The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 28, 1899, Image 5

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N far
i from town.
fcl Levy Will Br Mad'' il
jouwl Maettag Tnht
1 1 1 1 ' IPMelCtl
lull, tiu.lKl. JlU '.'1
a. BuMM ''.'
V - Arrivef! Fni Hllill M hb Km
jugs OvnUod.
H I V 'I l
uy r
Kuykeuda.l l'v"'K
juraooo IM1
the prindP1 ""J11 of lo",fc" "
i. to tuake U.e l levy, .lie
vk rtUUw ! ,kl" 0,r,,1 M Hold.
.11 r i .. i n ti Dan
Oallr i.nard Jan .1)
Ml BLJOllUMOl v .-i hi iia UMBO
liiiiiUe y islay .l.e," f orn Manila.
ik i ni ,..., Marvleaa unUH
-I'lilln. H discli k1 was received
uu MOOD it of I bo ago, boHl U
hi p it-fin nnljr h 111 n- over 16
When h. BllliUc lM
... . . I ..
... iv i f 1. II 1 1 1 II ' r. . . ...
lhCu,rU 1 UHliru DUHH III II
,DIWJII",'Cl"",y ' I. ).. .1 I. ,,.1,.,.
...eonsuaie wime Huie. It I Hot f ,,, , , M1(, ,
,ikejy jy other UWBMb wiui icoti. N ,,,, ,
.Idrred- I M Wl M pi : . ! v.
Chief f l,i'e WlM '" "
flffafB reporter that iheCu u
naoce will likely lie sticty tufoi d
mill "esr 'ulur,, '1,,B " dinm.. ".
walie i.viu been a law tot a oa ml er
of years, lias practically been a dead
Idler. One of tue principal reasons
forthi- ih t at the ell has owned no
Mil allien could be u-ed for ilila pur
Tbt County roart n" agreed to l"ttn
Ibe city liie M ciiiii t house ncll roi a
time a id K wii1 l-e erected Dtar I lie
(lie bell tower, and lined 10 Mil a m
daring uichint bo DM.
ThU i a good lefoliillou. An my
,... . - '.e should be vOtolC I.
.-AIJAII S, nVtV ULr..
Di i f bill id Ja.i i'
li:e iineer W mull whose mi
beado tliitt not Iced .id at tue liome
oDlti-law, I'aluier Ayres, hi-..
river from Eugene, Friday Ju:iun
ISSN, tged T'l yeais4 mouths and ?4
Mn Mct'iiue w boru in KoitUC y
Au(.'Ul ?7, )bl! an. I wi,n bar parol
moved io lilanurl In ibe mi Mil
me lit of that 3li9. In 18oi l lie plon v
fever caused her people Io move w
Mrd,ajidwli ercl lRMI l w ie n y
tlieui in Salt Lake ' ily. In II I l. y
returned lliejournev and wii . Iier In -I
Lunbmnl, lie - li led on i In- oluini
(WO mllM nnriii of Isusene WbK) I ia
died. Alter Hie di itll of hei Qrat tiiia
baud sin married Vincent McUlure
aim preceded bar Uialoiboi
la May ISO;!. Six cluidiuu wen i rn
in ber but two of rv loin are IK ing. 8iie
lenvea two ilatera, Mm J C Hush ell
eud Mn Kiancis UuTlOW, aud !
broiliem W H and II K Tandy.
The interment will lake place l m
Hie reuidetice of f'aliner Ayies, I .vo
and one-half utiles norMi of Eugene, n
tue 'iillespie oieieiy Sttuiliiy ft' j
noon, January n U o'ciocl;.
In V' m -i in. Hawlboruei Dur i is ii, c i
wo ker, and achi.ol mate, lileu m fai
away Mauila, Jaouaiy 10, If!).
(Student, patiiot, and aoldle:! "o
.-i- ..; all the real I'lialUiea tliut fo m
tbe una type of Renii'uo Ameiican
uiauhoud; he led his home, hisfi ie.ide,
bin al', aud quickly rexpouded to mat
feiveut war-call ol his rouuii".
An honored son, of our booo ed
leachei , lie .d that ready pal i i
Oiiim wulch alwayaanawe a ' I Hie call
of puu'ic duty, that iever niarLed by
iion coinage, uee falllogc us aucy.
and, idiove all, t ue lovely t i I'leud
lud couuliy,
'How sleep the brave who aliiK n led,
Eyalt their counny'a wishes blewedl
Where f.priiig, with dewy li -Jt.e s OOld,
r lui us to deck their beloved mould,
Blie there xhall dreas a awee'.er and
Thau Fancy's feet have ever trod.
"Cy fairy liaudg their knell la iung:
bv forma uneeen ibelr dirge is bu"-;
lnee Hinior comes, a pilgrim CimVi
louleas the turf that wra-m I liei r tft "',
Aod Kieedoin shall awblfe lepair,
oawell, & WMplog liermit, there."
nMOl.VID, 'i hat we, t;ie membera
o' lbeclaae of !iO'!, d..ply aymt.ulM
W Ibe father, moluei, hio.her pud
'. of our depaned frieud, aoC khi a
wbihemihe hope of a tevaloo ii
l"t bauer wo. id, where the. j aie no
Resolved, That a copv of iuc s
jwoluiloo irajwa,!, kI to l lie aaa .
T W our dtceased fellow atuuaol,
'iuBiDat ihey may kd'cale, ia
BU-'l;:'3, our .eapeci, e.ite.u f
mimo y of their beloveJ son a I
Emolvid, That a c....v or M
f80 hauled to the c
P1" for publication.
E N Dltvhs,
Clr m Couiui Ui j-" i
"Wta ntltyofOrexoo, Jan in. )$ .
n Ue wei n H e
( pain, i.ii i, do.
'llil ue ile-lr
i ill KM I". dil IO,
deal til, ha
li kuccaaaful
eilii i ii, ,. bj Id-inn berlUi He .,, t
H J " .ii i , loavoure m i oIim ' eaad
''in l.e reiue wa oaltled to lixnllai
Li. w:.B,e . i ii . ... . in all llttg home.
M r JobQMio re Oi I-. d on i he iraox
po t Obio, aad woaen iiiiteC dav.
He lost Bran i wb'eb be hao lniaoo
e.i g i log i a id aa memaOt a
1 tiey r'laafiptaiati aboard t p, Bod
i llboai y gag Jolioaon nae the
ibtp'a offlc a 8 In .':ve n ihoroofb
cea ch lliHoe, I ,ie mirsmg . anes OOOld
no lie oeaiCi
'.o Is mi:i iei aiilitwo pet monkeys,
one oalooiog io Cbarlee Grlfln aud
IbaO 'ier io lilnise. . UrilBo'a monkey
died Ibe third diy oui and tiie otber
uefoia iney reaobad fokobama. At
tit la place Joboaoo porebated u Japao,
aae put; ilog, which aorvlttd lie i rip
and leHched Kugve safely. la Very
email, wltb long onrly balr, aad is a
decided I in iosily.
The monkey owned by Grifflo,
which died en I ue, had ipihe a ble
to y. li wat aiamid Admiral Dearey'a
llHisoi.i, Hie ()' .'lupin, dm H.g l: if time
tbeBpanleli fleet wrteenl io toe tst
i moffaaig i v, a il whs tr arardi
preaauted hv I1 owner In Mr ; no,
w o pi Med tiie little pat very blgbly,
fjoria broogid home mi endleea
uniouut of trinket, ailka and aitloa,
e'C. He has llllloe It la e folleOtlon of
c ina, and exblbl s one uf Iba'errlble
afaneer n flea with wblch tbeSpanleb
s toie. - we e ui mad.
n tbe cigar line ue broagbt a laige
quantity. The moai a.peoalve being
parebaaad for 8 eao nod tuaordiuaiy
quality aaooied at i uoti er of a cut
I he present OOOdlllon of liie poldieis,
Mr Job neon it , ia veryMllaliaot&ry,
iimi ia quite agreeable oompareol wltb
nine i till ii r'. in 'i in , s iliM illK I lie
I. 'ii over, and the lime U0OK iliui; un
til the commissary depa iuieut could
gel lb I age io running emoatbly 1'ue
Kenei'HI i ii'.i ' i of tbe sohMeia is It -
ported koi I also.
Lorl will bu kept busy for a lime
nnswe:iiiK tiie luuumerulle queatlona
wilh w hicli lie will be confronted.
Most of nil be Bipraaaae h's pie -ure at
Hguiu b IP g home.
An O eouiau Abroad,
'MLeotan ae:
Ml of Febua v
koow'iotlle bit
nentiar. Tl
A We.iueadav
n h-: oh ou i,e
eai Jier ibaa ever
ry of the c it c"i
udicaiee ao
the d37 of
Rie side, Call.'oru'a, Jan 1
EniiOR Guard:--Neatly
weeks ago the writer aud his belter
lialf lei L F.ugeue for thla plate, hoping
thut a few inoniha visit with kind
thelitis in this ciiiiM would be of
benefit I o one who had beeu ontincd
to his loom for mouths pi it wilh
Fine rains have fallen all over t bis
diouih siilcken stale, and In nay thut
tiie eople aie rejoining the'eatia but
a faint expreai-iou. Uut little ruin had
fa1 leu for morelhau a year previoua.
For mine than a week after our arrival
we were visiied . ve y night with sharp
- 'x d , and cold winds duiing'
the day. Then came ihe welcome
lain, in. ii now tbeeurroundlng moun
laiua are covered with anow, rod tbe
air is damp and chilly foi an invalid.
We had ofi'eaUMld of ihe extensive
manner iu which tunning la conducted
in this pait of tiie stu'e. Sp edlog
dowu ihe Banramentn vai'ey
we counted iu ooa Held Dine
teu hoise (or mule. iema. Tue
fleldl aie of immense aUe, aud mosl'y
witli no fences, 'Ihe tropical finite
g'own here are Kplendid lletwceu
Rlveralde aud tioa Angeles, sixty
uiilej away, aie hundreds of acres of
orange gloves which, if it wutnot'or
(l U lie color of the ifUlt, would remind ua
or the lig red apples iu uregon.
In conclusion 1 ctuiiol lel'raiu froua
giving p. seutlment of an old OregOOlan,
b this place, iu writing io l ieuds:
We ueed your eympalby, md ueed it
tad. Just to tblnk we can eat a hearty
b taifaHatS a m, a g ood dinner at
ti ou, Itb a. i ezMllenteui I'r a' 6 p m,
wltb nothing but nice oranea toeat
i i ween uieila." .auci a peison lied
the whole world he would still want a
p'ece of la'id 00 'he oui hie on which
j he cou1 J ; rae a cow . At least such ia
t' eopljion of "UNCM Ha.m ''
Vou iu, I il. t I.. .
Tlw wsj u aaa aad
An tour vauL ml
Tim lavTeaaefHM old
Lend ji u sl'.nc tbe ith. fur atfn
Are arrow twui t i. oma. fmil ndBaa
n.iiU tin. talari Uaw ihu iiii
Tsk. i yuu. Inn rnlr hr the 1,1. .k!
IgeaiBgi aad ty the ladejaa trt
01 Mm uvurfull ami llirllhng heart
IM knew jnu an. It far to fan.
Tin- . im N.wrr a unny . u
Pat Meg t. tttikltntc. soil bcluw
Juj't uneli !:; U full of mow,
ladrifii.t n li atth VhtVI nd iilnk.
Of Ikiuui Uik l et froin drink to brink;
Th" luiuund air n .uu. I, I tw.s n
With humming btoda otaware nnd krrn.
Like burnt out star, lluil ilarl and float.
Willi I ul n tuat tire to th throat.
Knu ,iiw l.ut omnmn llnweraf
Uiant bul a hum that dfewtad Ihu huuraf
Vour blood l.aiKtl uot uur ahouk your
hi art!
Ah, wi ll, I know no iHhrr i liartl
Tlui valh U fur your fi. t aa tar
Aa that whtrb l.-a-. na to a star.
J. Ituaavll Taylor in Century
when Poaaaaaadl vvua u roelie Idea,
II rule II Iu Mualr.
"hi otiu of Ids writings Wagner telle
uatlmt he never felt any munral iu-
rptraMou niam flramatln 14m had
llakan oomplaee isvaeaalon of him."
'writes HotiatOB IttWMl Oiamtiorlain
!un"Hnw Uii'hanl Wagner Wrote Ilia
lOpmtl," in The Lediea' limiin J. omaL
j "When this was the i'.t'. the dllferellt
per.'utiiigi h woiilil, niie nf t. r at. .tli. r.
ibarade upon his fancy, gaming grad
ually in tHsiiiy eoMteaaney Tbeo, all
of a sudden, iu tint dnekof t veiling, one
of tbeee meatafee of nu fancy would
riie up before hlni, gazing at biui with
ey. a wide open. Fins'inatetl and .dm .-t
trembling, Wagner would remain with
ryes tlxetl on those of Ids guest from
dreamland. Hut, io, the ihadOW'l Itpat
IreiutiU nnd open! What issues fiom
then is neither words nor song it is a
i superhuman language, but the poet tin
derstauda it, uud it remains ringing in
bis eurs when the npparitimi bus van
ished. This is the precise in. uncut of in-
iptratioa All that followi la mora ce
less mechanical, inure or less fortuitous.
Whether a work Isj written out and
I completed imnuer or later will depend
1 upon all sorts of circumstances time
health, etc.
"This, then, is thn essential tiling to
rcmciiilier that Waguor uover could
couipise unless driven to do so by a
IN DOOM -.ii tor
.it la
' e Ijigen-
l 1'it. si .1
inp.. '
W 'li
Y day'- Itotleod ii lg ami " u
net l.mie want o Uu tee i - week
a ce e i examine i Ohfi i i .1 .'i
W '"iam. ieu ai J A tu anil
Mean id I ieiiivuant ii F Wllkwi u i.v,
f" uioeivG, with e'are ie io ibelr
s .. 0 1 1 lie i . bleb they
ic i alee He louod aaob we l
i e re ytiil g pei ao g io bte
, ami is well ' ' d al li the
al make upufine l.e . is eooia
P" v. i ne i imiatny now nomls ,i.s
nu i , h id isrn been ma one of
inr i li t evm a its i u i he 0 e... n
Na aunt fjua d.
"Second l auienaut Wilh dbby s
uoly eiao ad oi 'e noaltloa i Ihw m
ine oefo i s i id HI iiis e'.s iimi i i
Not wiibetauilluglbla feet li new J
e c I e il i SaiulllOt oil."
il .
It I
k Editor of Ibe Jooef ion Cih Tinirs
Wrili'S Frum the ljjislnliire
Tteataarant Vlrn In. I aler In Thrai
Situll II.-.-., iii. Itl.-ll.
That the restaurant business in Merlin
is a paying one, if thu location cliosi-u
be a gissl one, the restaurant of thn zoo
logical gardens hero shows. Fur a uum
ber of years it was leased byu uiiiu who
nnderstiKsl about us much of the busi
ness us thn mail iu the tnOOO. Yet he
tiecamn wealthy within a few year- ami
retired for good to live on the interest noetieul idea ts r, iimtoriW ileitininllnir yea. r. 7 nii.iii ,is ami Mtlaya, Mn y K
of his money There weru days iu sum- i the language of musio for ts full and BalllWMUu l Iu DttOk'ngbam C
mer win n he sold l.onu kegs of I r, ndisnjato expression, and that, mice this Vug ula, JuueS, IK.7, being ho i s s. niie -'.' cups of cotVc.. ami poetical nml dramatio idea clearly and nt ,.i I. ami M . v Si ll, h ie Uull
ou.ouu san.iwicncs, nun as prices are p, rmaneutlv ingratted iu his mind, it
high there Im must have itiude thousanda rlnclnded' If I mav so suv tho musio,
of dollars iu a singlo day ! which came of IkwU whem vcr the uu
Fortunately for the public, another t,or (.l1ui,i w tmo for tuo buaiuoaa of
caterer now supplies the hungry aud writing out tho scoro."
thirsty sightseers ut thu Etiological gar-
dens, a man with agoixl reputution, and
ho pays twice tho relit for the restun-
rant buildings, too viz, luo.tiuo marks inir laeldeati ol That Mail iiids to
lllltlillii, In Mil' s sn lelmg tty tint Hem U nt nulnklutn.
terms of Ins contract a matter or almost of lMnt m,ilUt heroio charge a hnn
600,000 murks for improvemeuta Yet it ' ,ir, UMldenU nr.. preserved thrilliiiK.
ia probable that he, teu, will retire at humorous, shocking. Tho Cornhill
the OBd Of Ids term with a fortune. Miigoziuu tells of a man of the Seven
Tin rn ure many instanct s of this kind teelith lanct rs wlio was board to shout.
In Berlin. One oJ the Bneat and moat I fa Mhey raoed in upon the guns, a
highly priced reetaumntton Qntar den I qnotation from Shakespeare, "Whole
Linden recently sold its good will for a I there hern would usk more men from
mutter of 1.000,000 marks. Tbe owner Knglund;'"
of noafe on MedaienatvaeM who start- Tho reglmantaJ butcher of tho Seven-
ed tbepluco but a couple of yearsugo is tet ntli lancers was engaged in killing a
reputed ultcady to have cleared ubout shuep when ho heurd tho trumpets sound
2.000.000 marks His head Waiter ia for tin, nlniren. Hn leaned on a borsiv
himself rapidly growing rich from tho ,irt sleeves, with barn arms and j s,Hl" "I'"
Diato. In ECtigeue, F Iday, Jan SO,
ISQft, at tbe borne of Iter daugble . M a
FiiiniH I' lichei , .-ti W- i Seveiilh
sine.. Mis m iry B rtniUmau, e nl 71
Willi tiie Uan at el u nil at lie BfcU '
Io. u 1814 ebe moved with her pe ei
1 1 Mieeon i a d wi aiu . iati 1 m
r.liluiau, a Ha-list iu'i.'sic . . LSI..
IKcee tad ari i tvutber if ui i
obl'dien, Mm lof whom a e w II
l - in B MeCown pun a, i e
Bl Ollk Of laOlia ' Isaollli, pud B lIU a
Prllctwtl nf Eugene. Wee adwovi I
to Ki is:u i i I',.:-. ii ilciiie i tie on
In I8S1 wlln iiei dauguiara i whom
sue III a ii (a ded. 'l nine. I
will be held al iceliieui . M .
1'idi ihe i, Sn.ulav at 'J:. I p u, In
men l !n l e Mn i.ev ce ..e e !' i
or tbe ojm'i.v are mp ; iv . -d.
I. A K v'liUNIV PANtll HMaTbQ
Porllauid Farmer hrs ids cjnoera!ng
twool f sine oounly'e ihlUtere hi ihe
Of i lie I'.lnuU
"triiikgeld ncetvid from the guests pip,, nuiiouth.heroilo through thn whole : "100 aa, 1
and is suit! to be In receipt of monthly 1 charge, alow, it la snid, six men with lieen nun I
Btipeiids amounting to aome tn.ouo in bis owu baud, and cuino l ack again, exhl it d bv
American moucy. Ucrliu Letter iu
Chicago ltecord.
pipe still lu mouth!
A private of tho Elovcuth was tiiulnr
arrest for druukeuuess when thn charge ,.
. . a. ,. . e . a 1 1 i i i . IOC
ueguu, out no iiioko out, mn ,weu ins
troop on n spare uorso, picked up a
BWnrd as be rode, and shared iu tho
Hiirro,, Ihk a llorav.
Iu his interesting book, "Tho law
yers of Maine." Willis relatea on uneo-
doto of Jud:;e t.'e. rgo Thatcher, who 1 runturo nud perils of tho churkio. Tho '
Wits noted lor Ins humor. charge lasted '.'0 minutes, and was ever LfS
Solicitor Uavis ami Judge Thatcher, beforo such tlaring or such Buffering I famOUa I .
whon boys, were neighbors iu Hurusta- , pue.kud into a space ao brief? Tbaaquad- nrkl , ,
bio uinl lurmuutn, .moss, i ne nay utter rous n,do into tho tight numbering iw8
tho liattlo of Hunker Hill tho militia ' boisemeu; their mounted strength when
hr i probat y nevi r
t Her In -ed ill an ho ie
r F Deuuatt, i hey wi n
iko Langabana lie ta
1. 1 -der ard exhibitor '.r
Whites of tl aaitio b ed
Ann Wilkiti", i he v.i II kDOU 'i brie 'er
ofd nrg, waaoul li i tall force wl It
r:t. I'U i i ii Hock .nil Heir
'ne, A iiiniii 1 Ho Bulh wi i a
It i is I t now ken tOOt
UV k coin' In Kiii yea.s."
Ml. I.I I I. I Ml , l I
Pi is uaard Jan 21
"ii is no more iban juat iimt i ipaak
. ronhlllmeotery word for oui new
.viator, Or Ruykeodall, fur ne ear
-a..' ty merlle it. ihe practical mui
eenelbleway in which hr deals with
jislatlve maitcis has Im'cii remarked
hiii li . menu era and others He dis s
' ot pose M h greel alateauiau tier maka
on - winded aiieeeuea, nut he tulekly
geteat the kernel of a subject slid In
Ids plain, IttOld and caiutitl wiy carries
OODVlCtlon tO the senat HIM d n'ui -l
unlveraallv carrier hie point lie ha
lu en a lively ami luWlllgenl Inlerb
iU educational matters ami lias dili
gently looked aller them I.e. Id" sev
eral on sume oilier very liiiourui t
n k kiM'Ain.
"i do not endorae the vile and vlu
dlotlve aeaauli upon ll RKinMld, ex
secretary of a ate, by 'A. 11' i.Mfied
HolmaQi a nephew of Penal r Me-
Uri e l No doubt Mi Klnoald, like
etbei memben ol the human family,
tins hie abort oomlnga, but dlahoneel
and Hu ll are not nilioug them He
has retail ed in office for fo'ir yea i
nine maul an of the efcBrida family
and whs sevoiel' eiilicbe.l bv Ida
political Irlende for o; them
coniei.diil 'cnillniiallv in ollee
Tlioeeln position to know claim that
Mi KlUMld'e admiu'si ration hu i -
suit tllothe stav's pi. tilt IiiuiishiiiU
of dol Ian above any of blapr i. neon
in let Hit years. '.Mii'i's lllgrHlllUi!. to
man' to beautllu'ly iloatrateu In this
'I havu Ihe uf niiiileit n rut for
ih- ta who di Mer with me i lii nallv,
religmualv r ol , . I w -e. but I I nve the
ntmoal oonti mpt fo
liave s'aled here' 'Io
Hide 1 h i.ord o h
lil the die. ionai s ai
da II tai'ily Ic s Ii
K'uca'd i dace.'
of tboso towus set off for Hoston. Tho
boys accompanied tho soldiers, Duvia
acting aa lifer. A few miles out from
Barnstable an order oama directing tho
military to n turn BOBM
In tin. ir i. ir. at Thatcher and Davis,
tired of their march, mounted an old
borso they met on tho mud, without
saddle or bridle. After ridiug some
miles they dismounted mi l ubuudoued
their steed iu the highway.
Many years after Davis, ua solicitor
general, was prosecuting a horso thief
tho tight was over wus exactly 1U5.
It was all a bluudcr, but it evoked a
hcroi-m which made thn bluudcr itself
magnificent. Aud us long BB hravodoods
can thrill tho imuginatiou uf men thu
atory will bo rumemhered of how
Btortiinl at with shut anil sheik
Boldly thoy rodo and well
Into tho Jaws of tit nth.
Into tho DKKtlh uf hi ll
Moblo six hundrudl
I n r in I ii u In oldrii Times.
Thn Unmans worn tho first noonlo to
boforo Judge Thatcher in tho county of pructicu plowiug between the rows uf
Kennebec, Mo. Iu tho course of tho- wbeut us wo do between coru. The idea
trial tho judge leaned over tho bouch wus suggested lu a eiugulur manner. A
and said lu an uudertouo to tho solic
itor: "Davy, this remiudB mo of thu horse
you and I stole iu Hurustable. "
Thunder lu Various lte(luna.
Java ia said to bu tho regiou of the
globo where it thunders ofteiiest, hav
ing thunderstorms 07 days in the yeur.
After it aro Sumatra, with bO days;
Hindustan, With 00; Horuco, with 64;
warlike tribe, having ravished u section
of land at tho huso of thn Alps, under
took to destroy tho growing crops by
plowing them up, hut instead It waa
found that tho rows accidentally hilled
wero twioo aa largo ua thoso that were
not. Tho harrow or boo used by tbe
Chinese farmer is of tho rudest con
struction. The plow is iisaully drawn
by women of tho lowest clussos.
Two hundred uml fifty yours ngo,
wbeu tho coru stolen from Ihu Indiuns
III! IV W I'AI'KK. A W null"
I i p. st ic eetablletiw' lu ISirlland
byaiieXI rlei.ced in- spapc pubish-
erfrom n i .. , u, ,, uspie d d me-
0 is ' ti efnl menl, consisting of Urn -types,
perfec .ng i less ami eng av
lag plant. I ne lelegiuphlo re
p n of the New York Ban, Journal
and 'niii Frauchco Kiumlier w ill be
ueeti together with siieciuis from
tVrihlngton and from pointa lu the
atai .of the Northwral, The new
1 in- will l a "iliilepeiuleut with it
democrat lo leaning."
the nngt le. I
i that i bin grate
ayllablee, round
I no whe. elm',
in vu'ille n Mr
tho Gold Coast, with 58, aud ltio do
Janeiro, with 51. In Europe, Ituly oo- by our 1'urituu ancestors was planted in
copies thu first place, with US duys of I tho sand of t ape l .d. thu only iustru
tbunder, while Franco aud southern uient used was a ponderous and 111
Kussiu have III duys. (treat Britain and
Switzerland have each 7 days, and
Norway hus 4. Thunder is ruru ut Cuiro,
being hoard only a days in tho year,
and extremely ruro iu unrthurn Tur
kestan und tho polar regions. London
A Talklnic I row.
Tho latest curiosity in Bethel, Ma,
is u tulking crow which entertains thu
boys and girls. Tho bird was fuund iu
tho woods over a year ugo, when young,
buvlng fallen frum its DBBt and btukeu
a wing It was taken homo and cured
for, but showed no incliuatiou to talk
until a few months ago. It tulks ua
well as parrots, but favors words con
taining "o, " and "Hollo, hello, Moses,
Oru! Whoa there I" cuuso thu passers
by to turn quickly at times.
shuped Dutch hoe, which required a
heavy man to bundle at all. Our first
processes woro uot much in udvuneo of
thoso of tho tiurburiiins of central Eu
rope. Toduy wo number n v nil bun
dled tools, from thu most delicate to
tho splendid specimen uf thn combiued
reaper aud tbrushcr, which cuta,
thrashes, winnows and Ihik's grain at
tho rutti of hundreds of bushels per day.
Mr Bliffcra- Your old friend bus
euch a aad fuco. Why is it?
Mr liliffers Yeara ugo hu proposed
to u very hi autiful girl, uud
Mrs. Bllffera And aho refused him.
Mr. Bllffera Mo. Sbo married him.
London Auswera
Hiittiiaii ua Wrtttea iu Rerwar,
Hi re is ii g i -: Imi :i of English
aa sbo is written abroad. Wo find it iu
St. Mnrtiu's-le-Uruud, tbo postolBoo
"The hotel for tourists ou Turtegro
(owner, Mr. Igar OieneX ia laying by
tho foot of thu eminent 'Skagastolstiu-
dor, ' thu largest Held in Jotunhuimeu
for topmouiitors. Ibe bcBt luudors aru
to bo hud. It is thn liest place fur outiu
try layom Different interostiug places
for summer trips. Nearest atoppiug
place fur ati iimers Skjoldon. Kocoin
uiuuds us station for pasaago to Lorn-
Gndbmndadalen. "
"Topinounters," aa a tb-scription of
tho climbing fraternity, Is decidedly
ri:o.Mfi.--Halun'a 'a Haleni Slu e,,
man: ''Heiislois Mull.ey aud Kei'ing
yesieiuav mo uiiiu each ICOa veti a lel
eg'ain i cm Dulled Hiai.H Senator
Joseph Sltuou Info inlng Idem helunl
secuieti au or'erd'iei'iing Ihodlsclini e i
of John A A iiisi. on if I. oui the vo -uu
ie ii i iii v. Tule le obaiaotorlalio of
ilia pitimplocBe wiih which Benatoi
Biiiion aiieiitU i iiialicis of bUBlueeB
that may oe re e red ti) blm, T ie tel.
i' 'am soiiciii ig Beneloi Blmon'e eei
vices in aeon iiig the young man's
d!ach"i;;e waa nlv dispute . hie In
I be a fie am rUiopreccd g day."
Or OBIoWOBk inus c lov-
Ittg I 'pie of Km i i will be glad
l now mat a id i a been receivi
fro ii Albany 4tima co-opeiatli lee v I ii oe UmJ i m
time I ii Ibe ug. Thle ruaket t
npM'ally i rable ihat our local
oiuiui o a"clt I be tiveu even io d1 li
enoou BgemeH . The ei o etj w
nu jl to n iiani u next Wedi'eso-v
evening ut the Baptist ebnrob his
e'olnci,. Lei uve y siuyt" whether
'o a e r , p ,ilier of in le'eiv
Uot . ..I III ui.
I lUtltiiui .
:tuls.edbyuiephra , of th
e mo d.
D. Cuapni i Is boob d for a lie it
o.i "Ciiilde ilaiold'a Pl'i iu'r re" st
ihe L'ciai i c. anl, IV Kb 'd, th
Sk Gcorge'a Hay. Newfouudluud,
coutuina un iminenso coaltield fully UO
milea in length aud 10 in breadth. It
has ( ecu estimated that if thu output
wero to reach 820,000 tous per annum,
tbe coh! bed would not be exhaust d iu
a ceutury
Somo old hawking gloves have the
hands und thumbs made in red velvet,
thu outudu of tho band covered with
tho linest embroidery in many toues of
ailk, mixed with metal threads They
appertain to tbe daya of good Queen
!! ss
good. Hut m hat
London News.
is a "country liiyer?"
A i ii
Leader: .
" Coat Hu
month fo
gajOUl I ,
t ud f'l 'i
i ; ve ."
K.e pas
I, I'll is I'
recal 1 a
lociei e n er i hal u
IM l tie t ua
I ati jo if c
!l ,e (i.ove
ccsl4aoi tue 9
' ovo . (1!, a per
year In t ween
ibr l d el aab I
'. h a ijl ked
i ye , i .low-
do Bl til S
nciai u.
llrarrrrd II.
"Sheriff, " remarketl the condemned
murderer, ua that functionary proceeded
to put the black cap over his bead, "I
aooin to be tbo sinner, auru, of nil eyes. "
Without uny further delay tbe trap IJOl
was sprung im 1 the narb insi wretcu
went to his doom. OhiOBgO Tribune
.".. c i Cock t .
Stat Saving, and
ai im J SUlt in ie
i.a ton ly Bja'.ui
W, a d I uclie Lav
i-e. In. I i.
IK -Ti e I lib I
Loan i o hi i
Ol cui c i. i ef
Anna C, Di v d
i In . i eel. a
is ked fm
a gataravl Btiiutniia.
"The doctors had a consultation yoi
terday." " What was the roaultf"
"I understand that the fHiully law-
Paris sends iiuO, 000 worth of toys vera aro uow iu aocxet aesalon. JJrook-
1' r uu I, Prom Ft 'da 'a leg siu
ture , cr ilinga: " iag, .rnu i m
ImlUMon moiled biiu, reported house
lull iiiii. InMMagratloa o UoUace
M !'0B h RS,
JUOCtlOa It Wants II I i loimii 'I hut
JunoUoj City Tones of JCSlB dsv:
A ail " un has now been laid for
mi 'Id og a n ti... Una i um n va'lla to ie v a .lu lolloo Cny. A in el'og
d a uiiiu ie of our c i'eiis wr he'd
In Kie die hall 'i iiU adrv fo.- tin pu,
poae n lai ug eaoe rcllon loieganlto
tho malar. A cooumllii i was ap
pa iei to coo ier with a IILe oommIt
ice l,o u l ,ue,eiio, Monroe and Cei valla
lodesldeupon a plan of action lu
iegaru IO ratkl Og a sobsuly and d'aouss
. .ii.i tit pa lauili'g to i lie pro
i o , i mad. ( W Waahbuiue, J W
Geiry and 11 S Vi'aUaee weiea(iointed The aclieiuB Iii de
al! is yet iu embiyo end for that
; eav n we ca mot pieseut all Hie facts
10 Ob r ieade a. There Is so much to be
i i laddered In connect on wlui the
oulld ig o'lula ioad liist It has .not
hu ned a i -oiive !. oi lluwuvei, we
iiavei eat faith in tnu eotei p 'se ami
hone ,o see it succeed.
"Tue cninnl"' ion of h'a oad woulit
met a a (, vat ded (to tids vlalnlty
and eveiy man In on i td in the wei
lk eof tiieoitvehould lenu hla moi l
and II ia ie al a d. 'J ola la un opcniui
i luat BlioulU not ue allowed o t't
all. ioii( au effort o.i our nart. If wa
dooaraartlhttogd ill mm Ut'ongu
June on Civ, a iu If wei do no, mate
an i" t, aolden upnor Joiy 'a loat.
Weiiavo;ui i a e cat oa'i."
BbMOI.I i io.vm oi' (JUIIirOBLflOl
" i oe red b Km F u.ene lire Depa
a it ua tbe Death uf H t
Aude -ou.
i I.I.KAB, It hss plersed ihe Divine
Holer lo call iiuni ou.- midst 00
SB i ned bmtOer, K A Aude son, uud
W ukckah, Wo submit o '' win,
whi'e de.-ply .ej;i4Uing tbo lo of
oomnaolonsuli ami iitoelation wii i
our iate brother, Therefoial it
Rg&OlaVIO, That lu uppreclo on of
i ne ne I v nil 1. ii" i of li tin who la
gone, our obai er be 1 i i in mourn
lug lor ihe pe c i of .0 daya, a u l So It
i ; v to, Ttist iota exn.tjelofl of
our love a id s . f, un ph d up.
o.i ua mlnut of e deps uieot,n
i ipy banned to the lallVM, and that
lue same be -ordered pubiisii' liutiie
t iiy proe k
F I. 101 HOB . ikk, 0 B,
W T Ca.mi'UC i.i., P i
Ca fson M a i ii tews, Seny.
to England every year
lyu Life.
(Jiove, etc
WHS a 11
I is !'.al e
Grsiil'a I'm Goorleri William
,ii ioW came up from F.ugeoe last
wis-l., ami went out to the Morning
Htar mine, nu Willlama creek, to make
.... . . I ,. I. I I IH UM 1 1 l M
I iv the sr.Hl.e Tills i some improvements. Mr D represents
o ad bill Of I ie m lion." ibe owners, Messrs Orsy and Id is.