The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 28, 1899, Image 2

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    7 I
Eugene City Guard.
I. l. ciarnm i Prlator.
elect) to
from "New
A.. l.,i..r.ill( i i fflMM Preaa
I I,.. TOO II r,, I. I. I III - II
Ill a I'Milnud rurm.
Coramlniary-neneral Kagan hti lent
to Hie war investigating commilon I
revieed itatement In t ' - ol that Mi
inally mxle in reeioiiM to Mile,
chargei. He hai omitted the objection
alii portion.
Auatria'e haaitancy In railing the
rank ol tier diplomatic miion to the
United Ntatei la due entirely to tier d'i
ire not to give offiiie to Hpain. In
lot mat ion to Oiii effect tl in the pone
lion ol tlie stain department
Wuet I'oint apaiinlinerili are to b
nale by the present emigre. One
will he (rotn the tint Oregon. The Hat
will Include eight eadati, all ol hom
must enter Went I'oint nut June. No
lurlber vacniicie will lie DIM until
IUOO, when II cadet will ho
The preaeui olii will graduate Febru
ary 16.
Cmnmialore Wataon, now in com
mand at the Mare ialand navy-yard,
baa applied loi the onimnaiid of the
Ailatlo itation to succeed Admiral
Dewey, wlien that officer hall have
ocaeed duty. Dewey will retiie from
active aervioe unit December, provld
lug the law he not amended in hil in
tereit. Prcncb sentiment la once morn being
worked up against the Unitinl Ntatei
on aoooiint ol the Spanieh war. Hoe
tile newipaper criticiim, which tern
ararily waa abut down by the Tin tor
lea of Manila and Hantiagn, ii now re
aaiiirliig Itaell in conaeUunue ol the
difflcoltiea whirh 1'ieihli-iit M K m
ley' vacillating policy hai earned In
the i'hilipplnea.
The iteaioihlp City ol Macon, from
lioatnn, brought into HaramiHli, (la.,
Captain Kennerly ami the crew, nine
men all told, of the . thornier Aloha, of
Hath, Me., abandoned Saturday night,
2MJ niilea aoiitheait of Hoorgnlnwn
light, In a inking condition. The
Aloha h'lt KMriiainlliia a week ago with
a cargo of phoephate rock, hound for
N.w York.
At I'ma. III., the inene of the re
cent labor trouble, Ike lugle hot and
killed Dave Kvam, a fellow-negro
miner, at the Hprlngnhln mine. Tha
trouble aroae over dividing their wage,
frank Jonea ami Jainci PllHf, mm
union while iiilnnri, were aaaaiillcd to
day ami leriomly Injured. Tlmir
aailanli are unknown. Three emu-
panlei ol mi III ia, which hare U lo
lug guard duty lor ecveral ninuthl,
baia heel, ordered home.
The fiiat detachment n( the Seven
teenth haa left Col nui tins for Naw
York, en route to tbe 1'hillppliiri.
The entire military department ol
Ha nt a Clara, Majoi-Uenoral J. Q llatea
coiiiinandlug, Ii quiet. Twenty seven
thouiand Hpaulardi fill remain In the
vicinity ol Clenfu igo, but nun tram-
Milt hai loadeil ami II nllicri me ei
ueoled to arrive at an early date. It
la liniaaiallile, however, that the ovacil
ation will be completed much before
the middle ol February.
(treat fear U felt for the lately of
the naptba launch I'aul Jonei, balling
from lainlivillc, which lelt the moulli
of the Mlaainippl river January H for
renaaoola, Kla.. with a piirtv of ladle
and gentlemen fioiu t'lncngo and In
dianapolli on boird. Nuthlng hit lHen
heaid there of the launch, and one of
tbe laitaat tugi hai lelt to make a thor
ough learuli on the (lulL
A train of empty can on the Oregon
Hhort l.tue, while leaving Unite, ran
Into an open twitch near the Oty, and
craahed Into a iwltcb engine, llolh
engine! and aome ol the can were
wrecked The crew of the immi and
that of the awltch engine all Juniel.
Conductor Joseph Hianl.of the freight,
Wai thrown under the wieck and
killed. Kiieman Dow ling wo injured.
The real eaoaped unhurt.
Offlcial dliatchei from llo llo, il
land ol I'anay, Indicate that the na
llrea ara diipoaed to tie tumidly, al
though alamlulcly opposed to the laud
lug of the United Statea fume without
order from Malolo, the seat ol the ao
callanl Filipino native government.
Some of the at llo llo are not
In accord with the lavolutionary gov
ernment, but are willing to accept
American protectorate, ami will go lo
itate the riM lo Aginaldo If furiilihed
traiiaporlatioii by tha Americans,
' Tha Iterlln oorreepomleut of llm I n
dou Tinea quote fiom the Cologne
Uaaelte that "minora to the annex-
altou of Vauva, one of the Ft Ily
talamla, lo Oeruiaiiv, are an I ivaiillou
of thoae who dealre to atir up III (eel
Ing between I lei many and the I'm led
Htatea. He aaya. however, ai tha
Cologne Oaaelte wai ainoug lite moat
aotlv orlglnnlly ipi ending ropmt of
Herman'! intention to annul the 11) 1 1 -tppinea,
ill eiceeaive imllgiiiitinii in
tli preaent liialanc il aoiunwhat over-don.
Minor v.... limits.
Preaident Know, ol the Mormon
church, aay the law agalnai mlvgtny
la being in icily obeyed in t'tah.
Tha Miller Kits It ic Conatnii lion
company of I'lttaburg, IV, liaa intent
ed a naw plan for utlllaing the (tower
of Niagara (alia.
Hil convict! tlriven hy nlleneai,
were taken from the King' county
liiitantiry In New Yoik to aiyluuia
for lb orlmlnal insane.
The n lor eenatoi Iroin Connecticut.
Urvill II. Plait, I ovei Tl yoara old,
and hil oolleague, Joaeph K. Haw ley,
ii ovar 71.
Tha population of tha earth at tha
lima of Kmpemr Auguitui ii eatiuiale4
to he about o4.IMJ0.000. It la now aa
llmated to bo about 1,680.000,000.
The Bpanlah brig Uabricl, from Car
denaa, arrived at Coriinna, having m
board tan of the ciaw of the American
bark Erie Rood, Cap. J. I Steeloian,
fioaa Naw York, wbich ii lost. Tba
row war roaoucd near tin lilaad of
Chauncey M. Depew waa
tba United Mate leuate
Henitor Lodge hai bean re-elected
Irom Miaaachiuetti, and Henator Davii
from Minnesota.
Frincii M. Cockmll waa elected to
the United Htatei senate by tha Mil
otirl legiilatoie.
A (lie broke out in the Wheeler
mine at Denver, Col., on the night of
tha 1Mb All the miner! MM pad,
Tha lire in confined to one room.
The lecretary ol the interior, In
communication with tha houia com
mittee on Indian affalra, aaid an in
veatigitinii ahowa the leiaiiti of a
thiaatened uprising ol In liana ol the
Northern Cheyenne reservation are ru
fonmled. All important companiel in the
worM which are engiged in the pro
doction of borai ami horacic acid havu
Joined In a combination. Thii or to
tal Ion Initial the owneri of the main
deia-rilta of horn, ami eitemli thrnngli
the United Hta(ei, Knglaml, France
ami Hotith Ameilca.
Iiexirta from I'inar M Kin, Cnlti,
ay that the province Ii being ravaged
hy banditi, who hive broken away
from tha iniurgent foroei. Thui far no
great damage hua been tlone, and the
crime committed are not of a lerioua
naluie, hut the ranki of tha outhiwa
are cnnitaiitly inoieaaiiig. ami the anil
are becoming moia tlaring.
At tha annual meeting of the lluai
neHi Men'i League at HI Louil, two
huntlrejl merchant! ami capltaliil! were
preaent. A resolution wai Mloptad
io-artily emlorung the action ol the
tlelegalei from thn alatea ami territor-
ina comprised in the lniiaiatia pur-
, Ii n- in I . -. nliiig lo i on, iii. iiionile I he
event nl the purehaae by holtling it
world! lair in HI. Inna, ami pledging
lull upairt to the umlertuking.
Tbe congreiilonal iiihcoinmiaiion on
agriculture and agricultural labor ol
the iinliiitriil couimiaaiori hai made
public ill irllabui of the topical plan
ol inquiry on the condition of labor
and capital employed in lln-ao purauitl.
The plin ii divitleil Into three general
beatli, via. : I ..' -r eiupbiyotl, capital
employod, ami mmndial li-gialation.
Under the general Imu I ol each are
iiieatloiil on which the aula'oinmiMilon
deaiini In ltr lit ill Ion. They einliriiee .',(
In all, ami thoroughly cover the II. I I.
which the inlicommiiainn hna in band,
VVIttHWiea making rnHiiic lo )ba
iieationa aaknd urn requited to give
laet rather than opinion! eicept in
inch lliatauoca where luggeationi are
A ilale (unnriil ItMal Ajawtit in ilt
luirerKlveiieaa VM lvwg lite lute Hep
reaentnlive Uotglev in llm houan ol rep
A Mil It i I dltpatoll nya llm premier,
Neiior Sugiiata, in in inteivinw tie
cliirnd tlnil lie only awiilted the United
Mil tea .eiiHte'a lalillcatloln ol the nace
treul) to eonvoke the cortca.
The new l'u inn. i i .it. il Corn puny
wai given a hearing brlore the kjotaM
commilt in i tiiiimerco. The healing
waa in acoortliinne Willi a recent dclei
mliialinu ol llm commiltee lo heur ull
pcraimi eoncerueil In in iithmlau canal.
King HtWoMti of Italy, hai lignnd
a decree amiieitying or reducing thn
piiuiahmeiil of llm rioter! who took
pari in lite dlaturhaucei l.i-t apring.
AlMiut 700 peraoiia who were aenleiico.1
by court martial and almut 2, nod who
wore condemned by civil courK Ituve
baM liberatwl.
The aeuretary of the interior h.ia lor
wiu.le. to the aenite the pnteri l.eur
ing uhiii tha proHiiilion to remove the
Northern Cheyenne In. liana from their
icaeivation In Northern Montana to
the Crow rcncrviition. The aecreturv
tatca that l''e Cltnyeiiue are averae to
the change, ami he iccotnmeml thut
they lie allowiol to reumlii where they
are, and thut leglalation lie enacted
liHtking to the improvement of their
II. 'it Schmidt, a iiiciiliil memltr ol
the Herman relchalag, haa voluntar
ily ilifiiliucd lite public proee, utnr at
Mailgeliurg tint he wai aolely NtpOM
Ihle fni the pu Id lent ion in the Ho. nil
ill Volki Stiininn, ol the arth'ln pur
Mrting lo be a converaallou I n't ween
the Prince ol llugdml and hi tutor, on
account ol which thn editor, Heir An
glial Muellci. MM aentenceil l ot vvtek
to 4U tuuntha' linpllaoiiincul on the
charge ol leae majeate. The whole
cuae intial now lm ritoteiii.l. The
Minlgelnirg court intci picted the alle
gory of which llerr H. hmldt coiifei'rea
the authoriahlp ai all n -nit to the eoc
ond miii id Kintcroi William, Pitnce
A mint dirtng ittaalpl wai mu.le by
tluen vniilha of Hoiae. Idaho, to wni k
the Oregon Short Line pay cai a abort
diitaniHi et nl Mountain Home. A
heavy log chain had been lied around
the truck, but Wita tortuiialelv tlta
oovensl and iciiioveil hy Mune iccllon
men lielote the pay-cur panned the
tolnt. A icarch wai in-1 it tiled in the
neighborhood, w ho h ieaulte.1 in tlmt
i UK Kniniel Allen, Hugh BltM and
John Itlchaitlaou, lovao( lloian, rang
ing (loin III lo H yeara of age, in hill
ing near hy. They aoheoqocntly coii
fraaed In the attempt at wrecking the
pay -car for the pW0aa of getting the
moiey They ara now in jail at
Mountain Home.
Thn imputation ol India in. reanea at
the rule nl H.OvHi.OOO annually.
Piofainly ia lorhiddeii kfl Uith the
army an I the navy ritgulationa ol the
United Slatna.
Chailnl Newton, ol oralford. Pa.,
Waa bkm to piece while ahtailliig an
Oil well at tn hard Park.
The eiteiiaiou ol American authority
in the riiilippinea, Cuba and Potto
lino will lea l lo the abandonment ol
MM mililuiy awti in llm coniitrv. in com tin luoialion ol lha
founding of Chriil church, Salem
itrcet, I fl yean ago. were held ID the
meeting hoiiMt in Hoalnn.
There ara now 110,000 head of cat
tle Uing fel for market ou the line of
the (lull, Colorado A Santa F rail
road, and the majority of the caltl
are deilined for Cuba.
Ilrig Hen. HirrtMm H. Otia, now
lervmg In the Philitplnea, anllltad In
tha civil war with Preaidanl MoKin
lay in tha Twenty-Thlid Ohio. Prlvat
M, Km lev mo to b a breval major
and l'u rir OH a colonel.
Testimony of Major Daly
the Chief Surgeon.
JBJ Mil.. rhsrsa Ntraeglhaaad
r.f UM ar Invrailgallun
Wiahington, Jan. 23. Major W, II.
Daly, chief aurgeon with Oeneral
Milea, and whoae fjcldiervice itretchj
Irom Tampa to Porlo Kico, who) re-a-rt
condemning Ix-ef lurnlahe.) tlie
HKdilionary fortee created a aeination
nine week! BjM "i i b lit long
waile.1 aiqiearance ai a wltneaa belora
tbe war inveatigitiou committee tmlay.
Daly'i reairt waa the atrongeit in
laiiguuge of thoae nbulttad by Mllei
in luhatiiiitintiiiri ol hil atlick on the
beef luppln-a. On tieing I worn Ilia
witneii identitliil llm rejioil uhiniltel
U hil own. He wai willing, he "Mi l,
10 Hand by bin report. It waa wholly
voluntury, ami wu not called out by
my requeit or in obedience to any cir
cular or letter. At Tampa he had no
li oed a quarter of heel hanging dee in
tha iuii ou ililpboanl, ami he became
Intercut' I in II iperiinent ol having
11 pah ilaughlereil beef placed Under
uuh anoint climatic umdftiOM lo toe
bow long it MWM itand It.
"I ohiiervod," be MtJd. "that (lie,
eatiecially hull file, did not affect it;
lid not alight on it, or if they did they
got away from it veiy quickly."
He had cut oil a piece ol that heaf at
Tampa and txaiked It, but it neither
luicllod or tailed naturally. He no
tn ed Indication! ol chemical preaenca
In the meat that brought buck recollec
tion ol chemical Muff ha had uaed to
preserve elk in hunting cla)ditt0M in
the mnut.Uina aome year! be
lorn. All that day ami licit he hail
an iinplcaaunt tote.
In thut previous hunting cipeditinn
be lind analyzed tbe i In inn ul preaerv
ativnaml Ion ml it toconlatn lairal ami
aalicylic acida. TheM were to he uie.1
alterntilly on elk, but he tin-1 rublMil it
Into '.he raw Saab and alno Injected it.
CJne flnnied in to theae InRtadlMtfl
ha laid lairm vvua not aufe lo be uaeil
in connection with food, uoi for ordi
nary medicinal pnrpp-e-, while anil-
PTlic acid MM moat inmneoiia, loutn
MMM ami tlingimting, ami alinoat al
wayi deatructlve ol d ignition.
The llftrman r tha l .....,
Ilimrulljr tn Hunoia.
Ilamhiirg, .Ian. 23. According to
new r ivnd from Samoa, Cbiel Jua-
I ii-o I'huinlteri on Heceinber 31 an
nulled the election o( Mutitiifu.w ho waa
returned hy a aeituple mujority, ami
lecbired Malielnn Tiiiiiia, ami ol the
hitter king, Malietou, who ia -till a
mi nor. to be king. The three comiil
mongnlxnd Miitaulu'a ieoplc ua the pro
visional govnrniiient.
Malietoa Tiiiiua, TiimaieMt, anothar
-1 I in tt I) t for the throne, ami Chief Ina
Ilea Chamlieri, it Ii added, went on
Imaril a llritinh waiahip, whereUKin
the proviaionul government chtae.1 the
court. A llritinh wurahip llinu IuiiiIinI
a iletucliment of blue Jacket!, ami later
the PMli waa NOpaoad umlnr the pto
leiti of the piOVlaiottal goverumcut.
No om. iai Bapatf WMbtagtaaa
vTjlblfUlOtl, Jan. 23. There ia atill
lack ol oUlcliil rcporla M to thn aitua
I ton In BatnOa. but it DM be Hid that
the atalti dciurtmcnt ia moving in the
mailer with dun deliberation, ami with
full regard for maintenance of the tri
partite IgrWNMBl for government of
the inland.
The navy department 'a older to Ad
miral Kauti, OK board tha I'hiladel
phla, ul Sun Dion went to lav. They
were limply to "make ready." If, a
atiltml In the i. tut ilinputchca, the
rinl.idtilpllia ia not in comiilntn to go
to Apia, it m ..uq I tlinvnaicl'a hull
will be cleaned bv divera.
Tarl or Her Nlprii llrvtun
lalalot Waa lllnwli I i.
Mobile, A Li. , Jan. 23. The govern
ment nteuiuei I'anay torn bed ut llilnxl.
Mil., Ul in aflniinmii, and ttDOTtl lnd
lug on llrclon laliind a purl of tho
Man of the nnphlha hum. h Paul
June, ulno n vaal Imat with Uiw
in inbe.l and other amall nrtn len IfOH
the launch. The condilinu ol the
wreckage ten, In to nhnw thai tbe naph
tha tank blew tin ami tine the Niat to
pieoen. The I'anay met the Maud with
Mcnnia. Jonea mid Tlggtti mi board
The I ill. i vinitcd the WIMaMM tud
identille.l it na p.ul of the I'uul Jonea.
No a Were found.
The launch hud the following pleai
Ilie leekera on Imaril: Joaeph llrlnk
nAWi l.ouinvillii; M j Mureilc Wood'
laud, Uhloagoj Colonel llany 0, Yo-
CHIO, St Inillln, Minn Floiellie ViH'lllll.
Ina tlaugbler.
The i lew iMiiTiiatnd ol IhiiHt men.
whoae iiainca ant unkiinvvn.
A Carl a aratti Ve4 14.
Seattle, Waah.. Jan. 21 The jury
in the trial of Ividom Scliopa, for the
' murder ol Hu Hover, hua brought in
a verdict of "not guilty by rcaaon of
IMMlt "
Nothing fur 0JJt May.
Wunhingtoii, Jan. 23. tl ia learned
that the rivcra ml hurtiora (OMallltM
haa lelt out the appronrtaliou (or Coo
bay. Ail item of f liHt.OOO wai made
by the dctai tinent. The rommitlet)
o - thertv ii nut enoii.-h ivinnierce at
that potll lo vvarraut the eia'iiditure.
v llaah lliirglwrliail.
Arthur. III., Jan. 13. The bank
heie waa entered by burglar lal
night. The lorn i bttl i ft, 000
and ItiOltl The band i la escaped.
( .mi. I 1-arlMr Nlarh l
Han Fraiicia,-vi, Jan. 23. Central
Paclllc railroad ativk, which lea than
three tnontha agv wa quoted at IS,
ha advanced to 4H. Sin. Stan lord
own 33,333 iharc of the a lock, and at
II It wa worih 433,32.i At lha
preaent rale ah might (ell it for
11. otftf. US 1. and tl ia aaid ihe baa re
ceived even a better oiler.
Kom. Jan. 23. --Dr. Lapponl, phy
iolan ol the p-qie, aaya lb pontiff,
who hai Immo tuffaring frvm a alight
attack of inriiienia. ii coovaliaoenl.
Caiavabl Bualaaa lllapeaad f Dur
B( in, fa. I Wk.
Halem. Or.. Jan. 11. The home
diied of much bmineaa during the
paat week, and many new bill were
introduced. Among the piopoaed
meaiurea ara billi to change the name
3l tha Alhland college lo tbe Southern
Oregon State Normal achool, and place
it under Mate control, and appropriate
I6,000 for iu maintenance; to create
itate library eommiiiion ami a iyi
tern of tiaveling librariea, and appr
priate $5,000 for maintenance the tint
year, and $1,000 annually thereafter;
to eiempt honorably diicharged aol
diera and ailor from the oieration ol
the peddler'i licenie law, and to ei
empt ilate pfodfJOtl from the proviiionl
of the law; to prohibit altogether the
ale of cigarette! or cigarette material!
on pain of a fine of 50. A bill incor-
I orating the town Of Ualiaiwai paaaeu.
In tha innate Chairman Fulton, of
the Judiciary committee, lobmlttad an j
advene repott on tlie bill to add two
Judge to the mpreme court. Mitchell,
nl the committee, diiientwl, but did
not lubmit a minority report.
Daly ol Lake'i hill to eitend the
time for oountiei to pay the itate tat
from April 1 lo J mm I, wai puied on- i
der foipeniion of tlie itilei, ai wu hil I
bill to require county clerki to ceitify
petition vom I em without charge,
there living no objection lo either.
roater A hna. I fur Kanalor -Othar Lagla- .
latlv wa.
Olympia, Waih., Jan. II. Fivo
mote fruitlnia ballot! (or lenator were
taken in Joint Million of the legialaturu
today, each rcinlting ai iollOWtl Fun
ter 27, Wilmii 27, Hume 21, Aukeny
7, Lewi 24.
Incloding the one vote detained at
hiitiii. bv atekaaaa. Foiter nractically
had 2H vntm today, the higheit noiii
bei yet attained in llm senatorial con-
In the home the committee on print
ing ami Hpplitl wai, ou motion of
Kingibory, lnitroctel to thoiooghly
inveitgiate the lubject of itate printing
with a view to cheapening the colt of
public printing, it being deairable to
reduce greatly the coit, which ii be
lieved to be out ol all proportion! in
it elieuaiveiiell.
limine bill 28. making it lawlul to
call to the witnei-itand and name to
teatily thn advene parly to a mil at
law without milking him the witneaa
of hi advnrnary, wai punned by unani
mom vote.
ltilli IntrodMtd were: To licenaa
the ktH-ping for aale of opium . mor
phine, soMtigat, etc.; prohibiting the
taking of (mnl flihei eicept w ith a hmik
mid line, on any ol the liven of Puget
sound, wbatWM halcheriea are liaiated,
or in Hkagit bay; to enable receiver!,
trillion, guurdiaui, exiH'utori, etc., to
give regular iinety companieH ai auiety
un bond; appropriating $.1,000 for con
ducting the agricultural experiment
Halloa at Pnyallup; providing lor In
3l option on the queation ol hog ai
free commotion; lniHMing a lino nl
(rum o to $360 lor apenriiiR and din
Hwing of baa, piokrcl, curp. trout or
jther llih from nny atin-kinl lake.
Killi-ti TklMV Hllla.
Olympia, YVuah. Jan. 31. The Ju
diciary cnminitl I the limine todav
completed a remarkable record. Out
at HI bill relerretl to It fur comidura
tlOB, It ban killed 30.
Anll-l'tintrNi-t liQhal I. aw.
Waihington. Jan. 23. -The exten-
inn of the anti-contriict labor law to
Hawaii ii ilrongly nragd in a NPQft
matte tolav by the houan committee ou
tabor. It aaya UtOOMIldl of contract
lahobroii, mainly .lupaucae, have been
taken into the ialautla mine the rail
ing ol the United Slulnittag ovei tlieni.
On the day following the receipt of the
new of MUM potion, 2.H67 Japuncie
labomiM were admitted.
Cruler Philadelphia Ordered
to the Islands.,
Oripitaad In Niiallng llnharl.
St. Loul, Mo., Jan. 33. Memberi
ol the reorganised Church of Latter
Diy Hainti in St. Liuii npioie the
leiting of Congrenauian elect II. II. L.
Kutiert, ol Utah, on the ground that
he II a pronoun,.,! polygumiit. A
vote wai taken, reuniting in the adnp
linu of a reaolution rcqucntiiig congreri
men Iroiu thi diitrict to uae their ut
moit effort! to prevent leuting the
Utah man.
Mhariar In. Nrrrltln Out.
Han Kranciioo, Jan. 33. Today, Ma-Jor-Heueral
Mnrriuin iiaued an order
relinquiihing the commuiitl ol the de
partment of California. Immediately
thereafter, Major-Hennral Shatter in
land an order announcing hia accennion
to the command. Oeneral Mcrriam
will go to IV nvcr to asnnme command
if ihe dcpaittucnt ol the Colorado
Two Wbaaaaa ouk.m.
Ilulilax, Jan. 33 The iteamihip
Luke Huron, with 3,000 of the 5,000
Quaker! who ire emigrating to the
Canadian norlhweat, arrived in quaran
tine tmilghL Totunrtow afternoon the
ltnamer will proceed to Ht. .lohna, N.
H., where the paaengera wilt land tn
lake rail In their funic home.
too Offlra at laMIn
Vfawhlngton, Jan. 23. Senator Wil
on' auieiidment to the nundiy oivil
bill, appropriating $50,000 for the
erection of an aiaay office at Seattle,
ban be, i; favorably leportisl.
Tranapnrllng apanlnh rrlaonar,
WMhlMtttka Jan. 23. Tlie war .le
partment liaa taaned an invitation for
hi. In fioiu renponsilde Rhipiung 0QQ.
cema nf all nationt, for InuMportatloa
ol Spanish priaoneii In the Philipptnea
(mm Manila to Spain.
Favarabl ltart Ordered.
TTlMtajt0n. Ian. 10. Tha entc
committee on foreign relatione tmlay
agreed to (avoiablv rexvrt BJMMI the
n niin.iticn of Hon. Joa. H. Choate lo
lf ambaaaador to Ureal Britain.
vv .. i. i Mia, Abandoned.
Newcaitle, Colo., Jan. IL The
Colorado Fuel A Iron Company ha de
cnled to flood the Wheeler iiitne. which
hai been on Are lor aeveral day. Thi
n.eani the abandonment ol work in the
mine lor three month at leaL The
mine em ploy a 100 men, who will Um
bo thrown oat ol work.
H Wa rarelblr BJarled Frima fjfaf 0a
rw Court llulldlag
al Aula.
niickland, New Zealand, Jan. IL-
Further particular regarding the dia
turhauce at Hamoa ahow that Ma
taafa'i lollowen nuiiibere.1 about 5,000
men ami tbe adherent ol Malietoa
Tanui only alarul 1,000. There waa
two houi'i lighting between thelival
foicei, during whloh aeveral of the
wairiori were decapitated.
The American ooniiil inued a proc
lamation claiming the Herlin treaty
had the same lorceal a law ol emigre,
and that an Inatilt to the supreme
am at nl Samoa ia therefoie equivalent
to an irnult to the government at
Waihington, Jan. 21. The navy de
pnrtment ha iurd order to tba
cruier Philadelphia to pr.x I to Sa
moa at onoe. Tbe Philadelphia, with
Admiral Kaulx on baud, arrived at
Han Diego, Cal., tlila morning Irom
Wellington, New Zoaland, Jan. 21.
It I reairt(l that owing to tha
trituhle ill Samoa thiee Urilili war
hipi will proonrd Here, and one
American wanhip mil itart (ur lha
iilandi from Honolulu.
Onrinan Consul KJartrd.
Lnndon, Jan. 21. A ieciul (torn
Auckland, N. &, iiyi the liriliih and
Ameia'an consul! were compelled to
force tbe door a ol the lupieme court al
Apia, in which the Herman conaul
Nal established h. inn, If. ami tn push
him into tho itreet. All partiea at
Apia, the dispatch continues, unite in
condemning the Herman consul for the
lighting which hu tuken plate, but
not the rival king. It ii pointed out
that in violation of nil nitieemeiit the
consul accompanied MataiifH'i forco
a ben the claimant invaded the town
d encouraged opawitiou to Malietoa
When the British and American con
aa'. were informed a to the lituation
tboy adjourned the oourt and rOOkod
the building. The Herman consul
then demanded the key, ami they
were refused him. He then broke
0)n the iloori, removed the locki and
mplafed them with other. Ho after
warili brought the Ueiinan municipal
preiident Into tlie ohamber, ami the
latter went 0on the balcony and
hie. uted to the Brltlah ' American
marine! aaiembled on the square: "I
am the supreme court, 1 am the chief
Juitiea" Tho crowd lapliod with Jeer
ami the Uritish oomtil demanded tho
keys ol tlie building, which were re
timed. A Scotchman named Mackie
thereupon climbed on top of the build
ing and hoisted the Sumoiin flag, while
the Uritiah and American consuls and
a i, umber of marines forced the donro
ami hurried the tier man consul into
the itiuet.
Then the two consul formally and
legally, according to the dispatch,
oienfli court and issued a warning
against any further iiiterloieneo with
its Jurisdiction, threatening to arieat
and imprison any one attempting to
llo BO.
for a Munstftr 0ok
Washington, Jan. 21. Seriou con
sideration ia being given by Ihe ord
nance department of the army to a l
queat for an allotment of $(15,000, to
be ex; ended in the construction of an
18-inch gun, aubmitted by the promot
ers ol the Hiitlimiinn system of tiring
high explosives. II the tcqnent ia
granted the lS-inch gun will be the
Urgent modern weapon ever manufac
tured in thii country. It w ill accom
modate tlie huge Halhmann shell,
which will contain about 400 pound
ol high explosives. The gun i to be
i 400 c.ihl era in length, a single-tube
weapon and Jacketed.
varuatlun at Cuba.
Washington, Jan. 31. The Cuban
evacuation comiuiasion at mam today
made, its (urinal call on Secretary of
State Hay and submitted to bin the
original reKiit ol its procedure. Sec
retary Hay, responding in a brief nd
drens., stated that he was surprised at
; the upidity with which the work of
Ihe uiuiniiesion wni aOOOCnphlbad, that
the work was phenomenally peifcct,
and reflected gieat oradil on the mem-
ben ol the nomniiasion lor the busi-neaa-like
way and siuiHillinciia with
j which it was affontod,
Death uf a FrUnil ,f I In t
Chicago, Jan. 21. Paul Selby, one
ol the last surviving tcrsoiial friends
of Abraham Lincoln, is in danger ol
losing hii life through a fire that de
itroycd the apartment building in
which he leaidcd. Mr. Selby was sick
iu tied Irom a sevme attack of grip
! when tlie tlto drove him out doora.
I'uritig the later years ol Lincoln' jfe
jut U-foie he U'caine president the
great lllitioisnn hud few friends to
whom he gave his coutUleiu-e ami trust
in a fuller degree than to Mr. Selby.
Kn.l 1 h,,r
St. Pml. Jan. 21 The Chicigo,
St. Paul. Minnetolis A Omaha haa
a train which recently icade a meet
ph an nan anl run, Irom Klroy, Wia., to
St. Put, Ulna. The train, consisting
n( kwornotiva and lix coaohei, tan 10U
mtlei in 1 10 minutes.
Devoted CaadllUa aad
r ii.- Wag ru Bee.
Kaleigh, N. C, Jan. II. Tba coun
cil of tbe colored men ol Alabama,
called by Confreaiman Ueorge White
ind 20 other leading negroe of the
tale, wa held here last night.
A memorial to the general aaaembly
wa drafted, and an addrea to tha col
,..l I.- of the Hate wai laaoml.
In tha flrt they aked tha legislature
to continue iti appropriations to the
tcboola and chai liable intilulion, and
"not to pat any lawi, tbe effect of
which would be to blunt our aspira
tion!, red uce our manhood and leieen
our usefulness a cltitem, but guaiao
tee to ui an equal chance with other
men to work out our dent my."
i i r
tha llond Itolated
Law Hull.
SVw Yoik. Jan. 21. The fact devel-
up,-. I tmlay that the tranifer of the Or
egon Shoit Line to the union racinc,
whit h the director ol the latter road
have been emtsiwered to make, is like
ly to be delayed by a anil brought by
('. H. Venner, ol lioiton, aa a Union
Pacilic ihareholder, again! the roud.
Ml which he il in a small way identi
fied. A meeting of the atockholdera ol
the Union Pucilic wai held at Halt
Laketity, January 10. when authority
wai given the Union Pacific hoard to
im mune the common Hook $28,000,000
in order to take over the Hhort Line.
This muttcojtfR be ooniidcied In the
early part oTneit month.
To Control Cuban Tubaero.
Havana, Jan. 2. Proroaitiona of
American cunitalists to control the
Cuban tobacco production and manu
facture! are taking ilcDniie naie. ii
Il not aettlei whethei tbii will be in
conjunction with an Kngliih lyndicate
or in oppoaition to it. The plan origi
nated with amne New York bank,
ami include! banki in lioiton, Wash
ington and other citiea. Several pro
moter! and ijatculatoii have been work
ing on the aoheme, but they repreaent
ed no oapital. The present lyndicate
I- r.mi to be composed entirely of bank.
Iiouhlo I ' o r..r Holdler.
Halem, Or., Jan. 21. Volonteen
now in the United State ervioe, re-
gurdlt'Biol atato payment!, will le paid
by the United Htatei for their acrvioun,
between the time ol enlistment and
Ihe time of mustering in. Sucii il the
practical effect ol a decision rendered
by tho controller ot the eoiiency,
which ruveise hi deciaion of lat lull,
holding that deduction should be
made bv the pay department. Tlie
decisions are contained In a teleginm,
which wai received by Oovernor Ocer.
The Aahaa nt Cnluinbua.
Seville, Jan. 21. The Spanish aux
iliary cruiser Hiralda arrived hem this
morning, having on board the leputed
ashes of Columbus. The municipal
authorities tiaik eh. trim ul the coffin on
board. The Hiralda tired a salute, to
who a Hie land butteries replied, and
il,,. i recession was then homed ami
lha coffin transferred to the cathedral
of Seville, which contains the tomb
w hem the remains of Coluuibua were
firit dcpoaiteil.
A Costly llniii,
Hoston. Jan. 21. The far-famed
Lawson carnution sold (or $30,000.
The putchascr i Thomas V. Lawson, a
financier well known in this city and
New Yoik, and in honor of whose wife
the wonderful plant was named. Mr.
HalviiLwho bred the flower, announces
thut he has acuepted the offer of Mr.
Lawsnn an I that in future the flower
will blossom solely lor the public gnr
lens ol the city of Hoston, thut being
uue of the conditions of the sale.
Thi Kerley Motor.
Philadelphia, Jan. 21. The Prcii
publishes an article coveting with il
lustrations over a page ol space, giving
the detail ot tho investigation made
by that paper ol the dismantled work
shop ol the late John W. Keeley, which
investigation, the Press contends, cleai
ly prove the mysterious Keeley motor
to have been a delusion and a decep
tion, and thut the alleged mysteiioua
lorue were the result of trickciy.
Meltrldit's Astoria IUII.
Washington, Jan. 21. Senator Me
Bride today reported the bill which lie
hail'.y introduced, extending
the pi ivi lege of immediate transport".
tinn lo tlie poi t of Astoria. The bill
extends the privilege of the immediate
transportation act ol June 10, 1880, to
that port, and tlie effect will be to nl
low the shipment of goods in bond
from Aitoiia instead of going through
the poi t uf Port him I.
mtnnasata mm Kl pension.
St. Paul, Minn., Jan. II. The Hat
aenata today concurred ia tbe hoaai
reaolution favoring tbe nisredv tatiaVa-
(ion by ihe United Stale aenata of lha aeveral of whom
grorJ fur Manila.
New York, Jan. 21. The transport
Hrant. bound for tlie Philippines, with
the Kiuiith infantry and battalions of
ihe Seventeenth infantry, sailed today.
Nominations Confirmed.
Washington, Jan. 21. The senate
tmlay coiiflimed theae nomination:
Joaeph H. Choate, of New York, am
bassador to Hreat Britain; C. H.
Mrukeiistein, surveyor ot cuiicmi,
IVnver; B. F. Booth, poitmaiter at
Brigham, Utah. Alio a number of
promotion! in Ihe army.
rraaa lh Mortk.
Yntoiia, B. C. Jan. II. Tha
teamei Danube arrived (man tho
V . L. ft. .
.norm, ons crougai bo parMrnirer.
with good coaiignmaota of gold
Abanilonff.ll nl Sra.
New York, Jan. 21. The Atlantic
Uansa.)rt line steamer MenomiutHi,
which arrived from London, brought
to puit Captain Honey in nu and 22
members of the crew of the Britiah
trump steamer Hlendowncr, which wus
ab. in, lone, I at sea in a Binking condi
tion January 12, while on a vuyage
from Philadelphia to Sligo with a cargo
at coin.
iriapatehe. Hat Na New.
Washington, Jan. 21. It was atated
at the department of atate Unlay that
dispatches had been received Iiom
I'm I,.! State Consul ORlairn at Apia,
but as lo their nature the officials hud
nothing to aay beyond that they went
to confirm the news dispatches printed
in the morning.
A tlrhnonor Wrerkod.
San Francisco, Jan. 21. From re
pom brought in by the steam collier
Wyrfleld. Captain Caitnier, some un
known schooner has gone to pieces off
Point Rejs, and the probability i
that all hands were lost, as the wreck
Lata not been repot toil.
atawlar) Ma ilaatag.
RattdJard, Conn., Jan. 21. The two
branches of the assembly met in Joint
session and declared Heneral Joeeph K.
Haw ley elected United Sstatea senator.
Caartmartlal ror tlenernl Kagan.
Washington, Jan. 21. The charge
and specifications in the court-martial
of Comniisaary-Hennral Kagan have
been dratted and are now in the hands
of the preeldent. The charge are con
duct unbecoming an officer and a gen
tleman and conduct prejudicial to goo,!
order and military discipline.
MaHllnao . Haa a noatiag.
Waahington, Jan. 21. The Marl
time Canal Company, representing the
old concession lot building the If ban,
ara from Dawaoo ru" canal, had a hearing today before
lb oomuieroa oOftUmiitca of tha bouaw.
British Warship Clearg
for Action.
Itloottr Ballla Islwaa lha '.,... (f
ranlnnrn nnu p m . ,,,,, i,
I'rounrljr llaatroyod.
Han Pranciaon. Jan
m ft . t ft
griuu Irom Aiiciiami,
20. A cabl.
New Zealand,
under date of January 17, sayi: the iteamthip Alameda Ml
Apia, January 12 a revolution hn
broken out on the Hamoan iilandi ami
wai being waged with much bloodihetl
and gieat deatruction of property. Tin
wanhipa Falke and Porpoiae, the latter
in command of Captain Kturdee, were
tiien at the iilandi and were taking
part in iiippreaiing thu tiling.
Un December SI Chief Juitice Cham
lien tlecideil in favor of Malietoa Tami,
claiming Matuafa wai Imrretl by the
treaty of Berlin. January 1. Pin
thousand of Mataafa'i follower run
in rebellion and defeated 3,000 ot Mali,
etoa'i (orces, ainbuililng them, killing
ID nativea and wounding many.
Tho rebuli have burned 400 I
and razed town! on Upolu. Bxead
fruit tree have been cut down in
many place. Foreigner are unin
jured, The crew of the Porioie ia guarding
the minion, wuioh ii a reluge lot
The three conitilihave ligned procl.v
malioni recognizing Mataafa'i party i
the proviiional government pending
initioctiom from the power, with
Preiident Kaffell ai eiecutive head.
On tno (ith Kaftell pioclaimed the
lupremo couti closed and took DOOaaa-
ion, declaring hiiuaell chief juitice.
He aiked Mutaafa lor &U0 men and wui
The Uritiah and American consuls
united in a sluing protest againat tlm
action of the president ot the municipal
council. On the 7th Captain BtOtdea,
of the PortoUe, and two oontnli ,)e
clared the action illegal. The Pm
poise olearel for action and landed i
lorce of mnrinea. This force wa un
opposed. It took pofieaiion ol the
couit, and Chambers was reinstalled
and the British and American fiagi
holated over Chaiuben' home and the
courthouse. Tho provisional govern
ment wrote Sturdee on the 12th tlmt
it would seiie Malietoa and take Tam
asee off the I'orpoise by loroe if neces
sary to deprive them of their title ami
desert them. Chambers ii reaiding on
the Porpoise. The Pulke ii inactive.
The Biltiih and American consult have
protested agaiin't any infringement of
the Berlin treaty. British lesidents
have taken refuge in tlie consulute and
American citizeni have taken teliige
in thn mission. There ii no Ameiican
warship at Samoa.
It t renin a Panic In an American l
linanl. New York, Jan. 20. A diipntch
torn Havana lays: An out and out
pan. eiiits in thu Une Hundred and
Sixty-first Indiana icginient, owing to
the ipiead of iinallox. Men ami
. sheet" ure uiing every iulluence to
bring alajut the regiment'i recall. In
the meantime all who can secure sick
leave are going home. Jacob Dexter,
of Munticello, Ind., has died of Mnall
poi, Alotito Urahiim, of M ,
Ind., inlying of blaok smallpox. There
aiu live other cases and several sua
pucts, all in the same regiment.
iWg Ileal at Havana. i. Jan. 20. Another 13.000.
000 deal is all but completed, by which
un American syndicate will acquire th
San Jose docks and warehouses. Thii
is tlie finest piopeity of its kind in tin)
western hemisphere, and in aome way
iu the world.
i lie Kagan Court-Martial.
Wnshington, Jan. 20. The detail
for the oourt-martial which ii to try
Commigsary-Ueneral Elgin on chua'cs
glowing out of hia statement! baton
tlie war investigation commission last
week, in which he atacked Heneral
Miles, was made public at the wur tie
fartincnt tonight. The con rt is inatle
up of IS army offioers, ol wbich Major
Heneral Wesley Merritt ii at the head,
and a judge-advocate, and it is to meet
in thii city on the 96th init., or H
loon aa practicable.
Information to Coma From Paris-
London, Jan. 20. The Madrid cor
respondent ol the Standaid lays:
As loon ai the coites has approved
the bill for the cession of the PhUlp
pinee, the queen lesent will ratify
the peace treitv, and Duke Alniotlnvnr
del Bio, the foreign miniater, will p"
sent to both houiei a red book, contain
ing all the diplomatic correspond'"'1'
nf the pait year, and all the data OP
cerning the treaty negotiations, lo en
able the cortei to diicun the govern-
muiil'i conduct.
MrCUarj BUI Abandon.
Washington. Jan. 80. The horn
commiltee on banking and currency
definitely decided today to make no
further effort at thi aeiiion to '"v:
the measure for ennenty and baniinf
revision known as the McClcary MIL, I in i Ipoorho hy 'I'lntne
Chicago, Jan. 20. The Tribune
The local ocietlee ot the Masfaclm-
sett institute of technology ol (Jbieatj
Itoaton. New York, Philadelphia un"
St. Louis will hold their annual ban;
Ollct on thn nibl of Vohriiarv 8. I11'1
ouly one toaitmaater will be reipti""1
to preside over the five different ban
quet!. The five different banqueting
halla will lie connected by long""
tance teletdionei. so aa !o make it I10
ible (or each aooiety to .ui i "
the enjoyment.
Amerleaa Bielnded.
an - - - , t, . nro-
' iciona, Jan. ito. ine acv - r -hibit
alien Irom owning placer ni ne'
I ,., , . . . n a . 1 thi
id criuin uoiumtiia nr.aiiy mm
T.ri ..;.) --a-i. a. MnVlai af rrniOf .
i ' ,i i ivijiBiaKsurv wmm
and received the formal aaent ol t'
II - Intl!
nentenanl-governor. The acigoea
elect at onoe.
a- , ft m tl. rtii.!r"t
"'ilium, jan. u. io '
coriegpondent of tha Daily Mail .
that an agrarian revolt i in full " inJ
to tha Arad di.trict. Pierce conflu
hits Ulan nl. !. wKinh 18 reft
and 10 aoldiera have been killadi ao
tha rebellion i ip reading rapidly.