint of whisky cost him nearly t'Juo
before he was sufe and free.
On the Choctaw railroad recently an
assignment of whisky wus discovered
by a shrewd deputy marshal. The ex
press company landed a truck load of
caBes marked "cod liver oil" from the
express car one day. Oue of the cases
came down heavily and broke. A small
brown stream Issued from Us cracks.
Everyone smelted It. The deputy mar
shal's nose was no keener than the oth
ers. A half-dozen boxes on the truck
were so alike that the marshal broke
all open and five Jugs of w hisky fell to
his lot. Each of these he broke with
a crack of his heel and the hungry snud
drank the brown fluid up. Surrounding
the sacrlllce were grouped lean white
men, whose Jaws drooled for the liquor
that the sand licked up, nnd blanket
Indians, who would hnve given a moc
casin colored pony for a sip.
When you go to Indian territory leave
your flnsk behind, because otherwise
you are likely to go to Jnll. Red men
and red liquor cannot mix without trou
ble. Kansas City Star.
at Egyptian ball, kept up an offer of
$2,500 reward for a duplicate f n)i
box, which a man gets lu and out of
mysteriously. A clever mechanic oT.
ed the problem ami demanded tb
money, but Maskelyue refused to paj,
as he claimed that, though this bot did
the work of his, the mechanism wM
different. He would not disclose hi
own In court, however, and the Jury
rendered a verdict against hlin.
M. S. Prime, of California. Is a rather
remarkable person In that he I the
president, secretary and treasury
board of directors ami manager of th
Paso ile It. .bias Strce' Hallway ..,,
pany. He Is also driver and conductor
of the single enr run n the road and
Is perfei-tly happy when the outfit
brings Ma In fl-V) n day. The road,
three miles In length, runs from rh
railroad stntlon to n Incnlly r.r ,
mud iHtth ami Mr. Prime traded a bouts
and lot In Alameda county for Hi
whole outfit.
Statement of 1,1. lor. thr Great Chrni-i-t,
Agree with Solomon.
I.lehlg, the greatest chemist of the
century, writes: "Science has demon
strated the fact thut man, the being
which perfortnl tne great wonders, Is
formed of condensed nlr and Mlldlfled
ami liquid gases, that he Uvea upon
condensed as well ns iinooiideusod nlr,
and that by means of the Bame mys
terious agent he moves or causes to ha
moved, the heaviest Weights with tin)
velocity of the wind. Hut the strang
est part of the matter Is that thou
sands of millions of these tabernacle
of condensed nlr nre going on two legs,
destroying other forms of condensed
nlr. which they may need to build up
their own wasted tissues or for shelter
or clothing, or, on account of their
egotism and fnnchnl power, destroying
each other In pitched battles, using hi)
piemen t w hich are but other forms of
Condensed nlr, the material of which
they themselves are formed or com
Mised. ChemlStTf supplies the clearest
proof that, so far as concerns this, the
ultimate aud most minute composition
and structure, some of which nre so In
finitesimal as to be beyond the compre
hension of our senses, man Is to all ap
pearance, at least, composed of ma
terials Identical with those which com
pose the structural being of the ox ot
the dog, or even the lowest ntiimal In
the scale of creation."
Solomon seens to have enterinlnin!
the same Idea. See Eccleslnstes 8:19
"for that which befalleth the sons ol
men befalleth the beasts; as the on
dh ill, so tlleth the oilier; yen, they hnve
all one breath, so that n man hath in:
pre-eminence ubove a beast." Pitts
burg Dispatch.
A most useful application of electrl
city Is sinui In the way lo which clothes
closets are In the recently built
houses. The opening of the door turns
on the current and Its closing shuts It
(inn metal handles for umbrellas and
canes. with gold or silver
which metals are shown by engruvliig
Initials, monograms, floral or other
lectin! designs, arc the la tost novelties
In their line,
On January 1, 1M)S. there were 2tt,STtS
miles of railroad In the Russian em
pire, of which the government owned
10.778 mile, The report of these
roads show a decrease lu the tMMpor
tatlon of cereals and an Increase lu
salt, petroleum ami COM.
At the Paris Academy for Medicine
Pr. Poyau recently gave his ex perl
01100 lu regnnl to the result of 14i5 cases
of surgical ...o rations on the stomach.
There wore only twenty one deaths In
all ami twenty of Uiese were In cases
of cancer.
A bank In New York has largely In
Creted It business, particularly
among fashionable women, by Issuing
to Its depositors glided check books
with monograms The blank
coccus are priui.m ill goiu Troll) ex
quisitely engraved plates.
.North Carolina, w hich pays n pension
to Confederate army veterans that are
In need, tin, Is that but one In fifteen of
the kuojsn survivors lu the state nre
on the H'iislon list. Applicants for
aid are fewer each year lastead of In
creasing, as Is the case with Federal
A year ago a Herman schoolmaster,
Mr. Eugh r, was ooflflcted by a crim
inal court of some act of Immorality.
Not long ngo he died Insane and an
autopsy ihOfJM that he was doubtless
morally Irresponsible at the time tho
offense was committed. With Qer
tnau thoroughness a new trial was or
dered and the dead man has recently
been acquitted In due form.
The great Armstrong shipbuilding
yard of England have Just out
the most remarkable vessel afloat. It
Is a giant Ice crusher to be used In
keeping opes the trade routes of the
Raltlc oa In winter. Ice-crushing boats
are used In several of the harlajrs on
the great lakes In this countrr but
Itlggest Wedding Bfef Known.
On the day that Alexander the (
was married no fewer than 10901 per
sons lu one Ceremony were made hus
bands mid wives. This seems Impossi
ble, but the event really took place, us
historical records tell us. This mon
ster wedding occurred upon the con
quest by Alexander the (Iroat of Per
sia, which was then ruled over hy King
Alexander Statlra, the
daughter of the conquered king, nnd
decreed that HIO of his chief officers
should be to Iihi ladles from tho
noblest Persian and Medean families,
lu addition to this, he stipulated that
10,000 of his Greek soldiers should
many Iu.imni Asiatic women.
When everything, n vast
pavilion was erected, the pillars of
which were sixty f.n't high. One hun
dred gorgeous chambers adjoined this
for the UK) mble bridegrooms, while
for the remaining 10,000 an outer court
was Inclosed, outside of which tables
were spread for the multitude. Each
pair had scats, nnd ranged themselves
In a seal-Circle round the royal throne,
of tniurso, the priests could not mnrry
this vast DUaber of couples, so Alex
ander the Great devised a very simple
ceremony, lie gave his hand to Statlra
and her an example that all the
bridegrooms followed.
Thus ended the ceremony, nnd that
vast number were Then fol
lowed the festival, which lasted five
days, the grandeur of which has never
boon since.
WSS Afloat wlti Nap,.n.
Two men livlug in St. Helena who
wore born respectively In tTSfl and IS02
arc not the only pers.un now living
who have soon Napoleon the Croat.
Thomas Ds Mdcyns, whowa for many
years county court Judge of Kllkenuy,
who was to the lrlh bar In 1SIU,
and a quceu' countel In
1S. lu hla early boyhood In the
rojsl navy. Mr. W Moleyn was a
midshipman on hoard the Itcllerophon
when Kspslsta on July l. 1S1 after
"the hundred day." placed himself
under the flag of hi country and waa
received on board the Redemption, a
"Mud ay he I madly In love with
her new w heel." "Huh: Another cans
w here man Is displaced by machinery."
-Indianapolis Journal
llsw easy It I to let the other fellow 1
do the work by reflecting that the ex
rvUe Is good for him.
they are lnlgnlflcant when compared
In stse and power to this giant
A fashionable London doctor, whoso
mornings are fully occupied In paying
visits to his many patients, has
in effecting a decided economy.
He msy tie seen driving through West
End Square, eating his breakfast In his
brougham. His morning men I Is nicely
packed In a hamper. A woden flap Is
In front of bJs carriage. Thl Is prop
pod up and the table spread. The doe
tor thus eat comfortably and at ids
With a very few ex.-epUon. all the
great Industries and branches of com
merce In Cermany show a phenomenal
expanlon during the last decade. For
example, the tonnage of itenmshlps !.
louglug to Hamburg, which In P.75 was
l-17:l, wa In 18TO Xl,t8Hi. Those
belonging to Hremen In the
ame time from 05,1)70 to 22iM0, while
the tonnage of tailing vessels belong
to the- two ports has rien over
00 per cent.
A Uvndon magician. Maakelyne. who
Expensive Sparks.
Our ow n fireworks manufacturers nre,
of course, prepared to produce as bril
liant displays us any lu the world, but
unfortunately they do uot have the 0e
portunltles afforded by royal pageants
lu monarchical countries.
According to one British firm, who
nre famed all over the world for their
manufacture of D reworks, the amount
siient on the display of llroworks lu
connection with her majesty's Jubilee
w as $lj)rjX),000, The display at the close
of the Crimean war cost $o(K),tKX). Tho
largest individual exhibitions by tho
firm were given on the Tngus for tho
Portuguese Coverntnctit; the second In
1888 costing 100,000, while the first,
which was made ou the occasion of the
marriage In 1880 of the King (then
crown prince) of Portugal, cost bait
that amount. The display at Delhi,
when the Queen was proclultncd Km
press of India, cost 117,500. Some o(
the most costly fireworks are those pro
duced at the Crystal Palnee. Thus, at
n benefit recently, the exhibition lasted
from 30 to 35 minutes, but It cost $7,
500, or nbout $250 per minute.
Viet m of Many Tra n Wrecks.
John Hooker has .lied In a Pennsylva
nia town with the remarkable record
of having been Injured twenty the
times In railroad nccld.uts, some of hi
Injuries having been very serious, yet
he lived to a good old age and died
from natural causes. There Is a drum
BSC In Philadelphia w ho claims to have
Invn In a numticr of railway disasters,
and yet never recvlved a scratch. He
says ho was In tho wreck at Ashtabula.
Ohio, when so many perished. Includ
ing Hllss, the evangelist; In that ut
QneaMd, Mass., when thirty or more
were killed; at White River Junction.
Vt.. when an equal number of lives
were lost, and at Pedhtim. Mass., and
Harrison, N. Y.. In both of which acci
dents scores were and maimed.
He always buys accident Insurance
tickets, he aays. hut regard the exp. n
diture In hi own case as sheer waste. -Kansas
City Journal
IneompatlMHty of temper always
m. nans that both parties have the same
kind of temper and plenty of It.
has given T I Ut unlu'r to have vour affair at
. ile aud sevens t'oev make thirteen.