The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 21, 1899, Image 9

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,tin b "PI-"' '
. I ..Hoped d"n ,b
little bird I. .Ireplun
oftr..-.. of It. BMt
'if v.d.y,duy follow, d-wn-
iho time bat conic and .one;
A,r;i.we.Tr.we.rJ ai,ln,. love.
IVi h s wbl-tle and wall.
" s wrary, weary waltlnu. lore.)
.. ,i, .oinini! of sail:
V Vu J'a roM tl.el.ea.-h
1 2 "w- lovc-
, h,v.i it.'" ,,uo' rloh,
' .. . 1 ,111! ML'" it "!
. .i.e. in u"" '"' dream.,
e T ' V,r n, froek wn. .ewn,
K "n J- ,,',S"U1,' W""U b"Ve
JKi weary .llin. love.
The of the ocean
' ,.roiad"'-
"I!wiin sra. "r H',r"y?
ii .nr till """' l",mp
"mZo'" "m the foam!
THi: eoloiiial espress wag Just
drawing out of Now Haven late
In the afteruoou, when a young
...n with n dark tiiumuidie nnd glasses,
y,io bad evl.letilly Just boarded the
lrlD walked down me car uw uuu
mum'hI Inqulrlnglj at the vacant seat
,r my tide The train was well filled,
ami after pausing for en Instant as If
t0 wbetbW I objected to sharing
msent with blm the stranger planted
bluuelf at my side.
Kliwllv he leaned over to me. and,
toucbluii my arm. said:
triiit, sir, the arrangements will
be Mtl.faetory."
peg yoDT pardon, sir," I replied.
"1 am Miss Celeste's man. I was sent
to meet you."
I Btrcf neglected an opixjrtuulty to
take advantage of circumstances, and I
merely replied:
"Indeed. "
"We are due at Providence at 7:22.
The CertOMDy will take place nt 8," he
weul uu, Ignoring uiy uou-eommltta)
'It you will please to give me your
baggage cheeks," he conllnucd, "I will
have the servants attend to It when we
"1 have nothing with me but this
Mteliel." I replied.
"Ah, you have sent It on ahead. That
Is food. Hut," he said, "you are per
sips wondering bow I recognised you?"
"1 am not remarkably well known,"
1 replied, "and my pictures "
"Ah, you look Just like them. Miss
(Meats allowed me to look at one. I am
trratllled that you did not forget a sug
gestion I made to Miss Celeste that you
Wear a fedora and a pink rose."
"So that was your Idea, was It?" I
The train commenced to slow up for
Providence. My companion arose, and
1 followed uliu wheu he leuped upou
the plat form.
A carriage attended by two footmen
was lu waiting, and my companion
guided me to It. I was lu such u strauge
position that I would have preferred
doing without the footmen at this par
ticular time.
In a few moments the carriage drew
up at the door of a large, well-lighted
house w ith u broad veranda. From the
parlor luughter and conversation ludl
ctted that a large company was pres
mt. As we alighted another carriage,
fklch had been Just ahead of us, turn
ed fr the curb and a solitary gentle
man walked up to the house.
"We are Just In time. That Is the
minister," suld my guide. "I will show
you to your room, If you pleuse, and
juu can Join the company lu the parlor
ii soon as you nre ready. If you need
me you can ring." The broad staircase
wis at hand, and I was saved the em
barrassment of meeting any of the
Ii ( : Wb I might bo expected to
know. Celeste, also, I escaped.
My room WSJ large, and upon the bed
luuinlier of packages were spreud out.
1 opened one of them. It was a doson
liver spoons, A small card read: "To
Mr. and Mrs. Qeorgs lloptrt: Oongrat
stations." lMdeiuly the package wus
Intended for me. I opened several oth
w. One w as a handsome diamond pin.
Just as 1 took It up I heard the knob of
wy door turn, and unconsciously I slip
ped It Into my pocket.
My companion of the train entered.
''Miss Celeste desires me to say that
he will meet you at the head of the
WIS In t,.u minutes, and will descend
"lib yuu fur tna ceremony."
. thank you. William. Is your name
WUllaml I forget."
"James, iir,"
j'-411 right, James; that will do."
ret e, my cravat and then took nn
WSI look at the presents. I remetn
"ered afterward that 1 failed to return
Ml. Several other remarkably
i Wsents f small size were also
Sr"? aft'rward. though I remem
UknP'.rfeCtl' 8wlg heui on the bed
h le I was tbs room,
'had Just about six minutes In which
wep my sppolntmsnt with Celeste,
j' it not iK.,.n for the ceremony
waieb was scheduled to take place lm
"Mtely afterward I believe I should
e Sllowed my love of adventure to
? '' tbs head of the stairs. Ce
'e. Mee llnilu.. t wonj,.ri.,i wmt
J" was like, as I softly opened the
an, looked out Into the hallway.
J was not there yet. Neither were
e servants, I left t1P room dosing
jdoor tightly behind me.
' he ball was deserted. At the head
' 'lairs I could hear laughter nnd
nY'ratlon. I had my hat lu my
en. i"" " r,k'r not ,0 oxel,e m
kind i f ',ft my "un" 8atcllel be
Juit , '"'"d out on to the veranda.
Ih.? momeM down the street
'he rumble of a cab. Iu another
ly b, ' . f"ur wbplf. driven furlous-
" -d up and a young man leaped
"" dashed up the path, taking
ta "PS three at a time. I drew hack
th.. "' "'"''ow. He passed so quickly
I J n'ud not see bit face,
untered down the path. The drlv
"M Just turning his cab around.
"Til, CSbby r I shouted to th. ,.h
"a dollar if i get to , BaVM depoi
In live mluutes."
1 iKiught a copy of the Providence
Journal next day at Boston 10 see how
the ceremony had DOM performed.
For a provincial paper the Journal
really .lid an II on that story.
1 enjoyed roodlng the humorous ac
count of how the bridegroom missed
his train, and how the butler had mis
taken another gentjeman on the train
for Mr. Mopart.
I disliked, however, to have the Jour
nal make such open Insinuations
gainst the honesty' of the per.ou thus
Introduced In Mr. Mopart's stead.
It staled that In all probability the
butler had stumbled upon u clever ras
cal and crook In his search for th
bridegroom, for a number of costly
wedding presents which had been left
In the room with the supposed Mr.
M Opart had mysteriously dlMppstrtd,
as be himself had done but a few min
utes before the real Mr. Mopart had ar
rived. He had left Mi In dhlm a small hnnd
satchel In which were found a number
of Jimmies, skeleton keys, nnd other
articles used only by a certain class of
gentlemen. It was the discovery of
these articles Hint first aroused suspi
cion. As for the wedding, that had taken
place In spite of the excitement. Exchange.
There nro more than six thousand
known langunges nnd dialects.
There are always I.'.'ini.ikk) people
afloat on the sens of the world.
The gun of largest calibre In the
world Is the Ilrltlsh 17.72 Inch one hun
dred ton gun.
A map of Jerusalem In mosaic, over
fifteen hundred years old, has been
found In I'ulestlne.
London has a imputation of 4,250,000,
equaling the combined populations of
Purls, Ilcrlln, St. Petersburg and Home.
The highest point of land In New
York (Manhattan) Is at Eleventh uve-
nue nnd l!M)th street, 225 feet. In
Itrooklyn the highest point Is Lookout
Hill, lu Prospect Park. 180 feet.
False teeth for horses, which were
suggested by the president of n French
humane society a few years ago, have
actually t n Invented, and are gaining
favor with owners of large stables.
In Ecuador they sweeten coffee with
crushed beetles; In Japan they give you
gooseberry pie with roast duck; In Cey
lon the richest people beg, nnd In Lon
don n mil ii who refuses to tip a waiter
runs a fair chance of getting arrested.
To "dnnce attendance" Is an expres
sion borrowed from the medlcvnl cus
tom, which COmpoUod the bride nt a
wedding to dance with whomsoever
asked her. No matter how low the con
dition or how objectionable the person,
the bride could not refuse.
Katlljr Mullen SlW
A pripnle from a sprain i one who
neglecL to use Ht. Jacob. Oil tocure it.
Prompt u.noHl brings prompt curt.!
and the trouble it gotten ovei easily.
w Wmtpmm sail Ti.i.i ii(.
Keeper-Then she plcksd the Batch
on her handcuffs, dug through a two
loot wall of stone, took out a pane of
'. ny removing the
and then OpOBOd the big lock
gate. What tools had she?
Matron NODS whatever. Stay.
'I. "..I gracious, I forgot to take away
her liairpinsl
Keeer Then pursuit is nieless.
Bhs still has them. Stray Stories.
OWUlltp nt W roiling PtOOOMSa
A recent decision m Springfield,
Ma..., us to the OWBOISbip of wedding
presents it Unit where such present,
are sent to the bride I elote marriage,
at it the custom, the present, are her
property, and remain so even il a Sep
nMiOM takes place alter marriage.
Pains and Aches
t If w of m I.H) IO III
flMI What do vou reckon doc.
the tor tumps me all over do eheM fet
Jake Tryin' to ice BOH much dough
you had in your inside pocket, ol
course. Cincinnati Enquirer.
He Vou think you know it nil,
don't vou?
Him No 1 have never I n able to
nguru out any reason foi you being
alive. Indian ip,d i- Journal.
Of Rheumatism Make Countless
Thousands Suffer.
Hut this disease is cured by Hood's Sur-
ssparilla, srblsh nsiiliillsss the acid in tbs
blood. If you have any symptom- ,.f
rheumatism take Hood's Sursaputilla at
once and do not waste time and mom v on
unknown preparation.. The merit of
Hood's Barsepartlla i nnqusstionsd ami
Its record of cures uueiiialled.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is Amerlt
OfAtent Mediclnr (or rhvutn.tlMii
Hood's Ptl.o enroll lui r llli. SSesBtS.
Samples of inerchan li-e carried by a
traveling salesman aro held, in Kansas
City, P. (1. R, company vs. itatS
l Ark.), 41 L. II. A. US, not to bo bag
gage within a statute regulating
chatges on excess baggage.
Weasels and skunks aio enemies of
tho careless poultry keeper. All imul-
i try should be kept in quarters ssada
secure at night (rom these depredators,
llH'nings for ventilation i-huuyl he
covered with wire screens.
firou'th of the Language.
It rch'iiis to me, Henry," remarked
the wife of n professor of English lit
erature, after the guests who had at
tended one of their "evenings" had
gone, "Hint you treated sir. scollops
with lunrki-d discourtesy."
Oh, I did, dltflV"
Yes. You turned your buck on htm
while he was talking to you, and wulk
ed deliberately out of the room, mutter
ing to yourself."
"I listened to him patiently enough,'
said the professor, "while he was tell
lug me where he hnd 'Sundayed' the
week before last. I stood It, even when
he observed that It always 'enthused'
him to talk over old times, but when he
asked me to come around some evening
and 'reminisce' awhile" and the pro
fessor walked to the window and clear
ed his throat vigorously "It was all I
could do, Hester, to keep from throwing
him out of tn house!"
Nwiss Humor.
Tho Pull Stall dnzette, having hnd
access to the olllclul archives of the
custom house at Los Verrleres, pub
llshes the following example of duly
scheduled Imports:
A missionary was returning to Ilasel
from Patagonia, bringing with him, not
as the fruits of his labors, but merely
for the puriMses of science, n collection
of Patagotilan skulls.
The custom house officers opened the
chest, Inspected tho contents mid In
formal the owner that the consignment
must be classed ns iiulmal Mies, and
taxed nt so much the pound.
The missionary was JUftly indignant;
therefore the olllclnls agreed to recon
sider the question. When the way-bill
had boon revised, It appeared In the
following form:
"Ghent of nntlve skulls. Personal ef
fects, already worn."
Simplicity ofa Novelist's Ufo.
Jokal, the Hungarian novelist, lives
In extreme simplicity. He Is seldom
seen away from home, and lieglns work
nt his desk In the early morning, some
times remaining there the whokday.
A small room ndjolnlng his library con
tains the books of reference he con
sults, a narrow bed like a soldier's, and
a few window plants. The room Is so
destitute of what Is generally looked
upon aa necessary comforts that It
might le Uie dormitory of a monk. Dr.
JokaJ, now In his seventy-fourth year.
Is eonstnntJy attended by a devoted
mnu-servnnt, who has grown aged In
his Moved master's service.
The Hhape of the EsrtftT
Owing to the action of certain well
known laws, the earth Is not a perfect
sphere. Careful measurements show
that It Is slightly bulging at the equa
tor. It Is a simple uintter to show
proof that the earth Is round. When a
ship Is approaching the shore, the first
parts to le seen nre the top sails; as
she nears the land the lower sails and
rlggiug come Into view, and Instly the
hull appears. If the earth's surface
were tint the hull. Mug the largest
part, would be seen first.'-Phlladel-phla
Japanese BimiSs.
The Jnpanese now publish three
time, as many books as the Italians.
Out of 25,000 volumes published
fun f In the Land of Flowers no
thnn 5,000 were law books, and 1.30U
treated of religion.
No Myiterjr lu lllm.
"Have you paid any attention to the
race problem?" asked the thoughtful
man, as he laid down his paper.
"Have l':" answered the very imall
man with the massive diamond. "I'm
the (ellow who taught Tod Hloan how
to ride." Washington Star.
I'l II M -s CANNOT Ilk' rt'RKD
By local applications, ta they rtnnot rtach the
dixet.vd portion ot itae tar. There Is onijr one
way Incur,' il, afuei. tml thtt Is by cmmtltu
tlontl remedies, petliu-ss is caused by an in
flamed condition ol He- mucous limn. "I Hie
Knineliian lube. When thin tub gets In
flamed j on btvv a rumbling sonnd or imper
fect hearing, and when II it entirely cloned
(lenfne- Is Die result, and unlet" the InfUmina
tiun enn be tnken otit tint tilts tube rett'red to
Its normal Condition, hearing w til beuVttroycd
tore vert nine eases ool ot ten siesaujsd bi
caltrrh, Ideli Is nothing lull an Inflamed
comlli lonol t tie in i ii', 'i.i lurftots.
We nlll give due Hundred boilers (or any
c.fe ol p. nun-Hi (cmiled by catarrh) thai can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Uend lor
circular, tree.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O
Rold by Pruegirts, 7Je
Hall's Family Pills are the bsst
Rimlnio pens still retain their hold
in India, wheio they have been in use
for more than 1,000 years.
If you want tho liest wind mill, puni,
tanks, plows, wagons, bells ol all sixes
boilers, engines, or general machinery, see
or write JOHN POOLK, foot of Morrison
Street, Portland, Oregon.
A New Invention riylua Top.
The lutest invention of coiiRidornhlo
merit is the "Flying Top," invented
by a Western boy. It is so easy to
oierate, that a boy six years of age can
manage it without any difficulty. The
top is constructed on the principle of a
flying machine ami by simply pulling
a cord, ascends from 00 to 300 feet, or,
until its momentum ceases, when it
gradually descends like a parachute,
still spinning when it strikes the
FITS I'ermanmtly Curea. No ntaiir nervouanm
rilVJ after Urm day I use of llr. Klllie'a ureal
Nerve lteaten r. . !,1 for FllKK Ba.oo irml
bolllo and irrallin. I U B. II. liLllJjt. Ltd wo
VrUi Jtrwt, I'utiudeipiiia. Pm.
Gratifying Lottora to Mrs. P Ink-
horn From Happy Women.
I Owe Vou Mj Ufo."
Mrs. i: VYoouusKH,
Mills, Neb., writes:
"Dkar Mrs. Pinkiiam: I owe my
life to your Vegetable Compound. Tho
doctors aaid I hul consumption and
nothing could be dono for me. My
menstruation hud stopped and they
said my blood was turning to water. I
had several doctors. They all said I
could not live. 1 began the use of Lydia
E. Piukham's Vegetable Compound,
and it helped me right away; menses
returned and I have gained in weight.
I have better health than 1 have had for
years. It is wonderful what your Com
pound bus done for me."
I Feel Like , New I'erton.9
Mrs. Ceo. Leach,
10O Belle St,, Alton, 111., writes:
" Before I began to take your Vege
table Compound 1 was a great sufferer
from womb trouble. Menses would ap
pear two and three times In a month,
causing me to lx so weak I could not
stand. I could neither sleep nor eat, and
looked so badly my frlenda hardly
knew me.
" I took doctor's medicine but did not
derive much benefit from it. My drug
gist gave me one of your little books,
and after reading It I decided to try
Lydia L. Pinkhams Vegetable Com
pound. I feel like a new person. I
would not give your Comixmnd for all
the doctors' medicine in the world. I
can not praise it enough."
Tho Tibotnns bnvo u week of five
days, named alter iton, wood, watet,
feathers and euith.
Venice Will lie Drained
Venioo without its waters would bo
a far lees picturesque place than it ac
tually is, say- the London Chronicle.
And such a state of affairs, we aro led
to believe, may evontually come about.
Tho regular incieaso in the delta of the
Po has been studied by Prof. .Mar niel
li. Comparison of tho Austrian map
of about 1823 with the records of sur
veys made in 189o shows that the mean H"g nro fattened on oranges in
annual increase during thoBe yeats has Pataguay, and orange-fed s.rk is said
been about three-tenths of a equate to bo vory good.
mile; and from all known data it ap-
I never Used so quiek n rare ns Plao's
Cure for Consumption.- J. It. Palmer,
llox 1171, Seattle, Wesfa . Nov. 28, 1" IB
No fewer than 2,401 patents have
been taken nut on processes for making
sugar and salt.
pears that the total increase during six
oenturics has been about IU8 square
miles. The incense is continuing and
the Gulf of Venice is doomed in time
to dappear. No Immediate alarm
need, however, bo excited, for Prof.
Miirinelli calculates that between 100
anil 120 centuries will elapse beforo tho
entire Northern Adriatic will have be
come dry land.
KfTeet of Coffee Drinking on Kvee.
Snnitkin, according to the Medical
Review, says that tho Moors are invet
erate coffeo driukets, especially the
merchants, who sit nt their bazars
ami drink continually during the dar.
It has been noticed that almost invar
iably when theso coffee drinkers reach
the age of 40 or 45 thoir eyesight be
gins to fail them, and by the timo they
get to be 50 yeais old they become
blind, "in' is lorcibly impressed by
the number of blind men seen about
tho streets of Fez, the capital of Mo
rocco. It is invariably attributed to
the execssive use of coffee. N. Y.
Medical Times.
A Colonia Juarez, Chi'iuahun, Mexi
co, correspondent of the New York
World thus describes the model town
in which he lives: "Ours is a town of
obout 1.000 inhabitants. Eleven years
baTS passed sinco tho first tent was
pitebed by tho first settler. Now wo
hiivo hundreds of dwellings owned by
tho dwellers no millionaires, no beg
gars. Wo nro in a chamucr oi ttie
mountains 5,000 feet high. Fifteen
miles of hills and IioIIowb part us from
the nciicst railroad station. We have
no saloons, no gamlbing, nn smoking,
no profanity, no round dancing at our
socials. We hnvo one police officer.
Nearly every man owns a gun. Our
academy building has 6,000 square feet
of floors and 250 students. If yon can
beat this, please put in waste basket."
Warmth and Strength,
Tho cold of winter certainly aggfeV
vatus rheumatism, and at all seasons
St. Jacobs Oil is its muster cure. It
impel tl warmth and sttength to tho
muscles, and cures.
Among the industrial novelties nro
aluminum carpets and stool billiard
When coming to Sun 1'raiK Isco go to
Brooklyn Hotel, IU8-219 llnli street.
American or Kurocan plan ltoom and
hoard $1.00 to $1.50 cr day ; rooms ,'sirenta
to $1.00 per day; single' meals .i iciils.
Free coach, ('has. Montgomery.
Mrs. Kichnrd King, of Texas, owns
2,000 squitto mi'cB of land in that state.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take Laxative llrotuo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund money
cure. i's-.
if il fails to
In 1880 tho highest hntiso
York city had only live stories.
No household is complete w ithout a lit
tle of the famous Jesse Moure Whiskey. It
is a pure and WbolssoniS stimulant rec
ommended by all physicians. Don't ne
glect this necessity.
Taxes on boaids aro leivsd in Japan
ese cities.
A powder to be shaken Into the shoes.
At this season your feet fesl swollen, ner
vous and nneomfbrtable. If you bars
smarting feet or tight shoe, try Allen's
Foot-Ease. It rests ami comforts; make,
walking easy. Cures swollen and sweuting
feet, blister, and callous Spots, believes
corns and bunions of all pain and is a cer
tain euro for Chilblains, Sweating, damp
or fTosteU feet. We have over thirty thou
sand testimonials Try it teiay. Bold by
all druggists and iho tores for 25c. Trial
pa-::aao FItKK. Address, Allen S. Olm
sted, Co Ibiy, N. Y
The rivers in Northorn Bussia were
frozen this year I "fore tho end of October.
In seenrina the ( "I.I Mill SOBMC1
for lsw: one ilty i delay may reult In vour
competitor felting It. we are the only Meyrle
lio'ise riftrina . uenvery ihuiii in wic .-urue
went. Prompt delivery of til oraeri asuren.
Dealers Who litmlle the i on MUM and
ft i It i r li I' line will hive a double admit
axe over others who do not. We have im
proved the 'Utllty of our prodium. while our
(,,. ...! niitnul enablci us lo reduce our
Dl Set al follows! Columbia Model 40, tin.
Columbia Chainlet. - $7 n Hartford.
i Models ''-to WOO Vedelle., Strictly t plo-Pate
Columbia Models ' 4S. ''- pattern. 'Wlm- Wk i, b bin
rrovemrntt W I W rit, r t, r
Iteini of llenernl Inter! I. leaned
r rout lite Hutting I'arllle
A W Ileal I'rtid in s .
UniontOWB, Wash., i-la 1 111 a for the
ontheastern corner of the PalooOO
kOlinlrf the distinction of ladng the
greatest wheat pioilticing section of
the world. Within a radius of six
miles of that thriving town there weie
raised tins year tipwaida of I.AOO.IHli)
bushels of wheat, with good BTODS Ol
barley, oats, hay, vegetables, etc. Fall
a heat averaged ftoiu 48 to bushels
to the lets ami sptiug wheat '.'II to 110
buslicls. If any other ambitious cor
ner of till) ' wotld desires to contest
homus for supremacy in grain-iai.iug
the opportunity i. offered.
Telephone l 1 1 . 1 1 1 . "
Tho Kooky Mountain Hell Telephone
Compatiy will stsin oonnecl llailcy,
Idaho, with all proinincut placet by
long distance telephone. A line will
be constructed from lloise to C'ainus
I'raine, thence to llalley by the Hold
Kelt, ami then to BlSokfoOt. llailcy
will be the heuliiiartera ol the NO
mile line between the I'tah & North
ern kDjd lloise. Telephone lines ate bsp
ing extended over the ptlttOipal patt.
11...... ft- I it-l Ill M 1
oi i tti i ue, rr., .ii. i lite I iiiietitio leie- : ,.
lihone Coiiiieiuv it innkino ekloiiMive
r ' operati-'i
no '"t eioeius.
Hater . lly Kepubllean.
Those who aru,dis.ed to doubt Dr.
Damn's cures will bate their donbtl
tbakt n on reading the following card
from Mr. John Martin, of t'ote, Or.
Mi. Martin is a man well and favora
bly known to all of our leaders, and a
man of 20 years' resilience in Union
county. Hit cute will go far to cttah
lisb the skill of Dr. Damn:
For tho benefit of the afflicted ns
well at Dr. Dirnn. I will state I bad
lieen afflicted 10 years with hydrocele
and other troubles before being treated
and cuicd by lr. Durriii. live rears
ago, in Portland. 1 urn happv to say
I the cure was perfect ami permanent)
j and 1 am now n well man. 1 reside at
IOotOi Or., and will gladly answer any
Inquiries, .imiN MARTIN.
ir. Dorrta'a I'lsrr of Bealaaas,
Dt. Darriti give, free examination to
all, and when necessary give, modi
cinim in connect ion with electricity.
The poor treated dee from 10 toll
j daily, except medicines. Those will
lug lo pay, 10 to 6; evening, 7 to
Sundae, it) to 19.
Deaft.e.s, catarrh, eye, nose and
tin out , heart, liver, stomach, lung
troubles, errors of youth, blood taints,
gleet, iliipoten. v, varicocele, hydrocele,
stricture, goimrihca and typhlitis a
I r. ss e es an I hydrocele
on until January 13. All
chronic male an. I fenialn ami private
llmw. diseases treated at reasonable tatcs.
A contract to sell r.'.i.ilO pounds ol No cases published except bv licrmi.-
the 1899 hops at 10 cents per siun.l sion of the patient. All business tela
has been made by Daniel Cavanaugli tlons with Dr. Darrin Stllotly con Ik -to
Fuller ,V Neis, of Albany. I'ros-1 dentisL la'tters of inquiiV answered,
pects (or fair pi ices for this year's crop Circulars and question blanks sent free,
ate very Battering. Hop men in tire- llalteries and belt, furnished when
gon who held their Clops and thus ob- necessary. Ofllco, 365 Moirison street,
taineil belter puces are now out of del t ''ottl.tnd.
for the that time in several years,
flofsi BlOS, bought several lots al
North Yakima within 10 days at l'."
and 13 cents.
I i.'
.. uu
i l dliCOUIitl.
Controlling Oregon WtiMegton. Monttnt tnd IdtSt 132-34 Sllttl St., PO ftllDf), Of
It of '.rM V-l v. Or . Tf.lurnnrily makf ' n- ICNIVWIM HUVaWBI :
f h iirrntr.) I tuvr l.rt'l fn f m Ii m8e a; oaisui ssimmii hi hi inoniiia,
w lin itviiiis-r hi mrr iibsj i ofU
Clubs drive some men to matrimony
and matrimony drives others to clube.
L C R. Rnllln, M
sDiiShai'tne mv 1
... it. oatn Irmr u'u And rTit m Hltiakfi'
bit u' etl a me.1'1 vlcintlit or even tu tpple or ripe peteh (m Ixrember lo. Is'. I bed my
!mV si. made by lir Srrvker. L 0, . K. tfmpl., rlr.l tnd Ald-r Port and Or , tnd wlibln
Small mlnulet titer th,- time tbey were put Into mjr mouth I at. .bit lo e.l t common hard
iXSEa SmuSmi a p.'"- 'lrle.1 TenlKin, tnd al tin. lime, bssnskei tSU, hate etlen everj
eiV llaS twSt the srettett eomlurl and .lib Do Iroobl. at til TStT US a perfect. IU and
mtl2L!irfniSFE Bank. Tb. Dalle, Or; I USrSSM C, H.'nt, Waaro.'or.; Wsa.
uii.. ab..nnl sl.erm.ri I o ; lr. A s .Mrituis tno i -jer. i oriia.i.i. vr.
iaubt. rit-.l tnd taorn lo betort me tbli Uth day f DtMt
JuiiS CKiXUaC, Nolart Public lor Oref uo.
Ailvanee In Kggt.
Kggs ate woith SO rents a iloien ill
Colfax, Wbltntan county. It would
seem polloT for tho Whitman fanners
to raise a million or two buslicls less
wheat and put In n few acres of hens.
It is much ct caper to raise a doseu
eggs than n bushel of wheat, yet Whit
man ami "tie i Kaslern Washington
counties, which luodiiceil nenrly l.V
000,000 bushels of wheat last year,
import thousands of dollais' worth ol
daily ami hog products and eggs every
OenysevlllS tndutlrlet.
The growing and shipping of fi ml
in the vicinity ol Canyouvillo is mm
so far advanced as to bring in consider
aide of a revenue. Prunes to the
amount of 1,000,000 pounds have bOBB
sold at the average into of over tine,
cents per DMndi bunging in over 4N,.
000. Shippers aro now getting ready
large consignments ol Intel apples,
ami the prevailing price for turkeys it
from U to 10', cents gross. Lime, sul
phur ami salt fur spraying purpOBSS an
now in demand.
II root I ne -r Murine riant.
All Innovation in mining that will
bo of tho greatest value to the peoph
ol Kaslern Oregon is tin. establishment
nt linker City of a bromine ehlorini
plant, foi the working of refactori
ores, which have hitherto been con
sldered us worthless. The (ioloondn
plant, being erected by .1. O. Knglisb
and others, nnd which is expected ti
ho in operation very sihui,
will increase to a great extent the busi
ness of the linker ('ny merchants,
I. lute Hlllilnrnlt.
The TsOOtnl & Boohs iinrhor Mint
Company, which la the chief limi
works in the Northwest, hipped 100,
000 barrels last year, against 00,000 it:
Is'.. T. Tho increase was Imth foreign
nnd local, and the president, J. S. Mr
Mlllth, says he expects an increasj thil
year of at least 60 per cent, basing hir
estimates on trade conditions and or
tiers now on hand. This business it
a lair indicator of the demand foi
bull. ling muterial.
Hit t'arjo lo Ihe Orient.
Tho N. Y. K. steamship Kiojun
Maru sailed from Heatlle last week foi
the Orient, with one ot the heaviest
cargoes ever taken from that sirt. Tin
froiuht included 4,000 hales of cotton,
13 carloads of pig lead, 14 cars of wotsl
pulp, betide! great "inutility of float
and miscellaneous gisids. Anothei
cargo so.iii to be shipped to the saim
poit will contain 700 tons of nltSjd
salmon, brought over from the Vrasei
lllila fur I ounly llouila.
The county loinmlssioncrs of (lal
latin county, Mont., received bids last
Monday for the purchase of funding
bonds to the amount of 11117,0110.
Theso bonds are made payable in 2U
yeais, and are to bear Interest at tin
rate of 8 pet cent per annum, payabh
semi-annually in tho city oi Boesman,
The coiinly reserves tho right to redeem
any of the bonds after 10 years, by
giving 110 days' notice.
Flax liolu.lrjr Growing.
A result of recent agitation through
out Oregon foi the cultivation of llax,
is a commercial comiiKslily, is the
owing of a considerable acreage On
fall to llaxseeit. The Portland Linseed
Oil works is inriilsliiiig seed to faruieri
on application, agreeing to take tlieii
pay from proceeds of crops raited, fm
which crop they will contraut at prices
that no ai, handsome returns.
New Hunk rrotutad.
A new bank, the second iti the town,
is a new project now being planned lor
LewlStOn, Mont, The capital is ex
pected to hu$l(JO,000, of which amount
Fergus county peoplo have already
inbseribsd for 880(008 worth. Q sores
Baehi formeily of Utica, will bs cash
ier, and the principal promoters are
II. Hodgson, hnil llilger, Herman
Otten and Lortll Lamlt. The bank
w ill open its doois ill perhaps a week
nr two.
During the season the Notthein Pa
rifle has -hipped from the ranges to
Kastern terminals for Northwestern
and Chicago markets 10,000 bead of
rattle, an increase of A, 000 over the
previous season; 516,000 head of sheep,
an increase of 16.1100, and 11,000 horses,
an increase of over fiO S'i oeint. The
present season has not yet dosed.
A' cording to Iho c..rroBismlent in
the JbokanS Iteview, the mining town
ol Itepulillc in Kastern Washington
offers exceptionally Hue opsirtuni,tiei
to capital to eiect waterwoika. It ap
pears water is now selling ut 60 oeuls
e barrel.
Four bond fed years ago only seven
metal, weie known. Now there are
61, !I0 of which have boon discovered
within the present century Chicago
Inter i h can.
fetol pw,r 4l.,nrt....t.
The lamoii. incline railway at Pros
peet I'ark, Niagara Kails, is to ho MSjft
ated electrically according to a recent
decision of Ihe No v Yin k Mate Park
Coiiiniissioners. Heretofore this rail
way has always been operated by water
power, but in view of the fast that
during tint great ice bridges, wheu
tooiista fl.K;k to see this marvelous
tight, from all ovei the stale, the rail
way is usually iunaratiTO, This has
I" en duo to the chockimr of the inlukn
with ice and very often too low water.
As there is no other mean, of accuse
without a tedious descent and ascent,
I the lout ists have been greatly in, on.
venieucetl, ami tho matiagetm nt have
lost considerable money. With RDM
ibint electric power available from this
Niagara Falls Power Comp.iuy the elec
tric operation of the loud appeals to be
most apropos.
Qormaay .mi iia Minor.
It It Inevitable lli.l V-l. Minor .ball even
lu.ltr p... (rom ihe pe. Ion ol Hokatsa
atSdaill.m, HII'I tt hetller lieriioiuv ni'i'otiiplt.he.
the I,-, or not. Ihe Sultan rant I m, Id loa
rtirlstlail uatbili It . Jii.t as Inet liable tli.l
tll.ra.e. ol Ihe dlin-ttte ol uails mtl.t V I, -Id lo
llostetler'. stoma, h lliit.-r- I'll, dlaordcnol
I thl. kltol are nsuafiy called dytpettila. eoottl.
pat ion and elltoutntsa, Tae Bltli rs tie tqnally
isk f,,r all ut ii oomplalnui, raaardlsts ol tbs
Oaa of u i, t .
Mrs. Weeks What busiUSSI is your
hush and engaged iu?
Mrs. Meek Ho OpSIStSS In stock.
"Is ho a 'bull' or a 'beer' '("
"Ih.lli. He' a bull at the stock
exchange and a bear at home. " Chi
cago Evening News.
The ThlOf lo On.
When the Sciatic OSrVS give its
wottt torment in the shape ol S lath a,
the one thing to do is to use St. JSOObS
Oil promptly ami feel sure of a cure.
Povffoetls Itartnlaat,
Hix I once know a jroung man who
smoked Ml cigarettes daily without
any particular harm resulting there
Hix I it possible!
Dix Yes; and the only noticeable
effect was the death of the smoker.
Chicago Evening News.
Heroes of the
thoutand of thrnri, e.Tc tuf
fcvinpl fTom lingering div
C&tst induced, by life in
poisonous soutKstn cempt.
the result of changes of
tlimate. or of imperfect
nutrition caused, by im
propev and b&dly cooked
rood. Sleeping on the ground
has doubtless developed
rheumatism in hundreds
who vteve pvcd.spoied to
the disease. In uch cases
the Boys of 98 may Uhe
a, I r a '
e. icsson Mom the
ence of the
Heroes of the
Civil War.
Hundreds of the Boys
of '63 have testified to the
efficacy of Dv. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People
in driving out mal&ria,
rheumatism and other
diseases, contracted during their days of havdsh.p
6nd privation in the army. These pills are the best
tonic in the world.
Ann Hohlmion, nf Ml S(srtlna. Ml
ftrrvnl In the Rinl I'tiinnt Iv.hii i X'olnnlrrr
n vrlrrnti "f Ihr Civil wnr, hnvtni;
HJ wrttl ! lht Mftf n viafor-
unir hrtik liri'ki ii In hrnllh.n victim of clatic tin n-
niiis I'm in. i - hOf Hliil M , -I ,,( I hi- llliif In- ta uu lihllr-.l h.r innuo.l ..f k It., I
mil I tun NiilTrrinK wrtr nt nil llincn I ul t unc Mr awtvt Kolllltt M I MM i
lo kUc nir j t nmtii ni rrllif until thirr yritit nan, wltt-n ntv Hllrtition was
citlTril lo tune- of Ihe womlerfu! ett i lf i I t.y In Wilt tarn' rink fill
for i "i. I'roiitr. 1 hnil ti ! tnkrii intrr ttntii hull h ttoi wttru I itotitttl urt
hnprovrmrnl in my COCtftitiM, ami 1 krrpou impruvitiK ilrsdlly. T-.thr in
.1. w.imf
1 owr my mlor)uu tu lu .ilih.
V ' Ul .1. r . .tgt.
llit-y area granil nuudy.'
At &H drudtfiH.or tnt povtpeMd.on rcctipt of price, 50ttt pt tht 0' iWittiMret Mdicin Co , & V, bcrtnctdy,v.'
"Ileal Wheel, nil Kartlt."
MNIeealsMJft IN, m Imi tot rnniiiigua
Llvvagt'iitt tvtitled evcrya Imm
i nit t. HBMsIlil OTOn ..
Cut Rate
W,',"l.CIfl.,.lCi,.. jJSijaSS.'oa
Drill; C;italiKiic
... FRBB...
Is It mm:'
Get It KlKht
keep it Kiicht.
Moore'. Ileled Item.-, I y wllldolt. Ttirat
doaet will wisko you led belter. (Jet 11 from
your tlrritrtri.t or njr wholesale driin luuise, or
fcruiu Hun an .' Iliilrjiet Urugt'o., N-attio.
llnolB ' iniiiiiii. II rltlfx NmUt
I'mIiiIi'sis) iilllnjf Rml rstrHrllon.
Dr. T. H. White, VM$!r
Relief at Last
roj'!' jr -r.
r f
With ' "l "I tliien im K "B, lunfa TiirtV tn hm-l In
kjoooj titaoiloyi fr -in tlstfl r Mwlng, I'fii.t t uy
rulee-il liV tlUMieKll'U of
ill!. Mi I levflft aafr. Ol
vayi ri'llotili ami without
nn t'liurtl. A It ilrtlKUM 'or
r Mortrl'i Crrn h Fi-nush'
fill- lit metal with
Kf in ii Kliist on top In Klin
WMii.' an1 li 1 InaiNt u hftvliiif th kiiiiIimv
RtHef for Womon mailt. HtKKIn hlmln !
Irth r wtlti tt-illu lala an 1 imrt hMilnre A.)in,
I FRENCH DRUG CO.. 381 ind 3B3 ftiri It, h i
lu." Thiy ttow itl kly hikI n
f"jlinrr,nrV.. suae, tlie- ruejtfc
tif . liUlffjIInn ssiteitj nU llifi r.-.rp ''sfaUasfsVw Of
ieer1g eiere Uraflf (ha .A
i.rtflNl r..el ..f ! tt eis1i Ul I EJ
chefttHMit. ? lull worst f r M9W
H f 11 aJ9 fTii
Bk ilwara font mnnay'o TM
1 ;-.i'l ''PJiP'1 n
L t sirfw A I ss l Ii
LbW. brail. S. -.lAi.inial frt fitw
liibf. I'l iiit at .my
rffl i i -ir In lnrifO
iuantlty. l'.rf.illy harily In th uarl-n lxr' thvy
4-iin ail uinmar. in iia in- iiinnui ifu nuimri
jtil wlntar. Kroin a i -' of uno will i I. t
uf Virluut colors whtta, pink, rrltnann, titr. n tw
altko, aiil vnry iwr-ct. Hied M 10 rrtila IM tha
nam nf ft or Dior ioiltt wlmm yoi know kon e.-. ile,
or ,ilaitt, ami wa will mall ) u a u kt of t Kir K.eo
S.fl wlili our k r i i ( ultiml I'lulc i 'nfnlniiiH- fjj
KsM'ila, lliilna, I'lii n I ami llnrr Nrtv Fruit.
We uuaratine in lit every etlo a. illutrrtake.
I. fin it un ; wrnr r.
O, II. iv ' "I ! v i. i. -r
Inert, im Second Mr,
li.rtli-iilarH .1 uiit-e.
HO.. K.rt 1 1 ii..
It, rurtlaml, Or.
KTsSa lilf aj f..r MlalllfJ
llot-horgra, Inll iinm til- ne,
irrllalliMia of nh lalhuii
uf iu it c i a ritftf.
I'nlnliee, ami not astrin
THlEvaMSCHIMCalCo. t""1 "r (M'Uoi,uM.
tr avtii m pUin ; 1 1 1 r ,
htm. I, for
lt.'l . f .1 li- Uli e, fa. 7.1.
I'ln uUr si-ut mi rfiiui-aU
The irretti'.l liiventlnrilthetie We atll wind
taoiijle, ir,'i,tln. n reeelitl of Ira:. W icivi'to, -i
lal i 1 to afteht. Thnuaallds of ait'll and
Wfimrli t'.t. lust,- Ii In I' a nay wlllnt "Mr
novi llli;, I'AI'IKIf I O.IHT SUV
1.1 Kl;tl tlrt-et. r.irllaiul. i.r
JfltMWIj4lJ J.tftfJI
Ileal I "Uth Myruy. TaMaa I - P!l
v. rn
.1.1 It Uruaa
For Mill., M ii - Hhop. and ft mis; Hi it I Inf.
(Iiif tnd tli'l'llnt Knifliirs; Hue ClilMl
Toolh Haw.. Alliari) l .reasi'. etf.
r, to a. I'ir-i Dlreet Nrtlaad, Or.
hi m Krepifirn Mireti. Han I ram lwo.
!. V.
Ml. 3
WIIBN wrlllaa lo adterlltara pl.ata
shiUoi tali ur.