THE I II v IAKI) MTiBLISHRR KIIR THE BIMRMmTM.1 OP DEJIirRATIfl rtlMBIPili Ml TO KAKN i IMIITUTI1I Hi TIIKXWRiT IIP IDI KK fOI, S3 EUGENh, OR., SATURDAY, JAN I A 11 Y 28 1899 NO : 1899! AND STILL DOING BUSINESS IN Dry Goods Clothing: Gents' Furnishings For Prices. We meet all Competition WEEKLY EUGENE GUARD. CAMPBELL BROS., Publishers 1 1 V KICK K.1..1 d Willamette street, In-. twrtu S v enth 'l Kik'litli streets j TERMS Of SUUSCKIPTION. One Vear $00 Six 51 ml.. 1,00 ThrwM.iiillu M Adnrtiunt: rate made known on application AilJreM.J! buatntM letters toTHK OUAUD, Eugene, Oregon. CITY LEGISLATURE Tax Levy for This Year Six 1Mb J S LUCKBY, Uocb, Watches, Chain, Jew dry, Ktc. W htpairiDg promptly done. WA11 work warranted. W BROWN, M. 1). VHYSU IAN AM) SUKOEON. Office- Vpstiniin('lirUi-iin Block, aril, 'irv '.' to II a m; 11 to 2, 1 to 9 p ni. I'lllllllll'Dl'K, UToKSKY-AT-I.AW. Ont hell Mock south of t'hrinman Block, Kl'OKNE, OREiSO JOSHtUJ WALTON I XIAHKLIT BTTALTON i. MAKKI.KV, ATTORN EY8-AT-I.AW Wll practice in all the courts of the state. t In Walton Block. Euorni, Orkion. LWHIT80N, DENTIST, H'ia purchased the office and fixtures of lh late .-i-eiul W V Henderson. I am lVpripared to do any t h in? in the line of IVotitry in the above said office. vtown ami bridge work a specialty. 0 LAKE, UNITS AND MAlilH.H WORKS- driitiiii and new prices in' Forei,rn and I '"p,; slarbls and Oranlte, Monu tnsnts - M ' Vi... tery work of i.ll kinds JUS KATll KRINE L SCHLEEF, M D "HUewei f v. ,en and Children Ma....... ... !.,., tM, ity Wfca-Sh.lton Blocfc opposite Ouard office l VAH. II ICO I II IIIKIKM'T. Oaiu uuanl Jan J.1 Council met In adjourned sesslnn .Saturday nlKht. Present Mayor Kuykeiidull auil j Cnuncilmeu Ostium, Haines, Luekey. Fisher and Honey. Councilman Honey moved that the city attorney lie and le Is hereby directed to prepare an ordinance in confonui'y with the charter in making the city ni Eugene a road dial nut and to assume absolute control over the same. Heretofore the city has been, for road purpose, uuder the coutrolof the county. Councilman ( Miuru moved that the city tax for 1WS te placed at: For sewer 2 mills For general purposes .. 1 mills 'Total 0 mills Councilman Honey moved an amendment ofl mill for Hewer and I mills for general uurposes; lost Then the motion of Mr Ostium was cairied. Ordinance It vying city tax for 1898 read three timeB and carried uuder suspension of rules. Councilman Fisher brought up the matter of C I) Combs for compensation for his tricycle being destroyed by the Eugiue Co, while going to a tire. Councilmau Honey moved to r fer tin matter back to Councilman Fisher for a conference with Mr Combs. H W Thompson being present, was granted permission to speak on the proposed amendment to Bee 19 of ordi nance No 100 for prevention and re moval of nuisances now pending. No action ta en. The license to the Hoffman House aloon was transferred from Wm Ken shaw to Hommervlile & Herger. Adjourned. FIRST MffllAli BANK Of Eugene. Wop Cash Capital$50.000 phi and Profits,.$50,0Q0 Eugene, Oregon. 4 nK,M ' A' "ANKINO BUSINESS dnrfU,., ' inahle terms. Sight Or ' ' lD Kl"n;ico and Port l&b,! 1 ': ' " ?M "a f""iffn countries. k4,i.' It to check or certili A H,tl'..:, ;;.;'Ilentrurt'd u" iU receive ?eHi!n,lrr. EUGENE LoaniiSavingsBank Of Eugene, Oregon CAPITAL ipaidup) $50,000 W. E BROWSJ f reildent. B. 0 PAINE. Vice President. F. W. OSBURrJ, Caihler. w. W. BROWN. Asit Cathtar DIRECTORS' FWOSBURN. BD PAINE. W E BROWN 0 A PAINE. J F ROBINSON, JB HARRIS W.W BROWN. A Uenernl Itaiikiiig lliiMiiifNN TraiiHitctfil on Farabl' Ti'rniN trait? Issued ou the principal cltic of the tlntled riutei; also exchange lurnuhed avail able in all forcinn countries. rire-prcof taull tor the storage ot valuable LEGISLATIVE DOINGS The Speaker Presented With a Long Gourd Cor a Defensive Weapon. Fpcclal to the OatM,, Oregon, liBiidllng if shipping. It lia - i BMnotd to imnpi ponndtniblfl Impori slice and the 0OO1DMDUJ tBmit bj DOtb sides toe wnrin, and in some InttMOM nut eoiiipliinentary. A SI'I'HKMK fot'RT KKrlSION The supreme court today continued the derision of the lower court in the OlbtntM cav, Chief JUMkoi Iteali rrndereit the I OltlOD UIIIIK III lt iv III I tl.. sivrial to the (iuard, Jan 24 -Tne senate ptiMd the Mipieliie t'olirt OMOOlhUlt rblDg T he w Inde measure finally lllimwvd down lo $1,800 yearly for additional clerical aid. AS AMKNUMi NT. Jan "3 The. ri,e iciiale thin imir it i . n hiI.o.IimI 1 1 ... twentieth biennial session of our state! boUMDfltni resolution providing for legislature is not a howling sucetus as a consiitutioii il ameiiduieiii reform body In even the small sense of I !!! ",.,y.r,,,;,r.. V 1v'""" , llon "f mi n i'ii'ii intii'ii i . i i p the word. To blind the people wl o pay taxes in the state, the unions Introduced a resolution to reduce the number and pay of clei ka, so that the sum tone paid out at the regular sesion would be smaller by some $4,100 for that pur pose than would have othel wise been VA XWt WAIiM. The tight on Hie pllntag tdll waxes warm It is a contest between Foil land and AttOTtk, "URAtT ' PAMID, Hepresenlalive Curti's bill, of AMnr'a ppropriktlogtSS 000 pt r annum lor tin proioguilou of salmon dialed a warm dlaouasloB. Heptesentative Wliitne), of Albany EXHIBIT OF CURIOS I. Juhiison ISrimrs UllT ftm Manila. MM. I III I I I I ION III I OIIVI lii the wii dowi of i lie Uriflln LJartV Wan Company may be seen a collec A BAD DEATH. Mr hi id Mr- f ( Mini ki v l.o-e a Little Child. I'sily Huard .Inn .'I Mr and Mr F U Sharkey .irrlvid from lllue Kl vi' r tl is no ruing, bring. ing with them the body of of their little 9.JMU old diuighter, who illtnl; Sunday Dlcbl from ItMIMh troubles. ITiey left ou the lOtBO train for Portland, were the remains will In- Intofrad I'lie trip down was very iiaid I'he Mid parly left their home near lllue THE CITY WINS the case. Kach day, since that resolu Una was passed, hns witnessed a -hurt ""'"'led the whole -ilicmaai I graft, squabble occasioned by some clerkship "Y" ' '"' Tf" ""T" ' ,."'! 1 J ' meniU-rs wele so and c lild Hot talk ot oinar, the time alone takeu up , M-e beyond iiu ir own door yard. That In such contioversy being annroxl- when a man votes amunst itie measiiie lion of curio., brtMUrht from Manila by Kiver at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon l.oris J.diiison, u ho kindly went over and arrived in BugtOa at an early the list with a tii Alii) reporter today, hour this morning The roadaatthh) tS laii. ing the MOM. The list DOOtalni a Mauser rille, which has svn M-rvlct In the Spanish army; BpMlah and Filipino Hans; Fllopino wooden (how, two pairs; filling cards laotlfed from Spanish 'Hvts to erect a friends; a knife iniide from a Spanish shell; two eate-, on made from the iMOrad plum Wood. With a Spanish Ramlngton thai I as a ferule, and the other turn e from while wood covertd wl h the skin of a python; Ihrce watch ehaloa mad fromHpanbhaodJapan" ese coins season of the veal are In bud coudltioil. Mr Sharkey has an IntOTMl in the f.ucky Hoy mine, and has been busily engaged during the winter in building it road lo (he mine. In the spring he mill at the mines. Mrs Sharkey and the 1 i 1 1 It- daughter have been w lib him during the u Inter, living In a little cabin alsuit one-hall mile from the main road, near Spatk's ranch, at lllue Hlver. Mr and Mrs Sharkey are recently from the Fast, but since coming to Oregon their bona procrly has been I'oilland. mutely for the two weeks now gone by, almut as long as I wo workiug days as usually held by the assembly. As the cost of each day's sitting is about tl.OOO, the saving if the resolution stood could be readily estimated, but that sanir resolution don't stand. In stead, there are just alsml as many clerks as ever, so the result of the whole farce, has been a loss to the slate ot f 2,000. "Consistency thou ait a jewel Indeed," but such jewels are uot found at Oregon's state capltol. Grafts, and tbota looklug after politi Oal berths are lords of creation and recognized as such by our lawmakers hi re. There is talk of a boiler Inspector, u game warden and goodness knows how many different commissions, with some outside counties yet to hear from. Tne worthy measures, ate sleeping the sleep of the just, dreaming as they lay 1 In the bosom pocket of some astute1 member, of becoming great laws in the 1 sweet bye and bye. Mem era sworn to their const tuents, to reform matters at Halem, wiuk their eyes at grafting scheme!i, and call for auother pretty committee clerk. One man can do nothing, neither can a doen, hut w hen a parly sworn lo re deem the stale from such things is overwhelmingly in power, it really looks as If just a little In the right di he voles lo lake bread out of the mouths of six tbOUMDd people I'hey don't raise anything but suckers in Linn county, said the speaker, and do uot know what a salmon is. Hepresenlalive Young, of Astoria, alao sarcastically scourged the membar from Linn county Ot hers also piis-i d comment on the hlll. The graft passed the house l.y a vote of SB lo 2 2 Ill IIKK MKASI UKK. The bill radlatrlotlog the state rela tive to stat- rt preventatives and sei ate w 's sent the oommlttes on oonntiaor The measure making legal certain marriages consummated within six months after one or both OOntnotlng parthM had been previously divorced, pas-i d the house today. DISMISSED W II Ityers to Ketlie February I 'ar Menhirs. Ro special to the Uuanl Kalem. Jan 24 W H llyars, 0MD , mundant of tlie Soldiers' Home at Koseburg has been iilveu notice of his i dismissal, to take effect February 1st. No particulars are given. A LAW The uoreraor Mirng the cottage Brora ('Iisrter. rcction at least, otignt to ne accom-. s,M.ri.i to the pllv',.'.'!V,.! .u . , ! Balem, Jan 24.-(Jovernnr i.eer M mi i lit- -inn- i in h mm me THE BTSOIE FAMILY. Btcord of German Tbnfl ami In dnttty, The Interesting pait of the collection however is t he rare coins. Mr John, son has 2.'iU pieces, representing the curre icy of all the prominent nations and Island governments In the world Home of the coins are verv old. one. Bpanlah oota bearing tba date of 1700. j ,,,, m, , He has also number coined fr,.m Ho twenty .wo years ago there ar rbe two smallest in valne I nved In Junction Clly, iron. Ml are a Japanese coin representing 1-20 of Lourl a ( let man family, k. ,, , valued at strome, Abraham Btrome.bll wife and live children, four boys and a cirl tha Mr Johnson gave quite a little lofor oldest boy at that lime being Id years matron of InteW. Kagardlng the of age, the youngest Isiy 10 years. On OfBoars, Admiml Dewey ;s tl.o most (heir arrival at this place the family a cent and a ( hinese 1-2.' of a cent admired man a' Manila f r his ipuet dlapoalllon, uheoiiiuerable bravery, and kindly heart. Lll uleuants litis ton and Hay lies are two of the most popular men in the Oregon regiment, while Ll. fid. Voran uud Chaplain Ullbert are well liked. Since the fall of Manila and the close of Ibe war, the hoys, almost without did not have to exceed : i. They worked oat and rented land for a few yents then purchased laud, and at this t. me (he old gentleman has 400 acres of land wllh good Improvements. The young men are all located with in a few miles of Junction City. The oldest son has a farm ol 200 acres with house ami barn that cost $2,400. a u- exooptton. feel that tin ir t'uly lira been j ""ei has a farm of 270 acres, with performed, ami anxiously await the buildings that cost f 1,'iUO, another has n0 acres of land wiHi good Improve ments, and the other one has 200 acres, one mile from Junction l ily, Hie beat of and gnis.1 buildings. These parties Ire all out of debt and not oue of them Is worth les than (7000. They are all Industrious, sociable and tim- for their departure home. The soldiers, Mr Johnson says, think that it w ould be an unw ise move I should the Doited Stales decide to re tain the Philippines. Mr Johnson made a visit lo the i t . riur. an opnor lunlty enjoyed by but few. of the sol- pool man who tints up the money to run lite state with in this as in the other, the legislative body will consume forty days doing work that could easily have been done in twenty. Htill there's uo use to kick. A charming little com mittee clerk beats a full band in Salem. Hearts are trumps, and the clerks hold all the trumps vVlieu beauty smiles, brains must taller. special to the OUABO, Salem, Jan 13, ,S p D When the assembly convened at 2:30 o clock today Myers, of Multnomah, presented Speaker Carter u huge gourd measuring tour teet in length, prefacing the pre sentation with a humorous speech. The gourd may be used as a weapon of defeuse, and to club tedium members iuto u stale of insensibility. okavk ROBBIRY, Salem, Jan 2.1 Several bills were introduced today. One by Myers amend! the law relative lo ghouls mat may deseciate graves. It provides a penalty of Imprisonment from rife to ten years. run PILOT SHAFT. Balem, Jan 2.1 The pilotage bill Is being foutilit bitterly by the interested parties who seek to control the signed the Cottage drove tvti-nlidated charter hill this afternoon. The attendance at the public loboo's, particularly In the Ueary school, ll greatly reduced ou account of llokneai among the pupils. In Professor Orion's room, witli an enrollment of 40, there were but 22 in attendance Friday Many of the pupils an afflicted w ith mumps, w hooping cough, oblckanpox, and a disease known as Hie German measles. In one family all lour ol these ailments prevail at the pres. ni lime. There are uo very serious OMM reported. nil rs and lias a country. lb gai. ling Ins discharge, Mr John son slates his discharge was received merely by favor of the govern. it and not by reason of hi age. Although 16, H previously stated, Mr Johnson was able to do ail the work r(iired of llllll. Governor Lord granted 56 full pini ons 68 to restore clll.euship and emu muted 23 sentences during bll I 'm years. JERSEY BULL I have procured an extra A I fall blood w intend Jernejr bull, which I will luep DOB lautlr at ItatiaV itablei. TKKMs-l-'.ui, cash at time of atrvlc. Conn may be returned until wllh call w about extra ehame. Duncan Scott ball; Oaaid, Jan 21 PooapajUMo rvday'i Btalaamani T A King, of (ho Ooodale lumber J krda, yesterday r Ml Tad a letter from .1 E Maker, who Is now located at Forty Mile, In the Alaska gold Melds. Ml linker la enjoying good henl h, and Is fortunately situate. I, having three 0 talma that promfaw satisfactory re turns. At presold he Is in thoeninlov of a furniture company at a salary of 100 per month and expenses. Mr linker formerly resided in this city, where he was in the employ of JC i loodale, tha lumberman! Dikd Monday, Jan 2.1, IKUii, at the home of its parents about l. miles west of Kugcnc, tula the i-year-oid daughter of Mr and Mr- Nod Owen The oblld died rathci suddenly, having been III but a very short lime J. W. KAYS FURNITURE CO. EWERS and FUNERAL DIRECTORS opinion oi me enterprising citizens. Then are others no doubt (hat have doue npially as well, hut these people living In our immediate vicinity, and Mug personally ac- qualnted with them, wa know that we have not ovr estimated them In any way. Wo mention these facia lo show what can be doue in the way of tanning ill ( begun. An Alpha correspondent of the Florence West has this: "Thirty years ago, so the story runs, a miner while prospecting on the upper waters of Dead WOOd, found colors of gold in a gulch and sluiced nut fsoo, when he waa disturbed by Indians ami had to leave. Some of (ho present Inhabitant- have m i ti the sluice box. Forest Hies had m arly destroyed all trace of 16 years ago. Quito a number of small) oanyona win give colors of gold." Daily oaaal J.. u PBOPaaTV Bold. The Fug tie MM d Blevatoi Uo today sold to .1 i Bbel ley and 0 B Williams, puranauttoa resolution unanlmoualy adopted hy the hoard of directors, all Hie property owned in Kugcnc and occupied by Hie mill and elevator. Consideration, $7,- .V0. Blair ind Sfrerl Propertj Owners lo Pay A-sfSMiirnls. I'lie supreme (nuns DoclaMM The PUpreme court has handed dowu Us decision In the case of s , Uud- dhwl appellant vs the tlty of Ku- rMpondant, Opinion of lower OOOrl afflrned. Handed down by ktOOre, iusllce. Bj l is deefauon IN properly owners along lllairaud Klghth streets will U coiupilled 'n pay for the assessment woi k done on those stricts and order ed by the oily. This suit ami six othera Involved in the original ass. ssnuin, als ut 41400. To this will Is- added omta of delinquent sale, advertising, accrued Interest, etc, making a present valuall in of m arly 12,800, This suit, which la a test cas., rep rcsenllng all (he others directly, was begun In the October term, IMIY A C WomlciK'k was appointed referee by Judge Fullerlon lo hear Hie testimony and find the law In lad. This was reported lo Judge Fullerlon at the lune term, 1866, w ho d. elded in favor of the city. The case was then, ap pealed and lias Just la-en rein bed by the supreme court. The suit involves the point as to whether or not the city under its ordinances can legally ordain (hat county roads In the city limit be made city itmtl w Ithottl a condemna tion act of Ibe legislature. The opin ion holds that this ean be done, Kk skipwortb praMnteJ tha cane to tba supremo court for the city and L BU yen and .1.1 Walton lor the appellant Dexter Items. Jan 23, 'Oil. C F. Ohandlef lost a valuable horse with the staggers laa week. Ilert Mathews completed work ou Mathews' mill and returned homo Saturday. T Howard, Jot Vincent and W E Jordan started to the Atlin gold mines Friday. The river has been past ferrying this week, greatly Inconveniencing the traveling public. E H Parker closed a term of school at Trent Friday. He will begin a winter term at Egypt today. James Parvin'a telephone Hue to the store has not proven a success. He talks of putting In an electric 'phone. 'The Pleasant ll III correspondent of the Itcglstcr occil led valuable space In that paper last week and said little. His i il.ii ( reminded one ot the old fable of the "mountain which labored anil brought forth a mouse." 'The report of Superintendent Hesler gives the enrollment In the public schools at the present time as 84)1. Farm for Sale Cheap. 380 rVrr- 1- (If well improved land. Two houses uud hums. Plenty of fnrin implements, horses, cuttle, wiurotm, etc. Six miles southwest from Kugene. Fur terms, etc., address MILKS A PKKKINfl, Kugene, I trefoil. THE papers. Co n illecLiuni receive our prompt attention. BIG SALE Is Sailing Along The days are passing If, ' BMP... the rest. There are a few more plus 49c 59c CARPETS. All wool 2 ply ingrain Carpets. G5o grade. During thosalo the price is 49o. Ex super 2 ply all wool ingrain Carpete. well worth 75c a yard; new pattern-, good colors. During the Sale they go ut 'Ate. 49c Sic NEW LOT OF IMPROVED til. . Willsie" orao n lorn r LAKE COUNTY BANK -a Sevellan extra heavy, all wool. Bainc quality v a- 3 ply, $1.00 quality. None better for wear. Xow 78o ' u : We recommend them . Re. ti .. Esiablisbea In IMHS.d - or OREGON. 'Perior Fotoarafs A General Banking business in all branches transacted on favorable terms. A. O. HOVKV, President J. M. AHHAM8, Cashier A. (4. HOVKY Jk., Aast Cashier 1 Tape-try I'.russols, rich colors, new paUerns, the correct Parlor C'arjet. Now go at 73c. nn r.r,-iir.t nnrl Velvets, rich and rare, nice 0 C enough for the Wst of us, and only !)7c. 48c Art Bouares, Rugs, Oil Cloth, Mattings, to Portieres, .Stand Covers; all at correspoiid $10 ingly reduced prices. 97c 48c to $10 F. E. D U N N Napkins Towels H'l BARGAINS. V, We have some good bargains here. Halt- J4),, dozen and single dozen lots from (j'-te per ')0l dozen up. Path, Huck Linen, CottOO, excellent T values, from 6e UO. Pleached Path HI, Towels at lot; per pair. Have you -eon our Pleached Linen Crash at 5oi 30-inch Percale aseorted pattern!, 0 4 good colon, 6Jo " I "'11 Ir i Pail bleached aei seamless Hose, limited M Our Umbralhu are eood thintrj- IP. DivlldiS ' " 1,1,1 UP' 4e)u I'lu.i'nn rJ Tnlw.a n.i.l' 1 niwl 0( rw ,tlJl.J rl 4iV4 ailM MtlliO (C aati't 'ay-' Bhoei now fur $2.40. 1 1 die I'"' best 1.00 Fedora Hat you evei saw you 0 Uaid I'uv I nun us tor Oc.