The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 21, 1899, Image 7

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    fcOVAL Powder
W -Absciutely Purl
Mokes the food more delicious and wholesome
Ql LK0 EOwOf CO., Nt tORH
-iflKDA V
jan y i
. n.n 1 1 UK Moil
j .1 uary -; 11' finb
PwetonAHaln'i prio btton
yur I'SlUt.
.'.rtn. Hatlre 1.0.
rnrh ,u, . i Vtl. l-HlT Preston
n asWvMH' li on or ad diem
n RriLAOlA Hoy
. 1 .le ("'""
11 0t
j,y $mlot
" UM ol l''""1" l 1're'
Kju A Half'"-Altllira-
I . l ived this afternoon
MnButWH laylog Boll Cog
W.H M h :r. u( dU tetter.
IjUHI ill Ck Of artists supplies itl
PrtatoU A Hale's
ln, eouniy lias four convict tn
penitentiary ateialeui There
tleoneri in Hie iusii Utlon,
JTBUlOg knives, hand pruners, loug
uij abort lianula pruuere, pruning
Zn aud bedga shears, at Urimiu
Hardware Co a.
What i pure brandy? It la the
double dMiil"' 1 --fine of fruit. They
claim It i too Itrong to uae. Juat buy
Mmeuuil compare It Wllh any brandy
ou ibc market. 7 cents a quart, $3.60
a, pi1
I M FRANi IS, Eugene, Oregon
Cnburg I tt'litH.
Jul. In, Jwi'.i.
J Pblllppl iblppad two earlotdaol
bal d imy in Lm Angelee, California,
tli if- morning.
Claud Taylor baa returned from
Bagtnti ami ix reported much better.
Lust week OcbUrg was honored f
by an uiiUHiially large delegation of the
"melius hobo."
The. Woqdman of the World ad'
milled several new DMHSbtn at their
last meeting here.
Mr ftaker haH moved hll family into
the large houae adjoining Vauduyu'a
alore. ,
The Odd Fellows held a public lu
Miallution last Haturdiiy night in con-
neclion wlih the llclakuhn. Installing
olllcera from, Irving wire prescni.
Quite a large number ol gueHta were in
attendance, and alter ihe exercises, ull
Were in vii.. : to a grand lepat served
in the hull beneulh the lodge room.
The sudden rise of water, Sunday
night, cnusul by biiow melting lu the
mouutaiua, abut aeveral families oil
from school pririlegei thin week.
We have heard ol no uew oases of
scarlet I no and those who were ill tur-t
week are convalescing, ft.
lio Vol KNOW
(.'oMumpti'in i- pwveateMlT Science has
previa that, ami ll) that neglect it suicidal.
Ihtwunt c"U "r i "Ugh can be cured witli
Sbiluh'i Coojft m l ' "Uaiimption Cure. Sold
no ptw'tjre uuarinU.' fur over fifty j ears. Jr or
ale biU'ifMuud I. inn Druggist.
MelBIaD In Lane couuty, Oregon,
Jan IS, ISM, bj Hi v M O ftiinK, M
Ernest Pnnrauoa and Miaa Nellie
Jkk.skv Bl i i. ltegistered from Ohai
M II ler ' eelebraled herd at Jelleraon; 18
Matbi old Heady for service. Apply
la Floyd V'aUgbB,
bally iiunr.1, Jan 17
Kunkkai. The funeral of the lale
Arthur E Aiideraou occurred from the
family re-ideuce on North 1'enrl street,
this forenooa at 10 o'clock to the Ma
soulo cemeteiy. The funeral services
at the lealdeuce were conducted by
HevKC ftrooks, while the Urolher
IxkkI ol Locomotive Eiigiuetra and
Firemen, about tweuty lu uumlier,
aaid ritualistic aervlcea of that order at
the grave. The Bosene firemen at
lended the funeral of their comrade in
fill uniform, and a large number of
citl.etia aUo attended.
House Warmers.
1 lb good large pruuee 02
1 lb " dried apple 02J
1 lb " " peacbee 08J
I lb ' raialne 05c
1 bx 50 good uew cigars 65c
1 ateel rod umbrella 70o
1 do. No 1 14 . candlea 20o
1 lii good lea 25c
1 lb smoking lobaeco with ob pipe 20c
ltemember our odds and ends in Minea
at about one hulf price aalonic as they
x Billy
The Ennlich and fiorman Fynerf nprialists
jjiiwii wiim w w i fl W i ay V arwviMnw w
me Phytl ti and Sumeoni, all OrduUB from Ihe best Medlcdl Colleges )n tlie world.
Inrf nn I - j H j ii i a . fl AArn nnA r i.lii.I.J AA W. ...
'""luurmcQ unaer ine Laws o lanoniia ior awu.uuu- Lsiaoiisneo tears
A Dart lit tln staff nf tlio F.nirlish anil (iorinaii Kxocrt
I'foianst anil Dr Meyers & Co. will mako their regular
iuuuuv Visit n
V 07111 1 i iv
i . ' mreu nr vue r.nuiiBii iuu .ri iuu -,
..! ..Ih..r 1 .,f tl.a Ki.lllrvn: I)i'M
BkC.j'i,,1 "'n! l'lne, Boweln, llesrt, CMomaoOi r-ye, r..i
cured by the Engliuli and German Expert Si-wiallftn are i rouuj k-
eH HI 1MB jMjatniri, v
Car. Skin ami erven, aum
r,.n.(litia. (nriHiiiiMln. 1 r I.
,, "moil nipou Ullll OWVIUfliii v wiiiii a ,77 m
1 Mi :i. h, jl. m a j i ..i ' ... !,.,!.. Di'fi.ntiitii Iiif'iiiUU
Li . ui'i II laiL I I 1.11IIU tl'MU'lln. I I1HVB- . , ,
1 i.- ..mi. Li nU. ii. it. ui- U:rM tr"ihit-: I in -. nn i ,."T.j, '
- ' i r i .ii.awww 11.. I ' . IOI..F 'i Ml' 1 1 i:nl:HIM' r.l ll'Vian's
HSS, Kn.iwy, QiU Stone, Ecwina, Ereckks lllacklieada, Cancer, etc.,
.-.n-wn (,-eiieraily.
1 .n.;ii
' relial.le
Ter. t Co em Xervoni DeblHty, Loet Manhood and all Private Diaeaaee, includlns
'in, nuickly unit permanently, and ai reaai'iinoie in
'"1 Herman Eirt 8icialiU au.l Ur Meyer. & Co are iBOl only com
". l utare, ba. Iieinc- h.icke.l liv amide BtMSM and SbUUSnSf Ml.
in- -atn. the ai, ill r ,thr i.iiviiiciani ami nn '""J " - and appliance, are (iidckly aulalued and niaatewl liy M r.n.
" '"ir.m Kti,i u.i.i!.. ' n-t. .... .k. i.ari ami tait eouuil me'lu al lu
, I - ;..,;, whin run toS. All ailing pe I M MMUM
s . i Alriendly Ulk, wlilch coota amoiuieiy uuiiiis,
grtut ' sowl. whether treatment ia Uken r not.
S" ""UKS While it it preferable in many in.Ur.cea t .ee a patient, the EnulMi
K,,-. c.r i tli.v he never aeen.
aJh7 r V" ,lvU'n writ ln, ho' "Ifite for ,.ie-ti. n li-U A.H i; e in ret;-ru m.
aa... , "' muu wntnru nnn treatiae "n aoj 'Pn""1 .: :. i ,
' iner .leaiioga ilb padeaee or prospective patient eacreuiy i "-
Terms and Prices Within the Keaeh of All.
Main Office. 731 Market St, San RranciiOO.
II uy t.isr
100 I ones Kiuiu Wb iu nitnll t-'ourt
.luiora W ill be Drawn I lu
.ear. J Huruett, Robatnta Ibrnet
J w Uowdy Ullllt.r
1 J l,,r Carawr
J 11 uerebanl
J n NeFarlaad fernttt
W t t brlaoMM U vary man
Win lleii.enwny naarahaal
! NV 11 l-'Ofolii farmer
K K Radford .fartnaf
! LlOOOln Taylor Uriner
Jolin Kl .miller farmer
I Qaorga W Mtijueeu clerk
H B UndarWOod farmer
J S Ozrtietit ,, painter
U S Hug laud farmer
Wl" a-'iak farmer
0 W Doak fanner
Doai Zomwalt farmer
lleorge Court wright farmer
' K II ., farmer
B i'burman farmer
Arthur J uea farmer
Roberl llillloan farm.-r
E M llowerman fanner
W l McLean farmer
K T t'aiupliell , fanner
N i' Obrtaman tanner
J M Stone farmer
B I ' Haw ley fanner
JobD Martin furmer
1 L Howe farmer
John BebnMta farmer
J 9 w.,iker bwmar
J M Kiiaul landlord
Kred Wright fanner
Herbert Franklin farmet
HeUiy Melton farmer
V M Jackson farmer
James HintOO farmer
R M Trout farmer
K F Demmiiig farmer
S M If (Van merchant
J M ( icarhart farmer
J II Willi ughby confectioner
I, O Keck with grocer
() H Forr.t blaoksjnl Ii
I K Peters ...grocer
K B Whitney former
W M Martin oapitaliat
Jainea lilaine carpenter
8 B BrOWn laudlord
J M Howe merchint
Bd Howe restaurant
II F Moore farmer
J H indium farmer
P T Carter carpenter
H H Patterson farmer
B R Holli iibeck farmer
L H Wheeler ;iipcnter
(Jeorge Long merchant
t) (ireeue laborer
0 M Sawyer carpenter
W A lilautou lam er
J T Kowiand farmer
Naaon Howard farmer
W H I . i. , blacksmith
J A Haiuea fanner
James Firth farmer
Isaac lilanton farmer
Thurston Uood pasture farmer
F W Osburu banker
V McFarland carpeu'er
ltobt Bowlsby farmer
W M Ureeue grocer
J L Lombard farmer
Joel McCornack butcher
B H Payne - farmer
Wm Mathers farmer
Amos Johnson farmer
W D Wood farmer
Voluey Hemcuway farmer
J T Calllsnu fanner
K K Henderson druggist
J 11 Met I, inn merchant
David Liuk merchant
J W While merchant
A V Mathewe farmer
James Howe farmer
B H Mills farmer
J F Tanner fanner
J I Ituttetlleld farmer
Jason Neeley larmer
George Morris farmer
J ft Voung farmer
A J lieu fro farmer
James Howard farmer
F H Warner fanner
ooan kn
G ft Powell farnnr
F BDIllard farmer
0 W Ky chard farmer
O N Cahow farmer
Horace Hampton farmer
W ft Emerson farmer
J 1" Huutherland, Glentena farmer
0 W Thompson, Gale Creek farmer
E W Cobb, Heceta farmer
J W Patrick, Hazel Dell farmer
J u Taylor farmer
Joe Duucan farmer
J A Haiten blacksmith
It F ftond merchant
Gn an Zumwalt farmer
Tnomai Gray farmer
AJ Zumwalt farmer
B H Oomph farmer
J H Inwail farmer
August Ka-p farmer
Chas Dickerson farmer
F E Hylaud farmer
J A ftushnell Utuwx
1 A Millioru fr"r
T J Kirk fr
ri Htarr merchant
J W Barton merchant
Jacob Hutr. fr"""
J A Archibald carpenter
John D West f4rnjer
Jamee Smith frUier
lieu IN n Freuch frUJtr
John Itamford fanner
ft F C!ik 'inner
J M Keeney i inner
I Hanly i.i i i
lias Humphrey faTTMl
I 1. V Coiigdou lurniM
Wm Csmpbrii larntai
MiNii row,
J W Williams farmer
jnmtn J WlnB limner
MM TalaUal
B It Parker farmer
Joel Addingtoii lancer
TttOI H ii : re fanner
James I'arvln fanm-r
0 A Poller! farmer
Jniu Johukuu laWMf
Chas llaitor faruitr
M f Stafford larmer
Wm Dauryea farmer
J T Whitmore famM
W 0 Heavy (aimer
Sanford Hkioner furmir
TboaCrail, Middle Fork farmer
Qae Ward, McKenxie (aimer
Alet Lewis, Mabel faitur
PLOtlllbaWi Mound fanner
AlU'rl Knowles farmer
Wm llrynd farmer
IMMaat BtU,
A It Matht-wa fanner
P S sin I h farmer
Wm l.inton (aim r
LJ Cornelius, . farniir
1 T Martin farun r
James Parker farmer
T S Winfrey farmer
Chaa 'tii-kles faimer
S W llarpola farmer
J M Uoldtuu fanner
J It Hill farmer
J N Dennis farmer
J A Drown fatflMf
C W Drown farmer
Hugh Darr farmer
Henry Gates farmer
0 L Calitf farmer
David Smith fanner
Jamih Oflltt farmer
J A McMabau fanner
A J Harlow farmer
A T Itounett farmer
Philo Wilcox farmer
T E Edwards farmer
J It luuia farmer
Brouo Vitus faruitr
P fl Davis fanm r
Hardy Crow fanner
J While farmer
Jerry Atkinson farmer
H M Plice farmer
IIC Wyatt farmer
Wm Piatt farmer
Noau Rhodes farmer
U llcberlson tsrmer
W T Cornelias fanner
Henry Philippi farmer
ThosVanduyn farmer
M L Hendricks farmer
C E lowers funnel
J J Thomas farmer
H E Aiiingham farmer
E P Coleman famMt I
ll Deila (87,803.50 l Hun Uu
I'liunh Uiif Y e.i r.
County Clerk W has kindly fur
nlabi d the QrjAltO with a summary of
Ihe expenses of Lane county from
January 1. l-'.is, to December ill,
aa follows:
U'W'ls $ ,44il 10
ftrldges 0,840 77
ftounties I'M IsJ
Pan pan s,8M 70
Asvessor M4B 50
Wltnaaaaa tsjn
Justices Sit 3'
Jurors l,7ti7 BO
Con-tables ;W4 00
Distiict Attornay 7." IB
BhtrifPi oitbv 8,000 7ii
Surveyor -JiIn Bfl
Legal w rvices 1U' no
MiFcellnlieous 'J7
c..urt Boom :t7,sa)
Furniture, foi l, ale . tillj 07
Slat lonely (HHi 00
Printing 1,31)0 ss
Biamloalloni .ii ra
Clerk ;l,70t 00
School Huperlntendeiil I,n;i(i Xi
Traaaurar 652 60
County Judge. .. 808 00
Oommtaalonan 1 ,-7l .s7
Snparvlaon :,-.o4
Insane 30
Inquaeta 174 08
Bnlilfiaand Nlgbtwatob 858 01
Fleet Ions 1,707 70
Ircult Couit -J,H01 10
Taxes refutided LUI til
Insurance 187 4s
(Stock inspector s!6 00
Indigent BoldlM! 157 08
.fs7,so;i fsj
lam: county.
A I uclae SlHh ment of I lie Popula
tion, Prodi'la, Bio,
Tha following from Mr K McMur
I hey 's article on Lane couuty, com
pllnl for the New Year'a Oregonlan:
ropiilatlou 'i.,imo
Acrt a BBUat t ult valion 1-0 UO
Uualivls of wheat snO.tHO I imi.OOii
llnahela ol Data (Uyi oon MJHt
Barley ami rye W.miu
HuhlH-li ol corn :X),0mi
Tuna ol hay . To.rxm
Buahela ofpotaloM 'axi.ixio
lluaticlii ol llaiwcd . .. C0U
Itutter ami ftivcac. lbs SMkOOO
I'ouudaof hopa 1,00.001
lluiheia ol apple .100,0110
PlWtltll 11 ocara JU.OUO
Buahela o( itrvcu pruatl TViUO
l.umlNir 30,ouu,0uo
Rsnakarolakata w.uod
Sumberol lioraca v.ioo
HuaktretaaUlt HyM
NumUr of IWUM .M,.VJ
I'ouutlsuf lobaooo iouo
Pooadi ol wuol ... loo.ooi)
(old ilmt. ounce ,'ouo
'I 1,000
1 IT. "I
I O.ixl
1 40,1X0
Is the only plow made that
is better than the No. 40
Oliver chilled. See it at
F L Chambers
County tatel! Today
the 1899 Tax.
Muddy notaplarjoaa. Nauaeatine breath
i nuie fmui chronic couatipal i n Karl'a Clover
Bool Tel ia an aldutv cure and haa laen
aoltl for tifty fean on an absnlule iiuar.ihtci.
PreOS 28 Otl ami 60 Ota For aale at Wilkina
ami I. inn Iii-u-iat.
i.ieu.ue. it Ceari i...... raaa
Dally QaaiOi ll
The cuinly commissioners today
made the levy lor the 1800 tax II
ritate : 5 7-10
Hcliool 5
Couuty H
Court House I 3-10
Total 30
Last year the tax was I7j mills, and
the advance this year Is mainly due to
the increase ef the state lev y.
Clerks Allowed Ail Who Ask lor
Bpiln'l Suukeu I8lil s Hoated.
l'erhaps the greatest mechanical feat
of the century has beeu the raising of
some of the Spanish warships which
were apparently shot to pleOel ll
Stuitiairo. It seemed utterly ImpOMi
bin to float them because of the terrible
damage I u Dieted by Mr guns, but the
task has been accomplished. DiieaMl
of the blood, stomach ami liver lie
qnently wreck the health so that then
appears to be no chance of recovery
ftut when Hosteller's Stomach Hltt' n
is taken, the disordered system ll
speedily restored to Its old-tune vigor
and tone. The Hitters will regulate
the liver, bowels and digestive fUDO
lions am. purify the blood, i'ou Oao
buy this remedy In any ding store.
and uuder no circumstances should
you accept anything said to be"Juit
as good."
For a High Grade Piano,
Don't overlook the Haloes l!ros piano
Indorsed by all leading murioiaDI in
Hoseburg. They are used and iinlors
mA hw T)r fRhma. Mrs Annelhofl and
others. M me Patti has a Haines up-j
right in her biudoir In her be. uiiful i
home ntCralgynos Castle, .Vales, and
used the Haluee piano during her last
tour of the United Wtati I.
11 a inks IIkoh, Nov, York, N Y.
Cliculi Court Casoy.
J P Currin vs James E Thorp et al;
foreclosure of mortgage. Judgment is
asked for 1848.60.
II C Veatch et ai vs James E Thorp
et al. Judgment is asked for K0L
In the case of llenja'iuiiu Woodliuuac
vs II G MoKinley, a demurrer to com
plaint lias been tiled.
Una ahe limt her la'aiity? If , couatipatiuu
iiidigeatiur., nick healache are the priucipa
caimea. Kails i lover liont lea lias ureil
these ills (nr half a century. Price 20 eta ami
.'Oct. Money refunded if results are not
satisfactory. For sale at Wilkina ami I Inn
Hoase Cleaning
B bars lialibitl's Hoap 26o
1 ISO P.ottle Hulled Cider 15c
1 J."m! I tot lie Stove Polish 160
0 lOo pkgs (iloss Htarcb 5o
1 '1 07. pkg Dixio Queeu "Mc
I lb nmoking Tobacco -0"
1 lb Star Totmcco 45c
Ql on our haryaln counter at abou
OnOcS 1 j regular prloe Com al onoa
as tiny will not lat long.
Itody Keporteil Found.
Corvallls, Or, Jan is. Reports ateln
circulation that the body of A K
Handy, who was lost In the Coast
mountains December 80( bas been
found, and that a bullet hole in the
head indicates foul play. While not
confirmed, the report Is generally
believed, because J II Wilson, son In
law of Handy, was t In- morning sum
moned to Falls City in connection with
the case. Falls City ll U miles from
Ihe place where Handy was lust seen
I. A I KK.
The slierill' has gone to Hock (ink
with warrauts to arrest parlies sus
plcloncd of having murdered Handy.
I'.lood lias been liiund in Ihe snow uea
where Handy waslastseen alive.
.Court House ( lis k
The last of the new courl house
tower clock an i ved here today, in
eluding tlie striking ball, wbloh weighs
about H00 lbs. Mr Itutlerllcld writes
Hint he will be here lu a few days to
place the clock in position mid running
order. The bell was cast at Cincinnati,
Ohio. On the boll Is cast the following
"I am lung by time's faithful gear,
Calling men to work and men to
"Erected by Lane county, Oregon,
January, A I) PKW."
M I'll I VI I I'll! Ill' Hll. I, I.I tl.
Special lo ihe iluant
Hai.air , Or, Jan 10. The clerkship
resolution recently adopted is a farce.
Olerkl an allowed any chaiiman ask
ing thom, the same ns heretofore, and
iiulmportautconuulttces are being pro
vided with them wheu entirely
unnecessary. Among the number are
noted tunny people ol much means,
public offlOl rs and persons who have
other employment, but who snap at the
olarklblp booattM it pays big money
for no valuable consideration. The
clerkship abuse is as great as ever,
Myers, of Multnomah, Ibis morning
introduced in (lie house a memorial to
Congress relative to American con
struction, owuerihipaud control of the
Nicaingua canal, ami Ihe same waa
Heveral measures relative to railways
are ready to bo introduced. It la hard
ly possible anything in tlili line of
Issnelll to the pople will bo passed,
The house passed a bill this forenoon
auieiiiliiig Dallas' charter.
The senate passed a measure amend
ing the Oregon City charter.
a DIATH ni-ow.
The senate Judiciary emu mi I ten re
porttd this foiMIOOD adversely the bill
providing for two additional supremo
judges. It Is likely that a law will be
passed as recommended by Kx-Gov
mill. i' Lord providing that all suits
under $500 may not bo appealed. This
would lesson tlv) work of the supreme
court at least one third.
(Senators Smith, of Raker, recently
appointed. regent Of the rniverslty of
Oregon, and Mulkey, of Polk, ad
dressed a thousand people at (he Woik
men's Memorial exercise last night.
i'o I'ure RaxaMlaaMafJ I iiref.r.
Tnlici Can arota .mn.iv Cathartic loo nrHft
If C. C. U lull toaairo, urunlaUl reruno money.
Removal Sale!
On or about February 1st we will move our
stock into the two rooms formerly occupied by
Yoran & Son and Hanson Brothers opposite Hotel
Eugene. We do not want to move any more goods
than is really necessary, so we are going to give you
such prices on our goods that will make them go
fast. Remember this means we will cut prices on
our entire line of Dry Goods, both Staple and Fancy
notions, Boots & Shoes, Clothing & Famishing goods.
We will not weary you by quoting prices, but if you
will call we promise you that our prices will please
you. We cordially invite the public to take advant
age of this sale.