The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 21, 1899, Image 5

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    Migerid City Guard.
; i tu
rn t BOA V
'IV. . w ...
-m ni;lt.iii is
itmive .mil li ! M ""4l
Portland Obioamen h "t""1'
JAN 21 the thug-hold-up .UJ- K"M"
T l lu II I I
Hipped fnm tu- Han
l( .1 Ml-
an report a consider 1 " ' We regret li hear thai F I . Il u
I'ortland's populat 1 Kg'"! i n is .pilte p..... l g . ,
in the profitable, ,u,t P-' MImM Btan haa reigned her
business (f i '' u-( ll"'r i"'1""" " 1 alteefei tut Old ft
.1 ....... , . b lloa mi . . iiwlnjf litem 01 "', r':,'r, "' '
1 lie
i . litir'a i
a n.'5:o: 3 bd limited to twenty.
right days is catt,r l" popular
1 mei inftteul of in the interest of
I tii goWmOMOti I" 'he two
branobes of the legislators there
.re 'JO members, IDd it i not within
. . ....
Chinamen Is 0ufl lUs'1 ,Jl "-v
and af.t n.ty of t,lft B,),,', iWogs
of this"'1 Mi l" Dl in
Portland1"0 W-g.
Jos Niebofaj aent to Laka r k tin
weekend porehaed a Boa span of
limn., -IX :n ( -. li t, y,ur . p ,yUl
U.'Sfur .-!. Hemyi they ttn lbs
best .:nr nf mare iu ibe eouuty,
At u iprotal meeting ..r ih. eliy
n,i....r initv Irivc I, ceo
...n - - i mil (i. ..... , ... . . ,
. i ... . It.. !... .i r . -la..- . km- , .i
reason t pw ww unmoor oi motive - uwwn oi nr the nwetlng to be to Uke mho amlon
meii,rei're-t")tiugdifrer'.,ntie.:tioiiH,, Kin.y '"r rff?ent .,f ther?tate Uni -Jin iegr.i to making an aaeriem t
n',U diverse interest to enaot the : v rsi 'y oV Weer, the notion npon Ibe dty to reduee the IndelHcd-
beetle in such I short e-iod. will ''H'trunl :i a personal eeis-thsra Iwiog an ImtaMrtlut - I
.he,, too a U .ited st .1,.. sooator afpmn wooont ol the lata ieo- "'"'m - n,,,v"' 1 ,d
. . i Z .... 1 1 aaooadeil thai a 0 mill mx ba lell.
)Ut be .dected -u two leaai out rM tt w'uolng In yield bit whlc wrfW llliwi)(i ,u. y
if very Htm an I that duty ia M ne ooor ieliona on tba floan-l HVJohu , m , uwtaed
a ih mmgh diaorganiz.r oftbobwJml 'i"iion, and hecotuing tin- bulldlog adjoining Johttaot e retau
rrakinu b'ldy. r rty da iu shorl oanawi ile ol tlie UMUfl party in rant on lha aooth and lha balflot,
.ouglt. I '"'1 '' " irtailing JP
lengtftofihe iiMi It imuM
lengt I ib -i itcrin! i 10
lite it ite.
- Thooootin tr .. . oilti
.imoftbe egialatura iywt jual
in manyiti I . W I llovotha
uoember a -iir icptoimytnUoU of
the body politic, a d Whudd 'th
a pair: i'- spini to umafl law fof
lb-be, interc'. -i lbd t tmtnon
wealth. lnat ibfitUkdl art made
iiduetotbc heud (ostoad of the
I appeurn that our new oolonial
aggranditomeut aohame in the
i'hilip. ine i Hanging n- the name
tronblf it did Spain. The i.ntire
are up in armafor abaol o'e freedom,
and this land, wbare tbentghteof
men m the boon of keif gorernment
are constantly lauiit, can hardly
stultify itself by taking Spain'i
war on our hands and attacking
and killing unreasonable nUhea
who will have none ol our licnif;
nant rule.
Our title to the couutry is not
founded on the dearest tight. We
gained il from the Spanish, and
they wero eoojieil u in tfanil t,
even there holding their position at
a hazard. Somehow t!te uativo
hive got hold of that immortal sen
timent in the Declaration of inde
pendence that all just rights of mv
ernaient are exercised by and with
consent of the governed. The
father!, when they enunciated this
grand principle, did not realize, the
position their S'tns might be placed
oppo8.tion to the party which he
helied found, and with ffbioh
he had trained since its orgaoizi-1
i m. And it was tbo money (jues
tion only that separated then.
Tiie African mails bring new
with 16 foot front, Hhwiii rapalr tiie
i.i.ii. c hikI more hla atook t rirni.
tura in 'i r'ui: gooda u. tooa lit
Hltie In order In Y twain tbo Polaom
-tore riHun, whleli baa own renttd
to Other pnrtle.
, " " Ji'tietlou City In.: Uni in ii dlpb
1 lie lire saving hm vice is credited tbailaaeara ihla waak. Two ublldreti
wiiii having 'e'eued over 3,000 per- fl)H (Jre who token down wllb
sons, whose lives would It ive been ''il'htheria Suni.l nu.i . mh-r
lost but for their rllorts, in the ter l,,,,Mre" u -" Hb litem it
.,. ... ... v. A. t feanil tint !! e..ntu..ii tnlfbt
I DO -torm which swept the North ,. , .
i iM-ecune piif inn-, it hh deemed it
Atlantic coast recently. Those tn elm., the .,. n.t m.,i Uv r. Mt
heroes who readily risk their lives The Gore children are rapidly recover
In the effort to save others from a 'nl ,,,l1 "" 1 'bei e-es nave developed.
wa ery grave are seldim thought ol , ,tlMbc B""l',ul "'""''u ltat "",e
, ., ... i m will lie no rirt li.-r i'n itml u ureut
b f tue public, hvery day deeds muy mo doabl l( tu,.TV 0,
are performed which rival the 0f Inieotlooe diphtheria In town.
bravest performance of the warrior, ' 1
yet the heroes of peace are s ton
forgotten. The Ji n lllmls'is of the
world are notitfd by few and are
soon out of mind, w hile th deed"
of the Hobsons shine with undimned
splemlor lor generations.
Grov Gear deprecates the preva
lent custom of insane women being
taken to the slate Mylum by ma'e
guards a- lnd)loate,and would pro
vide for attendant! of their own sex.
The governor has never bandied a
good crazy woman else he would
not make this impracticable sug
gestion. A man eau control a
crazy woman where one of her ovn
sex would only add fuel to the
llaraeof the diseased mind. Then too
when strength, and freedom to Uo
that strength might be required the
woman guard would lie entirely
Tosaum have In en introduced
iuto .Southern Oregon and appear
to thrive. An admirer of the south
ern animal want! them introduced
into the Willamette valley. The
only drawback is the scar :ity of col
ored men to hunt them, f r it is sai I
a darkey can see a 'possum track in
that the most difficult part of the be dark as well as in the ligl
great Uganda railway is completed,
and that befoie another year is
T-1. urn il. II I ii ii it -r .
Two f unity telegraph Storioa aro print
ed hy lliu Pittabarg Dispatch on tlto
authority f a formal employes of tlm
Woiiteru L'uinu cimipauy.
Ho wa receiving a ilisimteh from
Albimy. in wbieli the n inter was not
overcareful in the matter nf ; . n lit
lotters. Lawtou tnnk tbo aildren a fol
low: "Dr. A. Wing, room car OKent,
Oential ilopot, New Vork. "
Thu ilispatclt num. lark with the
miirKinal report that there was no such
pemuu at the oililru named. The oper
ator at Albany wa oallad op, and ex
pluuatioii follnwml, in consequence of
which thu adilresH was chuugnl to
"ilmwitiK roiitu car agent. Central do-pot."
A still tuoro abiranl mistake wa om-o
mnilo iu tbo uniio ..Hb-i' when u tule
Kram was received for "Jame W.
Gilo, pie clerk, lirouklyn nacty yard. "
Tin wa afterward aiuended to r. a. I.
j "Junto V. Uillcspio, clerk, lirooklyu
navy yard. "
flpnrKri.u'a lllunt Critic.
When .Mr. SpurRcen flrtt began Ml
I ministry, an ainuiyiiioaa critic need to
' write to Ji i in constantly nliuut his mis
take iu grammar ami pronunciation.
Mr. SpuiKeoil at first ri M tilcil theho
rttlclima bnt he mou learned to profit
by them. "After awhile," heaald in
telling the itcey, "Hooked forbJawaak
ly memoranda with mnoh luterett If 1
repeated a n ntenca which I had nod
two or three Bondayi before, bevonld
write, 't!r.'i the i nn. expru-:nli in tueb
and raoh a rmon. ' "
Mr. Hpurgenii, liku everybody else,
had Ml pol qDOtatlot) and he used thi
line. "Nothing iu my band tn bring,"
latbi r frequently S. hi oommontstor
wrntu Inn:, We ate ninteniitlv iu
Thafa are probably not ! than
vnru of men walking . i.t New Or
leaiin tmhiy who aru deceratwl under
tin ir lapel with larui. tin utat Is arinit
lb., cabalistic word 'ilet.ctiva " Th.'V
are i.itr'iis n( the xiiri. tis privtto ag. n
cie uf thu north that advcrtis.i for
"shn wd un it a op. ratlvw u all parti
of the country, " and supply tin tin star
and a beautifully lithographed "certif-icat-i"
for the tritlltiK um of f.v Thu
wearers of their Iniignll bjtbOS under
the halluciliation, as a rule, that they
are vested with IDSBS upceial right to
collar their fellow tin n The same ageu
sias do a laud otUro business in wigs,
false tieitnU and other disguise which
the amateur sleuth believes firmly aru
lirt nf tlm u.'ei sn.iry i.piipim tit nf the
New ami tlnu onu of these deludeil
individual, who are to ' tOBttd in all
large cities, get himself uitn trnublu by
utteiuptitig to make an arrest; but, as a
rule, the mama is barmlt M ami it vic
tims ciiiitine IhSmSSlVM to prowling
through side streets mid looking myste
rious. They timl great jy also in posiug
In hardlug hnus.i circle aud bearing
folk say in awed undertones, "Do yoQ
know Mr. So-aud-ao ic I. ..otlve?" It
i ono of tbo queerett of all queer phase
Of city life. New Orleani Timei-Dem-ocrat
timl. rr Mnrrlrd.
Tbo ordinary paragraphs iu referring
' a marriage nearly always says tliat
Mr. John Smith or Mr. .lames Drown
wa married to Mis Nellio Qtocn oi
Mis Fanny Whito It would lead otic
to think that tho man only was mar
ried, while the fact i both wero mar
ried. The u i uian i as much married
a tho man. The mini was not simpl)'
married tn the woman. The woman uml
tbo man Ware married, and the an
nonnceiui ut -hould bu that Mr. So-and-o
and Mi-s So-aml o wero marricil.
Hev. Dr. Sunderlaiiil wrote a Hcrio ol
article en this subject sumo year age
whii h were published in this city. H
laid down the general principle that Ik
did not marry the man to tho Women,
but that be married thu man and tin
woman, and married nun just us much
a bo did t Ii.' iitticr. Hn discountenanced
th" inning of wedding cards by parcnti
that their daughter was married tn an;
particular person, and said he did mil
want tn perform any marriage cercmnuj
iu which any such aiinnuuceiucut win
made. Washington Star
IMioltl ; t l v KMKVr
Cummlaalew r i mi t
if lane
I unt V .
r.-iitnxlv niul tlir llnalmnn.
Many years ago John Hright and
Georgo Pea body, thu philanthropist,
wero fishing in a little Irish stream.
Late in the evening, ufter a hard day
work, tlm part!- arrived at the lamlinii
stage, and linght, accn-ttug too inevita
bio pnlicemau on tho bank, said:
"What is tho proper prtco to pay
these boatmen, constable':"
Ho replied, "Seven shilling and ill
ponco, yer lionuer, but some gintlem. il
give them 10 shillings. "
llright, turuiug tn hi conipautnn,
said, "1 have tin change, l'eabody, buvc
you three half crown';"
Thu millionaire produced tho coin
ami gave tin m tn onu of the boatmen.
"1 that ull yo'ro giving muz" asked
tbo latter.'
"That's nil," said l'eabody.
Holding the coins in tbo open palm
of hi hand, and slowly scratching hit
head with tho other, the boatmsn said:
"Aud they call yu raybody, don'l
thev? Well. I i. ill vo ruviiobodv.
' New York 'J'rihiiiie.
From stories related by hunters
from the Suith, aooompanied with
ended Lake Victoria will be con- suspicious wa ering of the coruei! formed of tho vacuity of your baud.
nected by rail with the coast. The1 of the mouth, th 'pottum must be
oceau und lako will be liuked acriss a self satisfying dish.
the hottest wildei cess of the Dark
Continent, ft is a darlna dash for fhy are ittll having trouble in
the riches of Central Africa. J electing that United Slates senator 1 bn, fiiri(.r ,.,,, , ,,r,.sllt it t0
Th! stupendousness of the task up in Mon'aoa. The legislators (. w. f hiid. Tho animal was exhibit
1 , , . , , , . n-Hiioii.n i el in a 1 11 ad' tpbia exhibition, wliero
of building this government roid, are not go:nM- -op the production ( mhierahlu attention. Tin
of which S07 miles are now onen : of golden es by Ki'ltng the gooee tmw tlu ,r ,,f the other exhibitors,
for traffic, is difficult of conception 'ay"t? tl,ura- 1 h,i ""PP1
for those who live in northern 'H "lop the minute a senator is
climes, where the forests ore com- j elected. It is theold story of the
paratively sparse,; and where, young doctor losing bis job by
there are plenty oh ivers and creeks prematurely extracung the splinter
to supply water for men, beasts that caused the i rouble. The old
nuu i u i .in.1 i .
The surveys presented enormous let it remain to tester as long
difficulties, 08 it was impossible to poeaible.
see for more than a yard or two on InflPnen,lent
Irvlim a ii. I lloita.
Some years ago, according tntho Lnn
lou Ladiea' Kennel, sir Henry
rvlttg had a dog ho called Nidsumiinr
I Night's Dream. Ho thought it wus a
nut they declared Unit MldlUtnmi r
Nigbt'a Dream wai not a bull terrier,
but h half bred bulldog One of tbsm
wrote oil a piece of paper, which wa
ittnched to the d.g's kennel, "Henry
Irvll msjT know a gn at dual about
ybakespeare. but be know tiothing
about bull terrier."
Siunil.'P Ihnn II.- I.iii.k.-.l.
a8l A Boalon broker boast of ratlnru
I bright office hoy. Oos of bis friends
i .In ppiug i.i at li,e . film dispatched tho
aya I bid for soma oigora, giving him a si
eitlicr qI.Iu nf thp ionele nath Ttlis . . , , ,. , .. bill tn pay f nr th. in llio boy returned
either Bide ol the lungie patt . dorjnB tha delivery of Coventor wjtl) fUI The caller oommended
road baB to pierce its way througa . . .,,,, r(,mnrks on the fear- him for onrebai Inn t u (rood ones, and
adense underg-owth of tropical L. bu of clerk-hire, several ' ' ''" 111 "f"1'1''1 sh.atly uft.-r the
vegetation, protected with savage who VtitfJ aKain,t thc wiUiamson Kb ' SS.' bd. ,.t.
thorns, and nfested with mos- Lolution- arK otner8 eho had liz cigara with tbo remark. " 'Bre'i the
,. i. .......... i ..:....,.,, ilioj . . . . . . i ihm .i Mr. Mmnriii."
' . u i ilje? iinu II osuirill o ' I . .1 ....,. I.,, or,.,r,.n upuj.,,11 "
r i' Hi i. .1111 . o lie r i. v.... ..w.......
Nauseous mediciue nowadays poseesi
nouo of the terrors that many of u ro
member when "powders" wero given
iu jam and castor oil iu hot milk, ai
nhnrniBfliati have invented DC end ol
way of giving the nastiest drug with
out anv flavor at all.
Castor oil, cod liver oil and things of
that disagreeable kind nr.' madu up in
littlo flexiblo capsules, which blip down
tbo throat like a strawberry.
Those capsule aru also mado in two
part, bo that any ono can buy them
empty and put the powder or other drug
iu himself, s. ahng tie m ami men swai
lowing them without knowing that Ibl
drug has a taste. linn there 1 llie
round wafer paper, in which can bu in
closed any kind of bolus, pill or powder
and which, when moistened, can bo
Hwalluwed with easu. New Vork
a lei er Wltaeaa.
In a recent county court ease in which
a man mad another for balance of wage
thu defendant called a witne.
Wit lies I beg pardon, your houor.
lleforo I givu my evidence I want my
Judgo (tn defendant) Pay him 7.
Tho defendant having done so, tho
judgu said, "Now that you havo bad
your oxieiisi s, what do you kuow of
tho case?"
Witn Nothing at ull, your honor
Lou.l'.u Tit-Hit.
i' a McPerlend apeelal eoustebls
Ata - v- w h Jnbueon . I dm. i
ItJ so allowed ii at)
I. u Vtsteb -I'lUi louelsble
Htale n Pa men ter oktlmed
rit nj sllnwed...
J lleKaiiaud pei-ui onm table
tUale Warner lo su
J K Mefarland ipHdal eonatable
- le v John Doe end l l e It on
J VV Vaugban Jnaiiesof the i ace
nl h v- Jubn ' uml K Utie
J V V mgl .' i I tn p. hcv
f .iic v in i . r 1 1 nun d rl n
allowed .
J W VMUghetlJiMlceol tin p. ace
Htate v. Jobnaon claimed fa So
U) i.i ,o,ni.o, ..mi i,ii-i. j w Vt.iigiii.ii j .tuv.. tue peace
in I. by ii urn so d i ii atlheeourl
bona In BtHgeiWi tktthrdaj Feb lib,
Is88 si l p ni, 1'iiu ,.ihii-i. ul the
meeting Is to oomldei tbeadvUa i ly
of ninth it tii.- inn1 nnw m, ml mine
espeemlly lbs pmm gro er. loin an
orgs ni. it inn m inn. tie i.-oi mark 1 1 he
fiuit eri.,i of Hie count When '
tiaidi r ih i i b I i .. .,,,....
lay . Iling at r, ' I Jii tun I: m ii
llnilk' I : s l"i e - LN i " Ull'l, i Is
lalll Hint tie' Ol t n kii Wl i i- i "i
(wiling in ma r i i n i pi nianiiue
III!-. I
I'll I I
it. .1 Ii . . ii i d t continue and un '
belt onmiimn Inlen will certainly
f i Dome out (iu I grower aihi
Irt II-- e w Iril Me CBU ! Ihh.Uhi. :
tir inn n i1 lulerrnta
BVl NtkNSoN,
Hi Mi ll' i
Ami many o'l ere.
:t ".
J ' I
PXhaua k 1
I'tltr i.imnl, J mi I::
iltc, of t'lor- uce
Murray is k from Cutiage
ih w W Ogleeby ol Juietlon Uiu
Euet I e.
f O Wheeler, tf daglnaw, apenl l -t
nlgbi in th s city.
N (i Zimmerman and son, of Qra ih
I'a-M, tie In the fit) .
Webater Klncald returned from
Salem this alleriinoii.
Mr !'. Harkei and Miaa Laveruo
liong .vent loQushon loday.
I, s I. 'gun mid A c Woodcock ar
rived I. nine on H i 1:10 local today.
MraGNPraeer went in Junction
I 'it v mi i llleinl Indite v i-it tod iv
Councilman Oca Pwher i reported
t'i r indey, bis frli ml w i.i i , ks. !
tn lelllt'.
Ml til' . Il'.lel WllO III Il ell CHI-
Sued lo ber room with Ugrlpio Is
Rev DC Kellems, f erly "f this
county, is conducting evatig-IUtlc
in-flings in Albany.
W H Warner, of Albany, u ketnrer
'I tllC A O II W Is ill till- I'll) . lie Ik
an i Ir gentlom m
l i, tUmpeon lo acting as marshal
durli.g Mr Blllea abeenes i I'ortland
hn a witnes iu I be Kimcy trial.
V H lloud of Giatlwn, Is staying Iu
BogOOCal present, wnllliigoii (l.and
ma Bplllm - li, who is lylogal the point
n( dentil 8 the bOCne f Mrs Bell
Prl toliet I.
Mr and Mr- II I Moora and daUgbtCI
Maty ami Mi s-rs I, It Rowland uml T
j Kowiainl weul to Drain thli after,
noon to attend the funeral of the bite
hn email Moore.
I lilef of I'ollei' J SKI ill', I'ollcelllilll
Bl"'l v - Tn. n . i.t. r 1 1 timed
V Hlliiunl 6 06
tii toman eonatable Hlateva
Job Kw nig nl 0 t .
I, T Hair depot) ill Irlct it r
i iey . lamination Loelta Vr
III II III-'. IK- ... . iO
I. I' Usui" .li pu dl-lin l iltnr
ney 8ta s va John Ba Ing t hi id no
JBMtllea altuea m...i mllemie
s ate ra Bwl g Maain tl anil
Merlon , o)
It w Veateb wltuatannd unleiiiie
Mate vs Bering Raanellend
tlertou i no
W W HeVhtlend wltneee ami
mileage state ra Swing Has
1 j l"'!' l.lnl Merino I BQ
Oeurgo Ho ii h Itin ns ami mile-
a . Htate v- Bwtng H cattail
i a. i alertoo i 711
C A Wentermoler jusiiiu .r tti.
pt pe fee Htate vi Bwlng Hee
mil Mellon nod In l lock la tn
J W Tbornabnry gmvei 4 "3
J J I plot gravel I (Hi
li K Powera gravel s 24
J I. Ilolgate lumber 10 aa
Mouroe 1. ach gravel 3 7!
John Boat otter coyote scalp '2 0
I, W Brown gravel 0 76
1. A Own. 10 pelnl materl I... . I" hq
() N Ki a, t material for rook
ci usher aa M
j (j Chnrehlll natiae, mskins
jury list a 1 )
J I. I anil Making Jury llt 2 Oil
U W Rycbard maklog Jury list I f 0
.1 S Si lies i eble R'ati Vs A t
Miinea aud
IlllleUgC -M lie Vs .'. I'' I'llllnck ...
I, 11 Mulkey i Itneeaand mileage
Slate v A K Tttlloek I
I I, urge CtOUOf witness and mill -
age Slat" v.- A I'llllnck
J bn Dial uok arltnan ami mile
,gc Sta e vs A K Tut lock
o w Hurd pauper supptlsa lor
W A Mead
ra Bray lain log bod found on
Pai Daltou burying body round
on la'nch
James Dodge burj log body found
in bench
Harry Blmmoni bnrylttg bmly
found on I" ach
Mary Hklnor wltuem mil mile
age Htate va Par mantel 1 m
Bonny Hkluner witness mt
mileage Btate vs Parmenter..., 1 00
Minis Skinner witness and
mileage 4tata vs ranueiiter I un
I 70
I 70
1 70
,-. I 1)
2 tU
2 00
2 no
2 (HI
Qeo Croner, I! M Pratt. B it Brietow, '' il Wat bu. witness ami mi's
Audy Tkylor, J W Wltbrote, Ktraml age ,-lsl.' vs l'.nuieiiter I !
L01, g and twn CIiiiiih" boyi went .' .. ,.pug pu
tn l'.irtlaml this moriilog tn aps'ar ns
witnesses In tbs ease aialnal ueo w
Kin, y
linllr OaafC, Jan II
T p Bennett went to A'bany
I. 11 -. I!"llll
ieud Sunday
win Btewarl
Ousbi'ti today.
tod i v
I up from Balem to
returned bume to
s?rs 1 .6 14
A J Kee ev i -I lie i:iav. I I I 711
A' thi. time Campbell Bros fibd
ih. ii sppll alloc to publish county
allowances ss allowed by tbsm
loan loetruoted the clerk loadvev
ilielurbldi fnrlba following amount
i I w. od: Km cords body II r four fei t
lung; 12 c .ids grub oak, 4 ISSt long,
jobnOriuie, of llarrlsburg was In , i tM than 8 luebes at small end; in
la body pine, IU Inches bug. Un1
tn t,- tubmltted by n a m Hsb 10, lsno;
wood to be delivered by August 15,
A i
nntl. Tana dun.
ergyman I quoted by ror M.
Boiton Commercial Bulletin.
with not a single thing for them to
V Chicago man has carried the do, sat with bowed heads, unable lo
'perfection" cra.e to a legitimate ' look tax, avers in the face. Alas, , remained un ler military
, ' , , government forflfteen year after
conclusion. Being "dead to the , anAnr m,,,ip . ,. . r..,, c
I 11U i iwswi v 1 1 t as i i vja vv vu .. ' -
! special visit away from the German Dy Russia. Now it is not governed
i ...... l, o ntlipr llaV to inOUire lorrilnriea nf fW Mexico"
, , . I j liiuoiiw ,,n uu -- -----
inscompuiyisnot uon.g a per , - William's health,
business aud will prove .ju,it ;u reallv
rticn eiaic wi"-""- -
world" be wants to collect on a
1.000 life insurance o!icy. But
the con
him much alive
Grant Duff iu his memoirs as authority
for the htnry that on the occasion of
Unllam s going down to itichuioiid to ,,,,.,, ,,, , ,n( 'rnssc. Wis,
tin g, dfathur to Tennyson's eldest boy rt.purt . xeeedlngly cold weather,
th.. lutoriati asked, "What i to bo tho ! j)r p p; Helover baa moved his otflos
child's name?" "Hallam, " anwered from the Walton Woe! to the Iliirns
tho post "I don't like surname for t,,K. Now occupying the msuim
t 'hri-tian names, "said tbo other. "Why over A K Wootl' grocery store, tor
not call him Alfred?" "What if ho uiorly nisd by Attorney Qeo BOorrti
Were to turnout a fool?" wa tbo re
Bugene today
.Miss Anna Oglsaby of JUUOllOO, wi s
n Bugens loday.
Mr ami Mr Bert Apgar returned
from Cuivallls today.
Dr I. W Brown made a professional
trip to Junction today.
Miss KIhIc Kd waischll'l went I.i
Portland today fur a Vleli. '
Edward D Baldwin of The Dalies, Pi ami awarded Lane County
arrived on the over' I 1 1 atleml the 1 ihlbltOre.
President Chapman and Prof Wood- Tbeatale poultry show which ba
eon, of Hie University, have been on i,,.,.,, ,M M.,, i Albany all wtek
the hick iihi un wei'a. awarded Lena
.11 ..-til. -i I. in utiles tnr a
iluv is sliihtlv Improved, Amos Wllkins, ( oburg-iluir
Mi At' ileim, who reeldes near boroi Uookrerel, 8d premlnm.
Hacmmento, Calif i in ii t) on p Rannett, Bugens - itlack Minor
Ulttobiriliter,Mra AEParrlngton. L, ,,.,, ut ,,r.-(it uim ; ben, 2d;
Prof i oiing has been unat'ie to m ar (.()),ki n., ,., .,!;,., o,,
White Mlnoreas T P Ben nasi took
nil the premiums,
'I'1"" ..............
lew ... -
to hear
hi cla is at Hie unlversiiv tins wei k
on aCOOUnl ol sickness He i sum..
u-iter today.
ri. -.-11111 inii-s h
n,.r.,, e II W Tiiouiiii-oii lias I ter liru.
.'". - - -- ... ... . .
returned from a profeialonai mp io Hamburgi: Cockerel, lit; nen, let and
"' , ,. . . I . .. . I i . . I . , , , I . . , l-l .'.I HI
.no, IUVMI I wv ... -.,
pen, 1st.
. Oeorgl Fisher, Kugem H II lt I
GhtmSSI Cock lid; bell, 1st.
Pit Ciiiinea- Cock, I ..I; ben, 1st.
Ari.ona and Oklahoma, but is a
class bf itself.
Ooon PoartrMi - Indepsndenos
WeatBldei "Mrs a Cattron, of Mom
mouth, has received notice Hint she is
w, in, ii of Woodcraft.
Relations between Norway and Banking hudneai is not always
guinaldo has issued somo more
1 imations. In the interest ol
- prox'iatnaiionr. in u uiwnn
-Sweden are strained almost to the clrir profit and easy sailing. A expansion be should
breaking point. The former Spekane bank with fiOO.OOOcipttal m tnd Bged so be could
: i : lul.t. . i ,i I - a:- ,,pr rent . .
country is buying war material? u, jllst declared a six per cent
from United States manufacturers, dividend, the first since 1895.
not dictalv o his stenographer.
Oearwe ' v It.
. ". .. :.V j... - f iI.m l.-lr In ii i l estate :u
Wim I -lei, ntie, ' t. lis tins anecuoio "..e . .. ........ a.
.., IV. .11. hi r,., rotio IheKasl." M r (nitron Is the tool hi r a dr
,,f tlm Hev. Mr. Wagner' stories con- of Mrs T W Harris of this city and
corn, d some u.,1 lemsii who nad enjoyed Mmi'J Craig of Pnrtland. She has
Ba ananvlahlo reputation for assiniiiity. mwy friends here who hope the
It bad been aoggerted tn theldng to ;t u ,rue,
coiif'.r on him mi order of tho Tbiitle. v
wbirb had l I VIOanI 'Give the Hri Train ha received bis couiiul -
a to laimed the king. ,u polmter at Albauy.
Why, be'd sat IIP "
'Ilifeletk if Kiigine Circle No HI,
Women i f W lerufl, bBS JUSt rSCf IVSd
i , o io la paid over to tl a
helrsof the late Mn Minnie a Bona,
of 1 1 v lug. who was a member of this
Circle. I l.e e I- mi fraternal organ I lu
ll i, more i opt In paying up i i
urauoa polfclea than till one, It being
only Sbool two week since the tieces
sary proof ami affidavits Wi th filed
with the grand otllcer at Colondo.