The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 28, 1899, Image 4

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    Ktigene City Guard
The buainess department of
the WEEKLY GUARD is caused
trnnhi hi car re
anondcnts addressing the pro
: . - .......llj Arlrlrca. ul
unciurj (jciaynpi'j.
letter referring to the newopo
oer or business connected there
Eugene, Oregon.
To Correspondent.
The Wrbki.v (ji AKU goes In press,
early Kilday mornings, 'lo luurtlie
Inaertirui of eorieMsdideiiee It slmiild
reach u oot lator '"" Tboreoaj
morning. . i
CorreaiH.iidooes which reaeuoi
fl(i. He'Iliiirsdavaiid Kmlay
Saturday, unles lniKrtlil, vtlllnnti
. ....i.r.i....i i. u. -i when
theaier l" " w,, kl""'r
ward, ami mnkiiiK allowance for tli
aevcral days Unit) r.ilrcd in lM
ubscrlbers throughout ""' """lrv
would Im stale and of Utile Intcust
when the paper wm i.e. hoi.
OiriVMx.iid.MiN uld ii. all WW
Mlrtballnni ...... in. l it AJ MM
Wednesday, ""'I ",lv HWWW
Later than I bin day lU may not
be UM'il
Wl I.
The qOOItloa Ol our r l"
hold Hm PbiHppIl ' " lblOOh con
quern from Spain is not easily an
swered in tb allir native. What
had Spain la Oodot Tbil in an im
portant Ue ion. If Spain had
nothing, irll olbM than a.i ugly
flghtdo we gut for the people's
twenty millions to In- paid to
Spain? Tbi Philippine" Islands
belougod either to Spain, to the
Filipinos, or BObOd at all, which
last is absord. H ll' y ami to us
by tOOQOOOt vbiofa tiny could not
unless wo MMOM that might uukm
right from whom did we OOOqtWr
them 7
If we conUcri'd them at all, wu
did not 0000,00 them from the
Filipino, but from the government
with whiob the Filipinos were it
war. Hut we did not, in fact, 000
.uer them from BptiOi for Spain
had noTer cowiueied the islands in
their entirety. She was holding
them by foice of arm alone.
Therefore, her arms overthrown,
and her military rul' ended, Spain
had nothing except an excellent
opening for a light to cede.
Admiral lcwey ii reported as be
lug in favor of expansion, and hav
ing remarket! that the I'nitcd
States can do what Boglud has
done in the colonial line of guvcrn
meut. The lighting Admiral
should romeuiWr that Kuglanri'a
only hopo Ilea in expansion. Her
hiye of workers ban been hill lo
overllowing for centuries, and it is
only through the swarming process
that rthu maintains her DIMtlfJ at
home. The I ' nitod States DM room
at homo lor the energies andactlvi
ties of her population for many
years to come, The v il expanse of
country went and south ban but a
email percentage of the population
it is capable of sustaining. Here
are some suggestive figures:
Population per square milo of
Kngland, Wales, Scotluntl and
Ireland, 310. Of Tinted Stale, ii'.'.
These llgurca efl'ectually eettle any
argument in favor of expansion
drawn from comparison with
L'nglaiid's colonial policy. Some
other argument must be lined.
The event of the literary year
will be, undoubtedly, the great
novel upon which fount follloi
has been laboring in order that he
may devote the proceeds to the
transportation to Canada uf three
thousand Kussian I'tiakers. It ll
generally believed by his friend
that tbil work will probably mark
the conclusion of f ount Tolstois
literary career. Not mere I you tbi
account, but hecuuso of of the eub
jeot treated, it will attra.t the
widest attention, the world over.
The Cosmopolitan Magaiine an
nouncer, that it ha nOQIod Hie sols
right of publication.
Portland meets her ojUtoOl with
a 32 mill tax three and one fifth
per cent. The Times says uper
iluoui officials and high lalarir
should be cut oil. It say head of
dotw; tments eaeh has a ll'O a
month clerk, and euggect that, the
chief do the work himself, A oom
paritun is made with this huh
salaried officialdom, the oor man
with a 151(0 home paying HQ for
The Oregon stale laiard of phar
macy has officially reoofDisd the
eourse in pharmacy prtcribed by
the State Agricultural Collefa at
. f mm r . -.i i.f. m m, A
'-I in in)
al- h' mi -t i f
- i i I i
iiu ii ,t i i m in
vniti fii wtne
..iiilMimtiou of
ilriiKt thai
would prolong
life iodrftllllr
jy t'omnion
like, lif-tnu-li
v .iikI ninliral
M i. nit: havr
omtiiutd In
this at to
koW amn tlx way to a long and hi ultliy
I ommon nrn. tpM hr thai a man nhould
ni i,n i work or over w.,rr that bf nhould
t.iki- aniplf time for hi SJSllp, '"' rriting
and fnr jwmlllSJ and slsspj that i. ahoula
not nrgltct tbr little .f lifr, hrrauae
tht am th orcc uraot of aeriout and fatal
tnafadici. Cnrmiitrjr haa i naMrd mm to I
tnakr combinations of drug that wrrr Itn- ,
ootaiblt in the daya of the uWbemiats
lfrdital i(irntr haa timght whn, how and j
ahy thus embtesttoM of drug abould I
uad. Dt. HtlM's Ootdn Medical Dis- i
(ovrry it the moat valuable of all htallb
rot., ring nir-'lliinte and the moM cffettlvr
It firat work Ii upon the fountiin head of
life the atoinat h A man v. ho ban a weak
and impaired itomai h and a ho does not
j , .!) dlgeat bis f.Hid will aonn find that
Ilia blood baa become wak and USJBOVSJ
isbed, aad that hit whole body it itiiprop
erljr and Intullli lently nourished. This
inefllclns make" the ttomach atrong, facil
itates the flow of digestive Juices, rettotaa
Uie lott aprf-tile, maket attimilation per
fed. tintgoral. Slbe liver und punfieaand
enriches th. blood It U the great blood-
maker, lit li biii.'l.r and nerve tonic. 11
maket men in body, active in mind
and i Sol In Judgment
It doea not make nanny tat, oui aoun,
muacular fleth nerve force and vital en
ergy. All medicine di alert sell it.
J W Inolan. I(a "I wniney v.o ,
Xf , wrllet : Alail Ian and a half yeart . -.
I was taken S)h tevele pat at In tht ihett. In-
gun I-. t.ll ii;. M""l i "'i ingni
twealt tnd wat to thorl winde'I ihtt I i.uM
hnrillr walk hall a mile I iiel nr l ienea
r.ol.p-ti M. ' liitecarfTf n ml have improved
both la strength and weiulil "
The m dnine dealer who urgei Mime
MM!tllte i llilllkinit of Hie latger ptobt
he'll make and not of your best good.
Kx-govenori Thayer and Pot
noyer are neighbor in Wotxls'ock
a Portland Huburb on the east side,
(jov Oeer has not yet asked their
advice on questions ol public i j
poit. The governor iuineii is
on in which I i-l r,'
counts for little, at least with the.
tubing Items.
Cirvalli and will recognize its
llpiomati Hen tofon it ban leen
MOOMarjF for students in that line
to leave the a 'ate to procure regular
collegiate Instruction else be content
with tbi training tO he und in
a drugstore, One Kugene young
man, Fred Herhold, is now in the
Kast taking the courso in iiharma
ey which was not procurable on the
Coast at the time he commenced
his Htudie.
Jan ar. IVJii
Mrs Win Vamluyu l on tba slelc
Mr and Mrs Hudler have moved to
i: is tern VVaililiigtori.
Master Welbv Wilkins seeoinpaliieil
bU arents to ( illf .rnia
Wm lloKart, who has bON 'piite ill
Is able lo la- al ll again.
Btf Matthowa will preach at the
eboreb Humlav inornii'ir ami evening
Mr and Mrs Am Wilkin tanel
today on a two week' t r I f to Califor
nia. Mr Nellso i, for. mail of the bridge
earjM'iitfrs, Is able to hiiiierlnteml the
work again.
The hrtdoO gang Hiat is working on
iiu- MrKwOtlt railroad bridge SpeOl
holiday in Portland.
JgJ Hkinuer lias over 291,000 buahel
of wheat III his ware) house from which
lien trying, to remove the weovila.
Mr Crandal's ho-iw caught lire at
noon loday and for a short time
( oburgwH exclle'l, but the tiromiit
action of the eili.-liM aooti Hllbilued lln
oonflagration, witn but little. 'unnuage.
A I.ulirande paar asy (he Halva
li .ii Army laiwea never lose an oppor
tunity to turn an houcat p.iiiny for the
. iiiic I lie oiber ilnv I v m of them
entered a popular saloon on l. .oi
street to sell the War Cry. The pro
prietor agreed that if tbey would sing
a aong he would buy their entire stoek.
They complied, ami whi their swuel
voice died away In the strain of a
salvation tOfll a dollar waa haud. d to
them and their stock of paper wai re
turned for Hale elsew here.
What does it d? It makes the hair
'soft and gl'-ssr. prsr-itsly as nature
iinlanded. It riear.- t the scalp from
dandruff and thus removes one of th
EMt causes of ba! Iotas. It makes a
tten lrrulati in in ihe a. alp and stops
the hair from romiug not. And it rs-
Istoras color to grav .r VHU hair.
$1.00 a b Atle Sold by all druggisU
It Provonts ana It
Ouros Boldnqss
I i
I H yo.l A': eMail, til Hit ine(lu yos
I . M from lb. ti rtt
I Ibt Uoeloral.ut It.
ft ASditti, ba J AT Kit.
M IQuell, Matt.
HiTfibnuti rWRlf ttoaOs lrwsr Thonj
They I an He PurdiaMd in
lua private letter reeelvc! St III
omee Kaiay, a lady now a reti.i. n'
I'ortlaud, spoke of Ibe lurge numb" t ol
clearanef aie at that plai. Continu
lug she aald that the prices ijuoled In
ihe (ii ARD are lower than llio-eof the
I'ortlaud merchant, foi the san e
goods und eaiue Uallty.
Ttila la a cause ol con i' rat illation to
our merchants, flny keep atrictly
up to-date go'ida in every line, ami one
can make a nod "election here In
ibe metropo'ia. Huycr sliould note
this ata'eineut which boa tOM given
the (lUAKli entirely without prejudice
There Is led a town In the valley,
Hali in not rXOtptad, that has an many
large and modern store and progres
elye hUBllies tiitn as Kugeoe. The
buluess portion of our city Is the
ants' of adminUtoo from all toortsti
who stop over beie.
B I a ck Eaale Double-Bitt Axe
At $100.
i Crescent Ground )
i mm - - tt
noo nuu
Web Foot
Just Received
A Full Line of
The Navg: IT graiiitu.-.
The way to answer doubts
about Schillings Best
Kearney & Foot Files
The Albany Democrat say that
plundering the legislative hall at
the end of the cession of the ink
stand, waste baskets, etc, may be a
email matter of only live dollar- to
each EM 01 bar, but there is a princi
ple in it that display thb working
of Icg'iHhtivc bodies in the interest
ni themsclve.M more than in the in
terest of the people, and it i time
there wu an ex unple set in such
Do This
Don't take In
ternal modi
cine before
tha little one
cornea. They
endanger the
health of both
mother und
MOTHER'S EMEND, Mw kh-1 and
long ii ml asternal UnlmMt, will relieve
tha i .tily distress and the later pains bet
tcr tliitii UythlOf else ! the world. Its
good effects art most marked not only
In fo e childbirth, hut 'ii' ttie ordeal
ll i awj aflsrward. Dlstrasi i over
com by it --'nil lt ne I- -labor short'
mod i d discqnool si av. led.
. : v i -:li!e '-la t-'tt'e.
B pie ate I ' ' a I ' .
r - .it ' SO 'i.fli.Bs
l or sale by OSBURN tt DELANO
I Ii reply to t ri si.luunli lo.pllili g the ten btltmi powder
. . , toffee ISVSfWI eltrtcti
c'h.1 of llrteen bat'l-.him and cruiser, , ao pi et
tli. H, ,'iaryof nsvy haa sent to the jg tQ ,nuIiey.back thcill.
senate the following etlmates;
Three ssagoiug aht-aihed ami cop Far sals by
pond battleship, of about l.i oisi ioiih J. U. Oasaa tt Ssa
dlaplae. ii.. nl, S't.OOO, hch; armor,
arma'ii. i '. MH0MBIUOO and stores, y0u Try It
ftjBO,000 eoehj total, 117,670 rOOft If HhUoh's Cough ant Contumption Cure,
"Three li. -'-clase armored cruisers, ol w.1(.h or the ,n,a ,,,4 0( 'j5 centt, ;
I2.UIS) ton-, ; l,isi, IK) eio h; armor, bat- cents and 1.(0, dis ant cure, take the j
InrlOOand amnOalttOn, II, 800,000 oacb; b..ttle back and we will refujcl fSOl money.'
total, O.OfO. Sold for over fifty yean on lliit guarantee.
three ontl-claas protected cruisers, frice Si cU. and M cts. Sold by Wilkini a
of,(X)0 tons, $a,20,(i00 each; armor ''lnn-
ami armammti 1678,000 each; tital, I " ' , ,. ,
ik1ktl. Pki ni. Let ev.-ry one be full of
1 tb em, and they will lie when the fruit
Hll third class orulsera, of 2,5m tons, KruWer of Lane eouuty get t using
tl.lll, a. Ii : armor ami armament, tlie llean spray turnip, and thereby
By the
Griffin Hardware Co
.'S7,l'H . .. h. total. js.5.t.V'.m.
Total for llfteen vea-els, 5O.2iU,200.
better 1.1st.
Kugene, Or, Jan 2H, lsii'j.
Bartbolomow Goo BarobMn Tics
Kwers ll Houghton OF(l)
Kotipal I lios K Lynch Kred
Morris m 1. Prooton rred
Rnbtnaoo I. 1 Htrong MrAgneA
ltlemen-iiiderMrAda (loedo Minnie.
A ctiaric "I nue rent will be made on ab
leliera kiv n ..lit. I'l-rtniit railing lot Icttera
will I'leaiH- ui when edrertlee.1.
11 f. m.i . . r m
kill Ihe worms ami blight that work
such a great Injury to the fruit In re
gon. F I. Chambers is interested In
this particular Industry and has one of
the moat of spray pump
ever brought to l.aue couuty, price In
reach of every one.
Wanted. A good steady man to
cook on a farm for several men. In
quire at GUAM) offloo,
You car buy a 3-piece Bedroom Set of Day &
Henderson, with 20x24 glass .'. .". .'.
Corner 7th and Willamette
T the Public.
We aie authorised to guarantee every
bottle of ( bamherlalu's Cough RotDOdj
and II not satisfactory to refund Ihe
money to the purchn.-. r. There is no
DOttOI modldOS made for la grippe,
ooMonnd whooping cough. Price, 25 A V E3 1 j
by Ooborn Uotano, tadf DIL-U I .
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
For Three Weeks Omy,
Our Entire Line of
Boars tho
Sitfuaturo of
Ladies' and Men's Mackintoshes
Hom - Wam'KH For four loy, of
gootl parentage, either temporarily or
ly adoption. Ages I, 8, 1U and I-Adilre-H
M, cure of til ARli ofllce, for
further information.
A Simp .
20 acres of land, all lu cultivation,
three acre in bearing prune trees,
atory and a hull' hoUOO, all splendid
fruit html; two uiiles north of Eugent
on the river road. Price J700. Intjutro
at tills otllce or cull on or'addreoa
R F Hakek,
Jiinotion City, Oregon.
Kok Sai.k-$SQ acre excellent fann
ing lauds. lmiuire of John .w
UllVN, Coburg, Or.
Tor .50 days we will make prices on goods that ill make them move as never before. We mean to make this SALE a
greater success than any of our previous sales. Every dollar's worth of goods willbe marked at prices to astonish you.
Cost and former prices will not be considered. We regard it as a wise loss, and take it cheerfully.
We want your money
Ladies' Dress Skirts.
OttrfS M Mack BrOOOjM Hklrt
ptios now f'J mi
our n AO rUook Bfooadod Hiik
Kklrl now 4 7ft
our halo Btaok BlotUtlM skirt
: I ...i now . '.' 7
Din 1 10 BroOaM Ulack Skirt
imw for 1 'Ai
Space will not permit a general quotation. So
only quoto you prices on a few articles. A call
at our store will convince you that
You need our goods
s7 S mm ,
Lsdiea' Kid Gloves
fl ... Mascot (.loves at fl O0
fl 'M Claap BotOM and Hook
tiltiVr. at 1 5i
A treat opMirtuuity for tlioe wanting Dross Goods. All our
i'e lirtw OimmIs In all colors at
Ho MaM tiisnis boaotlfal -tm.i.
100 I'laltl (IimmIh lHaullful sliatlt
IBt lrvaa (ItMitla tdack anil colors
Ilk' I lo an OihhIs Ida. i. ami tHilors
.'sic press (IimhIs Mack and OObwO,
Booty piece of Ort'fs tnsHls will Ih sold at a aacritlcf No rcservea
I - I'
IKin't overltaik our Carpet Department. ueeplltK reiluo Ions nirtde
on all (jrailea of CarMt
AT f:i ftO Our regular fii 00 suit rej Kersey round cut A I f3 BO
AT 4 50 Oor rrnlor M in) salt bruwo CboVlot round cut. ..AT 4 AO
AT 8 SO Oor rotolar (4 M btaok Ut)ovtot nmudcut at o so
N 00 and f 10 00 lllat k clay worsted suits, regular price 13 50
Now in the time to iet a k.hmI suit for little money
Men's, Hoy's and Children'- We have a few good thing, left in this
line and will make specially lo- prices to close out
DOO'I fall lo see our 1 00 r'edoraa.
KatoU tw now $i ao
Hats ') now I 7ft
Mats I 00 now Ji
Hats 8 .) uow a T5
Htlll Hat- at your own price.
Trunks and Valises.
Linoleums, Oil Cloths, etc, are
slaughtered ttuilug our Mammoth ale
Pot ladies and tueu. Our OBttfO I
line ol Mackintoshes al factory pric-a
Wo are detvruiiurtl lo cltaw theui out
What We Say We Mean. We Desire to Ccnvince You 7 hat Curi fraud Kuiil C.e&rance rales
Will .-urpas- anything t'vor luforo held in Kugono.
Koinoinber, thoro is no rosorvo. Our tntire stuck
is pashd to tho front. W offer you values. It is
your opportunity to tako ailvantngo of tlu's-' swtvp
ing ro'luctions.
P 00
1 1
4 i
.1 KCHasos
Ladies' and Misses' Jackets and
Our stock of these ioods i
small, atill we have some good
to oiler you at temptingly low
Tbey must be sold at -on - prlci
thir4 00 Ladles' Jacket now.
Our 5 00 I.ndlea' Jacket now
Our ! 00 Ladies' Jacket uow.
Our tl 00 Ladies' Jacket uow.
All garuieuts will be sold for
their regular price. Misses'
reduced in ssme proportion.
Domestics for $1.00.
it) yds 4-4 Bleaobod Muslin
H yds 4-4 Hrown Mus n
25 yds Indigo Blue Calico
-0 yds Turkey Red Calico
: yds lSleachpd Muslin
W RoUa gotnl Hatting
30 yda good Calico
A douhle Blanket in groj
A large erey, white aud Vit-in
Ulauket worib $1 00....
A while all-wf ol BIstiKet, ItfU
pi Ice fC 00
We have all kinds of Blaaketi
all kiuds of prices
7 V
1 0J
See our Curtains at 45c a pair.
m our t'urtalua at tita' a pair.
See our t'urtalua at H5o a pair.
Sv . ir Curtains at H tUaiukir
See our Curtains at 1 50 a ptir
Our teller grades have all len reduced In same proportion
Men's nat Wool Shirt and Drawers at .,, ,
Ladle' rlhkoi I'auta and VootO, each i
Our $1 50 gstuieutsat each ,i'
llltr fl i-rn,..i,l. at .... I W 15
A little money will do wcdrrs al tin- aoio
Our stock of Shoes is very lo
close oot balance will not "
-i :i-onab'e ofler on them.