II' I A Nunirt J liiijrtiiit Mi isuri nit mm nuNcmss Hm Law Mtt Which llie Count, 4 i.'uiiri Acted. tltJ'M MM I I Mil 'HIM, t N;tlJ to Hi M i nil. Btatb Hooaa, Malum, jaa i MeaeBree nil iBiroduoad i HiNHt t. day I" i y i btlli.l i: . II HI I 'Hi mi qt i i nf i.ur iiml i. hava Lancaster of baif fu ibocod d In. rihe n Ihe widow id Un'uu LMMMtMT, HOpfMBO .lU'l.i' of O 'IVrrl'i.ry In IM0. RepreoeolaUva Khgg, ' Mi i county Im. lotfOdBOed tin I'lll which provldee ti.Hi Hi'aoa i I mi'iiiiiiK i'ir i -: i hiimi core n Btajorfly of Ibo bnnaflde electro pfoojoei i- (an ii llcenee ' k d (inventor Deer's HMI Ii pmiiing report of iii Agrlouli ml College, t CorvailL, thanking m I'm- i ii fur appropriation, gad pro .tiling in . . It of Hit- lOOtlUlUoa III Um future. AkI rendered In Mechanical Mull ih fully adeipui.c Hill lint lawn Introduced li -mI In w I ii Ilia an. n DtOOy phea.alil., CSOOpt IliK alive, fur four y um. Memorial In congress In ng.nl in the Justice of tin' clnliii. of the Indian war veteran, was adopt d i.v Hu ll' net '4 II ' H i Hllll i r rriiM im iii ihj i- iii. iH' node WlllCll lie -.i,li,..fin , . , ..tlr lOOtCd I " ' r. Mill enk nn'1 Mm lr ir! .; , i. . t ,. pj, iumurr ii ii.. r.,n A v Ait Altlroi ilno lb i- unit l'"llft. nf II... .v i hhUi lOll 'II ill- ,IH II. ,, j L hlgl way. f r 'h.. ,,i , I l li.-r. H'iiI pro. I Ii- f f I t hi I dm nl Hi taiiro Ii enact.. I i.v ii, ' 'liii 1 1 i . HMD i i f ( Mm rius i c, I in Mil vtdual - nf nil. tifeain. ' f bote i. ml H n firnvi til, Hrltl im iihMIHMI uf INtli II ii- BMTBDM 1,1 ! -,. i! ill- ii, I ....... . I , ii 1 1 .ii 11 nl ill ' iii- may, iiv orator I IW ii , l HIi, n of any rlfM ii i mi ivihk wit I. in tliii ilUi,iv n"i inn doeiarrd dy Uw o M- liaVlg.l.l , Mini Which I. .l. In f,. Tigwra tor commercial ouriKSM.. t a illii I.IkI.wbv f. .. ll.iMlli ir mill transportation of ov, l,ii,ro-r mid ItiinUr, Mini tin- mn.. -Mill ih-re,inni i Tniiif mill l. ii imtiiii. liiirti tiny I ir mum piir.e, miiijiTt ,,y ,,, ,,. ,,., vainm. in... contained: hiiiI the curt limy aiao, Ml tin. miii,H tlrM. Of nt miy lino i boiMftor, dlrfci tbovldoa rriH-nimr, .r ik ,ibi.iuk, rvmof. iiik oixtriii'lliiim fin(ll, bulldliu uf iImiuhmiiiI i,. ..... I.. . .. J ... aln n,,, i i . v . - MMUt "fnl llniiw iljoiirni'.l until liiii'rnvli.K mh Ii in-inM , ,.. u i mnn iih- -mi i tit hiiiI MllOM tOt Hi- ,uri lutOBdad. Mini MlM lulu OOOlfOOU fur IbOMffofBIOBM nl MOO wntk iii'i'iirilliiK tn nw BW. I. Ini'ttMi nny nwhi ro Uml Mgaoaat in or mm vbleh WOfa I Ntrriiiiin lluii'H i'im nut i i.iiM.ni in ii,.. Hllll SERIOUS ACCIDENT l..prlKhl. IMis. I,, ihr tmrrlrnn M loaropr t iimpii it , . TIiIh iiji-tur.. 1 1 i r. - nt, lilu lir.li , . . - - -."i...". I. u.i . . ii i-. uiiNK mi oom HOD. It n in (!,. . .iiitifiil urumifU llmi lirri.iiiifl tin. V,.ti,...n r 1-rit I. . . I ' 'mhihii IUBI UBV Alll IUKI'" pciiu null iliiy t,i', y th ODOB air nn lnnx tin bif benliiK HtrctiBth will allow hi- 1: i in Mu nliy. MOUNTAINS OP CINNAJ'AR I'liilpillnl In Hi- III n k ini( Cmbut Near IliK till! H-rlKl i.f Mil ll Ii i-.. MKC 4 Within loo dtfl I Him making of mi. Ii riiiitrnrt, ami before Him -nrii bIihII ko ii. In 1 1 1 ft. Ihr Ii -m i- aball tfltOf Into a bood In -ui-li mini u BMyboflsrd by too court, and ltl MMIm Opproftd by lb ooort. euodl llotii'J for tin- fan hlnl ,. rf..iiiintii'i' ..f tlM eOTOMntl ami MrMtTMinbi ba part n (hf ! In HU'-ll rotitriirl son tal nodi HKr "i Hiii'h iraatti iliinmt t. e ti-rni of oeb looot aboil rtotltrt tod iln'at.or allow to in- boolod iii Mioh Kfoooi, nil flooloblo logo, tlmbtf ami lumbal thai may im oflVrad tot IrauapoftaUo tborola by any poraoo, iirovnifliii iha aaniH In- lain I v luatkul ullhuilu 121' DM of Iba Htri am lor auob pnm ihi iiiakliiK of tbo Innrovomonta n 'ih ll..- riKht to ii.v, .ion, I- Unk,.,flh...tr.Ho. f.., ,,' " ll work um. korplo.'tb. , ' ' ' ,'" "" a,,,M.,,a,r a,,., prop , .,!. , LS u ""' , f"r"""W" tondln. .mi . i. .... . " . UH" " ""r""-'. boomlna th. MKLwHyforthinr,:.,.! "X y """ Blon II... M.a.1 I....L. ...... . ' lH"' llrtlou ..f .... a, ,av , " ' ."i ... " Mm tun, . pro, J It 'thioiiii. mamiui r of Iha lllai k Hon ami MnaJi ..r n... ' 'rly . llh all tin- improvi lOMOla, ovit la (iolokallvar Mlolna Comooov. 1 aad cram ..... ...... .. . I nicoouBiy id good rtpoli IjfiiYr. Nil I III PLANT IN ii in ruillaii l lull li.ui Jan. Ii. INTERESTING LETTER li. Mm StlilMniid n th Beauties ii Nitin. Strou'l Lon? him (o Answer as 'o His Uirjifiine lliliif. i is sol I HH tllll HOI Ml I. Adolf wrotD a aorloi of lotoiaat- iir Mhra to tin- tii AHn during bta loarnay tbroogb California lat year. ami the Mlofflog Indicate miotlnrlcbiiieii. thiainuDlry illegaliv. weul atBi i i i miii liaur Baaid iau I . I -. . , . . . . . f r- , . - ' 'ifimiuii I in I'.M) ill . . H . .. i-, ... ' i"" "u oaa tin . tei iu . i imiih-.v, ii .awyer o. . ...irciiH kin-w him. i.iiirii(i win, I'on-i'iriifv to laml Arthur Audit uu Lusts an Ann oo Itie BiiW. N s i K KM Til rBTa.ANB Dallf Oaardi Jan.ii. AflbBf Audtraoo, a Eugene boy, who ha. batfl eiii loved u- llreruau oo Iba Southern PaotSc, ruet with an acddoBl laM Dlgbl lb it eaunvd lilm the loaa of nl. laft arm. ii,' ii baan the SraoMO lw BogU earPauUoo, ruaniDgon tbathioafb frelir'it- I""-' i'UI" while im No 8a, MHIIh-bflBDd Ut RiCB Hill, DoU(lfc anunty, Iba coopllog la-tween tlie ei.gi'ie and lendar poftad while young Ai .i laou waa at andug naar tba tprr lorU tw evil. 'Hie foreeof the jar threw in dOVD, and falling la-tweeti ll.e v and tender the boy alighted on Ilir .i L The wheel, iia.-eil over Ida left..,.. ..I....I...L' kKwrii,.' It from . ... . ...... - - thao ,,i t. abOUldar.A light engine BiBl v , ,,. atobod from it-i-ei urg uftl AneLgon vaa btkan there to re tuaiti OYOnbjbti The railroad pbyai 'I Ki at that ,iace attended to drenalng the. Hi utiil, f teaide the lea of the arm ALdi-r- bruiaed up aotnewhat. At h raon wi taken to PofUaBd oo to la. - di 'uve.'.overland, accompanied by hi. hrother ,it.x alo In the employ of the Oatopooy, ud the railroad phy ' 1 ' I urg. Hia ai.ter, M1m J. lii.ie, jolU' .1 than at (hia place, aud will n.t.aln with hlui for awhile. Arthur will go to a boaptul for treat- tlli'li!. At the time uf ni." . , n,- w ' n i'.' Oai HtiUg eaaily, the KlYoudlDg pbyalel in n partial that he waa ataod D the fatigue m the trip much better than oaa anticipated betore tbey .tarted Althor AadaraOO iaa son of the late A Andafaon, about n yearaof age, i.iilu.lrio.ia and well liked hv hi. Il.hlll'illtl.ll llll.l un...lnr..K. '11;. ' - " M.... . ,11, ' ,' I 1111 regrallabla aoeidant, which deprives .inn ... i, in- miii i. verv unionunua. ympathy of all who ii,, ii.. . i,.,..i. .t.. i.. . . ,. . .... ,1" ii" . .'iioiiiK "ioiaiiy, nun gran, tlie .nine ,o III IM ont.V. .a.Y. the atatOBWOUl to auilahle iDatrUDMDl ll) tboaflaal thai the mine ha. .hl,i vd ' plleallon, the ooUDty 110,000 WOftb Of iulrkailver are ml.- tract for and nurehaw the aoBBty by writing on ni KHJIi may eon any or all of e.iiiug. ue inline i iieriri. . 01 ine jaoOD light., or, If tile .nine l a.lliot la eomiiaiiy have liien Lent ti.uanl eel u.iri'haxil ... . ...ur. - "'' '" I'll' e, .nan, ling the mine ii hape to .hip 110 1 WBDB patltlOBOd ao to do liy any re-l irilillllt UV I I 1 1 1 1 lat full till III iir.ial i.ltal.. 0 . f I I .. " 'r"" in ine eoiiniy, app.il. ,i three ill. title., ho far nothing lia. I.e. u .Ini.i.'d. 1 int. I' -till I I 11 M , , , ' , I . . ..t il... hut tin tn la Will MM MtotbMt 10 Mflf of Noh Mr-Min nml n, iMtothlpMOti. mmm UmmIo wuu u i. propaMd Ko '11... ...... mm t I It. ' na. neen e m. u.. .1 or iiiiroprialed for I he pUfpOM I. IIU.1I on roan-, uringea ni.il ...ner ol mi. Ii lliiprovrin-nla, and It .l,n ., MKr. 7. Aa there I. no gi iiernl law npoa tbla aublaet, thla Aot aball uki etfei't from hiiiI alter It. naaaaaa I i .1 In the ollhv nf the .erretHrv of ..a..' I'l '.rnui v .. Is. no riiilnlog wrie. thl" year: On Tkain 1. II, '!.; M5, a at The eommai.d that hrought forth light from tBO ebaOO Ol old, cou.ea to .. li. ..I moat forcibly, We li ft iii rain Wa traveled in ralli In .now -In fog and then we had more ruin, more .now, more fog. I.. Hiking aleadlly ahead of u. we m-e tile liellt and Will iter w hv then. -I, ,,ol. I Im- hov ilatkue.". Looking over the aummit of the fo trial Id Jodga Balllogar'a court yea TW IT lTDTT1 QPATXl'IJ TDnTTDTP tarday.aapaclal v,.iir having been IflflBuU OlAlfl 0 lltUUDLCi l..ued for a jury. 1 hree la'r.oiis were imlicleil inintlvl on the Name charge, (ieorge W Klneey, htroud Long a. d Sun t'hunif. a Ohlnoaa, Long plead,,! guilty and turned atate'a ivMoBfa, and Klaaay uml (.'hung were grunted M pa.ate trial, Long waitlie llr.t wiltiea. put on the atatid yeeterday afternoon. When a.ked by counsel for the defeuso if he "Si.kiyou" mountain., we behold a i. ...... - .. . .i... ..i. ., " " '. uie waien ..re. on . , Norlhern .kle.. Were "ot a "'"ffhlne Band, he refused Me alao rea lied to an.wer Pbilijijii i Cunteu'l for Absolute liiu'ijit'iifJence Slay Attack Manila. Looking backward wt Hymn'. Urcnur "I had a dream, 'twaa not .treiiin. think of to .'ill-Wer when aaked if he were not then under Improvi'inc nt.. It wa. foBBd that eoiialderalile of the ipilck. liver aaWpad throuith one of the chimney., and the mine waaoloaod leui.ornrlly. the duly of .aid vlewera a, pointed a. aioteaalil '.. vl-ll an. I examine audi .i ....i . ii t riueii poinla a. .hall he directed by thl ui.lv conn laily .hi 1 J. ii 1 1 I'll ills ri an i HDBQB RBCBTTION, Raa Morton f. How, ooator of the Klr.t Chri.lian church, ami erlfoggva a reoepl to ., ,,f it,,, ohurol the ititlueuce of miirphitie. The per- a M mors mm ATlOrt, earn. in whom rjafaadontl are charged -kw V(hk, Jan Ll. A di. patch to me nr. gut um wa. cxtltigui.hcd wl"' "ivlug cotiapired to land Illegally me Herald from Manila .ays: The in nesiar. did wamh r, darkening Is one Moy tJuoy, a Chinese about l'"i situation here becomes graver hourly W i.Ti .!T,'' L , , V-ur. old .-uug ( hung I. the father The Herald corre.pon.lent vi.itel hen I. 1 1. 1) gui'. after tin ri eor,!. of two lails who were at -elionl in I'm. . ' ,.. " V; -nnu ue uirecieii ny it, unity court "V wmmiiei.o ..reel to preaerve hla cuticle or he may ., t. I he manngi ment d... clalmthat il and rei.ort to the .,.. rrlday evening. The evi ii.ntr ,... . .. I d the llue.t iilnnta for extraC writing at su -I, time a. .. ... . . "' delightful manner l,y "'" T" "BU1H 'ltor en- iBBODlokallVM la ..erica Tl........ 1.. . 1 , WJH oa aball I ll ,,r t ,.f. u f w J Joying an Oregon ml.t, while toraant- ing.iiii I'.uv.r in Ain.rl.a. I he In the order appolnling them, a mm .1 11, ... Tu It.... ir,.L . ....... ed I.v a r.fr... .i V .m j.r .......... 1 1 Ii,... I.....H..I.. I'l ' ... I .... . . ... ' .. .. . . - w-r.i - ll. 'ill 1 and tl . ' ' , . r i i i . Hung I. the father UN Herald eorri-spondet.t vi.ited When I. 1). I) g.a'. after the n cord. ,,f l'' who were at whoo I in K... .L.ui.ialdo'. out. Mt. .,.., i u , oftbalagtalaturaol '07, ,. , gene where he r,,ide.. ami erbo were B.'?otJ ar"u":1 Manila hike the month of I , u in arre-ieu .nine lime .luce f,,r uMg "J cuu.iay. i ue native ""tl, of January will, hm, lawfully in the cunt v. but were ,i troop, .eemed enthusiastic at Ih M. t their bona .. VVlliamatta rtrael ZJwZW " njlly lo thaeotvTbul Krlday evening. T v, ,,.,,g w , . ir' ! T. .n!"y ply I. practically ll.exhauMlbhv there whether damage, should M, ,.,, ,,, Mr. li . to .top forward, ami then ,,, M. jave d.-erl 14 I . I 111 to.. II It lai lit- ..9 ..1 ...... I . .a il m . . . I I ... I . aa If f I I . . . J Id W idler I armviil. Mr and Mra 1 1 Pbnow, are whole mountains of cinnabar, I Hie owner of tin. land bmuwmmI ... i. behalf of tlo.-e p.e.ent lue.enli il her w lileli the isimiianv lian'onlml ul hi.. I 1. 1..1 ... ... . with a valuable gold w atch ctiuln I ' 1 1 lir 1 I en le-l Kli, mill. ...l 11 .... if ... 1,... .. - .. . 1 ...... "lli . ....... ,,. iiui.iiin, i,.,.,,i u 1 1 . . mn.i, """.'"ii, 1 noie pre-eiit w en : Ih-v a good 'a.vliigirop.wltlon, the mu., ate reoorl. w h. .. annrov .... and Mr. M I, !..., Maatar Oaktn mnd m.iii wiiinot begin to .hi,, until court, .hail ha tin. i .-I V ft"'".?0! Hob T O HaBdricka evervlblno I. in read,,,.... 1 Ji l'l .aled an, a..,.. , , BllyaO and wife. Mr , I . provi,i...i, ana If nnu Mia i comegya. air and Mia P J .o. -ii. ,i.,o.Ki "i nre allowed to hiiv .llch nie.afe.whrn there a,e million, n,re owner by said OOBDty court such In tbagrOBBd bon the plant t. In j damage., togrthor Wth the ooaUof .hape to turn it Into. commerclH the viewer, .hall be paid lo.uch owner rtl'1'"- h etroaa or load can t.. ap. - 1 proprlated to the purpoae of ...eh Im- IsKNSA.ioN vi. tM l. A Salmi cor. BfOvBBJOBhl Any raojoon who mav fBBJOBdaol wrltaai "A leoaatlonai I ooocalva klrnaalf aggrieved hv the bill 1. In preparation by ford Day of i"c..ineut of damages aa DOOvO BID. VV .. I ........ . . I ....11 .. ... . ' .M,I..1,H. , , Ul II, M I'll,,,' I,,., I .. .11 O'l o 11 av . lllll ,u ., QDABO roadora will remember thai R v I 1) referred to .1 place popobvrly known an "hell" when .peaking of 0a work of the I8B7 body -Kd (Ii aki. Kalf way up thaHUklyoo climb, and topped to take breath and get up .It am. the .on In 11 , , ... . . .......ii 11, ue Mr .11111 1,11 win, uaiing brightness. of nu at tuck upoti Mauila. Ou all the are dlaplayed llamlng posters bearing this inscription: "ludejiend. ence or death." It is said native troope in the environs 01 Miiullanuui. ri.e ladies ofSt M(ir.'N h:Jllw,mI I Church Will ive a MM W ; inoiess great nailed for the Americans. The correspondent was in .ill succession, with, untire change ,re,l"etly n suspicion of of program each evening. This Car-, '"er'(,a". hut was released nival is lota glv. .1 to a.si.t In raining U," ,Uovtia oo'i-ular papers. hinds for l.uilolne ti... .. .,1,,,,.,,. -soiuo s som.urs 0110 and all aro Carnival beginning on Monday even. iiigjan ...nu and continuing six eveti- Mcl'her...,. - , , m- I'.V.'I'I.I - 1 - iTjliale uml wiff, Me.ila, nea .III LWoi and J s BtUaa, R B it. tu dr.au and Hairy Itentou, MlDeea I'...'!, Ll.t. r, l ..elhca Dale, Alice (ia-m ,n umi n " ineioy iS. l.tor mm, i.hi,,g , t. ,,, go aiiolr report la adopted brthmm la-fore a n.nary public with lw.. atlLL. ... .. " '"..ountj mora a notary public with two wit new. ami . ar he ,H. .ml .ii,ked a clgaret.e for three year, previoi... Mr rordney olalma that unleaa no such iiiiamne a lake i the entire Amei.cmi paoBMWill ai.in I iinlate I through Um evil lafluoBaa of the aoadly rogaV ette. Ha b oonaldarlng aitandlog Hie bill a. to i loluda ooaaaaiptlvaa .ml victim, of other heridltarv dleajteea is.urt api.nl .! .,.(,, t,, ,.,.,... court of the propar ooaaty, suci.ap prat .hall I... taken to the circuit court A NaKKow KavAl-K. Illachley rOBpoadOBOa of the Junction r,u,e. I'arl. Nlavt.r had a narrow caoa. from death New Year. , lav bv getting bait. He eol I, Ho ..... ...... 1.1. . . ...... . " . ' " ocau io. nan 10 .w.m out and nearly hi. lif,.. uik'ht w it'liout i . or Ml IViieliou.' .1 I Im. . " - "...ll 1,1 .'III .-t,ih ,,, ,,U ZX?iXhJ?f!' ""'-'I- I" thereon at rat.. . . . 's.'i. mid to i, out ot! of hi. fed. in II,.... . . . .1 OOD . ... -n- ooin a, ,.. growing very fa.t. I'hev have hjaUoaortba iH-aw, and ir the appal, about altiy nombara ob the" roll be Null aball tall to reoovar d Judgmaat I AdM 1alt k od number .ftiraiui more favorable than the renor. . A""'! veleian.. l. ,,. honorarv peal, d from , " .. ""T"' , ' "- "'litlm. wa.ovn the aPBtaii fkr. 3 I u.l en, I patient to aooomplUh a bardiaah ' L,"k out for 'urther Ue never tire of gai.ug on thla m'UlV8- HOplBg our dtUMDI Will assist wonderful place of engineering, r.. ' thia good oaiua, Admlmion 10c icnd anobantment the view, the logeaSOo ,, . . . snow and the ground covered to a oi too II . . I, II. ot nt W A "opu.o. ,en ii.ei.es. Hie most b all BlWCial School ll.n,. Khali, mi, .triH't. Kugena, Friday " 1,1 H,"l1 Bmnd light that i r ptuai MP(.1tlr. aflermmn Jan l.ith.forlhe pun r l""''""'1 the sun-.et on Mount v..i , , is - " ' - strains s? s is for the enmiing year. After Uklna la tba tuounUln waa wrannJ , :., .. ' w ,Lww wnne ine renecUon of the Iwhi fr..,. ..... special ine enow oo tbo aummit idauIo a baan. T """""" ""g m said district will i, inn. gmaon lining t the clouds i he aoeel artial would fail to oom Prahendthe beauty ..ft oenaeuffl. clout ly to tratisfer it t.. ODBVaM I'arkne.s now ei,.),r.,.,.i. bat ti.e ci r sky above raveala UocPi . r i i i ii seveiai iBiiii .. .put,, a Dumber of t; a R moo ware alo added to th. ir m. i, ion ..I ou . . . :i . ii i , i ,. v., a ....... in Bogeno. Of JutlUarv i.av all . . i ii I i ' ' 1 s . n ' .at Ion w a. over, nui i lie il nr skv above leveal l-ay a.l oo.t.f tin,. ch was .p.ea.l and all pre n from Infinite aDMa! sisined ti H'abliii.i ,1 .n. ... '"T wen, I'll u is. at.lel.i do ni.tl.w lull,. f Itwlf !'' -H'tl-don. them the var,u. right, and making i,,," UZT provement. neoe-mry. the court ,av t.rl manner. Ihe tolloao, Tro !ho enter into a conlract with nny eortiora. i;rt,lT":1 ' rem. loot, Mr, ttoh. rs lion, association or Individual, leoaliia v :. . V. ' .? ' . l""'n ; t hap il. . u . .. .a a . . te i .t .Mrafll lillliln.l.r l f.KHl and got into ,l '""Hoot toll, for the r.filug. tlnating s Diamond. .;,..,., J, V Bleafabottl II , land IsH.iu.ngor logo, tiiuberand lum I'oi.uer, Sa, Mr. K Smith : VaatCond .log. and hand, .tar thereon at rate, of toll fr tr.. f 'o M"l- S,. , Mr, A LaaWfan DOI t mfnt. -The Iran. er.pt on apiaal In the Claude llranton munlercium haa bOeB tllnl with the aaBBty atoefc. It i. , Vrry laogthj document. tlk. d wriir.npage. owing to ibeVxii..-. , . , ....i.. , .... .iii.i'iirn I-. .IKIK aii mr Hiali)ll,g, In Ih final bv Mir court fi. . . " .. oi years irmn . u Ihe completion f Wl,rk ,() u, flxw ,,I,B- bytbaccHirt, in ivn.iderati,,., r... . . TV agr.ementln .uch ivnttact to W .Mn thl .o ' " -OO aem- il 1171, I. () A BMAM AktODNT -Sheritl Withers luisjust made up a report on the IBM Mi' . Tbe roll ae Urned ow to the . er tl calltal for the OOlleotiOD of taxes ' the amount of fl".730.7d There ZuiuT'"" ,,lil"loni 16,0V mid this ha. I,, ., red.nvd to f. -7 :o the .-,,.le.t de.lni.uency ,B V great held at the Court House Oregon, on tlie -J3ril dav l8W,al T o'clock in the afternoon fr the tollowltig objects; To lew a lax to pay ,.tr the IndabtddiHea of the dia Wot and iuteraat on aame, and to tan Public .Schoola tor the ensuing year. B Dated Jan 12, 8M, 0 B Kkaxk, Chalrmau i:Urd ..f rjireoton Attatti Qao F Omaw, iistrict ( letk. ab-oiutc Independence, How to Pro vent Pneumoula You aro perhaps aware that pneu tnoni'i always results fro... a a . trom an attack of la grippe. During the epidemic of la grippe a few yea is ago when so many cases resulted in pneumonia, It was observed that the attack was never followed by that dleeaae when Chambailaln'a Cough Ramody was uml. It counteracts any tendency of a cold or la grippe to result in thai daiiRcrcus disease. It is the boil remedy in the world forbad wlds and la grippe Every bottle warranted, hor sale by Oeburn A DeLauo. La (iripnc Sue esarully Treated- Wood Wanted. 10, Is;," (allied thai 1 h. 1 . ... " " l,orw cr , 11 ai'i'i in 1 .a . .. - nghl of way aud other l,.vr.,v ,Vh ' ... DW. " from land .iw ner,. and . . . V"" f'U,t h of ' . 4 I ilX" f 1 1 ( I JtllHMli.il I',.. .. a kKNK, OreinH,. Jean - a nut " , Ij-tH ti 1 ,' V 1 could not la better invested ti... . .. ..r'"1'18 UMvlV Riven that l""t'" up some ...hstantlal ,,.(..;, W1' 'vM at the ( lerk's '"mn r attack. The sec md attack I 'I -"Junction. There i, a row , Sh liS S" T Wly demand for the,,, .,.. U,"'.H, for lw crds bit udv Mr "W" the first but for .... y. I have just recovered from the eoond attack nf lagrippe thi.year" aya MrJuAJonea, publisher 0fthe Leader, Mexia, Texas. "In the latter need Chamberlain', Cough Rmedy,and i think with consider. ble success, ouv belli In 1.. . aa m t,i a libit! I ow two day a agalnat ten dan far ik. gotoths.upreu, . curt Willi tvo -writ ,C " ' th ''""MeaaBd uw of leu brief., in 1 .' the In n. 1 ,r n. ,.i V. . .oeaiior- ' '"" I '"v. I en. ,, BM.!! '" " "ivnse .0 the ,..,, ' J , , , um 'ill on or address it t Bakbb. ton,a.,d for them, am, 7. " ,1".1KJ, for UK. cords big hodv 11, l'd as the tlrst hot a-TwlT""". 1 .....1 . "r mo w.od.4 fe..: i,,.,... ,. ..... no. .. . . . '"euseot I'iendi, T" '"" ""I khi bualneaa noooaa . ', . , ",rU!1 Rmu oak ' nan to go to bed i Kugeue -T 'ed ... would not SJ r,u,ai .0" 10 ot than JZ - -.'"re , :z: ",r. "ra" oord. - ! w and kien the um.. In ..... . . . The Marlon ... . 1 - a".. 1 rei.air il nr. ..., in ... imm.ii ... .. - 1 1 I placxal at '1 lull la. i . ' . ,uo '. '"lo- 'mthe Junction C.tv.oregou M llsv'l le M k ?Hto u" Aaai , COU't rm'rvlu K a , ' 2tM,r,uri uoor dateofj.n Ject any and all bids. OXMiniv . " "oil uie i.l Hi..-. ., n . ... . .,. : 0 " or the court. i H.0 he W.l he. If JiC . "WDf - """ii aoai J.., I bounty Clerk ... .e ...cues at me small eud: 10 c rds " wl"l in the lirstcase ... body pine, If, tt.cbes long. Woo, busluei. 'Sou. Tw t-lellvered by Augu,, h. ' For iT.e TL. . v fiom , "' "eerviug the right to re ay (M um A DeLano. bailr "iuard lux u The north bound overland . j 'ereatU'.lHhlsmorumg. n hours lte. It waa f7, 1 , J. 1 In I miuutee later by tulloca" wed "Ve